Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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z. sierssm
Personal Mention
in I
M P. A, Hull. H"'"vlll. I
visiting frialfU Hi" "
Mis Mlll N rt vUU't'l Imf iirniit
I Nrn.ty, Proration Py.
II I'. rislla, of Tualatin, aa In
(lty mi IikIii'M laat Monday.
V, II ( 'iJiiyra, of ('ltsasnlri, as mi
Or.....ii ('Hy UUr ViliM''Uy,
M Mrl KelUr, ol lliU rily, U vl-ll-jn.
Mm Myrll Cf" at Mulall.
Mr. lri'Mr, of I'lirlUu.!, w In Ilia
in bmlnis last Wmlnt sdsy
Mi M'U r'lnlaV vlsllil friend In
I'mtland lb Utter ( of last wrk.
Mia Amy Kelly vlsltrd friend In
I'uflUu.l tli" lall'r 'rl of ll k,
ll'OIIMI (l Bl B bStl lIH"l to
Jul, a loiigll and Ola Anlui""" grfi-r.
Mr. 1 1. l, HlrajMlar, i( Albany, waa
u lliu ( ty MunUy, lili.ic old lilenda.
V, I. Jubnaon, of Han r'rain Iwo, Cal.
was III Ilia clly fat B f ! Il .
M laltlamba Ksnlnrr, of N4a.li,
llm gursl of ll. a M Albrlgbt last
Mia Miy 01lball, of Krrilto, Cat ,
, rlsliing bar auul Mr, Win. M. (Vr J,
l .M 'unl 'lsut.
.. I,, a .. 1
M..M.r. of 1'uriUn.l, ar vl.iUng i
Uiim Mna h.luwi ami Mlnnla
frUn.l at Mount riaaainl l't mtk.
Iv, ()lilinl aiil au Kulwrt, of
l'urtlanl, Mnl Hun lay with Mr. ami
Mr. Win. M. "!, of Mount I'lraiant.
t'r. ('. H Pmltli, I'loinlimnt rr jxjt.tl
cn of Kagl Crrrk, luntarilng
l.uainaaa Iq Oraguli Clly during Hi a k ,
Tomar Marlln, ol Mount 'lMiit, baa
juat rlurnl l.uuia from Hlanf rl aliar
It baa Xra aiUnJing kIkmjI tl al
p. W, tubartin a In Iroin liall
l Haturday and rrwrl haal, ry and
utto In nf Hani condition In ll.al
Henry Maldrant and H. A. I) Hung l
Ml laat Monday lo fulfill iUniv gov
roinant uivy cvntract lo lk and
llarnay rouollra.
Carlrloo and l Har ling, alio ar at
tending Ilia Orrtfon Agricultural collega
at Curtail!, rliud friend and ralaUvaa
In tbia clly ll Hunday.
Win. J. VY. MrCird, of Mount I'leaa
ni, a vlniling lb forman of Udd'a
Cn.ll Hricg farm laat Halurday, and
H ImIihI coa b baa jut lui-
wrtfl. It ru ibaro vary fin.
Itev. T. P. Haynea, ot t)ragn C'Hy '
la attendance at the dlslrb I confeaeme
.4 U M. K. Cburcb, mib. II la lr.
tnerly of Itosolnirg, hence baa many
friend In tbl rily. Wa a. knuwle.lge a
p!ent fall, Itoiseburg Plaindealrr.
Mim HonM Nordhansen left for bar
bum in tlartow last Saturday. Mis
Nirdlitisen baa len attending the
Oietfon City High achool for th ast
f mr vear and wa on of tbe twenty
f jur graduate tbl year.
F.. P. Carter, wbo wa acandl lale for
clerk althe rrpubll.'an ronyention, waa
in th clly Tueeday aud We.lnclay
working In the Intrre.t of the entire
tliket. lie I making tk rampaign Willi
soma of Ih hoys and I doing effective
Mate Fish Commissioner ltred waa in
the city last Haturday, having relurnctl
Irum the I'pper Ola kaina balchery, to
which nlace be accompanied Field
uperlntndenl V.. C. (ireenman and
crew. Mr. ltl atale that a eub
liatcbery will ns locactml a short die
tance from the present hatchery,
Harold Hand, eon of K. P. Kan.la,
who Is Isking a atnntlnc course In the
Conell I'nlveraitjr, New York, will ar
rive In this city neat week, lie will Im
mediately ptoccod to Idabo.accompanled
bjr hi brother Kmc!, where limy will
trinaln for aeveral month, being em
ploye I by the government In aurveylng
aeveral township.
Loi;al Evci;l.
a a A. A A X jv.1
i .
Pr. M. H. Kllla, of Albany, ri-major
ol itlio fouond Oregon, has buu ap-
Uiiililn.l Mclninlll.l ailrll'OII of tllO
fourth Itcglmeiit, 0. N. 0.
J S Young, of this city bits ptirchared
Dm Moshur livery atahlo at Hllvurtoii
and assumed control hint Friday. He
hx.k three new cairlage down from
1'ortlund with him.
I.asi Wednesday morning John
il)'BHon'a ililmimy caught (Ire and burnt
all Uy and all nllil. For awhile bis
property- looked as If It were In dangor.
W. W. lliyan, formnrly of MllwauVIe,
ill remove with hii family Into the
Uliir Iwtbwttlto residence at (lladatone,
I'avlng recently purclmaod the properly.
A baskut picnic will be given In honor
of tho (Kith birthday of P. Judd, at Knlo
Oeelt achool boiiHe grove, Tuenday, J une
1. Hon. Ooo. 0. Prownoll wilt bo tho
aliief orator of the day.
Prof. H.T.drillHli, of Portland, will
ive a (rue Iwcture on "Choico of Pur
uitH" Thursday, Juno 7tli and 8th, at
Mount Pleaaunt school houae at 8 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Th 1 i n iinilili of ulna of ilia
r I of Tra la l ava n ru in il.il tumi-
(r al'li I'oiiUml i:'iiiiinliiii nn-riliaiita
ailli viw of lii'lw In it, i in in i Mtabllsli
bumli boos In tlil i Uy,
MarrM, at I'.ak. r Clly. Or., M4y ill,
Ira Hoffman to Ml" IIm 1'aina, 'ilia
il'h'f is a wh'I kii'iwn aii'l f
lid young mmi i f Oregon (Hy, alio
for inooiln ii baa Ih mi ni'ui.aafiilly
riiKiinl In llm o. rotation of civil an
KUiwr at lUkar (My, Tli brldu la on
ol (begun (,'Hy'a blgbly ili mn-d young
Islo. Mr. and Mr. Ilolfmaii will r
si. In Dakar City, Or.
!iilnn itii'inoilnl rvl'i wr beld at
Ida First I'roabytaiUn rliurrb Monday,
Itav. A J MoiilK'iiimiy is' Mug Ilia
"(upon Tlicrii ass also a m.UI
innlral I r ' r i it . Mrad I'osi (J. A. It.
and (!oiiiiiy A, Tbinl l(giniiil Or'
gnu National (iilanl, ro. ll aMmltol Ilia
rlrr In a Innly An uvmlloW IiikcI'
lug aa lu l l at llr IUit rhuri li, tlia
rvnat Iwliigof a tnolir clirartKr,
J, W, Hiiillli ol MM-kd.ur-, inaka III
f .lloali.g rMirt I't Ilia U. H. ppirtlliPlit
of Agili tiliure: Tli wrili.r ilurlng Iha
I flva Uyi ha UVut'olil arl rainy,
ltd vrry lilgli wlii'l. wliidi liv dona
nun li ilamaga to fruit Irrr hall wln-at
look vary lal, aul 1 lurnlnu yallow
aiul il)lng. Tliar la a great ilo.l of rul
on Hi ltlr. Krly an .rliig grain
1 uoklng li. IIojm look bail, hvary
. " ,
tiling look U I lo lb f rmr,
CM. iKHy, living ulna mile aial of
Kolr. brouglil lo l4.l.non lal Tbur-
day lor bliurnt to I'ohUnd. 474 don
ritifi, leaving V) lorn at lioma lor Ik a
of fa) for nai-ilng. From PX) brn
Inca tlx 0th of Marcb, b baa markll
6'.'4 dotrn agga, lalda iboM liarraaary
for labia dm and for balrblng 3W young
cldrkau. Mr. P ily baa tn ll.a -ollry
buinta for flv yeara, and Iblnka ll ran
b j ma I U pay If roN.rly mangal, II
ill lorra tl number of brn to
IiAjU. !rvnvilla Time.
II nrflrlal tiaikrrlag at Mulalla Hrboal
lv hatarday.
Aa onutually pleasant merlin g of Tbe
Clackama Uoonty Taacbere' Asoclatlon
wa bel 1 in the ecbtxJ building at
MjUlla. Haiu'day, May 'M, 13.
Callel lo order at tbe uanal hour by
the ptrablent, N. W. (lowland.
The Ato.ltlun aang "America."
The mlnula of lb prevluut meet.ng
wrw red and approve.!.
J. F. Mitu wa elected lo member
ahlp In the Awcltbn
ll wa decided b omit the July and
Aiwust meeilcir. on ai count of lb
Chaulau.ua assembly.
p - - r
The aoiriniendent will dechle later
a lo the June luerting, elettmg lb
pla-e of iiieellug and announcing the
Fowl" wa the aul J-H-l assigned lo
Mr. Mitt, which evoked a lively dis
cussion. Home atartling Ideas were
proounded to a listening world. A
new dwelllnj placa esalgne-l the eutil
namely, the stomach. Women wbo
hav long advocated 'a aood meal before
asking any fvor will no d mbl smile at
ll.e Idea of lbs 'Lords of Creation en
dorsing tbe theory.
A moat deliclou lunch waa served by
Hi good ladiea of Molalla.
Assocla tlon calle.1 lo order at 2 p. m.
bv Sut-rrinlendenl llowlslid
An liistriimenlal aolo by Prof. Fugene
0,-le, received an enthusiastic encore.
"The Parable of tbe Wheel" arltlen
byCbarlesC. Ituibcrford. who I now
In F.stein Oregon, was read by Mi.
Mr. Kcbamel wcltej "The Three
Lovere" In a charming manner.
A very Interesting and Instructive
paper on lb "War of IRI2" wa read by
Mr. Crittenden. He believe In going
buk of event and teaching tbe causes
Dial lead up lo them. looe not lioliove
In 'leaving out tho balllea, becauae
soino.ino' feeling might be burl by
teaching lhe:n. 1 he bo s ami girl need
not l taught Hiliiolism. need lo be
taught bow much auircrlng thoir
sjiceHtors lKim for love of buinaii liberty.
Mr. OkI'v another Instrumental
"How lo Make tbe School Room At
tractive." wa the next auhjoct ou the
Mr. Khv wa called on to
shirt tho iliacmsion. Many R'ol Idnaa
wore advanced.
i of ihanks was given the popie
of Molalla for their hospitality and enter
o.im.rlia were made by Messrs. "ar
loss, K. P. Carter, John Cole, anu otner.
Tho attemlance was very k" iui lllB
.(.linns' a .imiriM'
iinitv -ri .
On motion the Aasociauon aujomm-..
until tbe next meotlnu.
P.KRTIIA M, Giiisoh.
wnrkimr Mirlit uud Pay.
Tbe busiest mightiest little thing that
. . Is Dr. Kinu's New Life
.... - - ....
i.m. r.r i.ill ia a suar-coated globule
health, that changes weakness into
strength, HsIIossiunw Into energy, brain
fan Into mental power. They're wonder
tn t...ll,liiiir ud tho health. Only 25a
pur box. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
ifmiil Meetlmr.
The citir.ns of Itedland and Viola
nrooinots are requested to attend a mass
1 ... 1 t. ..I.I la la 'lm.ll
road meeting to ue niu '
house, Friday evening, June 1.
MUklMJ IMS hK Ki l l .
Mr. Tn'iiil.alirutlli:nrt to M.mra
A Union Kroin III KMal nfllin
l.atf Jul.h U. Tn niltaili.
n Tunaday tl.a Jay kfat for br
Ing Ilia claim of Miltia 1 rairitiatli agalrmt
bur bubiid, Joint It. Tri'inlialli, ll la
(H'CiilUr caa and tl.a claim and
connlar clalina ar aiibntanlially aa
John It. TrrnUtli, wbo for many
yeara rlded In llii city, removed t
Aalorla about two yiara ago, and, iikii
bl return, went limana and waacoiu
milled to Ilia aiylmn, wbera lie died laat
February. Hi brother, II, W. Trrin
hatha appointed administrator over
bla aatala, wbb b uibracl a llniltaxl
amount of jewela amlalx.ul II VK) lu raab.
Mra, Tiemballi fllud claim of all'
mony and for tbo renovaiy ofllmllVK),
all. giiig that aha bad loaned bur boa
band Hi amount nr.yud for during b!a
Judan l(aii ditallowed the tlalui ' t
alimony, hnraiian ll develo ed lliat the
ooiiola wer not ligally married. Tlie
guardian' attorney thowed that Mr.
Treuilialli waa not elly divorcod .'rorn
bar flrt buahaud. Tli Uecrra of divorce
bad iH-en rendered, but for aoiiia reaou
i Hi entry of the auie bad not been mad.
Aa to Iha claim, ll wa decided that the
I'robaU court had no j-iriaJiiilun.
lint John It. Trtmhalli having died
alnco, Iha matter r'.irly cm up be
for the I'robale court. Mr. Trewbaib
waa rpreaeiite. by her attorney, Mr.
ISrodie, of I'urllaud, and the admlnbira
lor'a inter! wer looked af'er y At
torm-y Franklin T. tirilll.h of thltclty.
Mr. Trembath tealiRwl that aba
loaned John Trmhtb flK), cab, In
H"3, for three year, without Inlereat,
That ah loaned hi in )0 more wltboul
taking any note therefore; that the other
amount ware made op of auma h bad
given the deceased to krep for her.
Administrator II. W. TremUHi con
lend that the money that deceased bad
wm at all tiuiea bla own, and Ibat wbere-
aa be wm known lo bare about (000 a
abort llm prevluu lo Ll committment
there waa only lobe found about ll.VX) in
Itl name wlten the pars of guardian
blp wer leaned,
Wanted, two doien turkey egg at
liar low' grocery.
How's Tkitt
We offer On Hundred pollar Ho
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciiassv A Co.,
Prow , Toledo, 0.
We, tbe ondertignrd. have known F.
J . Cheney for tbe last 15 year, and be
lieve tile perfectly honorable In alt bua
locea transaction and financially able lo
carry out any obligation rusd by tbelr ;
firm. I
Wa-rATacAX, Wbolearl TrUMtiU '
Toledo, 0. j
Waloixo, Kikxan A Masvik, Whole-,
aale Piuggista, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, ,
acting directly upon the blood ana mu
a. a 1
cous eurfaeee of the aystem. Price "
er bottle. Sold by all drugglata. Testl
monlala free.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe beet.
New bate and capa for bablea. Miss
V. 8. Musaer. Millhelm. Pa., saveJ
tho lif of his lilU girl by giving her One
Minute Cotigb Cure when hs wu dying
fruin rroun. It I the oolv barmlets
remedy thst give Immediate resulta. It
(jul. kly cuiee cough, colds, bronciitu.
grippe, ithma and all throat and lung
trouble. Geo. A. Harding.
Ikwlfor the How rl.
No matte' what aila you, headache lo
a cancer, you will never gel well until
your bowels sr put right. CASCA-
MKTS beln nature, cure you willioui a
.....w ' - 1 '
arlte or pain, priniuce eay niur. ,
movements, cols you juat 10 centa to
atart getting your hea.lb back. lA-
CAKKTS Candy Cathattie, Hie genuine,
put up in metal boxes, every tahlel nas
C. 0. C. slamird on It. new are 01
The beat and llnrst doughnuts every
morning and afternoou fresh at the
1) Cough and
h2 in . "n
This Is beyond question th
most euccesstul CoiKh Medi
cine ever known to science; a
tow dimes Invariably curs tha
wont cars of I'oiiih, Croup
snd KluiU'hltls, while. Its won
derful success In th cure of
I'on.utnptlon Is without a par
allel In thehlttory of medicine,
hi nee Ita first discovery It ns
been aold on a vusrsntre, a
tftt which no other medicine
can stand. If you hav a
ChurIi, w earnestly sk you
to try it. In United Mates snd
Canada., too. and $U. snd
In Kiik'land Is. Ud., lis. Sd. snd
it. 6d.
For sale by .0. U. Huntley.
Valiiablt Nine.
m ... i a a
I US Ilia) I a. la ainl W . I l,MJ,tt at Mil U
M, . ,,,,., MtmMltt, fri,.,i
in nil coun'y iruin iraii, niiruian,
(11..I . ,1-1. . i.n ll.. M.ln..n V
f.nva i.iri. n wn .iw .'ii'iii
(nm iJ ll.. vr.ni.if rnn irvail In H
tho Hnlali war undr Oavernor Itoore
veil, ami Ih mlnlriif dialrlcl hn airord
linriy ten chrlslened the "Koiuh
Kider'wbil acriek nearby baa been
named aflor the governor. The quarla
taken from nuny vein In that
locality yield aa high a IH.'I to the Um
A quart! rock weighing 1W weight, con
taining gold lo the amount of $78 wa
nl a momenlo lo Governor Ho.iae
velt by thnae gentlemen last HatiiMay.
Tlmy will plaie a 10 stamp mill In that
district neat Mondsy
Hrhool llrport.
Folloalng lathe rei-ort of aihool dis-ilrj
trh I No 'J.I for Ih month ending May
No. of pupils enrolled, ZH; daya at
tendance, 4t'i; day absent, .'7; k"p'I
averair ait-ndsme, 2.'t; average tiumhrr j
lieloliging 'il ; esse la'dineaa, 10. Tb.ae
wli'i--re neither liil nor tardy dunngj
the monib are: It F.ston, (ieorgie'
Pauini, F.mm Parnm, Ni'a Coa, Sonhia .
filler. i
VIllor preterit during the month
were: Mr. Ieriard lleina, Mis. Julia'
Neln, Mr, Joe t-ierl. We invite all.
p Irons of our school especially, and all 1
others interested in the cause of educa.
tio i to visit u whenever convenient and
lnsircl our woik
I-Ynxnt (ilxTiira, Teacher,
Kyeryone abould lew little Mine
P.amona l!o'l!n, of 1'ortland, who will
be tit solo'.t at the cl.il ben eoterUii
ment June 8, at the Congregational
(ioldrn Uu!e Caxaar
Hav Just received a new
Line of Vases an J Uoae Dow la.
Th preparation for tbe passion Play
at Oheraniuiergaq are described lo tbe
Iteview of Review for June. A por-
. : . . I . ...... I . . . , I . . wl.n I b V im
thrtof Cl-ristu llili year, accoin-
palile lb article.
Far Male
irjOO HO acre. &4
an. I luatiifft.-M near
plow, store
HjO U acre in ci'y, fronting oa Mol
alla svenue.
l?-7t acre at Viola, improved.
fyiiK) JiW acrea good latd near Wil
IkmI hrins.
t5 er acre. C4 ai rvs timber land, rich
IOtO nice two acr p'a. o near town,
gixal imiirovenieuts.
72x100 feet Main treet, ient.ll IO0
per month.
Several houe and lot 011 instalments.
IP, acre In citv. fine place, cheap.
J. A. Thayer, agent.
. . a . w T T f-"
us of
r- !..i p9,nalo
We sell Windows and Doors at
Portland prices. Window glass at
tha lowest market price.
(larden Trowel oc.
Charter Oak Steel Pvango
i 1
L1 n!A,.lAn nl nl..nnrl Dmim
a n u h.k hi riHiiiii'.Hii r ii.hs.
r. tj v J I J J IIWVIMWWVa w w w
Pcnnaiit Special
Iteular Price M
Thin whr-ftl U ar. up-to-date
lHoo trirxl:. Hold and guaran
tied hy the inariufafturer of
the "Columbia." They are
the equal in finih, eaay run
ninjt and durability to many
wheel that are mild at 3')
and Mo. From now on loth
ladiea and gr-nta nnxleln at I2'
We are agentii for Columbia, Cleveland,
and Crescent and Hartford bicycles.
We aell on installment and take old
wheels in exchange. Somesecend hand
wheels at any old price to cloe them out.
oiii:(;oi nrv, oui:oi.
' Peraon deeiring annooncemenU of
prtlea, aocial. etc., mast tend them to
j tbia office.
Br reteat every day freeu mince
meat, rhubarb, lemon aud fruit plea at
the KuerU-n'a.
Itlryrle Xellce.
Notice ia hereby given that birycliate
are permitted to ride on all sidewalks
ithin the citv except on Main and
Seventh streets, but they are warned to
keep within tbe three-mile speed limit
and muetdiamouotwben meeting pedee
triaos and give tbe right of way, and
III be held etrictlv accountable for any
accident reanltios from the ir negligence.
C. D. LATovams,
C. O. Huntley. Msyo'
Kd. Story,
C. Fredericks
Street Committee.
A hpraiae4 Ankle (sickly Cared.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle,"' says Geo. E. Cary,
editor of tbe Guide, Washington, Va.
"After using several well recommended
medicines without success. I tried
Cbsroberlain's Pain Balm, and am
pleated to say that relief came a soon aa
I began its nae and a complete cure
peedily follow ed." Sold by G. A. Hard
ing, Drnjgiet.
TH6 HOUSeFUKlNibncrxo,
Beddingr. Wall Paper, Paint,
Hardware and Notions.
RoHdincr. VVa h'aDer. rail
And that means ecreens,
ideas that add bo greatly to
twin them richt, where the
matter of business, one ought
satifaction for the smallest price.
Screen doors 2 ft,
knob and hook.
6 by G
Always get our quotation in
White I-ead, Oil or Mixed
Paint before jou buy.
Strone Rubber Hose
of all sizes and prices.
Go-Carts $2.'
and up.
1, $mm-
Mars Bicycle
Jleilar Trice ?25
Another lOoo motlel made and
guaranteed by tho aarne com
riany aa the rennant Sfxcial.
fhey have given the Wst of
natiftfaction a over ro satis
fied riders will tcotify. We
were proud of them at I2'.
At the price we offer them
now ther are atonihinjf
value". Commencinjj today
they go at 2o, Ladle's, Gent's
tnd Iioya rnodeU.
Re4 111 Frsm The Gas
Was tbe ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War.
It canned horrible Ulcere that no treat
ment helped for 20 years. Then Bock
len's Arnica Salve cured him. Cares
Cuts, Bruise, Burns. Boil, felons.
Corns, Skin Eruptions. Beat Pile care
on earth. 25 ct a box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by Geo. A. Harding,
For tbe lowest prices and beat rtyles
call on Miss Goldsmith.
John Noblitt's thoroughbred borte,
"General Cook," will be at Yoona'e
stable In this city every Saturday.
Everything in millinery tbe latest
tylea and best prices. Miss Goldsmith
Mhake late Yoir fcheet.
Allen's Foot-Eaee. a powder. It cure
painful, amarting, nervous feet and in
growing nails, and insUntly takes the
sting out of corns snd bunions. It's tbe
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makee light or new
aboes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. Try It today. Sold by all drug
gist and shoe stores. By mail for 25c.
in stamps. Trial package FBEE. Ad
dress, Allen 8. Olmsted. LeBoy.N.Y.
n a-. m ac n m
e a . . . Cvmfae'
it, uiuv-.j, '
refrigeratoru and many special
your pleasure and your comfort.
outlay means fullest results is a
to get the biggest measure uf
ft. 6 11.25, with spring hinges,
Croquet Set 11.00.
Gras9 Hook 23c
Sprinkling can 2'hs
make mattresses for $1.50 and up.
Tyotan Rug 30x02 $1.00.
itsr ""if life