OREOON fJITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY, 20 1900, Oregon City Enterprise full'1' UAVI OHtOON CITY (CchBI.) 7"S At M. 7 5" JS so lo.os losi Mi5 n to r. roj iy JS jso 4i 450 I35 b to 7;5 M. liS ' ft "ft'.'kl. so on I 011I7 l Aiilwei ukU 91$ It yi onlv to ftlllwaakl 41 MiMUTI OMIOUII. THE LOCAL NEWS. jjf.mi Iertt no. (lover nor liert'')' ot hleU I'utiUr, an (J v,riilil''''nilln Read, who ton t.;ilKHt Flab Hoard, Bill vleil M' I'l'l' I'leckama bary l Irtwuiti uose. W, C. Ward, o r . ..J iUUrd Well, of this city. - - - ..kilj recommendation o( Huttl. .11 iJ Ida ('tared Foraet Keawtva (1 Orwil'X. have bn PPoloM rent', end tUrlad UM their iu.a m ' h Honda morning. l:Ult FelUee. M. I.. Ik,r' i J . I .J !.. 1.1 i'rl.l.M .1 toGwd FeroanUn IfoaplUt lo Port im boned HunJey Morning lit the ..ilrVW' crmU7, with lmpoln ,. Tli d-atJ miWU a, K ) ol , end Ufl no ralatlvea ii.ui. rWrvlre were held I rum mOU )Hot' tempi, It, A. Haseffidailng. Hit funeral we well cJeind many fiorar tribute aei iroJrar. am En A. A. M. I'airWk.sn tVaiflftl Mats Itefmm rkliool, ar- rtWia tt! i' 7 Monday morning, lit lU trill of Uifa boy who re- ,! Irv tlal Inatilultuo Ik sklpJ at H4ey noun, Tliair neroe ar btaa4 JuliiiMtli (rt.liwtxj) "turn lluika W'Wl lnlian) an4 C'tiaa lUnlrla. 1 rifu! Lai art ll io;a Ul la In, Ml kUo, an4 llirjr aU Lf- loeit o K'J al 4 lima luf tli(4rir. ItuUn ln-arj U Uiry r In Oirun I if. !ulfD Nu. J. A. Iluataixl, rjbtUrti aiHwnl from thla c.ljr luf MiliNf, ar!rtj (rum Nm t'ily II atalrt lliat rrjr- xiflaidal rutinlijr la oter lunt ; lliat -( Bw utrr liK),(IU -K)ple In Ul eilf, all ararrlili luf ol.l. Oallif nirr comlllluna, uk lu Ida Mr!1'!'! tlaliua li la I ami lll Put .m t flutirUliliif a'afani until UnKifoin tola In, lilrli lnlna i 8rM ol Antiat. )U alao alalra lliat iaawat ttlimlila dalma jalalnn k art Uwu, Anvil ami Hnow tiulrh. "You "lWfiniJ," Hf I Mr. Ilualan.l. "to MI laka jrour turn (or atrnual "ffilLlrn, Ida ruh la ao KiMt. Tliry -plr mrali t Ida rratauranU, lur l4ltl,t li-'wliirf lmr, lur atr, lfu mail at tl Wiil1c, Thlacon "aHwuiiiili o( thflr lima that tbry ailil'lt Irltln hU h to .r.(HH-t. f'ii r y Tiu (', J. J. Vurli7f impln) .4 IS Crown l'ir Millt, nortiil prrhai (alally Injur.! f Ui 7.(0 ajiiiith Uun.l (rrlijlit Moixlajr "niing. Wurlrjr aa going to lila work, "king tit! ih. railroad Irark, n-ar Ilia ernaaln! at Haanllj ,trm,l( Al Ui MM tl.a rara .t Uirnn ,K, ,. 'i.k lunula, , 0,,M ( ""ow. T,a ,.,,', (, w uttl I'lf.-a. l.lng ,., itl M wliit J.-a(, pH l,ril craalg 111 ring, II. WM ,i,( ko rl((ll I'K in. icrnain.1 Injuria l!.t Crova fi,. Ml. ....iii. rlU brukan, rlgl.t .,, ,rofcain' rlglil -rpariii Hrokxti ami aplna Injnrail. Dr. K. A . Hiiriitnnr U aiufl,li,g ia patlunt, nil da aa raiaovaJ tit tl.a ii rlun ll.i.,,11.1. Illi wic ri,MrfB, un 1 ma uraal, u 1'iiitlaml. IWiimab Kiiiihit. T. 'ilnta. ,y I, Ut& olTra.la U, ,,W, cutmljr aihiUal (ha Clala UlrUa riNiaiY! aav.ral flnaaiH- ln,.,!,. i CnuiHy Ju.lg, TIionim Y, Hyan. chair man of tha roiniiiliira, ( coufaUni that lalhu art Inlnr.alaJ, aaal.t In riiaklijg ,U tihll.lt am b aa It ran U rna-la, at cannot fall .utllng Cla kamaa coiiniy in tha flril .la. ahara aha un douhlt.lly UUg. Tltahlblt Uorn loracaUa grain, graaa, ho,, (nil la, brnlr. oila, mohair, (mmI, hultar, chtaaa, oJ, fl,jur, ttala, (wr, pulp, oln g'xxla, yarna, (amy work of aM klmla, ami, In fart, anything ami tv.ry thing Dial la groan, ralmxl, ma.ln, gaili. raxl or manufaiturfl In Clackamai owinly. AUul Jt) aorlh olarihart Imd purtliaaml, and tha (rulla ami r.rrali art now Ulng arrangwl (or ilia-l''y- Haioiir KiMrtau. Ona ol I ha moa In larr.ilfig iraomgM In tl.a eily at prta ntlalVnon Itnyaa. a Filipino lal, alio I a ttit'Uril at tha (,'h.u.a Imllan ath'wl. a rania lo Aniarlia about a year ao from Manila on hoar J tha Irani port that coovryal tha VVaahlngtiin tioia. Altar mntioli'g In Waahlngttn hlaia arfrral rriuatha, ha taint tq()rrgn loaiHor Iht (lirmaaa arhool. Young It.jrttla trlht, gv-J looking yogih, anl ak tlit I'.ngll.li lingtiaga vary flurntty, hating Irarna4 It alum hta ar rivlal In thla eotiniry. Many farullicim Ihia cliy hava IntltaJ Llm to (hair hoae. lo dint on aoitxint ol Lla Intrmt Ing .aunallty. lla playi tha piano and clarionet, and haa othar arcompllrh mania. It It Ida praarnt Int'ntlon to apbd Ih nl Ova )ara In achool In Amerlra, and thrn to rvtorn to hit natlv country, ahar ha VA found a Filipino rvllV. Hit aympalhlra ara alt with tha AturrUana and again.! Agulnatdo. I'aUnl Krrr4. "Monty Upalnt gxl Idraa may I fH-urtd by oar aid. adJrraa Tha Talent Kacord, Italllmnrt, Md ." For hurna, ltimh. pllr and akin die- UMlitWiu't Wiith Haiti halrt. It la tha original. Counttrlr.il may U ofTrrtd. l' only IfeWitt'a. ('no. A. Harding. Far ala. The AchofO l'lr, near Damaarua. On ol the lineal farm In Clackauia county. Kn juire ol L. j I'orter. The Fntarpriae and Oregoiilan for 12 O a )ear. It ha le"n denionVtrarrd by exper ience that runauiliptlon can be prevented by the early nee ol One Minute Cough Cure. Thla la the favoilte remedy for eotigha, colda, rrotip, aaihm, grippe and all throat and lung trouble. Curea Hulilty. tieo. A. Harding. Far Yeaac In ! Teang vfemra. Tliere I nothing that will arunae tha Ira of a young man or woman ao (julck a to bave Inferior laundry work put of! on them. They may dreaa ever o well, but If their alilrt front or ahlrt wtlit U muaay llieir neat appraiice la apolled. The Troy laundry make a jvilty ol Udlea' and gentlemen'a fine work. Iltere can be no ttler work than i done al the Trov. Leave your oidert al Joluiaon'a barter ahop. Ifaw Ara Te lldara I IH ll.ha -eiran!iaaialUidiillle el. fM. Add aiIMM WWW! Mh!..".! this ware we import from Germany in large quantities, j It comes in a great many designs and assorted views. The views are burned in and guaran teed not to rub off. The prices of the different pieces range from 15c. to $1.00. BURMEISTER St HNDRESEN, THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. THI UOWER 8HCLT. "Z7.j Wlwa ttum Ik. riiatif I rllra 'tITI",l' M ! 01 rtudr dour Uhlnd, "hit Ikouahlful ktn4 ku nwa th. blla4, H Ttva 'r ih. tlKlvr. I rn(. mf tt, Ut vuIuhm. mil allk and dflf, Tk MtUlf btmpoua lllow-hlllJ Tk ni a lb Www aUM, , Tlr ! aif Hwlr'i aarrow wall, ' Hum friri!a la mlmm tm rrt I aoma, I raiin4 ft I kimr Hum all, IM Ikl I'll twnr I aunhlp tnm. AM rnmiM you know U nit I am Whk lu Ikal'i alfk aorta? alf, Olawa, alrariftf, ' Ih aluil.kf UM Tint lnit M lb U,wH aUK. Too ajwiuM a anmawkat ahakj akairi Taaj pHnl U afliwal lam, al era, Ulik. "ThU U Inal" and "ThU I raf.1" 1 abrrt'i th bwk a aian caa Urn I Al. rata tha frand aiw, I hfrkt lhf a but nantura tfceofiit el ftU, WhlU Ibaa. anlld katiara rrtxk fa kaana ba ika Ina aklt faU Mail OaaatU, A CURIOSITY OF ALASKA. aaabaa Vrm4 bf Drirtie4 Vraaa All C.r lb Warld. Ona of th gratai cuiioaltlea noted by travtlera In Alaaka la th wonderful harm of driftwood on th coaat ba twttn TakaUf and Kyak lalanda. xnna 1.9)0 or 1.&00 mlh oortbeaat from Brattle. The conaiaot di'poalt of log and driftwood In thla particular pot, wblrb haa btn going on for bur drvda, prrbap thouaanda, of yrara, la due to the plu-nouit-na of the tldea, the I'arlflc gulf atrintn, ilia mytterloul o-rao rum-nta and the p-rujjar forma tlun of the ali or llnr at that point Ig and tlmtMTa are rradlly Idi-ntt-Bad there aa having come from Japan, China, India and other pan of Aala, aa wall aa from California. Vaahlng too and Mhrr parta of the American continent There are One loga of the camphor tre. the mahogany, tha red woo1 and the pine In thla driftage. Home of thoa from the alate of Waab Ington contain the oamee of the men wbo MM the tree and of tbe aaw mllla for wblrb they were dettlned. but yver reached le elgbt feet In diameter are In thl novel woodyard, and aome entire treea IV feet long ara there, uplifted by the root, caat Into the ee by aome terrible tempett and arut Boating round tbe world. Other peraona on tbe beacb deacry big tree- Coating ahoreward, with fanuatlc rnote above the wave like aome art tnooatrr. One beacb after another baa ten formetl by tbe floating timber, and a little dlatanre back from tbe (bore the d-polia are ao old that the wfMl In aome plac-ca la ieirined. wblle little der In tbe rartb tt haa turn ed Into coal. The newer loga are with out bark and a hard a atone, due. It la thought, to ttielr long Immrrelon lo aalt water. Tiny have all taken oo ft wbltlab apx-aranrt. In placea ibe 1 1 ml re are plh-d SO feet bleb: at other point they rloe to a helcht of only four or live feet. t'nder thla wonderful beach are found large quantltlea of dark, ruby aamL rUb In One panicle of rold. for th eeparatlon of wblch no aucceaaful proc r baa yet lieeo dlcovcred.-.'blcago Ttmea Herald. A Wsdval tleea. Not lung Bk' French i hrtuil'iueur Moiittiilrnll of the I'arla iaulola en countered In a little village of the aoutb of Fraux a gardener who wore, pin on hi clean Suuday blouae, th rtblKin of the l-eglen of Honor. Nat urally, the iiew.pnjHT nian dining to know how he got It The gardeuer, wbo. like umiiy of hi trade, eccmed to be altciit inau. va averae to mwtlug an old ami wenrlaoiue demaud, but iiuaiij ne m-Ku. I . A.A, "till, I don t know now i aiu gex in I na at Itiuellle with the rent of tha battery. All the oitlevra were kllh-d. then down went all the noneommla aluned otllceni. Hang! bang! Imng! Hy and by all the aoldler were down but nit: 1 had llred the luat ahot and nat urally waa doing what 1 could to aUnd off the Hmnrliinit. "Well, a general came, aud any be, 'When.' )'olir ollli eraV "All down. nay I. "'Where' jour gun tier 7 aay he. 'All down luit me.' any I. "And you've U-vu lighting here all alone?' V4iy he. "I couldn't let 'em come and get th gun, could IT I aya. And then he up and put thl rllilxm on me. probably becniiHe there wn tiolxuly elae there to rt It on " Through (ha Tullowatone. Tha now root via tha Ongnn Hhort Mna Kallroad and MonMa, Montana, rnahlna you lo make a dellghUul trip throuidi tha Yallowaona National l'ark, DfiUirlng via Monhlaand coining out via Cinnabar, making It unnAceaaary to tow any portion of tha routa twka. For baauliful ilfacriptlva booklet, write 1 or call at Dragon Hhort Una Ticket jOtlca, H2Tblid alrwit, for I land, Or. Fur Hale. 12000120 at:rea, 32 Improved, good hoildinga. t 10 acrea, cordwood tlmler, level. I tm-W a:rea, 10 improved, balance I ti inttar on river. $lwK acrea, rt Improved, good building. f.JO ir acre, 3M arrea timber on river. 'JX0 I'JO acre, i' improved, ordi nary building. 11(00-71 urea near church and achool, Improved Jd0IW acrea tiomeatead building!. Fine Home, 11 a rea In city, part in trade. fX)Q-3o7 acrea, 125 Improved, 180 paature. M acrea timber near town, oo eaay term. J, A. Thayer, liox 323. Sunday Services. OKKMAN F.VANGKI.ICAL LUTI1 KHAN 1M MANUAL CHLKC'lf-Coni! KiKliib eri'1 J. Q. Adami atreeta; itev. trneat J. W. Mark, paaior, bunday a lioot at u A. M., weakly aervicet every Tburwlay al Hi'. M . (i.rmaii achool every Baluriia (rom 9 to 11 F.verybody Invited. T. JOH.H'g CIICRCH.CATHOUC.-Rit. A. HiLtaaaaao, Paaf. Oo Huodaf aaaaaall and UjM a. . Krjr aaeoud and (uurlb auudaj liirmm aermo after the o'clock naa Al all otber aiaaaea Eogllak aamoua. Hundaf aboul at IN r. a. Veapar. apoloceUcai aublct aod beoedlotloa at I Mr.a. METHOOIHT EPIM-'OPAL CHPRCIlrW It. Oliaie, faator. Morning aerTlre at 10 auaitaf Hrb.Ml at 0 w. Claa meetlnf a(Ut aioruliia aerrlr, gnlnf aervlce al 7JA kpwortb Leaf u BiMting aurnlaf nlni al ( J0. fr;ar alactlai Iburada avauing al7J0. itrauraeorillallT loTlltd. FIKHT PREHBYTIKUH CHlRCH.-EiV. A i. Mnutgrnnerf, Paitor. HerTieaa at II A and 7 AO r. a. Halibalb Hhool at ie a. m. Toud feople'aMVietaty of Cbrlallaa KndeaTor meeia rr Hundaf areolni at (Ml. lhuiaday a'uln( prarr naeUng ailJQ. aaata Irt. KVANGKI.ICAL CHURCH-Corntr of Rilitti ani Mallion afreet, Ktv. H. (play (axor. Hervtre every Hahkatn at 11 a. m and 7:11 p. m. Sunday Hctiool 10 t m Fraytr meeting 8 p. m. All art wtlcomt BT PAL'I8 KPIPCOPAL CHUPXH Rv. P. K. Hammond, Hector. Service tvery Hunday al 11a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Hnixlay achool at 10 o'clock, rx rvlce every Friday evanlna at 7:30. (Mher rvlce a maybe announced. All teata free. Htrang eraeordiallr Invited. Ft K8TCOSGRE0AT10SAL CHURCH, corner of Main and Eleventh atreeta Rev. K. H. Ilulllngir, ator. Morning aervlc IO..Vi;Humlay hchool 13; Junior Endeavor S; Y. V. H. C. K. prayer meeUng 6:30; evening aervlc 7.50. FIRST BAPTIST Clll'RCII.-Rer. J. H. Heaven, paalor. Preaching eervlce every Hundayat 10 .TO an J 7:.'10p. m. Holi day artiool at 12 noon to 1 p. m, J union meet In Hie af'ernoon and tbe Senior Young People' aocleiy and lilble tndyclauat 6:1. p. m. ilinrMtav evenlna. regular prayer aervlc at 7:U0 p. ro. Widuewlay evening, ltihle atudv clastal Y. Al. C. A. j room led bv tbe pattor. OABTOniA. Bmj.Os 1ll M lot Hi t'inn BciQl Blgaatar r The Enterpriae 11.60 per year. HI! AT IM MIIL0I1. A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, lias cured in numerable cases of Incipient consumpti on and relieved many inadvanced stages. If you ire not satisfied with tbe results we will refund your monev. Price 25 rva., and fiOcts. and 11.00. C. Q. Huntley, the Druggist We are the printers for the people and you are the people for tbe printers. Liok over your supplies and aeo if your are not in need of some more letter heads, envelopes, circulars, cards, etc. Then place your order with the Enter prise otlke, where you get good, clean printing. Tbe Appetite tt ftoat la envied by all poo dvapeptica whoae Btomach and Mver ara out of order. All aocb ahould know that Dr. Ring'a New Life 1'llla, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Keme'ly, givei a iplumlid ap petite, aound dlgnation and regular bodily habit that Inaurea perfect health and great energy. Only 2-"c atCso. A, Ifardlng'a drug atore. Capri Hhoe Company Mlockholdrrr. The regular annual meeting of stock boldera of Capen Shoe Co, will be held at Uie office of aaid company, at Willam ette Falli Oregon on Toeaday tha Hih day of Auguat MX) at 3 p. m. FaAkg Capcv, Becrefary. Wanted ; One young man from Clack- amaaeonnty, Oregon, to prepare for (he coming Hallway Mall Bervic exaraina tloo . Wa f urniah everything, inclu lin book! and ma pi. Addreaa, ennloeing tamp, Inter-flat Correspondence In ititute, Cedar Rapid, la. Wedding aUtionerv, tha la toe t itylee and fineet assortment ever brought to Oregon City at tha EsTigrams Tbe Oregon March and Ttte sir p. Conatam Mattingly Indicated to tha L. 8, IJttlhip "Oregon." A march of great merit wilb a military wing to it Title page shows a besuiiful half tone cnt of Ibe Oregon Piano solo , 25eta On sale at Hontley'a Book Store. Ladle Caa Wear Mboa Onealte smaller after nsinir Allen'a Foot-aae, a powder to U ihaken into tneanoea, It makes tight or new shoes feel eaay; girea Instant relief to corn aod bunions. It's the greateat comfort discovery of the age. Cure and prevents awollenleet, bliCen, callous andaore spou. Allen's Foot-Eaae Is a ccrlaln cure lor sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggist and shoe stores. 25c Trial package FREE by mail. Addrtas, Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, .V. Y. Ranchers bring your bides and fun to the Mechanics store in Oregon City. Ranchers bring your bides and lure to tbe Mechanics store in Oregon City. WA.ITI'U. Seveial copies of Oregon City Enter prise of June 15 and June 22. Fivecenta per copy will be paid. FELL1W Harding Block, Oregon City, Oregon Telephone 313. 45 cents 1 Dot. Deviled Ham. 5 cents Box American Sardines. 13 cents Pound Eastern Hams. 25 cents 3 cans Condensed Milk. 55 cents 11 Pound Box Crackers. 25 cents a 2 Boxes Whole Wheat Biscuit. 25 cxts 3 cans Salmon. 5 cents Pound Tapioca. 5 cents Pound Sago. silore) Oregon I'll? and lortlnl. J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager. , Seasonable Bargains in Mens Furnishing Goods Night Shirts 40c Polka dot Half Hobo 23o Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. . 6c ttalbriggan Underwear 35o Leather Iklts 2.rj Golf Bhirts COo Silk Sunpenders bOc Silk and Wool Shirti 11.25 Novelties in Plaid Neckwear just received ; 50c? Adams Bros. Golden Rule Bazaar. i Dr. WlllUma' Indian Pile f I LN'iiolnieiit will cure Hllnd, I 111 I PW"I"'"' and lublna; lI fl I laiPllra. Itabaorlxtbetumora, auya li. itcBiutr i u. ucim a DoulUre. k'ltca Inatanl re- l.il. Lit. Wllilamii'ladianl'ilaOiul meal la oreoarMl for PI Ira and lu b- Ina; of th. prfa" purta. Krerv boi la wmnlrA. Hr dnurtri.Ui. bv mall on ra- alnt of pnr- Mf wot a and fl.eo. WILLIIUS IANUF ICTURH6 CO.. 'rot. Cleveland. Obio. KIT'S CREAM BALM . a poalttreeirre. Apply Into the nneiril. H-aqnrklyalorhd. ceota at Droi'iriata t br nail ; aapt lot bj maiU JU.T BKOTUEKS, 4 V mtna fcu, New lock CUy, LI 1.1 I Hawaf II ar Tir luabl. peraonaof a ni?hxnRl or Invanllre Blind dr,!iinalnptottw I'arta k'.tpoattiun, wlibfuwi aala aiid rinD, patd. tiiid vrtt Tka ! VT RKl'lllLU. UaUtlmara. Md. A Personal Matter A well painted bouse is like a neat ly dreset person always attract ive and pleasant to look upon. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and freshened up at a very reasonable price paints are very cheap now. Don't leave it - until the son make any mors marks and cracks in it. Leave Orders at . Ely's Store. MCRROW Tbe Psinte I "AeoodWAiBer.l ' boeaa and poor luok- ,'-;V ln haraaaa la tbe I wurvt kind of a cum- 1- A UnaUO' Eureka V I Harness OilTV MtoalrmaAMthebarnMiandttM I A buna. LlM brtUtr. tut OuU- ill ' l Inttirr aof) and r-llaM-, put- tt In rno. 1 11 ,1, it, d.u. U lt-ic m lu4 aa it ordlnar' traold. ll I r'i I I, ati mr-lM la mm an I , Ir""Y ; li. :f ' f Xl'Vif 5TANDARO ;fl . A I Your A Horse a xfc-W:? I Chance! j$y Y3r ijWwS