OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900. M 'iivr.fi.vj mm.. K.lH'Irlr Idixl ( be KxIcihIi d liCmi". null mill IVihup Hrtunin. Jihtiin Meldruni lie-fan Ilm survey (or i motor line Irunt Orcjioii Lily toCensmah Ut Tin'N'Uy, end the i'"'iilruriji of he track will have lo hetflu In ilm lui iiiKilUt future or tlia franchise will l. (Welted. Hm right of y for this nw linn s K''ilol by Ilm county commls ahumr lu (1. ('. Field, lfnllit maneger jr Ilm J'aal Railway Company, on ilm nil iy July, iHiKi, roiinwinii ! tlit iMtiUi'g rUiiMia inl conditions id lhafrriflil! ('ranlln Maiiaa, "(j . C. Field and lil lulr ami bmIkiii In ami ere hereby granlm! Iho full prlvb nka and rljjlit lor ami durititf Ida nn of t ynail from llii Drat day o July, A, I. w, oritialriict, inalnlalii and orat , lr(l f ilouliln lrai k railroad ol Iron ,i alcel, with necnaaary turnout, turn taMea ami e lichee; end In rmil Kilr kii atreU'll Wlrn thnfwjll, fir the pur- ., mi i ( tranniiilltiuK power anl current iivrr Ilia eauie ; said lino la alao permitted o nigral IIiMUkIi Main alrncl to Ilia tnaii ul 1'anpitiiili lrin Ilia nor tli i tlia a tli boundary linee thereof, for tlia pulp" b( lraliaMili paaaeiiKioa, In fill ami exprene; witli prlvilrtfn to i . tl.o caia wild tintwHi, vl(H irlt'lly, i piif .l trui, or other le ; ami lili Ida privlleKs of collecting (are each j ii 1. 1 lu Mi pel 5 rrnta for each pa-H-nifpr In una continuous paaaaga lt" lapin !) tormlual (Milnta mentioned." t'uHdllloMt. "t'H,n tNiii.titiuii ilial at leaal una tin I ul ali rail ay aliall tie completed end In uralUni by tla Ul day ol l cniilr, lisst, ami II (r any iiin ilia hole Una doernhed it ho fmiahed and In operation wlihlii the tlma ateled, li t i lk'lita granted li'rln, over thti.utirlul-died part, shall forfeited ami of tio fftVI. Cars shall run ovr 'aaid railway after p.inlwr J, li, at loal aa fn-jurhtly as once atetv 'M mlnutr from 0 o'clock a. in. until 7 ..K) o'clock p. in. ant Ibere allnr at laaal once an hour until 10 ,J0 p. ui. of reb day." A viorou prolrtt was ma'lo by Ilia Southern J 'an lie Railroad l-nipanr, ei-klng Ilia county comiuiiwlonere to ant iila llipir former urder grentmn Ilia fraiirlila. Tliplr prayrr wa rvfuaml aii'l oiilcr ruiiflruipil. Tdla iipw apirmof railway rumpra lini'la a larifrr iiiiniiivrd! ai-o tlian wmiM l a"fp.lilpj it ty Ilia raaual ol arvar. It will, lu a rmilratila aitriil, . ( k ilm Una of frolM lwla Irom paaa Irtat lliruittli Ihalurka, aa rtiiincrtlona CouM I tna. to al I'atinmali with Ida vWlrlc rar, anil Ida M irnla rr Uq l-a aava l. Il It llmtinlil Itilt woul l mluoi Irtlg-lil ralea lu null an ritf nl that Ilia tulk of Ilm trafllc woiil.l aa ovrr t li la) ruuta, ami thai Ilia amall Ifti'glil lMata l)li.g up ami down tlm Yamliill river ltarrn lpra and Mi Mmnvl'lir would alio taV adrantagn ol tlila clianit". Tlia Una may alao i-ilptid to Mar'iatn, wlilrli la atioui 'ii iiillm anuthwrat. ur.n is i a rK tkahii:un. larplnhnj fcwy Wrrk by tha ( larka ma Abalrirt Trat rawpaay. A M llnpn lu M It Mortonaati, JO.tfl arc H, rt I, 1 M Young lo C Kuatcr, UK) a acc 3I.7t.St I.W J A Taylor to It dnSUirr :.T!.tUI a N J Unib claim l.& A llamor to C Jana, 3 78 Crow rlalm Willauii lla Falla Co to S N Hat- iiiumoii, lota I and 2, tlk , W Kail. 1 W A Wlilta to W Kaatltain. blk 16, ()rPKm City 2,01)0 T I. ('barman lo I' St'hnorr, lot 1, 1,1 k .1. Vt.l vim 200 N J lU atin to J li lipwlla, lot 8, blk II, Iti-allo't add 1 (' li CanUr lo (1 W Waldrtm, 1 l!ra Kialmr claim 2'0 C U Tliompaon to r'lod Mytrt.H) a riiniuiiaon claim 3,1)00 f h loll V Hunt. nat4'and lolt I and 2. at e 2, 4 , 5 Ilit C Jolinaluu lo M II John- inn. Hi) a Kimlpr claim l'O f K Joliiihlim to aamo, aamo M0 Milit to aamn, namo M It W Jobiiaton to aaina, tmo W 1) I .Inl.ii.l.m to aamn. aamn 100 M t. Jolmcton to mhi, nm 250 tli, J H and K llartiuau to K M Iliittinan, 1 a Allun claim '. 1W A Kiti hlon to K Kandol.l), 1(X) a MiiliiMin claim MIH 0 W KiiHtliam to V A Vlilto,"0.10 W..1. I, claim w TUB CI.ACKAM AH A HSTH ACT Tltl'MT CO. are llio ownr of tlia copy riL'lit in Uli TlmriiH nvHtoni of aliNlraut Indi-xM, fur Cluckamat county, and liavt t'ii only comploto ant of abatracta in me County, can furnlnli Information at to titlci to uni t onct on application, l-naiia, liivHtmoiitn,riml t'Htiito, abalracti et. Ulllte over Hunk of Uruuon City. Call and InvoatlKuto. Addrtoi box 077 Ornunn City Oregon. A rondcr Mill K plosion Iti'Movc evpiytliltiK in ,iK,,t J (' uruHlio mineral pllln, but botb ro mlKldy liuigorotiH. Don't dyiiBinit" tl" tli'li'"1' imi:liimry of your body witli calomol, futon oil or aloes pllln, when Dr. King't Knw Life I'illa, w bleb aro Kftitlo h a luimmor breoxn, do tli work iirfictly. urea Headache, Cuiitttiputiuit . Only oc. For tale by Goo. A. Harding. TKAI IIKKS KXAXIMTI0.1. (Vrllflralea (.'raiitid In (luckamav (tiiint;, AukunI, 11100. riMr iimaiik, Mla Laura Tlminpaon, Tualatin Mlaa Aura Thouipaoii, Ktaironl Mr. Flmabolli Itui k, Ori ioni City .'. 1". Mltla, Nm-ily J. (i, N'Nt, Needy MIm Mary L. Young, Mllwauklo aacoNii oh Aim, I'uinia Klelnimllh, Clarkna Minnie Wltiteruiantla, Canby I.. Marijuaiu, Maruain Myille Cornelt, Hprlngwater KvaT'Mld, Hubbard Inei It. TbompMin, Hlaflord Kmma Hemming, l'an Manila Adam, Oregon Clly Mary MorniM l.uli, Om'Koii Clly Maude Htotin, Itndlaiid lienrira Murdo k, Markalmrg Anna Th.impaon, Tualatin Hlella Humner, liunuyaldn lu Albea, Oregon Clly THIN!) IAI., Mary Xva, I'orllalid Katnlla V. lUi'bay, I'.arlon Frank It. iVleraoii, M inilor ('. K. Moblpr, Hunnyalde Anna lt bman, ('lackaina lltilini Murray, Wllaonvllla Cor II. Moore, Orrgon Clly Myrtle (on, Itpavrr Crei k (iiaia Mill"r, Oregon City Anna 'I. eimltb, Oregon City (Not of ago) Mary Andrew, Ortgon Clly Ithoda Newkuk, I'aikplaie Ada I'!. Teal, I'ortland Mary Jonaa, Carua I'alay McAnully, Orrgon Cly Hnlen W, (ileaaoli, Orrg in City tiuaala Maddork, Oregon City Lillian liana, Oiwrgo Ina V. Itrown, I'ortland Hauil 1'ilibury, Orrgon City Kva H. Mnldrum, Orrgon City Tom a Irkitia, Mar'tiam Ollvt M. Mlaamoie, I'ortland raiMAktr rkhTiriiATK. Majorla Caouvld, Oregon City Nriiio WaMpU. Orrgon Clly Yr.U Knlgbl, Canby Vava Kniglit, Canry 1'ruba'e ('art. In Ilia ma'.ur of (be oaiata U 1'clly (julnn, iImtinkI, It la ordirel that ibe Ixtmlof C. W. Jurt, ailuilulvtrator ol aaldeite, be In all rrepecli approvvl In the matur of the eatala of Nina (fare,K.vpyn Ituryla and Yern 1 Force, uilnoraof J. K. I Korea, dm-taard, It waa ordered Ibal the it'll of kin of tld minora and all pvraoiia Imeraatnd In aaid aatala appear on lha llHb day of Srpti-mUr, and how ramwi why an order about I not ba mada lu all the real property belonging to ald eatate. In Ibt matter of the ealate ri Fred- erii k Kllnger, de,eael, It wat ordured (bat J. W. ;nUli, adminliitrator of aaid aatala, be author Iwvl to aell on approved eerurltlea, 44 15 arrea of aaid eatate. In the mailer tA the guardiatiablp of F.'aie and I'dgar Make, minor I ap proved and that U n filling certain re crlpla guardian be discharged and bond, men relreead. . In the matter ol the eatata ol Ilenja mln llendrltkaon. decraaa-l, It I ordered that George Iiell, M. Ilalnet and W. Wilchail are appointed a;pritera of aaid eatate In the matter of the eitatt of Matilda I. Holt, deceaaed, It la ordered thai C. M. Idleman within 10 day file a detailed atatrmeiit of receipt and expenditurea ma la by him at executor of aaid eatate, tgvther with the kind and nature and condition of aaid tolate at the lime of na removal a executor of the will ol aaid deceased; alao a ttateuienl allowing the nature, amount and condition of all property of aaid eatate now In Ida care and ciiKtody. Item. 8txvnii. In Oregon City, Angualll, I'.kk), to Mr. and Mr. Ilarley btcvwna, jr, twin Uiya. CoiunihiduntTa' Court. The contract fur 50 cord of fir wood for the courlbouao waa awarden to V. 8. K iillT. In the matter of the tnlt of C. H. Muore v. Claikamaa county, It wat of dcred that the tame Ui taken to the lu preme court, and that C. P. & I. C. La tourette be employed anattorneyt for the county. In the matter of bid for county phy alcian. bid of I'owcll A Norria, C. S. Sea man, K. A. fomer and V. K. Carll were oHnen and coiiKidervd, and the contract awarded lo Powell A Norria. I.onL KninnwhiTo In this city. Masonic watch charm. Hold crona emblem with figure ..' Inacrlbed In trlungle. Under wdl be aiiltahly rewarded by leaving same at Knterpriee ollb'e. VolltlllC FlUptll'UH. Are grand, but Skin Kruptiont rob life of Joy. Ilucklein'a Arnica Halve, cures them j bIho old. running and fever aoret, nicer, IioIIb, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds chapped bands, chilblains, best pile euro on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by 0 oo. A. Harding, druggist. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. A HERO OF THE MINE. It lllibad Ilia Mr ( Saa That ! Kallnrr Wirlmiii, Ileber rranklln, a young maa eia filuyud at Hit Ch ar Crei-k mine, la at uiiich a hero aa any man who ever brnved ilea III on Iho battlefield. Frauk II ii sought not glory, but to save a hu man life. There waa a lire In the mint. The men were lulled out. Then the were about lo shut off the air In order to atop (he Dnruea, when It wn leannl that a lone miner wn working deep lu the mine, beyond the point where the Pre started and waa then raging with growing alrength. Here la the story of the auhaeui-nt events: Foreman Thomas Immediately called for roluuteera to go with him Into the mine to reacue the man. Keveral at tempt were made by different one, but they were drlveu bark by the flames, and the cry of "Powder!" coumihI a hasty retreat. Finally Heber Franklin, a young man whoa work keep him on the ootalde, aaid, "I will go." And accompanying Foreman Thomaa he preaM-d va through the fire and found the man working away lamping a hole, entire ly uucoiiarlotis of tlia danger threaten ing hllll. They ailieei4 lu gettlujr out of tlia mine aafely, when "io fuo waa shut off and the dip cloal up. Tho rem ne waa bit act of great bravery ou the part of Franklin, aa hi work kept Mm ou the irutalde and he onaciiualuled with the exact lay of the land Inside, and the danger of uffora lion from black damp was great, lie waa the only man of the runny stand ing by w hoaa nerve did not !rert hltu. It la staled upoti gl authority that ten mluutra uiore of lost time would have rraulted lu the death of Hie miui-r w ho waa at work and potmlbly a great toaa to the company, a the supply of Ir could nut la rut off w hlla there wat any hoM of rescue, and this would have tembxl to fwd the fiauiee. Kali Lake Herald. K.wal I Iba 0ala- People do not often make the mis take of giving too much. A certain woman who ut long ago entered a Glasgow church was an exception to tint rul at least she thought so. fth pmwd the Collection IkjX at the door and drop-d In alXM-nr. Then she took her ai-st In the church and waited until the preacher appeared. To her disappointment the offlelat lug minister waa not the Dr. II. whom aho had come to hear. On Inquiry she fouud that she had entered the wrong church. It was not yet too late to bear the preacher of her choir, but the six penra was another matter. To leave It In the box would be clear lose. The woman was ejual to the occasion. Slowly di-arendlug the gallery stair, aho requested her sixpence back and received It from the officiating elder. Youth's Companion. Saaplelaaa. Mis Matilda tiuowflake tat at the piano and sang "All I Wants It Ma ni:keur .eke Osrklelsh. who had paid a nocturnal visit to Miss Rnowflake'e pa pa'a henroost the week licfore. squirm ed uneasily lo hi seat and Dually "ask ed In anxious tones: "la-1 dey aoythlug pussonal Intend ed In dat song. MIss'Matlldar-llalll-more American. Oregon t ltr .Market Keport. (Corrected weekly.) WheatNo. 1,4 cte, No. 2, 44 ct No. 3, 41 eta per bushel. Flour Portland, 1.1.05; Howard'! IWI, f:i,10 ; Fisher's Heat, f 2.00. Oata In sacks, white, 30 :enta per bushel, gray, 30. Millsluffs IUan, $14.50 per ton shorts, tld.OO per ton. Potato AO lo 75 ct ier sack. Eggs, lfl to 18 ct per doxen. flutter Kanch, ftOcenla Hr roll. Onions, tl.1'5 to fl 51 per rack. Ureen apples, S5 to 50 cent per box dried 8'J cts per pound. Livestock and Pressed Meats Reef, live, :( to 3'c; bogs, live, 5 cts; howl dressed, 5' to 0 cents; thecp, 13 per head ; veal, dressed 8 to 8So. TO I' Ml MOTHERS. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonising and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough ami Consumption Cure acta like maglu In cases of Croup. It has never lien known to fail. The wont cases relieved Immediately. Trice, 25 cts. 60cte. and $1.00. C. . Huntley, the Druggist. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, OIEOOISr Cpt.,ih,f 17 tO 22, C)00 - istsl IHirircr and Ucltcr Than Ever liefore t rounds greatly impioved, buildings repaired and reno vated, all stock buildings thoroughly disinfected every thing In first class condition for the largest and best LIVESTOCK SHOW AND AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION KVKK ON Till COAST. $20,000 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES Good racing every afternoon. Music and fun at night. AUCTION SALE OF LIVK STOJK will be made a leading feature. All live Btoek and other exhibits hauled FREE over the Southern Pacitlu rail road. Rodueed pastenger rates on all railroads. For premium list and other Information, address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, W. 11. WEUKUNli, Pres., Ilillsburo, Or. I'ortland, Or. SOCIETY KLEPTOMANIAC3. riiar I'arlola artlrlra nl Vlrfa rraa Ihr llomra af Ofllrlal. One of the hading Jewelers of the rnplliil wnt inuiewhut tnii-n ahnk one day, ssys a Vnshlfigton paper, by re ceiving from (he wife of a high olll'-lal an order for half a doin gold nail with a Jewel In the head of each and a Cur.fU small gold chains. He Inquired Ihii uses to which the nails were to be put, when his patron said: "You see, I have a number of very vshmhle ohji'cts of art, which, al though they are very expensive, art very small and easily handled. Aa the wlfu of an oir.i lul of the government, I an ohllgrd to open my house during the season to the constituent of my hushnud and the Washington curiosity seeking public in general. On my re ception lny, therefore, my house la crowded with all aorta of people, and last winter I tuffcred the loss of sev eral of Hi most valuable treasures. "I have long hevu try lug to devise aome plan by which I can keep in ohjitta of ait outside of rny cablneta and yet not have them stolen, for that It the rmly word I can use In regard to the Ions of my treasures. 1 have concluded thai I must either nail down some of the brtc a hrac or chain It se curely to the table, and hence I am go ing lo try this remedy. That la why I want Hies nulls and chains." This woman's predicament Is not an unusual one In Washington official rir rles. The kleptomaniacs who commit the most BKgravait-d depredations are for the uioat part well known leaders In society. One winter social circlet In Wash ington wert greatly bewildered and shocked by the doings of ont of the U-st known women in official circles. A numlx-r of hontessea began to mist valuable dollies from their dinner ta bles after they had given luncheooa or dinners, and finally several of them got together and compared noire, and sus picion fell upon one of the women who had been the guest at luncheooa given by those gathered at the confer ence. Finally the wife of a prominent dip lomat determined to stop the raid upn Oi dolllea, and at the next luncbeoD she seaU-d the suapecled kleptomaniac next to her. When the dollies were brought oft. she watched her guest and discovered that the latter laid her doily oo the tahle and, careleaaly dropping her handkerchief over It. picked up both. The boati-ss. In a most charming i mauuer. turned to ber guest and tald: "Pardon lue, my dear Mr. but I am afraid you have my most ex quisite dolly In your handkerchief. It la so One I am afraid It will be crush ed and therefore call your attention to your luadvertence In taking It up with your handkerchief." The guest was not In the least abash ed, and with a laugh ahe shook out ber handkerchief, and the dolly fell back on the table, whereupon she exclalmed: "Why. dear me. so I have! How very careless of Ue!" There were significant glances a' I around the tahle. but no more dolll wre lost during that scasox DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Cldnej Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who readj the news papers U sure to know oi ine wonaenui cures maae oy ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver I and bladder remedy. It la the great medl- rS cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered alter years of Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent money ana c un der specialist, and la wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Dright's Disease, which Is the worst form ol kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer t Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladJer trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so msny ways, In hospital work. In private practice, among lha helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a 1 . k. 1 1 1 unl f ... ku m . Il a a kyk PAiupiQ mjiiiQ Kill 1 1 1 v. vj ni"'., m m vwn wiling more aooui awamp-rcooi ana now io find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and tend your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co..Blng hamton, N. Y. The rerular fifty cent, and Hnof smp-Rooi. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. II jj v- Ml Ills Life Was Raved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent cltixm of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of It be says; "I was taken with Typhoid Feyer, that ran into Pneumonia Mylunut became hardened. I was so wesk I coul'Icnt even tit up In lied, Nothing belfied me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I besrd of Lr, King's New Discovery. One Wtle gsve great relief. I continued Ut usn it, and now am well and strong, I csn't ssy too much In Its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure In the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sixes M) cents and 11.00. Trial Wile free at Geo. A, Hsrding'a Drug Hlore; every bollle guaranteed. A Minister's Good Adtlce. "I bad a severe attack of bilious rolic, got a bottle of Chsmberlsln'sColie, Chol era and Diarrhoe Itemedy, took two dose and was entirely cored," says Ilev. A. A. Powers, of F.iriofia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street waa sick for over a week, had two or three bottle of medicine from the doctor. He nsed them for three or four dsys without re lief, then called in another doctor who treated him for tome dsyt and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to tee blin the next morning. He aaid liia bowels were in a terrible fix, thst Ibey bsve been running off so long thst it wst almost bloody flux. I asked him if be bad tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and be sslii. 'No.' I went borne and brought him my bottle and gave hi in one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if be did not find re lief, bat lie took no more and was en tirely curd." For sale by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. BAD BLOOD "rsaoaxtrra ii rial rr u- a4 mn a uoif vm4rrul dmC;cio- laavaoltca ,,b-4 (or a BiadiriM pMuol lo ukt ana at UK S. ruaoa II la O-rarau. hior uo( Ib-ia. biijoa lu cmd poriOd aDd wj cvapivnua bM ln arataS 'na.rfuilr anil I frvl aiarb bir In rr P1aiit. tltaM Pnwnt. Tax OoM. Pe Qaot.'Sttrt Kirua. Wnkrn.or Grip. KcXAiba. M. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... nm. Mmurnt, M tui SI Mm Bit Snis awl tT7-nntMl b all mf IUOAW(itui i ists: rxoQO iiatuu fi PATENTS DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS ASBC0PTRIUHU OBIAISED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY FREE Notice to " tormina A ' Book "UowtoobUtD faurota ' Ctargv modem t. No fr till patent U reared Lrttrr tnniT conntlrnuil. Aanrraa, E. fi. SIGCERS. PstrM Lawttr. Wathiajtos. 0. C Oregon hcrt Line The Direct Bonte to Montana. Utah, Coloradu and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via Iho UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. No Change of Cars. on the Portland-Chicago Special, "the best In the West." Equipped with Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (meals a la carte) Free Reclining Chair Cars. Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled For further information, apply to J. R. N'AGAL W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent 14a Third St. Portland. Or. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast ami com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St, EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Trsins Irsr Or-iron City for I'ortlsnd snd wsy stations st A. M. and i);(XI V. M. l.v I'ort'vid 8;Wa 7:'ir. I.v (irenori City f X-' AH 1 :fl r A r A lilarirl 12 .13 A M II A at Hacramanto t(r :.'Ia " fan rranriaco 7:15 r a 8 ill AH ' Og'lrn a m II 4 1 A M " Iienver " A M fM A M " Kama City 7 :Z' am MH " tbicano 7:4.'. A M :.ASI " AnKle " Kl l'a-o Fort Worth " City of Muxico '" lloUDlOII " Naw Orlsn " WaahlnrUm " New Yorx 1 :'JI r M fl Mi t M A ,.W a M 0:M A 4 :) A M 8:r r M 1:42 r 12:43 rs 7:00 a U Ml t M fl .10 A M 1 A M 4 :00 A fl:25 t H 0:12 M 12 it r Pullrnsn snd Tourist ears on both trains. Chair ears Hsrrsmento to K'len and El Pao, ami Uiurlil rari to Cblcago, Ht. Ixiuls, New (rlean and Weablnrton. Connection at Han Kranelncn with -rveral icaniihlpllr.n lor Honolulu, Japan, China, rbiliipiris, Central and bou'b Amrr!.. He Mr. K. K. HKinsn.er arnt at Or-on City station or addre R. KftKIILEK, O. H.MARKHAM. XsnsKer, F. & P. Agent. I'ortlsnd, Oregon FOR CLATSKAN1E Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington atreet Mon days and Thursdays at 6 a. m. Return ing leaves Clatskaoie on Tuetdayt and Fridays at 4 o'clock a. m. This it the nearett and most direct route to the great Nebalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co ML Israr TIM 8CHr.JjCltS Aasive Chles go- ij.tt Ike. Denver. Ft . Portland Worth.Omaha.Ken- P-" f fecial Mt t-ltr tt. Louis. 9:16 a. m C'liicago and Et. Hrk.n. s" l-k'. Denver. Ft. Brvokane Mortli.Oinal.a.Kan- 7 a.m. sa Cio.St. Louis. bp,n1, C'liicago and EiM. Atlantic Walla Walls. Lewis Express ton, Spokane. Min- a.m. 9 p.m. nea,MIts. 81. Paul. 8 wa-m Duluth, Milaaukee. t'lncano and East. Oeeaa Steaauhlpt I P- All Sailing date, tub- ' P- in ject to change. 'For -an Franciaco Sail every 5 days Daily Ex '. " Sunday. Colombia giver P- m. y p etaamers Ex. Bun Saturday To Aa'oria a. d W. day. 10 p.m. r ar- Willamette River 6a. m. Ex. Oregon Cue. hewberg. P- "U Sunday Salem, Indtpen tx.;un deuce and Way Landings. Ta-rn. WlllamettesBdYsmhlil 3J0p.m, Turn, Thnr Rivers Mn. Wad. andea-. Orrgon Cit, Partoa. andFri. anil WijXanan ir. t a. m, Willamette Elvrr 4:i p m. Tue-.Th::r. rort:nil to Coivalllk Tua.lhor, anlta:. anJ Way-Unduaa aud Sat. Usve Snake Elver Leave Riparis Riparia to Lawiiton Lewiston 3:3." a. m Daily Daily. 8:30 a. ru. W. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. SCHEDULES OF TIME SOUTHERN PACIFIC RiaWAI 80CTH B0CSD. Train No. 11 9 :?2 a. m. 4:5il p. m. 0:14 p. ui. 7 a. m. 9 :22 a. m. 5 :40 p. m .. .. 13 .1 13 NORTH BOUND. Train No. 10 " " 14 11 11 j.) POSTAL SCHEDULE. BY SOCTH KSN PACinC BA1LKOAU, Mail closes Koing North S :5i p id ,aml 7 :45 a m Mail closes goltiK South 8 52 a m and 7 'S1 p m SY BAST SIPS KLKCTRIC LI.NS. Msil closes for Portland and disiribiitini; points, li m. Mail closes for Milwatikie and Sellsood 9 a m. Mail arrnesfroM Portland 1:30 p m. BIDE BOtTES. Oregon CHv to Ely, Carus, Mullno. LUieral and Mollals leaves at 12 111, and arrives st 1 :.'W a m daily. Oregon City to Beaver Creek, Shuhel, Clark, Meadow Brouk, Cnlon Mills and Colton leaves st 8 a m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and returns on Iniiowing uav st 4;3." p m. Oregon City to Viols. Logsn and Redland leaves Oregon City Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p ru, leavins; Viola same davsat7am. Oregon City to Willamette, Staltord, Wilsonville and Oraeme arrives ut I0;30 a m and leaves at 11:30 a m dally. General delivery window in open on Sun day from 1U to 11 a m, All letters dropped into the box at the door is prom..iiy sent otrSundsy as on other days.