Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
Ml A !
Hainutds, ol i'ortUixl I
I ly, Warren Krl'Uy nd Hatur
,i,riniiii "'i'y
,... In "If Huluf.Uy.
I'aiil Tiaatl" I" l"a' tlil'llia iisrvrtl
n I.I" Marlon -mly Nun.
ylM ('nimUiicn Midland, nf Huleni, It
f.iinil Miss I1- l."rini1
;. II- I' el MllweuaU, was
(n0ir; ui CUV Vlalt.ir Helurday,
CUf Cenibbell, ( ftnniter, In
lli fit.' '"r" I'"' "' ''S.
U V , tor loii, or rurllaud, Vlalled
jj Junes Mailt during the wees.
Hi,. A Mjil 11. .1,1,, of Jlli, Idshii
tinted M.". J. I. l.ynit lst M.iii Uy.
T. H. Thomas an. I wIIk, of Heaver
fnri ere In lli" rllr lat Ht tirliy. '
l'r, I 'vltt, l.r.Mitfl.l I.I" fsmlly down
(,.,..1 ..lalla lo raiiii al Uladtlonn dur-
jp ( Ultal.U.
Wet. A. J. Montgomery ant Key. A
) h. H-f, tif hifrlngwaler, will et lunge
,u It neat Hunday.
N W. Howland will leave after
('lnuuii'j'i tPMluei fur a month'a hunt
t at l'i near Atlorla,
Mie. tieurge A. Harding' aud daughter,
)Iim MrU, sint several days lot week
In AtMla and halila.
M Urers) Tlllard, teacher In the
I'ninllKlon ethools, la vUitlng In thsriiy
the goeat of Ilia family of It. I. Wlleon.
Mim Verdi Monroe, of I'ortland,
lnt several ilty during tit week In
ci'i.p al tiledalone Willi the MixMia Can
did. Tom McOtathan, lth Uleka, Mi Fall
A Co. of Portland, ai-enl Hunday witb
l it brother, J. A. Mrtilashan of ll.lt
Tli Mleeea I.ulu ami (ItMla Hirsch, of
ralew, sjeul Wednesday and Thursdsy
f il.lt k lliii ihelr brother Uuy,
of this city.
I-awrenc Nelllne;, who carried away
t!e honor al Ilia Cortland Academy,
w t tin gueal of h a coutln MImHUI
I.iCI-lil, during Ilia week.
Miaa Hannah hitomgteen, formerly of
Orron I'iiy, I'Ul now a prxWeeatonal
nur of Kan Kranciacu arrival Tueedey
fui a vlali during Ilia summer wild rele-
1'arnrjf r'allrrl. of Ilia Ian tUio
(if,w Iranaa4'tln( tmaln in Hit
city laat KaturJajr. IU aUloa ilia Ja
mai'l for lvan tlnri la (rratar than
!!, au.jr.
fmiol hU!a Kiali Comwlaalonai, J,
. Welttoor, furnnitly of ll.o 1'larka
nmt l..ul.ry, arflfl Irom (.'l.rH-ko
l'.r tl.lt wwk a n4 will rauiaiu In ll.la
founljr (or anwral nmiill.t.
Aim HiH-kman.wtiu (uriiinrly intvluiird
a 1 .tiling ai'rfw in ll.a nlaca ftow orcu-
I ml l r Krlloaa ururriy, It In Ida lty.
II a niital.Io Im atlon tan tw orix iifp l, La
will tin venture In l,uu.raa Imra,
Ciiuiirl KoUrt . Miliar waa looking
alir liia vineyarJ In .iiti.'f n ttfPtiou
ll.it prk. Ho rejrle luinga not it .
fl .mi. lung m In tha palmy daya when
bp, IniiiM'if, waa down on Ihe farm.
I'i. l lrnt Wallait llowa I of Al
kutij inllnge arrived In the city wheel
U'lind, WVditKeday morning, bavihg
rl l lrii all the way from that City. The
l'rl. Iim a claa In language al Chautau
qua. Arthur Holden, who baa beii at
Koftuna, Calll. aini-o Ihe flrl of tha year
arn. home during Urn week. Ha
ln,(i Dm trip by wheel and had aome In
t'TrMnv eierlen'ea In rroaalng tha
nuuiiiiiiiia oiogara etc.
J. W, IWrrlam, nperlntelldent of tha
lt"i!'ir Hiver hatchery, Ml laat night to
liii taking aalnion egga for the aiaaon'
ik. Middront Mi-Cown, ex-Iiuty
l-il. (V.mmiwiloni'r, bat gn to that
I'Ui to atniat Mr. Ih'rrlam In Ihe work.
Ail.h Aachoir, of Marmot, baa com
I'liiicl hit tank aa cciiaua enumerator of
l'i'lit'rirt, ttilcli wai a very dilllcull
Mr. Aaiiiolf alaiwaho will return
V l Carad. , whro he will jmraue
l'r hit Icrmar otvupatloii llmlwr
r T 1 1 f, 4
A A. A. Xt. w A A A A A
A liri'iiH,, to wed haa so IbmucI to
l't-lU Clnyaon and Kugone Hilaa,
Tim auditorium during Chautauqua
will Ihi linhiod with 70 aci'tylnne gaa JnlM.
M. Warnock, H. M. Warnock and A.
;i ntirowHky have li'n appointed a
iTiilHi'ta of the nutate of Inora J-ooy,
John W. J )oore, executor of the. palate
Martha A. Doorei, tloceanod, was
KranUd! permlHrilon to lull proKrty of
"'h nutate connoting of 30 cre, for not
'' limn ;i5 per aore caul).
J. W. McAnulty baa aamimod the
lntloa of jiiHtice of the fourth dltitrlct,
"J will hnrimriar lie found In the rooms
opposite the Enterprise olllee. 0. 8chue
"l, former justice will oontlnue his piUce
With Mr. McAnulty for tha preBont.
tlran.l Forxinaii ltul.li Knnnay, of
I'lirtlaml liialal.., tl.a nnw olllmrt of
I'alltCitjr Iilgn A. 0. U. W, M HU
unlay hIkM, A lriint Mlual Ilia
Tl.a U'lllMiunlln Taila Cainp, Woo-I
mini of tlm WufM, limtalliKl (Imlr newly
nlirlm nlliiTft lal Hatunlay Vioillirf,
I'rr.l.li-nl W, (I, llawUy.of Halmn, .ru
ai'le.l. A iini.tii'iii rxiaat waarvl
ami t Klii'ral K'mhI lima rnmin l.
Tim llnliliar.l iiiKipIn wUli to thank
Miaa Man Hirh klaicl, who ai klmlly ftf
irm Imr Hnrn t.Jf fm Itlnrf, l l.l
luaka their ralnliralloil tilr i'i-nt, Mlaa
Hiilcklanl riiiil to lm una of ()ri('ma
Imb aliMMilliiiilat. OouiniillHU,
Itoy ) iK, l'i y.-aft, waa
ilroamnil h. unlay w I.IIh alhlii(. lln waa
MM'aniM with Co, 0. Tl.lfl Orrgoti, al
('411. . lirir lirar Hali'in, 'iK.taa
nativa of Una l onnly, hi irrnla not to
ahlii.K at Hiairrl.
iit?iity U'M. hv nun l.a'l Ilia
Uawtl riiluiiihl rix imlly " atai
lion l y A . J. hawlall, ljnoin will on
nralx tfaanl laini al M'.lalla wl.lla ham
will rontliiun thla o- iioaliuii al ("arm.
Tim traa rfci. U bUniilal.
Tha enn mil Inn on rtiata Kalr rahlhlt
liar arcurixl a miinhxr of flna Jait in
whii'h to ilit.lay irreala, frnlta fir,
Mvviiral rara auilr of rnnort hava al
ready lwm aitnt In from Janljr, an l the
coimiiltiii rkorit a lrnll 1 iblhltj
I.Uy Mli, rrl'lftalillliK JiMcpli
Mnluill, baa film attachment tulta on
four rauara aKalnal K. C, Hamilton an.)
Ueotna llamlllon and 41Kila Hamilton
and Jeaeaia Hamilton. Tha aulia arla
from untHild noira, jiayahla on demand.
Nuna of Ilia notna ara for mora than li.
Ivputy Karoidar K. I'. Ilinin haa
leased Sij' acrea of land altuated four
milrt down tl.a river from the Clarkainaa
hati'liery Ui Huirlntinpnl K. I'. Carter.
Tha aila la to be ueI for the erection of
a new l.at- liery, and wuik will l'ln
Immediately. Tba main building will
U V.'10 ferl and will auppUtvl with
mxlpro aiaratuea.
The follow mg vlailora ara rwgltterad at
Cliaiiiaiina haduarteri :
Kllaahrtti Johnaon, Haletn ; Mr. J. ('.
Ilait, I'oilland; Mra. N. M. McDanlol,
Maria Cone, Mary Itrown, U. l. itlounl,
Hoo.1 Hiver; Olga 1. Iltelt, Albany;
rUlna N. Allen, Albany; Mra. L.
V. Marrellut, t'nlvvraity I'aik, Ore.
Kiorem-w Klll'itl, Powell Valley; Mra.
Klva Hunter, Hunnyaido; Ivlale iNewell,
laina'iia, Mabla Uyera, flltine, MaA.gw
Hrert, Hiooe; C. I Itentley, halem.V.
C. Ilogrra, 0Kt, Iuwa;Klvcra Victor,
I'urtamilh; M. Virl-ir, I'uriamltb, MattM
It. Uavilt, Molalla; Ver.lia Monro,
Married. ,
On Wednesday avenintf, July I lib. at
the realdrnca of ll.n bride, Hiram K.
Ktraiglit and Miaa Mollle K, llankiiia,
Itrv. A, J. Moutgouiety otlii'iating.
Nona but the Immediate relalivra werw
(.fBwnt. Mr. Straight la well known in
cmi iin i 11,11 with the firm id I'om and C.
For erveral lorma be haa w-ited the tit y
in the iia-ltv of treaaiirer. Tl.a brldi
i una of (irk- .n Ct'y'a iuat .uUr
'parhroa. I,4vlng taught tha primary
g',n In It." Kiatham achool for the pant
kmi y it
T.a. iu rt Ij.tltulr ( lo. -d Saturday.
The three days' eeaaion of the Clarka
inaa County foaahera' annual Inatilute
rlNNl at the court hoiiae ill thla city Sat
urday. Iurlng the aeaalon 1AH tuachera
were in ailondance, wliicli number ia
roiialdird entirely satialactory. Cmli-r
the a. IhkiI law each teacher ia required
to alien. I the annual normal inatltute at
ral two daya of the seatlon, union pre
vented from doing so by ilcknraa.
At fitting to the occaalon, the following
rraolutlont were lutroducrd by the
teachers aud unanluioualy adopted:
"We, the teachers of Clackamas
county, realising our ohllgathns to Uiomo
who have made our normal county insti
tute so prolluMii and rnlertainlng, do
boreby olFi-r the following rcsoluliona of
oj.'ir,tTo our i lllclcnt county siipcr
intendeul fur his thoiighlful attention
to our iiei'da as teachers.
"Second To I'realduiit W, C. Ilswley
for his able vxplanatlon of the develop
ment of our National ConHitutlon.
"Third To Profasor P. V. Jarvis, of
Portland, for his verv able exposition of
advanced methods In geography.
"Fourth To Professor A. B. ColToy,
ol University ol Washington, for his elo
iinuiit aiblri'ss didiyereJ ; filling that be
has Hindu us rlo to a higher plane in our
"Fifth To Professor H. S. fliluon, for
bis advanced methods In arithmetic.
Hlxtti To Professor 8. Uurnham, of
Portland, for his instructlvo discussions
on IsngUHgn.
"Suventli Td K. K. Cunuwton and as
Utsnta for excellent musical programs
rendered. Also to A. M. drilluy for
physical exercise instruction.
"EighthTo MIhs F. Olmstead for her
loctureon 'Fronhcl.'
"Ninth To J. H. Ackerman, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction,"
Tho Ort'Kon HoiiU'scckiTit IiumlKratlon
Suggests a plan for selling your
farm. Write for it. Addn-HS
Orogon Citj, Oregon.
,ik xt i,h.ii,aii nr.,
(jitmllons I list ( Isrksinss l-r Ufalorw
Hill UrapplHTllih.
You aak ins what Una of work 1 In
tend to lake up al tha coming seaslon
of the Ixglalatura.
The manner of collecting taxes Is cum
burmaim and rieiialve and ought lobe
rhanged. All laxea In my judumsiit,
ought to be paid directly to , the county
treMsiiritr. The sheriff being tax col
lector is taken from the old syatein.
The shi-rlir by right might to hs the
evectitlve ofllcer of Ihe county, execu
ting and serving procets, All mailers
of lax ought to be sellled with the trsas
urer. In this way lbs work would b
moreaaaily managed and at much leaa
eil'toiiH) U) the M'oplnof Jlhe state. As
the law now stands the Ireaturer Is II,
ciiatodlan of the county funds, Would It
not Ihi better, under tii. h clrcuinaiancva,
to let l. Hopl( paying taxes deal di
rectly with the Ireaaurer? Alao it would
lie a great a'commodailun to many
people to have a law permitting taxpay
er o pay their laa for (be year In
emi annual symenis, tay in May and
.November, Ibis wool. I relieve, our farmers
until they got their crop off, etc.
I hellrve ala4 that tinder the, preient
S)alamif three county commiaiorers
c'otinllliilliig the county ronri, and lbs
road si,erviajrs How being eleclfd by
lheK-;,e that tba office of road matter
ought to m abolished. I shall try to
bring this shout.
I tliall alao try to cot down the salary
of office; of loiinly judge from tl.a prre-
ent figure of 1 100 to I'M jr month.
I shall alao endeavor to the l-t of n y
ability to try to bare tl.e law paaaed
divUbng the county Imo 30 eeor dis
tricts, being the same rURilr tl.a
there are precincts In Ihe county, there
by permitting the Iwople in each of iheae
precincte to elex t an aaaeaaor. I believe
that title system which ia. In vogue in
nearly every slate In the Union will
come nearer reaultlng In an bonett equal
and fair afteeeament of farming landa and
all oilier pro-rty than under prearnt
I ahall alo make the beat effort to aid
in the paeaase of what la known as tl
Initiative and referendum through the
leglilalure this winter in order that ihe
proposition may be submitted to the
people at the next general election.
I shall also favor the adoption of a
primary taw, being in favor. peraonally, of
the abolishment ol all conventions and
strongly believing In letting the people
noniloete at Ihe primary those persons
whom they with to 1 plare.1 upon the
ticket (of county and legislative officers.
I bit changw will place the power in the
hsndaof Ue voters and take it out of the
bands of Ihe polltM lans.
Of courwa I arn only one man In Ihe
leitialatum and can not do much but I ,
shall certainly advocate to Ihe tat of
my sbility and shall vote for the above
I would Ihj pleane-l if the people, Irres
pective of party affiliation, would com
inumcale lo me or the Kuterprite, any
euggeition of legialation that they may
II. Ink proper.
(ixo. C. Phownxlu
Drsfnct Cannot be ( ore 4
by local applications, as the cannot
reach tho dieased portions of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafness,
and that ia by conntitulional remedies.
Ieafnes Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Ku
stachian Tule. When this tube gets in
flamed you have rumbling sound or
iiiiHr(tct hearing. and when It is entirely
closed deafness Is the result, and unless
the intimation csn be taken out and this
lul restored to its normal condition,
hearing will I destroyed forever; nine
csaes out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an Inlliuied condi
tion of the mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any rase of IWnea (canned by catarrh)
that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulsrs, tree.
K. J. CIIKNKY & CO. Toledo, O.
Sold lv druggiHts, 7.V.
Hiiire'Familv Tills are the best.
Urge stock ofliurmsn lunch bsxkeis i
jutt received at the Oulden Kule HaMnr. i
Dn Shi
f) Cough and
Thla la beyond nunitlon the
moat luccem(ul Cciuuh Medi
cine ever known to teleneet a
tew lionet Invnrliibly cure the
wort cr of Cuiii;hk Croup
anil lirom-hltla, while Ita won
derful in err In the cure o(
t'onatimptlon la without par
allel In the history of nirJIcine.
Since (ta Artt UlKiovrry It hat
lrrn told on a guarantre, a
test whlrh no othrr medicine
can ttand. If you have a
l ough, we enrnrmly alc you
totryit. In United Slntra and
Canada fife., otJo. and $l.i, and
In KiiKland la. Vd., ka. 3d. and
e. (Id.
S.CWells & Co.)
U A KA 1 1 TCt kl r Akl
yi iini-iikiuii,wni
For sale by'.C. U. Huntley.
OffKIAL 110.11)1.
Nernrrtlfsnf Hie I niin')' .Irw Offlcrrs.
Following is the reaM-ntive liond to
gMther With the auretirs, of Ihe newly
ftlecbvl county officials;
Aifwl Luebing, tn-Miirer, .V),(X)
eurcilcn-(;;, lMu e, II M llogg'-ss, (i
It II Miller, T 8 !,swrm-, W W Myers,
J J Mailed, .Miri Iturgoue, N W Bow
land, (i W (irscH, 11 Freldrhh, J H
Kisley, M (Mli-I.l, Jl Ixnscoy, T It A
Wellwood, J H Mtto ks, f K Brown,
Oi'O K Hargravea, C K Cross, Frank
Buairh, M M Miilvey, I'.euhen (iom lier,
W J :-u, H (' (iaooi.g, K Cuaawtli,
Millard U'auaien, K K Cl.sniMn,J W
I'oaell, T . (,'l.afoi in, UK Kitwrt, it
Kelland, (i S l.irkina, J W iMy, H
lluU:hia,ri, J IH'uiiiiiiius, JKIIc lg'-s,
J h CasUi, J U llsyea. W If tVlosell, II
iVtl.ke, I) Taylor, W II You'ig, It
Koerner. K J McKntri.k, U Hciiuebel
(ireenleaf Chute.
.. II. Cooper, clerk lla.CX) suretiea
(ino. U4,:in, W. II. M era, A. A Muu
sey, Wm. Ihxon and F. A. Ely,
J. J. Cooke, alu-riir, $10,0)0 sureties
B. F, lUker, E. Matlhh-a, I'.obt. A.
Miller, J. E. Jack and io. A. Harding.
Tom P. lUndail, recorder, sure
tiea ;. O. Iluntli-y, J. N. Harrington,
and M. M. Kauiaby.
M. C. Strickland, coroner, $.10) surf
tie E. K. Chsrins'i, ('. A. HsiJing.
J. W. McAnulty, jua'ire of Fourth dis
trict, l,(s sureties E. Matihiea, C. M.
Harry H. Moly, constable Fourth dis
trict, VKJ suretiea Frank Bui h, J. C.
Special Sale
Summer underwear
(iolden Bule Bjtaar.
The Enterprie geta the news.
he Fninpiiie.
Dr. 0. C. Merrrll, the oteopathr is
now located at the Williams' fionae at
the corner of 7th aud Center street, Ore
gon City, Oregon. Thoee suffering from
old chronic disas will do well to con
su'l lilra. Iiiseaaeof women S siiecislty.
TheUolden Hole l'.aar havealdtd
riblona to their numerous departments.
a One line ol all colors and bert quality
have jutt ten received.
The law holds ra.ker ai d I cula'orof
a counterfeit cpully guilty. The deader
who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of
IeVitt's U'iurh Hazel Salve riaks your
life to make a little larger profit. You
cannot trust him. IvVIit's ia the only
genuine and original Witch Ilaxel SaWe,
s well known cure for pilea and all skin
dlsesses. See that your dealer gives
yvj DeWill'a Salve.
Housefurnishing Summer Needs. If you are interested in securing these items at
lowest possible prices, you'll thoroughly appreciate our June offerings, you'll
feel them to possess exceptional merit. It's passing along to our customers the
houseneeds at their real worth, it's in giving honeat values that makes this store a
favorite buying place.
All pizes and prices.
Ice Cream Freezers to rent.
DO per cent discount on Vivos and La Cross Jr.
10 " " on Kodaks, Pocos, Premos. Cyclones
You can find at our store what you want in Photographic Pup
plius and we handle th finantiity that enables us to kwp the stock frenh
and nioviriK no essential for tx-rfect work. Wo always guarantee our
jrice uh low as thoe of any dealer on the Pacific Coast.
- W ' "----7 a, a .
a. "a. ' F . J
I 1 UI II If
The dollar Camera is at Jatt a fact a practical daylight loading
camera that will take C pictures 21x21 for 10c.
comfortable dark room free to
k.94h. AA.ft.ft At
Just Received
A new line of ladie's top shirts,
ladies fancy colored underskirts.
Hosiery for ladies and child
ren, and lace curtains from 45
cents a pair upward.
10c. and up, double roll.
Water set and tray
Covered jelly glasses
per dozen 3ic
Berry set of bowl and
K sauce dishes. . .20c
Water tumblers, per
dozen oOc
Revolving glass table
caster floo
('rohM IIulusils
might be perfect little
angels if they c?ld always
have their meals in time.
Cook your meals on the
Charter Oak Stove or range
and you will make a little
lamb out of your cross
Stoves $14.5o and up.
Steel Ranges $3o and up.
The Flexo Kodak...
Takes 3jx3J pictures
I) ad in daylight,
Weighs 19 ounces,
Achromatic lens,
Improved rotary shutter,
Always set,
Handsomely covered with
grain leather.
Price $5.00.
alL AH beginners instructed free.
A At I0 A Ax..
Hammocks. 85c. and up.
Kitchen Treasurer
large size 13.
Straw matt
i n g from
China and
Japan. You
can't com
pare our
matting, but
the mattings
you'll see
here are all
made ex
pressly to
to our order. So much for good
ness, the patterns a e different,
that's our aim, the prices are
fixed at our small profit over
the landing cost, here again
your interests are served. We
sell fine linen warp matting
for 23c a yard.