Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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(Concluded from page I)
A H Wine, rent nf polling place
K U Itiiri;l-.ar.lt. judge
J C MoMurray, Judge
Ai.I.u. Hull, judge
V II Johnson, rh-rk
T V liiirn, clerk
Win p.urknun, dop sher
J IhlVury A; Co.polhng place...
(10 lUhon. ju.ltro
J l'mrm-lte, judge
J W Kwty, judge
riia ('asee.lay.clcrk
II (tiluton, clerk
A 1 liurni'tte, depaher
A M.uiU. judge
1,1 Tl n "
amm-I Kohb, judge
W Myers, judge
J H Puling. ju.1:
It F liibl. dep ehe r
J P lrvinjii'ltrv
I'll l'ste. judge
N M Trm-oy , judge
C iluifuian. clerk
CC Milli-r. clerk
H K;vreon, !ep sher
t limit, tisrtitdd -.Hilling place.
Hun Paulson, judge
llt-rn John n.ju Ige
luth. ju.ltft
John Marshall, dork
J C Smith, clerk
irtiii. Ahneit. lep sher
James Tracy, j'idge
J (.' pr..ne, judge
Frat k Wilson, judge
0 I K ibl'in. clerk
W Austin, dep sh r
Hardn n lirange, No 2, hall rent
for election
Fred (ierber, clerk
H Kleinsmith, jude-
W C l'.uckner, judge
K L Icingo, judge
Aniog Harriugtou, clerk
K iianinglou, clerk
ti K Miller, dep sher
" swearing judge and
J K Marks, judge
J K Gribble, judge
A V Kigg. pidge
Orriu Wright, clerk
A H Reynolds, clerk
F Matthews, dep (her
!aiHiel Irons, judge
(io-i Imnlary, judge
M J Leabo, judge
J Ridings, clerk
Wallace Albritt.it, clerk
Rnd tiarrett, dep sher
F M Manning, judge
H W Hiaw, judge
K Goucher, judge
C'icer) Larkim, clerk
J F Nelson, clerk
R S McLaughlin, judge
John Weuler.judge
li ThirSSell, judge
"' Mark weather, clerk
John Risley, clerk
b D No 1, rent ol hall
" ' ' supper lor board... .
J 11 Walker, dep slier
E Hair, judge
C B .Mi ler. judge
KJ Buelo. "
1 eo VV Owings, clerk
G B Yoder, clerk
D W Noblitt,dep sher
C D No 40, rent tolling place. . . .
SncM Calull, judge
A Bremer, judge
John Burgoyoe, judge
Joe" Lilian, clerk
M Mnivey.dep sher
J L Wald'ron, clerk
E Vet-to, dep sher
M E vv illoughhy, dep slier ....
J V Powell, clerk
A Luelling, clerk
J W Bomman, clerk
V K Hyde, dep sher
C iJabcock. judge
C N (i'eenraan, "
Cha Kelly. "
Sol Walker, clerk
K W Lawrence, clerk
T S Lawrence, judge
Bruce C Cnrry, "
Joe Harrington. . "
KV Francis
6 0t
4 (
8 M
6 IX)
6 1X1
ti 00
4 00
5 00
6 (X)
6 00
6 00
8 80
6 00
6 00
4 10
1 60
9 00
6 00
6 (X)
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
6 00
10 60.
6 IK)!
6 to;
5 so!
6 00 I
8 40
6 00
6 00
6 00
9 00
9 10
10 tW
9 10
9 00
1 25
4 00
7 20
6 1x1
6 00
6 tO
6 00
4 00
2 Oo
7 20
6 00
6 00
0 00
4 00
6 OO!
4 00
9 00 j
9 0)
9 00'
9 00
6 00:
9 00,
9 00
9 t0;
9 00;
9 00 I
9 00i
9 (0
9 00
9 00
Geo V Ely, clerk
9 W)
L Stiop, clerk 9 0)
V it .avage.dcp slier 6W)
Janes Coon, judge 6 00 j
John Gower, Judge 6 (0
Altrt Walling 7 00 !
Filo Zimmerman, clerk 6 00 I
Asa Coon, clerk 6 00 I
J Johnson, dep sher 4"3j
Usweuo Grange, No 175, rent j
polling place 3 00
Wm S.-ott, judge 9 20'
A Stely, junge C 00,
J N Woods.judge 6 00
C I Calkins, clerk C 00
W E Younu. " 6 Oo
C A ilaker, dep sher 4 00
J Reed, judge 6 00
W M Warnock, judge 6 00
JA Shiblev, clerk 9 60
A Lary, clerk " 6 00
W 11 Handle, dep slier 4 00
Joh l.iiretow, judge 11 00
M'-ljuren, judge H 00
0 S Boylee, judge 6 00
A V Davie, clerk 6 CO
EE Cuter, clerk 6 00
Scott Carter, dep slier ... 4 0
R A Teneyck.judge 6 00
RolV- Alexander.iudL'e 11 20
Ohaa Leaf, judge 0 001
Ash Thomas, clerk
6 00
Th 1'eak, clerk
Frank Thomas, one day with
Geo lloirnian, rent of voting
Job Dick?y, jud:e
J K Shaver, judre
0 W Kobbins, ""
Bilaw vVright. clerk
K E Judd, clerk
Clarence Engle, dep sher
Wni Mone, judge
W 0 Ward, judge
Gricn Mayfield, judge
C k'chardeon, clerg
Chub Miller, clerk
FryJ Walker, dep slier
Chi s Miller, rent of polling place
J W McKay, judge
Ira Jones, judge
L W Ingram, judge
FP Baker, clerk
J Iluinjilirey, clerk
Tow iStnith, dep gheriff
Frank Weddle, judge
Fred Kollemier, judge
Louis Toedemeier, "
O l' Sharp, clerk
J Q tiage, clerk
0 TiiOmpHnn, dep nher
Jacji) Miley, judge
Kd McClinsev, "
W A Criswell "
Geo PUS White, cleric
hi G Miriam, clerk
G 00
7 00
3 50
0 00
6 00
9 20
0 00
0 00
4 00
0 00
8 40
6 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
2 50
9 00
9 00
9 00
9 00
9 00
6 00
0 00
6 00
8 00
6 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
8 40
6 00
. m
-dep sher
Wm Bonnev. tudue.
10 00
UbDiz, judge 6 00
The following retiintration claim werr
ordered aid :
11 FGihuon, n-gintrnlion
Wm Grim'nthwaite
ti K Mi ler ,
tl IX)
3 10
7 W0
3 u)
3 TO
1:' 1x1
5 Si)
5 :o
4 'M
M 10
10 70
14 :t)
11 co
4 Oil
4 70
2 20
2 00
ix) N Hn-iihaupt
IM i K Whne
iXi; John C Elliott ..
(V) j W W J, t..
00 ' J K Marki
I01 E A Wright ....
00 I W J Lewelien .
SO ; Frank II l'ungitn
IX) T J Jonru l ...
O0lo,a N Wait ...
00 ti B Dimick
ixi H A WidMer ...
W S 0 lluffnun
"0l John K Elv
Oil iWurr Wiit.urn.
tHjJumei.M Tracv..
CO j J A Randolph. .
'X) J 1 Kilter
, F M Manning...
' E M llartnian . . .
' Sartmel Iron.
t) Wi-Mn:er ,
JO Maine
15 4
3 10
I I'll 70
Robt I. Poll.-ck
I t'haa T Timte. . .,
Henry Miiey
A S.Mer and Two HrU Taken Out of the
Clckania By (; (ireek.
Lt Sunday George Grek recorded to
hi credit ao act that saved a titter and
two inmates of Magdalene Home from a
j watery grave. The three were bathing
m the Clackatnaa nyer Jut opposite trie
home. One of them being barefooted.
could not maintain her footing in the
rirples and was carried out into the deep
water. The otber two in attempting to
reecue her were also swept off tbeir feet,
and the three were in peril of drowning
when Mr. Greek came to tbeir rescue
Me waded out as far as possible and then
reached Idem with a long pole. They
were completely exhausted when brought
to shore.
II Owe Katw lnlkls.
A middle ajt-d centleman who baa
been looking over his old acbool exam
ination papers writes to The Academjr
expressing bis chagrin at the discov
ery of the fact that he knows less than
he did years ago. "I knew some thing
then arithmetic, for example. Today
I am at the mercy of any waiter wbo
brings" me change. At booking oUicea
I keep vast crowd-) waiting and diIm
Ins their trains while I do laborious
subtraction sums In my bead. Dut at j
school what a baud I was at figures! j
Look at this:
" Three graziers, A. D and C, rent a
piece of pasture land for a mouth. A
puts on 27 cattle for 21 days, B 19 for
24 days and C 23 for 25 days. If at the
end of the month the rent and other
charges aniouut to 23 5s. 10d., bow
much of this ought to be paid by
"I could do that In 1SS4. I couldn't
do It now. I have no Idea where to be
gin. It may be easy, but the point Is
that I have not the key. There used
to be a Jugglery witb x. and I could
manage It. Now that I pay Income tax
and have statements of account from
my publisher every half j.r 1 can
manage It no longer. And 1 seem to
have known zoology too. Zoology! I
seem to have been able to describe and
draw diagrams of the heart and princi
pal blood vessels of the crayfish. Once
good heavensonce I was a well
Informed boy. Today 1 don't see bow
I should pass the third class college of
preceptors." London Academy.
Startrd Ilia Maae.
"It seems so strange," said the lady
who had returned to visit the old
scenes again, "that your son Arthur Is
a poet. When I knew him. I never
BUHpected that he had an Inclination In
that direction. I suppose, though, that
you have seen It lu him from the
first V
"No," the young rutin's mother re
plied; "he never gave any Indication of
It as a boy. His schoolhooks are not,
as one would miturally suppose, scrib
bled full of rhymes. Hp did not Hup
In numbers, nu i read that other no-
eta did. Indeed Arthur yvas about as
plain and praetlr-nl n lxy as could have
been found anywhere."
"That's the way he always seemed to
me. When was It discovered that he
had this giftr
"Well, the first time we noticed It on
him was one day after a heavy sign,
which had projected out over the
street, fell as he was walking along
and struck him cn the head. As soon
as be regained consciousness be seem
ed to be a poet" Chicago Times Her
ald. The ISerit Remedy for Stomach aud
Ilovrel Troubles.
"I have in the drug business for twenty
years and have sold moat all ol the pro
prietary medicines of any note. Among
the entire list I have never found any
thing to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for al
stomach and bowel troubles, "says 0. W,
Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family, and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
' it to my customers to their entire satis-
1 faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
l" a Pleasant form- or sale by O. A
Harding, Druggist
J II Wrltfht, judge
Andre GorU'tt, clerk
I' K I'.onney, clerk ,
J Gortiett, tlep nher
J I CVIeman, judgw
T .)innid, judire
J II Wener
J II Revenue, clerk
l S C ChM', dep lier
F A Meiiiig.reiil uf polling place
(XI Turing laat May an Infant child of imr
JJJ i neighbor waa uiTering fnm cholera In
fantum. The doctor had given up all
tx) i hofea of rex)very. 1 tinik a Uittlo of
txilrhainlrlaln'i Colic, C'holeia and War.
JJjJ, rlma Remedy to the houie, telling them
0,1 ! I 'elt aun it would do gM)d If tted ae-
tx) I cording to diprx tiona. In two daya time
I ). i i. i i. .ti i ti. . ..i.ii i
.Kp.iiiui imii iuiij rmtivrrci. tor 1111111
la now vlaoroiia and healthy. I have
recommended tl.ia remedy frequently
and have never known It to fail. Mr.
Curtis Baker, IWk waiter, Ohio. Sold
by tl. A. Harding, Iriiggiit.
l,etil NotiecH.
Iii the Circuit Court ol the State of
Oregon, for Clackaiiia County.
Annie I'-ed. plaintiff, 1
vs. I
Thomas Bell, deft. )
To Thomas Bell, the alnive named de
fendant :
lu the name of the Sta'e of Oregon,
voit are hereby required to apear and
answer the complaint tiled against vou
in the above entitled suit on or twlore
the :t0th day ot Augiml. IIXX), that Itelng
the last day prescribed in the order of
Mihili-alion of this suinnioiit, and if you
fail to so appear and answer aaid com
plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the reliel therein prayed toait :
a divorce from the Kinds ol uixrriage ex
lot 1 n tietaeen you and plaint 1 tT.
Tins summon is published by order
of Hon. T. F. Ryan, judge of llie.-ourt u(
Clarkama couniv, Oregon made on the
olh dav of July, l'.sX), the first puMlraliou
leing on the 13th dav of Julv, I'.XX).
Attorney for Plaintiff.
vdMlallnilor'a Police.
Notua is tirrefiy aivan that lt undrr
Ignrd lias N-on aMiintis a lndnislraior ol
tb estate of Kaudoiph Hiruklm drraasml,
by Hi county court of tlx Hta of tirrg in,
for Clarkama county. All person having
claim against ij rstata are lierrhy noli
tleil to present lb sania wlib voucdsr duly
verlficl at-conMng lo law. to ma at Ui
ottU- of Hrwnf II ,t Campbell, In Oregon
toy, i larkama county, Urcgon, on or
twfiirs six nionihs from ibs data ot lb first
pnblirailon of this notice
Pat of Orst publication June . t'W).
1.1 VY HTIl'l".
Administrator of the etata of Randolph
Htnctlin. decal.
In th Circuit Court of Oregon for Clacka
mas Conntv.
Georga W. Dakr, plaintiff,)
v. V
Hannah J. Baker, defU )
To Hannah J. Maker, defendant :
In the name of tha Stat of Oregon you
are bereny notified and rcimretl to apiar
ami anwr the complaint tiiel against you
in the above named court In the above
rutin-! sou, on or before th .HJlh day of
Atigusr. t'.sn. ami If you fail lo appear or
aiissar said complaint, lor want thereof Ih
plaintiff will apply lo lb court for the relief
prayed for in tfi said com plaint, tol(;
iti-fe dissolving lbs bonds of matrimony
no existing biwen plaintiff and dfnd-
nt, and a Ore re ol absolute divorce, and
for ueh other and further relief a loth
court my seem Just and proiwr
I bis .ammom is ervl by puhlp-atlon
hvordrrof Hon. Trios. K. Itvan. ludg of
Cn-ckaii.- county. State of Oregon, dated
the Sib d a f ot ,'nlv. I'.M).
Th.i,tof the iiral publication I July
M. I'.O.
ClAkt.VCB Bi-rr ASB Josr.ru A Si III IM1,
Attorney for I'lsintur.
i:iertulor' Male.
Notice is hereby givn that pursuant to
the order of the county court ol Orsgon tor
the county raf Ciackatuaa, mad ami entered
July 9, I will on
Saturday, August II, I'M)
at 10 o'clock a. m. at the court house door
in Oregon Cl'y, Oregon, oin bids and sell
at private aie for cast), the following d
scribed real estate belonging to the estate of
Martha A. Door dn,l, lo-sn: A
trip of uniform width off the wrtrly tide
oil har pan ol the Kobrt Allen J L. C In
T'iS, It 1 K of the Willamette Meridian,
owned by laid estate, aaid (trip to extend
outlipriy from the center of the county
road leading southerly from Marijuam lo
Silverton. to the outhern boundary of said
claim and wide enough to comprise. 'VI arrs.
iiid may be ubmittl in writing adrrisrd
to the undersigned at Mar.piam. Oregon, or
v visrpr.'ii viij, uui uj uiu uiiucr f-j uff
av re w ill be considered.
Dated July 0, l!).
Jons W. Iio.iur.s,
lUecnUir of said Ktaie.
Mum mo it
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Orrgon for Clackamas County.
Oracie Murray, plaintill
Allen P. Mur ay de't.
To Alien Murray.the above named deft.
In the name of the Slate of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against von
in the above-entitled suit, on or before
the .'i'Hh day of August, 1900, that U-ing
tlieluMt iUy prescribed in the order of
publication of this summons, and if you
fail to so appear and answer said com
plaint the plaintiff will apply to the
court lor trie relief herein prayed for,
to-wit: a divorce from the bonds of
marriage existing between you and the
Ibis summons is published for
six Consecutive weeks by order of
llon.T. h. kyan, judge of the county
court of the Statu of Oregon lor Clacka
mas County, made on the 5th day of
iuly, the first publication being on the
loin day ot juiy. nxi
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the .State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Elizabeth Emmons, plaintiff!
vs. I
Willard E Emmons, deft. )
To Willard E Emmons, above-named
In the name of the Ktate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
annsrr uie complaint nied agmnht you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 30th day of Aiiinst. 1900. that heir,.
the last day r.rescribed in the order of
publication of this sumnions, and if you
fail to so appear and answer said com
plaint, the plaintilf will apply to the
court for the relief therein prayed towit:
a divorce from the bonds of marriage
now existing between you and plaintiff!
This summons is published for six con
secutive weeks by Judge T. A. MVJJride
judge of the said court, made on the 12th
day of July. 1900, and the firm publica
tion being on July 1.').
Attorney for Plaintill. 1
Ir nr I'm ll lent Ian.
IVpirtnisnt of the liitrrlnr.
I siid Ofllca a Oregon I'll jr. trsKon. Juns
Ve" I berrhy alven tlil Hi Itillowlna.
named wlllrr !. I0d n..ti.- of I'ls I"!'"
lion to insk final proof in ii'lHirl t In
c!im, ami 0al ssld pr.M.I will le ma.la
twforethe Uglsieran.l lilvr at H-rgou
t'lty Orrifiin. Anxiisl It.
II K N. lo;it. for tl.e W '( HV Si!',
ofSWi, and (:.( He.-, n. T 4 S. It l K.
naiura tli folloalnil lliie.rs to
l prove Mi contimious rellem tisni ami
;ciiltntion of said land n;
William I He.iror.1. iiO"" i"".
flia'lr. '. Miller, Mierman l'"'P. all or
,U,""J' ,,K t H AS. 1..M..OUKS.
In tlisrlr. nll court of Ilia slanof trrg.'ll,
fur llieionn'y ol Clackamas,
hiulsa MfCrystal. plalrlltt I
Prter M. ('rvil. drfendanl I
To IVler Mi t'rvstat. Ibe almva nani I ilafl :
U ilir iisnis ol HieHiatv of 1'rvg you
are lisrrl y siinnnoned and rr jiilii-d to ap
mm.I .n.r In Oik atnive snlllle.1 cmrl
au.l ca-ie. and ausarr Ilia romplsint tiled j
therein. "II or In-Loath ftl tv ol Aug il
I'so, an I roil ar tirrrl-y m li Hfl Ins! II
v..,. ... il i,t ii irir or ansaer. tli iilaln-!
iill sill p'lv lo the court I. .r the rent I
praed fur III the ssid complaint, to wit:
a ttrerre ilis,ivlng the tinls fuf inatrt
mony now itn lwtan p ainlllf and
drf'ii t'il. nd a ilecree ot absolute tllvorce,
amt aliiisli'if th plalnllrt to rsiiin brr
iiianlsn Usui, and for such other and
fuMlirr rroel as Ui Ih mull may seam Jst
and proper.
This tutn-Mins I srvd by piitilh s'liiii
by onler of II -in. T. . Itvan. cnunly Judge
of Clai ksin eoimiy, ma la and mee.t In
Hi aisivr rniill.! causa on th '."'th day of
I Jim. !
Tli dat of Ih nrst ininiirailon oi mis
omnium li J ulv 3 I 1,1
A Horn)' s lor I'lamtift.
In th Circuit Co irt of tha Stale of Ore
gon, for Ih Cou ty of Clackaun .
W. If. Kaiibion, plaintiff
Th 11. Hicky.dn.
To Thonis M. Iluky, dlndnt above
In lb nam of thStat of Oregon: You
ar brby re-pilred to appear and nsr
lb rninpialnl nld sgaiusi yon In Ih above
mtills I s. mm on or bvfore Ih I'lh dsy of
August, I'M), ahit-ti I In lime prsrritd
by th ordr of puhlicail jn of tills iummon,
an I If yo i fall lo so aptr or ansr, for
want thsreof, th plainlitf will tak J i 1g
nienl against you a dmaudd in bis com
plaint tllvl herein, lo wit : For lbs sum of
iT'MijwIth Interest thereon ai the rat nf
ten percent per annum from July I. K'l
Tbil luinnmn Is rvel on you by pub.
Ilratlon by ordvr of Hon Thos. K Uya.
county Judga of Cla. kanias county, Oregon,
ma I slid ntrd tbrln on lha .Tinh day
ofjun. I'0 Th date of tli first publl
ration brred Is July h. I ), and Ih last
I August 17, I'"'.
Attyt. for I'lainlirt.
In th C unity Court of th flat of Ore.
ton, for Clackatnaa county.
In the matter of the estate of lUrnharl
Quant, deceased.
To Dora Q ianl and Charles tj isnt, heiri
and devisrrs of llenihart g lain, daraasa.1.
and lo all uthen interested In said estate,
if any such ihr be:
It atitiearlng to th court by tli itit!un
this day prrsiiip. and Iliad by Itu-hard
Scott, riM-ulor of Ui last will and irsta.
fiiriit of Urn, hart Ouant. i-sm I. thai It
la necessary lo srll n a whole or soma i.r-
lion of th real estate bt-longing to Hi
estate of said derwlenl to pay tb dents nf
dredntsarid Ihe oist and t tiargt-a of a-l-
In th Name of th Hiai of Oregon. You
are therefor cita-l to e and anrr brfur
ssld county court on the '.ih day of August,
i:). st III hour ofteno rlo k. a in, of i
said data al th court room nf said court at I
the court liouse In Oregon City. Cla ktmas !
County, Oregon, to alio cans why an
order should not b granted to said tt utor
to sell so much of Ihe following real estate
belonging In said estate as may he iirssarv
to wit ; Uts 1 and 2 in block li Hanson' ad
dition to Kt i'ortlaud. Iinsr Portland;
Uits 1 and in block 4, Hansons Ad
ditlon to Y.ut Tor land, now Portland
j Multnomah county. Oregon ; an undivided'
KOOeri t autleld U. I,. t n. .VI In sees H, tl,
10 ana p, in i 3 , it 1 v., of th w M ; also
block .No 27, of the Town of Milwaukle
C'la'kania County, Htata of Oregim,
Dated tin 'Jtti day uf .lun. 'n,
TllOi. K. KYAN.
.olli-e for I'ulrlli-atlfiii.
Land Office at Oregon City. Or.,
Join .VI,
Notice, la herhy given tfiat the lolluwlng.
named settler has filed notice nf his Inten
tion to make final proof In sin. wirt of to.
claim, ami tuat aaid proof will ha mad ha.
tore the Keglster and Kei-t-iver at Oregon
City, Or., on August It. 1m), vlz:
II. K. No. U2ifl for the HK '.' Hec. I ' T t
H K.5K, '
He names the following witnesseato prove
hi continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of the land, viz:
Charles C. Miller. Hubert Miller, Hher
man Coop, Lawrence Mitchell, all of Oar
Held, Oregon.
C'ilAH. U. MOO It KM,
In the Circuit Court of tha Htala of Ore
gon for the County of fJlackama.
Mary Freeman, plaintilfl
Henry Freeman, deft. )
To Henry Freeman, deft., aboye named:
In the name of Ihe Htala of Oregun. vmi
are hereby required to apiearand answer
the complaint filed against you In the aliove
entitled lull wilhln six weeks I ruin the ,1m.
of the firat publication of this summons, and
if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintill win anpiy to the court fur the re
lief demanded in her complain to-wit: For
a decree dissolving the bond of matri
mony existing between you sod nlaintitr
and awarding to plalntifl the custody ol the
minor child, Oeorge Wilfred Freeman, and
that plaintill have judgment against you
for her cunt and disbursements In thin suit
and for such Itirther'rellef as to the court
may seem meet and proper.
This summon la published hv the order
of Hon. Thos. F. Kyan, judge of the county
court of the Btale of Oregon for the County
of Clackamas made and entered In said
Circuit Court on theriih day of July, pssj,
which order directs the publication ol said'
summons not less than once a week for six
successive weeks.
The date of the first publication of this
summon is July 0th, l!s and the date of
the last publication I August 17. 1900,
Attorney for Plaintiff. 1
,-tllre fe I'lihlleitlioN
t'nlt.! Ntale l aud IHIlea, l)tou Clly,
tlrrg.m, MV
Ni 1 1 It K Is IIHtKllY HIVFN Hut In
eonilillanoe "Uli the provision ol an art of
Congrrssof Jnn t, l".N. snlllled" A u sol for
Ih alr id llniln-r lauils in lha slaiv of ('all
fornla. trrgoii, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," a eilaiidrd to all Ih Public,
l and Sialr b) a t of August I, It'.':
d irgioi City i-onntv of Clai kainas llol
1 ting. ui, lias this tlav lllr-l III till lIU
I his sanro slatemehl N-i for III pur-
I chae of the N K id aseti'Mi
No. In lownsiiip No. I H. range No
i ft K. and will tOlrr pn-0 I.isIl.w that lb
land sought Is nioi valuam for Its lluilwr
or stone than for agrli-ullural pnr.srs. and
In establish 10s claim to hl land llor
the l;glsir and lle-rlvr td this ellh- at
I'rrgon I'lly, tirrgon. on HalurOay, Ih llili
lay of August, ri II nam as
John Straight. Thidor Hoerth, of
Parlplece, "n, I krbv, lius Wlh.H,
ol tlartleO, I'lrg-'ii,
At yand all person i-lalmlng adrsly
lha aimva drst-rlix-d laud are r Ui-sld lo
III ihnr iislins In this nlllre tutor Iwfora
i I II ilay of Angosl
I ll.s. l, MtMltF.H.
t VT0.
IN IHKl lllt'l'l f COl'lir of Ih Slat
of Oregon, for th I'.oiniy of Cla. kanias.
Mary Mdr. plalulilt
W. I I'U kn.s and K. ..
Ills a On dsfl. I
To W. I I'lrksna an, f.. I'b kn, d
friulsnls ai's lisliird ;
In Ih 'lam ol Hi Mat td lrgon. You
ar hrtv r"pd'l l- appssr end ansar
the rouiplslni lll-l agalnsl you In Ih alsiv
anlltl.) suit, wilhln all wrcks from Hi
1st ol Hi first piiMl. allon id this mill
iiious, and II you Isil lo ansasr for aanl
Ibrraol, tl l-islntilt will apply to th Court
for In riirf iiinn.liiig in l.rr complaint,
lo all: I hat plaintift hsv Judgunl
against you and h of you In the sum of
f i:.y isi with lnlrs ibrsn at lb rat of 10
lr cent f aniiuin from Man h ILIstininiil
j aid and lh furtbr sum ol f o ii aliomrys
! and Hi cost and distiurwiiisnt of
Ibis suit.
That plalnift l d. rrd to bar a valid
complrla and first livn um the fulloamg
drscril-l rral prrity, lo alii
Th aoullirasi tm ipiartr ) id lb
oiilhrasl one quarter (') and in south
on bail t ly) of II' aiutliasl on.isflr
th southeast on ,pirtr ( ) and
tli aoulh on half ly) of lha s.,utlil one
.cisrir (', of lb Miithaasl onuarUf
) and ma soinh on half 'yl of lha aoulh.
ml un piarlr t',) ol Ih suuihas! one
iiuartsr t',L ail in s'!osi tn(IO) tp. J
s. tS . ol W, M. In Clarkama comity
And that said hen ha forxosi an I said
rral prorily sold a upon
irutlon at law and lha pr-ts of
sai l sal appltvd a hilloas: la) To Iba
iinsa of said sale and cost and distiuraa
meutsof this suit and Ih inniell'il as
atloriiry frs (b) To th payment of
eurh Jul'nnl as mar h riysr.
by plainiitf In Ihl suit, and for
sui-li utbrr and furllir rslisf as to Ih court
tnsy srain mist In lb priuia.
1 MS sunmioiis Is published by nrdtr of
Ih Hun, Thos. A. Mrtlrld. judge of th
alt entitled court, mad and enU'-l
therein on lha I'lth day of April, I
The data of Ih first pnblirailon of ml
summon I fune a h. I') and tna dat of
th last piiollratn-n thr.it is Ja'y ?. I i.
IIKlMiM AlillUMril.
A'toriisy or I'lainllff,
-I t m r.. ae...-,
.Wailre for I ut.llralUa
I'lilte.l hiates Uud 0:n-e, at l rrg in City )
Oregon. May I 'I.
Noiha Is brby givn lha'. li rouipliaiic
with ma p'oviil ii s of the a t uf t'onjre.s of
June M.'S. antitip.1 "An . t for tr, s sal of
timber la-ids In Ih Hi( of California.
I iregnii, Neva la and W.bliigt..n I errlbiry" j
asitand-l load lb Public l-ud rKat
by act of Augit I. s .
of Currlnsvpi, (Siuniy of l ia. kamas, s'a'a
!"ffg"n, has tbi dr fll-l tn li
' '"' st'en,t s. -,.y,, f,
Ibis nil, a i
Ih pur
chas of the hK'.- of MW4 of arc
31 and
N t.i uf N i, an I N oiNK1, ?l In
Township No. i si, Itsng No. J K. W.M.I
an-l aid oiler prool li ho tlisl the land I
sought is mora valuable for it timber or I
ton tliao lor agricultural purposes, and
to establish bis rlaimlo said land lH.f.,,.11,.,
Register am) Kaiver of this ofttra at Ore-,
goo t ny, iiregon. on WadMrsday, Ih l ith i
day of August, I in.
lie names as llneese's :
John P. Mann, nf Portland. Oregon; la
Wills, of Curnnsvill: Joiin Kptrsm aud
(iorg Kprson, of Kagie l're.
Any and ad -r,i, 1 uimmg a-lyrsely
lha atmva-desrrllM-1 lands ar fe.juesie. to
fll thlr claim In this onVa on or twtor
said I'll 11 day uf Auirust. I to
I II AH II, MO i! Ki,
Atlinlalslriilnr'a .orlre.
Nolle Is hereby given, that by onler of j
th rounty court of tb state of on gou, fi.r j
f.'lscksiiiss county, th undersigned lias
been appointed administrator nf lha est!
of Orar Hmuot, deceased. All rsiiis
naving ciaima against the said estate ar
ne.eny noline.l I,) present the sam lo Ih
Undersigned with por voucher, It Ih
olllceol the clerk nf thn county court, at
th court house, lu Oregon City, Oregon,
within six mouth after Hi data of this
iiotu ,
Dated, May .11, pan,
Admlnistialur ol iiS estate of tirc
Mumot, deernMid,
olo of l lnitl Mcillrmeat. ,
The undersigned plves nolle that ah lias
presented lu the t
Mill of iirvium for ( 't.i Lr . .
'.''"''"'''ounlasaxeciilrlf ol the will of
Kotiert .Nelson, deceased, and ihe ...... I...
been set for hearing by said Court on the
.M day o July, PMi, .tin '(.hM.k ,,,,
my. Ail persona are hereby notified to
appear lu snnl Court at said time and pre
sent their objections to aaid account if any
Ihey have. '
.. KsTiiraisa Ngi4ir,s,
Kxecutnx of the will of Jtoheri Nelaon
yttliiiliilatrolor') .ollt-f.
Notice is hereby given that hy order of
the county court of the state of Oregon, tor
Clackamas courtly, the undersigned INa
been appointed administralor of the estale
of Mollis HmiHil, decaased. All persona
having claims agslnat the aaid estate ar
licrehy nolilled fo present tha sail. a to tm
undersigned, with proper vouchers, at Ihe
olllce of the clerk of the county court, at the
court house, In Oregon City, Oregon, wln.
in six month after lh dm of this notice
1'nieu, may. ,11, i:ssi.
Administrator ol
Hmoot, deceased.
me estate of Mollis
" laf
iiii filfiii .''
oi menstruation." They are "LIFI3 8AVi:itS to irlrla ak
womanbol, al -nff do7yclopm.mt of orLVand hX Vo
h:'l i r Wil"."?
.tlellee for l'ulleaul
I'nlled Htala Land tlltlee, Onguu i
Oregon. My I" l'l, '
Notlxela hereby given that in noiupll,....
with lb provision of il, ,
Congress of June ,1, a,'a, aiititi,?
"An ael for tha sale id lluiUr ,
In tli Hlate d Callfarnla, Orgoii, Nev.i
and Washing Irrniory ' a. ii,i,.,i'
II lb I'tiliHc l and Hile by ael uf A, ' .,
, '!, '
JollN II. MAN V,
of I'ortland, i-ouiity of Mull nah, hli, ,..
Orrgon, has Ihlsdsy ll'r,l In lliisnili, (.'
saorn atalauienl Nu. ft,'lll, lor I', p ifr,,J
nfili'Sivvi, of NWtt a ol IVt: (,i hu-j
and Hi'1, of HW(, H.e l, In Tu-n
lisng ,N.i A K, and will niter proof in , '
Dial tha land sought Is Inioa Vihuiiis ,
os luil.r of slon tiisu lor grlrunllf
i,irHisra. and ! elslili.li hlsi lslu l, ,.
Isml Iwfui tha Urglsur and l"rlrf 1f
inn "mii a "ranii . n j, iirrgnn nu Vn.
nelv, Ih I .Ih day ol August, .ii
lie iiamss ss wIiiivsmsi
llnry F iproti, and laa Wills, nf ff
rlnsvlllr ; tiro Fnpersim, and John Fpif,
kill Of fsgl I'rrrk.
Any ami all -ri!ia rlnluiing dvrl(!.
Ilia aiMn-iiss. rit. lands m i ( i,,i,.
fll their llalilie III Ihl fit) on or lK-.,t
said l.llh day of Angusl I'MI
t II AM l Moop.M, ,
lollre la Crrdllnr.
Noil. la brby given load s rssi. l,tT.
ng claims agalnsl th ia!a of Msub
Jsnllll'g., lines.-1, to prsl, the .,,,
ptop'ly verified, lo Ih U'oUrslgiird,
lha ntllirt nf Ite-lges Ihiftllh, li.,filff,i
in Ofg in I'lly. O egoii, aliMnsli n,,,,,!!,,
from lb data of Ih first pubihaii.oi u
this notice.
First pwlill.al'O'i Jnn ltd.
W K. C A III. I.,
Kleulor of th estate ol Martha Jstmirj,
Je eased,
lle-lges A llfimih, felly.,
fuf Klenlof.
Notlt la hereby givsd I hat aa will apply
10 tli riiy roiiui'il al Ms regular mesn ( ja
August, l o. for a liranra lo sell i li:iuMt
11 pinis, st our pia- of Misiness. Msln si-sei
Iwlwean Kouitfi ami Fifth streets In trsiia
Hai'l ibensa lo data August I !,
all Oregon I liy, July II I t
Ksilf A N "SI iff
N'otl-" I h rs f V (vn that lha and.
lgnl bat bean ai'luli by ba ennnty
ruufl of l larkama rounly, Oregon ss si
rrtitrtl nf lb tat of Juim lj. l.,i t-.,ii
,leMs AH -rsoii having r alrta
gains! said ealala are herby tud.Oed hi
present l,iu to t caf W issi ngr, M !l a a-ikia.
Ora duly venDe-t, allliln sl Uioi ltn rroia
tha data uf Ibis noUra
lsld Ihl l'b day of July, Im.
Na It .ssrrt,
..llri imr libUrslU
I'tilte-I Mta! land Offlna, Orsgon City
Oiegon. June J, I ssi.
.N.Hira la here' y g vsn hal In enmplla-wa
with lb provisions of the r of rongrvsa of
June 1. I s a. i,tiil "An art l..r Ihs sa
of Hi itr lands In li, a Mete of California,
orsgioi, Nsta la. an I Wasidngtoti Utriury.
as iiiidd hi ail la Tubbe land Mai ty
act of Aug isl t. I"'.'.
l.M. WII.M.
oftiarflsld, roiinty of Clsrksn at. si! of
Oragun, ha ibis day fll In this efTir h
saorn 'snin .. S.-.-S. ). tb purrbasa
n ...i .. . .ii.. t . , ,u ,
' " "i "i ..u. .t, in luaiisuip
s . . fl , .., ..,.',
shosr thai in land aougtil , nto valuable
lor t timbaror sloo-lbsn for ariiuliural
pntiss, a-i I to uh l.h hi riaim u sai l
land jfor lb regislsf an I ieetef of Ihia
orn.-a at Oregon rm. on rturdy, ih J-.th
dav of August, I'ssi,
He names as ailnesses:
John It Kpl'son, of Kelso, Oregmi,
Henry Kprs.iu, of I'urrlnaslli. Oregun,
Uirlis'-I u I'alinateaf nf lis'flei.l, Oregua,
tteo l' parson, uf Tsglf t'reel, Oregon,
Any and all Iwrsam rlslmlng adversely
th aisoadesi riiiesl lands ar ra-j isi-l In
tli fl'r rlaiiii lo Ibis orTli-a on of be lot
said .'.Mb Uy uf A'igu.l. l n
CltArl. Jt. MooltKJt,
, - .
sileo I e ,r. . !.
H"'lr I Mblle)wN.
I'ldtnl Mta'es l.an-l Oltli a. Oregon City,
Oregon, j una j. -i.
Soli' a is hrhy glien that In Compliance
lib Ilia provUlone of Ihe art nt I'ongras
of Ju ns .l, I.', anlltle-l "An art 'or lha
sia of llmlwr In the riiatrs td I'a Iforma,
.Nevada, and Washington 7f rl.r," aa
lUnde. 10 oil lb I'uiilio li'4 Mai by
a. t uf August 4, s.r2.
of 'iarflahl, rounly of Clat kaniaa, ! of
Oregon, lias this day III-) In Ihl ofllra lila
orn siienieiil No, ;..V7 fur lha loirrbasa
ifl'.eK uf b'4. and h't S and 4 of
so lion. No. .11. In township No 4 N, range
No II K an, I .III i.it.e liro.,1 lo InlST II, at
Hi land sought I more valuable tor It
Hnilwr or alma than lt agricullural
purposes, and Ui eatatillsh Ida Claim lo aaid
land l-for th (glsfr and lt-r(yr nf
tbi tithra al Oregon I'll. .011 Halurday, lha
' dy uf August !').
II nam as witnesses:
John Kpirson. of Kelso. Or, Henry
Kppersoti, nf t'urrliisvill, le Wills, of
tiarlli-ld, (iris. K'rsoli, of Ksgl Creek.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ih a'Riva descrllieil lands are reguetle-l to
Mi their claims in Ihl ufhi-a on ur befura
said .'.Mil day of August, I'SO.
I'll AH, II. MooltKH,
.Police) for
I'nlled Htal I .ami
Oregon. Jnn 2. l!l.
Ofiii. Oregon Cl'y,
Nollcn s tiereby given Ilia! Ill rompllsi'i-e
wih th prnvisiun ol the act of INingrrs
of June .1. I7t, entitled, "an act forth sal
nl Un, ler lands In the Hlate of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington T'ril
buy," aa extended lo all lha Public l and
Hiaies by act of August 4, H".,
of Kelso, county of Clai kainas, slat of
Oregon, hat this day filed In thl ofll'- M
worn atstement No. W.li, (or tha piirrha""
of Hi ri;of section No. W, In township
No. 4 H, range No. II K, and will oiler proof
to aliow that the land sought I more yhi'
able for It tlmlier or Hon than for agri
cultural purposes, and lo establish Id
claim to said land before the Iteglster and
Receiver of this ofllca at Oregon Cnv on
Haturday, tl.etfiih day of August, !!.
He nam as witnesses:
Henry Epperson, of Currlnsvllle, Orrgon.
l-ee Wills, and Richard 0. Palmsteer. nl
(iarfleld; tieo. Epperson, of Kagla O"1""
Any and all peron claiming adversely
the ahove-descrllied lands ar requested to
llln their claim In this olllce on or ueloro
aaid rdh day of August, HK).
CilAH, 11. MOOKKH.
They overcome Weak
noan. trrumilarlty and
ornlaalona, Increase vig
or and banlub. "palm
"'I11'" them. Cannot do liarm-llf