Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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! News of the Week
r -v ,0- .o. .0i i- a -A-
Friday, May 25.
ItoWta li at Khenoater with hi armv.
Strike of street tar men la till on t
Ht. Louis.
Queen Victoria Is 7 years olJ.
Tlie aenate lit a hot debate oo the
island colonies.
Congress it autboriilim rrviiita for
ocean mining at Noire.
At Norri Tark llJerrim wins the 115
000 stake.
Duller invades the Transvaal.
McF.mery elected lT. S. aenator from
Kleven ruen are missing at Astoria
after the storui.
British hold a banquet at Portland in
lionor of the Queen'a lirttiday.
Saturday, May 26.
Boers have all crossed tlie border to
their territory.
The Uuited States mania China that
(he "Boxers" must be sur-pressed.
It ia claimed the Philippine bill ie
brought up to aide track the canal bill.
Cotton and Iron are lower.
Portland hat tent out 87 wheat cargoes
this year.
Sunday, May 27.
The general invasion of the Transvaal
it at band.
750 passenger leave Portland on the
Elder and Nome City for Cape Nome.
Part of Chicago lake front ia seiied by
armed squatters.
Gov. Geer ia to wed Misa Truhlnger,
of Astoria.
Boise it to get a new railroad.
Monday, May 28.
Boers tre losing heart.
The Phoenix Park convicta arrive at
-Sew York and will probably be aent
Two Uub officers are killed by out
Our trtde with Germany ia gaining
fatter than with any other nation.
The Danube bound for Nome goea on
the rocks.
Portland university has closed for good.
Tuesday, May 29.
The Transvaal is in a panic.
The total eclipse ia observed under
fine conditions,
Dewey loses his Manila bounty case.
Northern Pacific is seeking entrance to
Bellingham bay.
Prune growers of Oreuon are to meet.
Wednesday, May 30.
Roberta is at Johannesburg.
Boxers are ma-Ming near JPeking.
St, Louis ?ets rive million provided the
authorities raiee ten millions for an ex
hibition in l'X3.
Chinatown in Sn Francisco is quar
antined on account of plague,
Tiie St. Louis strike is worse.
The temporary Alaskan boundary is
being marked by the government.
Thursday, ilay 31.
The capital of the Transvaal is aban
doned by the Boers.
Boxers in China are more quiet.
Hanna is not to be chairman it is
Maj, Gen. Otis arrives at San Fran
cisco. Another death trom the plague in San
St. Louis calls for help on the strike.
"The Real Widow Brown" Will Ap
pear at Shlvely's June 4.
The plot itself is a funny farce. Plot
there is, of course, developed principally
in the second act.
Songs and specialties follow in such
succession as to be almost bewildering.
In the second act the Widow Brown
(Miss Aldrich) appears in answers to the
advertisement in the matrimonial
bureau wherein Deacon Goodman, (Fred )
12. Dean; becomes entangled. The
masquerading of the members of the
-deacon's family impersonating both him
Belf and the widow leads to no end of
complication and ridiculous situations.
Beaa's comedy work is first class. An
other good funtuaker is Joe King, who
impersonates the German Baron, Von
Jloistein, who bad also answered the
widow's advertisement.
The third act is given np mostly to
specialties. Blanche Aldrich sings
rery acceptably.
"The real Widow Brown" will be at
Shlvely's Opera house Monday June 4.
Election returns to be announced from
rlhe stage. Seats on sale at Huntley's
at 50 and 75 cents. Come early and
Avoid the rush.
Order your hat for Decoration day.
Trices wonderfully low. Miss Gold-emitb.
This Fact
That in addreaalnf Mr. PinUham
you. are comnnintcatiug with a woman,
a woman wh-e experience In treat
ing woman's Ula la greater than thai
of any llrlng person-male or female,
A woman can talk freely to a wo
man when it ia revolting to relate her
private tronblca to a man.
Many women auffar in alienee and
drift along from bad to worn, know
in full well that that ahould have
Immediate aulstance, nut a natural
modesty impel them to thrlnlc from
exposing the-uselve to the question
and probable examination of even
their family phyaiclan. It i unneces
sary. Without money orprleeyou can
consult a woman. whose knowledge
from actual f xperienee la unequaled.
Women suffering- from any form of
female weakness are Invited to freely
communicate with Mr. Piukham at
Lvnn. Max.
All letter r received, opened,
read and answered by women only.
This la a positive fact not a mere
statement It la certified to by the
mayor and poatmastor of Lynn and the
Women'a Christian Temperance Union,
whose letter, ail In a little book, Mr.
Pinkham ha Just published. Thu
bit een esiauiikncu mo utruw.
fiJence between Mr. Piukham and the
women of America which ha never
been broken and baa Induced more
than 100.000 aufferer to write her for
advice during the last few month.
Out of the vast rolume of experience
which she has to draw from, It ia
more than possible that the haa rained
the very knowledge that will help
your case. She aaka nothing In re
turn except your good-will, and her
advice hit relieved thousand. Here
la one of the caaea w refer to:
Miss Collier Writes for
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice,
Receives it, and is Made
Well. Read Her Three
D-tAt Mm. PrjrMAM I have read
In a paper of a yountr lady who was
cured by the use of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and would
like your advice in regard to my case.
I have taken medicine, but do not see
that it haa helped rue much. I have
auch dreadful cramp and paina at
time of menstruation that it seem
sometimes aa though I could hardly
atand it. I would be to thankful if I
could find a cure for my trouble.
Fleas Ml me whnt to do." Mise
Liixik M. Co.xikb, Pigeon Bun, Ohio,
April 9, im.
I received your letter in reply to
mine and I followed your kind advice;
have taken four bottlca of your Veg
etable Compound. I think it ha
helped me a good deal How many
bottle will effect a cure ?" Miss
Lii.lic M. Collier, Pigeon Bun, Ohio,
July 11, im.
"I spaln did as you advised me and
now 1 feel it my duty to tell you what
Lydia K. l'inknaw's Vegetable Com-
r'uodbasdoneforme. For five year
suffered untold agonies at time of
menstruation. 1 have now taken
twelve bottles of Compound and used
three boxes of Liver Pills and am en
tirely cured of the dreadful pain I
used to suffer. I advise all those who
suffer with female weakness to write
to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Ma."
Miss Lii.lie M. Colliek, Pigeon Run,
Ohio, May 10, 1999.
Two More Women Who
Acknowledge the Help
They Have Received from
Mrs. Pinkham.
"Dear Mrs. Pixkham The doctor
says I have congestion of the womb,
and cannot help me. There is aching
in the right side of abdomen, hip, leg,
and back. If you can dome any good,
please write. Mrs. Ni.ua Cuasi,
Fulton, N. Y., December 20, 1897.
" Dkab Mrs. Pikkham I followed
your instructions, and now I want
every woman suffering from female
trouble to know how good your advice
and medicine is. The doctor advised
an operation. I could not bear to
think of that, so followed your advice.
I got better right off. I took six bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Com
pound and used three packages of
Sanative Wash ; also took your Liver
Pills, and am cured." Mas. JSisa.
Chase, Fulton, N. Y., December 12,
Deab Mrs. Pikkham Ilave been
suffering for over a year and had three
doctors. At time of menstruation I
suffer terrible palna in back and
ovaries. I have headache nearly every
day, and feel tired all the time. The
doctor said my womb wa out of place.
Would be so glad if you could help me."
Mrs. Carl Voss, Sac City, Iowa,
August 1, 1898.
" Please accept my sincere thanks for
the good your advice and Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done me. I did everything you told
me to do, and used only three bottles,
and feel better in every respect."
Mrs. Cabl Voss, Sac City, Iowa, March
23, 1699.
Mrs. Pinkham has Fifty
Thousand Such Letters as
Above on File at Her Office-She
Makes No State
ments She Cannot Prove.
KuhiIh ( (a Dke 4'Raaai.a.
t'oUiel UUtnlo, knowing Hint the
liar waa actually dug In which the
duke waa to Ik nut. after a ahort time
; awakened hi in and told him. If he had
I . I....L 1. 1. I.. ir ..r . I..M..r tit aoiiit In
H VI III. Willi ...... - -
thy of hla family, that ho (Colonel U
horde would take rare to forward It
and would only putt with M with hla
life. The duke replied. "I understand
you." He rut off a lock of his hair,
wrote short letter and dew I red that a
confessor might Ik- iit to him. lie
was hii afterward led out.
nv r ii... .obiter refused to fire
at him. They were Itnuusl lately allot 0Maiu good health Acker' IUod
before hla face and their bodlea thrown y0XT has never failed torure Serolnlon
Into a diu-h. They dealrml to put a ! Klalalio poisons or any other bhxl ha
bandage In-fore hla ryea. lie answenM i ' Jt g ivrtnln t wonderful rem
he had lookwl death In the face In-fore i ' , ,, , ,, 4 ,M-.
and could fin-tf It at!ilu. SevetitifU
soldier flrtsl at htm.
Mme. IWuiuparte did every thing p
alble to save the duke. She Implored
llonaparie on her knee, holding the
skirt of his coat, which wa torn off by
hla violent ma nner of going from her.
She o!-ed the other skirt, which was
likewise torn off. and, llonaparte de
clared he would never go to bed till
the duke w as dead.
l.uolen Uotiitpnrte also eierted him
self to the uttnoKt. and. finding he had
no auoevs. In a rae took out a watch
Honnparte hail given him. dashed II on
the gmund. bnaklng It In piece, and
said to hla brother. "You w III le treat
ed In the Mine manner r "Life of La
dy Stauley."
Hr Avle.
John Luther Ung. the well known
author of several auoveiuful books aud
the teller of many rhariulng stories,
sixnt a summer at a resort along the
New Jersey fs.ast. (n hi way to his
borne there he w as obliged to (top ovvr
one night at S-abrlglit. and this story
la told of hla little visit: He was recog
nised by several iieople. and when he
eutered the dining room one of them
came forward aud a-ked hlin to occupy
a seat at hi table. He was quietly
Introduced at Mr. Long, and bts liter
ary reputation did not enter at all Into
the presentations. He wa placed be
Ide a very beautiful and charming
young lady, and after awhile the con
versation developed tomewhat at fol
lows: MMr. Long, your name Is quit
familiar. I have run across It some
where very nsi-ntly."
"There are a great many Longs," be
"No: but I mean that I have read
something somewhere. Oh, ye: I
remember. It waa a story called Tb
Fo Woman. lo you know who wrote
Mr. Long was bllsafully Ignorant
"Ye-. I am aure that wa It," she said.
"It may be by a relative. What did
yon think of Itr
She gnxed at him earnestly and re
plle.1. "Don't read lt."-8aturday Even
ing Post
Oal ol tb Ord.Bkrjr.
The two old friend, aa baa been nar
rated before, met again after yeara of
"By the way. Cajfster." said Throg
gins, "do you rememlier that pnub not
ed, cross eyed little Tilbury girl, with
a face on her that would ditch an ex
press train? She used to live some
where In your neighborhood. 1 think."
"Oh, yes, I remember her perfectly,"
replied Gagster.
"What ever became of berf'
"I'm sorry to dlsapolnt you. Throg-glns"-here
Is where the variation
come ln-"but I have not the slightest
Idea. I didn't marry ber."-hlrago
Waal' to Sit In Her Owl Lap.
The little 3 year-old il.-iuzhter of one
of the leading minister in Little Itock
resents too great familiarity. One
evening, though slit aeeu.ed a little un
willing, a youiiK man. wIhj was call
ing, took her iywin his lap. whereupon
she said, with gnat gravity:
"I want to alt In my own lap."
It Is needles lo mid Hint the young
man Immediately put her down.
Sunday Services.
Kighth ami J. Q. Alsnii strwti; Rev.
truest J. W. Mack, iiamor. humlsy u lioo.
si 10 A. M., meekly services every Thursday
t 8 P.M. (iennati scIkmiI evi-ry Hatunl)
from 9 to li Everybody invited.
Hii.libkand, FanUir. On H'lii'Ur maiat S and
IUM a. M. Kverjr sicon4 aii.l (oiinh Huudaj
UermaD urmou after the s o clock nia
At all other mamie Kugllnh urmoiu. Hundaj
School at I 'M r. . Veapr, apolosetlcal
subjects id. BenedlctloD at 7 to r. a.
H. Oberir, fantor. M'irnliif service at 10 45
Sunday Hch'ml at 10:00. CU tneotluK iflci
noruinr terries. Kvenln erlc at 7:
Kp worth League meetiiijr Hundajr eienlnj ai
8:30; Prsjer Meetlni Thurlay eyeulnf at TM.
Iraogericordlallr luvltcd.
J. MoiitKiimcrjr, Paator. HerTice al 11 a h. sod
7:30 r. u. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Youn
People's Society of Cbrtmlau Endearor tneeu
every Sunday evening at tM. Ihuiadaj
evening prayer meeting at 7 :au. sesu ire.
Eighth sod Madison stnwt, li-.y. H. Copley
paiior. Hervlues every Hohhitth si II . m
nd 7:45 p. in. rjuiiday Hoiioil 10 a. in
frayer meeting 8 p. m. All are welcome
Rev. P. K. Hammond, itector. H'rvlr:e
every Bunday at 11. in, anil 7:.')0 p. m.
Hunday school at 10 o'clock, Mtrvic every
Friday evening at 7 :''). thnr serylc as
my bennouncd. All seat free. Utrang
ers cordially invited.
corner of Main and Eleventh streets Rev.
E. H. Bollinger, pastor. Morning service
10:30; Sunday School 12; Junior Endeavor
5; Y. P. B. J. K. prayer meeting 0:.'W;
evening service 7:30.
H. Beaven, pastor. Preaclilnit service
every 8undy t 10-30 and 7:30 p. m. Hnn
day school at 12 noon to 1 p. m, Junior
meet in tlie alternoon and ttieBernor Young
People's society snd Bible stndv class at
6:15 p. m. Thursday evenlne. regular
prayer service at p. m. Wednesday
evening, Bible study class at Y. M. C. A.
pvupepsl ran I rund by using
Ack'er'a PysiMsi Tallied. One IHH
tablet will give Immediate Mf
money refunded. Sold In handsome tin
bo. at L'5 tenia. Geo. A. Harding,
Plated Hut.
I l lleadachp, Palm In various part
of the body, sink in ' I'11 "' ll"
alomach, loss of ap'tile, leverislin...,
. n ...u i. m Mull
ii inplea or tore a" i'--"--
re of impure blood.
No matter hw It
lvalue o it must be purine.! in o.....r
... i i i . i..
jn i ? as i
i,ve guarantee. te.. A. Harding At
Patrnt Krrurd.
"Money to patent g Idea mar bo
securtsl by our aid. address The Talent
Kecord, ltallimore, M l."
J, (. H.mhI, justice of the pear,
Crosby, Miaa., make the folliiaing
statement: "I rait certify that One
Mimii (ViiLih Cure eill do all that is
l-i,,,,,! (r it. My if could nl get
m,r ,,,1, ,Ml w first dnseof It relieve.!
her It hs ' lieiiellttiM my ni
family." It acta immediately and cure
cough, rcl.l. rroop, gripp. Uonohlti.
4thm nd all ihnvit and lung trouble.
!ieo. A. Harding.
... i .i
nj.r.i.t.-r n.i wim r.r,i.
l'n.l I'.ilurilc. euf runtiipaii.Hi (urf.
kfc.Xc- irt'0.1' fall, -lruiuie(uu4Bwo.
sick ii r:nu lit:.
The rurse of overworked womankind
are quickly and aurely cured by Krl'a
Clover Koot Tea, the gr-l blo. purifier
and tissue builder. Money refund-.! If
Dot atisfactory. Price t rt., tnd M
ct. C.O. Huntley, thIruggist.
IH Wllllain' Indian 111
imlii.' l HI mi M liJ.
IIMM-Oia ii4 lubln
'IWa. llalMorlalBaluaiura.
tb luting IIWll.KU
-jiU. . (Ir luatani r-
il.ianw lo.l -al'iinO aV
in-tiarrj tor I'liMtnd Itr.
In of ma prt'ata rrt r.rr la
aarraaifl. H drwinu. ""S'l
flM nl prtr a rmu anj l.oo. WlUllfl
iikuf iciumie co . u.tiu. uu
Livery, Ytd and Sale Stable
Double and Single Riga, and aaJ
die horses always on hand at tht
lowest j'riceit. A corral! connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind ot
stock promptly attended to by person ol
Horses Bouffht and Sold.
Homes Boarded and Fed on reason
able term.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature lo strcnKtheiilrig and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It . s the latest discovered dlgr-t-ant
and tonic No other preparation
can approach it In eOlclency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour (Stomach, Nausea,
Sick IIcadachc,Gafltralgla,Cranip and
all otherresulteof Iruperfcctdlncsllon.
Price Mc and II. Larsn size contains 'i llmee
small size. iiooaallalojutdyspiMU.luaili'd frve
Prspartd by E. C. DsWITT A CO.. Chicago
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
(Jreat Britain and America.
Jacob Gikby,
Rates $ 1 Per Day and Upwards.
Livery and Feed Htalile In Connection'wltb
the lious. Horses and IltiKRles to
1et at Iteasoiiable Itatos,
HI lirl. V
oh-iii i r
Bar suptilied with tlie fluent wines, liquors
and cigars. Weinhard's lleer on
Read This, Consumptives
..pimu the way my wife roughed for sit nmnths, I knew the had ton,,,,,,.,,
tlon She showed it In tier face. loo. and hsr Ixk f wasted away to a mm .i,,,1,.
ion ' Alter ah K"t down In M the doct..i couldu t do any KiHn, j .Mllei, .
U.th lr T. A. Shannon and lr. N. L. Ilawten, each of whom It a flrat tl
t.hvlclan. but iney nan iinnim
llml would icaill the tioubl"
In her lungs. .My wtieaiainer
tamo to ee heron day, when
ah gut very low. II live In
Cedar Lake. Wl , while we
live in Kue l ake. Wit. He
Mid ho knew what was needed,
and made in Kt I'"1' "
Acker's 1'nglisli Kenicdy for
t'..nanmittlon. 1 Weill to
Schmidt , our local drugKist.
and goi a ltttte, and It lirld
her right aw ay. She took eight
vh" U'ttlra. and they put hrr
ick on tier fret and made her
as sound and well a any
man In town. She baa taken
OU fleah again, she doesn't
rough, and If anv one who
doesn't kmw the facts wis lo
be told the was to near di-ath
with consumption, be wouldn't
believe tt. My wife ilm all
her huwo(k, and at night
.Imj.ii xmnillv a vim nlrae.
Her stomach n longer give hrr any trouble at all. Myle you rloubt wht
am telling. If t". ladvis you to see J N. Ri httiidt. the drugg'.t who a,,, m,
Ackrr Knglih Itrmedy for Conumitnui. He'll tell V'u the si.ui thing
tvt Ackrr t KiikIisH Hemdy I wondetful In all thru! aud lung trouble. tl
II it sold on aguaranlc lo cure, or money returned, aud he nver yei , ,
Imitlecirtie bk to bit store, although h ha sold hundred of them. My iiams
It Luther IWdell. Kli Lake. Wis."
Aikai't Rli.H w.lr U "U kvall itf' r-1" r.al
thai ..ir siiiMf will ! i.Un.U-1 I lailara. ... 4 i a ltll. I
t ollJ Klaus J CaaaJa. I KolaJ rs.i-t.aa4 a !.
I.WW IA. itt-M 1. It. It UWkkM A CO., Aim Vt
Kur tale by Ueo. A. Harding.
Do You
g Know the News jj
Q You rtn hv It ill for
In the Kvnlng Teletfrm, ol Port-
land. Orrgon. It It the largmt
rvrninf nesiirr iiuhlitiJ in
Oregon ; It ronlaina all th news
ofthehtat and U the Walton.
Trv It for a miiih. A ampt
copy will l mailed to you free.
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
aweeavmille-af UaaVs lMt I
ssBMtN IAW trei lea tselssV ej, llk .
ejl ar e 44sraa
la. Mll
--4 .
solo -
, in. ai.ii9. rf-iir cm
Siat-..m.. I I ill !
ir;'"rrji iw-i
mmmmmM r in mm mmw w !
r. ii.
a. 7ii'rf
v-. yk I mtt -e t i i rv i rfjj my
A Cutting Affair.
We linvujuHt reocivi-d direct from the . '
nianufucturera a large ansortmciit of up
to ilato Cutter nucli an jhh kt-t knives,
n n knives and prunning Knives ranging
in price from l()c to 1.00. Manicure
Hcinsors, finger nail clipjitr and vest
pocket HciHHors from 2'ic upward; also
fancy razors and liarlx-r razors, some
that would lo cheap for .r).(K), hit we
aro selling same from 1.00 to 2U.
Considering the quality they are the
hi-Ht and chenpi-ht Edged Knives and
Ilazors ever oflend in this city.
Cut Price Druggists.
yjftfjw J
if rtr
gurka MunM Oil I Ihalwi
fMr?ail o w laallf
an. I c.liir nl ul.
lMllr II nils, aunriia, lilxa.
a ami uiwlfc l a
ilarnoss Oil
a fmt Smi , fmmt M l.f
(na. a aaif if Maj-tafk aa4 ifcT
III awl mmlf ha. hMIM M
ima. sm ia - an
HI i frw kit H"W l S aj ili iaa
nuataa ati ia.
Your team will have the beit
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
City StnblcB.
W.M. YOUNC, Prop.,
""' . W. H, Cooke
Llrerj Klfii on Hhort Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Tbc Miners'
And Prospectors'
rmfTcctrl liy cold
or hrat IVincbcskr frt
munitknt U by cvrry
on: ari'I rouI cvcrjhcrc.
Srnl nartr. .tml atUlrcss on a
postal card for Hu
tralctl catalogue. It U free
Winchester Repeating Arms Co.
41H Market St., ? 'n ItikIcO, Cl
rooms led by the pastor.