Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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rw-v-o-r v v v o v r tor ntyt ,j publio work which re
J quired fuiihcr appropriation olf.VH.440,
LNcws of the Week V3"' ,,,,,u,:i,om,,mmj ,o r,,'u',r
1 expenditure.
a A Condition's under which our govern-
K i -Senator Lee Mantle, of Montana, 1 ment will aiJ China in her negotiations
chairman of the silver republicans, last I for peace is that a sufficient bly of ad-FrM'-y
announced that he haa left the vancing relief force must be allowed to
party ami returned lo the republican,
giving aa the reason that ail ver la a dead
A letter from onie, Alaska, dated
Jul 'Jfi, itttea that Uie boom haa col
lapsed and that many are destitute.
The Chineae were driven from Yang
Tan on ThuradaT, afier four hours of
fighting, in which Uie allien! forcee lott
W0 men.
The populist national executive com
ruitte met at Chicago on Friday to take
formal action on the withdrawal of Mr.
Towne aa vice-presidential candidate.
Marion Butler, of North Carolina, chair
man of the national committee, was not
present, to definite action waa not taken.
An official dispatch from Hamburg an-
noum-ee the appearance of the plague in
that city.
Harper Broa. have aold their publiah
ing busineaa to Alex K. Orr for 1,I(X.000.
The hot weather in Die Faat caused
many deaths from FriJay to Sunday in.
elusive. Uie thermometer indicating 93
in Pbiladetphia'on Friday.
It i announced that Governor Rooae-
Telt w ill viait the Pacific coast during
the campaign.
Lewis G. Stevenson, ton of the demo
cratic vice-presidential candidate, has
been selected aa Western manager of the
national organisation of democratic
Bryan's arrival in Chicao waa foN
lowed by an address to the democrats of
the coontrr urging them to organise.
The contract for building the railroad
to Klamath Falle baa been agreed upon
and work will be began soon.
Morsn Bros., of Seattle, will build a
new lighthouse tender for the Pacific
Li Hung Chang hs been aotborixed
by the Chineae government to make
peace with the powtra, and is said to be
anxiona to do so. Hope i cherished in
Washington thai wsr mar be averted.
Count von Walderace, the German
general, will take charge of thecampaigo
in ChiDa. He has a good record.
Mrs. Nettie R. Craven haa again suf
fered defeat in her suit for a portion of
the late Senator James Fair's wealth.
Judge Troutt held that she is not tbe
widow of the deceased millionaire.
Baron Ruell, Lord chief justice of
England, died on the 10th inst.
Chineae are leaving Honolulu, fearicg
violence on account of the outrages com
mitted by Boxers.
Floods in Sew South Wales have dor.e
much damage and left many people
homeless and destitute.
At the opening of bids for armor plate
at the navy department Friday the Beth
lehem and Carnegie companies submit
ted identical bids, each lor about 19.3X)
tous ot the 30,000 tons advertised fur, at
t-4'0 tor thick armor and 1411.20 for thin.
Tbe only other bid was from the Midvale
Steel Company, which proposed to for
niEb tbe whole amount of armor, with
. out charging any royalties, on a sliding
scale of 1433 up. This company will not
contract for lens than 120,000.000.
Djevad Posh a, ex-grand vizier of Tur
key, is dead.
It is reported that
committed suicide.
President Stejn
Advice from Astoria are to the effect
that the salmon catch yielded more
money this year than last, though the
catch was about 10,0)0 cases short.
Sunday, August 12.
Allies reported 10 miles from Pekin.
Collis P Huntiugton, president of the
Southern Pacific Railroad, dies of heart
failure w hile camped in the Adirondacks
ast Tuesday morning. Russell Sage
asys he was worth twenty millions.
Huntington linked the Atlantic and
Pacific with the first transcontinental
A special dispatch trom Yang Tsue
dated August 7, reports the arrival of
supplies there, guflieient to last 12 dayp.
The dispatch adds that reconnoieanets
show the Chinese are demoralized, and
have fled toward Pekin. The American
signalmen are keeping the telegraph
wire intact alorg the line of march in the
face of great dilficulties. About 50 per
cetit of the wounded are canes pronounc
ed to be serious by the attending physi
cian. Monday, AugiiHt J3.
Major E. Graff, a commissioner of
ednntion for Porto Rico, reports that
muc h of the suffering there is due to the
fact that the people do not know how to
till the soil. Teachers, not soldiers, are
The grand total of the appropriations
of the last eesHion of congress were
$710,150,803. In addition to special ap
propiiations, contracts were authorized
enter Pekin unmolested ami lo escort
besiened ministers and residents in
safety to Tien Tain France haa aeol an
equally firm reply to the message com-
j plaing that no answer had heed received
to China' offer of eacorl for ministers
Conner rahlea Uiat the wilt hold out
until relief arrivee.
New York anarvhista killed an Italian
who eulogUed King Humtert. The
dead man' brother refusea to aasiat the
police and swear revenge on the murder
The steamer Oriiaha haa been charter
ed by the U. S. government to lay
cable between St. Micnal and Cape
Nome. The cable will connect the
military parte in Alaska
Canadian traders are carrying on
wholesale smuggling between Paw son
and American territory.
Two men were killed and many
injured by lightning near New York
City, and many buildings were injured.
TueeJay, August 14.
Gilbert M Hitchcock, publisher of the
Omaha World-Herald, will print in that
paper tomorrow a letter to tht voter of
Nebraska, announcing that be will be
the democratic candidate for senator to
succeed John M. Thurston before the
next legislature.
Food for the Pekin prisoner lias
nearly exhausted and the situation is
desperate. McDonald report the min
ister refused the Chinese offsr of an es
cort to Pekin.
Bryan's speech oi acceptance will he
reproduced over the country by phono
graph. '
Colonel Bryan will not be in Chicago
Tuesday, August tbe day of the great
parade of the G. A. K. Rather than
embarrass Pre lent McKinley by
counter demonstration, the democratic
nominee will defer hi arrival to tbe
next day, or perhaps two daya later.
Thie decision waa reached after Mr.
Bryan was made acquainted with the
program and Uie part to which be was
Wednesday, AugiiHt 15.
Tu. ;.,::., i :
lne anti-iraperiain are in seanion in
, .. ,. , . . ,
Indiauopolw- Tbeir slogan is nythmn
to be McKinley. ,
Ex-secretary B.utwjll declares that
he will vote lor Bry-n.
The state department ia receiving
messages direct from Coi.ger.
Tbe War department has made poblic
the Filipino correspondence csptured
Mine months ago by General Funston's
command in Luzon, One oLthese letters
is from Dr. Montsgue R Lavemon. of
Erooklyn. N. Y. to G Apacible. Dr.
Leverson's correspondence advised to
bring about the capture of sornw official
of the United States, who should then be
put on trial before a council of war for
piracy. He ia also advised to have the
Filipino congress issue an address to the
people of the United State calling at
tention to alleged violations by the Uni
ted States of the usages of civilized war
fare. Sunday Services.
KiKhth am! J. Q. Adams streets; Ker.
Krnest J. W. Mark, pastor, bundav achooi
at 10 A. M., neekly services every Thursday
at 8 P.M. German school every Halurdaj
from 9 lo li Kverybo.ly invited.
Hillibiaxd, PiiUir. On Huniiy manual and
to A) a. a. Kvery second sad fourth tfuodaj
German sermon after the s o'clock mass
At all other masses English sermons. Hunday
School at I 'M) r. H. Vesper, apolotetical
sublecta and Benediction at 7:0r. a.
H. Oberir, Psstor. Mornlnr service at 10 45
(fuDit7 Hchool at 10:U0. Clus taeetlnf after
moruinc serTlce. Evening service at 1M
Epworth J-:iii meeting Hundajr evenlnc ai
JO; Hraer Meetlur Thursdaj ereulrif at 740
strangers cor
iiut ia
J. Montgomery, fastor. Hemcee at 11 a.m. and
7:80 r. M. Habbatb Hchool at 10 A. H. Yount
People'sriocloty of Christian Endeavor meets
every Hunday STeuIng at 6:30. Ihmsdaj
avening prayer meeting at 7 JO. Seats free.
Eighth and M A'lieori street. Rev. 8. Copley
pastor, services every Hahhatn at 11 a. in
and 7:15 p. rn. eiunda Hcliool 10 a. m
Prayer meeting 8 p. rn. All are welcome
! Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Hervices
i every Kutulay at lta. m, anil 7:.'5U p. in.
eunday school at 10 o clock, btrvice every
Friday eveniiiK at 7:30. Other services as
may be announced. All seats free. Strang
ers cordially invited.
comer of Main and Eleventh streets Rev.
E. H. Bollinger, pastor. Morriine service
10:30; Bunday bcliool 12; Junior Endeavor
6; Y. P. 8. C. E. prayer meeting 0:.'i0;
evening service 7 :'V3.
H. JSeaven, paHtor. Freaching services
every Sundsyat 10-:0and 7:.Wp. m. fiuu
(iay school at 12 noon to 1 n. rn. Juniors
I meet in the afternoon and the tlenior Young
IVople's society ami Bible study clans at
o:io p. rn. inuriwiay evening, regular
prayer Bervice at 7:.'i0 p.m. W'fdnewlay
evening, Bible study class at Y. M. C. A.
rooms led by tbe pastor.
It will surprise you to experience the
benefit obtained by using the dainty and
famous little pills known aa DeWitt's
Little Early Itinera. Geo. A. Harding
for Women
Any article, whatever lta merit,
mutt be made known to the pobllo by
nieana of advertiilng. Advertising,
however, though ll can do much for a
thing1, cannot Jo everything. It may
err ate a aale for a tliue, but In ordar
to Insure a lasting- demand the thing
advertised must bave solid worth.
This la the caae with Lydla, K. Pink
ham a Vegetable Compound. It haa
solid worth.
Woman everywhere hava learned
this fact, and the result la that there
la lasting and absolutely unequal!
demand for it It haa the largest aale
of any remedy for female ilia in the
world, and thla haa been the ease for
The reason for this la that Mra,
Pink ham clalma nothing that aha la
not entitled to claim. 8b oan do all
that aha aaya aha can do, and her
twenty years of experience make bar
advice Invaluable, liarsxperiencehaa
been not only long but world-wide,
and ahe haa helped more women back
to health than any one els la the
world. These facta should, and do,
have Immense weight with all sensible
women. Keiueiutwr these ara not wild
statements but solid facta.
Facts About the Good
Being Done by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in Cases of
Change of Life, Bearing
Down Pains, Etc.
" I had falling, inflammation and
alteration of the womb; backache,
bearing-down peine; waa ao wtak
and xtarvoua that I eould not do
my own work; had alek headache,
no appetite, nurab apella, hands and
feet oold all the time. I bad good
doctors, bat none of them did uie any
good. Through the advice of a lady
friend I begin tbe ase of Lydla K.
Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound, and
after taking an bottle I felt greatly
relieved, and by the time I had need
several bottle waa eompleuly cured,
ao that I eould do my work again. I
am now passing through the ehangeof
life and using rour Compound. Itbelpa
me wonderfully. I want every euffer
I Ino- woman to know what vour medl
, cine haa done for me." Ma. W. M.
' U11.L, Sn Palestine, Mo.
"Lydla E. Plnkhara's Vegetable
Ccmpuund saved my life and gave back
a loving mother to eleven children,
! which waa more than any doctor could
i , , ., ' ., , ,
; have done or ur other medicine In
; the wMeworM. My trouble waaehlld
bed fever. The third day after my
babe waa born I Ujok a chill, which
waa followed by a high fever. I would
! perspire until my clothee were aa wet
as thouirh dinned In a tub of water.
The chills and fever kept op for three
daya. My daughter got me a bottle of
your Compound. The fourth do
stopped the chills, and the fever also
disappeared. My life waa saved. My
age at this critical time waa forty
nine." Ltdia E. ltocouaB. Etna, Pa,
Facts About Two Cases
of Falling of the Uterus
Recovered by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
" I suffered for fifteen yeare without
finding any relief. 1 tried doctors, but
nothing seemed to do me any good. I
had falling of the womb, leucorrhrra,
pain in the back and head, and those
bearing-down pains. One bottle of
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound did me ao much good that I sent
for four more, also two boxes of Liver
Pilla and one package of Sanative
Wash After nsing these I felt like a
new woman." M its. G. A. Wistir,
Glidden, Is, Iiox 2'JO.
" I waa suffering with falling of the
womb, painful Menstruation, head
ache, backache, pain in groina, ex
tending into the limbs ; also a terrible
pain at left of womb. The pain in my
back was dreadful during menstrua
tion, and my head would ache until I
would be nearly crazy. Lydla E.
Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound haa
given me great relief. I suffer no
pain now, and I give your medicine
all the praUe." Mb. J. P. McSpaduk s,
Rosenberg, Tex.
A Grateful Woman Recom
mends Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to
Every Wife and Mother.
"Iliave taken elghtbottle of Lydia
e. rinknams vegetable Uompound
with moat gratifying results. I had
been married four years and had two
children. I waa all run down, had fall
ing of womb with all lta distressing
symptoms. I had doctored with a good
physician, but 1 derived very little good
from hia treatment. After taking a
few bottles of your medicine, I waa
able to do my work and nurse my
seven-month s'-old babe. I recommend
your medicine to every wife and
mother. Had I time. I could write
much more in Its praise. I bid you
Godspeed in your good work.''
Mas. L. A. Mobkis, Welaka, Putnam
Co., Fla,
" Dear Mrs. PixxnAU-When I com
menced the use of your remedies I waa
very badly off. Every twoweekal waa
troubled with flowing spells which
made me very weak, fhadtwooftha
best doctors, but they did not seem to
help me. They said my trouble waa
caused frtm weakness and waa noth
ing to worry about. I felt tired all the
time; had no ambition I waa growing
worse all the time until I began the
use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I am now able to help
about tbe house, and am much im
proved in health." Mas. A. Waluu,
Calllcooo Depot, N. Y.
A O. tT. W, meets ever Saturday
evening In the A. O. V. W. Templa -tii-o.
K. I'aliff. amelarr.
Kebekahs Willamette Itobekah hxlgv
No S moots second and fourth Krily oi
each month at I. O.O. K. Temple -Margaret
Williams -rotary.
Court Kohlll HiMstl No. t, KoriHiteia of
America, mets tlrat and third Friday la
the month In Kd Men's Hall. W, H.
8 1 a if ord awrt-taryj K. T. itogvra, chlol
Clackamas Chapter No. 3, II. A. M.,
mta on tha third Monday' 4
month in Maaoulc llall.-M. Hotlack,
Piomvr Chapter No. . O. K. S. meets
tha second and fonrth Tura-lava lnea k
month at Maaonlo llall.-M use Jennie
Kowen, secretary.
Oregon llg 3. I -1- - "- mr,',,
ev.ry Thurlay In IVI.I Kalloae' llall.
T. K. Kyan, secretary.
Kails Kmampmenl N. 4. 1. O O F.
meeia fir.t an.i thlrl Tueadev In each
month. J. A. Stuart, socrelary.
Order of I'.tiil mls ev.rv M.m.lsv
nUhl at lledmen's hall. Ila. t ounwlof.
S. rl. ori.ur; Mr., alay Taylor -riary.
Kedmen Wai heno Trlca No. 13. Inn.
O. K. M , meeta Saturvlajr avenmg 7
at Kl Men s IU1I.-N. M Moody, C.
of K. i Chaa. V. Kelly, fachein.
Multnomah Ixxlk'e No , A. F. A. M.,
meets ft ral and third Saturdaya in each
month at Maaoiuo Hall. T. . Kyan,
Mead Kclii f Corpa No l. mets at
Willamette UH the first Monday In
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
tl.iri Monday ia every month at 7;30
o'rlot k p. m. The Aniiliary mets at
the Armory building the lat and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clork p.
in. Mra. Kosina r'ouU, prraidenL Mrs.
Mary L. itfsdh'y, secretarr.
t'nited Artiaana meot every Thunalsy
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hall. The aoclal meeting of thla order
ia second Thumrsy of each month. K.
II. Cooper, secretary, M. llollatk M. A.
Willamette Falls Camp No 141. W. O.
W. meeta lat aud 3rd Fridaie lo tha
Willamette Hall.-C. C, Sol. S. Walker
and clerk U. Olds.
Ine Pins IxUe, No. 63, A. K. A A.
M lta, Or., meHs on the ecoed
haturday in eai-h month from the 1st ot
May to lat of November at 3 p. m. and
from 1st of November U) lat of May at
10 a. in. Geo. C. Armstrong, r-eo.
Catholic Knlgl.U of America St. John's
Rianch No. 017, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M . meets la
Red Men's Hall, on asvond and fonrth
Weilneiwlays U. If. Ihstt, rtHrd
tjregon City Camp, No. fK M lrrn
W'oolmenof Amern a meets every coud
arid fourth Tuelay In the month, at
Willamette Hall. U. liroeaenbsu-hrr,
Meade Poat No. 3, (i. A. H. meets
nmt Mondav evening In earh month at
Wilamelte ilall.-J. it. Williams. Com.
Lawton Command No. 1, of Oregon
Union Veterans Union meets won l hat-
ordar 1 P. m. in Itt-linan'a hall and t
foil rlli Saturday at 7 p. in. in T. r . Cow
T Car rn.llallaa for'.
Take fltsr.reu Catxl r'alharlle, toe or 9.
ItCCC fall to cur. drusia rrfuaU noecf.
At lied Time.
I take a pleasant herb drink, the neit
morning I feel bright and mycomples
Ion is better. My doctor says it a U
gently on the stomach, liver and kindeys,
and ia a pleasant laxative. It is ma le
from herbs, and ia prepared as easily as
tea. It is called line's Medicine. All
drugglata sell It at L''c and M cu
Lane's Family Mmiine moves the
bowels each day. If you cannot get it,
send for a free sample. Address, Orator
F. Wocdward. Lr Koy, N Y.
PorlUnd and K ailde SM-rll.
Beginning Saturday June :!0tli and
every Satur.lay thereaftfr thn Aatoria
A Columbia Hiver Hailrjad ('o. will run
Portland and Seaside special to leave
Portland at 2 .10 p. m. and run through
direct without transfer, arriving at Sea
side at 5 :50 p. m. and niturnihg leave
Seaside Sunday at 5 :0O p. in. and arrive
at Portland atiMO p. m.
TheUleat Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer bills this now
yarn: I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take
cold easily and a few doses of the Bal
sa rn always makes me a well man.
Kverywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take hold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I take cold. At druggists, 2.rx: and
For Mr-i&.
One lot and two houses on Monroe
street between Sixth and Seventh streets
Oregon City. Houses constantly rented
at $7 per month esch.
Dimes: A Kastiiam,
Oregon City.
Mothers endorse It, children like it,
old folks use it. We refer to One Min
ute Cough Cure. It will quickly euro all
ttiroat and lung troubles.
Goo. A. Harding.
Persons knowing themselves indebted
to this paper are requested to pay up, as
a paper cannot be run on promises.
Don't take the paper out of the post-
office for a number of years and then
talk about ordering it stopped when you
are called on to pay. The longer you
wait, tbe Larder it is to pay.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Cohls
and Consumption! naml through the
world for half a renlury, has rurml In
numershle raaea of Incipient consumpti
on ami relieved many Inadvam ed slagea.
If you are not satlslle.1 ltli (he rr.uHs
ill refund your inonrv. Price L'A
rts., an d.Vlcts.andll.OO. C. (I.Hniilley,
tha lriiyglsl.
Ilvstfur Hie llesirls.
No matte' what alls toil, headache lo
a cancer, you sill never gl II ""'H
your lioaels are put right, CAnOA
KKTS help nature, cure you althoul a
gripe or pain, prwliu-e easy natural
movements, cls you Just 10 rents lo
start gulling yo4ir haa.tli ha. k, CAH.
AKCLTS (,'aidy Cslhsilic. tha gfiiultte,
put up In metal boane, every tablet baa
0. C. C. staunwd on L Heaare of
Sketil (lrk, Atteallow!
The n reglsisrs bave trn falvel
at this oltVe aud are now ready for die
Intuition. It would be a material saving
of ripens If tlerks Mould call for Ihein
I tha olhYe. As the reMMt for the cur
rent Vrac III hava lo tw made up troin
this new register, It Is msmiiUsI that It
U In the handa of laat heis at the begin
ning of (he fall term
J. C. .issaa,
HuMrliiUndnt of H hoots.
Caailf CalbattW, ur. joallpalloa u.i.e,
k, at. HC.UC.fall.ilruiaiar.a4BHi
naar Is HU4 Use.
Clean blood ttw.as a rlraa akia. Nil
bvauty without It. I aare. taaJ talkar
tie tin your blood and ki' ll rU.n, l
stirring up Ihs Uty lir and drivini aU ho
turitir I rum the budr. Ikrtfia today lo
bam.h pimplra, toils, tlol. t, black !!.
and that an kly bilious eompl.itua lr laklna
I'sK-aret.. t-eauly (or la rnla. All drug
giala, satiafartma (uarantcrd, lor, ile, o.
HICK lint)llUKt.
The rurae of overwork! womankind
are quickly and surely cur!, by Ka't's
Clover Hoot Tea, the great blo.l purifier
and tiaaue builder. Mony rtVundo.J if
not aaltafertory. I'M. T rts., and M
eta. C O llunlUy, the iHUfgiat.
Prjlnu; irrprnllna aimply d.l.
op dry caUrtb i tliy dry up the ftM-fetiui.a,
which al)irr to tha niruil'fatkO and drum.
oa,rsmiii(af r tnorrf u. U'"il.l.tli
Iti. unliuory frri ctf ralarih. A tol l ail dry
In If latulanls, I ut, an-okr and aottCTs
aud u IU-.1 w L . . U rlrai i. kh.iUs a4
hrala. He r ts W:a i st'i a ri-!y
and will rr c .r t-' I li Ilia 11
ly and !!-. if ul s ; wid l
I f..r I'Jr. 4, A 1 d-i;;'i.lss.U lU,
loo. au, J 'y I.fvt .e . airu ht , N. T.
lie IL.iiu i .r a i'l o..l ain, ib bj
ImUto or rn .o Ing. Il S.fiU lllf
or an Imt .id and anry tirf.-, rUeT.
Inx iiuiuthaUly the painful Inflanimatli'ti.
With Hj's 1 rram lUlm yoa are armed
against N aaol Catarrh aud 11 Fever.
Ojp. Huntley'i Drug Htore,
Great Jlritain and America.
r Candles
Wkln Im l44,Mavk
lo ll. IihI Ik (
" Iff aoarff M t h fWf F..ff
S"l iM Imm l MlM)V A l
rHhi( VIII ml,.hl MM la Ik
-i in I r..L
!.. 4l.a Tn 4wtll.a
4I fn lk . m4 ik
' -1 . ' .H-
' au4 Ik mt 4ll. liki L.
aTAasMa an. a.
a4 nl4 nrkrm.
mm mniVm
' n - .---ttlli m -. "V j
lfws llk rn vkxaw f. .iia.. u
ft..tsllll.Ub.k.Ml. aseT
HIM ia. blv4. -
Do You
Know tho News
You ran have It all for
50C at
In the Mailing Telegrsm, of i'lrt. il
land. Oregon, ll Is ih lui
evening newar publish! a i.
Oragiii ; ll roiitaina all Ida m. f
of the Mate and of the NVu. t.
Try II for a inonili. a asmpif ,
riy will la mallei to you tr, f
Add raws 'f
The Telegram,
Portland, Or. t
UvWjr, Krml anl Hale Hull
um'atid tirwiia- tui laitx.i tn
Double auJ Hiiile UIgs, anJ aaj
dlehoraM always on hand it fj
lowest rlcw. A Corral I cotiurcteaj
willi the barn for lixtae gUick.
Infortnatioa regarding any kind at
stork ronptly attended lo by parage) aj
Horses Oourht and told.
IIore loarUd and Fed on
able terms.
llaajeal swajs.
franr and Exjf e,
Freight and jiarcrU delivered
u all part of the city.
Dyspepsia Cure
Dincsts what you eat.
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itrucllng th eihaustrd digestive or
gana. It Is tha iatialdlaroyrred digest
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Flftiuli-nco, Hour btoniarh, Nauca.
Mirk Ilcadaclie.()astralgla.Cramps and
allotlMjrrcaultaof Impcrfrctdig'tlfo
Price Irtr. and It. Ur alsaciKitalna4 Ubv)
stnall.lM. lt,k all aUiut U trtsU rwOUJ rrJ
Praportd by t C. Da WITT CO . CMcotf
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lB-M(l l.,I.I- i
Slate Normal School,
Monmouth, Oreson.
Pall Irrm opens 5eplrtnlirr tHtll.
The studruts of the Normal School sre
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trated catalogue. It ia free
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