OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 10 CORRESPONDENTS Ilarmocy IIakmokt, AnuS'V It look like we tn'gtit iM li"r ot rain llor long "Hi fruit nop is abundant tlii y'r. with the exception ol Italian prune and certain kinJs of appli'. Tlie h Ul t Mr McUnghtin" lat Tin lay vniiit wa divided uv, tlii) numlxT pres nt Mm rsliruat! at atotit 1H an1 li.S5, tm proovis! of t!n mite iox and ui cream :nJ, wer lent to Hi slarvinif, in luJ.a. Mow people have sen to tli coast. Marion Phillips and damMer, Mr. Fannie Iavi, at'd "on iVrris, lave gone to Seattle on a v:mt to rotative ttier. Im'u!i!i Wa.kei Us returned to tor Lome ol Hon! Mi. AiU Pidd!, ho las teen visiting with relative at C.ooeetrry, Ore., for aeveral months pat, returned borne Sat urday. A Clark, of Call visiting lii sister, Mr Hagenbutger II Karr lat week iipent a few day with hia daughter at Hook Creek. Ml ScoCt, Mt. Siott, Aug 1G. The Mt. Scott evangelical Sunday school ha 1 a very roioyable picnic on the l"th. In a grove twtally prepared br. t!ie occasion, and aguod program was rendered by the young people, consisting of recitations, ainging, etc. the moet notable feature being the pood mnic rendered by the Sannynide Band. The boys do remark ably well for the time they have been in practice. J. W. Z;nser, superintendent of the Sunday school, makes a good leader for such occasions, being ably as aisted by Mrs. C. F. Zinaer and Mrs. II. C. L'lrich. The tables fairly groaned under the many good things provided by the ladie. People from Sunnyside, Harmony and I-euts were present. Real bed about 120 lor Sunday school per pose. The day w all but long enough. Itple Una- Mapli Lase, Aug. 20. George MauU an 1 De!lert Shelly left for Floriston.Cal. Wedneedav, having secured employ ment at that plai-e. W. O. Diikerson, after a week's abeence in the mountains, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mre. Tamlin, of Oregon City, were rioting at Hobbins Sunday. Mise Ona Kenner, of Oregon City, and Master Tommy Roberta, of Portland, are tbe guests of Thomas Davies and family. Mssa Kate Mania spent a portion of last week visiting with relatives in Ore ton City. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shortledg are Tilting relatives at Manhfield. Otis Shelly, haac Shortledge and Lewis Davis left Thursday for High Camp, where they will spend a week or eo bunting and fihmg. Mnrjn xvaA, Aug. 20. The farmers are busy getting their threshing out of the way. The threshing is a small affair tht season. Joe Sohwarti's wheat turned off 16 bushels per acre, the heaviest yield in thH community. Jim Watson ha gone to Olympia, Wash., to visit relatives, and Bee what be can see. Mrs. Twomy, who baa been boarding at Joe Schwartz's for several weeks, re turned to Portland last Wednesday. Misses Ida and Rosa Yoder are camp ing at Netarta Bay, they report a pleas aat time and plenty of fish, C. K. Schwartz and wife of Carlock, III., are visiting relatives in the neigh borhood. This is their first trip to the Pacific slope and although we are short in our jtra n crop they nee many wonder ful products of the valley and are especi ally pleaded with the fine fruit on every band. J. 8. Yder has a kiln of hand-molded, square and well brick burning, and ex pec a to have ii ready to open by Sept. 1. Quite a number from the neighbor hood attended an ice cream eocial at the Itock Creek church lat Saturday even ing. We are much interested in the survey of the electric line a reorted in laht week'a Enterpitw, and hope the day muy Boon come when the line will he surveyed and built to the tcnthem part of the county, as now projected. Mo-t of the yoiini men and several of the older one of the neighborhood con template a trip to the huckleberry patch hi Huh Camp this week. Is BabyThin this summer? Then add a little SCOTT'S EMULSION to his milk three times a day. It is astonishing how fast he will improve. If he nurses, let the mother take the Emulsion. sefcand-ooialldnOTUt. The mill here Is still running on full time and is still behind on orders. Short crop wm to have no eftVt on j tlie lumber trade as yet. A shower of rain to lay the dust and settle the smoke would I welcome. Coltoa Coiton, Aug k Threshing Is most all done. There ha bean a great deal of straw threshed, but wry little grain ob tained. We are sorry to state that Mr. Huddle son is very sick at K. Ilaminonl'a. K. Jones, of Woodburu, la a guest a Mr. Hut bard 'a. Kile Garret has mdd his farm near Manjuam. Coiton gains a good neigh bor by the transaction. I. IVmney, of H ibbard. was doing busineM in Coiton lat week. Mim Terra Wilaon came home on the 17:h on acveiint of wry ht health. The Miaacs Kneman, Ptutiia, of Ori son City and Kdith, o( I larks, were viniting their gramtpan'iiU.Pii, last Sunday. I. lVnion and Umily, of Meadow- brxk were the guest o( Mf. liotttrg on the 12th. HuckleN-rry picker are frequently Stvn pa ng, but not nearly so numerous a usual, as heme are i-ar-. WEALTH 1 1 Vcalth of hair is wealth Indeed, c special ly to a woman. Ii v c r y other physical attraction is secondary to It. have a rook wc will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your Iiair Is too h i if n I AV 4Tflrl Growth . becomes a m vigorous ana all uan druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don't look, old before your time. $1.00 a twit I. All nlt. " t Iut bm1 ynot lUlr Vipr Bow fur Nut '.'A )ri n.l ! t fixiixt It I'lriulKt snil tlf- l..rr la r T. I lli I ha rwiuiu'iulrU lhl lUir VifT to kuwlmlt of tnj friraiU, nd lhy ill 111 the !! in-ry. If mj. NnIt nt 11m k Ind of II sir Itfvr I tlull rruinljr r-"immod to iVm )iul triii(lv M I ran Itul Irirjr p-l a tutiiv of ArT'S lUir Vifr." Jin. 5. t II ltT"i, -ot. IS, IK. onuh, K. T. Vl:aukl- MawAiKis. Aug. 21. All our prune men are getting their dryer in sl ai to commence to dry by the eud ol the week or the tirt of net. Messrs J S Uisley and son expect to commence to pick hop onTuemlay next. Mr P J Hennemati is spending sev eral week with friends at lWthany, Washington county. L L Moore ha moved to Gervai. where he will engage in a mercantile businee. He baa given uptbeConcoid school, which he bad intended to teach Ihn fail. Bert Garner ha gone on a visit to b old home in Pennsylvania to visit his parent, whom be baa nt seen for more than 13 veart. He will h back in six weeks. Borne of our would-be local nimroda went last week to the head water of the Clackamas on a deer hunt. They say i they aaw three of them and got a shot at Mr M Hnutlin. daughter and two . . , I ....... I , I. m,, l.i. r r,f Ml Tlwr. wure tht) one. The party consisted oi juuua a - - Brotje, Mr. Jackson. Ed Bottemi'.ler and Buest. of Mr John Palmater .aturjay Fred Birckemer. TLey report that KJ j n,) Sunday. Boltemiller was the Let marks man, as Sa lie SnutTii aud Nellie and Lulu be killed a porcupine. They were only I oj-m 0I Mi 7'Wr were tbe guest of gone five day but would have stayed longer only the grub gat low and the leader got home sick (to aee hi dea' we Sun of our folks visited S.xla Spring Sunday, but It was a deed lace, as moat of the camper hv gm iv Chtrrytlll. CiiiKHWiii. Aug 17.-TI' weather ber ietreinely warm. Mosea Fraaiar I cutting his ainond crvp of clover. Mrs Myra lU'nenue, of Samly. wa v.ailitig her mother, M' Jane Kllnn, id tlna place, last Sunday. Mm Ware. Mo- Ware, Mow Alpha and A lle Ware and Mr and Mi Fred Stun! have departed for the hop field. .May Ihev make iluir fmtune. Mr l'.aty u the guel id MrtOalnirn MiiidnV. i.rge Flinnrut hi llnr WnUtiy on a "lh. In lliftmat antfa I wund, w ile winking for l'i'l and Coiw itifc. '( Sandy. Mr Kcwuiic, ol .'andy. waa seen oil Maui Mreet Sunday. Mim tib.in is visiting Mis M"iie. yUia trbirn sieiit Sunday night with Alpha Ware. - Mi e 0Urn 'ld one ol bis rows to I'luie, of Portland, also Ii T IWl oM ten ( hi rattle. The wirma hav agreed among them Mve to give Cl erryillle a real, a there a more fern than anything elae to eat. It in underalixHl that Cberryyille I to have no winter school. A great deal of (nut i getting ripe, I'hii lly plum andapplra. Tom it'ine ma lo a hurriej trip bom latl Sunday oil hi wheel. The small boy of this place are en gaged in trapping for somrel. Many city folk are reported to I camping in the mountain. think.) Dowling-Theanerkauf. A very nice wedding took place here Sunday after noon, tlie contracting parties were Mia Nellie 1. Dowling, of Milwaukie, and Mr. August Theauerkaul, of Ktverside. Or. Kev W S Wright officiated. The bride' twin sister, Koea M Dowling, wa the bridesmaid. She aim caught tbe bride'i boqtiet. Mr Arthur II Dowhng w as the beet man. The bride was becomingly dressed in a beautiful white organdy and crried a bwrnet of white carnations. The ceremony waa held at tbe future home of the young couple, decorated witn cut flowers, carnations and roses predominating. A bountiful repast was served. The present were beautiful and many. Only the intimate friends and relative were present. Pearl Palroateer hut Saturday. Fred SnufPn and Dave ) lell of Mt Tabor were op on their wheels, having made the trip in a little more than three i hour. Who r-ave we are far from Port land. Mr and Mr B P K-ynld, of Colum bia slough, gave Mr Ik Palmateer'a a cial call Saturday. Mr lint ring wa on the sick list, but is improving. Mr Holder had a numer of her city friends a gileats last week. II Anders i having an addition to hi bouse built. James Sitter, of Kgle Creek, ha the contract of building it. W P Snutlin and wife, of Portland, are viiting relative and old friends in Gar field and Currinaville. Dodge Note. Dodge, Aug. 22. Died, at Dodge, on August 10, l'JOO, Margono M. Myers, aged 12 years and 11 months, daughter ol J. T. and N. M. Myers, postmaster of Dode'e, Oregon. She wa their youngest daughter and the comfort and joy of their borne. The child' ministry was well done; as the rose does iu work a grandly in it bloom as the vine with Its fruit. And having helped to sanctify and lift heavenward the very hearts that break at its farewell; it ha gone from this troublesome sphere, ere the winds chilled or the rain stained it, leaving the world it bleHaed and the Bkies through which it passed still sweet with its lingering fragrance to its glory as an ever unfolding flower In the blessed gar den of God. Surely prolonged life on earth bath no boon like this. For such mortal love lines; to put on imortality ; to rise from the carnal with bo little memory of earth that the mother's cradle seemed to have been rocked in tbe house of many man- sio in, having had no exrx-nence ot a wearied mini and chilled affections, but Irom a chilu s joyous heart growing up into the power of an archangle intellect j to be raptured as a blessed babe through J the gates of heaven. This is better than j to wait as the prophet of old for the car of fire in the valley of pardon. j Aunt Km ma. i Garfield. Gakfikld, Aug 15. Harvest is in full b'as'. Grain is under average. Mr Gus Stubby has bent field of oaU, chargeable to thorough pulverizing to rid it of blue grans. Some few have one to the mountain tjr blue hu.kleberrieK, but find them very scarce. Mra. Poc Palmateer was the recipient of the sad and unexpected newa of the death of her niece, Marjorie M. Myers, of Dodge postoflice, lal Haturday. She attended the funeral at .Springwater Sunday. Needy News. Needy. Ang 21. The crop are all harvested, but many of the farmers left oats in the fields on account of nut. Prunes, apple, etc. are ready, and the drier are running in full blaat now. Their was an ice cream social at K'x-k Creek church Saturday night. A large crowd was present ami an enjoyable time w a spent by all. Proceed go to paint the cemetery fence. G A Kinr.er had the bad luck lait week to have hi left arm broken by catching hU hand in the belt of a thn ail ing machine. The photographer ha left town. Ho had a roaring trade, ami we are sorry to loose him. Myrtle Thompson left Sunday for a visit in Salem. C C Molson ami family drove lo Port land last Sunday. Mr and Mr Smith and daughter Anna visited over Sunday with their son It F Smith. Jlalph Grim' genial face is with us again, he returned from Sumpler last week. I ewi i Spagle came home from Wasco 01 account of aore eyes. The fa riilics of Jake Hitter and Ligo Kig,'s are in the mountains picking huckleberries. The Needy nine played two inning I with Mackshurg last Sunday, then the j Cracker Ja .-ks, of Huhbard, finished the game, ' Mrs Tina Kramer is at the St Vincent ! hospital In Portland recovering from an operation. Albert Sturve in on the nick list. Mr and Mr Fred Smith have returned from Hcharmco, where thpy have spent the Hummer for the benefit ol Mra Smith' health. Mr and Mri J J KaufTman' daughter from Indiana i here visiting. Mr and Mrs Gilbert Perdue have come back here to reiide, after one year at Surnpter. They think Needy i all right. puler. Ih.vkk, Aug 1. (train barvrat is al mct t, the grain I not vary good tliia yrr. The lwrite Intend to start their ttirriluug machine Monday. N NVUon baa gone away from home to work again. Tillle Crawford, of Newburg, wa viait ing relative a few arrka ago. Mi Ueim. ol Portland, wa visiting friends iu Firwood and Iover lat w-k. C Bowaman and wile er down to Kelto la)t wrk. Jacob drShaer and family, ol Firwood were y imllng Juxoi'h dcUai-i'a laat Sun day. Home people from Faatern Orrgon are over here buying ralvea. Moot of the people here are talking ol going hop picking thiayear. Uolert dcSdao-r sold a ilrce of Un J near Firwood for IJVi. It erii a though land is riaing, (or there ha been ipiilo a lot of land old bire lately. Some tMKjple are out from Portland n rying the mountain m-rnrry. Karmut. MakwoT, Aug IS The KNipln of lb locality Will soon begin to thresh. Mr Menninger ha returned from Portland. A Auction returned home for a day, after a month abaenve. A party from Marmot went to the hatchery lat week. Kmma Achoir, Mr Ax boif , Clara and Martha Koemer went to Government Camp Wedneadar. K Phelp, II llramhall. and Mr Hick, man, of Aimes, stopped at Marmot on their return from an outing. Miss Kitchi-n, of Portland, I visiting Mis Mf unngcr. U Coerrior and family returned home last week. Mrs JaiVion 'eturned to Portland. The Fxritemrnt nt O'er. The rush at thn drug store still con tinue and daily score ol people call for a bottle of Kemp' Balsam for the Throat and Lung for the Throat and I.ung for the cure of Cough, Colds, A'llima, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, he standard family remedy, Is sold on a guarantee and never fail to give entire satisfaction. Price 2'hs and 50c. Our correspondenc e will please end in articles before t lneday of each week, otherwise it reach'; us loo lulu for pu Miration. TIME AND PACE? rcprartlrtlljrannlhllitcit ty the orcart table and am! tclrgrnt lyitcm hl(h now belt tho tlr- cumfcrctii e of Old I'arth In o many different direction. 'Forr aiu" rc no longer foreign iu the old meaning ot tbe term. Turopc, Africa, AiU, are "licit lr" t u. Wh hp-- there to-day we know to morrow - if we read HI I. CHICAGO KIX'OKD, ho.0 Social I'ablc l'i)rre nidcn aro U atrd ii firry oty tn tht f(,.r.outldd of the I'mtnl State. An uthtr Amcrkan nrw tfvtpcr ever attempted o extenhf tervke; ami it i u.dcmcntc.ny the icKulr "rrinn hcwucrvVe of The Aoitcl l'ici. l or bi curate intclligrrK c t-l the itirnns event whiih aie shakily the nation -of wi u4 rumor of " the tlirctni!ni itiolutioit of old govern ment and thecUtii.htiicit of ncw-of the onward Merpof thcraicln U uiio( tie woild-the one medium of tho nuMMlisfiitory liifornutioit U thcciterpriiiij, "uo t-datc" A.i.rr.can icw.,..,rt TIIK CHICAGO KICOkD. FREE riaa. aa4 ...rem 1 l l-ai. .'lr a --ip..l.l.l Iba lT-. ul r' .ariceM iiai ni. a.... Ila. W altl.lawl uru, A.i drava Taa I wicauo Ua'i. Ha.n '. i'' A larwa anat ot lh X.ii I'mlMllna. il M ill ... , i.Uiifoi riule.l In .ln lih Ur.ia at.. i.l uui !' ! l" to n-al! Iu r aUie.a (r. ,4 ,h(, u ,r.rfl ol rnl arw.diixMa"! ! Ml MiUrai Get our Prices on Job Printing. BIGGIE BOOKS A Tim Ifrrir? ef wnefjflttwJ nine fr: u, tp-lJ-Jatc. t nncUc and UrorrtbcnlveMa atxaciy rrtottJ nJ kautifully HluuxTtcJ. Hy jACOU I1I0ULU No. l-BKMll P. IIOR5R BOOK All UmI H tf- i m w wm TvUm, it 1 No. a-UUKH.Il UIMHY M)K All al.wl (tu !! l tvM- 1 r1 (OUUIM , I ..i.-! III Ilk M(ila, !.-.. all e artrll'al t !, r.lwliale. llM.yOl No. 3-HK?C!l . IHK'LTMV IUMK All alvl I lo : ISa tM Iwlln r la r.lM.b. , llWrv T!iii, Hhtt nuk4 11 a. m t all lh. I Ial Uaa-ia Bilk . wtMrr UlwUa'kna. r 'Wa, V C- via. No. 4-BI(Kll.P. COW HOOK ' AH a'. il I ! lha t Pu.lK (Vtr(f.r.l aula ; laa i..l.J lil lik. ,jJ--i. 1 . . h lll 1 a Mk lllXtalk.a 1 1 Ma No.c-imKii.ri liWiNP. hook JiMtiml. AU a'l l.a IMaa-lllif . fw-lll- ful' a, If, I'tair,, U- lat.li, wvf k. I. a. l.f. I a I l'niu)ii a(iau(. y l-ut. Tbnill II hH)K i.mr ir't. """ " "" aa anrooitf 'taa llaji- at Ml.aMit 1' ata havlna1 .a a. - I'. . I w. ?. - t 1 -I -.uih. l'.r"r .. ki a llia. I e. I.. a I IhUk'a, " (- t M.ita, u. ,1.1 Iu a4 a; 'j ll. lillA-'X tlOOa,. lb FARM JOURNAL ! roar pa(f, m-'. ra at w a aal.SI I' ' V Old , II la Dm fl.al l-.-l .1 .B, hll h nail 1 ' " quit aflat " Iiawaaul II. I.ii atl Il..h-M ." "1 in wcttl.l-lh llrril ll llla.l a In Isr I n"1' irf Aawika ba.lu.mt amUlluaiaikla iia:! (uia. i Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOCKS, and tbe FAR.1 JOl'!..f .'.t. a VCAtt (rmaiii.Ur t i 1 . i, t, a.t IO III 1 en I Vl .-'! r. 11 . .. 1 iu.11 ,b mi 1 Mm.l0lr'AKM JCM.K.'HALaaailmlarararrltatllKKlLnnOOKr & r 1 1 n wra arKiaaoa. ci a jaaih A4.tia, VAUH JOIMNAI. I mui'ii fH' CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE in,ui manna A nr'tfi tn'1tfif akrtrh ft1 ATt',tum mf qtilrkir wrtHi 1 rp uftinufft tt wliHl.or tut Invotiiton it rntiaiilr t-iiill-v cfiirnntitr .riaiirlrtlf rvrtiR'lfffitlftl. lUiilUrli ti laliit will fr. Uip gUt f tut Mur1tig i,MfttM. I'fnl lk(l llifi.uirh Mu.ifl A (u. - WpfUti 4U$ wHh'ttlt ctrt, in thm Scientific American. A hari'loimailr lllmiraixl aklr. I araaal Mr. rnlall'in ft an? xiri.uan . ..1 r,,, 1 rma. J a Tf f.ir n.i.iiilii, IU H.U by all Dtrtalara. MUNN&Co."'-". New York llraiich lili. ca r IM, Wul.li.alun. U. C W7i it in M FN Oregon City, Oroeon. Now arrivals, "Wear Krister" shoe diri-ct from tho factory hi;nt values, no cliij'.y Lailk-H film Mj.liah shoe 1.W), and up. Womcri' iitiliiwd work 1io-h, dur alili; and citny f 1 ..r,(). ('hildroii's ulioes 7'x:. and up. lialiy sIioi-h, 2 and Jl'c, to v.i,nn. Tan, all mmh Mun'sall liiathcr hIuh'S I..'M) up. Mi-n'a "I ona Calf," hcut poHaiDlu J.."0 Hhoo. Try tlicm and corn pare with l'i KoodH. Men', woniDn'sarid rhililnm' slio odda and bihIh, aliout f.j price. We tack or rivnt hIi'x-h frm;. All kind of miircliandiwi under onu roof. Produce taken, butter and egx in demand, 3 Urilthitj iff'tfff ttf-i hint or irittnitltv tfifn t1-lrlritrfttrtrtiihr I'nrlt iMtltliii, wltti g -k1 MlrT !!! r-l w IU' puli). h.ni.'l fir Ihm J'AthVt ltl. Ulll, llnllltmirit, M1. j:1,kx) milrtt of long die tatico tti'ihonn wire in Oregon, War-liiiiKton, Cali fornia nl Malm not in oHTtion y til I'acifi htulion Tilcplioiio Cotn puny, covering 2,2$ town . Quick, iKcuratt', chftp. All tlm natiafaotion of IntmourI ctfin in u 11 icfttlwBa intanro no cllcct to clear tniilcrstaii(liri(A fp kaiin nii.l San FnW am i-neily heard as.P I iiihI. Oregon City oflico nt Jlanlmir's Drujr Store. "Russell" Enffine5 Traction or Portable, 5lmplo or Com pound, Wood or Straw Burner. "Cyclone" Threshers . -V ViV a HklllHi l. Lii r J 1 S AutomaU Stacker, Wind St-k-cr, llorao Powers, Tlirealicnucn'a Supplies of All Kinds. if-WmT.r FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICfS. RUSSELL ft CO., PORTLAND, 03,