Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
JM'lll KASfallH Kall.WaV CoMPaNf
(C'nui h fit.)
7 mi A. M.
to 43
ii y
II 15 m.
J 'J
4 45
i 5
1 "
a i only la
u y on If lo
!l 40
7 "3 A. M.
V '
11. m r. u.
4 50
B.M onl n
9 J
u: V
II yi ul o
Hkh PtairM.-Captaln Meltner
It mad r'juiiln to Iiriijiir1rr (or
lorrln rrtira atrlpr to be laailixl lo all
lli buy uM timpsny A who served lu
Hie l'liill.iir.
I att ID MtM iUl !. Til I'liiled
Main I .and OilUe, the County court
hnita and all hueiueee flriiit o( llir
ity wcr cloeed Wednesday through ree
led lo our niltllrr drd.
MricmuL Taaista.Th I'nlon Vet-
run t'nloQ hat 'Uc-ih fjiilUt a number '
o( beautiful memorial tablet al th
grave ol lb ih'i'erUd aotdier borlcl In
Ihla county. It la a Oiling memorial,
and I lila organliallon deeervr credit for
It Dot, I work.
Uuoi Amuitn Th general mer
cbandia tor of C. I. i'ullard, ol Will
amette Fall, waa attached leal Toeaday
to aerur Ih yment of a ju Igment on
a romleory not lo lb amount of (310,
he.d by H. L Habln. r lal rputy
f-chram ervel lb writ.
KiK tma Km a Tli Wtloo re
turn from lb election w 111 b read front
the Mag Monday bight. Take In th
how am bnjp eing Hi lunnieal
farr comedy on the atag Uxlay,
I car lb return direct (row head
( lerUre. "The Itel Widow llrown"
Monday, Jun 4. feat on aal at
liaan Twaarr I'lva Ikuiaaa l.'l
aa th fine lnneol uiMI II. Valentine,
IWiltamelta 'll, Monday afternoon
It Jj.tlre WeUirr fur Ih theft ol a pair
ol In, atolrn fioin Mr. Yandall. Ilia
allrint'lrd defrna waa In (lie rfTm l llil
be purrlieeod them front a merchant ol
tin cily, but overt vbleni' proved th
contrary and b Wat mad lo pay Ih
a mi line.
Koi arti or Jt nr !".( t ion.T1 cl
l' n( riiurainn (trainer "Th It. It
Tiioii,mjnn ba U-rn erurel by Hi
J'uliig niena' and ladlea' claaeri ol lb
r.ltii Sunday acboul for an acuraion
n l the '-rnil- Columbia toCaei ad bka
uJuly4:b. IVIaila will U given later.
A g'l Uml will acconipany the r vur
ioiniia, and atnpa will be made at fjtt
("iii and Mullnoniali Ke.ll .
tiinnta'a I.iiiim rum, Have been
nigk-ix fur aiolal eVunlng tsbibit al
the Coiigrrgational rlniicli, on the ven
log .f June S. For more than 'J0i) year
llK-ae engaifii.g bitle people have de
lk'lil'd lb world with their dainty pfayt
n I riM'itatiuu and atlll contlnuo at
Ir4illyeaever. Th wwlding of lien.
T..IH Tlnimb will be at Ideal aawla t
tlift rna ted over 30 yeara ago. Utile
Mm Hamuli Kolllna will Kid her aweel
"i'Kto tlue of 60 olhei diminutive
erliiniKr. Com early befor th little
pei.pl gn lwiy, 1'rograui lieglna
promptly at y early candle light, 8:10
y tiie clock In Ih ateepl lower. Ad
tnlMion W cent. I
" "I mii t0m
AiiKHm ktii v lbMii.-l.ahore.ra am lay
log Ilia plank furnished by lm county,
011 tlm AUrnelhy road. W. II. Mat toon,
who la on of Ida principal proinider 01
Ihla iih1im Improvement was In from
Viola during (lie week, and statu that
Ilia Vuelmig grade hasbeni reduced from
.Ti pr rent to a 4 per rent gradn, It
III b remembered lliat at tlila i-artlcu
lar place la on of Id inot dangerou
piece of roail In tlm county. About
thro yeare ago MutilirW iClcl.ardaon it
lila III llinr ami both of Ida Inn an war
IIM, Niiiiinroua olhnr accident hav
occurred on llil atrip of thoroughfare,
ami rredlt will be recorded to tin who
art faithfully working for Ih guneral
Improvement of thia roa'l, Mr. Maltoon
aleo stalee that 1.100 It been aecured hy
ul rljitliii throughout tlm rounty ami
wllli a trill iimr ahl from lh county
court th ro will U put In (Wat claa
comlltlon all Hi way to Viol.
Cnr.i'k Ci taiaa Tl, blank arlimlulea
j) umxI In th nut cnau ar now
llng illatrllmlMl hy th Onaua Oltlc to
th nuinnratora, who will atari lo work
on Jun I, Th a Ii.IuIb contain f'ir
tlona whirli arnii ihiii may think
frying, j.iifix, .!, or h-kmIv In
niiiuUr. Hut thmr immlx-r nl ttiar
acler hat Iwaii ilntnrmlnml by rongiraa,
Hut by lb Onaua (llli,aml all of llinui
hava bn akl by rloua rnau.
Hum iiiolbrra may abrlnk from alatlng
th niimbrr of t MMrrn thry liav ba l
ami th iiiiinUr who ar living Hut
fimii th anaaafa to tliam iipatiuiia, th
country will learn whether Ui taUv
Auierkan iulatlon la hol'ling it own,
or whelhor, M unit have claimed, It Ii
luting gradually supplanted and die-
plscod by th children of recent I in in I
grant. Tli enumerator ol thl county
hould etrtv toeoroll every person with
In bla acwe, a It will glv Cl kaina
third plac among tha countiea f the
I met a girl the other day,
A girl wilh gul'len Irewt,
Who wor the nioM healirliing air
Ami ilalnlleat ol dreaawa.
I gatwl al bar with kindly ty.
And a-lmlrailou alter
t'ntll I her allavn iklrl
Wat trailing In the gotlerl
"What aeriaelrM atyle la IhleT I HiOUKbt,
"What ttmm earbirtol aMloiiT
And who on earth alanili oiier for
Tlila etluilc fathlonT
Ir'e aiked a dnten meida or more,
A tailor ami hi culler.
Ami no one knoaa why tklrla ar mail
To drag along the gutter.
Ala lor woman, fathinn'a elate;
Hba due not areni lo mind It.
liar ailk or aalln ea Ih II reel
And leavea no Ollh behind It.
fur l Ih dirl the hreeie Mow
Ami all the genua thai Duller
May 11ml a refuge In the guana
That lh alung the guller.
Wl.allotely woman edit lo Jo
(the dure wll.'ioul rraaun.
To Interfere la eaile ol tlm,
Tocrttriae If trraxm,
Man' only protioce la lu amk
To earn lit hrrd and tullrr
And buy tier all Ihetklrta the nam
To trail along the gutter
Try Allea'a loot
A owder lo be ahaken Into the thoea.
Your fel feel awwllcn, nervout and but,
and get tired caaily. If you have marl
ing df I or light ehwa, try AHeu'a loot
Kae. It coola lb d-et and make walk
ing eaty. Cure nlli-n. taeallng (eel,
Ingrowing nail, bliater and callout
lot. Kellevet corn and bunion o
alt pain and give reel and comfort. Try
It today. Sold by all driigglet and alio
torea for il-V. Trial package) FKKK.
Addreaa, Allen R. Olmated, UKoy.N. Y.
ltanclicra bring your hide and fura lo
th Mechanic tor In Oregon City.
Ileaaly I Itlood Iteea.
tfran bliMul ineaiia a clean akin. No
beauty without It. (' ret a, Candy t'athar
lio i Iran vour blood and k li it clean, by
tirrlng up the laiy hvrr ami driving all im
put it ice from the IkkIv. llrgin tmlny to
banuli piinplra, Ixiila, blutrlira, blarklirada,
and tint an kly hilioua romplexion by taking
taiwarrta, lirnuty lor trn cent a. Ail mug
(tat, aaiudtctiim guarsnterd, lUr, 15c, 50c.
RAMBLER BICYCLES aro better than evor. . Price tho same $40. That's why you see so many new Ramblers this year.
IDEAL BICYCLES with tho O and J heavy tread tires $30,
GOLDEN EAGLE BICYCLES $25. Guaranteed for the full season.
We have some bargains in now and second hand wheels. Take a Look at them before you buy.
l unluiiUta ( (nci'dd tlm :iTll'n of the
lti'iiiMliaii Cimi nfy Thki t.
Th magi ol th (union irtilon
hav at laat anldiwl ih amok of di-fnat,
thai I leaning from th burning rratorof
III ('Ui kaina county lr iibllran vol
lano, whoa motitli la laaulng forth Ih
Or of commttrc'lal a' tlvliy, Ih amok of
mnuf luring imluatry ami Ih lay of
gnral roi-rlty. I.Ik th uUl woman
who allninptiMl to iwi back th o'n
blllowa, th fiiilon trirlng CMiimlttK
hav bmm trying lo alorl lb tilal
wav of reiiuMlcan niajirllln thai
thri-aliina lo iwp down Uon lhni Jun
th 4lh and tubmerg their nllr county
lli kn In a dxlug of bonnet vote.
Th doublifbarrelml rty have for-
eren their downfall In th coming Utc
lion, and with lb ho of aavlng lb
th iherlir ami rqrxMtiiteUv they hav
cmlixl b remalader of th llcknt to Ih
republlrani and ar endeavoring town-
central Ibelr autir atrnngth for IIdga
ml Cooke, Tht laat wk baa .rovnl
that lblaa hrm baa ulU-rrly filled and
thai tbn rrpubllran candidate will go
through from conatabl lo congreeaman.
Kerretary Cheney baa tn trying lo
mak Ih demiM-ratio donkey trot In
double liarneee with lb lb fxmuliet
bovlu, but lb uul la kh king over th
Iraree for eipanaion am new Mtnree
green, while th poucuw la lellolng
out agalnal ''Tli K-litor'i" 'J" ttcnt
! choil bill for county printing. Ktrcry
1 rclnc! In th county la doiii IH lo'M
' lrrrnt mora favorabl for a rf ubli an
lamUU'ln 1 lit) elis li.m than It waa two
yeara ago, and the majorltlea will rang
from 'JiXJ to 1,0(0.
Campaign IW.
The republlrani will bring their cam
paign to a doe In thia county by a roue
Ing meeiing In Oregon City. They In
tend having good tMiakera from abroad
aa well a local talent, prevent at the
armory on Saturday, June ', al H p. ra,
Kveryttudy who can abould attend thia
mrrling and bear reaaont why th re
publican party abould receive th aufj
rag of lb voter of Oregon City on Jon
4, rxJO. There ar many ipieallont which
every voter mual decid for blmaelf
when b gor to lb olla, but lb chiel
on la, dor be want tha prr-til prow
Parity lo continue or dore be want lo go
hack lo ronditlona that exilel from IW2
to lr'Jo, Ktery vol caet (rom congreea
man lo conatabl will hav it influence:
the one way or tb other. Which aide
will your Influence be with?
Iver ol aacred morlc ire promised
rar treat at Ih Congregational church
net Sunday night. Tb Si. Cecelia
cbofoa, under th direction ol Mr.
Nrleon Itw fence, and tha choir of the
church are preparing a moat exotllent
program of rhoruae, anthem and aoloa.
Th program will appear In Saturday'
Tclrerain. The aery ice will begin at 8
o'clock and th uther will be requeated
liol to eeat any late comer daring the
rendition of numbera on Ih program.
There are many Hrown'a in the world
bat none so good aa the "ltcal Widow
Itrown," who can be teen Monday, June
4. at Sblvely'a oiera house. rti on
al at Huntley'.
Wall Paper.
Ruy your wall paper of Morrow and
av 10 to 25 per cent. It I manufac
tured In Calif. An Immense sample
took to elect from. Ive order, or
telephone lo Kly Proa, ttore and have
ample book brought to your home.
Murrow, the paper banger.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colde
and Consumption! used through the
world for half a century, baa cured in
numerable case of Incipient consumpti
on and relieved many Inadvanced stages.
If you are not satisfied with the remit
we will refund yur money. Priced
rta., and 50 cU. and $1.00. C. O. Huntley,
the Hruggist.
Wedding stationery, the latent tyU
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the ENTaaraisi
fr Xal.
Th Arborn I'lac, near Vmnc.
On of th (Incat farm In G'lw.'kamaa
C4unty. Kmjiilr of L. I, I'orter.
Money to in at
Iff Miaa k Oairmii.
loweat ratea.
"Alter aofforlng from anver dyaiiepala
over twelv year and ualng many
rmeea without permanent good 1 flm
ally took K'xlol DyaKll Cure. It did
m m much good I recommend It lo
everyone," write J. K. Watklna, clerk
and recorder, ChillicHlia, Mo, It digeat
what you eat. (Jeo. A. Harding.
Th healthieat and beat bread la made
at Ilia Kuerten.
A. O. U, W. meet every Haturday
venlng In tb A. O. U. W, Tempi,
(Ivo. H. C'alifT, aecrelarr.
ReVkaba Wlllarnrftt Ilebekah Ixlg
No. 2 meeU aecond and fourth Friday of
eai li mwith at I. O. O. Y. Temple.
Malta (iixlfry, aecretary.
fjtir Kobln Hooil No. 0, Fon-eter of
America, meeta Drat and third Friday ia
tb month in Ked Men'a Mall. W. ii.
KtalTord a:n-Ury; Y. T. Uogera, chief
Claikamat Chapter No. 2, 11. A. M.,
menta on lb third Monday of eat
month in Maonic Hall, M. Ilollack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. K. K. meet
tha emxmd and fourth Tuetdaya in eack
month at Maaorilc Hall. Mia Jennie
Oregon IMtg .No. 3. 1. 0. O. P., meet
every Thuraday In Odd Pellowa' Hall.
T. Y. Hyan, arcrtUry.
Falla Kncampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F.
mi-eta Aral and third Tuewlar in eacb
month. J. A. Hluart, aecrelary.
Order of I'endo nt every Monday
tallil ami I'Arlmen'a It Jk 1 1 llatA.I Pymhu ne
H. H. hcrlpture; Mnj. May Taylor aecrelary.
"o. m - naarii a wmi 0 t v'it itmwtm t
Itdinen Wacheno Tribe No. IS, Imp.
O. K. M., meet Saturday evening 7:30,
at Ited Men'a Hall. N. M. Moody, C.
of It.; L'ba. W. Kelly, fat hem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M..
meet Oral and third Haturday In eacb
month at Maaonic Uall.-T. Y. Kyan,
Mead Relief Corp No 18, meeta at
Willamette Hall lb first Monday in
evrrv month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7.. TO
o'clock p. m. The A miliary meeta at
the Armory building the fat and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mr. Itoeina Foot, president. Mr.
Mary i.. Bradley, aecrelary.
United Artisan meet every Tboradty
evening of each month al the Willamett
Hall. The aocial meeting of thia order
i errond Tbaraeay of each month. fc.
Cooper, ecretry, M
UolUck u. A.
Willamette Fall Camp No 143, W. 0
W. meeta let and 3rd Kridara in th
Willamette Hall
C.,8ol. 8. Walker
and clerk li. Old.
Iine Pine Iodir, No. 53, A. F. & A.
M., Imuran, Or., tutrlt on the aecond
Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of Novemtier to 1st of May al
10 a. in. Cieo. C. Armstrong. Sec.
Catholic Knigbta ol America Ft. John's
Rianch No. 617, meet every Tuesday of
th month.
Tualatin Tent, K.O. T. M.. meet ia
Red Men'a Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesday O. II. Hyatt, record
Oregon City Camp. No. 5oGft Modern
Woodmen of America meelsevery second
and fourth Tuesday in the month, at
Willamette Hall. (J. Uroaaenbacber,
Meade Post No. 2. G. A.' Ii., meet
first Mondav evening in each month at
Wilamette ilall.-J. K. Williams, Com.
Lawton Command No. 1. ol Oregon
Union Veterans Union meet second Sat
urday 1 p. in. in Kedman'a !" nd
fourth Haturday at 7 p. n, in T. F. Cow
ing lottice.
We ro the printers for the people and
you are the pople for the printers.
Look over your supplies and see if your
are not in need ol some more letter
heads, envelopes, circulars, cards, etc.
Then place your order w ith the Enter
prise ofllce, where you get good, clean
Next Door to Postofflce, Oregon City.
Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday.
.die lfery
iJlaf k Oillon with while oot
regular prlcaOc
f.araje Merry Ilwwla
"Oern Col" Pattern, 1) Inch
mall herry dlihea to match
4c. each
A Una Clerk
Ilita ry Hammer
,ft Paper
White. 21 theeta w
velopee to match,
neat 9c
4. 4 S. hi ami 0 ineti nxxi
aleel BCltmtti, r pair
Urate Mea lall
Victim to atornach, liver and kidney
troublea aa well aa womeo, and all feel
the reault in loe of appetite, poitont in
the blood, backache, nervonanena, bead-
be and tired, liatleaa, run down feeling.
Bat there' no need to feel like that.
t l.l.n In I V r..r,tnr l.tavllln Tnil.
He avt: "Klectric liittert are J oat the
thing for a man when be ia all run down,
and don't car whether he live or die.
It did more to give me new Mrengtb and
good appetite than anything 1 could take
, j C10 now eat anything and haveanew
leaee on life." Only SO cent, at Geo.
A. Haidmg'a Drug Store. Every bottle
Rancher bring your bide and lar to
the Slecbanic itore in Oregon City.
The ealet and moat effective method
of purifying the blood and invigorating
the (yatem ia to Uke DeWitl'a Little
Early Riser, the famoui little pill for
cleinaing the liver and bowel. Geo.
A. Harding.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink
tion and indigestion, tnakee you eat,
aleep, work and happy. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money back. " cent
andWcenta. Geo. A. Harding, agent.
Peat Tvharr Salt aad Imm4 laer Ufa
To quit tobacco cully and forever, be
Brtic. full of life, aerr and tutor. Uke No-T
Ilae. tb woodee worker, that make weak mea
atroiif. All druj(cil. We or II. Corefuarao
terd Dooklet and asmpla free. Aildrraa
SterlUg KemeJy Co, Chicago or New York.
The farmers and Mechanic ttore of
Oregon City Invite your inijvtioa ol
their new line of dry goods, clothing, etc.
Ta Care Coaellpalioa forever.
Take rwmreta Caod Cathartic ino ortte.
IIC.UC fail to cure, druwiaia rrfuad swrnf.
wlJttakes 6hort roads.
Wnd light loads.
Vood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Evweywhere.
Ilwy'w Wolf Whirl
flootcb Cheviot Hon) Rotom
f.adle llaNdberehlef
Wrilu or colored
heniatltclied, ch.
4ile VwterWiela
Water Pitcher and A (urn
blera to match with ei n m
nltkel plated tray pl-D
Knoi al.ape tailor,
traw, fur men
frwdlle) Yl'wre
4 quart
pan .
granite Iron ii'
Harding Block,
Oregon City.
Trlephaae SIS.
ajaji 1
12) cents
Pound Combination Coffee.
15 cent
Tound CoU Rican.
20 cents
Pound Choice Blend.
2 cents
Pound Mocha & Java.
20 cents
Pound Hoffman House M k J.
2U cents
Pound Green Java.
19 pounds best Granulated Sugar.
15 cents
Can Eagle Condensed Milk.
4re Orete 4'llJ
atad lartUad.
A U IIK.AI.IVO rT'U mm I I ii
Ely's ta Balm
Ey and p:aunt to S W"
junooi r!ii(. 'v"J ?'-B-"i
i M. v'lrr ehenrNN?. JCkV
(irn Itcirf at oner. Jft'',0
It Hi!.e aui-l i ii v L ,
Ttrala and Froterw the MraSrme. Rntorea the
piueaof Tame and emell. Ltft Sue, so cent at
lriiiit or by mil! ; Tnl S,i, 10 crnta bv mail.
. S.IX BKOTaUOls, Warraa Sutrt,'ew York.
K-itbt ivriwtDCof t nfrntntrai Invent. r- mind
SfiriBf ft trip toih lri KtiHltiunv wlU gwd
rT lUI'l fliwnvi Pa U. rrHI 1 WTlie
Ibe 1'Al t-M UXK VUO, Baitlmora, Md.
A Personal Matter
A welt painted house It like a neat
ly dressed person al way attract
ive and pleaaaut to look upon. .
Can be repainted and freshened no
at a very reasonable price paint
are very cbeap now. Pon't leave It
until the tun makes any more mark
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
The l'ainler