L OIlEdON CITY KNTEUPRI8K FRIDAY, AUGUST, 21 1900, Personal Mention I!, l loniiKriH'r Hint Hunday at ,Slde, I,mi Hardin I KttiiilliiK Ilia rrt( at Afrl J, V, Clark In heik from hi J'l.lit county farm f"f lw lay. J.ihn Tracy, f (riltilil, In town t, flrat of wni'k cm hiilm, ,tvld Yumwixxl, til Clark, u mi OM'it'Mi CKy vUltor Wadimaday, (M...fa.i Maygrr, of HI. II.-I.mi, km ,.,i-H lMilii-lihe land uJfl.o Vdm II. Mn'tdy, mI .Ml. riMht, returned twin U'. 'liir. Uy from hi trip In F.t rrii lf !. Mi' UnlHtiv )C"ii nol. 1m went (o I'.u- yum lilfly III lind f.iw dy , tx'M-la tlinre. ('. ti, AliirlKliI want lo H...l,lo Hun jyl.vllt Willi hit family, whu are taiul'lll' there. A J. .ethaltt j.ilncl , family. I h...i.n hunday and Mill rtmalii Ihrre I ,( kIiimiI li Mrka. William (hi, of Trotildala, caino ii on lila IiihiI at ii ' I int HnmlaV Willi Mr. a I Mra. J, iMamii 1. Adama, of the Itoldun Hula tir, return.! Wad nr. lay ,uiii Haaalda, Ithara lm .nl (da al wifk. ; rria, Jaum Ciiun-h ami IUl.ui Kelly H.iii Hunday it (I Harding- ( anii, Willioll. Vt.t- I anii.lK.il, clly editor of Ilia I iitnri.nao, haa Ikwii sojourning at Wll I mii I durlriat Ilia aal wm-k. Mra. W. J. McCord ami liar dana-liUr, IHanche, arere Wailing Mr.anlMra.lt. K C' , ol Canny, laat weal. Miaa Mary Olioliant an her hroMiar, II ilMirl, of Cortland. mii Hunday wild diair an ii I, Mra. Win. Mrt'ord. Mia. II. H. IU.ll.Miiy akixl dau-lit.r Hum K.J luniiriK at Willi.nl HriNa, ato Mr. J, C. Uradloy an 1 dautfhlrr, Miaa Florence Tally weal to Molalla today to J .ln a iarty fur an oullim (or a fee ilayt if not i.rarenied (y Hi rain. Itav.ami Mra, A. J. Mutitu unrry ara liuoia fiom rraler, where tliay bars lx-n ramping for Ilia a three wavk. Mra. (I. II. II Millar and dauuhtar ara InTaC'xna, where lirr a.in ln la, Curtia IWala, U vary low an I la not einacled V lira. Mra. (ior.lon V. Ilayra returned hnm Monday evening- from Michigan, wlirro aha b 4 beam Vlaitinx relative (or two tnoiitl.a. M ! Minnia an I Kim Madder, nf Portland. anl haturday villi Miaa lllanuh au.l F.tM McCord, of Ml. I'leaaant. Mima I'llalmry, who liara Iwen vUit lug at ll.e boma of Mr. ami Mra. J. (I. IMalmry f r that .al two motitha, ra Mriia.J ti tliair lioinn In Ilia aula of Main toilay. Mr. Harry Moul rulurnixl from Haa 4i-Tliura-lay. 1 ha rrinaliilar of liar will ralnrn oral wrrk. Sl.o ra 1'ifl a Jnliglitul lima. 1 II. I'ra.l llarKrnavraraiii l.otna from Al Wiy Tliura.lay, wlmrii l.n ha m In liaoinploy ol tU H, I', Co. On Moii. ly iir.t, In ruinpaiiy wild vt (!orHiral Hiflolj.lt (iMiilaiilM.ln, l.o will Ink 'wga ,y ,u.aiii..r for Kun.ka, Cat., ami oim.r i-olnta, wl.nn, Umy win iiit onlura (or a ialiiln.l .anla crnaaar for cm pin of imiiillia, h M. Carli-r, V. H. IMi In.jlor, wiio da Uii o:at. al tlia Cla kiina liaU liury lor anvural mmillia, rimiovad wild hi family to tlil vlly laat wank ami aioiN'ciinylritf r, hlrlcklaml'i Imuaa on Hiiili alr.it-t. Mr. C'arlitr I a ilauuhUtr ol U. 8. Hnnalor Faiilkimr, of irijliila. who im uiitly pll II. la ataUr vlalU I'rof. Wll.xii riiliiriiml Wnliina.lay from Ml. ll'Xxl an. I turroiiri.lliiK nioun lalna, whara ha, In i:iiiii.any Willi 0,11. Tia'tori ami Kmory Iya, liava lm.n hunt luir, flahliiK ami moloruiK (or two wrk. Mr. Wll ro i caiiio n ( 1 1 j toll gala In half a ilay on hi whmil, covarmg a ilia taiiraof aavanly-flva inlloa In lia than ia houra. tiii'i'n.lu. in ol.lalnlug mvurol ko.Uk vlnw In (liu Caw a. ami alwui Mt. IIinkI. The r.al of hi parly caxie In wag.m au.l arrival Tlmwlay. - r. 4 1 M Tha !,arJ of at-lioul illrirlora hava r miiiIo. H.iimlxir 17, l'J"0for oiiln( of Ilia i lly a lux, la, lloi king will U-glii al Uiali.y' hop yar.l nail Mon.lay. Tlia quality of th l. la rHirtrI aa Una, Joa KkMIo, our ringnlal lxiihla k, Ca to I'orllam! to l.x-alo ihia weak and will Ixa .iccwl hy i'jtpt rake (o.lura.1). Ilav, II. .a IMjartltnan, irrai.anl of MrMiniivllla collrga, will o.ni,y tha lUi.tial pulpit Han lay nail, both morn Ing an.l availing. IVraona who oVaire lo pay thair tub ai'ription lo III Kularpnaa In woxJ muat Jo ao now, aa wou-l will iiul be actcplaJ aftar tha ralna at In. K. It. Johnaon haa raaal tha IraU't of lain! a.ljolniiig hlaym' new building ami will utxiipy the artne with hi baiber alxij. alter Hi.pl. 1. Teler hlrphena baa rcnlpj the hOacra farm of John It. Kelly at I'lraaant Home for a term of Ova yeare, and will ralae lH'k, hay and grain ihrrron. I'rof. J. C. Ziliaer atatea that the III dilute luinl ia In g.xxl ru.lition flnanri' Tha Hunday cliixil at Caimmah gava a lawn Nodal at tha rnahlanco of A. V, Nlokn Wednnaday evi'iilng, The nvan lug waa cool, hut large (uaiitltlna of lea nniam ware iliKMMd of and tha proci.ad for purdiaNlng new aong xxikn tor the .lnxil gratifying, Prownnd, at Maygm'a l.amluig, on tha Coluinhla rlvnr, Augiiat H, Kthnl Krancla, avid 0 yeara and 10 niontha, daughter of J. W. arid M. K." Turner, (ormarly of Cla:kainaa, Inlerment al Mayera Aiiguat 20. "The child ihall not return to ua, hut w ahall go to hrr." Two new anliiriirlaaa have liming up In Oregon Clly during tha week Wil liam (Jar.Jner, ol Kayinorid, Cel., arrived Monday with a full line of watcln-a, i:lm k ami lewnlry and will alao do all kind u1 repairing H.rtalnlng to tha ma, lie li at prraent lixated on Main treat between Kecond and Third. Mra. Carlton haa alao opened up drnaamaking parlora In tha old M. K. chun h building on Hnventh atreel. A new Irult aland ha riwently been aet up on Main alrnet adjoining the IVrtland liotiae. The clly council held a apodal aeaalon Tuuiflay evening (or tha purpoae o( awarding the con I r art for Ilia aewer ytem of Oregon City uixm U.a bluff. Klght bid wera uhuiiltl, among them being one from Oregon Clly by Howell and Moody, The bid cloaad at 2 p. in. Monday and the contract awarded Tue day evening to MiU hell and Hard, of Heattle, Waali., (or the auin of l 1,1 18.04 The work in n at be done aatUlactorily to the commute on alreol and public prorty within W day from the ign ing of the contra, t . Alxjtit B o'clock Hun lay night Clarence Marahall'a bicycle waa tlolen from the corner of Hixth and Main atreeU. The wheel waa new "lUmbler," modal 32, No. l,r,23. It would be well for wheel man to keep a lookout lor ft and do all they can to aaaiat the authoriiiea in bringing the culprit to jualice. Two eue plcloua looking alrar.ger were noticed in lli vicinity .Sunday night, and two young men aniwerlng their deacription were aeen tiding towarda I'orlland about an hour later, ao tha wheel may have been taken Ihere. ally, there blng at hand and by (he iloae amount U I'.'-V). There will baa Ing picnic at Union 1'ark HaturJay, Hepieuiler, 8, 1'JttO. There will be addreaae hy (iov. T. T. (ier, II mil Ihki. C. llruancll and (i. H Ihuiick. Everybody invited. Itobert Montague, drpuiy county clerk of I. Inn county, wa In the city Tueaday, acvompanld by hi father-iii-Uw, W. A. Punii, of Mjunl TalHir. They were looking alter buntiea at tha Uud ulilce, O A. Cheney on Wediieaday lact Hpangler, of Cirvtllia, vial e. dinpi-. irom l.igli Uniii a ladder lo a hia .laughter, Mr. I., L I'orler, during Dm week, and led Thuraday forAatoria to itneatha regalia. I'f. I. I.. I'ii ken, who baa lieen aerl mly 111 (or eoina lime, I reported lo lie improving, an I hi nur.y (rlnud hoe to ii'i hi Hi at hi mm ul biialnea aoun. The family of II. A. Hrdmg, Mr. N i . Lawrence and Miaa W'nUli who hava bern ramping at Wilholt Hprli.g for the paal two week, rrlurue.1 lioinn yeal lay , Mra. P. I,. Tallin and daughter, Miaa Kittle and Mra, Ira Hodman, hay re turned from Newport, where they have "mi occupying their aummer collage for two weeka, Mia Joaephlna Newton loft Thuraday to Join her brother al Philadelphia, where mi Mill enter a training achool, prepara l"iy f ir eervlce In (he liovpltal corpi of thi- U, 8. army Mr. Stock, of the Portland (l.mnral 1-lio triu Company, and a party of 30 J ii!n.. up (rui, Portland Wedneaday a'ter ri'x.ii mid MMnt a few hour in Itrodnrlck'a 1'uik over hxikiug tha fall of the Will ntni.tt.t, Unhert Wilton, Mr. and Mra. C. A. and . C. Hallaliury returned thin w""k Irom a two week' htintlng and (lali '"Kirlp.t upjier Hatchery. They re x"l Hilling good and ticceodod in kill l"K ili'cr. Mm. 0. 0. T. Willlama. Mr. and Mr". O.tJ. Miller and Mina Veda Wil ii-iiiN relnrnud Wednesday from their .uting at Wilholt. Mr. J. M. Lawnmco ri'imtlnud at the reaort and will ho joined by Mr, Lawrence, who will ajiond Id vacation thero. A. K. Doiialdaon wa removed Tlmra ''ytoihe I'ortland hoHpltal, whore lie will undergo a painful oxratlon. Ha ia 74 yoara of age and in cheerfnl RpiriU, i)d If the operation prove Biimmaful will don I it una enjoy good health fur a number of yeara, othurwloe hi health will probably decline. Clarence Front Ih back rom Wardner, Idaho, for a few woeki. While here lie will enjoy an outing with his family at one of Clackamna county' many re rta. He Ii employed at Wardner at a good "alary and will return to work again loon, Mr liee giuwlug in Mra. M M. Char man' ) anl and ear pod Injury of any kind racept a alighlly pialiied foot and loaa ol breath for a few minute. William Pulrjw bad tlia iniafortiine lo aeverely cut hi left thumb while (pill ling wood, Wednesday, liereMiUling amputation, lie will be relieved (roiu duly (or aeveral w k in conarijueiice ol the miahap. HherilTCouk haa tiled with the clerk cerlllkate ol levy on a tract ol land in Hie I'almateer claim in nalinfaction of a luihtment of W, U . Kaudall va Allen Simmon el al for W.T2 and $'.11. IK) and Inlrreat and coal. Chrlitlan Science aerviee are held in Willumette hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject Sunday, Aug. 1M, "Man." Hunday-achool at 11 :10, Wed neaday evening meeting at 8 o'clock, A cordial invitation Is extended to all who deeire to attend thi'ie amvice. Mra. (ieorge Zinxling, of Clackanua HuightM.wa hdly burned Monday about 0 o'cl(K-k a. m, by her clothes caU-hlmt lire from a camp fire while tenting on the Abernelliy, Hut for timely aid in extinguishing the fUmes, the burns might have proven fatal. Professor J. C. Zinser has funds now on hand and is preparing to make the pporllonment of the state school funds among the schools of Clackamas county. Ho has $U.S:7.C- to distribute, making ll.fitl per capita. Another apportion ment will lie nmdt) in October. James Vtullock.of OHwego.waa brought belore County Judge Kyan Monday lust charged with Insanity by tils mother. The evidence showed the hoy merely had spasms occasionally and was perlectly sane other wise, and ho was accordingly discharged and the mother threatened to be taxed up with costs of the hearing. Expressman Smith turned over a large drnmmor trunk into the front plate glass of the Electric hotel Thursday, and succeeded in breaking it into the proverbial thousand pieces. The glass is ono-fourth of an inch thick and will require considerable time and expense to be replaced. Italph ItoLyle Millar and Mia Kdna II. Taher were married at the residence of the bride' parents at Mount Pleaaant, Wednesday alUrnoon at 3 o'clock, in the prvanc ol a gatber!ng of invited Iriend and relatirea of lb contracting parlir. Hev. It. A. Adkint otlklated with an impreativ ceremony and Hon. (I. I,. Iledgeaand Mia Kdjth Hanom, of Portland a beat man and brides- prraent 1 13 1 on uuld. Mr. tnd Mr. Miller departed on of tha year w ill the 5 train for Seattle and the Sound for a sojourn of a weak, after whlrb Ihey will make their home in Oregon City. Henry Hansen, a prominent farmer from lteawr Creek, wa in town Thurs day. Ha state thai hi fall wheat threaded 0',' bushi'la to the acre and hi oata 23 and says that Ibis ii the o-t year he haa ever eierieiiced in railing grain. 1 be quality ol w beat raised la al ao Mior and unfit for market, Mr. Han en fortunately own a goodly number uf bog to which ha can teed hi unmarket able wheat and ultimately realise a fair price fur the wheat whan lie markets the hog. Governor T. T, lleer, Secretary of State K. I. Punbar and Kish Commia- aioner K. C. Heed iniecled the Clack a ma river hatchery the tlrst on the week, in company with I'r. A. C. Smith, eon tor-elect Irom Multnomah county. As usual, they found thing satisfactory and enjoyed a pleasant trip in the mountains on the way. The governor expressed considerable indignation on discovering the llsli wheel in operation in the fish ladder conotructed al the falls in the Wil lamette river, and will endeavor to im press upon the legislature the necessity ol keeping the ladder unobstructed. The Hoard of County commissioners are working to bring about Joint action between Clackamas county and the Hull Hun water comdany with resiect to the coetof constructing and sustaining an butment to the bridge across the Sandy. It appears that the bridge supporting the Hull Hun water mains running through Multnomah county crosses Ike; Sandy a very short distance up stream from the Clackamas county bridge, so that the abutments protecting the water main bridge, if properly constructed, wilt also salely protect the Clackamas count? bridge across the Sandy. The Clacka mas county commissioners accordingly offer to pay one-fourth of the cost of sus taining the abutment and the Hull Hun water company sustain the expense of the remaining three-fourths, which is a largo saving o( funds and the apportion ment satisfactory to both county and company. Crocks, all sines, at 8 cents per gallon. W. L. Block, the Home Furnisher. Book and pair of eye glasses between west side of bridge and Samuel Miller's farm. Finder will please bring to Frank Barlow's store and receive reward. The Oregon llotiieseckcrs Immigration Exchange. Suggests a plan for selling your farm. Write for it. Address Oregon IIomesegkeks Iumiqua t10n exciianob, Oregon Citj, Oregon. Mew IniprriTi-nienU, The new building r,f II, C. Hlerens and W, O, Little are progressing rapidly and will be completed early in Heptem- her, Mr. Hleven will Imva two excel, lent room Mow for busirie bouse and a number of light cheerful olllce on Jlie second floor. Mr. Little will have one room below and tha upr dory will be md for family living room. Hichard Freytag ia also making $1M0 Iiniiroveiiie.it on hi grocery store on corner of Fourteenth and Main strae's- Oregon ( llr Market Itrport, (Corrected weekly.) Wheat-No. 1, Mc, Flour Portland, Howard's Heat, ; Fil.er's I'at, '1M. Oas in sacks, white, Itf to 3o Se.nU per bushel, gray, 30. Millstufls llran, (I4.M per ton short, IHJ.OO per ton. Potato- 4') to li't ct ter Sack. P-M", I7J ct er doxen. Putter Itan. li, 3' ti 41 cents per roll Onions, l. 25 to ft fyi r rack. Oreen apple, Si to .VJ cent (xrr box dried H'j cts er pound. Liveatxk and Hreteed Meala Beef, live, lo 3'c; bog, live,4,'ac; hogs, dressed, to 0,' centa; al eep, 13 W lo 14 p-r head ; veal, dressed 8 to N',c. I'r'ihaie Oart. The complaint of It. L. P.nell v C. B. HtraLht and Alice Htralifht, hi wife, w flM in the circuit court Tuesday and attachment Issued Ihereon. The Brave Meir Fall Victims to atomsch, liver and kidney troubles a well as women, and all feel the results In loes of appetite, polaons In tha tibial btw-Ua.-liji nirvnnaneiia. beiAil complaint prays for IHw.fiT, for gwl, :.ie ,,,,, tre)JiiHt,HMi rn.,uwn fwinK. sold and delivered on one cause of action ! tKni ti.urA. nn nA ,n r,.. 111,. and for L'4 on a second cause of action. Listen to J. W, Gardner, Idaville, Ind. In ll.e matter of the estate of Anguta p,, ..yAecttk rilU)ri re J11(,t the Melcher, de.e.ae,l, j. C. Br.dley ,ti-1 tl.intC for a man when he la all run down. nous ma conn 10 issue an oruer to com pell Max Hcliulpiu to show cause why! and don't care whether tie live or dies. It did more to give me new strength and g'xxl appetite than anything 1 could take. .... I i can now ei anyuung ana nave a new lease on life." Only 60 cents, at Geo. A. Haiding'i Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. the condition ol said estate has not been reported and that be be required to file j a new t.on.l ami releawo petitioner. In the matter of the estate of Matilda Holt, deceased It It ordered that C. M. Idleman be given until Kept. 1, iskjq in which lo file hi Inventory herein. Fof g,, Wlllock grand s-p.are In the matter of the estate of hoiomon piano an A No. I instrument Most U Acborn, dwreased, it i ordere.) that .sold cheap. W. L. Bhxk, the Home Monday, October, I, JSsjO, m appjintel i Farniaher. for the settlement of the final account concerning the administration of aald estate, and notice of said settlement be published according lo law. Circuit Court. Mary Ionard filed couinlaiiit Tliur dy in the circuit court against (ieorge ! CaU, manufactured by There is morn Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctor pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by coaUntly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Sci ence Las proven catarrh to a constitu tional disease, and therefore require constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh F. J. Cheney I'unlavy by C. I), and I). C. Latonrette to ri-cover the sum of .t)4 on a promis sory nole and V) atiorneva f-e and allachmerit of I.7II acre in the Itobert Allen claim is duly iseued Ihereon. J. K. Klmer alo filed complaint Wednesly in the circuit court sgainst Sarah F. and Asa Boylan and T. W. Clark to foreclose a mortgage for UTiO, and o0 attorney fee rompiiaing the north half of lot 1, of block 1, of Oregon City. "Through the month of June and July our baby waa teething and took a ruLning olfof the bowel and sicknes of the stomach," .) (). P. M. Holliday, of IVming, Ind. "His buaols would move from five to eilic lime day. I had a bottle of Chamberlaio'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy in the house and gave him four drop in a tea spoonful of water ai l he got better at once." Sold by (J. A Hardii.g druggist. Wall Paper Just received, new-ty!e patterns f jr fall trade ; (Do per double roll and upward. W. L. Block, tbe Home Furnisher. Haw Ara Tnr K ! Mr llotita'i4raPt!U rare all rtor Ilia. S. iff. A 04 awmua Hawi Lu,(.Mrraor A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only consti tutional cure on the market . Il is taken internally in dose from 10 drops to a tetupoonful. It acta directly on the blood and miicon surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fail to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. Address, F. J. CncMcr Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, Toe. Hall's Family Pills are the best. New line of carpets, latest patterns, for the fall trade. W. L. Block, the Home Foroiaher. fffti: Shilohs II s a 5 tough and (onsumntion ' -ure Thl I txrynnd quetlon the moat auoclul Cooifh Medt cin ever known to acience: a Irw drxw inrarlablr car the wort tiwi o( Cotiifh, Croop n4 Hronchitla, while Ita woo derful auccea In tb car of ( on.ummi.m ia without a pr- !llintbhilnrynf mrdlcine. hinca It frit diKoverjrlt has bran aoH on a raarantr. a litt which no other medicine can atand. II yon hay a Ccnifth, we rarnealljr aak 70a totrjrit. In I'mud StBtraand Canada c., 60c. and $l.ui. and In Knfc-land 1. W., U. U. and 4a. Sd. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWELis&Ca LEROY, N.Y ffi HAMILTON, CAN. For sale by C. U. H antler. i Just Received A new line of ladie's top shirts, ladies fancy colored underskirts. Hosiery for ladies and child ren, and lace curtains from 45 cents a pair upward. t BELLOMY 3 BUSCH THG HOUSGFURN1SHERS, Housefurnishing Summer Needs. If you are interested in securing these items at lowest possible prices, you'll thoroughly appreciate our June offerings, you'll feel them to possess exceptional merit. It's passing along to our customers the houseneeds at their real worth, it's in giving honeat values that makes this store a favorite buying place. All sizes nnd prices. Ice Crentn Freezers to rent. yfyM0N'l V c . j t)7 Hammocks. 85c. and up. ' V 10c. and up, double roll. , , , , ,, - , TftSRri : V Water set and tray COc. Covered jelly glasses jMr dozen 3c Berry set of bowl and sauce dishes. . .20c Water tumblers, per dozen 30c Revoivingglass table caster 90c Kitchen Treasurer large size 13. IT V ''Jljlill CrM lliiMltiiBdn might bo perfect little angels'if they ould always have their meals in time. Cook your meals on the Charter Oak Stove or range and you will make a little lamb out of your cross husband. Stoves $14.5o and up. Steel Ranges $3o and up. Wrought steel. Straw matt ing fr o m China and Japan. You can't com p a r e our matting, but the mattings you'll see here are all made ex pres sly to to our order. Soniuch for good ness, the patterns are different, that's our aim, the prices are fixed at our email profit over the landing cost, here again your interests are served. We sell fine linen warp matting for 23c a yard.