Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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I News of the Week
FriiUv. July 13.
Admiral Seymour reports tb situation
at Hon Tain up to Saturday, when he
as bringing up more gnne from Taku.
At that time there were 10, (XX) ttgn
troop on hand, but more were required.
The United State Government ii de
termine to coinmunirte with Mr.
Conner, tod has notified Mintiter Wu to
(hat effect. There will be no pans un
til the fate of the forest re to IYkin Is
known, ample protection given Ameri
can in China and the guilty oillcials
brought to justice.
The German Foreign Minister an
nounce that hia irovernment la eeek.
ing only the protection of foreigners in
China, not the partition the Empire.
Another British force falla into the
liandi of the Boers. Lord Robert re
ports the casualties very heavy.
William McKinley today wssoftUally
notified of hia second nomination by the
republican party for the highest oftice in
the gift of the republic.
Saturday, July 14.
James Uamilton Lewis is io Washing
ton, proclaiming the election of Bryan,
but announcing that be personally is out
of politics, National and atate. as far at
holding office is concerned. The turn
do a he received at Kansas City evi
dently put a damper on his political ar
piraiions, but he takes revenge by pre
dicting that Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana and even New York will go
democratic Ibis fall.
Assistant Secretary Taylor, of the
treasury, has received a letter from a
Fifteen lives were lost in clonld
burst in Teits today.
Wednesday, July IS.
The opinion has grown very along In
military circles lately thtt sooner or
later congress will have to be called to
gether In order to provide a atittlcient
number of troops to take car of our in
terests in China. If congress is thus
Called together, it does not necessarily
mean that war will be declared,
Ho Yow, the Imperial Consul General
of the Chinese Fmpire, is oftlcially pre
paring to receive passports for himself
and his attendants. He tald:
"The Chinete in this state are to a
man heart and soul against the Boxers
and the awful crimes they are committ
ing against humanity. I have Just at
tended a meeting of the leading Chinese
merchants of San Francisco, at which It
was decided that they would Immedi
ately close their business here, if neces
sary, and oiler their services to the
Vnited States as volunteers to go to
China and fight under the United Slates
flig with the allied powers. ! under
stand that Minister Wu ia ready to leave
at any time. I have not a yet receivid
defluite ordera from him."
Kentucky republicans nominste Yerkt
for governor and denounce democratic
misrule in the state.
(ilorlonn Hens
Comes from Or. 1. 11. Carglle, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of F.lectrlo Bitters has cured Mrs,
Brewer of scrofula, hlch had caused her
great suffering for years. Terrible sores
would break out on her bead and face,
and the lieal doctors could tilve no help;
but her cure Is complete and her health
la excellent." This allows what thou
sands have proved, that F.loctrio Bitters
Is the best blood purifier known. It's
the supreme remedy for ecaeuia, totter
sail rheum, ulcers, (toils and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels Hlsont helps digestion
builds up the strength. Only 60 cents.
Sold by tieo. A, Harding Druggist.
Ilw It Oae PUre a Mraa Trtek
rrlrk VlllUra,
E. W. Sabcl. In The Saturday Even
ing 1'ost. tells an anecdote of Freder
ick Vllller, the famous war corre
spondent. Vllllert bad been under fire
for some days, the enemy bombarding
the force to whlcb the artist was at
tached, so that the a-rlval of t abell
was commonplace circumstance to be
treated In the usual way. Out of this
ordeal be came uu scat bod to London
D Li .1 J..., - I I
oruwaija BeiUruD ju re.ururu ,rvm, , wu itroMlng down tbe crowded
Cape Nome, in which tbe writer esjs i strand.
that but few of the miners on the Nome
beach are making day's wages, and that
the beach is heavily overcrowded.
1 i pavement and there
0u nine nas come inrougn irom me rj a Joaj man
disturbed section oilhina. The allies
t Tien Tsin msy be forced to withdraw
irtTaln lk Pl.in.u ail. m M v, . 1 I V. a m
u.w ilia v Unicoi iiiiiuuuu uirui j
in ever-increasing numbers, and pour in
a deadly artillery fire. Boxers are
On a sudden the pedestrians were
appalled to eve bim ding himself at
full length upou the grvssy, muddy
He on bis face.
From all direc
tions meo rushed ro render Mm as-
ilstance. They turued blin over to
rub his bands and uiilmttou bis collar.
expecting to find him In a lit But no.
On bis face they found not the pain
1 n .1 ... II... r A unl1..rj. V. .. B.i..nlBti.
.... . , . , " ment and mud. Vllller. when
ana n aa tutu, in ine province in wmco , .j boj of ,
Nhake late Yoar Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Faae, a powder. It cures
painful, smarting, nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting out of coma and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Fool-Ee tuakea light or new
shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cur lor
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. Try It today. Sold by all dmg-
gists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c.
In stamps. Trial package FKFK. Ad
dress, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Drying preparations sin ply dL
op dry catarrh ; tbsy dry up the socreliona,
which adhtr U the luemhraii and dxiiu
poaa, causing a f iir more srrioui t nmble than
the ordiuonr lorn of catarrh. Avoid ail dry.
ing iululanU, funics, unci. M:d mulls
ami use that which ch-ai.. , soothe and
hl. TJy's Cream ta!m 1 -c'x a remedy
and will en- caurrh or a I in t!.s bead
eiuily and pleasantly. A trial sir will be
mailed fur II) cents. A'l tlruj. iia aril the
60c, mm. Fly Bntber. M Warua St., S.Y.
The llalut ours without pain, ili. not
irritate or cane aiieeBng. It spmadt itsolf
over an Irritated and angry surface, relief.
Ing immediately the rmluful liifliiiiulin.
With Fly's Crean, llulin yon are armed
against Xaaul Catarrh and Hajf Fever.
Shanghai is situated.
Sunday, July 15.
10,000 Boers are massing near
tori a.
Another battalion of marines will
come from Boston, New York and Wash
ington and be mobolixed at tan Fran
ciicofor Manila this week.
quickly jumptnl to
his feet, shook tbe mud from his bands
and clothes anl then looked around
for an explanation of his own appar
ently Idiotic act. Tbe explanation was
A few yards b-h:l hltn stood a
horse and cart Tin- enrter bad a mo
ment after Yllllers fiaxwl p.l'ded the
A llaademc Scries ef r and I'srfol
California ia the natural paradise of the
holiday maker. Its resource are inex
haustible, Its invitation universal, and
its resorts and attractions among the
most noted in the world.
The Southern Pacific Company pun
ishes descriptive literature containing
valuable information about all of them
It Is for free distribution and may be ob
tained from any Southern Pacific agent,
IT. II. Goodman, General Passentter
. Agnt at San Francisco, C. II. Markhatn
pin and allowed t1:e cart lx lo dump General Passenger Agent at Portland,
upon the ground a luad of grav,.L The'0re. If you apply by mail inclose a
neavr Deams or tne i-art. or L-ourse. - . . .i. ......
Areoort is in cireulaiion that 10.000 ..-.'w .i.- . -.. - , smmp ior eacn puoucauon
Boers are preparing to emigrate to the j sounding "dull thud." and tbe clean
United States. gravel hissed out wltb an evil roar.
. , , This comblnatlor, of sounds, the war
Chinese in this county are In no ; artlst dectared Wal UpDtIcil wllh lht
dinr. Rumors of threstened uprising gtrUcIng of a live shell, and Vllller.
against them is groundless. i forjrettlng thnt be then stool some
x, . ; l !.,- , , thousands of miles frpra the seat of!
The coroner s jury which investiga'ed . . ,. .
the cause of the street railway disaster of t0 a'wat ,b(, d,.a;Ifll, eIpIoHlo0.
July 5, at Tacoma, has returned a ver
diet laying the burden of the blame for ' ii Got tfc laformatiaa.
the accident upon the Street Railway An English patn-r tells this story of
Company and mercilessly scoring that j tbe ,ate Joseph Whltaker. tbe publish
corooration for iu reprehensible msnae- r of Wbltaker- Alnmnack: "For the
Monday, July lti.
Americsn sports won eight out of ten I
field events at Paris.
More men are needed in tbe Philip-
first Issue he wanted, along wltb slml
lar Information, the amount of tbe sal
; arlcs received by a number of certain
high functionaries In tbe civil service.
Application to these personages them
selves was uniformly met with only
flat refusals. Accordingly tbe Alma-
I n.filf .nnA.,a1 n-1 , 1 1 . M u . r, t 1 1 a (fl .
p.nes. email garnson. a( , ,ue.y separ-, Mcb crw,ittHj w,b a purpy mag.
ated pom's are not enough to cope with ! nary aum. '
ths native uprising. j "Tue result was Instantaneous. Hard-
Incensed at the Boxer news, a crowd ' had 'be 1Iod come out be
, , , '.. I fore those whose salaries had been
of men and boys in Kansas City gatb- LndePraled wcre ,mHM bj .araour
ered about tbe laundry ol Ah Sing, a propre' t0 wr,e imllicnaot corrections.
tlnnese lauudrynun, and started adem- J while the polite statements of the In
onatratioii that caused Si eg to call on the land revenue authorities were similar
police for protection. The crowd passed ly efficacious when the alleged amount
tbe time throwing stones Into the laundry! was l a" D excess of the actual In-
.iKlnnllinn.nllnlli. Inmilu 1 1 . f 1 1 ' COnlC
would kill them. A siuad of policemen . Tir nibii-.
dirsed the crowd quickly, and, at the ,n R"s'a miniature Biblus are often
instigation of Sing, who is one of tfie j worn as watch charms. One of these
, , ., i . I, Bibles Is owned by a BostoDlaa who
tuot in e Iigent of the several hundred , .... . , , .
, . . .r n. ... received It from a friend living o Rub
Clunese in Kansas City, guarded the ,i i i. i-i, .1
fourths of an Inch wide and three
eighths of an Inch thick and contains
the first five hooks of the Old Testa
ment Tbe text of the book Is In He
brew and the titles In Latin. It can
only be read with tbe help of a power
ful magnifying glass.
pltco during the night.
Tuesday, July 17.
Five Chinese regiments have been or
dered from Pekin to Ching Han Po, on
the Grand Canal, the objective point of
tbe southern extension of tbe Boxer
movement. .Shanghai and Che Foo are
threatened, and an attack on New
Chwung is imminent.
Admiral P.cmey confirms tbe news of
the repulse of the allies at Tien Tsin and
the killing of Colonel Liscum and other
Aniuiicans. At a cabinet meeting held
in Washington it was decided to forward
moie troops. The president left Canton
last night for the capital.
According to a dicpatch from Tien Tdin
Admiral Seymour, on the retreat of the
Pekin relief expedition, was compelled
to shoot bis wounded to save them from
torture at the bands of the Chinese.
.Another report is that the foreign women
in Pekin secured poison with which to
nd tuuir lives in event of capture.
Foreign warships have their guns
trained on Che Foo, iu anticipation of
An outbreak.
Two transports, with 1200 officers and
men, sailed from Manila Sunday for
Taku. Tbe hospital-ship Relief has also
&eeu sent t Taku.
"Kesorts and Attractions Along the
Coaot Line" is a handsomely illustrated
folder, giving a description of tbe health
and pleasure resorts on tbe coast between
San Frtncisco and Los Angeles.
"Shasta Kesorts," embellished with
beautiful half-tone engravings, describes
the scenic snd onting attractions of tbe
vast and wonderful Shasta region, the
grandest of pleasure grounds.
"California South of Tehachapl" tells
all about tbe charms of that remarkably
favored semic-tropic garden spot, South
ern California.
A handsome map of California, com
plete in detail, reliable, skillfully in
dexed, and full of information about the
state's resources. It is the only publica
tion of its kind conveniently folded for
pocket use.
"Summer Outings" is a 32-page folder
devoted to the camping retreat in the
Shasta Region and Santa Cruz Moun
tains. It appeal more directly to that
large and growing class of recreation
seekers who prefer this popular form of
outing. '
"Pacific Grove" is the Chautauqua of
the West, and this folder not only de
rcribe the pretty place itself, but gives
a program of the religious and educa
tional meetings, conventions, schools,
Utc. to be held there this summer.
Other publications are "Lake Tshoe,"
"Geysers and Lake County," "Yosem
ite," "Hotel del Monte," "CaHtle
Crags," each brimful of information
about the places named, and printed in
tbe blithest style ot tbe art.
A O I'. W. meets every Saturday
evening In the A. O. V, W. Tsuiple -(leo.
K.Callir. secretarv.
K,.lekah-Vlllsmette Uebekh Up
No 3 nice' sectmd and fouilh rinlsy ol
me'li month st I. O.O. F. Temple -Malta
Godfrv, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters ol
America, meet llrst and third rrlday
month in Red Men's Hall.-W . H.
Ststlord secretary F. T. Roger, chil
Cti kamss Chapter No. 2, It. A. M.,
meets on the third Monday ''"
month In Masonic llall.-M. Bollack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 2H. O. K. H. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdsvt In ear
month at Masonic Hall.-Miss Jeuiil
Koen, secretary.
Oregon Ixlge .W S. I .
evsry Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Uyn, secretary.
Falls Kiusmpment No. 4. 1. O O.K.
meets first ami third Tuesday In each
month. J. A. Hiuart, secretary.
trdr of Pndo nt vry Holiday
nl(lil st Itednien'S hall. Hsl ('ouiiMlor,
8. .S.ricrlpiurt; Mrs. xtsy Tsjrlor nriary.
Rclmen Wacheno Tribe No. IS. Imp.
0. It. M , meet Saturday evening 7 :,
at Bed Men's IMI.-N. M. Moody, C.
of K.jChas. W. Killy. r-acr.ein.
Multnomah Ixxlge No. I, A. F. A. M
meets first and third Saturday In each
month al Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Cor No 14. meets al
Willamette Hail the first Monday In
every mouth at 2 o'clock p. Hi. and ths
thir l Monday In every month at I 'M
o'clock p. m.' Tb Auxiliary meeta al
the Armory ImiMing tbe lt and 3rd
Saturday In each month at 3 o'clock p.
111. Mrs. Rosin louts, president Mrs.
Mary I.. Bradley, vretarv.
I'niled Artisiiia meet every Thursday
evening of each month al the Willamette
Hall. Ths social meeting of this order
Is trcond Thursesy of each month. K.
II. Cooper, secretary, JI. Holutk II. A.
.Willamette Falls Camp No It. W. O
W. meets lit snd 3rd Frldait In lb
Willamette 1111. C. C, Sol. . Walker
and clerk G. Olds.
Ixine Pine Lodtre, No. M, A. F. A A.
M., IxMan, Or., meets on th second
Saturday in each month from th 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 3 p. m. and
from 1st ol Novemlier lo 1st of May al
10 a. in. Geo. C. Armstrong. Sec.
Catholic Knight of America St, John's
Bianch No. B17, meels every Tuesday ol
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K.O.T. M .. meet la
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesday G . II. Iltl, rord
1 Oregon City Camp, No. fcHWl Modern
Woodmen of America meet every cund
and fourth Tuelay io the ni'inih, at
Willamette 1111 G. Gronbcher,
ifeade Post No. 2, G. A. II., meets
first Monday evening in each month al
WlleincUe llall.-J. R. Williams. Com.
Lawton Command No. 1, of Oregon
Union Yeterans Lnnn meet secon I Sat
urday 1 p. in. iu Relmtn'a hall and
fourth Saturday at 7 p. m, In T, F. Cow
ing'a oftice.
Ta Car Canal I patio for?.
Taks Cax-srau Cui1 Cathartic. I'M ar Be
It C C C tsll to cum. druKifiaw rrfunJ motr
At Bed Time.
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my complex.
Ion is better. My dJC'or ays it acta
gently on the stomach, livpr and kindcya,
and is a pleasant laxative. It is mad
from herbs, and is prepared as easily as
tea. It ia called Lane's Medicine. All
druggists sell it at 2c. ami W eta.
Lane's Family Medu..ne moves the
bowels each day. If Jon cannot get It,
send for a free sample. Address, Orator
F. Woodward. LtRoy, N Y.
Ilia Line of CrltlcUnt.
"I understand." said the neighbor,
"that your husband Is a dramatic crit
ic." "No," replied the II tic woman bitter
ly; "be Is even worse than that He Is
a household critic." Chicago Post
Wiggins Whose umbrella Is this?
looks like tbe one I lost
Hlgglns I don't see how It can. for
I scraped the handle and altered It
generally. Ohio State Journal.
-Wby, Clara," said a mother to her
little daughter, who waa crying, "what
re you crying about?"
" 'C-cause," sobbed the little miss, "I
-started to m-raake dolly a b-bonnet,
and It c-corand out b-bloomers."
Trained Motherhood.
It is probably true that love laughs at
locksmiths, but any careful reader of
the proceedings of the divorce courts
cannot fall to observe that the lock
smiths get a laughing Innlc; later on.
Philadedphla Inonlw "
MwkholilerV Meeting.
Notice is hereby given, that the an-
ntial meeting of tbe Oregon City Manu
facturing Company will be held at the
oflice of the company In Oregon City, on
Saturday, July 14, 1W0, at 10 o'clock
a.m. of said day, for purposeof electing
directors of tbe corporation to serve for
the ensuing year, and transacting such
other business as may come before the
stockholders' meeting .
C. G Jacoiik, Secretary.
Oregon City, Jnne 7, 1'.XK).
Thorougbred Relgisn hares for sale.
Fall City, Bkuium Hams Co.,
Fly, Oregon.
Portland ami .Ht-adile Special.
Beginning Saturday June .'loth ami
every Saturday thereafter the Antoria
A Columbia River Railroad Co. will run
Portland and Seaside special to leave
Portland at 2:.'!0 p. tn. and run through
direct without transfer, arriving at Sea
side at 5:50 p. tn, and nturnibg leave
Seaside Sunday at 5:00 p. in. and arrive
at Portland at 0:10 p. 111. .
BMrtths yfllnKind You HawAlwart
Money to loan at
HflMlltH & Glllr-mil.
lowest rates,
A Good Congh Medicine.
Many thousands have leen restored to
health and happiness by the uce of
Chamberlain's Couiih Remedy. If
alllictod with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resided
all other treatment for years, have yield
ed to this remedy and perfect health
been restored. Cases that seemed Ijope
Ichs, that tbe climate of famous health
resorts failed to benefit, have been per
manently cured by its use. For sale by
U. a, Harding, Uruggist.
The farmers and Mechanic store of
Oregon City Invites your inflection of
tlieir new line of dry goods, clothing, etc.
Persons deniring
parties, socials, etc.,
this oflice.
announcement of
must send them to
leant? la lilood Deep.
Clean blood menu a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cam arets, Candy C'utlmr
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im'
purities from the body. Begin today to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackhcadd,
and that sickly bilioua complexion by takmu
tascarets,-benuty for ten cents. All dniJ.
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,25c,fi0c.
Has turned with disgust from an
otherwise lovable girl with an olfensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purllles
the breath by its action on the bowels.
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts
1 and 50 cts. C. G. Huntley tbe Druggists.
Ulfr Hie llewrl.
No matte' what alls besdach lo
a cancer, you will never gel ll until
ynr bowel ar P"l 'S(,A'
IlKI'SheliMiature, run you llhoul
ri or pain, ptod'i- " ,-,,rl
moyen nnls.c-ts you ju.l 10 cent lo
s'sil gelling your liMdh l,AH
Alll'KTS Candy Calhsillc. lb genuliie,
.ul up hi meUl lHies, vry tablet ba
(', C. C. sliiid 011 It Hwars) of
lull all 'tis.
Croup is the terror ol thousands of
young mothers l su it (ulbrk Is
0 agonising and f r"iiilljf fUl.
Jtblloli's Cough nJ Conaimipllon furo
acta Ilk inagU) In ces of Cioup. Il ha
.vr Imhiii known bi H Tb worl
cso rllevd Imniixbately . Price, '.'3 rt.
JOcl. nd 11.00. C. U. Huntley, lb
..... .nii. l-w.... .,i.,ZVS,, w.
rr kxxz xxxx. xx xxt xx
Do You
ifl Know the News
Your team will have the lt
Full Measure of Feed
City StnblcH
W. H. YOUNC, Pfop.,
a..r.i.1 w. Ht Cook
Mvrry Kigs on Fhorl Notice.
TtUphon No. 42.
Oj'j). Iluntlejr's Prug Htort,
Ureal Hritain ami America.
You ran l,s ll all loy
Mnnlk 4
In lb Fvsnlng Tlr.yrm, J 5
land. Orvirw. It la u J
evening iiwspir i-ufdUbvZ !
(irll II cxnilaliia all 11- .
ia lb Stai and i4 ilia K.,..J H
Try II lor iimiiih. a
win itiaiM to to ,
Hotel ami Kestaunuit
The Telcrjnm,
1 wnuna, or. tj
Uvrrjr, KroU and HalsHubU
UHTIP BirWIKg Till Iklpbl u
iKiulle an.l Hlngle Hlgs, and sv).
ill hor always on hand it ti
lowr jrlr. A corral) cootmi
with Uie Urt for Ii stuck.
Inforinallon regarding any I'dJ 1
tta k promptly attended lo by svma 4
Horsjea Douirht and told.
Hur ltorU-l and Fad o
hi lrn.
jAcon (JlKSV,
Kate, ft per Day ami Upward.
I.ir.ry and Frd HialiU In Coniwriion llb
III II. MIX MorMI aild lll(lM u
lt al ltainatl IUi.
(lar Uill.l ail Hi flnt in(, ll juof,
andclnara. WinbrJ'i llor on
1;. I nit
rranfef and ExjtfE
Krelghl anl parcel delivtmi
to all part of lhcitj.
, lli rhua.nl Id. At .(
itf Im,-4uP lh .,fnr ,f
M hhl fr... ( ..HIM(V ..,11.
."lolhlhg -ill Mnlrii,.,. mtm ,,,,
-- l.
u or .li.nn Tb. I.ri rt-.,M.i
7 ramllM ik. . ..
, - 1 f in.
.lliof.l- rtin.ttirt,. f,,f
' "" M..l.l.llM,r,
lh. Mn.1 H.llr.i. II,,,. I,.
4 aold tiiim
Dyspepsia Cure
1 I)inr;t iuhjf vnii eat
Il lirll flrlnlWll, Vi.trwvt andLS
Nature la atrcngthcninf and rtcot
itructinii iiio etliausted dlgcsttn r
Iran, 111 thelatenlulwovereddir
ant and loclo. No other iiretitrtuol
can approacli It In tnu leucy. H
suutly relieves ami teriiianiiUycuni
Iysr-pla, Indlucstloo, Ilcaflburt,
F'iuttllericn. Kimr KriiiinMi NiUlr4
Kick Hcadar liP.Oastralgla.Cratnpt
all ot her rcsu 1 1 of I uijicr fee t d Igrattoa
I'rti-e 6ft. and ft. Lrn lnriiiulin U Cc
nuillalui. ll.ii.lillI.Kitil)npr.iru.lllff
Prspar. by t. C. DWITT CO . ChiS
Slate Normal School,
Monmouth, Oroaon.
Fall term oicn SridriiiUr iKih.
The sttidrnta of the Noriiml School U
J.rrpnred to take the state certlfKt a'
mciliatcly mi uradusllon.
Grndiistra readily secure good jHillon
J'.speuse or year from fwo Uifljo.
Strntiu acadrinli' mm, I nr.,r,...l.,,i.l i'oiir.
cw special depart mrnt ill manual Iraluing.
Will eiiuipiied traiiilnif drimrtmrnt.
For catulugue containing full aimi'i"ic
menta, aildreu 1. CaMrnKU.
or I'rraidcnt,
W. C. Wknn, Scc'y ol Faculty.
V The Miners'
and Prosoccfors'
i Favorite.
ti UnafTcctrdbycolJ
v or heat Winchester Am-.
mutt il ion It iis(-il hy every
ono ami roM cvcmlierc.
Send name and address on a
postal card for 148-0 illus
trated catalogue. It is free.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co.
nw havi:h, winn.
418 Market St., San Francisco, Cab