Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Jullfil From City and I'utmty Currei.t
Tin (union candidal.' hav Wen on
th- county cnva (or two or thro
i.f k, and Hie only thing they have
been able to oflVr the pcoplo is their ile
lre (or office. They live no platform
jf declared principlea or policy. Their
Imp and ambition i tor office and the
tetter the pay, the ureater the desire (or
(he office.
N.ext Monday political returns will
t to the republican candidate! a wel
come aa a circu, a piece of atrawtierry
wliortcake, a alice o( pumpkin pie, a meet
jf iara rib, a (ree ticket to the (air, or
Georgia waterme'on yea belter than
1 these a thounand timea over and
IVath and taxe are ecarcely more
ertain than the election of John Lewcl
len aud Thomaa Kitten.
The important difference between the
fuMoniata and the republican parly U
that the former promises and the Utter
In 1S:5. we exported 27 ,'101.137 batheta
of torn. That w a democratic year. In
lSi we exports! 174,tW,0iM bushel.
That was a republican year.
The republican ticket in this county ia
graining itrength every day. It it many
vote atronger than it was two weeks
..., vi.n iMioiile atoD to consider it
does not Uke ttiem long to conclude that
time are better than four yeara ago,
and that the republican party atands (or
wider markets, better pricee and more to
cell, better wages and (or progression
and eound money. Fusion doe not rep
reoent anv party or principles. lHmo-
crats do not endorse popolism and the.
populist do not believe in the doctrine
of the democratic party, and (osion does
mot repreaent either. Fusion is for office
alone. Instead of bringing the best out
ol politics, fusion brings on the worst
feature in politic.
James B. Weaver, the rampant popu
list of Iowa, addressed an unappreciative
audience Wednesday evening at Shively's
opera bouse. If the citiisns are aa weak
kneed about voting the fusion ticket
next Monday as they were about en
coring hia canned speech, the fusioniste
had just aa well take for the tall timber
that borders on "Salt Kiver" there to
live in maiden meditation fancy free (or
the balance of their days.
Monday, June 5. will be a great day
lot the "I told you f o's".
After the election, the defeated will
bave plenty of sympathy and the
successful will have th offices.
Wtldon M. Shank, candidate for
county clerk, ia a member in'good stand
ing ol the Independent Older of Odd
Fellows, Woodmen of the World,
Knights of the Maccabees and United
Artiiins, having been a member of these
orders for several years. All republi
cans who are members of these various
orders should give their undivided sup
port to Mr. Shank. Remember his
number ia 43 on the official ballot.
Remember, republicans, we want a
eafe majority in the next house of repre
sentatives A S Dreasner, Charles Toole,
J L Kruse and J A Talbert are the
gent It-men Clackamas county should
honor in tbia capacity
Cspt W II Smith is no 45 on the
official ballot Mark a big X between
Lis name and n timber
39 X Thomas B Killen, of Needy, and
40 X John Lewellen. of Spnngwater,
places the reins o( couhty affairs in safe
J C Zinser, for school superintendent,
is No. CI
Tom P Randall i No. 49
Tut a big X before the name of J W
McAnulty for juctice of precinct No 4
62 X J W Noma (or coroner
Ernest Rands No. 57
Give Harry Moody a big majority for
constable of No. 4 precinct
53 X signifies a vote . for Eli Williams
for absebsor
No. 50 on the official ballot is E T
White (or treasurer
Students Entertain.
The pupils of St. John's school give a
very pleasant entertainment Tuesday
evening. A large and appreciative audi
ence attended. The following numbers
were creditably rendered:
Flag of a Hundred Years, Opening Chorus
Address Master F. Sullivan
"Sing a Song of the Bouth" bovs
"Red, White and Blue '
Recitation by little boy
"There's Four Little Girls of Me,"
...Kong by Juniors
4,Ja"k Frost" Bong by Minima
"No One to Welcome Me Home"
Bong by Seniors
"Two Dying Soldiers"
Recitation by Miss H. Chambers
Flag Drill By Boys
-"The Rainbow" .'
Chorus recitation by Juniors
"The Oregon Volunteers" Chorus
' -"I'm Going to Take My Dishes'1
Hong by Juniors
"Mamy's Pumpkin Coloed Coons"
Song by Juniors
"Won't You Come to My Tea Party"
Song by Minims
"Washington's tarewell to His Army"
Recitation by Miss M. McDonell
-"Our Country" Chorus Recitation
"Wreath Drill. By Girls
"My Country" Closing Chorus
The entertainment was a success in
evei y particular and the proceeds' will go
toward fixing up the school property.
AiH t.vu.iK) W. Chenky "I've got to make the polls ty June 4th or he anit out, ami I'm aluck at
Maniuam with this team ami loud."
Fop Coopkk "Dump that county printing graft instead of apilling u if you w ant to lighten up
the load."
AiiK V. C "No, Sir, its
.V w Krai Ettatf To.
The Oregon Homeaeekera Immigra
tion Exchange Wednesday tiled article
of incorporation, with the object in yiew
ia of handling real estate in a general
manner and to conduct a fiwt-claa real
estate business.
The capital stock of the incorporation
is $10,000, comprising 1000 shares. The
principal office will be located at Oregon
The incorporator are E E Cbarmao,
Elmer Dixon. N M Moody. O F Mor
ton and O W Earthani, all of Oregon
City; J R Marks, CanbyrJ Gorbett,
Coiton;W J Leweilen, fpringwatr; J
V Smith, Mackaburg; O W Robbiua,
Molalla;B F Smith. Needy ; YY W Jeaae.
Barlow ; C T Howard, Mulino ; liodfried
Wallace, Highland ; John W Meldrum,
Meldrum Dace; R L Russell Park place;
A N Davis, Marquam. Andiew Kocker,
Canby ; O Wiamnger, Milwaukie; J W
Roberts, Clackamas; J L Kruse, Wilson
ville; E C Huffman, Garfield; Heory
Wilbern, Eagle Creek and B F Linn,
Beaver Creek.
Corp f readier.
Last Friday eveniLg the board ot direc
tor of the Oregou City school district
elected the following teachers and super
intendent: City superintendent, II. 1.
Wilcox; principal of Barclay school,
Miss Addie Clark ; grade teachers,
Misae Laura Beattie, Haltie Cochrane,
Harriet Bray, Sade Chase, Gertrude
Finley, Gertrude Neifger, Erma Law
rence, Marjorie Caufield, Nettie Walden ;
Mr. D. II. Glass; supernumerary, Mies
Hazel I'ilsbury. The principal of the
Eaathain school and one primary
teacher will be selected later. The
salary of city superintendent was re
duced to 120 per month.
Letter List.
The following i the list of letter re
maining in the pojtofliceat Oregon City,
Ore. on May 31, 1900.
Cowles, E H Mrs Pyburn, Vina Mrs
Reynolds, Rea Mine
men' list.
Bradlep, Fl Maville, Elmer
Commons, Howard-2 I'owell, A I'
Kirbyaon, Geo. I'ylnsn, John
Macky, F L I'initon, J E 2
Sabley, Lewi
GEO. K. MORTON. 1'. M.
J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says,
"I cannot say too much for DeWitl's
Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured
what tiie doctors cullel an incurable
nicer on my jaw." Cures piles and all
ekin diseases. Look out for wortiileits
imitations. Geo. A. Harding.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because ita outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Hhiloh'a Cough and Consumption Cii'e
acta like magic In cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. The worst
cases relieved immediately. Price, 25 cts.
50 eta. and (1.00. C. (i. Huntley, the
Any good man or woman can organize
a lodge of the Banker's Union of the
World, of Omaha, Nebranka. Teachers
and students find the work highly re-
numerative and pleasant. The leading
fraternal society in the West. Pays
Death, Disability, and Old Age claims,
and issues Joint Policies for man and
wife. Pays nick and accident claims.
Lodges in thirty states. Large member
uliip of men and women. Splendid re
serve plan. If you care to make (100.00
or more in a week or two, write to the
General Manager, Banker's Union of
ttie World, Portland, Oregon, for a con
tract as local or district manager and
organize a lodge.
Every Day's Delay Mean Your
Honied Loss.
every man for his own graft in tins
A l'roxperou Society Nun Organising
In this City.
! The nrganlir of the order of Wash
J iogton are now working in the city. The
work i under the management of Mr.
' L. J. Eivera, a lady of considerable
ability. Mrs. Fiver expect to organiie
with a list of fifty or more of excellent
member, a a special dispensation baa
been granted reducing all coat to the
first fifty charter member.
The Order of Washington ia an op-to-date
modern business like society, and
offer the following features:
Paid np certificates after five year
Cash loan guaranteed after 10 yeara
Pay (05 00 to (375.00 immediately for
lo of one eye.
Pay (oS.OO to (375.00 Immediately for
total deafness.
IVy 1'J5.00 to (750 for loss of one
arm or leg.
Payi (20.00to (150 00 immediately
far loof both eyes or both arm or (or
total disability.
Pays certificate on reaching Life
Expenteucy or at death.
Pays accident and tick benefit (rum
('.) 00 to (15 00 per week.
Set cost, one payment each month.
No extras.
Creates safe reserve (u'id.
For further information see the Or
ganizing deputy or address:
Ohdek or W'Anin.MiroN,
Portland, oreK"i.
Marquam Building.
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have funds to pay road warrant
endorsed prior to April Ut, l'.M).
Interest will cease on the warrants in
cluded in this call on the date of this
Oregon City, May 24, 1!0.
Jacuh Siiadk,
County Treasurer.
Million (ilten Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know o( one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering. The proprietors oi
Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottlea of
this great medicine; and have the satin
faction o( knowing it has aboolutely cured
thousands of hofieleK caws. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all disease
of the Throat. Client and Lung are
surely cured by it. Call on Geo. A.
Harding and get a free trial bottle.
Regular size 50c. and (1. Every bottle
guaranteed, or price refunded.
Bean th Il Kind You Haw Always Bouimi
Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of Winterset. Iowa,
in a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that will
be of value to other mechanic. He
says: "I had a carpenter working for
me who was obliged to slop work for
s-veral days on account of rming troubled
With diarrhoea. I mentioned lo him
that I had been similarly troubled and
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me.
He bought a bottle of it from the drug
gist here and informed me that one dote
cured him and he is anain at his work."
For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist,
Notice in "Inventive Age"
Book "How to obtain Patent"
CKarget moderate. No fee till patent lb tecured,
kEJ -.tl.GPE.ll.8'.p."tnt 'wrer.WathlngtoB, 6. ft
For Kent i"d 7-"iii how, fur-
ninhedjor moiiilis f Juna, July and
Augtint. Kmpiirr of Mm. I. Il.(ilaa.
"I had stomach Iront'lo twenty year
and gave up hope ol bring nurd till I
legii to U Ko,lol I)y(pai lure.
I It ha done, me so much good 1 tall it th
'savior ol my life," write W. R. Wilkin-
nn, Albany, Tenn. It dlta what you
eat. Geo. A. Harding
Third shipment of White Ha'a juit
(arrived at Golden Rule B.uaar.
For a clean shave or a aharp lead
pencil for election day u Charman A
Co. knive or raior at price from 10c
to 12 50.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
Bears ths
Signature of
Letjal Notlcen.
Retire of t'laal Mr illrmen t.
The umlrrl(itel gives nullie thai ilie liu
prpwntxl lo (lie Coiir.lv Court ( tlie
Mate ol rrun lor I 'laikaniai cutny
her html aiToiinl a ierntri( ol the will ol
Hulxrl Nrlwi. ilereawxt, ami mm. hai
beet) eel (or hearing by l'l (' urt on Ilie
.'.I day ol Jiily.ro, at 10 oVlm k of eal.l
day. All perwna are l.ertt.y noiirii-il lo
airar In taul Court at an lime aii'l re
rnl thi-lr objections to laid a'-io nit if any
they hav.
kltTiirii! Naijon,
Eircntnx of tin will of Kobrrt N'eleon
.oilre for I'ubUralloa
La ul 01!lc at Oregon L'iiy, itregou, May
91, V..
Nolle ia hereby given that Urn lolloalng
nam I av'tler ha tlleil no te of hie Imen.
Hon lo iimk" final proof in t(Mrt of b
claifi. ami lliat anl (.r.x.f mil brnia.le l ( ire
ihe K giiter ami reoeiver aliiregon Cnjr, nr.
on July 0,1 vizi
H.E No. IIIh. for limn',' of nr' and
mli( !,. aec.T.'. t 4, r4e.
bue naniea (he folloaing witnetwi lo
prove ber conllmioii reiii-iic upon ami
cultivation of nald laml r:t:
TtieorK II. Kernel, John P. Nlherker, of
Elwo.nl; Jainri A. Kvrnea, Cltarle C.
Nibecker, Oregun C'itv.
C'llAI. II. M"0M.
.ollre for I'lilillrwllon.
Land Olll -e at Oregon City Oregon.
May Ho.
Notice i herehy itlven Hint tlie lollo'.ing'
naineil aeitler ha lilr.l notice ol lui li.lco.
lion to make llnal proof In n . urt of M
c'alm, and lliat nn i. i proof will ix. rnn ln i;,i
fore the Ilcgiater and It-river at on-goti
City, Oregon, on July '2, 1!M), viz :
H. E. No. MM tor the Ion A and 0 aac.
30, t 3 , r 4 e.
lie iiamea the following witneintea to
prove his coiitinnoua renjilence unon and
culMvaiion of eald land vli:
William Hinltli, of Hpniigwater, Hjiii II.
II ll.vn If,,,.!! ,.t y, ..... '1,
..m,., ...... ., .'I'llllTCBLr, I no.
C, Juil'l, ol Viola, Ori'iron.
Ailmliiialralor' .totlrr.
Nollce Is liereliy given that tha under-
aiK'iel haa Ix-n, duly aixjnted hy the
county court ol Clar-kamai County, Oregon,
an aiiuiiii .auauir 01 me eniHle ol John
Kellly, deceaNed. and all pr-rnona having
cialma agalnut the nald eniale, rinint iirenent
to my attorney in On gun City, Oregon,
duly verllled within aix month from the
date hereof.
Dlnilck A Eaitham Adinlnltiirator.
Atty'a for AdmirilNtrator.
Dated April 28, I'JH).
.lollcexif I'lnul MellleiiH-iil.
In the matter of the ettate of Ik-rnhart
Quant, decerned.
Notice is lierehy given that the under
(igned executor ol the lant will ami tn la
ment ofllernhart Quant, dcceniii-d, haa llled
his llnal account aa anch executor in the
county court of ClHCkaman county. Hintn of
Oregon, and that Tuemlay, June !, I:hj ut
10 o clock A M. lias In-eu fixed hy ihn
comity judge aud at his court room in aaid
county aa tlie time and place for the eel.
tleiiient of aald final account and hearing
and determining ol any and all ohjectioua
Dated this 10th day of April. i'.M.
Kii'iiAim Hcorr.
Executor of the lant will and testament
of liernhart (Juant, deceased.
toiler- vt IMbllrwIlon
Land ontos al ltrn Vii'T
No.lcH.hr.,l.y '''T.'V'iii.'
nama.lwt'l'" h III. tl 'f I. 1 'tr t
Un lo mad M.ial !"'( In 'U'lrl
la . UiHler H". ! -t Hlat. and H't
m" m.of will I- m't rr,,",r
aii,lrreeirr al Hr-"" t'"y. ""'.
Ji""h",,m;,Vvm,o inrn,
it K N i. 1 1 lr tin hi; if Nr.'t aim
loii i aim a. H' ''. T H. ll.lK.
II name liii''"a
.......i.i. .iiilnii 'in reil.tone ! ami
eiilmalion ol miI l'i'! li k , . .
M A T. Van lnli. Jraia n. im-i,
J.weph I' tHIlelil. "II ' Molalla, Oregon;
K.r.M.r...ol.t..r,Or.i) M((((UM
.llrr lor I'wbllrMlUM.
.a nd OrtU al irifn City, OreK..it.
AprllS. t'"1.
Nll. U herel.V leil ll.at folloalng
liaiuel wilier hai nil mille of lilt ltl ti 1 1 it
I,, maka llnal pnif I" n'l'l"".
rl.h,. iimler H-tl.. IM"!
Htatulra and ) ! I"""' l"
l m.lf tlr III llllr 'i'l nwner
al (ir in I lly. Ore,.!! till Juna . I ' ll
Ml-Wi'l'lll A.T.VAN HffKlltK.
II. K S'- l.l"("r the of NK4 and
l.iia I aixl '.'. Hee 4. 1 a, I S .
Kainei ll.a (.illowhig wllna
i',, I n tHiiiliiiii.ina rr.i.leue upon a'l
, nil ivailoii "I I !'' ; .
)m.I f. Ilai'h. f MoUIU. J. ?
Itlllrl.l. Jor li I'. urtVId, ol Mulaila; r.'l
Mi rl. ol llainler. ureuii.
I ll AH. II. MlMlU .
11.1. ler.
In tlnl'ln ull t'onil ol Hi HtaKuf Or
gun. lit Ot (Vunlf of t'lai aama
Ina V. Itii liman pialtititT.i
'mi lUrhmatl ilefendaiil)
To KreJ ta tmian, II. drfeii.lmit bImh
In Ida namei.f lhHlat of Orex-tn YuU
ara lierehy r-'iirl M ar anil imol
III ciini iainl lllel axalnet you In Hie al-ie
i.tlill nmr ami caie on or betor
2m ilay of Jun l'.i, tln ' wka
iKim lhflrl pulillratiun ol Hut umiiMiin.
ami ll you fall lo to aiar a id anaaer eal I
complain! fur am Uirwl, II. (.laiiilifl
ill apply l lli rouri K.r ih relief le
ma'iUvJ In lliecoinplaiul lo-all: Thai
rumiUdf nalfliii.iny blwrntli ilaliiliftaiil
defemiatil h ilnile.. Itial .liilirl ba
Hi car anj ruilmlr of H.e niln.if rlilld ami
or (1M b other ami furtl.er relief a lo Hi
riul niay m pruir.
Tlilt unmione ia publlali) In Hi Oregun
Cil KnlerprlM by onler of lln. T. A.
Alrllrl.l. J.hIk of Mid court, for ell ftinea
rtiti . ruinrniKiig Aprl. J, l'".
tal.l onler beltiit m.l ami entered Ih I'lb
day ol April I'Mi.
Allurney for pialnlllt.
.llr far I'Mbllrallaai.
Un. OlTIo at Oregon (My, Of..
April i I'all.
Noll.-e I hereby given lhal lb folloalii.
name. Miller haa lllvj notice uf hie Inlen
ilon lo make final proof In U irl nf bli
claim, ami tnal ald pr,nf will be made b
lor Ih Iteglaler ami Receiver al Oregon
City, Or., on June II, I , vlll
II. K Nn. law for Ih NK M rUe. 30. T. 3
H It 5 K.
He nam the folloetng wilnewalo pr.it
hie couilnu'iua realdeorw iimju and Culllva
lion of Hi land, tlx :
Henry Melnk. of fieorir. 0'., John
Paulaon, ol ieire, Or., I'elrr H iUI, of
(irorge, Or., Frank 'h. oflieore. Or.
( II AH. II. M'KtltM,
Nl l VI4
In the circuit rood of the ala uf Oregon,
for the roun'y of Clackamaa.
I). K. Hmilh, plaliitilT, )
Patrick Ityrue, ilrfriidanl.)
lo I'atriek llrii, lUfriidaul aliov
nmel :
In Ih nam of Ihe elate of Oregon, You
are hereby commanded loapar and auiarr
Ihe complain! file. I agalnat you In lliea'xivt
enllllel will t on or before the lime prearrlhed
In tha order for tl.t publication ul iliia niiu.
moiia, to wit: On or belor all areki aflr
(lie flral publlrallon thereof, a.nl ll you fad
o loapar and anaaer aald cuinplainl, fur
want lhreif Ih plalntilt will annly lo Ih
oourta for til rehrl u (he tald romplalnl
prayed lor, which ll lor ilil;ilienl aaltiai
you UKin two certain iiromlaeory noira,
each lor Ih aiim of i.V)iii and VWM
ra(K)'tlvely. Willi inteiaal thereon at lli
rale of len (10) wrreo eramiuiii Irum Ih
Zlrddavof July, mii, and front Ih I till
day of Jun, H7. reapectlvely. lor tli fur
ther linn of lli'i Uu aa atUirmv'a fret herein,
and lor the ooala ami dlahuraemaiil uf lint
ult, and for a decree forr-loeltig two certain
mortgagee executed by aald delendaiil,
eciiring aaid promlaMiry riotea, and Convey.
in X all of block numbered len (10) of Hell
wo. Mia Addition to Mllwaukie, in the
county or Clackarnaa, atat of Oregon,
accorulug to the niap and lat uf ealii
addition nuw on file In Jha olTV uf the
ruiinly clerk of Clackarnaa county, tie' of
Oregon, at Oregon Clly, alao ail ol lot
three (.1) and four (4) in IiIih k Iwriily eixhl
(.') In the town of Mllwaukie. In Cla. kamaa
county, atale of Orrgon, ami further for a
di-cren forecloali.g and forever barring any
and all riglna, till or inn-reat which you
may have in or la eald real entate, ,
ineoaieui me nrai ponin anno or una
iiiumoiia la May 4, 1!"), and the data of Ih
lait puhlcatlon thereof la June lllh, V.H),
which ia th laat day within which you may
appear and auawer the complaint herein,
and tlila umniona la puhlMied puriiiaut lo
an order made and antered herein by th
circuit court of Ihe atale of Oregon, for Ih
county of Clackarnaa, Hon. Time. K, Itvan,
rotinijr Judge, on Ih eecond day nf May,
Ili.ooMriiti.il Ha rli.ino,
AlUrriieya lor plalnlid,
of menr. nnt.ii ;t
womiuihto.1, t, i
bocoiii' r '
Wholesale Prices.
.taller, for 1'MbllrwlUn,
(lulled Hlal Land Oltli', Orioii ( .
(irrK'in, May Id
N. ul -ell hereby alven that In noni.m.
wild Hi provision of tha ,,,, (
Coniir ul Jun A, I; enlliUt
"Ail ' for lb eal nl llmlier lanU
III IheMlale of Calllarnla, Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington lerrllory " ai eileii.D, lu
all Ihe I'ulilli) l and Hlalee by am of Aiiatut
4, IM'J.
ol Portland, rounly of Miilliiomali, Ktaleof
(liriion, ha IhleiUy llled In ihlinMh ,,
w urn alaleriieul No. ft'.'IO, lor Ihe pur.
u Ihe H l, of MM, ami W )j ufHW';
ami HK'i nf H I j Sen l. In l oan No 4 h
Kauar So A K, and will otter proof lu tiin
that lli laml xiuglil la nior Valuable lo,
lUllml.erur alone lliao tr arliiiliir
i.iirpoara, ami to eaiahlleli lilarlalui lo aai.j
lan.l belor lli IteyLlf r ami Krivlver of
Hill oilltw l Oregon Coy, Orrgon, in, VVt..
uexlay, lb l.lllnUv nl Aligual, I'nj.
II nam a Wlllieaaeai
Henry hiiperatin, ami law Willi, of Cllf.
rlnatilie; lien Kiiron, ai.il John Ep.
ton ol KaKl Creek.
Any and all Iwreona i lal.ulti adversely
III lMiv.ilea4'rlle. laud ' re.piealed
III llielr i lalmalti Ihli oltLw mi or lwl.ua
aid 1 M It day of Animal !'
I 1 1 A M II. Mi n ill K,
4 lUlUa
In lb County Court of Ih Mai of
Oregon, for Ih County of Clai'kawaa,
u Ih mailer of lhalatof Martha A.
1 1, ,r, ilereaaed.
To Itolierl Murd.Nk, lnna lueti,f
Itelin'r tH't, "'! Win. W, l--ila l,rf
and .le ! ol eald Martha A. liNire, an.l
all other, unknown and Inlereeled In taul
In Ih Sam id Hi Hlal of Oreenn. Yd
ar hereby rr-pilrwl lo t ami a.r in
Hi County Court of Ih Hlal of Hrr;.i(i,
.,r Ih Coiinly nl I IK kainaa, at Ih ru.irt
room In Ih ai. rounlv of CI, kamaa un
Monday, Ih .M day of July A. I. I'Jii.al hi
o'rliK k a m. of U. al day ; ll.en ami Ihere lo
how rana. If any Hal. why Ih l-elllmn
ol Ih eternlor lo tell leal ealal bal.iiw
to aal'l ealale al.uul.l hot b (ranla.1 , aaij
real aalal being ilea, rtox aa lolluaa, t4
II: A "ll' of uniform width i.rt i,a
ealerlV al leof thai psl of lb It.ihrrt
Allen l. C. In Tuw-iabli. A H. It I K,
utiiol by eald ealale, tal.l atrip lo eilen j
eoiili.erlv Inun Ih ranter of Ih futility
I road lea.lin euulberiy from Mrioam to
I rill er ion, lo Ih eontii buumlary of aa.J
Claim a id wide noUf(li In nirnprlae Set arre
Wllnraa, lb llmi. Tbomaa f. Ityaii,
jililg of lb Coimly Coui4 of Ih rliai of
' iir.on. lor I'. C"U'.ly ol C'lacka'u, 11. i
litti day of May, I
Ki ) Pit"'. Clark .
II y K II I'oini, lpuly,
.lailrw far libllell.
Chile.) Hlalee land OfTIo, al Oreg in City
Oregtin, May IA. I 0.
Noike la hereby given that In eniutdianr
With lb pniviaiui.a of Ih art of Congraae of
Jun S, I.;. iilllied "An mcl lor the tale of
limber land In Ih Nieta of Caliluftiia.
uregou, Neva-la and Waablngtoa Territory"
aaeiin.l lo all lb Public ln4 Dial
by acl of Aogual 4. pv'J
of Currlnavllt. e-nii.ly of CI a k '", ''
of tireg.ia, bae Ible da file-1 In llila ofl.c
hi aaofn elaiemeiil. Nit. "i.'ii for Ibe pur.
rhaaa of Ihe MK'a' of nVI of eee 9 an4
,S Ki, ol N M , and N t ul S E, war. 79. In
Towuahlp So. 4 M, Kaugw No. 4 K. W. M.
an I will offer pnml lo thoa lhal Ihe land
atrttuhl la more valuable fur Ita llmlwr or
aUine tha. i lor efrirullural uria, and
to eelahlleh hie claim lo eald land before Ih
Krgiaier and llelter of Ibla ont.'W al O'e
ru CIIV, Oregon, on Wedaeadey, ll.e MI
day uf Augoal. I'm.
He name aa wilnreava:
John I'. Maun, nf '.,rtlai.l, Oregon; I'
Willa. of Corriniville; John f.fn and
(ieorge K.-era.in. ol Eajtle Creek.
Any and H roi.a rlainilng avlwraalf
Ih a'Miva-drarrtled lamia ar riieled lo
file their rlalmt In Ible ortln on or belur
aid IMli day uf Aneual. !'
I'll AH II. MO HlKH.
Notice I lierehy given lhal Ihe nnder
aljned haa Iweo ai.iailniel bv II. e cuuntf
! court of Clai kaitiaa romiiy, Oregon, a ah
nilidatrairli ol the ealaie of Arthur n,
I'ordue, derraard. ami all rvma balu
claluia aluil ll.aiald tatate iiiuat prearnt
them lo Itaurg Perdu, SI Nee-ly, Oregon,
duly verllletl, wnhln U raolilha from lb
dale ol Idle notice.
l)ied llila I'Hti day of May,
bailee, for lMkllrtiiaM
l'olte.1 Hlate land Olllo. Oregon City,
Orrgon, March 11, !'.
nimpllanr Willi Ih provleloiii of an I "I
Congrraa of Jun .1, Ih;h. aullllwl" A n f"f
th aale uf llmher lands In Ih alatea of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory,'' as extended lo all Ihe I'utill
Land Mia lee by ad uf Auguat 4, I
of Everett, county nf Hnohumlah, atat ol
V. aahlnglutl. lias this day filed III title tilth
his aworu alatruienl No, '.PIJ for Hi pur
chaae of the lota I ami 'I, E, )X A
eciion No, IH, In towuahlp No. (IH, ran
4 E. ami will oiler prolt to ahow that lb
land aooglil la mure valuable for Ita llmlwr
or aUine than for aKrlculiural puriea, and
bi eaiahlleli Ills claim In aald laud helot
th Iteglaler and Kacelverof this uftlc si
Oregon City, Oregon, on Halurday, Ihe ma
dav uf June, llaai. II names as wlliieeari:
Chaa. Ilaboock, J. K. Clark, uf Oregon
City, Or; laom Vaugtian, of Molalla, Or.;
William Nell, of Everett, Wa.li.
Any and all iieranna claiming adwraely
the amiv (Irsrrllied lamia ar re'ileied to
file llieirrlalma In this oflli on or M"'
aid litli day of Jun. i:i,
I'll AH. H, MOOltKH,
They overcome Wealf
ncrts, Irmirularlty and
ouiIumIoiih, Incroone vl(f
or mill Imiildh "nalnl
; Tliey urn UVK HAV10IW" to fflrl
""X diivelopment of orfnn and brnly. Nn
it women e'pi.ili them. Cannot do harm 11'
i.;. asl.oo lT.it KOX IIY PIAII Hold!
11 MUTT'S CHI.M ICALi U)., Cleveland, 0UU
First Corner
From Court