OREGON CITY ENTKNUSE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1000. Oregon City Enterprise.! Published Kvtry Friday. L. L. rOKTKB, rrairroa. UHaCHIPTION BATKi Tin thousanda of Americans In attend ance at the opening of the American btiiMinti at the I'aria exposition ouht to con vino the French tlikt w are good fort ot folk lo be on tlio lest of terms with. sees, that (lie mixed picket are Imbed ' Dihiim He I also required lo deh-nd I Hut. Isklng lh map of the continent for llieronnlv and lt olllcert all (laiiutin: an.l atai linn from the Uulf of Mmli'o, andothor suits lo which the county audi l.mk south and weal, and whatdoyoii i t ii h i ar is w aa m i rm irw iiain imbn tm . himiett with the machine caring only for Its oltWrs are parties, growing on! id eeeT lUnesnelds In Nicaragua, Ilia Han - m 1 1 v M-allred, and evrry woman ? a mixed. They are realising the hopeless nesa of their rauaa and eveiy man la for On. year I5 Hi i month! Trial subscription two nionlba -S A discount ol SO cents on all subscription! Ibr ona Year. 23 centi tor nx monina, 11 paid in advance. AdverUsing rates given on application. Subscribers will find tha daw of expira tion atanird on iMr papers following ih.ii- nm. If this dak- u not chaiirnl Within two w-ki sfWr a pavmenl, kindly notify oi and we win loo aner iu Pxwir ran for admiral on a platform of Manila bar and went throunh with out Ogatlve voter. But when a aailor turn politician for the flrrt time at the age of C2 he must look out for reefi and crone-currents not down on hit chart, Entered at the poniofliea In Oreiron City, Or., as second class matter. AGISTS FOR THI ISfTIBPRISt. Toaro Ktoo haa been imorting T2, 000,000 worth of cotton goo.lt every year, but only $27S,OtX worth from tha United States. The new conditions will now give at (hit trade and bo benefit our cotton growers and manufacturer, and incidentally our whole population. Beaver Creek Oanby , Clack am ai Milwaukie Union Mill Meadow Brook Kew Era Wilaonville Parkplaoa Button! Btulino Caru Molalla Man) mm BotU-ville Aurora.. Kajrle Creek lmasrui Bandy Ournnsville Cberrvville Martuot ir. T. B. Thoroai Geo. Knicht A. ftlalber Oscsr WiMinirer O. J. Trullinper Cbas. Hoi man W. H. Newrwrrj Henrv Jliley r L."kusll J.O. lias C. T. Howard R. M. Cooper Annie ftubtw E. XI. Hartman B. Jrnninin .... Htnrr A. Snyder H. Wilhero J. C. Klliotl F. Go-Inch Geo, J. Currin .Mrs. M.J. Hammer Adolpb Aacbod Tin Aurora Boreelia ears that it is in formed that the republicans of Oregon City will not support Capt. Smith for sheritT. No republican haa given out any such information. Gill is at hit old tricks. Any man that pays for a write op, gets it. Cooke and Hedges. This was what de- Injuries ooourlng on county Mails, laxea, termlned Uenglcbach to thww up the etc. ll la therefore necessary that a I sponge. Two years ago Ine op got man of large experience and exivptUinal the worst of ll and Uenglcbach aald they ability should tm selected lo till lliat could not play hlin. The populists that nioal important othVe The republican seethe drift of things, privately admit parly presents llarriaou Allen at It" the democrats are trading Idem oh", candidate for the otllce of I'lxtrlcl At- Many of them, like Uenglubach, will get lorney. Helta lawyer of experience back at the domocrala. Menglebach, and reccgnlied a one of the best lawyera A Society woman t'udrrgor a greater at rain than Is Juan liver, l ake Nicaragua, and due J M1My ,m'" '", '"" '' '. Tha give us your hand, your head la level. In Ihla judicial district, Ifing able to handle aithout outaide assistance, all ... . i i -. i , . cane i, civil ami criminal a nu n mar arine, thin saving to the county ths ex pense ol hiring any additional counsel In t hone i ami. Mr. Alien Is a native lorn American, of American and Herman The way te bnlld ap OrettaClty I. te glie Oregea Oty Peeple joir L inJ ,o A.i Oregon young man not long ago proposed marr age to a young woman, but bearing that her hair wat falae lie declined to fulfill hit engagement. She brought suit against him for breach of promise, but she was nonsuited on the ground that she had won the young man's affections under false pretenses. Chkxkt bought the registration blanks for the county for 32. His bill lo the county was $100, but as lie is a reformer and fighting the battle for the reform A. S. DKKHHKK, The cilixena of Clackamas county will not he satisfied with an ordinary re pre tentative at Salem. The v were not un mindlul of the paramount importance of a wise selection of a candidate who would jllt( m-akt the (ierman language speak, act snd vote as the whole reoj'le kei ,d it noted for lilt honesty snd of this community woold. Such a man f,ir tym n K,, t,jt pnaahm and in is the republicsn candidate for Joint rep- business. At Ihoee who have heard him reeotive lor t iackamas ami Mult- dring thia csmpslgn know, he la oman counties, A. 8. Dreaaer. He is L ,H.nt snd ehnjuent a.ker and a ill oseaed of every .pialillcalioo reiuWte utl(uMrlly rirry u,i, county for an ideal representative of the people, ll fk...... I. - t .!.!. I ..... ...., ,.. ,.rU1UH,. imaur, ami T..S eU tion that lakes idara M.mdav logical snd convincing in hi. rgnmenU, ,,,,, llHrfUnc, to 0tfllm is a brilliant lawyer, and his character ,nv u xw . Nw .1 I I .......j ,v .u.ulrw mi nutation. ,. lM..,n i ll.. .!, r., weit acmaa a narrow strip of land less Ihan twenty miles In bresdlh, yon come to the I'aclllo Ocean, llehold, the yialun of (Htwer ami glory, of wealth and re nown, thai riaea Mora lbs mind's ere; the liiiN'nal atatea of California ml Ore gon and WaaMiigtou, to the northward ; atlli further north, Alaaka; and rUlil out at sea in fioul of you, Hawaii ; all terri tory of the t'nltnd Slates of America. Hut liHk again and look further. There befora you, atill gating Wealwsrd, la another world; with Its myriads lo la i-lollied snd led, to be educated Into civilisation and markets ; China and Japan and Australia and New Zealand and the miiltitudimnia tales of the bound leaa I'aclfti', Including, of course, the Philippines. With the Nicaragua canal all lhe regions sre geographically onrs. What should we think of Jetfeisoa If, Ignoring the piactical advantagea, ha had, on grounds of romtlluliou or other acriiple, liwl the chalice to buy Ixiulsiana lie- Patrsnaire. BKPl'BLICAX TICKET. For representative in congress for first district THOMAS II. TONGUE, of Washington. For presidential electors O. F. FAXTON, Moltnomah. Til. MAN FORD, Marion. J. C. FUL1.EKT0N, Douglas. W. D. FUKNISH, Umatilla. For supreme judge CHARLES E. WOLYERTON, Linn. For food and dairy commissioner J. W. BAILEY, Moltnomah. For joint representative for Multnomah and Clackamas A. S. DRESSER, Clackamas. For district attorney for fifth district HARRISON ALLEN, Clatsop. For representatives J. L. KRUSE, of Stafford. JOHN TALBERT, of Clackamas. CHARLES TOOLE, ofCaneraab. For county commissioners THOMAS KILLEN, of Needy. JOHN LEWELLEN.of Springwater. For sheriff W. h. SMITH, of Abernethy. For clerk WELDO' SHANK, of Canby. For recorder 1H0S. P. RANDALL, of Oregon City. For awessor ELI WILLIAMS, of Currineville. For treasurer E. T. WHITE, of Damascus. For school superintendent J. C. ZIN&ER, of Oregon City. For surveyor ERNEST RANDS, of Oregon City. For coroner J. W. NORRIS, of Oregon City. save money for the tax payer, he would cut this 25 per cent and take 120, and he was paid tl:0. Great is reform. Thosi Courier-Herald fellows have a happy faculty of denying having any knowledge of the origin or aothorship ol an article, when pounced npon every issue of the paper to answer for some sbosive little thrust. Tbey never have the manhood to father an item, but each saddles it npon the other in order to escape. He is alert tograsp any measure proposed for legislation, and his fearlesa nature w ill cause him to forcefully defend or op pose it as his conscience dictate. In A. S. Dresser is a safe place to re pose this county's portion of the law making power of the state. To the several foreign-born elements of our population it is a matter of pride and Interest to know the number of persons of their nationality in the United State, and their general economic condition. In 18'JO there were more than 9,000,000 residents in the United States who were born in foreign countries. Of this num ber about 30 per cent were born in Ger- "Next week," announces a Missouri editor, who has the Sheldon episode still fresh in his mind, "we will be running this psper as Jessie James woold have run it. Delinquent subscribers may ex pect a call from us with their accounts stack in the muzzle of a six-shooter. Otherwise this psper will have to be run as the sheriff would run it." To the everlasting disgrace of the fusion parly, they have desecrated the most solemn, sacred and memorable day in our National calendar Decoration Day. While they should have been pay- .:t .... . - .i . wg muuie io ins memory ot our country's dead, they were csnipaigning throughout the county. General Weaver was imported to this city for that acred day, for the purpose of taking advantage of the throng, and to make a desperate endeavor to railroad the office-seekers into county positions republican and ever man that la Intur. many, 2) per cent In Ireland, and about , , . . 10 per cent in Canada and Newfoundland. , - . I svMa tito uiututmrssWUII il 114 IKHiTY rrommsitoKTO the United Kingdom L , ,,.,, ... .. v , " of holding the Philippines. Not only Is contributed 53 per cent of the total im migration to the United States, and Ger many 35 per cent, In the decade to lK)the immigrants from the United this policy vital to the prosperity of this state, but these inland have been conse crated by the blood of the Second Oregon to litwrtv. ronaA.'ri.l l. il. I.l..l ..I - I V VI uijj.iuiu conaiiiuieq oniy per cent ol l( g . r, . me loiai immigration, the proportion from Germany being slightly lews. In the ten jears ISO! to IsTl the combined immigration from Austria, Hungary, Russia, Poland, and Italy constituted only 1 per cent of the total immigration In the decsde 1S8I to I S00 this propor tion rose to 17 per cent, and in the nine years lSUl-lS. to more than M percent. It is doubtful whether more than IXW.OOO Americans by birth are living outside of the United States, while the number of persons of foreign birth living in the United States is probably ten million. ofNHlmn? What will be thought of issues Vital to this us a century hence, if, through fear of trouble, or any other fear, we yield Hie paign and the policy of the party it vantage ground which, all unbidden, haa come to us, vainly seeking the retention of the buc.dlc republic of Washington and Franklin, which haa already gone from ut Iwyond recall? The globe It shutting up like a tele-scoj-e, and, through the smaller end, one can see further than Jefferson saw th'ough the larger. Alrwidy thia -imple approaches In numbers a hundred millions. Presently there will be two hundred milllona IVjts sny thoughtful man Itnaitiiis that they can be held within a Cblneeo wall w hen the world at large la moving reso lutely forward? Hat all of modern Invention, convuls ing th rest of the universe, flit ua where the fathers of he republic left u? Dws electricity, with Its tcntrli!ng a.enciet, count fur nothing? Hut, waiv ing mattera of commerew aud war and U busineaa competition, both rational snd national, what of our boasted religion and civilisation if we srs to draw back agast hrfore the thought of carrying the represented by the administration. Thia stale is vitally Interested in ll t ride oft he Orient. In that trade lies prosperity lo the eoplsof Oregoo. This trade will make the stats advance with mighty strides. Without it, great ad vancement will be relegated to the next generation. This election coming at this time wlieu the great national convention are about to aieeutble and on the eve of the presidential campaign, aaauuiet great significance as pointing to public opinion and shaping In this way the policy, not only of t beg rest partiea, but of the government itself. It behoves every td or there will coma aocUl Unk. ruptcy, snd It la In the mucltiat aymrut i m in, iit-iita, iv- gaidli-sa of health or ferliuya, that women often lay the foundation for serious lllnrsa, The late hours and rich foola, common to sih I Sty gatlierln Sim or late range the s4mil ach ; the liver, priliat. lKitiliira Invoked, ami the heart duttrrs or palpitates. There is no niaitlclne for the Cure of dlsrasra of the aiiMiiai ll ami organs of ill irvalton ami nutrl. tioil which ran pwl I r, 1'lercc's Ool.lrn Mnllial 1 Ha-overy, It Urals lliaslnma.il, piuiflrs ami en. hchre tha, blil, rleanara the ring- I liver. iMKir in amas county, A vole for the fusion ticket means the taking down the titg in those islands it meant that Pible and the flair borond existiiin l.mn. the boys of Clackamat county who gave ' J,ri,, op their lives,died in Vain. It meant that this state does not believe in progress, but in taking a step backwards. ll means that the produce of Oregon can have no market in those Islands and that this s'ate cannot ge ishas the ram ami gives face am form the ra.lisnl la-anty of health. "t'xdden klrdii al I Hscuvery " ronta'na ao bIcoImiI, ami la alvdutrly free tnmt 0wuni, cia alne and other narv.MU-a. M' t, ll.lsiA. f ttf CiJUu Ca. T'ssa. him . mwI4I I. km i a sisHi muk imUfium sad llrsf ti 4alMt. sml i... sut bto.at tnmt lbs wit I 4 in rwrr. I..4.UI Ms.lt.al tmtmy . trU.wM HlWts' llva sat arlklHI 1 m- ! Inl llint IH, Pierce's PrUrte cure cuuatlivtiua. . 0V THI It. IfMiiloh'a 1'iMih and Cooaumptlnn Cure, which ia a-ild fur the small price of 25 rents and M rents and I.U), duea not cure take the tniltln bark and we will re fund yixir mminy. K..ld fur over flty yeart on Ihla gtisrantoa). frisi 23 rent andSOcsmla. C.IJ. Huntley, the Inig. Ilst. 41 Iie4 Tlsas. I take a pleaaant barb drink, the next morning I fel bright and my complex. Ion It better. My doro aar it art g-ntly on the alomat h.llverand kindeya. and la a pleasant laxative. It ia made from herbs, and la prepare-) aa easily as la. It is railed Una's Medicine. All IrtiggUts aril t at 2V. and AO eta. Lane's Family Medicine moras the howula each dar. If you cannot gn i arml for a I'w simple. A I Irrae, Orator K. Wutdwar l. I..Ry, N V. The Enterprise and Drrg mlan for 2 C a year. The idiowym raay of the cmtiiry whii h we are leaving behind ut was liberty The idiosyncrasy ol I ho rentnrr belure us will be markets, fh. i..K.;.n levervthlng. . '".'-' . I, . . wru, .i. usr l;ng "After sulTerlng fnxn pi Ins for flftea years I was rured by Us.ng two boxes of Ik-W iti's Wli. h llasel Naive." wriUa W. J. Itaxler. North Hrsuk, N. C. It beats !'. r of counlereita. tury will le given over to a great mm. I Election June 4. Votb the ticket straight. Vote the ticket straight. No republi can should scratch a man. Tub Grover Cleveland tramp and debt have diFappeared together. There is not much difference between borrowing a lawn mower and borrowing trouble. Did yon beae the roast the populist orator from the east gave fusionitts Sat urday night? The demo-pops are trying to ran the campaign on Myers Chineee racket and some more ancient tales. The Coiriek Herald has not enough sense to write a campaign lie that does not give away the author. In speaking of Lewellen'a connection with the build ing of the court bouse, that paper says that all he bad to do was to let the con tract and get the structure started. What else could the county court do? Its superintendent was there to see that the work was properly done. The fol lowing court could not have stopped the work. Perhaps the Courier-Herald wanted the court to lay up the stone and brick themselves. any man. ONSTITI Tl 4 1. AMI'S hlll VT. On Mondav Ihe vor., .til b.r.i'i-1 i t,,e u'',,oldi" '. ! Ending in .... I by the Second Oregon. These are vn. vs as v as sJ V t la Ult I J 1 0 J (.lltj Wl." stitution. Not to vote means a vote against the amendment. There has k.n I .1.... . . I .1 .....ipw aiiiru.j me con- Ol ll .SKW I'OHMKHHIONS. stituation in the past and they have Wx shall undertake to show that the all failed. The first amendment on the one hope the people of Texas, Arkansas, ballot is known as the municipal in- Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South debtedness amendment and allows ' Carolina and Florida lies in the vista of municipal bodies like counties, school ! opportunities newly created in the districts etc. to go in debt five per cent I Pacific Ocean and brought to their door of their assessed value. Probably the by the construction of tha Ninrau.ia i..... i. .i . i .... . u.i.nn liliui'fllw. ,,! nail..... ...III.. ir.u-e.nu.lna. These are matter, that 4W 0f univ.r4a effcTtlbe jsjcket of every voter. Vote vival of the fllte.l.-H,.nry W.lirra,.,,. tue republican ticket and you vote for the advancement of the Filipinos, for a betu-r government in those islands, for a better market for your own produce, for Ike Fxrltrment ot Over. The rush at the drug More still con tinues and daily scores of prnplr rail for a bottle of Kemp'a IUUm for the Throat . . and Lungs for the Throat and Lunira for more vital Interest th.n the election of j !!" ' V?"Ul Co,,U' ... .... ...... bim, oiisiiiiiMion. Kemp's Ualaam, the standard family Mine ly, Is sold on a guarantee and never falls to tflve entire satisfaction. Price l'c and 50c. The Enterprise gets the newt, the Enterprise, (iet Far Vsnar Jlea ana Tasag ifemea. Thern la mdhlng that will arouse the lew of a rouiig man or woman ao (julrk aa lo have Inferior laundry work put off on them. They m dress ever so wsfl, but if their shirt front or shirt waist le mossy their neat apparanra la t oiled. The Twy laundrr makea a siierlallr of ladies' and gmitlemen 's fine work. There ran be no belter work than I done at the True. J .rave your orders at Johnaon's barber ehop, "DeWlll'a Little Early Riser are the finest pills ever uae.."). J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala.. Thry ip.lckly cure all Iver and bow.d Irrmblea. lino. A. Harding Itsw in Taar Xl.ui, t IV i S..r.,, I'm. fn,.lUMnr Ills Sssr. Slslisa. A.M swiliaa kaiM.li U, klaasvur Since 1883 this country has spent over $160,000,000 on the new navy, and those two little jobs at Manila and Santiago amply repaid all that expenditure. One week the Courier-Herald jumps on Dresser and then it praises him. Be consistent if you wish any one to have ihe slightest regard for what you are say-.Bin. . The officers of the Oregon City (Ore.; Manufacturing Company have granted At the election Monday no man that has the welfare of bis country at heart should vote for Daly. The advance ment of the nation and of the state in particular is centered in the election of Tongue. The Philippine question alone should determine this. Tongue ia a man of ability aud a credit to the state' and has made a place in congress where he can and has done much for the state, The next honse will be close. No re publican and no one having the welfare of the state and nation at heart should Deglect to vote for Tongue. voter will conclude that the chances are great enough now to pile up public debt. The judiciary amendment is to increaee the number of judges of the supreme court to five. It is beinjf claimed that this is necessary in order that the court keep op with its business. The irriga tion amendment relates to the appro priation of water from streams for various purposes. It has considerable opposi tion from able Jurists, claiming It will entail endless litigation. The repealing amendment relates to the repeal of a section of the constitution relating to slavery. As this is a dead letter, it Genuxebacii is on the broad Pacific on his way to Cape Nome. As he gazes in the ocean and communes with the fiifbes, he congratulates bimeelf on the me employes In the woolen millasub-lfactthathegotthebetterofthedemocrats Btantial advance in wages. About 40J whom he claims were knifing him on all York "Textile 1 occasions. fipnLlBhfha ii.,?..m. . . ' w juuiuQij, was good, he saw what every discerning man are employed. New Manufacturers' Journal." should be taken out of the constitution. The amendment should pass. Equal suffrage amendment is to give woman suffrage. It failed once.and Monday will tell whether it faila ainin fit;... ,.i q - viiiuo vi vanai. j ins we may take to bo now as- y sured, for, although the vast power and resources of the transcontinental lines of ' railway will obstruct its completion to j their uttermost, they can only a little' impede it. It is inevitable and lade-1 signed to work a aweeplng revolution in the economic conditions of the country. But it will be of far-reaching and over- mastering Importance to the people of IkJ the Gulf State and the Southern State contiguou thereto; to a degree, indeed, that it I not too mush to ay It will re habilitate them in their lost prestige and opulence. PIANOS AND ORGANS On Easy 3t Payments 3000 inhabitants will vote on the ques tion of establishing a park commission in such towns. Amono the office to be filled at the election on June 4th, is one of the great est importance to the people of this county, namely, that of District Attor ney. The District Attorney is not only the prosecutor of state criminal cases but is also the county attorney and must decide many questions of Importancel oeanug upon county matters The Gulf of Mexico is an inland sea, with an Imperfect outlet. Th n,,n States are In a pocket. Of the States I R upon the eastern seaboard of the United I V Slate they are furthest away from the center of trade and money. All effort at direct communication between them and Europe have been embarrassed by the Increased distance on the one band and the domlnancy of the great Northern cities on the other. In that direction there Is no hope save that of fiscal and geographical depend ency. A the map now is, they will al way have to pay tribute to the ship owner and money-changers of New York, and it collateral branches, Thila-1 and delphla and Boston. ' I It .8 cany to obtain a good ono. Whcro no local dealer mil- them, we will nenj a piano or organ for a small canh payment, lalanco in monthly pay. taenia. Two years time to flniwh purchase if do aired. We would like to explain our Method. We will aondan inHtrumnt guarantying satisfaction, or the piano may ho returned to m at our cxjxnm. Catalogues freo for tlio auk ing, toll all about tlmm. Hpocial pricou and full information if you write. filer's Piano House home or Portland, Orenon. KiniiAi.i, I'll -, u i:m:u pianon, " inn t i f., on,,.. m:i:iinvi ,i uhv.at ivi mi i kx oiiuanm. iA'afyyaVaVaVaVaVaiJ