Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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It I if Suit In Equity.
A nlt in Cfnity to determine tha
property interest of the ilini ifT. Mack
Howell, In the villago of Willamette mi
tt tied on the river, aN)e Utog.'U City,
ha leen Untight, irmt the Dromon
Iron .; Steel Co. as truetec. The rrnP
erty valuation In ahoiit f.O.O.X) of which
How. II claim a one-half iiiterout. Mr.
Jlowcil ia aril-know n in (his community,
La vint; hern in the employe of the F.at
ride Kailway Co. aa a inotorinan for
many year. C. D. & IX C. Latourett
lepiYscnt Mr. Howell' side of the auit.
Following are the allegation of the
The plaintiff allege a delect in till.'
laving len made when the property
is transferred In 1S7'J. rauUintf from a
clerical error. The plaintitl pray,tliero
fore, for a decree against the defendant,
reforming the deed, whereby the plain
till may evure an und.vided one-half
interest in the preminea. Following are
the main allegation:
That the defendant ia a prva'e corixir
ation, duly organised, nJ doing lusine
under the lof Orejron.
That on MjivIi U. 1.'.), Tboutaa R.
Fields the owner in fee !ia; '.oof
certain dervrihed) rval ette, i-ttuated
n CUckam. county, Or, containing SO
acre, more or les.
That on aid day, March 14. 1S79, In
consideration of the (-uru of Thoma
It, Field and wife aolJ and attctupteJ
to convey the deKtiWJ precrileJ pre
mises to Courtney N. Davidaon and
Florine A. Davidson, by their certain
deed of conveyance.
That said deed w as duly recorded in
t ie deed recorJs of Clackatna county.
That by mutual mistake of grantee
and crators, and without their fault, but
owing solely to oversight and inadvert
ence npon the part erf the scrivener era
ployed to draw the deed, there were
certain mistake made, namely:
Fisrt The deacriptian of the premise
did not close and should have bee a a
btreinbfore first set out.
Second That there wa therein
emitted from the granting clause the
words, "a tenant in common." or in
ether apt words, to create an estate in
(aid grantee of tendency in common be
tween the grantee aa waa intended by
all the parties concerned.
That the plaintitT is now the sole owner
by purchase of the ondivided one-half in
terest, aa tenant in common, formerly
owned by Florine A. Davidson, and the
defendant ia owner of the undivided one
Lalf interest formerly owned by Court
Bey X. Davidson, but that defendant
purchased its said interest with notice
and full k nowlrdge of ail the equities of
said Florine A. Davidson, which equities
were subsequently by deed of convey
ance duly transferred to plaintiff1.
That notwithstanding such notice
and knowledge on the part of the defend
ant and for the purpose of perfecting a
leral or paer title to the premises, ihe
defeiivlant proi-urred a deed of correction, i
with desertion hereinafter set forth
first from Thomas R. Fields and wife to .
CourtnevN. Davidson, alone, thereby
purpot-ely omitting therefrom the name
of Florine A. Davidson,
assigns, and therefore
her heirs and
procured said
deed of correction to be recorded, and ty
fuch means undertook and attempted to
defraud the said Florine A. Davidson,
Ler heirs and assigns, of their just and
equitable interest in the estate.
That less than two years bare elapsed
rnee the discovery of said mistake by
plaintiff or any of his predecessors in in
terest. The Ladds, of Portland, are principal
owners ot the eala'e in question.
Volatile Eruptions.
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Eucklein's Arnica Salve, cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds chaped bands,
chilblains, best pile cure on earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 25
cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding, druggipt.
A gentleman recently cured of dspei.
sia gave the folloaint; appropriate ren
dering of Burns' famous blessing:
"Some have meat and cannot eat, and
tome have none tbat want it; but we
have meat and we eat,can Kodol Dj 8
pepsia Cure be thanked." This prepara
tion will digest what you eat. It in
stantly relieve? and radically cures indi
gestion and all stomach disorders.
Geo. A. Harding.
The Farmers and Mechanics store of
Oregon City iuviteB your inspection of
their uew line of dry goods, clothin g, etc
After many intricate experiments,
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining all the natural digestautB.
These have been combined in the propor
tion found in the human body and united
with substances that build up the diges
tive organs, making a compound called
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what
you eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat
plenty of nourishing food while the
stomach troubles are being radically
cured by the medicinal agents it contains.
It is pleasant to take and will give quick
relief. Geo. A. Harding.
Clackamas District Pomona Grange
will meet with Central Grange July 11th.
All patrons cordially invited.
Mas. M. E. Gill, Secretary '
continued from page 4
civil life. Many varancie also exlut in
tlie navy. To meet three need many
men Lavo been granted iwmisaiou to
appear More the Army Inwnla ahortly
for examination for roiiuiiiaiona aa
Second Lieutenant. Officer r needed
in Cuba and the Philippine, aa well aa
the United State.
Monday, July, 2.
K-Ciovrnor Pavid H. Hill, of New
York, accompanied by hi private aecre-
I . . .- I C ..Vh -an tt A al.t ttrriV.lt
inKans. City today from . Uui.
having left Albany on Friday. Within
two hour alter hi arrival, Governor
Hill departed for Lincoln, Ni b., to hold
a conference with Mr. Ilryan.
The loe sustained in the Are by the
North German Lloyd Steamship Com
pany in Iloboken yesterday are tonight
conservatively placed at nearly $10.tXX),-
1 000, and the lo of life, merely guos-
work at even thia late hour, will reach
probably a high at 200, and there are
over 300 men ia the hoepital in thiacity,
Holxken and Jerrey City, badly burned.
The Iudian convicted of the murder
Mr. and Mr, llorton, of Kugene, Or ,
at Lvnn Caual, lat October, were sen
fenced at Skagway, June 27. Hanson,
who killed llorton will hang. William,
who cut Mrs. llorton' throat, under
threat of Hanson, waa tentenced to 50
years. Kichitoo alo get 50 year.
Another i given 30 year, and t "toother
20 year each.
The contest for UoJdeea of Liberty
closed today at Junction City. Miss
Lorena Cook was elected for CSoddeas, re.
ceiving 432 rote. Miss Helen Chandler
ceiving 3JS.
Tuesday, July 3.
Roosevelt is welcomed by democrats
and republicans alike on his visit to
Oklahoma, where the Rough Rider
bold their reunion.
Hie United States Army transport
Sodtgwick, haying on board more than
40 female teacher from Cuba, being the
third of the fleet bringing the instructors
to this country for a season of study at
Harvard University's .Summer school,
arrived today. Two more transports are
yet to come.
Pernicious fever is prevalent on the
Isthmus of Panama, among the victims
being the eon of UniteJ State Consul
Cobb and the prima donna of an Italian
opera company.
Germany will av-uge the death of
Minister Von Kettler. Tbey will ibsis:
npoa full satisfactioii from Chi in.
WedneeJy, July 4.
The United State batt'e-shtp Oregon,
which ran ashore otTtlie iitland of tluw
Ke, in the Miatau group, 3- miles ni.rtli-
least of Chee Foo, ou June 28, h.is beui
The Tunes, St. Petersburg corresuon-l-
ent "V t,,at Ju"e 30 lh 8rinJ Msff of
the Uu'sin Ar,,,y Chinese
Army to number 1, 720,010 men. He
also said that about 900,000 Mauser
have been imported wittiin the Ust three
Chicago packers are receiving each
day orders from Germany for 100,000
pounds ol sausage and canned Roods.
To get this increased amount of product
inspected by the government, they
asked for 23 more miscroscopists.
William B. Curtis, the veteran athlete,
who perished in a storm on Mount
Washington, N. II., was often called
the father of American athletics. He
was probably the best-posted man on
amateur sport in the country.
Regarding the story of renewed severe
fighting at Tien Tsin, a special dispatch
from Shanghai add that reports are cur
rent that Vice-Admiral Seymour Las
been wounded.
Thursday, July 5.
Rear-Admiral Barker, .now command
ant of the Norfolk navy-yard, has been
selected to succeed Rear-Admiral Puilip,
deceased, as Commandant of the New
York navy-yard.
The thermometer registered 00 degrers
steadily throughout the day, with
scarcely a breeze to afford the slightest
relief. Up to 10 o'clock in New Yo, eight
deaths and four prostrations had be n
The foreigners in China are left to
their fate. Allies cannot rescue them
in Pekin, Chinese force Is overwhelming
Oregon delegates at Kansas City favor
reaffirmation of Chicago platform and
Harnon or Hill for vice-president.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is loyely in face, foim
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive must keep
her health. If she is weak, sickly and
all run down, she will be nervous and
irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptior s
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify ttie blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyesHmooth velvety skin,
rich complexion. It will make a good
looking, charming woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 50 cents at U. A. Hard
ing's Drag Store.
In Memory of Mm. Airm Washburn.
Wiikhka, The Atwrnethy Chautau
qua KeailinK Circle La lost In Ihe death
of our Moved iter, Mra. Attica Vh
bum, an efficient and faithful ineiubcr;
her family, ita trong upprt, and thl
comniunity, a true and devoted woman.
Therefore be it
Resolved, That we lender t the be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy in
thin, their hour of U'reavement. He it
Resolved, That these reaolutlon he
ma le a pari u( the record of thia Circle,
and that eopie te given to the local
I ' 'U '
'l. il it. it at In Ihitik
it not irl lo think hrrealter,
When Hie ninl shall leav llili ai'tier.
I. iv, wilb ilrailileM aii'K. shall watt Iter
r.) Hkms sli haib immnini for liervT"
"llturn from ahli-h I i ilrath to sever,
Ky this worMcan ne'er retlore,
Th' a a'm. as hrigtil sver,
l liey shall meet lo cart no more "
Mhn. M. A. Al-I KKott,
Nirri Osnt'HN,
Wm. (iiU)wr,
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
The ground on the northerly of
the building are being leveled up for a
tennis court etc. Spae t fly by one
hundred brt I easily available, always
alaavs cool, shady, and particularly in
viting during the hot aeason.
Probably next in luiortauc to the
physical department of the asaucUtion
is the Free Public Reading Room. Th
attendance during the year past aggre
gate tena of thousand. One hundred
a day would aggregate the mm of tbirty
six thousand a year not including Sun
day. Many day two hundred and
mure have patronised the reading room
and during the winter on ordinary
evening thirty, forty and Qfty have
often been counted In the room at one
time. Thl i conclusive proof tbat the
public reading room ia a I eneflclal and
useful institution in our city and merita
the favorable co-opcratio.1 of the public
in it support.
The room 1 at present supplied with a
large collection of periodical, magaxine
and dailies, it being the intention to
mak it a firstclas reading room in
every respect and to make thl depart
ment fill the place of a Free Reading
Room common in all citie and towns.
The public reading room is
therefore the one room In the building
absolutely free for everylody, there
being no qualiticaliona imposed except lo
keep order and nut mutilate paper.
The beat room in the building ha
been et apart for tbe reading room.
Situated in tte north-eastealy corner of
the building, well-lighted, ventilated,
with deadened wall and flxirs, make
it a mo-t comfortable and quiet place fur
reading and study. Tbe public ha free
u of mi l access hero to the leading
magazines including including 'The
O itlook." "The Munsey" The Chautau
quan," "'The American Monthly Review
of Reviews" "M.-t'lures" "Self Culture"
"Cosmopolitan" 'Outing" "Recreation"
also other publication such as "The
Scientific American" "Harr' Weekly"
"Collier' Weekly" "Ram Horn"
"New York Voice," "Printer's Ink"
"Judge" "Puck" "Christian Cynosure"
etc. Resides these the daily O.-egonian,
Telegram, Salem Statesman and Albany
Herald, and the weekly Knterprise and
Courier-Herald are always on file, to the
free use of all the alove, the public is
cordially invited at all times between
the hour of 8:31 a. m. and 10 p. in
daily except Sunday. Room oen Sun1
days from 2 to 5 p. m.
(Jirdi-n Party,
The young ladiea of The "Daughter",
ef The King are making preparation to
give another delightful garden party
at the home of Miss Holmes, "Rose
Farm" on Saturday evening. Two
violinists have been engaged to furnish
music for those who wish to dance. Ice
cream and cake will be served.
Admission 10 cents.
Ice cream and cake 15.
Paste This In Your Hat.
beginning bunday, June 1:4th, the
Astoria & Columbia River Railroad will
put into effect a train schedule by which
passengers can leave Portland daily at
8 a, m., arrive at Seaside at 12:30 p. m.,
remain at the beach until 5 p.m. and
reach Portland at 9:40. p. m. From
Astoria to the beach trains will run daily
at 8 :15 a. in. and 11 :?,' a. m., leave Sea
side at 2 :.'I0 p. m. and 5:00p, m. con
necting at Astoria with Portland train.
Arrangements have also been made with
theO. R. & N. for a daily boat to con
nect with the morning train from Port
land, leaving Astoria at 2 p. m, and
making direct connection at Ilwaco with
train for North Beach points. Also boat
to leave Ilwaco in tho afternoon to con
nect with evening train for Portland.
Leal Notice.
Administrator's) .lotlre.
Notice i hereby nlven that tha
signed has been appointed administrator 'of
ineesimeor uanuoipn Btrinklin deceased,
by Ihe county court of the Slate of Oregon,
lor Clackamas county. All persons having
claimsagainst said estate are hereby notP
fled to present the same with vouchers duly
verllied according to law, to ma at th
ollice of lirownell & Campbell, In Oregon
City, Clackamas county, Oregon, on or
before six months from the dato of the first
publication of this notice.
Date of first publication June H TflOO
... . . . . . UVYt-TIPP,
Administrator of tbe estate of Kandolnb
Stricklin, deceased. I
.Mlr fr rutHcmlMi.
l.rliiint of Interior.
anl Oltli i Oregon Clly, Owti, Jillis
Nolle Is herel.V iiWhi that Mloalng
named s.lller has IU.I nolle o( Ms Inlei
l,,,n U. make nnal 1-r.s.f in suri-orl id In
claim, a"-! 'rH,, '
M.. lhKgWa...l It-eelver at
t liy, Oregon, August II. I"1"
II V Ns).ii;M,f.irlliWSofHrtS.HK,
names th folllg ailnr.-et lo
(.rove lls i-ontlnmni" re'l'lenea upon an.l
ontiivsll.in of ''! lal vil :
William l IU.Hor.1. Il.il-erl Miller,
fharlei t". Miller, Mierniau fl'. ,r
HI 'U'lOVs.
In lli clrvnll court of Ihs sla.ol (reg"ll.
Inr Ihe county ol Clackamas.
Unif Mci'rv.tal. plalrlllt j
Vter Mi-Crvtal. ilreit.li't I
1 IVi.f Mi Cry ''at. Ihliv "mMeft:
In (Jisiisnmol Ihe. !alel i 'retf.ni. )-u
r herel'V snmmone-l i"l re iiire. lo a"
,.er nl n.er In Ihe atxii eniii le.l curt
an.l cane, an.l an.aer h -..ni.linl ll!l
llierein, on or Iwlorallie l"Uli 'tsr ol Aug-iM
1 H. an.l von are lie'ehy hutl'le-l Uial II
r..ii'o full l'i appear or ansae', tl't plsl"
III) mil ai l'H to Ihe court l"r the re trl
nr.! r.l (,ir III Hie aslil cnmplai".
a .Ir.-ree iliollng Hi ImihIs lr main
' in. my li.ov rli'tl'ig helseen f amlltT ami
ili f. ii ts'il. ami a ileereeol li.olnl illvuri-e,
It'i.l alloalnir lh .lalnttlt M rn'inn her
I i,ir mi II other a'il
fu-tlier reiiel a Ui in court may team Joil
ami prnir.
rim mmienns Is M-rye-l by puWleaMon
..nlerof lln. l.r. Iin. omnly Jn Ik-e
(.1 Cla. knia eimnly. ma I an-l nine-l In
tlie fneniilll cant oil th '.'tli ly of
i J ii ne, l'i , ,
Tlie ilat or 111 flrl .iiiilcaiion m
oiminons Is J'o '1 I 1,1
Jull'll .t KCIII KiiKI..
Allornevs lor I'lamlitt.
In tlie Circuit ' irt ol lha Jtatof Or
gon, I t tli lU ly of kainas ,
W.H. Ksuhion. ptalultrf,
Thus. II. Rickey, deft.
roTUouiM M. iltcksy, delsndanl stmra
iismed :
lu tho nam of Ilia Htata of dragon : You
art heretiy r-ulrl lo spi-ear and answer
Hi ronipialnl ttlsxl sk-s:nt y nl In Hit tn
null I action on or hefnr tna l-lti dsy ol
Aiigusl, r.iil, hu ll is lh tlma irwriwd
by th order of puiilicau n of Hits suinmoii,
and If yo i (all loso ai'tr or answer, for
ant thereof. Hi plaintitT will lake jmtg
mailt against you as demande-l in bis runt
plaint nisHl herein, to "II: For th sunt of
flT'JiOwllh inltrett thrrenn at ttisrsie-d
ten percent per annum from July I. KM
This summons Is served on y iu by puo
llcalion by onler of Hon Thoa. K ltyan,
county judge of Clackamas county, Oregun,
made int entered therein on the . K Ii day
of June, pssj, Tha dste of th first puMI
catmnhrre.il Is July il, I ), and th last
Is August 17. I'"V
Attys. lor I'lamtirl.
In th C i iuty Court of th Plats of Ore
gon, for Claekamas county.
In Ihs matter of th astat of llsrnhart
Quant, deceased.
To Dora Q lant and Chs'lss Q lant, hsrs
and dtvlsees of llernhart Quant, dereatad,
and to all others Interested in said estate,
if any such there be:
It appearing to the court by the i-etltlon
tills dav I'Tr-ented aut Hie-1 by Kl turd
r .xt, eir. innr ti( the aa aar ill an.l tr.ia
nient of llernhart ) isnt. drrea-ed, that It
Is necessary to tell n s ahnle or some .r
lloii of the real estt'a hrlotiKin n ,
estata of said derexlenl Ui psy the delits of
ileredanls and lb costs an I charges ol al
nilrilslrall'in. In th Name nf the Slate nf Oregon, You
are therefore riled to t sod ap-r hrlura
sauI county court on the otli day of August,
1'ssi, at the hour of ten o'clix k. a in. of
said dale al th court rixim f iai I court at
the court house in Oregon City, Cla kainas
County, Oregon, lo ilm cause why an
onler should not t)gratild to said siwntor
to sell so much of tha folluaing real estate
belonging to said estate msy Im necessary
Ui wit: lts l and in blix k ii llansoirs ad
dition to Kl I'lirtlaml. imw Portland :
Uits I and 'I in bIM-k 4, llanson s Ad
dttloii to Kast Tor land, how Portland,
Multnomab couiilv Oregon; an undivided
half lntere-t in 73 a.-res sitni's In the
Hubert Caullrld D. I,. C. No, .VI in sees S, U
PI ami III, In T 1 s. It 2 K. ut the W M ; also
blork No 27. of the loan of Milwaukie.
Clackamas County, Htsteol Oregon,
Dated this J'lti day of June I'm,
TII0.4.K. RYAN'.
,oll r for I'lihlU-nllort.
Land Ollice at Oregon Cit v. Or..
Jun'3U, lS).
Notice is hereby ulven thst the fiilloalng
named settler has filed notice of hit Inten
tion 10 make final proof in supKjrt of his
claim, and tnal said proof will Im made be
lore the Iteglster and Receiver at Oregon
City, Or.,0u August I I, I!jO, ylr;
H. K. No, 1I2'J for th KK i Hec. 12, T. 4
. It. 5 E.
If names the following wltnewn-s to (.rove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of tha lati'l, si.:
Chariest'. Miller. Itobert Miller, Hhi-r-man
Coop, Lawrence Mitchell, all of Gar
field, Oregon,
In the Circuit Court of th Ktato of Ore
gon for th County of Clackamas.
Mary Freeman, plalntiir.)
Henry Freeman, deft, )
To Henry Freeman, deft., ahoy named:
In th name of the Ktate of Oreion. von
are iiereuy required 10 apear ami answer
the complaint u led against you In the above
entitled suit within six weeks from the fli
of the first publication of this summons and
II you ran w answer, ror want thereof, the
nlaintitl will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded In iher complain to-wit: 'nr
a decree dlssolvt.ig th bonds of matri
mony existing between you and plalntiir
and awarding to plrlntill the custody nl the
minor child, (jeorge Wilfred Freeman, and
that plaintiff have judgment against yon
for her cost and disbursement In this suit
and for such further relief aa to the court as
may seem meet and proper.
1 his summons is published by the ordnr
of Hon. Thos. K. Ryan, Judge of the county
court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Clackamas made and entered In snid
Circuit Court on the fith day of July, !),
which order directs the publication ol said'
summons not len than once a week for six
successive weeks.
The date or the first publication of this
summons is July nth, l!sx) and the date of
the last publication is August 17, 1!XX),
Attorney for Plalntiir. I
.Htlri fur lnhllrnliN
1'nlle.l Hiales l and Oltlea, Oregon Clly,
Oregon, Msv .". !'' ,.., , ,
NV'lii K If ilMtKHY HI VKN Hist In
ci'iiipllauce Willi H' provlsl il an l nf
I .mgrr.i of J line X l. ntltleiC'A II el for
Ihe le ol llmlM t lan.U III lh slates ol Call'
lnrnU liregnn, Nevada, and Waslilngloii
Terniorv," as eiloiide.l to all Hi I'ulillo
.an.l Stales hy a t of August t, lniJi
II. K. CIli'M
nl Oregon Cllv isumlv ol Clai kainas slate ol
Oregon, lias Uils ilav tiled In Hit olll.a
Ills saorn latenielll No "'.'.'I for III pur
eliase id U N rl ol seelion
No. .7. In l.onslili No I H, rang No
A K. and will ''' I"""' "'s'
land ought Is mora saloahla lor Us llmher
nr stone llian lor agricultural purposes, so l
l,i . 1. 1,11.1. Ills claim lo ssl l land heli.re
0 llegister and Kvler nf tins nltleo at
Oregon Clly, Oiegoii. on huirilav, Id llth
.lav nl August, lsi Us naiuss as
John Htraliilit. TlieiHlnr lluerlli. ol
'srk'l', t.e.i lkeflV, llnss WlliOS,
ill lisrlle'l. I'regon,
Any and all persons i-lalmlng avrsly
he ai .les,-rih'd lands rw reUeled to
hie llieir Claims In IMs nm.aoiior lielor
said It dy nl Aoilos l',"'l
1 II Aft. II. MooitKM.
in niK ciiii't i r cot ur of ui ntat
I urrgon. lor the t .ilnty of Clackamas.
lsry Ma ler. plalnHlt
W. I. I'l. kn s and K V..
I, la l(.' il. Il
To W. I I'ii kens and K. K. I'L kens, d
feii'Unli I'mii nnid :
India nine ol tlie Mlal of Oregon. 1 oil
are heretiv fe'ulrel .i appear and answer
UK i.i i..llnl nte.l aslnst you III Ihe alxiV
eiitltle-l inll, Within en weeks from the
dale ul th It's! I'lihiti aliou of this sum
mons, and II yillitl ! eniwer lr want
ll.ere.if. the in iln lilt will apply In lhr..url
for in relief Uen.a.idliig III her roniplainl.
to ait: That jiainl.tt have Judgement
1,-llosl you imi ea. h ol you In ll.e inlil of
' Willi Interest there-in at the rile of 0
tr cent r annum from Msrch M ll'uiilil
paid and Hi lurther sum ol J U) aliomeys
Ires an.l tlie Costs and dishursemetlts of
this suit.
Tbal I'lalntfl ha du rei-l lo B a lld
ouni'lele and flril lieu upon lh folluaing
ilrxritKl real nnnly, l all!
The sonlhratt one ouarter (,l ol th
sootheasi one uuarter(V,( ad in south
una hall I !,) of the Kiini.aeal onaquarler
('tol Ilia southeast one iiarl.r ( I and
Hie Kiuth one bail t)of Ihe niulhse.l ona
iiiarter () of tha aoulhaeil one iUirUr
t', and tna south onavhaH SI 1 He suilh
aett one uartir l, ol the euuihaeil one
juarter (', I, all Hi ee. lion ten 11 1) t.. 2
.. r e. ol Vi. M. In Clarkainsi cunty
And thai said lien be fori loaed an I said
real pr.i-erity id as Uun
elM-ullu at la and Ihe .rirde of
aid sale ailled as lolluas: (a) T lh
en-enre ol nld sal and f.t and llaimraa.
n entsof this tun and the s imole'l as
attorneys free (b To Ihe yinol ui
mil Judinenl a msy be reroysre.1
by plaiiilitT In this anil, and for
snrh other and further relief as lo Ihe court
niav team hi.et In the .feiiiln-t.
i'l. is lummiini Is .oiiii.h. by order of
Ihe Hun. Ths. A. Mcllnde, J idgeof the
abote eniilie-l court, male and enle'e-l
therein on Ihe pi ll day of April, I "
The date of the n ret t"ihllratl.in of Hits
uinm.iiii Is June n. !') and Ilia .late of
Ihe last tiuollraiion il.rrrtif i Juty ?i. I 0
IIKlMil x Anlilr r ltll.
A Homey lof I'lalntirT,
Entire for lislllrass.
t'nlte.) ltaUi Uod Ollloe. al Oregon City
itrrf in, May M, 1'sil,
No'lr Ii hereby gnen lbs'. In isimnllance
with Ihe rmiij mi of the a. I of l .n.gfeai of
June .1, s.s, iiituie.1 "An a-1 for thi tile of
lilliher la-idi In Ihe Hiatal nf California,
urriroii. Nryla and Wehiiig.n lerrllory"
as eileude-l In all the public l-end hlalri
by act of Anirtul i, t':
of CiirrlnsTlile, County of I ' lm, t'a'i
ol Oregon, has lhi die flirl in I'm ottl e
hl saorn slao-menl. No '
rhaae of Ihe ,K'. of riV,
.'if. for the i ur
i.f aac Jii and
r.1, ol V l, ni l iiIM.' r . .'I, lo
Township No. 4 K. Uainre No. i '.. W il
and mil otter pbe.l in itiow tint the land
a.iulit Ii more valuable for III limtier or
bine tha.i b.r an.-ollural iura.aei, and
In 'tahliili his claim lo laid laud before tin
I'.rKiater and lie, liver of ihll olll v at Ore.
gon City, Orrnii, on Welen-Uy, Ihel'lh
daV of August, I'i'l.
lis names as eittirise:
J'ibii I'. M aim. of Portland. Oregon; Ise
Wills, of Currinsvllle; John Ki'iirson and
Oeorge Kp-eraon, ol Kittle Creek.
Any and all rini rUlinlng a.lversely
tin a'aiva-dru-ribe-l lands are refuelled lo
tile Ihelr claims In Oils ottl'-e on or belore
satd l.'iiti day of Auiru-t, 1 l
( HAS II. Mo HlK-,
Ailiiilsslilrulnr'a artr,
Nollce Is hereby given, that by order of
the county courl of the alale of i rrgon, for
Clsrkaiuai county, the umlerlgi has
been aiMilne. administrator of the estate
of drnre Hmoot, ilmated, All rs.ms
hiring claims agslnal Ihe mil estate are
hereby nolilied lo prewnil the same to tha
undersigned with p.-.i-r Vouchira, al the
olhceollhe clerk of Ihe county courl. at
the court house, In Oregon City, Oregon,
within six mouths alter lh data of this
notli e.
Haied, May 31, 1'mi,
Admlnlatjalor ol Ihe e.uti of (irace
Hlii'Mit. ileceased.
oll fi of I'laial Meitlrssirssl.
The undersigned gives notice thai she has
presented lo the County Court of tlie
Htate of Oregon for Cls.kamas cunty
her UiihI a-cnnM as eieciuru of the will of
Robert Nelson, deceased, ami the aame has
been set for hearing by ssld Court on the
2.1 day ol July, J'il, at ID o'clock of said
day. All person are hereby imlltlrd lo
appear In said Court at aald time and pre
sent their objections to mid account if anv
they have. '
,. , , KATiumna Nkuon,
LxeculriX of the will of Robert Nelson
ytiliiilnlifrolor'a .'0ll4-e.
Notice Is hereby given that hy order of
the county court of the state of Oregon lor
Clackamas county, the undersigned has
Iwen appointed administrator of the estate
of Mollle Hmoot, deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate are
hereby notified lo present the san e to the
undersigned, with proper vouchers, at the
ollice of Ihe clerk of the county court, at the
courthouse, in Oregon Clly, Oregon, with
in six month alter the date of this notice
Dated, May. 81, ItSfO.
i.jiiiiiiinirnior 01
Hmoot, deceased.
1 .1 ... I ...... ... .. "''I
the estate of Mollle
en. H
The areas m..
nu areas remedy for mi,
t-- lnnt.n;."g.-'-jy'M
4 Orirana of lih... l. . -
Of Tohm.nnr(i,.i.;. Z.LT U . ' jwummi a-rrura. menial worry, urmsi
1FTPH IICIII0 ordee l.ari71.'!','ul, le1 "mnptlon and Insanity. With ml
ooxo ror li.oo. im.nvrrus cuuhucal co vuituuttOMi
.llcet fur l'ulllewUH
( lieu piaiee i.enn wince, Hregim
, O. . . I ... I ,..t.
Oregon, Hay I'l I'ssl,
Nolliiels hereby given that m euiiinii.,,..
wild lh pron.loiis or tha ,.,
Congreu ul Jun .1, .; eil,ul
"An aol for Ihe sal ol Hmtr .
III II. relates of Calllern la. Oregon, Ni,.
ami Wasldngloii Terrlioiy - , eslend.. ,,
all Iln I'libllc Land Hiales by act nl Aiie',.?
4, I'l'J,
nf I'oil'aiid, county nf Muliiioinil, Mlai,,.i
Oreg has llils.liy ll'e.l In lhisi,, .
saorn aleiuenl Nu, Will, lor Ihe i...r,.,,
nflheHiit, of NWl aol W I, nl x?,
ml M'tt of H tt Hee 'JU ,, (, N)j ' t
lUnge ,S.i ft II, and Will sitter Proof lo !,.,'
Ihll Itie laud ollgtll II Ii. lire Vahuoi,
lit timber nr stone thin for giliiliur,i
liurinari, and toeatahh.h hie claim (,
land helm Ihe Jiegla'tr and ltr.i.. .
. i ...,i i. i .. ..... .
una oiiir a. rea"n ' f, I'reKon 'III VI(I,
iies.lar, lh l ull day ill August, si,,
llenameiaa altnesseii
Mr.nr. :,iri.in, and lea W'Pla. f c(ft
rliisilHe; i.eo Mu-eison, and John Kpiwr.
Kin. ol Kale Creek.
Any ad all pereoba i lalniliig advaraily
Ihe e'mve-.lrei-rilieil lauds i.g 'r .,u. ,
Hie Ihelr cla'ins III litis idtbw mi of
aid CUIl day ol Anenal !si
t HAH II luiikM
,ale im rsnra.
Note Is hereby given lo all I ,,,
lug claims galns the eilale of lan,
Jennings, ileteeee-l, (.1 reaen tha
.roi'ly verlDed, lu the nn.la',1,,,,, f
Ihe iiltlif) nf lle.lges .t llrirtlth, lU.i'i,,
In Hiegoii Clly, Oiegon, aal.liiali mui.tbi
from Ihedila of the flral pnblli aM.ni 0f
U.la notice,
Ural piiblliaaioti June ts.
Kseeutor of III estate ol Vlarlha Jam.i, (,
de. eiae..
Hedge ,t (irllttlh, ally.,
for Ulerulof.
.alee lor I'isbllrwiUa
landOfttieat Oregon City, Oregon,
l I '
Soll.e Is hereby flseit that the lulliiii,,
name I Miller has nie-l noil. a of hit iri'irt,
lion lo niaka final pr.aif . io,Mit (lf kn
rlai m an.l that laid pna.f will be made 11,,
the llrgiaier ana reralyef l I Ireg m Clly, (if,
on Jul) U, I vis I
iiri.KN w. Dt rr,
II. K. No III-, for Ihe w of nt; &4
tjof ,. skxJ. I 4 s. r Is
M.I usu al the lolkialhg Wllneia W
( rose bar continuous leil.lanra Ujo sr4
ruliliailon of laid land yis .
(len'ira II, kernel, John Ntlw tir, o
Ftauo-I, Ja-I.ri A. Kernel, Cbirles C.
Nilwrkir. Orel n Cllv,
l as. II.
alien r rssbllrsalUa
t'nlte. I Hiaiei land OitUe, Oregon Clly
Orron, June 3. I ".
Nolire Is bafi'.y ren that In mmidlaw
with lbs pruvialui.i of Ihe a.1 ot rui'greie at
June 1. s, eiiiliie.1 "An wrl for Ifai MJe
of Hi ilwr lii.di In Iba Htairiuf Calilornia,
UreK'iu, N'ta la. an I Was'.lrigton territory,
as etlen.el bi ad the I'uuJiO lnd Slates It
act of August 4. l'l.
nf liarflild, munty of ( is.tni.ii, Kli)
tirig.in, has Dili .lay nie. In ll.ti office his
worn Kaisii.enl S, ft.V. ! the punhae
of the lie1, of I ion Nu. 311, In township
No 4 s. rang Node, and all) ort.r (.r,., lo
bow ll.il Ihe laiul i-iosbl U More silusble
f..r Hi umlwror ston-ihan for nrrkuiiti'i!
ur,ai and to ealihlUh Ml rlilis k. 1
Ian. I baton Iln rrtflMer and lereiier ol Ibis
i.m.a al Oregon fill, oti Helordiy, the Tih
dit of August. I si
flenauiM Wltfieieei!
John Ii. Ki'rsn, of K'lsn, Orefin,
Hanry Kpcraon, of Cur f !" Ille. Oragon,
It id. I'd 0. I'a'n.atrwr of Itarflihl, Oregon,
lie . )!p.aron, of LagU Crsk, Orrun.
Any and all rsom rlilmlng eJiemly
1 1,1
iiii.riitol Unds era re-iueitivl la
tile lheir rlllms In Ihls of?l on or bafors
aid .".111 illy of A"gusl, I
CMAJI. II. M' toll EH.
bailee. ae 'abtlralln.
t'ldte-l Mta'es I lo Ottl. a, Oregon Clly,
Orrgon.Juue l'"l
Notlia Ii hereby git en thai III compliance
with the irolal.iin of Ihe act nf I ongma
of June J, IS a, enllie. "An i' l l it l
sile ol limber In tin Mialei ol Cahfortila,
Nei.. ami Wil li.ici.oi lerrim v." as
eilemled luoll the Public Una Mates by
a. I ul Auguai 4, sx',
of Oarfiild, county of Cla. kainas, stsliof
Oregon, has ihls day (We-1 In Ihls office bis
saorn stateuianl No. u" for Ihe pun kin
of i',i K1 of hWi;, and l"H 1 and I ol
. I ion. Nu, '.'I, lii i.iaiishlp No 4 H, rang
No o K. ami will ofTer pr.M.I to show that
the laud soiiirbl Is more valuable for Its
tliularr or sune Ihan for agricultural
luiriMrM-t, and lo eilabllsh hi claim to said
laud l.-f.iri the Iteelater and Receiver of
! this i.ftliB at Oregmi Cur. on Helurday, lh
i.tb day of August r.ssj.
II" nanus aa wllneaaei:
John Fpperanri. of Kelm. Or, Henry
K.pperwin, of Cmrlmville, 1 Wills, of
lisrfield, (ieo. Kpperion, of Kagl Creek.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the klKive drarrlbeil lattdi are reguestel lo
hie their claims In llil ollice on or lf"r
said r.ih day of Auguit, P").
CHAH. II. MooltKH.
poller, r I 11 bl trial I on.
Culled Mate Land Office-. Oregon ("It.
Oregon, June J, lissi.
Nollce i hereby given that In wimpllstu
with the provisions ol the eel of Cong"1"
of June 3, 17, entitled, "an acl for ihe '
ol llmher lauds lu thsHiatcsof California,
Oregon, .Nevada, and Washington Tern
loiy." as extended to all the Public Land
Hlates by acl of August 4. IWJ,
ol Kelso, county of Clackamas, slat of
Oregon, has this day filed in this oltlce I'll
sworn statement No, fiWi, lor th purvlis
oflheseijor section No. 20, In lownsbip
No. 4 H, range No. l K, and will oiler pr''f
to show thai the land sought I more valu
able for Its limber or aioua than for agri
cultural purposes, and lo establish lia
claim to said land h.-fore Ihe Register ami
Receiver nf this ollice at Oregon City "
Hnlurday, lhe2th day of August, imw.
He names as witnesses:
Henry K. person, of Currinsvllle, Oregun,
l-e Wills, and Richard O. I'almaleer, ol
Oarlleld; (Ieo. Kpperson, of Kagl -'"k
Any ami all person claiming adversely
tha HlKiveuli'scrilied lands are ruipicsU-d U)
Ille their claim In tin office on or before
said Z'lili day of August, ItsKJ.
Willi I tr lui m - vsKt an vl TiTsM
ierBIm.VJUja.xisj u xZXjXara
....... .... ... . . ..
Werwnia.l'rnairwUuH, railing or Lost Manhooo.
1'i'n.wan'iH auu ail oiaiiuana 01 iid Hru