Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Mtili Una.
lUri.K Lank. June II. Mrs. Keo.
Hyatt Rtnl i"n of tioldendale, Wash., are
,'isitinj at the hme of A Mann.
Mr and Mrn. II. llenrici and Jaa.
Curnn, of Kly, spent Sunday at Jas.
Mm. It. Scott ami da"hter Mr.
Jllnllan.of Portland, are the gnenta ol
the formers sister, Mra. fhaa. Swallow.
Mrs. W. C. Williami and Grandma
IVlton, of Oregon City, were visiting
with relatives in this vicinity, Thursday.
Mra. V. II. Wood and daughter, of
Ooble, are the giwtj of Mr. and Mra.
W. F. Krayton.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henrici,
on June 1st a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sdiafler, of F.Uiott
I'rairie. and Mrs. J. W. Standnijrer. of
ClA kms. were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Payies, Sunday.
J. C. Plxon returned home Friday
fir iwo months absence at Wll
Mr. and Mrs. Kun.man intend lea?
in for Dakota soon.
Geo. Mautx. returned borne, from III-
aoo, Wash., Thursday.
the vote rant last Monday was only alwul
half of our actual voting rapacity.
Gritty Camp W. 0. W. at la.t nights
mooting gve new life and new energy to
the grand Fourth of July celehrat Ion.
1000 bill were ordered printed, and G, ,
K. JIayea, of Oregon City, has len se
ru red as orator and Miss Jessi (irhhins ;
will read the lVclanttion of IndepenJ.
ence. F.vervthing poiwiMe will he done j
by the Woodman to make it pleasant J
and coinfortahle for all who will celebrate '
the Fouith. A brigade of 30 rag niullliia j
w ill cheer up the rrowd. IWcycle raring, )
horse raring, dancing, merry-go-round, i
phonograph and all kinds of game ill
makd it desirable for all to come to Sandy
the Fourth.
So many
uvc nair
that Is
and dull.
SnrKORD, June 11. Grandma Gore,
mother of Capt. Gore, died Tbnrsday lat
from injuries rereived, her clothes catch
ing fire in some mysterious manner.
The remains were interred in the Staf
lord cemetery Saturday.
Mr. Neaman, of Tualatin, died Satur
day of typhoid fever, interment took
place at the Stafford cemetery Monday.
J. P. Gage, arcompanied by his grand
children, Era and Earl Howard, started
for Lyle, Wash. on. Monday where the
children's parent live on a homestead.
Wm. Schata has purchased a new
miwer and is now catling clover.
The school picnic in Gage'a park Fri
day was grand success, the pogram
was immense (not political; Capt. Hives
gave a closing address which was well
appreciated by all, touching the early
history of our community as he remem
bered it in the 40'a and 50's, carried us
in memory to the first schools here and
the visie'ng of same by him ; the copy
books.with copies, the following of which
14 a earn i)e," honorable gF.OKuF. WASH
INGTON" and the log school house with
ita immense nick and mud chimney
Out ttie rain fell in nntil the floor
was fl toded. The address was spoken
of by early settlers present as the best
ever Beard uttered by him" which state,
tnent was re-echoed by others.
Chris Miletn, of 51 1. Tabor, was in our
community Sunday last.
Mrs. Alice Chapman is visiting her
father, Capt. Hayes, who has been very
sick but is now improving. The captain
intend; to sttend the Pioneers Reunion
to be held in Portland.
Frank Weddle has repainted bis resi
dence. Garden sass is plentiful.
A few wide tire wagons have received
the tax rebate.
Henry Schatz has put doors on his
wagon glied and painted the same.
Crl Weissenborn has made a large
yard for his fancy poultry.
Sasdy, June 11. Farmers now are
making hay, and meadows smell sweet
with hay, all these beautiful June days.
Fall sown grain all looks good. It was
feared that the rain had damaged wheat
by runt, but its not that way, fruit all
looks good, and plenty of it too.
Potatoes and spuds and garden truck
all look well and indicate that the cellar
will be full next winter.
Xavier Decker is hauling lumber for a
larne barn which will be erected at once.
Will Brown and family moved out
from Portland and will live on their
Mrs. N. 0. Nylernder, of Portland, is
spending the summer vacation with her
Last Sunday the new church pealed
forth its sweet melodious iron music for
the firnt time.
Koad work is progressing rapidly.
Work will be complete in a week or two
Election paused off very quietly, but
whits the matter with Cascade precinct
with its small vote, 133 votprs registered,
only 7(i voted ut last election, there are
about 25 voters that never registered.
(Juite a slice of Cascade precinct was
taken in by Seviers precinct, however
never stops because the weather
is warm.
Then why stop taking
simply because it's summer?
Keep taking iL It will heal your
lungs, and make them strong for
another winter.
Soc. ind Si.00 1 all ararguta.
J. G. Ror.net, proprietor ol the Mil
waukee Cording Mills, died at his home
at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, from can
cer of the stomach, ainl tC, The de
ceased was a native of Germany, and ,
had been a resident of Clackamaa county j
since IStiS He waa superintendent uf
the Oregon City woolen mills for H years
b it moved to Milwatikie In 1SS2, and -tibliahedlhe
wool rarding mills. The
interment took place in Mountain
View cemetery, Sunday. The deceased
left a wife and five children Mrs. Koee
Whitcmib, of Pomernr, Wash.; Mr.
Kate L. Charman, Oregon City; Mrs.
Hattie Weaoinger, Milwaukie; Mrs,
IXra Conklin, Portland, and Robert
Bonnet, Milwaukie.
Clerleaf Sarraaa.
A clergyman on a nxvnt Sunday
pave out the following notice, says The
Christian Endeavor World:
"The regular meeting of the donkey i
parade will be held, a usual, at the j
close of this service. Memlera will;
line up just outside the church door,
male remarks and stare at the women
who pa- as Is their custom.
"Any member known to escort a j
young woman to cuurcn like a man
and sit wftb her like a gentleman will
be promptly expelled 'from member-ahlp."
Vinegar la a diluted form of acetic
acid and has been known from the
earliest period. Wine vinegar la made
from wine lees and Inferior wine,
principally Id France, the Burst being
obtained from white wines. Malt vin
egar Is procured from an Infusion of
malt which has previously undergone
fermentation or from apple cider. Vin
egar In the form of lotions Is a valua
ble external stimulant.
Joke la Other Fellow.
Ills Mother ito wife going through
the pockets of ber husband's clothing)
I wouldn't do that. Irene. Come,
now. do you Vilnk It Is right!
Wife That detenda upon the motive.
My object Is not mercenary. I only
want to play a practical Joke upon any
pickpocket who may hapen to operate
upon dear George.- Boston Transcript.
the reason? Hair
needs help just as
anything else docs at
times. The roots re
quire feeding. When
hair stops growing it
its lus
nr..iared hv the city
In tlie
2 Avra
acts almost instantly
on such hair. It
awakens new life in
the hair bulbs. The
effect is astonishing.
Your hair grows, be
comes thicker, and all
dandruff is removed.
And the original
color of earlv life is
restored to faded or
gray hair. This is
always the case.
SI.OOl aottU. All drag flat.
I hara oW Ajt t Hair Vigor,
and am mtily atnibl at ilw
EuU it ha ikt In karplnjc oijr
or from maiiuc oat It i lit
brat bnK) I baa trkd. and I
hall otiiinua to racvnmwMl It to
ta (rtaoua,"
Mama H'iit.
8rpL M, 1198. Burlington, X. C
Tf fMi 4a ant ahula all tha banrflia
toq rlprrtra fnra lha um if tha Hair
Ylaaf. ma lha Ihwl. about It
Da. J.CAJtH.Lowll. Maw.
1 yr T T T T
- a. .a. A .
1. An eight-inch piw sewer, beginning
at the intersection of the center line of
Seventh atreet and the renter line uf
Harrison street ; running thence enter ly
alonif the center line of Seventh street to
I the intersection of the center line of
Seventh street ami the renter line of
John Adams strevt, connecting at this
pint with a ten-inch pipe Fewer and
rm n ng thence westerly along Mie renter
line of Seventh strvet to its interaeCtion
uf the center line of Center strn-t.
?. An eight-inch pipe sewer, begianing
at the intersection of the center line ui
Van Buren street and the center line uf
Artificial Bowers were unknown to
the ancient civilized nations of Europe.
They are first mentioned In Italy In the
fourteenth century, but In China they
were known at an earlier date.
Onlinitnre- .a
Entitled an Ordinance Granting a
Franchise and Kiuht of Way on Seventh
street to the Bicycle Path CommiHiionera
of Clackamaa County, Oregon, anil to
their successors, tor the uiw) of Wheel
men, and Authorizing the Krection Con
struction ami Maintenance of a I'icycle
Path upon the same without exense to
the city.
Section 1. The present Bicycle I'ath
Commissioners lot Clackamas County,
Oregon, consisting of C. H. Dye, J. F.
Clark and W. A. Huntley and their suc
cessors in office are hereby granted for the
u-e ol wheelmen, a Franchise .ind Right of
Way for three years in and to a strip of
land in the northerly half of Seventh
street extending northerly a distance of
four (4) feet from the following described
line :
Beginning at a point in the center line
of Center street at a distance of twelve
(12' feet southerly from the northerly
line of Seventh street; running thence
eaxterly up Seventh street and parallel
with the said northerly line of Seventh
street to the city limits.
Section 2. The said Commissioners
and their successors in oflice are hereby
given tree and unobstructed use, right
and privilege to construct, erect and
maintain a Birycle Path upon said right
of way, provided that no expense to
the city is thereby incurred.
Head first time and ordered published
at an adjourned regular meeting of the
City Council of Oregon City held Mon
day, June 11, 1000.
Bkcck C. Cl'RRY,
tiitlnrer and filed
..ni. ! Um Iti'iHinler lelore il'U
, i, iij aaid eer are Invited.
Section f The contractor aliall lake
and have riitir rharga "f lha work dtir
Imt Us pr..grea and hall I reni-ll-lo
lor any I or a.cid-nl lea.illlng from
raieldxtieiaor neglect.
Sevlfii The improvement aliall m
completed l the sati.la. tnm of tha City
lVnn. il of Oregon Otv. I
S,H ti..n . I he conlract .hall contain
.1 -I l .r ...'li iln tioiilril to
a i'rnii"'ii ' ,
c..ini.l.'t.'d contract alter tlu eaplia
iL.n ,.l the lime lUed for It comdei.m.
Il, c.ntr. lor or contractor .lull forte t
n. I.r the a"d hrnelll
of the properly luddera slb-cled hr such
dclav, Hie sum of I've (M doll.tr.
S,- lion 7. The Coiiuniltee on Street
n I I'utdlr Property are hereby author
Ued and d ueled to advert'ae for and re
ceive proiHi.itl. and report same to the
I'iir Council, and then-alter the Mayor
ami Recorder shall enter Into a contract
nub the pcraon, tlrin or crHrHon to
whom the City Council may aaard the
C. II. I've. F. T. Grilhih and ( . O.
Ilun lev be and ther are bereliy ap
pointed scora to entiiiiate the propor
tionate .hare of the rl ol .aid eer
to U' aKrHl to the ..veral oaner of
property to I Nmelitted thereby, In
atvrdaiirf with Ihe provision of aivtiou
1ih; of the charter of said rity, and re.
, the nix to the City Council within
nlnetv OKI) dave after the date of the
approval of this ordinance by the mayor.
Said aneora .nan n .iipi uieei-
ink't In the othV uf Hi City Becor lr of
.aid citv. and til iriin lntereied mav
appear ie(ore id .ior slid he heard
in the matter of niaalng aai.l eitlinate.
Such eora shall give one aeek's
notice bv publication (one ln-rtion) In
the city oll'cial pai-r, ol the lime and
pUce of their meeting an I atliavll give
like notice when they hall have de
termined upon an apportionment of the
rt of the newer herein provided for,
notifying all person to appear and e
amine audi arporiloiunrnl ami make
uhjevtiona thereto if there t-e gool rue
lorsodoing Any pern lnterete,l in
pnperiy within the limit proposed to
lie .e,vl .hall have the rtuht to ai
pear tietore such aanewir In ieron or
iiv attorney, and any pein .lnatuli.
alth the apporlioiiiiietit made by auch
aM.-om .hall hav the right to appeal
to the City Council.
AH objection to.iich apHirtionmelit
.hall he made In writing and shall t
reported to the City Council by such
Bead Oral time and ordered published
at an adjourned regular meeting ol the
City Council of Oregon cv, Oregon,
Monday, June II. l'.H'O.
Hai i a C. Ct aar.
rrTiV n vv U V U VJ
M j
Tho Kliul Yoil llitvo Atwnyrj lloiiiflit, rtml Wlilch luta lieeu
fa uo for over HO jrcrtra, Hit" norm inn aiutiuturn r
i mitt )iu Irrrii nuitlit tinder Ilia irr-
annul tirrllon a I it co Ha liifUiiry,
Allv no dim to drcrlvn you In this.
AH roiintrrfilta, liultatloiia nnl Hiib.lltulra nr but 1U.
IHrlniriita tlittt trlllo villi nntl rudniiitrr tlio lirulth of
lnfUuta itnd ('lilldnii-r..M-rlriio ngnlnat lliirliiirtit.
CuatorU N A atitiatltutP for (u.tor Oil, Irrtrorlo, l)n(u
ntxl Kootliliitf Nyrtipa. It U Iluriulesa nml ricnaaiit. It
rotitalii iieltlu r Opium, Morphine) nor other Nurmtlrt
auhataurr. Ita nun la Ita irimritiitro. It destroy Worm
nml ftlliy rcvcrlalmraa. It fiirra IHitrrlnri and AVInd
('olio. It nllcvcs) Trclhliitf Trouble, rtirre Const Ipatlou
nml riittnloiuy. It ttlmllttr tbo IWI, rrtfulutr tho
MotniK h wtiil llowtda, ghlntf licultliy nml imtiirttl alorp.
Tbo Children' luniM"m-Tbo Mother' rrlrud.
Sears tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Ordtuanre .
An ordinance auihoriiing the purcbaw
of 47-.'0 feet of IiiimUt U,t the rrir of
the county roatl leading lrin Ihe head of
6'h street.
OKMIO citt doc oxtui.t as roLuoa:
The Committee on Street and I'uhlic
l'riirtv is hereby antbor ie.l n t em
powered to plircbaae i7,'J'i leej of bl'tl
Iter, said luililer to le lied lor the re
pair of the county road leading Irum the
bead Ol Flltll atreet ill Orenii City,
Kea I firt lime and ordered published '
a, an adj jiirned regular meeting ot the
tlMMi, BO YkTAeJi'
vrS VxpgR,CNCt,
' Mil' ' CotvnOMTt AC
A nfnfl Vtf'4 -i rlerr'taf u- af
4t lf saKftiif tmt i HHail ! be haf
tllHlt f4lVttUl. Hla1fwV I a "ft.Mlt)
wi frtMa. 'et f ff aM-ijinr latav.
ffavtat. MWi, " nil C'rta, U M
Scicniiflc American.
A KMttmlr lttiariaa1 ?;. I rv4 rift
mitin r.f ktif itufl' V ! Tf i
yr- frnif mni bft, L It'W lr 4.H lt-a.r
MUNU Co . New York
Civil. . ...u, . ...nnln.. Il.n.u. i IO
.l,ng the center line of Sixth street liW 1'0""?',' ?L V"15"" Mun
its interi-ection of the center line of " " -
I 'KI I K V . t t a H V ,
Ordinance .
An ordinance to provide for the time
and manner of constructing certain
few-era in Oregon City, Oregon, on
Seventh street from the center of Har
rison street to the center of Center street ;
on riixth street from the center of Van
liuren street to the center of Center
Btreetjon Fifth street from the center
of J. t. Adams street to the center of
High street; on Foifrth street from the
center of Monroe ntreet, to the center of
High street: on Third street from the
center of Madison street to the center of
High street ; on Center street from the
center of Seventh street to the center of
Third streef: from the center of Center
street wehteriy along the a'lley running i
L .... I 111.. .1. In i . . 1 i . ' ..." iJ '
inroiign ijiock & v) me center oi ingii
street ;froru the center of Center street
along tne aller running through lilock
38 to the center of LlocU n8;from the
intersection of the center line of Seventh
street and the center line of Center street
northwenterly through Iilock40. or Pub
lic Square to the edge ol theJJlnlf, at
the expense of the property benefitted
by such sewers as provided for by sec
lion 10U of the charter ol said Oregon
Section 1. That the location, kind
and quality of the sewers to be con
structed in Kewer Uietrict No. 2, of Ore
gon City, Oregon, are as follows, to-wit:
Center street.
3. An ight-'n'-h pie sewer, beginning
at the intersection of the renter line ol
J. (J. Adams street and the renter line
of tilth street; running thence westerly
along the center line uf tilth sireet to it
intetrtectiun of the center line of Hili
4. An eight-inch pie sewer, beginning
at the intersection of the center line ol
Men roe street and Fourth r-treet; run
ning thence westerly along the center
line of Fourth street to its intersection of
the center line of High street.
5. An eight-inch m seaer. beginning
at the Intersection of the renter line ol
Madison street and Ihe center line of
Third street; running tin-nee westerly
along the center line of Third street to
Its intersection of the center line of Higl
6. An eight inch pipe sewer, beginning
at ttie intersection of tlie center
line of High street and the cen
ter line of the alley running throngl
Block 1KJ, running thence easterly along
the center line of said alley to lis inter
section with the center line of Center
7. An eight-inch pipe sewer, beginnin g
at t lie center of lilock .18 at the center
line of the alley running through Clock
.'W. running thence easterly along said
center line of said alley to its intersec
tion of the center line of Center street
8. A fifteen-inch piie sewer, begin
ning at tlie intemection ol the center
line of Third street and the center line
of Center street, running thence north
erly along the center line of Center
street to its intersection of the center
line of Seventh street.
9. A twelve-inch pipe seaer, begin
ning at ttie intersection of tlie center
line ol Seventh street and the center
line of Center street, running thence
northwesterly through lilock 40, or Tub
lie Square, to the edge of the liluir;
thence westerly down the JiliifT ami
tnrongh the Weinhart Culvert on 8th
Street to the Willamette river.
Said sewers shall deconstructed at th
expense of tlie property benefitted bv
such sewers, as provided by cection Mo'
ot the City Charter, and shall be com
pleted aiitliin ninety days after the sign
ing of the contrac by the pirtieH thereto
section 'l. Hist portion of the street
necescary to he lined for the digging of
the trenches shall lie cleared of all ob
Htructions, except water mams, at tin
exjiense of tlie contractor, who shall,
alter the pipe Is laid and the trcm hei
are filled, replace the pavement and all
portions of fje sireet improvements dis
turbed, leaving the street, in uh good
order as the same was when the work
was begun, except such portions ss the
Committee on Streets and I'uhlic Prop
erty may direct to he omiiled for the
purpose of making other improvements.
Mention 3. The sewer improvements
herein provided for shall con-it In put
ting in sewers of terracotta pipe of six
eight, ten and twelve inchu inside di
ameter, as above indicated, with catch
basins, manholes, lamp holes, sockets
ami branches at such points a the Com.
mittee on Streets and I'ublic l'roierty
and the city engineer ma designate
along the line of said sewers The work
to be done and the materials furnished
shall be strictly in accordance will, it, a
plane and specifications therefor, to be Oregon Cliy.
aat awl th-w ' m Uv IkakM
Iaa4g ft n r1Y
.1-f rll la !... ltrt
t.e . v' I !. rlla t awWa Of.
Oik- -I 1 '"' o -.'J. '.:..,
''Jr-tuJUw r - i. u ...
J :l.aalniilr of I..iif ill.
I a tier, telephone wire In
Or gnu, Vahitigto),Ca!i
forma ami MaIio now In
orralton ly tlie I'arif.o
Matloii Telrliona Coin
pany, covering
(juick, atrtirate, cheap.
Atl the salisfarlion of
Ireraonal cointntiniration.
Metanre no rfT'vt Ui
clear uiiiler.tatiilii!;. Sjav
kann ami Halt Kratu i.i o
a raily hearil aaI'ort
-(Vnti Cilj ofTire at
llanluis Dni Store.
A (Thoaiaml Toiigne
Could not excres the rapture of Annie i
K. Springer, of ll:'.' llowsrd St., I'l.lU
delphia, I'a., when she foiiiid that I'r.
King' New IhrH-overy fur Coinumptiou
bad cotnidetely cured ber of a backing
rough that for many year hd made
life at burden. All other remedies and
doctor could giye her no help but she
says of this Koyal Cure "it soon re
moved the pain In my rbest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remeinlter diiing before, I feel
like sounding its praise throughout the
Universe." So will every one alio trie
Dr. King's New licovery for any trou
ble of the Throat, Cheat or I.utig, I'r ice
50c. and 11.00 Trial bottles free at
Oeo. A. Harding'a DniK Store; every
liottle guarantee!
Ileht for the HoweU.
.No matter what alls yon, headache to
a cancer, you will never get well until
your bowels are put right, CASCA
iihtli i .1.. . r .
r,ia neip nature, cure you without a
gripe or pain, produce eiyy natural
movements, costs you lust ID cents to
start getting your liim.tli hack, CAH
CAUFT.S Candy Cathartic, lliu genuino,
put up in metal boxes, every tablet has
0. C. C. alamiail on it. Heware of
Our correspondence w ill please send
in articles before VYednedavs of each
week, otherwise it reaches us loo late for
Bar tb ' j IM lm you Haw Always Bought
Bigaator. V , SL59-L-jzT
of af7Y &&J!f
A Tarro UN-it? of tDcqmlleJ int-tn: s:
lp-t.Mlaic. ( onclK and CemrrchcnMvc IW '.
wncljr frlntcd and Beautifully llluM(ud.
Atl n'..ul 1 1 m C'fnmim Kn Tll. lti . t
71 lllu.tijtl.m. ;a HmUrJ imk. I'll,(au
Allnlnut rr.,wt.. Small I'rulla -ra t and k-aiai ,
fml ln4j. .1 i hkr f.riMti,ttn.ulalll-' it x
Vailrlln 0,1 io oil ft lllu.lialli-na. l ik. yiUnU
No.3-ll(Kjl.i ItMJLTHY IMK)K
Allaliuiil I'miliiy: tltt U.I l imlliv w.k In alMrc,
Irllirvrt lliln : wllhll ctilutrd III Ilk. r. I. a
i.f nil thr .ri,H 1)1 bitnU, llh O lkllttr lllu.li.iM ua.
hUi.yit nil.
All about (.'.. ami lh ttr Hii'lnr ; having .et I
anl; ctilnln lr,.liitr1 III llkr rimbnln . i (o,h
In rtd, with i .j W,rf niuairallinM. iikr. h, t tnu
No.c-i:iooi.n swiNR iukk
Jiulo.il. All atoi't lttr-nreillnf. fefillti. endh.
rif. I'lM-aira, tk. Cimlala. nvrr au louii.i ,ii
Iwuxaiel uiiirr cbki.Iiik. I'k, yiCruia.
ThrRIOtll.fi IKMIKS at uniin,trl(.tiinl,urfiil- o,i r-f
MwanyililiiK 'Ikt llwm an liial.Miwn.il.li- il ry
ar havliiK rofniia mIp Ka.l Wrl, N, iih r tot
hnilh. I'.vri y on wlm krt a llnra lli. or
Chlckrn, nr eri.w, Mmall I lull. O'lkM W tttut ll.lil
away fur llir blCKJi UOOki. lb
( :h
I Tour paper, tnaila for yon anil tit mUfll. It ta ,- are
olili It lallM tfiral Uillrdl.mn, till III e.lln II lifit,-Oiill-allrr-yciu-bavr-aalil
II, f arm ari l llniiwlii.l.l ei In
in wariii-mr lilinmi taiar (if Ita all In Hi I',,!'..! hmi
Of America iiavliigovrramllllunan'la.uairirgular lto..i .
A117 ONE of the BIGGLB BOCXS, and the FARM JOUKN.'.L I
U? .J.wiSfi.Wh wr o'1 m u " "- i
bamplrol PAKM JOtKNAtamiclrcularoVarrllilng fiKKII.n HOOKS free
CUaa. v. jkNKiNa.
Hard Hitters.
Soda on ice, 15 bottleH 10c
.Rolled Oats, 10 jioundH. . . .2.jc
Rico, par pound 4c
Arm Hammer Soda, pound. 4c,
Full weight IJattlo Ax, " 40c'
French mustard, hottlo. . . . ,1c
3 pkgs. wt'Hlcrn yeaHt J0
3 doz. clothcKpina Uv,
Fine eyrtip, bulk, gal. , . . ;10c
GoodaHHortinent fiHhing tackle.
Trade for all kinds of produce.
fc Engines
Traction or portable, Slmplo or Com
pound, Wood or Straw Burner.
Automatic Stackers, Wind Sta-k
era, liorao lowera, Tlircaliermcn'a
SunnlJes Of All Kinds.