OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AlKWST 10, 1UX vrf2 P' CI W V KPH V nPTPP reverent thminht wore clothed with L lUKKLMUiMiLitLit(iililiin(tdit!i.ty hl rBn only miuki. MlLWAlkllt, AU 7 J. W. Jamea, of Clackamas, had htf misfortune to have liU tn wheel badly damaged by a carele-a ltivt r colliding with his watcon, Mr. ml I Mn. Workman are at me coast for a few day. Tlie I'ni.in Sunday-school picnic a decided suocvk. 1lcU l'rrk. Eaui.1 Crkkk, Aug 6 The weather lliis morning looks a little rainy which 1j not Very good lor harvcRting. Tlie grain crop ia very light through out thia auction, especially the wheat crop which ia a complete failure in many ''tce on the bct of euiumer fallow. Everybody Rerun to b buy cutting or i'ai'kiug giain. Kolly and Hurt iVoglasa went to Tort Ian! laid week on a buinesa frip'and to bring out a new mower. Tliere wit a birthday picnic at Mr. Freeman's Saturday in honor of l'eulah Freeman, there were 14 in attendance, eeptitig the old people and all seemed to enjoy llien)ie1vea. Mr. Cahill ia haulmgoak wood to Jack nife to our poettuaster and merchant, Mr. Wilbern. The meeting yesterday at Cavenaugh chapel was well attended, the house t ing well filled. Maple Una- Matlk Li Mi, Aug. 6 Mrs. W.O. Diikerson and daughter epeut Saturday with friends at Carua. Mr. and Mra. J. K. Paries have gone lo Molalla f jr a few weeka' atay. I,. Mtiutt had the misfortune to be tiart by falling from a wood wagon last Tnursday, the wagon paaaing over bit right leg below the knee. Mies llat-l Anderson, of Portland, ia yisitlng at the home of her aunt, Mra. Charles Swallow. Tbe dance given at tbe home ot Fred Henrici recently in honor of Otia Shelly was a v?ry pleasant affair. Mr. and Mra. D. R. llughea and diugSter, Mi Kdythe. visited over Sun d ly at the home of their uncle, Thomas Dviea. Xulalla Mohll, Aug. 6. Weather cooler aid tip dog lennt-1 does not tweatao bidly. Tlie clever armv-cnt worm have about sll aorrendered and gone on a "bunt." Harvesting ia well along and threshing b.nina in earnest today. Hermann Broa. have their new blower completed and will try it this afternoon ou J. V. Thom as' crop. Shiver, Ha'leas & Co. will start op their thrt-ohing outfit this week. They are not goirg to rairt the price from laat year straight 2 cents all around. Last Saturday J. K. Shaver was cross ing a dead funow with a binder, when tlie tongue clashed the horses, one kicked oyer it, the team ran, breaking the to.igue short off, the stub running into tlie hurts' hips and legs several inches, making (rightful wounds, which had to bi sewed up. 0. D. Eby and Wayne Bobbins have returned from the mountains, much im proved in health. They brought out lota ol trou tand report a catch of 400 for one day. We are rather inclined to believe the bcyg, as they both look chubby. Minbet. Siii BEL. Aue. 5 Mr J J Gard, of Clakee, spent today with Mrs E F Guenther. Martin Hill has returned after a two weeks vitdt up the valley. Jacob Grospmiller went to Portland last Monday on business. Jake Bohlender is home for a few days. Ilri has been working down near Chinook. Berry Buckner, of Carus, spent today among friends in our neighborhood. A lare ru-nber of our young people were invited to f-nd the evening at the Lome of Mr. Stuedeman on last Saturday evening, very many were present, ami a tihiial, we ail lud a very pleasant tijie until neatly midnight, when we were treated to candies, nuts cakes, pies, leinona'Ie, etc. We bop with gratefu feelings, that Mr. Stuedeojan will soon extend another invitation. He v. Mrs. Lure, of California, preach eJ to a croHdud hout-e in the Evangelical church here this afternoon, in tlie EngliBh language. She did not weary her audience with a lengthy discourse but for about 25 minutes she imparted to (f dread hot weather. They ( cf snow now ir weaKens and t( A how this affects the baby. All such mothers tieed i 'Mm more abundant. Kic.andtL All drufrfrista. Ler listener soma of tho loftiest aontl- J moiiU the human oul it ahle to conceive- f out the Rmil uf a aiiK'i're christian woman. The christian church is living for the lack of more such women. Mr ami Mia K F Guenther lal a family reunion today. Their children, now nearly all grown, rm home forth occasion, from 1'ortland, Walla Walla anl Oregon City. Tin fatted wa killed and a sumptuous re punt formed the cheerful conclusion of a moat hay event. MiiM Ina UroMinilller has gone to l'ortland to work. AlU'rt Woeltle anil siter, of Statlortl, spent today with their friend Mini l.ouia Heiner. Uct Thtiradar niht alnml 00 boys and men charivaried John Wolf. Our cap tain, Adam Hermann, In a courteous speech secured for ua all an introduction to the bride, alter which we were res pectfully invited to come Inside, where John had several kef of beer in waiting. It la needles to nay what waa done to the beer, but suilice it to y that every one felt that John had treated them well. Long may he live. Albert Moehnke ia home for a few week. The prcyram given In the German Congregational ihurch tonight waa a very successful affair. Mra Cooper, of Portland, ia spending a few daya with her parrnta Mr and Mrt Wolf. ChrrjTtll. Ciikrkwillk, Aug. 2 Haying is over in this place, and, as there is scarcely ativ grain to cut, the farmers can say the busy season is over. Miss A. Ware was the guest of Clara Frasier last Sunday night Mrs. Faty was the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. Shank, Sunday. Mrs. Frasier and son, Sidney, were yisiting Mrs. Flinn a few days ago. G. E. Baty is working in a sawmill near Pleasant Home. Mr. Uevenue, of Sandy, has been working on his place for the past few davs. Cherryville is losing its Popularity. We are now soon to be without a poet office, as our pottinii-trem, Mrs. Oxlxirn, is going to leave for Eastern Oregon with her husband and family in a few weeks. Master Clarence Struchen was visiting Harry Shank last Sunday. Charles Shank has gone to work f"r Coal A Coining, who own a sawmill near Sandy. Vannot Item. Marmot, Aug. 1. As summer has re turned, many peeple troin the metropolis go to the mountains to spend their vaca tion. One of the prettiest places in the state to spend one's vacation is at Marmot. The weather has been very warm for the past week, bnt yesterday it rained. The people of the community seem to l well pleaced with the improvements made on the roads the past week. All the early apples and peach plums are now ripe and fit for market. Among the new arrivals at Marmot are Miss Stemroe, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Jackson and two children, all of Port land. Mr. AschofT, while on a tour to Mount Jefferson, was taken seriously ill, but is slowly recovering. Mrs. Mclntyre, of Salmon, was at Mar mot Monday. Mrs. Binsuager, of Portland, accom panied by her two children and sister, Mist L'pinheimer, are guests at the Mar mot hotel. Ernest AschofT has gone to Aims to work in the sawmill. Mr. Wood, accompanied by his family, has gone to Eagle Creek to spend the summer. Many bicyclists from Portland who have been fishing in the Little Sandy re port finli plentiful. Charles Kyler, one of Marmot's most prominent citizens, had a tarn raining lat week. Mrs. Mensinger, accompanied by her daughter, Emma, and Miss Smith, re (pending the summer at their country home on the Sandy. Borings. Bokinoh. Aug. 7. Hurrah for McKin ley and Roosevelt I Once more clouds have covered the heavens and made some farmers shake in their boots for Icar of rain. Harvest is in full blast. The busy hum of the binders as they cut the h'kM of ripened grain are heard in all direc tions. Lewis Lipsith made a trip to Portland on his wheel Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. William Derby, rfi (Jrcsham, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Boring lant Wednesday. liorings is a thrifty place, with Its abundant resources for farming. Of late there has been a new colony settling in Coringi, hh well as other places, known as the ' en worms." They came in from the soutli, sweeping the field clean as they go, taking everything which is green. Iliey nave climbed hazel bushes and eaten the shell from the nuts, leav ing the nuts on the bush, albo pealed mm y j r J L Look at your tongue. Is it coated? Then you have a bad taste In your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis tresses you. You have frequent headaches and arc often dizzy. Your stomach Is weak and your bowels are always constipated. There's an old and re liable cure: mm Ml Don't take a cathartic dose and then stop. Bet ter take a laxative dose each night, just enough to cause one good free move ment the day following. You fctl better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pass away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer give you trouble. Prkt, 23 nnlt. AH tfr(f lata. MI tm Ukrn Ajt I'tlla fur X ami I nmAuli-r thru th brat hui.lo. in pill n fwr rxl (tun half tl ( njr ulbrr kiuii 1 tu ff vrr irirL lr. S. E-Tai Rot, Urih J, !. Arrint..0) Kana. r- r' L.jLVi A Jk. ,A harb rry up from two to three feet in some placet. One man hid acme nice tobacco growing in his garden and the worms stripped it ol its leaves, and word has ren received that they are rolling ami smoking cigarettes now. Some of the wopl from here attended the reunion at Pleasant Home Ut week W. II Boring is going with William Derby's new steam ttirenher. Stone A Co, 'a sawmill ia tunning with a full crew of hand. They are cutting radroad ties. Borintts ran boast of having three saw mills running fu'l bUt, on r.nlroi I ties This shows that prosperity reigns. E person Bros', threchirg mvhim' Started today. Thomas Wlrh has been doing some slsHhing on his place. Kfdlanil Peplano, Aug 0. Harvestingi going on nicely, the worms doing most of the work, estiecially of tbe potatoea and gar dens. Some improvements In (own in the way of fence the lant week. We only made them because we could not get it done any other way. When certain parties are In the wrong to the extent of refusirgto pay their hon eat debts enumerated lo them, it look a if they would stop trying to ride over helpless widow and. women who hate no one it take their part. "Io unto others as you would that others should do unto. you." Ernest Linn has joined the Park place braas land Will and Charles Hiciiibothrm, with Bert Hart, spent Saturduy evening and Sunday in Portland. Henry Muhher li". spent Saturday sod Sunday in the me tropolis yifiling Meruit ami relatives, Professor Austin commenced a two and a half months' term of school a Evergreen schoolhouie to lay. Our teacher will goto the following places: MIhs Hattie Wilcox, Macks- burg; Min Annie Hicinbothcm will teach tlie home school; Min Maudi Stone, Dover; Hurry Mosher, Whit schoolhousH, Stafford. Lycnrgiis Monher, who is employs' in a S&ndy logging caiiip, r-t -rit Saturday and Sunday at home, L. If. Hickman has been doing somi biihincman traveling agent for a Chicago medicine company. Mrs. Mosher and family spent Sunday yii-iting her daiiKhter, Mrs. New kirk, in lxgan. Mrs. ettie Collins, of l'ortland. 1 H,n,i,)K fHW WW!ks with her mother, jj r. a . Sprague. Mr. Milda Khnmwav. ,f i',.,nn.i 1- out visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Linn. Needy Newi. N'EKiiy, Aug. (X The only excuse we can offer for our long Hhsenre is that the writer has been very busy in the harvest field. The young folks nave a far-well dan,. for the MiHHes Weiand and Knight Sat urday evening at Air. Weiu'ind's hop- bouse. A large crowd was present ami 'the evening passed very pleasantly ami ! altogether too swi'lly. I The worm have niado their appcat ' , In the potato Riid cabbage Held In J 1 thi vicinity, but no serious damage hu Im-cii done tliiia lr. The hum of tlm I iho letuins ver lu g their seed trt k Im cii done tlm far. Ihrcidier I heard, but very poor, si iue 1101 gn Im.k.' I ........ I . -I I.. .....In. (mill Jt . ll .'Ill's IR piohij - long illne of typhoid lever. tjiiite a number id our people have In ch visiting S.la spring lately. Mie Amy Wdgand and I'di.a Knluht. of Saleni, visited them pait lat week. Mim Alice Kilter ha Nen ipiite sick with nuiliirial fever. Ilurn To the wile ol our woilhy lli k- Miiitli. Charlca lluirman, on h'in.lay, Julv 2l, a daughter. Mim Mao Kii s r has returned from uhbard. where she ha ln-eii since III) t!rit of May- Mrs. William lUiipdi-U at d Ron, of Portland, vm.led Mrs tl. A. Klrser th week, Rlld they vlhitrd Soda Spring Sunday. Tune will be a dance at Nie-ljf Sa'ur- lay evening Medillion re all the rsge now, and rveiy fellow get hi gill one for Reel rctiieiui'raiic sake. Wat er Walon wheeled to Salrin laat SillKlaV . Mim Mattie Nc pon, ten Jay with her parent Pel j. mill lloiualey i on the sick llt Mi Jake IK iruiaii ba ont to the coast for her health. Miicrtie Nollitt ami Ire rirti wer enjo) nig the d it lt hull lay on their hikea. II. Cornshat k's family an I Mia-ca Katr and l lura Spangla tprtit last Sunday in Aurora. William Katia lell paaard Ihloilgh heiR lat Sunday. Mis Ine Hilton h Ix-en Irving her new hike on the fine road. A nr ph itographrr in loan. Warning Boy, l en y-u vltit S-'a spring doii'i take anything but xx'a w ier alraik'hl. Ml-l K'.hrl Kiih, of Portland, la visit ing here. Tliea fine aumiil-r rkrliiiiga makn it R Wiling lildy' fattier (ear tin liink'ra i( tl e front gale i'l tireak. O'lr correMillilellr will plea Send in article before Welndt of each week, otherw Imi it reai lu-a u too lat for P'ltilication. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Ecurs tho Signature of Red Fn Orocon City, Oroeon. Ne ar ival,"V'ear lle.cler" ahoea direi I Iron ii It I tv 1m i nlii" im sIknI ly go ala. I.adu- tlne fdli.ii ali'a IM). .' and up Wiiiueii'a nnlln d Wnrk ahm-a, dor al'le and ea-y fl .VI Children' h"4- a"l up. Ji..by ahiH-a. 'J i"l It'", I'.'c. I 1 rif Tan. ai; iz :;.'i'-. M"li'a all lea'h-r "h" l h ) Up Men'a "I t.nn Ca I," ImI piiih.i ,"i0 alioe. try Ihem add CO'll piri with 1 1 g l". Men's, w riieii' and 1 hil'lri-n'a hiea (xlda and eii'l", alMiiit 7J prire. We t' k "I r.vet ti' a lien. All kinda o( Mhti-!, iiiiIih uii'ler one loof. Produce taken, butter and egg in lleii'HI'd. Don't Be Duped Them have Ixvti placvl ii,n tlm market several ckeap n prliila of an olll. cIhhui of " Wulxier'a Dlcilonury." They an- l-'ina offunxl uuder varlou iiaiue at a low prliw By dry (Tool dealer, (rriM'era, nirent, rto., and In a tew InalHiiiiea aa a premium furaulja:rl. tlon to papera. Auiiouiiut-meritaof thean comparatively Worthless reprint Are very nilalea-lliiK; for Inatnnrx, they aro ailvertlwvl to Him aiilvtniiiliil t-iilvKlent of a IiIrIht irlnl Inxik, whi'ii In n-allly, a, far aa we. knuw uuil bellevu, they am all, from A to , Reprint Dictionaries, photot) copk-a of a ImmiIc of over flfiy venrauiro, which In llailuy wnawilit foralxiiit .).ui. ami winch wua much auperlor In puia-r af print, anil hnnlliiK to thew Imllallona, Ik Iiik ! iuv-ii a wura i aoiuo niern inateuu ol 0110 Long Since Obsolete. 'Jim Riippiemeni or l(l,ij ao-iHllcl "new worrla," w blob aunin of t hiia- InHika an- ml ver tlaed to contain, waa complli-il l y a ircntln. iniui who (1I!1 over lony yeara hud, ami wua pnlillHhcd Ix.-fore hi dcalh. Oilier minor additions are prolaihly of more or Icaa valuo. Tho WebUer Uathrldaed DlFtlnn... mil.. Ilahud hy our Iioiimi la tlm only iiici lUirloua one of that namu fiimlllur to thla viienitlon. ii. iTiiiimiii, .iv:r ib.iii 'UK' a, kiiii lllimlni. tlon on nrly every nuue. nml Ixn, Imprint mi tho title imun. it la nrot,ui.i i. cojiyriirbt from cheap iiiillatloii. Vulimhlo aa in la work la. we have at. vnl puuiiMiea a iimroiiKlily n-vlwd t auciMor. .Known inroiiKiiout llm word weDsters international D ct onarv. M dlctiormry luata a lifetime yuu ahoulj Get the Best. IMintratud pamphlet free. Aildreas C. A C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield. Mias. T IME PACE c umfcrciK e of Old I'.arth Irt ro in.my dlffrrcnt tllrrr llont. 'I'orcln patti" arc no lonrr forclK" i o lvl incnliiij of tho term. r.uroj.c, Africa, A.l, ro ,,ict iloor" ti. What ).aprii4 tlicio to-ihy wo In.. t,)ii.oir..w-ifwo tcad 1IIK CIIK'AfiO KKCOKI, who, Sial I'ablc C'iric-rtlnU arc healed m tt ft imfn.tt ,i,y iilht n 'ttJ tititaide of the I'nltcd States. So other American new .-rwiht ever attempted to etttnh0UlcnUc: and it i itidcincntcl by the regular foieiti new i crvuo of The Aiatcil l'rc. l or accurate iiitctllKcrire 0f ,jie tirriiih' event whi h arc haklnj tho natloni of wart auj rumol of w.r of tho threatening (o!,ition of old Kivcr. incut and tho cut'lihnicnt of new- of tho otiwaril iwrcp of the r.clii all j'4itof li e world tho one iiiclmin of ihe tl,oHt 4tifA lory inhniiatmn I tho eiitrrpriitiK, "U ti.ihtr' A.iicr,.u iicw.pajKrr, 'till: CHICAGO Kl.COKl). A m ! i'l i' ua M'"i"' i 'in:ri.f rImmii n Pi hiv i-mHi 17 1 r iiti In (-'m oh a tai .! u. ip . t.'i uio ' "-'' Ol lti-l-1 ! aiif .U(- hr thttf "U rl: u lr.Ul a r'tf-n p-l ly u V-rvfit ala, la FREE rnri aalr artil r""in I tm mi I mill. a Irvilli.lil llllllll' " !( .Iiraa 1'u I Ml' 10 Itf . 11 ala.li R Get our Prices BIGGLE iC IM M1.I -IW M: ., In i I I ' 4Alk-liaili.i,Ti aIIHi-.iJa u. I. (: ) ) . An7 OND of the BIGGLE HOOKS, aoi the FARi JOlHfl.i. f l:Alt if.maiiKlrt f I.. y. ab4 1 i) III U l lu Ml aiMraaa I I A MM I All ll I . ' ' R.mi.rrof I AKM Joi lCNAtivll-raUrtVairt'..la tlKHILf rMRtl lf II Vt TIV. ci ta i (aaaiaa AUit, 60 YEARS' Vtl rXPFRIf RiCaT Thaoc Mar. as. DiaiQNt CORYAIOMTR AC, """! ai-nnrif a lirirn an1 wrlMl..fl qnir-air aa-iriaifi i.nr ntrtriK. fra ahall.ar an i,..i,l,..n i, ,.r.,.,.l.ir i.,iim n,,u,. Il.rti..lf1rtrr,,a,nir.. Ilan.l...kiltl I'aln.la a-nl lrr. IH.1al '. rT fr an,rlr, Mlm.la I'.i.hla un l hr.Miol, M , , ua.ii, P"i-M a-.lf4, wi.h'Hit iliaraa. In l"a Scientific JUnerkan. A hana-itn.lf IMiialrala1 WM-alr. I ar.nal rlr. miaiion i,t ana i,,un- i.,iir,i. !, a, . MUNN & Co.3oiB New York lliai.ch l,mia. CJ r Wa.lll..ru. !. " " "'"" I" '" ""l a i lii.ni. al ..r liiai,ii. ,l',, '.irl.,.iri,.i.,tiMi .rU K.,M..litl,HU'i',J ? !"" ilil. ill rlir " llm r.ll K.N I Jil t ollll, lli.lll.,.,M.I. T-' ,H "Cyclone" VIiaBWa a - rM-1' I .1 II I I a, , t Ij'iltl Il Threshers Automatic Slackers, Wind Sta-k c-s, llorae I'owert, Tltrcrtlicrincn's Supplies of All Kind t. srwnsTc ro?. catalocus AND rcirartlralljrinnlhllatP, by tho tn ran rablra and Uiul tclcjr. lyttrmi whl( h now belt the ( r. lu.ttaia il Roai r-'l"lnlTl, il r..f IIM rnt'l (111 lra WofH Ai. ii. I Rkau on Job Printing. BOOK A rarrq liKir tf ttncqailkj titne-ff: ki, tp-tiv-daic, ( unci anJ tomrrthcnvJye otflcly frlouj anj HcautUullj llluuixJ. Ily jACOU lilOULU No. i-tiKKu n nottsn iwk)k All aU-ut l-m- Iihw w m faalM al.k a t j, IUiMiii.a Mao-Uta . I ika, a I .! No. '-. - tlKHlt J'- Ill WWV lUH'K All '. 'nL. Ru!l ! voawal tmt Rata " , fatllM 1 1 4- J tla III ltliM(. Mail ui t atari Ira mX t4 i4lf I llw.ll I I., y li.u No.3-IU0.ili, IHH'tlUY Immjr: A't iWI I .ruMiy : IK ! .miM t. a H nliUui , IrOa rwt yiliitta , aH tiJ...l lU 11a t it . a t4 all liar I- lJ bKiR, ailh vUa Ikwlf a.ka, I Ik. . Cula. No. 4-HKKII.n COW tWX)K Atl ftfamtt C- mmt IS f y naMln(j a -! r! r tUm rtU41 1 1 Ir Ut ft ttr I . . J . k Ul, I JJ WlKf !tiaaU I fkf, No.5-til(KU WI.NR Iah:K Jowl i"if . A 'I '( - fi "..;, r! I'M. i'' , K 1 tlltf tr ff ,. liAt'.tKt ,.. I-MH' j - f tfl ( n I W, J C Si tx Th I! fWMk tv.mv'f mlrVlwri I - n r. MW tiling Ik W l)Ma- j i.'ta tiiiiifll 1 . til i4iMar s4 f Mm h rl a. ! 4 , '' '1 l-lh 1 w f Ii kr4 If f r 1 f t hk f I i M4( in rlj u b istfUl FARM JOURNAL I rr ltf. a-1 r aM, ,u4 av4 Ril-f I M I'l d.t, II UO. ...! l.rfW.t.l-oa, Rll llw nalt. a ma her '. -CjUll aflat tin, k.n ak. II, Inn ao I It. II ) 'I CAUM JOturiAl. , It 1,1 I tl 14. -J 2:i,fMH) iitilm of loiiRili' tftiico trlcilion wira ia Orcifon, WuRliinnton.Cali fnrnia nml Mb ho tnw in oiHTBtion hy the Pacific Nation Ti-lej'hoiic (Vn jmny, covering '.',2'fl town. (iuiolc, acctirBte, clirafi All tho RBtinfnclinn of iH-rsonal comnitiniculioB. )iatnco no tlFect to clrnir undi'mUniting. Bp0 knno fttul Hnn I'miiciK hh cacily henrtl a IV land. Oregon (Mty ollire lit Harding s Dnig'S.ore. "Russell Engines tract Ion or Portable, 5lmpltf or Com pound, Wood or Straw Burners. RUSSELL & CO., . n and prices. POHTLAkU, fa.