OIUCOON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST, 10 1000. Personal Mention j . si.--. Alain.la Wekrr la nitli'itltif at Hc. nl. k. Mrh InimI, of 1'orlUtnl, In tlm lion. OxurKn Knight, of C'uril.y , we! In riiy yi'tfly. Ml Mainle I f I'ofllauu1, I visit. ili frlrlnls In III Hy. Mi.a Mainl hUHtu, of llrcllaii'l, la In ,,wn inkli'K Meinlnall'Hi Mia, li ma llul.i.au lull Monday for i (mi wnks'atejr at Ntil J, I' Clark sjwiit PatunUy am! Huii' day a) lil I'M I'omn In Folk rutin ty, Mr J. Miller Mini in, Jixlln, vmllml d Inula In I'oMUikI, durliiK tli wm-k. Mi. A. H.' Adams U villiiK t Oar 1 1 I I, llm sural of Mi. (iriirK ah knhy. Mm. N.O. WbIiIkii ami ilaiitflitir IliM I. It M-uniay for a 10 days' stay at He . Il.n family of A. It llolilnanri It fl Hat unlay itiurnliitf fur a wvrk'i slay at Iri an lark J. It. Ilarvry ami J. II Collin, o Van luiMfr.Kiwiil Huiiilay l'li If Inula It) Or. K-nC'liy. Iy a Chicago roniany, ami will lie man lH liy Mr. J,ii.uiy'a lirollmr. J. A, MuUlaaliaiikinl wlfoaml William Char In, apwit rdimlav at Clackamas liali-hiuy, Tlmy moorl a rrowd of Tort-Un.li-r t llila (dam. The rlnrla l.anllin la sating' luni'lieon, fishing, wading anil kodaking. 1 ws W'V 'V W e '1 i k aiu JVyci;Is$. a Tin ordi'f of Washington will give a 1'iihlli! iiUirtelninttiit tomorrow night. (innrgln Kvana ha lllfl anil fur divorce against lir liUahaml, 1 huinaa F.vans. Mr, Marr, of Ida firm of Mart A Mulr, ha ). lila Inlxtnal In lha grown hu-l lii-na to Mulr llroe. i'rofnssor J C. Ziusnr on Monday as iiiiii.( roi.lrol ol llm sllalra of the olllm of roiuily i licxil giiirlniJ'iiiitiit, iVram.a ho ili'ulm to my llmlr aul-M-r lJori lu Ilia Kulnr jrim In wiwxl must hi u now, a ttixxl Mill out I - anitili'ij aftnr tlm rain wl In, lovks, At thnra Is no aoow In the moun tain In rln tlm water In the river, the walurwlll hnroint atlll lownr. Tlie lii'al rroi In Clackamas rouiity ha fallnn U'low tM'laiiiti', ami the ylnhl la rrM;llr, foin 4 lu 1 4 litlthida lr ai in. km vl.ll4ll,M l.f IliM ! kl M Jtt i.f IkMfMP A..r.,rKH William, ami l.mlty Ml , , f,yBf Bl u.i, rlty, iam.-raHay (Ma rrk I') li"l limit auiliair oulilig ki NrHrt. if. John Wolih, of I'mtlaiKl, aa In lli ruiiiily arat M''lnly altllng uj hla la Inallria. li llliam ani M. In Ham irtnrnl in Krlr hmna In Oaklaml llm lorn ait n lal v, Mr. Ilariiirll, ol ( laikaiiia alatlon, naa aii4 tlii4 tiiilora In llio (-utility aral ypaloiilay, Mra. ). I'. TtioniMMn ami ami u hmiilay a llm Kurata of Ilia family of Mra. Prli Mi-i'oan, Mr, an. I Mr. John (ilnaaon rcturnr.l Imina Tnp!ay from a rouila of rka' oulilig at Ixtia I'-pai U. Inuiy MatrU t Attorney J, V, ('aiiii 111 Irlt Weilunatlay iiiurnlng fur a churl lay a Wllln.li hrlnK. J W. Cola ao-l family Irlt Halnrlay ,r Nrart, ahrra limy Mill Kiijoy tha ara I'irtw for lajo aka. t'nlrrtakiir llolmaa amlalfn, of l ort lain, twk Ilia ataa io thui cily Tup lay for Wllboll hj.rlnga. Mualiram llaiKrova, of Halrm, hat toco alrrlivl to ImIi Ilia UUhlaml a hool (or Iba mailing )ar, J. I', tin la Konlauia, lornian In lha ('roan I'aix-r Milla, la iiillii a cvttjna 4 ttprkt in Haul Crui, Cal. Charlaa l'ui ami lfa am) Will Moin illarilva homa tomorrow from tlirlr liii If loam lo Tillamook Hay. M. Mu hatil ami rhihlran rr(uruv to tlua lijr HunJay arenln, alirr an tw Irli.lrJ ri IlifouU MlnnnaoU. Mia llctia Konia, of thlarily, who h lrn tUilliig Mumla In Victoria, II. C, fur arvpral wcrka, rrturnrJ homo laa.1 wrk. A. M. Hhlhly, a 'fiiilnpiil larmrrof N'rliig-aator, waa in lha city Momlay. Ila r(uria lha Irfan hiriua:rr roal in ilnmlll condition. KiikI Myrr, wlfa ami mother, Irava Il.n latter rt of Ihia Week for Kala rk, whara lhy wilt go Inlo ramp for tlm rumlng two week. Attorney i. W. 8wo anJ wifa left lat HalurJay for Newjiort, w hera Ihey will take their aummer outing hefore Je- l arting for Ohio, their futura home. The family of tieorgo A, llanllng will Irave tuiiioarow (or Ihelr auiiiiner outing at Williuii Hprlim. They will U arcom iiie. hy MUa Welch, ofHtocklon, Cal J. I). Itennnr haa relurnoJ from Me, Minnvilln, where he very tumaafully itiovi'd a dwelling houae lielominrf to Hun. William (ialloway over vrry tfejulift. Mra. Charlea II, Caufleid ami children '( It ihia neik for Newoort, where ihey t tx'ft lo tieni the month of Auxuat. Mr. t'auOold will join hm family in about t " wauka. Mm. I), I Tain loft Ralur.lay for a WM l 'a aojourn ot Newport. Khe waaao "in anled hy her two daughlora, Mr. I'U i. Iluirman, of llakar City, and Miat Klli Talne. Mixa Utira Cony era, who haa boon llm gm.ht of (rlonda in thli city for aev -rl week, haa rolurniHl to her home In Clatnkaiiie, 8he waa accompanied by her hiitu.r.MlHa Mary Conyeri.of thlacity. Mm. C. 0. T. William, acrompanied hy her daughter!, Mia. J. M. I.awrencei 1'oitland, Mra. Chariot Miller and Mina Veda William left thlt week for a eek'Mtay at Wllholt Hprlng. Mica Nanlo I'addock, of ClackauuH, oillciul atenographorat the ilate unlver ity, ruturned homo from Baleiu thia 'i'k, where aha undorwunt an oH)rallon 'or appendlcllue. Mra. C. I). Itourtitto, accompanied hy her'aon, Karl, and Miea Myrtle Vaughn, loft Saturday morning for an outing at Seaside. 'They will bealmont about two woeka. Wallace (J. I.udgate, formerly chlol millwright of the Willametto pajierniillt was In the city laat woek. He Is now manai(lng the conittructlon of a Urge eawmillat Seattle. The mill ii owned that F. A, Mi Ira walked dry footed arroaa tlm fall Hun. lay afternoon. Itav. I'. (', llaiiniioiiil, ol Hi. I'aul'a I i o al rhiin h, ha hern (ranted a moiitli'a vacation, during which lime ll.ria will I no aervlcna at hla church. Senator lliownrll, of thia city, will de liver the principal addrra at the lirand Aimy eiicau.pmniit now ting held at riraaalil Ifume lommiow alteilnion, I. A. Hmiih, mlnlati'iial atudent at McMiniivilln rohi'k'n, wdl occupy the Itaptial pulpit Humtay morning at 10 .30 o'rlot k. The public I roidially Invito J. ICom Fair, tbe genial t'leik In t'bar man 'a diutfitore, hat oriranlted a (Inn known aa tha Drrgon City lUdglan Hare Company. The company now haa f7 aiilinali. Walter Hi utl (ilraaoti, aged II muiillia, ton of Mr. and Mra. Mil hael J. (iloaaon, iIIf.I early Wednesday moruing. Kuneral Tliurlav afternoon fiom tha family real denca, IteV. K. 8. lt jlllngr oin iallug. Ilopdratara arw pravalent in lliltcoun ly, and laat week Ibey were ottering 10 contract cropa at t" cent. No hp have yet hern aold. ai the grower! an tli l.al a further a Irtnce In the market prlcw. J. M. Achrrann, of Portland, wat In tha r ity Monday, looking tor a auiuble location In ahicb lo open up a tailoring j eatatilUhment. At preaenl there It hut one almp In town, and that It run by lliui Keey, a Chinaman. Attorney U. H. limirk la now heiroiid pOMraaorof one of the fine I Colawold abrrp ever brought to thi cminly. He madw the punhani of ex Commiaalolier Scolt, who rate ! it from thoroughbred lmiKirird ('..tiaot.lt. The animal la but a year oi l and wrlgnt ?Ho Miund. Nrl week i hit employet of the woolen mill wi l I yiven an opportunity to en J y a tiiuil tacation. The milla will be chaied down for about a week, while a new flume la conatructed leading from the baaln. Mitt Minnie Maun, aged 23 jeara. died at lha home of her father, Jamea Mann, at C'lackamat HeighU.Tueaday moruing Ktineral aeivicea were conducted at 10 o'clock Thurailay morning from the I'rebyterian church, Iter. J. II. Heave u olllciating. The old ateamer Cilr of ICugene ha lren rebuilt and placed on the river here (or further tor vice. She made her trial trip through the lock Monday, The boat la owned by the Spalding tagging Company and will be need In towing log! to the Willamette paper mill. Kranae IIro..who have I men operating a branch ahoe atore In thi city (or the patteix year, will cloao out thoir buai nea October 1. Their heihUatr are now In Salem, but they will lie removed lo Portland, where they will 0en a wholeaale ahoo hnnae. A. H. Kammerer haa Died paper of garniahmenton Iheium of $150 now in the handi of Levi Stehman. The money U due and owing to Kd Dodge and Ii. Dodge, bl whom Mr. Kammerer aecka to recover IL'.W. The cane will be tried in Jtmtlce MoAnulty'a court next week. ChrUtlan Science lervioen are held In Willametto hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject Sunday, Aug. 12, "Mind." Sunday-aehool at 11:10, Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock, A cordial Invitation U extended to all w ho deaire to attend thete norvlc.es. . The member! of Sola Circle, No. 107, Woodmen ol the World, held a very en joyable social Tneaday night after the Initiation of now members. A largo at tendance was preent and the evening a Mint In social convention, games and niuelo. The pleasures wore Interspersed with dainty refreshments. The water In the river has reached lower stage than it has (or many years past. Several wheels In the mills and factories are compelled lo suspend ope rations while boats pass through the The trachera' eiainlnatlon for slate and county papuri bgn Wedneaday morning at the courthotiae. There are fit applicant for county paper and Ihree for ataUi diploma. Hum rlnlciidinit in ner I itaialed In conducting the elim ination by IWeaaor J, W. (riay and In Mcfoughlin. W'atkii Solicitor, on couimllori or salary, to lake order for "Hilton ami I!'Mr In South Africa," "(imat Itaue and National Leadera," "Life and Speechi' of llrytn, by hi wifa" "Six Thousand Year of History" and several other imw, live book. Write to A. C. Madrono, box S.'J'.I. Portland. Or. Mia Kale Maik gave a very pleasant picnic at Willamette Fella, laat ha'or day. Painty relreahmunta were served. Thoan prernnt were: Mitae May and Kale Mark, Kdna I'aullon, Ivdio Samp aoii, I'.illlh Cheney, Urate Tower, Maude Culler and Llanch liain ; Me.rt. Winnie Hill, Fred ('barman, ('arhiton Harding, Fred l.vncti, (.'ha, Hcbrnui, Jim Jonet and Will Mamhall. It la currently reponed lliia morning that the big sale Involving tha tiauafcr of the Oregon City woolen milla haa f.llt-n through and that lron liroa, and Jacob ISnxi. wdl remain In joint k aloti. Krowu V.r m , of Sn Franciaco, have leri In tha city lor tha past two weeka t')li'g to consummate a deal llial would result In their aole on:rthip of the milla, but the attempt ha proven futile, It I alao reported that A. L. Max well, iiH-riiileiiieiit of ll.e Kaal Side railway, will he made u er iiti-iidiit of the concern. Oregon L'llr Harket Iteport. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1,4 . ct, No. 2, 44 i l No, 3, 4 I I t per hnahel, Flour-Portland, (105; Iloard'a ltel, .'l. 10 ; Fisher' l!at, 1 2 IK), Oa'a in tacks, whit, ''A Jenl per buhid, gray, IV), Millstuir liran $14.50 per Ion ahnrta, $lil,00 per Ion. I'otat'M- to lu 75 cla er k. Kga, It It 11 ctt per doxen, Hiitter Kaucli, Vl. enl per roll. Onion, 11.25 io fl 51 per sack. (ireen apples, 3 to 50 cent r hot dried 8',' ct jmr pound. I LlveatM k and Dreail Meat a Ileef, J live, 'Mi to 3'c; hoa, live, 6cf;htn dreaaed, 6,',' to fl'g cent; a! eep, (3 H-r head ; ve.,1, drcuicd 8 to 8,'gC. Colli ftlerl Or Dratb. "There I but one small chance to tav your life and that I through an op eration," waa the awful proipeet set be fore Mrs I, II. Hunt, of Llmi Kidge, Wi.,hyher dm tor after vainly trying lo cine her of a frightful case of stomach trouhlaand yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of F.leo tiic liiitert to cure Stomaidi and Liver trouble, but she heard o( It, look seven hoi tie, wa wholly cured, avoided aur geon's knile, now weight mora and feel betu-r than ever. It't p'lsitlyely guar anteed to cure HUjinach, Liver and Kid ney trouble and never disappoint. 1'iice 50: at Geo. A. Htrding's drag etore. The follow ing clop condilioiia prevail in Clackamas county, aa reported by Marie Harrington, of Highland: "The lall week bat hern favorable for harvest ing, which ia pfcigteaaing nicely. The win at crop it very oor, and will not average lOhmdielt to the acre. 'a only ial a crop. The army worm have truck here, cam by the unllioui. and are deatioying clover field and gardent. liraveleart are enteriained that t'tev wilt eat all the paaturaue and that atock will suffer (or want of (oxl. Fruit it free from wormt. Ijt't Saturday County Itecorder Han ila'l received a bill from the (tood Sa maritan boptal,ol 1'ortlainl, amounting to ('!7. Tom wtt ImmediaUdy atruck with Ihe palpitation of the io. kel look, and when he came back to hit aenva he amertained il wai addreaeed lo Ihe county auditor and waa for services ren deied lo clackamat county patieiita. One bill waa lor Ihe month of March and It! itmouiii wat t-'i?; Ihe oilier wa fur the month ol April, and called (or (15. Aa Ciackania county h no auilitor, the bill aaa bandnl over lo Ihe county clerk, who will present it lo the board ol cum miaaionera, wboe duty it it to audit all county blllt. W. W. Austin, one of the stockholder In the lgan cheese factory, waa trati acting huaiueas in the city Saturday. Hettatet that Ihe factory ia utilising about lf'a) Kiun.lt of milk daily and pro duce! luS Muudt of cheese. The factory hat a greater demand (or ita product than il can supply, and their cheee bring licenta per pound w hole aale. Moet of the cheese of this factory it consumed in Oregon City and the re minder it aeul to Tort land. Seaking of the condition of Ihe Igan and Sprlngwater road, Mr. Austin ttate .that the roadbed ia all graded between Itaker'a Ferry bridge and l'arkplace. (iravel it now being hauled, and when completed it promisee to be one of the beat thoroughfares In the county. Work on the I-ogan division of the road haa ceased pending harvest reason. Jack MofTett, an ex-member of Com pany I, Second Oregon, hat received from Adjutant General Uantenbeln a medal for service rendered in the Spanish American War The medal is made Iroui Ihe brat taken from a cannon brought from the Philippines. It con stat! of two bam linked together, from which it suspended a disc about the site ol a half-dollar. On the upper bar is in scribed the volunteer 'a name and rank, while on the second bar appears the Initial of -the company in which he served. On tho front side of the disc ia stamped the seal of the state. On the reverse aide encircled by a wreath, siamis soldier and a sailor supporting the Stars and Stripes. There are about 30 ex member! of the Second Oregon Kegi- mentinthli city who are entitled to these medals. "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a rui ning oir of the bowels and sickness of the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday, of Puuiing, Iud. "Ilia bowels would move from five to eight timet a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gave him (our drops in a teaspoonful of water and he got better at once." Sold by Ueo. A. Harding, Drug gist. There is morn Catarrh In thi section of the country than all other diieaiea put togi'ther, and until the hint few )ear Wat supiMwd lo le ini:iualle. F'or a great many y. ars doctor pronounced il a local dieiie, and pretcrtlrtid hx:al reniediea, and bycoManlly failing to cure with local ticatuieiit, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence liaa proven catarrh to a coimtitu liuiial diiu-Mse, and theiefore reipuni Colmlilutioual Irea rni-nt. II jll'a ('.Urrb Cute, manufactured hy F. J. (.henry A Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia the only contti tutional cure on the inaiket. Il is ttken j Internally in doca from 10 drip to a ' b.-anpoonful. It acta dirw tly on the Uhxxi I alio mucous suMacet ol tlie system. 1 hey oir. r one hundred d llara for any cae it fail to cure Sviid lor circulars and tcsliinoliialt Addie"; F. J. CiiKJirv A Co , Toledo, O. Sold hy Diuiia, 7'ic. Ilall'a Familv 1'ilU a " be.t. Flks' (arnlial. Arronnt grand carnival of the l!.-.e r lent Protective (r.l-r ol F.lk, to tw held in Portland heptemher 4th to I5!it inclu sive, licketa ta til be old a redu -ed ra'et from all stalioiik on Oregon lines to Port land and return. Thce licketa will be on sale Sep'eintiei 31. 4ih. Hili. 1'Hli ami 1 3' It, and hmiP-d lo ihrcedar afer date of aale. For further parth uUra, call on or ad dreaa Southern Pac fie a.'ent 1 1 Oregon City. In India, the land of famine, thou aan.lt die hrcau-e iht-r m-rot oliia'U fooil. In America, the land ( plenty, many sutler and die In-raiiM they cannot d gest the food Ihey eat K dol Dya pflia Cure diyesta what you ea'. It in lanily relieve and radically curt-a all stomach troubles Ueo. A. Harding. School Ihrk', Attention! The new regia'ert have lieen retelvcd at thia office and are now ready for dn tribution. It would he. a material saving of expense if clerk would call for them at the ollice. At the report lor the cur rei.t year will have to tie made np from thit new register, il it vijtitl that It m in the hand of teachtrt at the begin niiig of Ihn UN (errn. Itepectfnlly, J. C. Zmsra, Superintendent of Schools. ( ard of Th inks. Mr. and Mr. Klli Hnghei wish ta thank their friend! and neighbors of Willamette Fall! (or their kind and effi cient help In time of trouble and be reaveinent. May (iod bless them all. County Treasurer's Notice. I now have fund to pay county war rant endorsed prior to Snptemher 10th, 1 897, and also road warrant! endorsed prior to June 10, WO, Interest will cease on the warrant in cluded In this call on the date of thia notice. Oregon City, August 2, 10 . A. Licixisa, Treasurer Clackamai County, Oregon. WawtlAn etperlenred rttk. 4JomI wtgrt paid. A pply tre f I. Xelllnff. C1acl Tcmr tkrwaia With Caaesratav Cn1y f'thrtlf, cure eonaiipatlon forerar. I0c.2to. JI C.C.C.Ill.ilru(riure(un4oKiD. The Oregon llomeHcekcni Immigration ExrliHiige Suggests a plan for selling your farm. Write for it. Address Oregon IIomeseekers Immiora tion kxchanok, Oregon City, Oregon. The Knterprice and Oregon ian for 2.CI a )ar. 0 I.VKKl HOTTLE. Of Sbiloh'a Consumption Care la Ihia guarantee : "All we ask of you il to use lwo thir.lt of the content! of thia bottle aithfully, then if you can say you are not U'lieliied return the bottle to your Drug gixtand he may refund the price paid." Price 25 ct., 50 di. and (1.C0. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. f hr. Shilohs j tougn and (onsumption Cure Person knowing tliemelvet in.leb'ed to thit paper are reflected to pay up, at a paper cannot he run on promises. Ion't take the per out of the poet ofliee for a nuinher of yean and then talk alout ordering it etor.oed when yoo are called on to par. The longer you wait, the hauler it ia to pay. Thia It fcryond ijueaMon Ihe rmxtt auccntful Couxh MedU cm tymr known to icmn: a lr tra IntotnaMy euro tha 'rt caoa ol ( onh. Croup an htonchliia, whila Ita won Ccrful iun In tha cure ol I niimntifn It without a par a'lt-l in thehi0ry ol mrtlicina. hinca It fit.t dix-nvrry It baa tn ao'.il cm a truarantr Iril whwh no othrr mlicln can stand. II y.u bava a Couith, c arr.L; ak you In L mted Statraand J totrrit. i 2A Canada r..lc. andll.Ki. and V.r. In KrKland la. ltd., ta. 3d. and SOLE PROPRIETORS 5.C.WELLSc;C0. LEROY, N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. For tale by C. U. Huntley. Uw Ara Toair KMarya I t llnbha' StrMt pillipgmll kMnry lilt. Saw p fr AM hi(liua Hrmmai tn-.Lktcmta or " Just Received A new line of ladie's top shirts, ladies fancy colored underskirts. Hosiery for ladies and child ren, and lace curtains from 45 cents a pair upward. vylvw v o"W v.aas'Bv,9a'ie',e' BELL0MY5 BUSCH THe H0US9FURN1SHERS. Housefurnishing Summer Needs. If you are interested in securing these items at lowest possible prices, you'll thoroughly appreciate our June offerings, you'll feel them to possess exceptional merit. It's passing along to our customers the houseneeds at their real worth, it'd in giving houeat values that makes this store a favorite buying place. Mils i!if All sizes and prices. 10c. and up, double roll. Z&m r Ice Cream Freezers lo rent. Qjjfvt Hammocks. 85c. and up. Water set and tray tiOc. Covered jelly glasses xr dozen 3tc Berry set of bowl and R sauce dishes. . .20c Water tumblers, per dozen 30c Revolving glass table caster 90c Kitchen Treasurer large size 13. , m 1 ('roan lluatiunds might be perfect little angels if they c )uld always have their meals in time. Cook your meals on the Charter Oak Stove or range and you will make a little lamb out of your cross husband. Stoves $14..ro and up. Steel Ranges $3o and up. WROUGHT STEEL Straw matt ing from China and Japan. You can't com p a re our matting, but the mattings you'll see here are all made ex nres s 1 v to to our order. Somuch for good ness, the patterns are different, that's our aim, the prices are fixed at our small profit over the landing cost, here again your interests are served. We eell fine linen warp matting for 23c a yard.