Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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News of the Week
Friday, July fl.
' Tli silver republicans ut upli!(
" ticket at Kansas City by nominating
llryau (or president anJ letting (ho vice-
- presidency go blank.
The thermometer liai reuislerod W) for
the past thrw days in Chicago, ami 10
- leaths and 13 prostrations have occurred.
Neaiolthe Kansas City convention
was given President McKinley in press
liulktins. All of the message were de-
Mivered to Secretary Cortelyou, who read
them to the president in the library, on
the puch, or wherever he happened to
be. Soon after receiving the uewa of the
adoption of the platform, the president
and Mrs. McKinley went (or a lung drive
about the city, There was nothing
about the president's ad ions to indicate
that displeasure or surprise was occa
sioned by a circle' incident o( the con
vention. Roosevelt and lianna have completed
the intenerary for the republican cam.
paign. Roosevelt is to stump all the
liocky Mountain elates..
At the request of the I'hlllppine com
mission, through the Secretary o( War,
F. M. Higgins, chairman of tue Central
Board of Examiners of the United States
Civil Service Commission, has been st
ained to duty in the Philippines. This
assignment is made to establish civil
service examinations to test the fitness
of the applicants in the transfer of the
Philippine government from the military
to a civil basis. Mr. Higgins will stop at
Hawaii on his way to the Philippines, in
order to organize a board of civil service
examiners and establish civil service ex
animations in that island.
thrown out of employment at Lebanon,
Pa. by the banking of five furnace oper
ated by the Lackawanna Iron A Steel
Company at Scranton.
The past week's scouting In I. man re
itiltvd In 11 Americans being killed and
Id wounded. One hundred and sixty
Filipinos were killed during the week
and eight Americans who had been
prisoners in the hands of the reliels were
surrendered and 100 ritlea were turned
over to the United Slates ulhVial. The
enemy ambushed a wagon train between
Indang and Naic. The Thirl infantry
lost nine men while on an expedition to
punish the Ijtdrones in the delta of the
Rio Grande.
In the Antigua Province of Pansy, a
running fight of three hours' duration re
sulted in the killing and wounding of 70
of the enemy. There were no casualties
among the Americans.
Th rt of a chtU. , -'
Lik ths Iwart ul downv
II u t mUU tat ths sua . 1
Al ur tot tlx ilMtrs,
OK, Innotiml noun.
With vmltr twaullult '
Oh, brrt Ilka I 6r's j ,
la ths brl ol a rhlljl
Hit hurt ol s child,
l.lkt Dm hfti ul s blrJ, .
Wild rsilurvs vf immo
U Soltd tml stlrrnl (
Oh, ni alihuut aunal
Oh, bwIimIIm wllilt
Oh, hMrt Ilk a bin)')
U lb hMrt ol a child I
Th hMrt ol s cMU.
l.lkt I Ix hMrt ot I Ik l4,
U lull ol ths hop
Of hil sumnirr shall fcrtntf.
Oh. glory ol thin
la a witrlii unUrSlnll
Ok, hrtrtliko ths icln('
la ths hrtri ol a rMMI
Arthur AusUaJscisua la UaJoa SMkfr,
The insurgents are slowly accepting
the amnesty provisions. In some in- f
stances Americans are suspending opera-,
tions in order to give the rebels an op-1
lortuuity to take advantage ol the decree 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n
A Story of Toaai Girl's
VU1I tuaa lasaaa Asjlusa
II I I III! I I I I I I I I IH-1-r-f-l-H
Hold upon I"'"-11 "
moved toward her. There se.-u.ed notb
lug for It but to run. and run she did,
speeding' over the soft lawn with a
rapidity that astonished herself. W
could hoar him calling to her. but she
l'd on till tliwlly hysterical Im
pulse, In.rn of her fright and ftlg
.if her. hi b.hiiil lo hiugll
attain, and the mUHl.nl. half w'l'lng
huiglitcr floated behind h.-r as she (leU
Then, breathless, aim stumbled In a
ground mole's tunnel ami fell Oat. A
i.voud Inter two arms were about her,
I ml she was lifted to her feet he
faced the lunatic They wers of a
height, and they stood losing at each
other. both of them pale and trembling,
his arm still supporting her.
"Poor child." he murmured. "How
sorry I am that I frightened you. I'er
Imps ought uoi to have rim after you.
lut 1 was afrnld you would leave ths
grounds and come to some harm."
She would have llhci to navs ca
ptained to him that one need not coins
I to harm outsl.le or tneir grouuus, pu
I perhaps It waa as well that she thought
I otherwise. She would tell hhu the
! truth alM.ut herself. Perhaps h would
I understand. Ah. whsl a pity that such
an engaging face should hide a rubied
in I ml :
"You must try to understand," !
said slowly, "that I do not live Here in
AM. AHOl T al lrfHtm.
A llaiiaNoni Series ef Sm I '""'"I
California la thmialural paradise of Ilia
holiday maker. Its resources art, Iiipi
i..,..i,i.u ii. Invitation uiilveisal, and
Ha reports and atlra.tlons a g the
inosl noted In the world.
TheSoulhern Paclllo (Vin.any pub
Ishes dencilptlvs hteralure containing
vsluahle Information aUnit all of Iheiii.
It U for free distribution and may I oh'
lalued Irout any Hoiilhern Paclllo agmil,
T. II. tlotHlman, (leneral I'awiwr
Agnil al Hsn Krsmleeo, V. II. Markham
(ieueral Passenger Agent al Portland,
Ore. If you apply by mail Inch a
atsmpfiir esrh piibllcallon.
"Kesorts and Attrs.tloiis Along the
Coast Una" Is a bsn danmely lllnstraliNl
I (older, giving a tlescrltilloii ol the health
snd plessure rewiilson thecussl (nlxeell
Ssu Francis-., and la Angeles.
"Simula lle.irU," emlivlllshed with
beautihil hall t"iio engrsvlng, dr rlies
the scenic and outing attraiiloua of the
at and wonderful Hhasta region, the
grandest of pleasure giotinds.
California Koulh tf Telis. hapi'' tells
ii i .
i vrious uesiring
parties, socials, etc
this nlDce.
oars Iks
Ik Iha lind vl A-o I
xr ;;ei
I0K1 TIII1 HTMuVlor,
.Miiddyco.nplexln.,NllM.M l'
eoine from cl.r.lo r.ii.i,,B
v.T-r,...i ,ea is an aUj,,,,, 1
has Iwen iniUI f.,r fifty llB2l
luUg.mrai.tes. Prl- e ci,.
U. (I. Huntley, lnigg,i, tui'H
I'amlf I'llliorllii. iUi r 'o,
ii u w. u. erwi.,;(t("V'n
'Is. I
lm. I. , I
Tuesdsy. Julv 10. .
. ..;..,, , Helen Paey went to Elgin not !
mill be in China within a few weeks, 'j a BC0OUj who was. Klglu j the-the building, you know. I came to all a!'.H the charms of thai ima,kably
Ihese ngures are larger tnsn loose given , , a u-autlful town, but Its atreet car
heretofore, but are baed on Mter in-1 service Is not good, aud Helcu w alked
fiipiiiAt l.in ttlii.-li lis liit rtt..iM.I l.r IIiiii.!, th. vlltiii-.i nn l. IIia lit..MMmit ' lniiirT'
j visit a n-latlve who Is Here, it seems iv.r. seinlclrople gaMeii sil, chmuii-
a pleasant piacv. nave you uwu .w rr, (-Mni,lf 4,
Saturday, July, 7.
The Russian government announces
that ii will give Japan a free hand to
apply military force in China.
Tsin now park w ith w hich the state has sur
rounded the asylum for the Insane. It
Is a walk of considerable length from
The allies at Taku and Tien
number about 1S.0OO men. The teinforce-
manti nn.l.ir nr.lr ivinuiut rf 1(1 Orkl T.n.
itvv i- the sate of the grounds to the building,
ane troops, 15.000 Oermans, 13.0XX)' ... , . , . . . , "
.. . id Helen was to encounter a iiielan-
Russians. 11.000 Amer.cans, 10.000 Dr.t- cbo,r Bj.hL A he w,.n, hUmg ,e
ish, S(KX) French and 3000 Italian. Iserpentlue path a procession came to-
The converter and bill. t mill of tl e ! WIrd her- Tb,,r n,u,,, bar
Illinois Steel Company resumed tod.y, b1un,,,r n!en l!-("ud xhr
, , , slowly, and most of them walked wrlih
and nearly a thousand men were put to ... Tbllr - . ,... .
work. I .,.,.,ii a, nni ifi.i.!i
ivn lusianu ......;. .
thought It must lie a funeral proces
sion, but a moment Inter she perceiv
ed that It was something mors dis
tressing. It was the walk of those
who bad survived their own death. In
It was a body of Insane
The cases ol the Commonwealth
against Youtsey, Powers, Pavis, Whit
aker and Combs, charged with complic
ity in the murder of William Goebel, at
Frankfort, Jannarv 4. were called by other words.
Judge Cantrill today. By an order of
court all persons who entered the court
rooms were searched.
The news of his nomination at Kansas
City was given to Adlai E. Stevenson
this afternoon at the summer cottage
of bis sou-in-law. Rev. M. D. Hardin, at
Lake Minnetonka. Said Mr. Stevenson :
''This comes as s great surprise to me.
I was not a candidate at any time, and
never expected to be nominated. But
of coarse, I shall accept the call of my
party. Endorse the platform' Of
rfvinrwa T .liall TI.1.V aIm Alll.l f m.tnr,t
, 1 ' money.
I believe the democrats generally will!,on t0
support the ticket I had expected to
do some Campaigning anyway, but now
I shall do a great dekl more."
Oa Woman's Mr of I he Mir ts)
Deposit la a llaak.
Most comical stories are told at the
expense of the fair aex regnrdlnj their
lack of familiarity wltli lianks and
their methods. One .: iiie to the ears
of the Sauntcrvr tha: apparently has
1 the merit of uewiiesn.
"My wife had saved op her pin
or what he lu.ln't bad occa
use of It." snl.l the relator of
patients exercising the bodies that held
their perished minds. Helen shrank
aside and stood fascinated while they
pn.ise.1 her. Some of them looked at
ber c ' ' Misty or w ith lack luster gaxe
or lly. A sudden appreciation
of ber own youth and health and sani
ty came over her snd made ber all the
more pitiful toward these uufortu
nates. The procession had passed, and she
; was atiout resuming ber way to tue
' hospital when one of the men quitted
the ranks and walked hurriedly to
' ward ber. None of the rest looked
; around. The attendants bad not no
ticed his desertion, and his steps on
! sl.A ana s I ttietiln stst xiim 1 Ifsa sSl ft a
tur r to is t vs . iv ti rHruiiu, iiv v tit w
the story, "until sh' Ii id H In bills
or various ueuomiii.tti.u. mis sne iwltb , ,,,,) gut,x sU.p toward Hel
was extremely d.- irons of securing PII . showing his teeth In a bn.ad smile.
pnli! f.ir ami evei v il.i.' n hen I rame h i - . .
Detail, of further horror in Pe.kn are , bome t0 dlnD).r ,,,, wollM Uu, mt. over ml ( .t
satberedby con es,K)ndenU at Shanghai the coals becniw I bad forgotten to hl. WM ln R(MM, ,,umor JMt w Con.
from Chinese sources, especially of the j procure the su.ulns :netaL Finally she .goiinj, bUt it Jhl not ke. p her bands
-elauehter in the Chinese and Tartar city w'd she would attend to the matter j fron) turning cold with nervous dread.
As he approaclied he lifted his hat
oi tnousanus ol native Christians, so
-that the capital reeks with carnage.
The ruthless thirst for blood is spreading
in all ihe Northern provinces; and
wherever there are natives .Christians
the scenes enacted in the capital are re
produced in miniature. From thetve
proviLces nothing further comes regard
ing the legation forces, except a repeti
tion that they are all dead.
herself. That evening she greeted tue
with a triumphant smile.
"I got my gold.' she exclaimed as
soon as I entered the house, 'but I bad
a time In doing It though.'
"Then she told me bow she bad gone
to the mint with her bills and been re
fused the coveted coin because the
notes weren't good notes. Next she
bustled around to a bank and secured
four $10 gold pieces. These didn't
suit ber because they weren't new and
shiny, so she trotted ftnek to the mint
with them and exchanged thorn for
two double eagles, fresh frbm the dies.
; with a courtly air. It was evident that
j the poor wretch had once Ix-en a gen
; t It-til n it. but even the must gentlemanly
of lunatics was not a companion to
j choose, and Helen moved behind a low
, lilac bush. She felt that she was white
Mr dear young lady." cried he, "I
'am also a visitor. I also came to visit
an acjualulauce. with whom t was
walking a moment alnce. 1 approach
ed you to ask If you knew when ths
next train went to town, but when I
addressed you I Judged from your re
ply that you were one of the Inmates."
Helen sank gently dowu on the grass.
"I thlui I toust rest a moment"
saliL "l-l an, much surprised!" Her
tone InJUated something mors than
surprise. It confessed to a grest re
lief. She paid her visit to Ihe asylum,
and she and Victor Law, her lunatic,
went back on the aame train together.
To both of tbetu the afternoon seemed
the moat Interesting of their Urea.
"Why were thers tears In your eyes,"
she asked before they parted, "when
you talked with me at first T
"Why. It seemed to me that I had
never encountered anything so bad as
a shattered mlud beyond eyes so
please pardon me so beautiful as
yours. I know I am rude, but I must
speak the truth. If you had leo mad.
1 should havs remembered you with
sorrow all the days of my life."
"Helng sane, I supposo you will for
get meT
Hut she k&ew well that he would not
give himself the opportunity. She was
quite certain that she should see bltn
often. It would have been a grotesque
anticlimax not to have met again after
that ai'exuirv-.K I iU Kiar.
Farmer, business man, Manufacturer
aud all Othen lat'ret-d fa Mil
fare ef Clackamas County.
At the eurnest sulli itatlnn of the State
Fair management and believing that
much g tod would aecrun to this county
htl tliltai wJv.,r( luiii.i it IliM llri-iin I'llv
and that ber eyes were wide stretched. I , nt L . n i i -r .
, , and Clai ksinas ( oiinty It isrd of Trade
have undertaken lo enter (.'lsekarnas In
Emperor William has telegraphed to
the commander of the German sq'.iadron
... vu... -..c.,, .u.uc UU.c.UUr v,eu- ; , ,lgtened , hpr nJ agke(j hcr
era of Sban Tung, to tne Viceroys and ; t0 K.t uie the C0ns
to others, offering 1000 taels to any one j "'Let you see thcmT she exclaimed
accoinplihinn the deliverance of any j In surprise. 'Why. I haven't them
foreigner of any nationality whatever , any more, you goose?
now shut up in Pekin who is handed! "'Haven't them any more? I re-
pcaten. nat qui you ao witn mem r
"She looked at me with mingled
scorn and contempt
"'I deposited them In the Sav-
over to any German magistrate, and
offering to pay the expenses of the publi- J
cation of this offer in Pekin.
Sunday, July 8.
Seven bodies of the victims of the
Ings baDk. of course. That's what I
wanted the gold for. What did you
think I was going to do with them?
but she tried not to show ber alarm,
; Confidence, she hn.l always heard, was
I needed In dealing with the Inxane. The
man moved more cautiously and fixed
-an undevlntliig pi.e upon Helen.
"Madam." said the i.kiii In a partlcn
' Inrly (julct voire. "It Is a pleasant morn
j Inc."
Something In the word suggested a
! scene lu "Hamlet" to Helen, and she
bethought herself of an experiment
j She would soon determine w hether or
, not the man had a clean) of reason,
i "Is It?" she asked, turning her eyes
I to the sky. "Why. Indeed, I thought
j It was raining:"
j The man had a look In his face akin
to pity. "Perhaps you are right." he
replied gently. "It may be raining. It
Hoboken fire of last SstunUv wer re- Keen tbem around the house to look ""l r "
;..i , u ..moi.;.. u..u ;tr except when I see people carrying
"I!ut I was too busy laughing Just
then and for half an hour afterward
to make any reply." Cincinnati En
oulrer. .
ceived today from the steamship Saale
This makes the number ol bodies re
covered Hi, and HO persons are reported
At the headquarters of the Democratic I
Congressional committee today all was!
Iright and expectant. It was prophesied j
on every bund that liryan and Stevenfon
Th Foundation of Woman.
A small boy In the mission Sunday
sebcol of Bishop Fallows' church pro-
would sweep the country in November. Poun,le,J n entirely new theory of cre-
ht thi fr ..nm.lnn rj .nH,ln,. . tlon Sunday.
among the democrats hag nut fcliaken in
the slightest degree the confidence
of the republicans in McKinley and
iiooeevelt. They firmly aert that
fusion or no fuion, their ticket will un
lueBiionably win.
The silver-republicans have nominated
Bryan and endorsed Stevenson for presi
dent fnd vice-precident. "' ,
.Senator Hanna w ill 0n the republi
can campaign July 20, in New York.
A telegram from Tien Tsin, dated July
5, to the London Missionary society Bays
the niisaionariee there were then unin
jured. Monday, July 9.
A tlifpatch from Tien Tsin dated July
3, eavs: "Since early morning the
Chinese have heavily bombarded the
settlements. Admiral Seymour bag
ordered the women and children con
veyed to Taku at the earliest possible
"Who made man?" asked the teach
er, beginning as In the good old days
when orthodoxy used catechisms.
"God.'" was the prompt reply.
"And how dU be make blinV"
"Out of dust ma'am; nothing but
"And who made woman?"
"God made her, too, ma'am."
"How r
The small boy hesitated snd then re
plied cheerfully, "He caused a deep
sleep to fall upon man and then took
out Lis backbone and made the wo
man." Chicago Inter Ocean.
The Consuls at Shanghai report that
'ihe Pekin Legations were safe on July 4,
-and that the Chinese had ceased their
attacks. The only fear felt, according to
the reports of the Consuls, was regarding
4be food supply.
.Sixteen hundred men were today
A Sew Arable Notation.
There la a city magistrate living np
town who Is possibly raising a mathe
matical prodigy In the person of bis
8 or 4 year old daughter. She has on
ly recently begun to attend the kinder
garten and yet meditates changes In
the system of enumeration now In
vogue which, while startling, are cer
tainly suggestive.
When asked the otler day to count
she hesitated some and then lisped:
"None, some, one, two, free, fore."
New York Times.
Win Power.
"As a lawyer Qulbb's success fa due
largely to lis great power of wIlL"
"Yes, I understand be has broken
more wills than any other man at the
bar."-Pblladelphla North American.
their umbrellas."
"Sensory nerves are quite obtuse."
thought Helen. "I have heard that It
Is common with, degenerates." The
man moved a little nearer, and Helen
ventured to go still farther around the
lilac bush. He stopped still, and they
faced each other over the low shrub
bery. What an agreeable looking crea
ture he was. with hi soft brown eyes,
bis long, delicate face and his high
brow! He looked as If he mlirht lum.
been Intended for a poet. Probably
he had been, but hud gone one step
further. Helen had not read Iorubro
so for nothing.
"Do you ever write poetry?" she ask
ed, with genuine curloalty.
The man blushed. Helen had not
dreamed a lunatic would bliiHh.
"When I found n fit Una subject," be
"Ah! And what should you consider
a fitting subject?"
"Why you!" The words came out
pxploslvely. They did not Heem to be
meant for a compliment. The man
spoke pathetically. It seemed as If
there were tears In his eyes. Helen
answered as If he were a child:
"Do I seem so sad to you?" she auk-
ed. "Does It make the tears come In
your eyes to look at tue. poor man?"
"Indeed It does." he replied quite
simply. "I think you are the saddest
thing I ever saw."
"I wouldn't die for anything," she ex
plained. "I like to live. I find plenty
of things to laugh at." And to convince
his wandering wits that this wag the
truth she broke Into a merry laugh,
which astonished the melancholy spirit
of the place.
"ir i give you my band," said the
man kindly, "will you not walk back
with me to the bouse?"
To take bis band, to let him get a
A handsome man l Calilornla, riv
lVie In detail, rehab!, skillfully in
dexad, and full of Infof mation a two I Iha
slate's resource. It Is ihnonly publica
tion of its kind Conveniently Mdl lor
a kel use,
"Summer Outings" la a T.'-pagn folder
.(voted lo the camping retreats In Iha
hbaata lirgion and Santa Crm Moun
tains. Itappaala mors dirwtly Ul that
sr,frt and growing claaa of ravraallun
rekrrs who prefer Ibis popular form f
"Pacific Grove" la Ihe Cbautatiia ol
Ihe West, and litis folder not only de
tail the pretty plaea itself, but glte
a program of lbs religions and e-bn a
I'utial menilnga, ronvuhtlotts, schools,
etc. lo be held there this suutrnvr.
Other publications ara "Use Tabuv,"
"Geysers and I.ak Co.tnly," " Yoam
ite." " Hotel del Motita," "Caslis
Crags," each brimful of Information
sbool Iha places named, ami printed in
the blaboal style ol the art.
A. O. l W. meets every Saturday
evening in tha A. O. I. W. Tempi.
Gry. It, CalifT. secretary,
Itebekal.S Wlllaiuelle Kebekah Imlg
No. 5 ineeia second and fourth Friitay of
earlt month al I. I). O. F. Tempi
Malta Godfrv, secretary.
iuM Robin Hood No. 0, Foresters of
America, meets first ami third Friday to
the month in Kl Men's Hall. W. II.
Stafford secretary; F. T. Rogers, chiel
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M
meets on tha tmrd Monday of eSi-b
uioiiih la Masonic Hall. M. IUjIImi,
Ilolieer Chitrr No. J.4. O. K. S. meets
Ihe second and fourth, Turs-lsys In esi ti
month at Masnnle Hall. Mis Jentii
Rowen, secretary.
far Ilia u
No itiatiar what all ,e, .
a cancer, you will r.nv.r , "
V'f ' I'Ml ruhi,
RF.TM help nature, cu.e ou
grip or pain, pr.l.,.B ,r
movement, coal yu n
atari getting your l.ss.ll, . J
CAUFTH Candy C.iba.t.e ' !
put up In MteUI Is.iea, U); ' !
(!. C. C. slaitid on It. jj, 1
!' Wiil.B (M
'"" 4 h.
l .,mL,lm,
IM lhtlU,-;t,
V.V"':i.": '-..
'- i ft'ii a a
I I lirf. I l
Sl.lMflMl I...
til nf Ik. l..l.tti . - '
risni.i hi iiri .,. f. . ;,
rIM .(!. 44 msis a i j
rre. tkiiuV'-l
JftUllCIUiilB CO
Mverjr, Kml ami ra!Subsi
UH-'ATIO kITWXM Till llltMl J
DiiuLIt tml Hingle R.p.uJ J
J!e hnntea always n hand ti J
lowest j.rlcesi. A corral) ttiBUrtJ
wiui vne ttarn lor .xe iUk,
Information regardint any kiW
stork promptly attend! lo by tar!
isiier ,
Hortet Doutrht and told.
Horse lUMnUI and F4 oa r-
bl tarros.
c. N. Green
Itontfefl and tytw
Freight an.I jiarcels tlelirerW
to all parta of the city.
Oregon Lxlgo o. 3. 1. 1. O. F., fneels j
evary Thursilsr In Odd Felloas' Hall.- !
T. F. Ryan, secretary. !
Falls F.mainpmertt So. 4. I, O () V,
i meet first and thirl Tuesdsy In earn '
the cornjietitive exhibit of counties, for
Ihe tei-1 display of the resources "f eai b,
and to that end hsvn apsjlnted the
undersign. I coiiiiintten lo Iskn charge
of the nutter of collei iing and arranging !
such ail exhibit. The committe are i rnolith. J. A. Stuart, mminv
confident that il all who are Interested i !
Will asms! in making this exhibit audi a I "!'". "f .v,",., , 'TT M""'u'r j
., i night al llixlnirn s hall. IUs.1 Cmiii.slnr, I
It can be nude, that we cannot fail ol j M. rt. Horluiur ; Mrs. May I s lr swrsiarj.
nntllf.L ftiti-k sums rml.itv in tliM first I !
pl... e, ahere she undoubtedly belongs; L ''"''"''"-WaehenoTrlhe No. 13. Imp.
' ;..'!- M..merusaior.lay evening ? :,
Hotel ami Hcslanras
but to do this, the hearty reoperation
and assistance of all who aill be re
requited and that is w hst we now solicit
from you in this matter. The com
mitteeare willing t do all that it is
posaitilo of its ineinber to do, and to 1 secretary.
at K.-I Men's Ilall.-N. M. Mooily, C. 1
of R.j Cliss. W. Kelly, Hu. heui. j
Mnllriomab IxhIkw No. I, A. V. A. M., '
meets first ami third Saturdays In ea. h J
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
that end are anxious and willing to cor
respond and advise with all in regard to
anything they may li.iva to advance that
will tend to n i l to the su.-cess of this I
exhibit It is necessary lo have i-
mens of exhibits of all kinds of vegetables,
grain, grai-a-s, bops, fruits, berries,
wools, mohair, tatel, butter, cheerio,
wood, flour, nieals, pupsr, p'llp, woolen
goods, yarns, fitncy work of all kinds,
and in f.tct anything snd everything that
is grown, raixed, mmle, gather.Hi or
niHriiifactured in Clackamas county, pre
pare thna opeciinens or exhibit and
either bring or send them to Oregon
Ci y in earn ul Judge Ryan, chairman
ol this committee, or if more convenient,
give them i charge of any .nernber of
this committee w ho will be pleased to
look after them. With each ns-cimen or
exhibit send your card with name and
variety of article and other Information
regarding tint exhibit that you may
deem of interest, so that you and the
section of the county where the same in
raised or manufactured may have proper
credit. The committee most earnestly
solicit and rwpiest the advice, hhsihI
ance and cooperation of every inhahi
tant of this county in this work ; do not
hesitate to fend your siiecimens or ex
hibits, because you think others will
send the same article, but send yours
Trusting that our appeal will not be
:M ..... ...mi .....
in vain, uih win meet wnn such a
spouse as will insure success.
We are, respectfully,
0. W. Kahtman. Thos. V. Ilvm
Secretary. Chairman.
K. E. Charrnan, Oregon City.
Richard Scott, Milwaukie, Oregon.
James Tracy, Logan, Oregon.
J..'tlf fJiKsv, . Piiofiif;.
Kates 1 1 Per Pay an.I 1'iisarJi
Mead Relief Corps No IK, meeta al
Willameiie Hall Urn Ural Monday lu
every month at 2 o'clock p. in. and the
tlilrd Monday in every month at 7:"M I
o'clock p. in. The Auxiliary met al j
the Armory building Ihe 1st and .'Ird I ,
ralurday In end, rnonlh at 3 o'cI.m k n , m-i'll"! wlih iha fluasi tue. II '
nr. Mrs. RiMiris 1-i.i.t. i aim cigars. .luhsr.l llwtos
Mary I,. Dudley, secretary.
I.jvery ami rVrd Hiile In Ciimir-IioS '
Ilia Hons. Horses ami H'ltcm la
Isl St It.'Siol.slilo lUlrt.
nsr n
I'nited Artistns meet every Thursday
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hull. Tim social meeliiiif of this order
Is second Thiirsesy of each month. K. !
II. C.top.-r, secretary, M. IlolUck M. A. '
Williiuieltu Falls Cuinp No I H, W. O.
W. meet st ami .'Ird Frl. lavs In tha
Wilhunette Hall. C. ('., Hoi. H. Walker
aud clerk (J, Olds.
Lorio Pine Lodifn, No. M, A. F, A. A.
M., I'HMn, Or., meets on thu seeund
Haturday In euch moiitli from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 n. u, ..!
frou, 1st of November ,o ,st , May at ' v" M , ,, u.JYZ
10 a, in.-Oeo. C. Armstrong. Sec. 1 Itrtlflrlallf dlgfflUUiof0odW
Niituro In atrcngtlicnlnif nnd recw
(Catholic Knights of America Hi. John's Hlructlnfftho fXlmiiHted u'lK"'1."!
niaiicn .no, ol, tneeti every Tuesday of , Kiim. Ill8llil0teal(liwovcri;uu'
il..... I.. ... & . .. . ...mi mills
uiili UIIU UIII1U. no tltnei I'o-lr, fr
ran annroncli It. In efllclelicy. "
atnntly rclluveannd poriiianctitlyoj'f
Hyswrwla. Indlccsilon. Iloartburt
Flatulonce, Sour Ktoitiurh, P1
Hlclc Ilcftdaclie.Oflstrulglfi.Cranipi
nil . i. ...... u. i. . . i. ....rf,if.d ifesl'01
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat
the inoiith,
limiatin Tent, K.O.T. M., meets In
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesdays U. II. Iluu.
Orcuon Citv C'smn. No. MililM,.,!-..,
ur i ' I , ' " "
iiiHHiinniioi America meci every second
aim luunii iiiesnay in tin, month, at
wiiiammia liail.-ii. (Jrosseiibnchor,
If... 1 A tit
meaoH rosi no. i, ii. a. It., meets
ursi Monuajr evening in each month at
WilamettBHall.-J. R. Williams, Com.
I.SWton Command Vn 1 fi l.n
Union Veterans Union meets second Hat
nrday 1 . m. In Ri.dinsn'a i,n n,i
fourth Saturday at 7 p. in, in T. F. Cow-ing'iollice.
all other result a of ImncrfcCtdls'1'1
aif ti!
Price Roc. and II. fjirm. leonUin'i
aumll slae. Hook all alioiitdysS'l'"lu'".
Praporsd by C. C. OsWITT A CO-. nlw
To Car Constipation roravsr.
. Tans ras-ret Candv Cathartla 10 or Bl.
II U Ci. U (ail to cure, drugaUut roluuJ mouey.
Opn. Huntley's Drun Store,
Ureat Britain and Amoric.