Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 10, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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tin roi sriL.
'il lu lu
IranMfl Xiirh
At an adjourned regular meeting of the
city council held last FriJay night th
lull.'.ng business . transact!:
Minutes of previous meeting read an J
K'l!y A Nohlitt were granteJ saloon
lirenee for the enduing year.
T. Lawrence wa granted portiiiMion
to uiin.e a ortioii ol Main anJ Sixlh
trer h while constructing the building
llir..'ing to II. C. Steven.
I'm minion was granted W.I. Utile
ti U' a portion of Seventh street a bile
xintructing a two-tory frame building.
T! -tition of f. F. Scripture et at
pray mg for the improvement of Fifteenth
ttrn i, between John A bra nJ Thomas
Je:l'. tvn street, to loaer the iJelk
. .. 1...-..I - til. ll.A afrU4t IhM
On 1 1 raillC ir . .t . ... i
. , , , 1 (
trve! lo le ermded and filled at the toot i
oftiiehiil to nuke an even grade to
T.iori J. :T. r.n ti-t. taid met to I
laid .th corduroy; m! 1 improvement
yi;i p'o'jably not exreed t' and. will
make the mt-t p.at.le duiin- the w ;n
t.-r month; w rvlerre'l lM-k to j-
a.:..n... Hitl. in.t ril.oion lliaf if thll'
' . , , ,,. . ... , ," i
eubr.'nta uK:cieiii lunn to complete i
... .. .i. ;i v., 1 1 1
eid improvement, the cottncil oulJi
orJ. r work done immediately. The pe-
l:t i.-n i ao-ompaniel by a u!'cription
it atfnvain y v Jfi' it of t-.W.
tr.-on City .Manufacturing Company
e-en -ermiion to place lurulier on '
Main street rjuricg the construction of
F...iu-e committee reporteJ favorably
vu lli aggregating li.
Ti e city recorder' rejHirt ehoaed 137
Lad Ken received lor license during the I
inoii'li of August. Keceived in cah on )
line and alley improvement for iinitx
mono, !A.0.
An ordinance a reaj for the fir ft
time and ord-red poblL-hed authorii ng
the purchase of not to exceed 31w) feet
of lim.'vr fortbe repair of Main street.
A for sexton of City cemetery re
ealte ! in the eelectioo of Charle Hiutn
over F, Wiiliatuaon by 4 to 3 votes.
The committee on fire and water wa
authorized to confer with water commie
iir'r regarding placicg two additional
bydrai.t on Fourth street. J
E. E Charman, Charles Albright and
Pr. Fowell were appointe-I a committee
to m-cure the loweet bid poeaible from any j
com: tent engineer for a survey ol the
CLatman road in the sooth end of the
Ccintnittee on streets and public prop
erty w authorized to contract with J.
II. Cunningham, of Portland, as engi
neer of the sewer system in district No.
2. Hi bid was 3 per cent of the actual
coet of the construction of the sewer,
while Engineer Kelly' offer was 00 daya
eervL-e for the euui of $300.
On motion, council adjourned.
City tonaril Will Arranxe Detail of
the Sewer Sjt'in.
During the latter part of this month
there will be a called meeting of the city
council. At this session all tbe final de
tails ot the big sewer system in district
Ho. 2 will be settled.
It id the intention of the council to em
ploy a competent engineer to survey the
district and superintend the construction
of the sewer. In addition, the services
of a local man ol good practical experi
ence w 11 be engaged to see that every
joint of pipe ia properly laid and that no
inferior or faulty material is used. Mayor
Latourette is desirous that the job shall
be accomplished in a thorough work
manlike manner and that those who first
opposed the project will perceive the ad
vantages of such a syHtem and become
convinced that it is a step forward.
J. H. Cunningham, of Portland, Is the
engineer who will be employed to super
intend the work, and he has offered his
services for 3 jr cent of the actual cot
of the .ewer. The cost is estimated to
be about $13,000, thereby making Cun
ningham's charges approximately f390.
The overseer will be paid $2 per day.
At this meeting the committee em
powered to confer with an engineer re
garding tlie cost of a preliminary survey
of the Charman road will submit its re
port. It is thought the survey can be
made for 100, and this amount the coun
cil is willing to appropriate lo order to
ascertain the ultimate cost of the con
struction of this road. It is a subject
that h is been before the city for yeare,
but linn is the first action that has yet
been Uken to obtain any definite statis
tics regarding its coat or per cent of
grade. It Is stated that if the thorough
fare can be built for a reasonable sum, it
will ni'-et with the approval of citizens
Oregon City Schools.
The board of directors of the Oregon
City whool district held a meeting Mon
day night for the purpose of electing two
teachers and transacting other business.
As a result, Professor Matthews, of Nah
cottu, Wash,, was elected principal of
tLe Kustham school, and Miss Myrtle
Taylor was chosen to fill the vacancy oc
casioned by tbe resignation of Miss Gert
rude Finley as teacher in the Barclay
echool to accept tiie priocipalsbip of the
school at St. Helens.
Tuh contract to supply the Eastham
school with 35 cords of wood at $2.25 per
cord and Barclay school with 55 cords at
the same rate wa let to the Oregon Fun)
nl Supply Company.
W. A. Huntley was awarded the con
tract for supplying the city schoole with
stationery for one year for the u.u of
Hale for Ike (ialdnaeeof the Head of
the Fire liepartweat.
The committee appointoJ by the fire
romniimnnn to tlrafl rule governing tlie
oilier of chief engineer of the Oregon City
fire department ha submit ted the fol
lowing leport:
Find Il shall U the duty of the chief
engineer to open and inspect ard oil all
fire hydrant ailhin id city at let
once each month.
Second It shall I hi duty to inievt
all li and hoe cert and other appa
ratus belonging to aij fire department
at leat once a month and ree that every
thing i in or ler and in it proper place
. '
I ThirJ-lt tlull le the duty of id
.i.: .1 . . ........ i -n ..I .....n,..!,
lJ -", ,m ' i
absence from a tire or failure to comply
: a itli any of the above rul-. he halt for
feit one month' aalary for each and
, every otTenee.
Fourth It ha!l be the dulr of (aid
chief to t-rfirm all the alove dnlii
aitli'Mit extra eipene to the city except
, ,
Ir. Hiram Straight and l h trap
I constitute the commitlee. and the report
will lie acted npon at the next meeting
i of tlie board of fife comrnlnaioner.
A Frightful Hluader.
Will often cauei- a horrible l?urn.SalJ,
(Cut or 1'vruii.e. Itucklen a Arnica Sa!ve,
the Wt in ihe world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cure Did Sores,
Fever Sores. I'l.-ers, Iloils. Felons,
Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best File
, cure on earth. Only '.' cts a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Uco. A. Harding
A Haod.ome S Ties f Stm and I r ful
California is the natural paridieof the
holiday maker. Its resource aw inex
haustible, its inviu'ion universal, and
its reort and attractions among tbe
nioet noted in the world.
The Southern Facinc Company pub
ishe descriptive literature containing
valuable information about all of them.
It i for free distribution and may be ob
tained from any Southern Pacific agent,
T. II. Goodman, General Pawenget
Agent at San Francift-o, C. II. Markbam
General Passenger Agent at Portland,
Oie. If you apply by mail incloee a
stamp for each publication.
"Keeorta and Attraction Along the
Coat Line" is a handeomely iilutratel
folder, giving a description of the health
and pleasure resorts on the roast between
San Francifco and Los Ang--le. !
"Shasta Resort," embellished with
beautiful half-tone engraving, describe
the scenic and outing attractions of tbe
vast and wonderful Shasta region, the
grandest of pleasure grounds.
"California South of Tehachapi" tells
all about the charms of that remarkably
favored semic-tropic garden spot, South
ern California.
A handsome map of California, com
plete in detail, reliable, skillfully in
dexed, and full of information about the
state's resources. It is tbe only publica
tion of its kind conveniently folded for
pocket nse.
"Summer Outings" is a 32-page folder
devoted to the camping retreats in the
Shasta Kegton and Santa Crnz Moun
tains. It appeals more directly to that
large and growing class of recreation
seekers who prefer this popular form of
"Pacific Grove" is the Chautauqua of
the West, and this folder not only de
scribes the pretty place itself, but gives
a program of the religious and educa
tional meetings, conventions, school,
etc. to be held there this summer.
Other publications are "Lake Tahoe,"
"Geysers and Lake County," "Yosem-
ite." "Hotel del Monte." "Castle
Crag," each brimful of information
about the places named, and printed in
tbe holiest style ot the art.
For .Sale.
The Achorn Place, near Damascus
One of the finest farms in Clackamas
county. Enquire of L. L. Porter.
Ordinance ."e
An ordinance authorizing the purchase
of not to exceed 31, 'XX) feet of lumber for
the repair of Main street.
The committee on streets and public prop
erty is hereby authorized and empowered
to purchase not to exceed 31,000 feetof lum
ber, said lumber to be used for the repair of
Main street, between Eleventh and Thir
teenth streets, In Oregon City.
Read Qrat time and ordered published at
a regular adjourned meeting of the city
council held August 3, l'JOO.
Bhccc C. Cubby, Recorder.
JKxerutrlx'a Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed ha heap appointed executrix of the
estate of Wilhelm Kabenow, deceased by
the county court of Clackamas county Or,
and all periong having claims against tbe
said estate .-oust present them to the under
signed duly verified at ber residence at
Damascus, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated, July 10, 1900.
Executrix of said estate.
Dimick & Eastham, attorneys
for Executrix.
Legal NoticcH.
bailee mt lllu t lew.
Notice I hereby given that I have aold
my interest in the tlim of Moore A low
ling to J. A. I.oalmg A Sm and, the llnu
of Mooie A IVialtng If diolved, to l
sucveeded hy J. A. IV)ling A Son. -I.
Milaaukie, Aug 9. UKH).
bailee im 'relltr.
Nolle I hereby Riven th' I hv been
appointed hy the oionly court of Hi Stale
Oregon, tor Clackamas county, tirenlor
ol in lat will
a tftian.i-nt ol t'liarlr
A 1 1' ik hi. itrvarx1. All l-erwon havlng
clai against the ratal id aid drear..!
j at. I P'ewnl lhm l nie pr.'perly vrrillnt at
the -llli-e of l U I'orler, In l'rron t tly, !
miti in all month tnini Hi .lata of Una I
l'.r.l, Oregon Oily. Ore., J'llv ?T I 1,
J.M l ll..sH UY,
Kieculor ot aald rtlat.
l U lVrier, atly.
bailee tm lrrlr
Scaled proposal al.lree.l tu 0. (I.
Ilutitiry, Oregon fi'y. t.rroe, or fumUlo
,i ... i . ....... . ... .. ... ...
PU"U," .., ..rrK..
i'uv, aill he receive.) by Ihe commliiee on
irrrliand putilio pruirly Until 2 o'cl.H k
p. in. on Ihe Mh day of AunU'l, I'.UI.
Th committee on (trret ainl puhlic
property reserw lb rlclit lo rrj-cl any or
I all bids.
0. il. Ilrxrist,
K. F. St iy.
0. W. Faai'Nii H,
Oregon City July ?!. 1 10,
abrrlOa hale.
In Ihe Circuit Court ol IheS'ate of tlreou
for Ihe Count) of CU. ktn...
E. F. Hiley. plainlitl.
W. II. ll.irk.-tiar.lt. Klla
Hnrgt.ar.ll ll. it John
n and i-.rg
ltrooghton. ilrfrii.lanla
State of Oregon, County ol Clackarnai, .
Hy virtu of a judgment or.lrr, ilecraa and
an ritvutioii, only i-nrd out ol and under
t'i ral of th above entilied cout. In Uie
Sov enlitl.-d ranae. lo n.e tlu!y ilirecletl
and dated the llrh day of July. Ami, Hain
a judgment rr'drrr. an t rni.rad In m l
ro-irton the '.'M 1y of March lai. in
lavor of K. F. Kdey. plaudit!, and ainl
W. H. Ilu'ghirdi. F. la Hiirghantl 11 H.
Johnioti and ttrurge llniinrntori, drfeml- 1
ant, lor th mm of I?.II.U ti Intrreat
Iherrori at th rt of 10 per cut r an-
num from th 5fal day of MTh H".
ml tlie further um or IiSlaJ at
further um of 7SnO
ttorney fer. an.l th further um of W
. . . . ... . i..i ,.i . i
cmn an-i uo.ou.wi.ir.nr, vi.r-.ian w. "
ahull ha bren paid hy (ii-ofK. liroiighton
and Ih coat ol and upon thia
writ, commamli'ig m out of Ihe
personal property ol aiJ defendant,
n. if (unVienl could not be found. Ihen
out of th. rral pr.iierty belnniclng lo aald
ri.rro.la'il on and alter th data of aid
j i iK.iient to aatiafy th rrtnaii.lng nnt-ha f
of Jiidgeuiant and alao Ih cost upon llila
aai I ant:
Now, therefore, by virtu of tail rireo
tion. j'ldginent order and decree, and In
coiiit'Oance Willi th command! of laid
aril, heing unbl to find any peraonal
p-i(ny of aalil defendant' I .114 on th
Pith da. of Juiy. 10. duly levy nHin U.a
fniloaiig dearribed real protxirty of aald
Ii. 11. Jobnaon delendanl, muai.
ml htitiK in Hi cointr of
CLckari.aa, and State of Oregon, loan:
aeventy-aix aire boundrd by a lln lirgln
ning a. tli north eMt corner ol thr SK1,' of
V.i of Be; 10. Tp 'I H. ol Range 2 K. of th1
Willamette Meridian ami running turner
N 12 chain, theiii- K i'i chain. Ihenea M
lichaina. thcrira W 15 chain to Ihe north
west Corner of Ilia land of Amy Join. am,
thence 8 1..41 chain, thence W 3)chalnt,
thence l'i.4l chain lo the northaeat cor
ner of the 1). L. (!.' of Janiea Ainalou;
thence K Jlcbalna lo Ih place of bruin
ning; aim. lb west half ol a traetof land
bounde.1 by lina tK-if innlnK at th angular
corner on Ih moth lln ot Ih lieorg
Abrrnethj ilonation lai d cilm In Tp 2 .
of lUng. 2 E. of the Wlllamtt Meridian
al a Hiint b 5 drtc. l. iniu. K. Il.ai chain
from the southeast corner of th Hiram
(Straight I). I.. and running thr nee S 3
drg. 15 mln. K 3.a chln. thenc K. loth
line br-tarcn ine eat half and Ih west
half of tid Ornrg Abemethy II. 1 C.
thence 8 on taiJ line to the aoulb liueol
aaid Abernethr D. I. C, thence
N W) deg. W. In the play of
beginning. Alio lol No 1 and 2 in Mock
No. 143 in, Oregon City And 1 will on
Friday, that. th Itay of Aaguat, lHOO.
atttieliourofllo.clorki.nl. at the front
door of the County tnirt llouae in the city
of Oregon City Oregon, in aaid County ml
Htate, ell at public mclion, ulijrt to
rHemption, to Hi higheat bidder, lor U. S.
gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, till
and Interent which tbe within named de
fendant, or either of them, and on Ihe
date of aaid judgment or mice had in or to
the ahov described real property or any
part tberrof, to laiufy said execution Judg
ment order, decree, inlcreat, cost and ail
or ruing coat.
Dated. Oregon City.Oregon. July in. l'JOO.
Sheriff of Clackarnai County, Orrgou.
orleei of Alirilnltrittor'a Male.
-a, in pursuance of an order of th Judire
of the county court of Cla kamai county,
state of Oregon, made on the 7th day of Au
gust, VM), in matter of the estate of
liern heart Quart, deceased, the under
signed, the executor of Ihe lai.1 will and
testament ol said decedent, will sell at
private sale on and alter the Mtb day of
nepiemner, i.'io, io uie mgnem Dinner, ui
ject to confirmation by said county court, all
tbe right, title, interest and eslale of the
said iiernhart truant at the time of hi
death, all the right, title and interest that
the estate Ins by operation of law or other
wise other than or in addition to that of Hit
said Iiernhart Q iant at the time of hi
death, In and to the following described
premises, tn-wit:
All of lot one f II and two 2 in black
four 1J in Hansen Addition to East Port
land, now Portland, Multnomah county,
All of lots one 1 and two In block ix
0, Hanson' Addition lo East Portland,
now Portland. Multnomah county, Oregon.
An undivided one-half Iniere.t in apart
of the Robert Can field I). I. (J. No .VI, mor
particularly described as follows: Corn
meiicing at the outhwest corner of said
claim No. 53, running thence north 21 Wi
chains; thence east l'lZu chains; thence
south HS degrees eat 7 i't chains to the land
of William Kydd ; thence south L).21 chain
to the south boundary oliaid claim; thenc
west 20 09 chains to the place of beginning,
containing 73 acre more or lens, situate in
Clackamas county, Oregon.
All of block twenty-seven f27 In th town
of Milwaukie, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Term and conditions of sale, casb In
hand, ten per cent of the purchase money
to be paid on the day of sale, balance on
confirmation of sale by said county court.
Bids will be received by Ihe undersigned
at Milwaukie, Clackamas county, Oregon,
or at the ollioe of J. L'. Cam pball, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Executor of last will and testament
of Iiernhart Quant, deceased.
Mmimim )
In the Circuit Out of the Stale
(Wn. I'lacaattia '"'
F. tishetlt Kminon, plainlill)
v. i
tt'illai.l F. Fmmm. deft. J
Tu Willard K Fuimoti,
hove nmed
Inlhentm of th State of Oregon
vou re hereby re.,.ibd to pp'' end
,,,,.er the Complaint Hied again.l foil
In li e alnive entitled suit on or l-lo.e
theWihdarof Angul. IlKO. that "lug
,(, L.l.l.y prr-cnU-d In the order of
.iibln-ailoit of thU nimmoii. ami II toil
iil to apear and n.acr mm com
.,l.,Mt the i.laintiir aill appl to the
ii - ,
i court f.r tne rem i u " i -
adivorc- lrvm He Ih.iuii, oi iimr..nkv
. xo-lmg U'teel "U and plaintilt.
I'M. .iiinmoii U published br m cn
Iieerkal.y Judge T. A. M. Hr.de
judk-e of the fall court, made on the I - 11
.lay ol July. HM. and the llr.l pulm.-
lion being on Jul I ' ,
JOHN 11 1 11 1 It I UN
Attorney f -r I'lamlitl
In tl.a cin-nll ..o.rt ot tli ' of tlrrK-on,
1 for Ilia coon') of t'li-kaioaa.
j l.i.iw M.i rtl. pl" l':' I
' IVier M. '!. .lefrh l'.l(
j To I'nrr M l''yo.l.tl.ae o'ol 'I'll -
I x tli ii a Hi of lh ' of i--on. u
I f .rei'y .oo.ii.oi.r.l and r pnrr.1 lo ap-
.hrrem oiiur llor.H. l-ti .'y "I AUK.i.l
i t mi an'l "hy t...ll'e.l tli If
r.oirl lor III Ifllrf
. I i, I. o. I to ait.
( .,.,,, ,ii.hinK- the K.n.lt for mat'l-
n'.V lo
. i.-ll'.it
Utarii p an. mi ano
d.f. .
a- d
'-.. and a ilwrff of al.aoluie 1'ivoiee,
:ioi'-e t'i p'at-iiil! to ffim b'r
i .at i naiof I'l l lor mru oo-..
i ll rr rr :rl a. to tl.a coirt n aj teem J
a: l pr,.r
II. HID" ')!.. i acr.rd hj I "'I' ' '""
.....ill... I V H.a:. r. . j 'T I . !
I- linn, r i 'y. n. a l an I " '' i
....... ....I r.1 or on iha ?'!. .' of
i J
iairoft! r ra' I 'll j ca! ion ol lioa
. la Jul.
.' aJ
r.I II A -t ill i.f'.I,
Afori ri a for I .a nl.tt
In th t'trruil t'ourt of Hi Sti of (
Iton, for III. t'oll'il of ("'. kama
W.ll. latiliion, plainll;'
Thoa II. ILrk.y.drll
fo Ttiomaa il. III. a.y, drktidaut a I:
In th namr of Ih. H at of ". in : Y"i
t ,r, ,rrr,r rrutr. I to a.,ar n.. amr
i t rnmpiaini tri againo y u to Hi. atx
r!,t,.. .. lion on or hfui to. 1. ii .lay of
4lllf,i ptai a lnrh It tr.tr (nor i.r.writird
, , or,i,r of punlicaU in ol Una utnmoii
. . .... . .
an 1 It yo i tall lo ao aniar or anaaar,
aanl ti.rrrof. the plan. Iitf aill lata J . la
ment ak-alnat you demanded in bis rum
I'lainl filed hrrrm. to all: For th sum of
$IT'i ') allti interval thrrron at in r'. "I
lenprrcenl par annum frmn July I. ltl
Thia iiiinniona la ana l on y.iU hy l'Ot.
li.-atlon hy order of Hun Tfiua. r Kian,
County Jodg. of t'la. kin.aa county, ()' ",
ma I. and .nierrd irirr.m on th ixh day
of J mi.. Pa O Th date of th fl'sl putdl
cation ber... I la July 0, I ), and th laal
la A'iguat 17. I so.
Any, lor I'iaintill.
.wllre far labllratlia.
Und nfflca al Orron City. Of..
June p.ril.
Notice I herrby glr.n that Ih. following.
nanir.1 Millar baa llle.1 n.itic of hla Intrn
lion to make final proof In a0.irl ot hla
claim, nd tnat aaid pf.wif aid l made ha
or tli lt'K'i'r and r.-ri.r at Oregon
City, Or., on August 14. 1J, y:
II. K. No. UJai lor th bE ! H-x. 11. T. 4
8 It. 5 K.
II nnith. fi.llnaing Wltlmar to t rors
his coiilluuoUa rrsldrnc Uiuti and Culllis
turn of the land, viz;
C:iarleC. Miller. Itohrrt Millar, Hhr
man Coup, l.tareiica Mitchell, all of (iar
field, Oregon,
CHA8. U. MoOitEH.
In Ih Circuit Court of Ih rltale of Ore
gon for lb County of CI, kamaa.
Mary Frramai., plaintiff)
Henry Freeman, drft, )
To Henry Freeman, deft., ahoy namr-l;
In th name of th rilat of Orripni, you
ar hereby reulrel lo api-rar and ansarr
th coinplainl llird gainl you In the a!xiv
ntillrd suit within six weeks Iroiii th daia
of the first publication of this aim. noma and
if you fail to ainaer. for want thermf, in
iilaintift will apply to the court for th re
lief demanded In her coniillri p.i; Xor
a decree dissolvl.-ig Ih bond of matri
mony exlating between you and pliinlltr,
and awarding to plainnfl the . uatoily ol the
minor child, (ieorK Wilfred Kraeman, and
that plainlitl have ludgtnent agalnat you
for her data and disbursement In this suit
and for loch further relief lo Ih court
may seem meet ami proier.
This summons la published hy th order
of Hon. Tho. K. Ryn, Judg. of the county
court of the Htat of Orrgou for the County
nf Clackamas made and entered In said
Circuit Court on Iheutli day of July, I'.Mi,
which order directs the publication ol said
summon not lea than once a week for six
successive week.
The date of th first publication of this
summons is July th, l't and th date of
the last publication is August 17. I:s).
HED'iEH A ORim iH,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
AdinlnUlrulrlx 'toiler.
Notice I hereby given that the under-
Igned hs been aiMilnted adminlatratrlx
of Ihe estate of Tlieixlor Oriel, deceaai.d,
and all person bavin- claim against said
estate are hereby notified to present the
same, properly verified, to the said admin,
latratrtx at the office of Heiges,t (iriftlth,
in Oregon CHy. within six months from th
tint publication ol this notice.
Administratrix of the estate of
Theodore Oriel, deceased.
Heoocs A GmrriTii,
Attorneys for administratrix.
First publication August 10, I!'),
Adiulnlalrotor Nale.
In the matter of thestate of Isaac Capps,
Notloe Is hereby given hy the tinder
signed administrator of th estate of laac
Capps, deceased, that on the Hth day of
beptember, l'iO. he will, to the highest
bidder, sell st public sale, in front of th
court house door In Oregon City, Clacka
mas county, Oregon, at the hour of one
o'clock p. ni., the following described real
property belonging lo tbe eslale of Isaac
Capps, deceased: Th south lialff!) of
section thirty-five (.'lot In township three ( t)
aoulh, range three (.1) east, Willamette
Meridian containing 320 acres, situate In
Clackamas county, Oregon.
Term of Hale shall be cash.
Dated thl 1st day of August 1'aiO.
Administrator of the estate of Isaae
Capps, deceased.
-teller Tar I'MUIIcialioil
1'nlle.l Hialra land Olllee, Oioii CHy,
ii'KMKbVltV .UVUS.h.l ln
eomimaMi-e ' l",n,,l '" V' "'
l-onife.. of Jon .1. ;..ntllle.l"An B.I for
lha .ale ol Itin'wr lan.U In U !" "I '
f..r,da. orraon. Nea.l. ...! Wa.l.l..lo
Trmior." a etleioM to a" I"'" I'ul-He
U.i.1 Main I'X a t of Aimo.l t, l'Ji
II. K. t ltOH-4
of Oron t'll cnmly l O' " tlaienl
IHraon, b l lllr.1 in this olll.
,H ta.irn lainonl No '." forth pur-
rlae ol li.e r. , -'
No. :r. In loilii No i"ic "
j K and IH oiler pr.xl to allow that Hi
land aonKl'l I" l"1'1" ' H"'l-'
,.r .lonalhan h-r airieiilliirl puri-oae. an I
U alilUli hl claim lo al. ! ihn
li.e Kh-iir and K.l'rof Ihla office
(Irrrfon I'll. 'renmi. on SallH'lay. Ihe 1 1 1
day ol Augual. H' "'"
iloe' .
Jo'. n Htraik-hl. Tliixlor Ibi'lh. of
'.rk0a.e, io. I.m knliy, It i Wlhoi,
Ol (4fll0, CfTg"0
Aoy a
,,l all ,.. i..o rtaltnli'i- a.ereiy
II. iimn uWriliod l'da ' . I"
Ilia llinrrial.oa IM olll.a) on or hlof
.ai l II il ol Aug '' I'"' ,,,..u
(MA It. JU -.
UtrrlMier'a ale.
.,n, I. l.".-ti' H' puMnaol to
j r (i,,pf (1, ,,,, , ,,,,,,,, r, ,.l urt..ii lor
, ( u ( ,,(,.. kanat, made a-"l ant"-l
j , )( (,M) ( , ,
- ,
',t tOorl.-k a lo. at Iha ...u-th-n" 'I
. lnHir.-Mii I ry. .n eoJ !
ra.ll, I "
i'iliw.i rrntf.'ai i --.-
.. .. .....1 ...!. .1
M..ii,a A lih.rva il.-an-l. - '
Mi-lha A l..rr. l. aw I. ! !
oill.y'a!l mate, tai.l alrlplo rtl.iol
ooihrrn I'oni Iha ri lr of Hi cuil
r.-al Ira lu.it ."i!l'"iy f"" Vl''lai.i l-i
MIrfton. to in oii.r'ii l..i..' ..I .al l
Claim ai d Id. l.Hill loeo.ol'llaa . ' tr.
lit la mat lw ..t.nollo.l lo a f I'd dfre.
' to me oi. irrig
i,j i- ll A It f
r.I at Ma- .am. I't'.- 'i', or
I aM'irrair. n. all. r n t a
i at Oi-..n i'iH. I'll "o l"4 u..lr tijr
, , a ill Ik r.n.a. in. I.
iald Jul) ,
I .
J..U W. ! a.
t'. Id Uh.r of raid l.al'..
"t.llcr la t redlllara.
Th. u i lar.la-' . I ha.ii l'i" ao
. .... ....... ... M .tr ol Ilfrifl.
' . - - ,,,1
lor ia. aai.ia
ratal, id Mala.t.l f a r a n 1 1 a lit. nrr.ara-i.
! noil.. Ia hn.l.y i loll. rrrdllor i.l
an.l a I prru.a t.a.n.f nan. . . .
r'" - " :
rr,, . ran or a . i...,i
II.. Rral l.uhlirali .1. of thia Mil... to
W. K lifal l' a ... .iriuii.r. at Ih dtK of i
f.il Mrn.lrhhali. .ltl N .-h. I'oii.m.r
cial H. k. Portland. irg"n
llalr.1 llrrgun I 'lr, Or Ju!y?i I
Eireulof of th. r.lilr ul l a.ld t.rn
lhaiii, ilrraawd.
In th t iirult I' "irl ot Orrffon for Clark
n.aa t oil Hy.
tirvrga W. takr, plalniiff.
Hannah J, llak.r. drfU I
To Hanna . J. tr. d.r.iidant:
In Hi. nam. of th. Mat of tlrr(..n yon
r bar 1 ln.tltla-1 and r. ioira.1 In a laf
and anaa.r in coinplainl riial agan.al you
In lb. ain. i.mial ciort In Ih. '..
nliud an. i. on or fwfora th tot), day of
Atigoai, I'aii, ami If y .ii fad la si ir or
imfrr ai I run. iianil. lor aanl tl.arwof ll..
plainlitl will apply to Itjr o.ort for th rali.f
4yl for In tn. aanl roit.plalnl. lowl,
ittrre. .tiaaolTlng in bond of matrlm.iii
no .Haling bian pliniirt ... d.f.nd
ul, arid a dreraa ol s'a..liita dlror.sr, n.
for such ntlirr and Itirib.r r.llaf k lo lb
court may aerm Joai and proper
Thia uniMio.ia Is aarrr l hy puhllallon
hy nrdrf of Hon. Tim a. r llran. ida of
Curkaiiiaacountv, M'at. of Orrfoti, ila'.d
th. ,'th day i.t 'oly, l'.ai
Thr , Ula of Ih. iiral publlralion la July
It. I SO.
Cl'atSi III tr AID JoatrN A Hi Ml I ISL,
Aitorn.) s luf I'lalnillf.
iiiiitii I 'm nam:
urr, nrrr.a aim iireuin.li iaaur, mil
of Ih circuit court of Ih .tit ol Or.
gun for th. courtly of Clarkamaa, tu rn. .11
rr. tr.1 and dat.d tl. Tib day of Angti.t,
I'sil, tlain JndKmrtil rwot.rs.1 In said
rour on Ih '.'H'h day of July, P'rl. by
Mary Mitel, plalnllfl, agalnat ) W. I'lrk
ana and E, E. I'lrsriia, ilrlrndaula. rr.julr.
In; m. In uiak sal. of lb. Iier.lnaflrr d
crilwd rral prony luaatlafy th. J.i.lgm.nl
of plamtlll rM-.varr. In aaid mil, lo ail:
tli sunt of .Mill. Willi lfitrrr.1 Ihrmm
from July '.'4, I a.i. at Ida rat. of pi r rent
tier ariniiiti, mil ih further sum ul r'oi
aa ait.imrjr'i frra, and ih further sum ot
I'.'.'iKl coats rut illshtirs.iii.nls, I will oil
The ih Iriay ol Neple-itiber. o0,
U t :.T0 o cIik k . m. of said day, al Ih front
doorof lhrmrt bona of sail Clackamas
county. In Oregon City, r al public aoc-
tion Pi th higheat bidder for cash, th f.
lewln; drrril-.l rral prorty lowif
Th southra.t on noartrr i,l of n,.
souilieaat m.e .juarter ' and Ih m,u,
half mi.flha.itithw.Uii.e.usrierl4 id
th soiitheaat one narter 1 1; and th. aoulh
one-half m of Ihe souihraal one unarter
J'-,' nl th. a.iuihar.1 on .juariar i.; ami
th south one half of th anuihwt
one piarter,,othesiiithwraloii ouar-
tr !-(). all in aertion i. p, i Towshiu
2 . It. h . of W. M., In Clark...... en,.,,.,.
s'lpaVlflats li ataallaafu al.l I. ..I... a a
. and execution and all accruing coal.
J ai.ni lilHKUl.ni. Iiaccra
.Oil J. COUKK.
Hherlfl of Clarkamaa county. Oregon.
Kirn publication August 10,
4llre Tor I'm I1 leal Ion.
Department of iha Interior.
.TaTirfjo "1C l 0rti',n Cii' 0fKon. June
Notice la hereby irlvert that th following,
named settler has filed nolle or hi Inten.
lion Ui tusk final proof in upiori of Ins
ojaitii, and that said proof will lie mad
before the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City.Oregon, August II, PM).
If. K. Ne. 107X1, forth Wtfof BW'. HE'i
of HWyt and HE nf Hec. b, T 4 rl, R (1 fc
He name th following wlluesse to
pro his cotitinuotit residence uikjii and
cultivation of said land vix:
r.'."1":', 2., Ko,M,r Miller,
n'1?. A M'ller' """' tM'P. all o
Oarlield, Oregon.
M.-ll.a A l...rr. l. a I. ! ! , tl, .liilli day ol Auual. lU al. Ih,
I ... Of. no al HI. oil II.. ...Irrly .11.1,, M ,Uy ,t-., , , ,
! r.,ruV',v,';'".v;?.;V.:,M!,Ai.::: " ";"-.
I 4 ' ' 1 I.. I I.. . . ....... .H.I ........ .,
of mnrwtruntlnn." Ther
romanhiKMl, nidt-j,
Jf by druffKiHl!,. JJU.
In the ('limit Court of , Hiai j
On koii for Clackaiiia Cuiiiily.
(Ira.ie .tiurray, p'aiiifill
Allen It, Moliay deft.
To Allen Murray, Ihe bImivc hanin ,nt
u Ihe liaiiia nf Ihe Stale o( H,r '
toll ai heieby reipilted lo appnar B'J
amoer Id coinplainl flle. th,,, '
mi lh aUive entitled ut mi or U.,)f!
Hi ,tl h day of Ailgul, ItM), Dial Ih.!
Ihe laal day preaciibe.l In In .,Mf J
publh-atloii of I Ii la roinmiiina, and ,f
lad to ao appear and anawar ,id r
phlnt Ihe plaln'ilf will i.i,l. tl)
isnirl f .r Hi relief herein pmj, i,
lo mi : a divuri e from th lo. J
inamaaf iting lm!aneli jf.jii a.,.) jj
I ,a auinnion I i.il,i.l,, d
all r-'iiacully aeeka by i i'rt
lion. T F. Hyan, J'ldge ( ( -..ttnlie
court of Ihe Slate of tlirg..n f.o t'!aik.
uua Cuiiiily, made on II. f,i d y
July, Ihe tint pilhlnall flt,g ,,t) jj.
riili.lay i f July l'p'i
S. It lUHI ISi.lMY
Attorney hi 'e"jln.lT
f M IM Mli,
III th ( In ull t'.ol't 1 1 H e
llrripiii, ..f Cla. kama I'.oitH),
Annie l-ell, plan. I'd. 1
" i
riiomaa tl, ilefl. )
fo Ihitma lu ll, Iha !. tiait, , J
fondant ;
il ihe name of lb Sla'e of lire,,
you a'a hetelif l.-j liied In apar ,tvj
anaarf lb" '" I' I a I lit ft ' r awan t
.....-... ..l.ll. I... t. ..u .- . 1
m ,,,,, v(Mft riii.t.r, ,. .. or i.r!aa
, tl( .MHIi day ol Augul. lU al. Ihl I, h.
oidi.f J
I 'I
Mil Hi o afii amur . 1 !-.(.
plaint, Ihe plamldT UI apply to
roiirl f ' lb Irhrl llieirln prtlr l loail;
iliyoi. In. ill the bin.la 4 lu.riiar t,
lating I rlaern y. i ril pladilifT
fnia aiiiiiinona la pul.lia.r l r onlrf
ol Hon T F. Iin, j ig. 4 i. ..urtiy
CU. kamaa l oin.ty, Urrg-.ii im In u ib
',11. d.y.Unlr. l' O, tl.. flr.t p,i' I, ,1,,
l-mg on l. I Pb ila of July, pan
i. H H'NMMill tM.
Aitorney for l'Uiiii4,
N4.- la h.f.liy fll.n
that th. unt.f.
tlgi.l ha. I t.
..lr.1 I,. II. m .........
I f I
ro'ift l t larsamaa roomy, ifr4 ,i, u t.
I rrtuirn ,.f h. saiai of John U Hot.
rrtntrll of Ih.
da.a4 A'l rui.a
f.ny i. .
r alia
r -4 k
1 amal aai I lala a', lo
.,,,, ,,,,, ,,(.-a( H iaaln." Mdaa .Ik
, nr.. .loir t.nnsvi, witi.tr si 4 ii.oi l .i U'jm
Ih. dt. of thl. t..ll. a
lUilll.la o b day of July, l a...
Kiaa l .ssitf,
allra (r I'stbllr Mllaaa
t'nllrl H'ala l". Ortl.w, Orrg-Hi City
tlrraMti. Jun J. I .
Noir la l.rl.'.y (ml Ibat In r,,ni !iaha
lib th pfnvtalo.ia ul li a-1 of rot yawa of
Jur . 1 s. .nii.lixl " An act ..r tin ttjt
ol i il lai.da in In. "latraof Cal f rn:a,
Ufa .... Nria-la. and Waahlnfton low.),
aa ilKii.Irl Ul ail l I'ublic lnd HU'.a bf
act of August t. 1'.
nr. wii.m.
iiKia'flrld. county of (irkn.t. a'a'.aiat
iroii, l.aa this day Rlr-I In Una irT,.a k4
aa.no aiiao. n ,..'.'S. lo Iba piirtbai
t Ih. ' of aawlion .No. TO, In toariil.i
i o 4 . lanfa . , if. I aill "tlrf .f.nl I
: alio trial II.. Ial a-iutil I ne.f. suisl
I for ll l.inlvf or tu- Itiao luf ag'VultqrsJ
tl'l.ara ail lo eat a hi la h I. la rlalm l tJ
, land bn.r Iha frial.r and lavvtirr ul li.ll
; utn.a at or.Kii 1 hi, an nalufday. Ih
day of Augual, aj.
H.liaoiM aa wilnraal
John O El-'aon. of Krlai, O '(-,
llanry F.r.,ii, ol l'tf rii.a.lli. nr.fo,
lti-l.a'd Ii Palii.alrar, of liar ha.d. I ofu,
dr.. K.raiM, of I'-agl. I'rawk, lfr in.
Any I ad rn clalmli.g a li.'asiy
tn a'i d.arfiil .n I. arr l. .. I H
K ir.eif rlaiin In Ihi r0l.w on ur ta-Ke
said .'.Itli day of AngU.t,
ClIAS. II. MiHiltM.
II if erf
4allr far lt bllrall.a.
t'liPe.) Htatral a .d llftli, Or m Of,
"r'''n. Jun 2. I'Jii.
.S.HI. a hrr.br glr.n that In con.plia
alih It. pfoalsliiiis of th c( nf r.inifr
of Jon. .1, :a, .ninlr l "All ' I ' ' lt
ia . of lindwr in Ih Htt. ol I'alifi.riita,
Nrvada. ami Waalilngton Territory." M
rlUndr. I.t oil tl.a I'ubllO I.li4 Mitr.
svt ol Augual I, l"-rj.
of (irflld, rounly of I'la. kitnsa, a' sir of
Orrifin. baa this day HI..I In this nlflc kit
saorn alal.ln.nl Nil. &2U fur Ih pnrrl.
ofl'.K'4 of hW',. and ol .1 artd f
aariion. 91, In i.ianalilp No 4 H. rs'.r
No 1 K. and Will offer proof lo how thai
Hi land soil hi la mora vluil for lis
limber or sli'n. than for agrlrnltural
i.urpoava, and to eatatillah bis rlalm to aarj
ami lfor th iUglal.r nd ltaa-i-r
mi oltlc at Oregon I'lty. on Malurday, IM
r.t'i day of August I'Mj,
. II nam's as wllneases:
I John Epifaiii. ot K.lao. Or, lleerf
M,P'"". or I orrlnsvill,
''"l'l. '" Kpi-erson. '' K,,1 ' !!TiV
! Any and all ii.fa.iii claiming adr.'f
1 Hi atMiv deacrllwd land r reguratefl
, "I th.lr cl.im. In this ofTlcon or tuft"
i ld '.'.'dli dy of August, l'.
CIIAH. II. WlMiliKft,
aa.ii-. a., is.blleattloai.
' Oty
' tilled Htat Uml Olllee. Ofgon Wf.
,,"g'"'. Jon J. Iisil,
Nolle. Is l.er.hy gwen thai In W"'!'1
T Sfl ill Itial t a W I 1 1 it i at of tl.a aill uf t ollgrw
- i - --.- .,
Olrfll.l. ), iniV .IIIIII..I, an i
o limber lands III iheHtateaof ClifnmU.
Orrgou, Navad. and Waabliigtou 1'"'
tiov " aa aal.i.ilrd In all th Public J1
Htat by act of August 4, H'i,
'I nVlwNI, CIIUMIJ Ul I l m w iia-, .
Oregon, ha Ihlsday filed in this niHc . n"
sworn Btstemant No.fi?.. Ir th P"r,h'"
nflliBM.;,, of ecllou No. !!. In In'""1;
No. 4 H, rang No. 6 K. and will oiler ptw
lo show that th Und aouglit U mor "'J
hi fur ll timber or ton thsti fr s"
cultiir! puri-iafs, and lo stahliah
claim Ul said land before Ih Register
Receiver of thl oltlca al Oregon of "
(Saturday, Ihe'itth day of August, l'o.
H name a wilnesse:
Henry Epiernti, of Currlnsvlll. Oregon.
U Will, and Richard 0. I'.loiwUr.
0r(leld;()o. F.piieraon, of Eag'a 4 "''
Oregon, . w
Any and all persons claiming
th Im.v descrllied land ar iiieal "J
III their clun.t In tin oltlc on or W
said Z'lih day of Angust, l!,J- .,..,. j
.l b.I... aT1...L aaisaaial
They orercome WeaV
Dean, Irregularity and
oiulhJilon, lncrea ''R
J3 . ...I l.anlKtl POO"
are "LIFH SAV1JW" to ff-l.!
derclopmcnt of orffnns and body.
'V r women equals them. Cannot ao nr.ru.--- i
Ml.tN) lHlt ItOX HY "I All.
MoTT'8 CUKMICAL CO., Clorelantla oW