Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
XlKK ('" FaTII'S HAII.WA" CoMr-Allf
(Couth fit.)
J tu A. M.
II 15
I J"
4 in
4 45
, yi only to
i tl!waukU
lu y only to
Mil auk I
ll 4'
A, Mi
9 t
10 jo
ii. ju r. m.
3 35
7 J"
to only tn
II ju only to
py AT Miuoni'i .IUii. AImiiiI
fifty Oregon City o)ilo ere making ar
r.i.ge.i.ent to Ktnil Muii'Uy at Magoiin'
landing, l.unche will I xi taken, ami a
plauowill I Mint down on th lt.
l um boon, muaio ami haaking In th
! ! w III I lite Older o Ilia day.
A lUn I'm in . Some bfeinleea
Kiuh he been tearing down, lfe Ing
ill utherwlaa mutilating the trapaa
n tlce HMiai In ih Maaonic cemetery.
It U lowbred, coera haired trlrk,
til llm cemetery commltiee have
lauding reward lor lit conviction ol
anjjeruu Indulging In llil Im prac-lu-.
They hv offered thl week an
additional 3 (or Id idiivlt tloti i( tli
rn guilty Ihlaol apeWal oftenr.
Tsr Cia l'aian.r. Tli
Orem City tannery In hut down jwr
inmtnlly. Therw are several theorlew
float aa to Id ciuh ol tli tuanaon
0' till Industry. On tlit It waa not a
i lying investment, mother, that other
tanneries ha IwpCI In.lUitieutal in llielr
rloing lnn. Till lhow aliout Zi
han I out ut employment. The former
superintendent, J. W, Brown is n
rtrrylngon iin!'tUilna In Portland In
rgard lo tuning up tannery In that
ItAaa Pill. N utui ia Following la
tli hM hall arhtHlule ol Ihe train rini
laiiiiK for th ('haiiUuiiua run : July II.
----- , . .
u.gonClty v fanhy. July U. fhw
... 41 lu.t..
mtwava loiuniiii. JUiy !. cregon
t'.ty ya Columbia. July 14. I'anhy ya
Chemawa. Ju'y IU, Atri fanhy.
July 17. Aiorla va rhemawa. July l,
Oregon City v Chrm. July lu, Aa
I ma v ColumbU. July 'J". Aatorla va
Orrgm Cilv, July Columbia va
( i.t.y, tianir ralle. al 3 JU.
10,01,000 I!.,., I'l axrati l ield Ho
periutelidelil K. C. tileelimall lame
loan (miii the t'ptr I'larkamaa ha'rh-e-y
Tueaday looming for additional up
l.ea. There aM now at work al that
U e Marry Aualill, K. W. lireoninan,
A. Mead, J. It. 1 1 at ton and Stiperluictid
e it lireeuinall. Mr. tireeiiiiian walked
t ii-entire diatanre, having made the dilll
ni I X initva over the trail In Ull houra.
H'a'ate that within tn day egg
tak nfwilllieginofwlil.il lliey Intend
inng ten inllliona. 1 hey will be
lul Lo I and planted at that place.
i', ,.,. !.,., ri,.ri Hearer, who
w.. klitml In the Forilon, Calif. pa)ier
iii 11. w a hurled In Oregon City feme
t'ry lil Frl'lay. lie waa a furinT reel
tliiut uf thl city an I an employe of th
pip.'r mill. Th luneral waa ronduoted
Ir.m Ihe M.K. church, Uev. Atkln
oilii inting. Wllla'metle Fall camp, No
lU, attended the ceremoniea In a hxl)
a. did a large number ol hi co-worker
... . ,
In n, mill At...iit a week brloro I.l
ili'imne hit wife who was preparing to de-
f V.
.rt from tide Hty 4 Join hi in In Cell.
fnriiU, was trliieri with paralysis,
I'Ionskii I'ahikii Awav.-W, 11. rrt
ol lit. Mutant, received letter
taat Hiin.Uy,.).lr.-. f,oin 1'ialrl City,
(Irani county, containing tli '! Intell!
genre of llm death of hi brother Dr. It.
N, i'arllow at that place, Tli dao-awd
aa prominent lruigUt mul iliyl Un
III IliUoity IniuI 40 roan un. IUcbuih
to Oigoii In roiiipany with tlm graml-
fatln'r ol I. ami llMnlvnr Cl arli-a II.
Moor, from anvlll, lllinola, In IHTtl.
filling at Tli lullx. II roif
IiIitnI a rimn of vmlnnnre In lilt nro-
(naaloiml lln, ami IkiiiIM giiilliiin.
IdroNror Iiirr. VouAit fj. A. It.
-Tli rt-.rt of i:l. II , V, (lalna, rom
iiiamlnr of Hi itop'l of Ori'gon (i. A, It.
I'llti lata vm-lini'incnt at U Uraii'l
vry InffrMtlng ilalamntit of llit
ff wort of Him (J. A. It. In Orrirun.
Tli following mtrac t rrlatlng to Orrgm
( 17 I on 1,1 I,imJ (or Ilia Information A
any whom It may ronrfrn. "Thrr
I'ofla l.ava Urn Inatltutxl In Hi tlr,art
iiikiiI during Hi year, lit la I tli ltl
liii Hl5. A iharUr waa ImuI lor
anotlirr at 0rrg'n Cliy,biil for Hi rA
m that in of tli alnnrt tun Innligl
hi chartiir uiemlwrt, lh rhartfr waa
riM-allml. It wotiM m unloiiiinat lo In
Utut aiiotlixr t alOrrgmi City, or In
ny I'Urn wlinr tli imiiilNir of vntrana
rn not nuiiiorou nnougli lor two I"1
ami wlmrv with only oiiifil tlmy couhl,
If tlmy would, tuakn kI aliong ohm.
I Lllv llmir alioulil com from lliia
ii(aiiiiiiiniit woiii (irpalon liri'tJ to
tli Incoming roiiiiiian.lnr anil hla uc
rnuuii, Inalructlv In lU cliwrau-lwr
gain! gfanllng chaiUr wl.er a
Iraa'ly iUt.
I'ttt Half.
I'.fJCKJ 1) acre, 'Si iiiirovl, gooil
IJiM) 10 rn, conlaotMl bnilirr, lovei.
i.Hl-(Vi arrM, 10 Imorovvl, lialane
lluiiHir on river.
iw4)-4.J acre, Crt Improved, good
H r a re, 3) arrt limhoron river.
n-IJU arr, 4) liuuruvd, ordi
nary hutldmg.
ik 71 a r uearcharch and arhotil,
.tK) I'JM arrea liomfUa4 liuitdlnga.
r.i Home, ll',' arra In city, ail in
i. ..i.
HV-0.'j7 Kiea, li'i Imj-roveJ, 1W
alarm tiiulier near Vimn, on ey
J, A. Tliayer. Ii 3:3.
( apra Shee (itiipan; MorkMdiT.
The regular atiiiunt lueeting ol (lock
holder ol l'an Klioe t'o. will t-o liehl
I tli oltl. i.l ld t-tiuiiany, al Willam
, eiia raua i.ieg'in un u
d,y , All.1It, ,t 3 ,,
ette rail Oregon on Tuesday th Hih
Ka l'ri, (vvri-Ury.
V. V. Kreeman ol Meade l'ol No. 2,
tliia city ha trf-en piliit'd aid de tamp
un the latT ol tha department comman
der. A. J. tioudhtird, ol I .a (iiam'.
Wanted : 4ne young man from Clack-
tnaa county, Oregon, 10 prepare lor the
coining Kailway Mail Servl. rumma
t.oii. Weluiuiali everything, Im lu ling
hooka and mapt. AdJreea, encoding
a amp, Inter-Male Correapoiideiico In
'.Utile, Cedar I.4pid, la.
Iry AIm'U' Tool Kae.
A .Kiwder lo W ahaken Into the I..h-..
' , . ii .
Ymir f-l . el awallen, nervoua and hot
. ,1- 1 ........
ml iret tired eauily. If you have anient
lug livt or tight aho.-, irr Allen' Foul
ll roole tho leet and makea walk
ing eay. Cure awollen, eating (eel,
j Ingrowing naila, blialer and rallou
aiNil. Ke eve Corn
and bunion
all tuiii and kflvr rift and comfort. Try
It today. Sold by all drugglai and hoe
atoiea lor 2k!. Trial package FKF.K.
Addreaa, Allen 8. Olinaled, UUoy.N. Y.
It haa lux-n tleinoneiiared by exier
lenti that rotiaumption can lm preventel
by the early w'e of One Minuto Cough
Cure. Thl I the UvoVite remedy for
C -ugh, cold., croup, aathma grippe and
I n .i . I I..,. lriiiilil,.a I. lire
i all throat anu
lung trouble. Cure
(ieo. A. Harding.
(Ciniffusi onweiniii. Ware.
This ware we import from Germany in large' quantities. It comes in a
great many designs and assorted views. The views are burned in and guaran
teed not to rub off. Tho prices of the different pieces range from 15c. to $1.00.
Mayur mid Mr. C. 1). I-aloun tto'i (l,lna
Wi'dJliiga llrllllanl AfTulr.
Alttr 'X) year of matrimonial l,lia,
Mayor ami Mr. C. I). Utunrett Tue-
day evening livil again tho Kdnn iay
that mad Ihein man and wife. The
ulemllil aiiriirleo reieiitlon acordd
llii'in al their heatlfiil renldnin:a iifion tli
... f
y ol their fjiiina waMing anu vim an
nlveraary of Ihelr marriage waa grand
elyalari a.'emt. and If fa.li auromdiiig
mile atone It altemlml with aurh lelldly, J
ooiiiand ileiilor,tlinlr journey through '
life will l a U'l of row. J
Mra. Charlee Alhrlghl, Mr. K. K. (
WHIIanii, and Mra. It, I, Ytllmn aro In
th main reijiialhl for the brilliant
oval ion paid the happy couple, tliy
having Urn detail of tha affair In chargn.
A g'eelly imiiilr of 0rgon CHy people
had Uen Invited to parlirlpat In tend'
erlng Mr, and Mr. I.alourrtle a nirprla
rereplloti Tueeday, ami they atormud
their calle al aVmt 8 :.V) that evening.
The aell-lnvlted gurata were rerelved
with thatoien lioepilality rhararterialic
of tliia family, and were given entire poa
enalon of the premlari.
The et e iing opened with making every
one ariialntel with earh other, then
followed all the guinea known to the
aortal calendar,
l'urlrgthe evening Judge Thoma Y.
ityan aunimone.1 th gunU of honor to
th iuidt of Hie entire pr:y and In a
novel and j irular manner re rementel
Ihe nnptial tmd. Judge C. II M'rea,
in lehalf of lliooe auemhle, made the
presentation iwb, which Waa derided
hit, and tender t!i Iwire niarricd cuuple
a lieautiful am) roetly thiiia vaae.
A dellrloua luncheon waa rved, and
voral ami Inatrumrntal muxiu Inter-
neraml Id evening nleaeiire. l'roln'tly
al 1'.' oYUk "llom. Hweet llumn" waa
rendered and the merry-maker flll out
ami home, earh wlthlng Mr. ami Mr.
UlouretU a long and happy life-
Hr4 llet rm I be (iaa
Waa the Ull that hit O. ft. Ktradman
of Newark, Mi b , in the Civil War.
It rauaed horrible Ulrere that no treat
ment helped lor 20 year. Tlien Hock
len' Arnlra halve cured him. Cure
Cut, I '.ruler, Fume, l'-olli, felona,
Corna. Skin Krutitiona. Iteat Tile cure
on earth. 20 ct a l-oi. I ure guaran-
teed. Hold
(ieo. A.
IIO 101' K0VT.
Con imption I preventable? hcience
haa proven that, and alao that neglect I
iiii idal. The worat cold or rough can
la cured with " rdiiluh'i Cough and Con
aumplioii Cure. Sild on poailive guar
anlee for over fifty yeara. C. U.
Huntley, Puuggiat.
' NnrilCltrtrr!imiickly yi.ldalotrent.
n:enl by My a Cream Helm, which la nrve
Ut aniriiB'te. It ia re-etred tlimlli;h the
iK..tiii. clrii"ea and henla tha wliole aur
ir ..,. r v....h it dnfii' lIscK. Iiru,:ita
a,. I) t!io -Vo. lr" V """ ,u
Cf ii'. 1 '
lix Irc-i.t.iifi.L
J;ouino.rtoeiiiii.u,.(0l.(llj row ,K,t jo yean old, w ith
Ant'itnn c riicni.
To acrtiu-biodftta tli'o ho are jvartial
to t.ie iii.ii of i.i ...! r lu l lyli.tf 1
ti e t.f ! 1 i f" t-it'trrltl trvu.
v, llm yv tu U.i pr. t.ivr t nam J
j hT'1'';""- U"?J
I Ij'iw.d tnmu ilnlm. I rice liiilml
ull U 7ieI1u DniKgii
I 1 ..' .?.. . ..Ill ....I 1, ll
Un, llm pi prn Uiia pn Pare t nam Hului lu
kuii n p 'j
i Hi; the
i.r.iut n lut ia ion" '"Kti""
.... ... i..
uiaX The b'luU fnu einhoUiea Hie ineU.
icinai properun ol th oliJ j rcjiaration.
We.ldin atationert. the latent tvle
and flnnet aortment ever brought to
OreennCltv at th Kterprib
The Op"irn .Harch and TwoSt'p.
ConrUni;e Mattingly
De.licatcil to the V. S, Betlloahip
A march of great merit with a military
wlnirto it
Title page hows a beautiful half tone
rut of the Oregon
. . . UK....
1iunf aiitrt . 25tA
On sale al Hunllcy's Book More
What you savo on ono purchase helps you to make another.
Htovo 1'olinh he
Family Nail Jiox 5c
Jar KiiUHTH,3do! 10e
I'l'uuty I'iim, cui'li 1c
TiK.tli I!runliii He
VaMi-Iini) 'r'C
Hop Picker Glove 2'c
I'oy'i I'lki-t Ktih'CH. 10o
l'(M.k:tComln he
l inoii Niuwzcn 1C
Next Door
Sunday Services.
F.I'.AN IMMA.VLAL ( tll'K';ll-C"'i
Kigniti ami J. A'lama aireela; K.
lirnni J. W. Mu l, iau,r. humlay lAiix
al OA. M., weekly er-rvireavery Tnurwlay
al H I . M, Oer man arnieti rw;
from lo li. KverytxMjy Invited.
HI. JIJIIJ n ni. i, . -
II i i.l aao. PaUr. On Munday ! a and
. ... .. m.u f f'lir if t i Tiim IT li A
Hi Mi a. M. frery tmiut u'l liurtn nunua,
(rnian Kraim altar lb o elork mM
At aniHtir iiihmi Ituallih aermona. umj
rhKi al I iw r. a. Viri. apoloUcl
(ublocia and haoedlctloa at 7 M r .
tir.TIIOMMT Efh:orAL CHt'KCM.-Rit
II lit.. eu.r. Mi.rnlrjf arlca el Ui
auul.T Hcbwjl at 0". i-laaa Bietlnf altei
mornliif trtlr. ttenln aertlc at 1 Mt
yi.w.,rth Lei iin KuDHay wve-tilnj al
!). I'r)r Kretlin IburxJay Tule a7J6
uraiiicrt eurdtallv Iorlted.
J. M.iim'.mry. filr. eriral II a . aM
IHM. HatiUib ar-hwil al 1 a. a. Youoa
arry Muti'lay fDln al 0 Ihuiaday
raiilui rayer mMtiui ai . wmm
KVANGKI.ICAI. CIlURrn-fom.r ol
Klglilh ami Ma-liron atreet. Kr. 8. (,oply
.'or. Hervlrea erery Cti.alh at 11 a. ni
nd 7 .45 p. ro. Bundy Hchool 10 a. m
Prayer meeting 8 p. ro. All ar wlcom
Kv. P. K. Jliinnioiid. Rector. Hervicet
arery Hunday at 11a.m. and p. m.
Htmdey acliool al 10 o'clork. btrvtc rvtry
Krllayviiln: at7:.V). Olber service a
a. A A II . . lilranai.
tfl cord:aily Invited.
rirnerof Main and Eleventh alreeta-Kev.
E. H. Itolilngir, patiir. Mornlnr aervice
10 Humlay Hcliool 12: Junior f.mieavir
4; Y. I'. 8. U. K. prayer meeting 6:.10;
veiling aervice 7:30.
II. llraeii, pa.Uir. I'reaclnng aervlcea
every Humlay al 10 50 ami IMf. m. Ham
day acliool al Ii noon lo I p. in. Junior
meet In the al er.ioon and Ihebemnr Young
l'eopl'a aocieiy and liible amdy clau al
Q.1A p. in. iliiirxlav evenlne. rea-ular
prayer aereice al 7:.H' p.m. Wednesday
evrnlni. Kiltie atdy claaa at Y. M. C. A
rooiiia led bv the patlor.
From my place near Clackamaa
If.:. .l.i. f..n.la nil.l ro.1 white
mall roie tieu to noma.
L. Dan auk y,
Oregon City, Or.
The EnterprUe $1.50 per year.
Of Phlloh's Coninmption Cure Is thi
guarantee: "AllweaHkoI yoaistouae
two-third of the contents of this bottle
eithfully, then il you can ay you are uot
benetlted rfturn the bottle to your Prug
glnt and he may refund the price paid."
Trice 25 ct.. 50 cts. and fl.CO. C. G.
Huntley, Druggist.
We are the printers (or the people and
you are the people for the printers.
Look over your aupplice and eee if your
are not in need of , some more letter
hernia envalmwa. circular, card, etc.
'Then place your order with the Enter
f ... . . 1
pririe office, w here you gut good, clean
Garden Troweln fa
HnowUrry ToiM fkap
rndlf)(:k,2key lc
Kkr iW-atem ?'c
Wab Uoilcra H
Cako KnifoSeta 2 c
Htovo Hhovf;ln he
Alarm Clock 0.'c
I'layinir; Carda
Men's Htraw HaU 10c
to Postofflco, Oregon City, Oregon.
Million (ilvaa Away.
It la certainly gratifying to Ihe public
to know of one concern in the land who
re not afraid to be generoua to the
needy and Buffering. The proprietor ol
I)r. King' New Diacovery for Coruurnp
tion. Couiih and Cold, have given
,...,...fl.n million trial IxHtle of
thi great medicine; and have the ati-
faction of knowing it hai alniolotely cured
thouianda of hopeleM caeea. Aethma,
Bronchiti, Howraeneaa and all dieeaae
of the Throat. Cheat and Long are
nirely cured by it. Call on (ieo. A.
Harding and get a free trial bottle.
I'.eirular iw 60c. and Every bottle
guaranteed, or price refunded. ,
Hancher bring your hide and fur to
th Mechanic Ure In Oren City.
Rancher bring your hide and lora to
the Mechanic Ure in Oregon City.
SeviI copies of Oregon City Kntei
priaeof June 15 and Jooe22. Five cents
par copy will be paid.
Through the Yellow nt me.
i the Orezon Short
Line Railroad and Monida. MonUna,
enable yoa to make a delightful trip
tbrougn the Yellowaone National lara,
entering via Monida and coming out via
r;n.l.r makimr it nnneceMArv to
cover any portion of the route twice.
For beautiful d-criptive booklet, write
or call at Oregon Hbort bine Ticket
Office, 142 Third street, Portland. Or.
I'atent Becord.
'Money to patent good idea may be
secured by oar aid. address The Tatent
Record, Baltimore, Md."
Fer Se.
The Achorn riace, near Damincurj.
One of the finest farm la Clackamas
county. Enquire of L. L. Porter.
The Enterprise and Oregonian for 2.C;i
a year.
akes 6hort roads.
J. W.nd light loads.
for everything
that runs oa wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Hapolio Co
Oil HtovfH "the
Mra. Pott's Toy Irons 20o
Horne I5ruhes 30a
Harmonicas ho
Ladies' Hhirt Waints hQo
White Envelopes Jto
Men's Madras Shirts. 75o
Children's Red Stockings 23o
Hammers 7o
Harding Block,
Oregon City, - Oregon
Telepueae SIS.
45 cents
1 Doz. Deviled Ham.
5 cents
Box American Sardines.
13 cents
Pound Eastern Hams.
23 cents
3 cans Condensed Milk.
55 cents
11 Pound Box Crackers.
25 cents
2 Boxes Whole Wheat Biscuit
25 cct8
3 cans Salmon.
5 c-nts
Pound Tapioca.
5 cents
Pound Sago.
4tera Oregon C'liy
aaad I'artlaad.
I k .i.i.iaB
pi i. ei n m '"ij'. j'i i
Uf. t"i'i.ua co ut"1"J'l J 1
Jurirot aniv. . '
lii.ci '-..r?irTVd. k-'':-V '.'J
;.vt l.:-; a; o'M-. 1 ,' , J
It O-.a a A Cli arw . , i ,
tha .N l-ru rillfj lf jl t
and I'muxU Ii. Ucniiiraso. i.-.w UM
rVnaea ol Taste and hmelL Larj Sue, o etotn at .
Urip.-ijU or b mall ; Tnal Sim, 10 nta oy mail.
tLY BttOTUK.S, M W arras Stmt, 1 ura.
isiiirr n"J eip'ti! pti. hiuUl wrtte
, Ih JP All-NX iUXOlUJ. Halllmor. Md.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house is like a neat
ly dressed person always U:act
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and frevbened np
at a very reasonable price paints
re very cheap now. Pon't '.wre it
until the sun makes any more mark
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
The fainter