2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 11XM) CCOKKHSrON'DENCIiJ (Too Into for lat week.) Maiik La Mi May CI. 1 '..-Mm. Koth of I'oitlaiid, is the j;ueat of A. Hand's. Mrs, Chas. Saallow ami daughter, Miss Miirlie returned home Friday nftrr a week's visit will) relatives in Portland. 11. K. Shonlidif visited with friends t Woodlmrii Saturday. Mr. and Mr J. H. Pavies and I.wi Iavies returned home Tuesday altera two week's absence at Molalla. C. O. Cole hnl itie misfortune to liave bis left arm broken in the rock rrnsher Friday morning .Miss F.nter Watson, of Oregon City, is visiting- at W. F. Drayton'a. Mr. J, W. Jones anl Mra. J. D. Kenner and daughter, Mint Qua, of Oreg n City, weie visiting at the Louie of their uncle, Tito. Pavies, Thursday. O. H. HyUn.l clsedan eighth month's term of school. Mr. J. K. Morris and sons, of West Oiecon City, visited at A. Mann's last rek. Fiank lived through it all lo aoa Lis ga by war of Kelso. Theodore Kcveniie la working on his ' ranch. Neil we w ill see. Theodoie rap ture Home pretty girl and rail her all his own and settle down on his fine little farm. Gritty Camp No 5:W W. 0. W, at the last tucrlit.g elected thelollowingolllt'ers CC, Jerome CVkeliessj A I., 0 F Pruns; rlerk, F. K Andre; hanker, Chas Pramhall; escourt, Harry Hrainhall. (irittr Canin will celebrate the ulorioua Fourth of July by giving a graild relebra tlon. All Woodmen are cordually in vited to anoint us in making this the grandest celebration ever had In Sandy. Fiervises will consist of orations, read ing of iVclaration of Indeindeni. seaking, vocal and instrumental music. Program will be arranged the coining week. Sandy h as ample accommodation for all, and Meinig Park is an ideal ulae to celebrate in, so, Hip, Hip, Hurrah,) let the eagle scream so loud that every one can bear it. MafTird. TAFroun, May 2.). Tiie storms have lodged considerable clover. Much clover w ill he ready to mow as soon as the weather is favorable for haying. Two inches of rain in two davi last week. Most of the grain looks sick, wheat is yellow and oats are red. Much fruit was damaged by the wind on the 23d. Cherries were whipped from the trees. Straw Wrries now grace farmer's tables as well as currants, gooseberries and cherries. John Johnson w as out from Fortland Monday. A new minister hat taken possession of the F.aptist parsonage. He is from New York state. Kotiert Riehle has a painter at work on his residence. Gages have cleared and broke op their roadway between Keutter and Weissen born. rot a to planting lias begun. Mrs. Kline has returned from the East. Fred Elligson and wife have returned lroin Independence w here they had been, as delegates from the Tualatin grange, to the state grange. Xarqnam. Maagt-AM, May J.-.Mrs. Harthjiving two miles north of Marquam, died last rriday and was interred on Saturday afternoon in the cemetery near tha Miller church. M if s Elsie Taylor 'closed a very sue fedu! term of school last Friday. Quite a number were out to the closing exer cise which were rery good. Mr. and Mrs. Haerdarn, of Scvtts Mills, have sold their property and are living with their daughter, Mrs. Althea Nicholson, of Marquam. John Little left for FaMern Oregon Tuesday, where he is working in a saw mill. The actions of some parties the night of the citizens rally at Marquam remiud one o( the saying of the end man in the play, "And still the villian pursued her." Mr. Eentley made a living trio tj Salem on Fridav last. wcaitn of hair is wealth Indeed, especial ly to a woman w-w L v c r y other attraction is sernnilirv In ft. YtV have a rook wc will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your -hair Is too t n i n or los ing its luster, get. X' KB VI I 1 VEALTl physical Beater ITwa Pkavkr Cbkek, May 30. Mr. F'Ltor Ven i comet home today vrom mine work, i found von bauer in mine bouse, dat bopulist baner. and i did see a bece in dere ritten by a little Blow Hard. Now Mr. Editor. I tela vou .it betels lots of lise." He tels be wu set bi bis Tindo and sees lots of buggy go bi, and links it vas a funeral. He tels vone h Growth becomes vigorous and all dan druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your vouth; don't look, old before your time. l.OOabottlw. All araiftats. I K HUJ MM I). I- Vt now for abnut J. jeara and I haa found II iflrmlij ami llafa.u.ry la ,,. way. I l-l,i-a hat nxHimnwodni thia Hair Vtjrnr to humln-O. ( my frtrniU, and thvy an rn mm Han puiry. ir any lixly vanu Ida Imi kind of a lUir ifr I (lull rrrtninljr rminnwnd t tlvra )ul monfly a. I rmn I hi I ihrj m Uiitin ul Ayvr's luir V imr ." lr. H. HtMtlTot, Nov., .Norwkh,X.T. Writ a ihm Hawaw. If Ta 4fi1 obtala all lh hf,tt you d. r Intn lh ol lh Vmur. wrlla IB Uuttor abnal it. AMraa, fm w. v Air. I . , tuU. Maaa. Mr. L. L. Moore is convalescant. Mr. Scott, our naimIaioner. was at- ! tending the Grand 1xlge of the I. 0. 0. F. at Astoria last week. Mr. JtM KiIHIImI nl l .Mlul,.r ar.a a . , . " m He knows it voa our republican ! R'test of Mr. J. E. Wetxler. Sandy, May 28. Politics are j'lbt be ginning to bubble up a little, but so far Very little interest is manifeet. In fact, calamity how lers and all others are too busy miking money these good times, and have no time lo talk politics, or tUTte this government. All people are comment mat republicans will reign supreme at June election. fcaw mills re all busy, J. H. Wewer Bow ia sawing at full blast. Joel Fare has a contract for logging for ewer s mill. He has a crew uf fifteen men at work. Brown and Sons will soon move their mill out here. Straus & Lenard saw-millers have pur chased the timber of 0. Mickelson.G. Jonsrud and Mrs. Itarnbow, considera tion 1500. Catholic church has purchased a big bell, and wan rung for the first time last Sunday, it is a monster Ml and can be heard for miles around. B. Nelpon has the misfortune of crip- plmg and butchering his thumb, by cu'ting it with an old x instead of the Wood. While Frank McGugin was hauling a load of produce, his Warn ran away, scattering the contents to the four winds and Htiiat-hing his WHgon to splinters. candidate and he got out and shaks bands mit dem and begs for rone aegar and den be yil vote for dem. B Jt our candidate are to smart for him and dey tels him dey dont vant his vote and ve gota lots of votes to spare. Now Mr. Editor, I tels you vot, ven election day corns dat Blow Hard vil find out he nows nottings, and be gets awfuly mad and he riles all ot dem lies and sends dem to dat Blow Horn baper lik him self. Mliwaukla. Milwaikie, May 23.-Mr. Ludwig Tuchulke went on an extended European trip Monday. He will be gone a year and go to his boyhood home in I'olen, Germany and take in the Paris Exposi-Mon. Geo. Atwoixl.has taken a lintu ron tract of wood-cutting, he being short of! lundi. bis wife on Sunday last pies ented him with a brand new wood chop per. Mr. M. Lakin, who is employed in the carbarn, was suddenly taken Heriomly ill, so that his boom friend, J. mime Methesin, carried him borne on Thurs day. He is now able to resume his work. He will toon lake his wWI-earaed vacation. . ii . L . m iimmIiI Taitaav "One of tin" riiuntfct e i Iciuva In i, ..i.. i nr.." aiiiil mi ul. I ch'ik. "was . 11...1 in u lilcli a mail n clnli'l vd Ills inline will.uiit ttiltUirf III" toll after It. as Is the riHloiu. When I Milled his nltciilli'M to It. he al.l; i hadn't fin-got It, but I f.il a Utile bit llml'l ntioiit It. The hi"t I wn wttt from home I rvglieivd the name of my tou nml the rink asked me viiint xliite II whs In. I got iniid III a minute mid wouldn't st.iy In the home. I went to niiiithcr home and n gUlcnd from Urookljii. mid the neJl dny I np'iiivd In the pnper rredltcd I to New ink. I showed It lo the rlerk, , . . i . i ..i ..r H In- .HI III' I'llllllgiil in,l uiiiv i'i reslileiii-e on tl:e lnHk liiiie nolKHly ever ngUtend fiom UriNiklyu.' "I l. .1.1 the iiiiiu he nn-d hats II o t f,.,ir of having the Incident repeated In nor nl.ire niovlihil he wanted to I .. .ii.. it,., iifiimi anlit lie would tlilnk about II rind aked lo ! shown 1,1 room. I mm no more or nun un til lute III the night. He Ihi'll Sked me If I tin l mi alius He studied II inlnuti ly for a few minutes, ineaaiired ilUtanee with his two hall, In, like a fiinner. mid then he culled me and polntisl out the inline of a town. I nked hi in If that wii hi. " 'It Ii the inline H right.' he replied. but I d.m'l kiniw whether the town l mill there. It la the UmuiiIiicM town you ever . and when I left It n growlu on fnii flint furmei III the adjulliln late 'ie hiirnlli their f. n.vn to keep l'ie t.iutl I olil gionln right over 'nil'" - Chi'-iig'i Inter (Keail. Waa Qavrn Itraa llaadaumrl Sir lloniif U'alHilt''a de rlplloll nf the iiialdi-tl ipn-cu. ilnivtil from her xrtralt and from i-oiHciitoinry ac rouiit. I not a very attractive one. "A pule Human none, a hem) of hair lo.'idnl with rrowiiN and mhv,Ii-HiI with illainon.U. a vitt ruff, a vaster farthin gale and a bnln I of pem l art'," he mv. "the features by which every- b.Hly know nt n glance the pictures of yueeit KllaalH'th." : nt notw IthKtnudlug that she did not care for ml nml Hint, knowing her lack of It. she rfta-ted to desplsti InkII- I ly conielliiiKa, ktlll she loviil lo nilllll- ply iKirtralia of herself. "In them she I tMiild ai'in-ivr really hndoiinv'' Vet ! If she has Ix-eii tlutd riil III the cjl i lug llkeiii-n- of her she muni ha ' li.-en tint iiierelr uliilii. but a remark nbly duly woman. I'erhnpa I lir truth Is tlmt with the uioni courtly linen tli. ns the puluteri of the time did lint kuow how to prevaricate. "The iiieen," says a foreign observer. I "Is fair, bill w rlukhtl. Her Uoe Is a ' little booked, her lips thin and her t te4-tli bluck. She wore false hair and that red. Her iHiaom'wsa iiiicovi-ri-.l. as all the English hullea have It until they marry." That the ixtluti-rs Hut m. mmaTaTalalHBBalaV ' JSJ aw7 Vw7 U ry V Tho Kind You llav Alwitya) Itoiiglit, ntiil which luu Ixtii in uao for ovrr JIO yriira, lias iMiruo tlio ultfiitituro of nml Ima br-cu niitdtv iimlcr liU r- jCArfI"' 0,u" nurvUion alnce It iifim, y, yut. .CA4 Allow no one to ilocrlvr. Suit In thl.. All ('outitrrfcUa, ImlfatliMia aikI Huttl(iitoa urn hut V.i rrlinrnt (lint trlllo with mul rnluiirrr lhr hrulth of Influits mid ('lilllrriii:iHrlrii(-v uirnliiat lUixTliiiruU What is CASTORIA (.'-tutor U l n atilistKuto Tor Cuator OH, I'lirr-uorlo, Drops) mid hiMitlilmf Hyrupa. It U llurmlcaa mid riraaimt, it roiitnln iiiltbrr Opium, lorpliiun nor othrr Narrotlo aiilistimoo. Its ngrt Is It ifiinritiitrr. It dratroy Vorm mid nlluji lVvrrlslitirsa, ft cure IMnrrhuM mid Hind ('olio. It rcllcvci Tcrtlilnjr Troultlra, rurca Couatlputloii mid riiitulriuy. It naalmlLttc tlio 1'o4nI, rrifiilutra tho Stoiiiiuh mid HowrU, fjl luif liealtlijr mid liuturul alorp, Tho Children' I'liuiKTrt-Tlio lothcr'a Trlrnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of i The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. kMU bo YfAftr ,LIELLOl- ar I V i in ii ia I mi aaaaaa W S aa. Ti Ii ii I 1 2T I fJ L J J L J J v 2 I V'lUJtU Pl i -i I r.iiiic: t. i I ak m m aiataaT Tisr tm -5 11 I 1 ,f i sjAnc praaaa W a. 1-A - lend her In some ih-ree we limit Infer ! from that f.u I that she wn fond of. slttliii; to them, though she could iml f l-.iir the slKlit of a mirror, which o tiniKed her that her attelutunls VM re 1 ubllKi'd to tilde theirs when she was' present Art Amateur. I "" n-H a -i i, -r n ? aalralF aaoanam imt nrinkai fraa a Lmt Km M lltvaill, M f ..l.al If . ..m :l I ..ft. a. antra. Il.nt'ta1lf naj.,u U llai. :u u I' Mania aanl Ira, i. Wat asac-ir f.rf -, rt. a l,.ia. I'alama laaan ilu, i lu, aaarMi aWlrt .lh al rharva. Ml Iba Scieniific fimk&n. A Hsirt4aittiaf tlttta r mA aaaa.l.tt I a ri(iaiin of hf irifl' -ia-ti.. ?. 4 a I 'ST ari'i., na aj i aaaaaal III I kaaiailul. yV'jrfT New Tori W TV ailaTftuli, u, v llfsUK-al 4fOa, How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erlv. so that the natipnf i a hi to digest and absorb his ordinary iuuu, wiiilii ne couia not ao oe fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking SCOII's Msfon VaaaaM f , Mrs. Wilman, or Portland, the man ager of the California Powder Co,, was a iou win una it just as useful In summer ' K)eRl 01 Mr- K. Scott Sunday. Win winter, and if you are thriving upon j Miss May Oliver, who has n at it don t stop because the weather is warm, tending the Portland Busings College, 50c nd$i.oo, .ii druggists. has secured a position in an office as a SCOTT 4 bowne, chemuu, New Vert. stenographer. The two bridges on the river road to Oregon City are Cniahed. Our Eatket Ball Club will eive an en tertainment and social the first week in June. I lie road master. Wit. Coniul ho. nau a crew of men and a number of teams working on the road from here to Willsberg. They are now working down near J. S. Iiislev'a farm. Mr. and Mrs. F. Birchemier were with the arrival of a new baby daughter on Monday. Work commenced at the Multnomah line on the cycle path. Dick Welsh waa home today. He ar rived on the Columbia from nan Fran. Cisco where he to assistant steward, lie sails tomorrow. Nearly every one is registered. We Republicans expect a erand rallv on Thursday evening. A good musical program has been prepared. Mji.waikie, May 20. Mr. John Ja mea had the misfortune 1 v ana ucn l horse of his newly bought team seriously hurt, in a runaway with a harrow and coming in contact of a barbed wire fence. This is the second horse hurt lately. One McPherson, who has been room ing with Mrs. Grant and borrowed money wherever he could, took French leaye. He was a gambler and alias real estate agent. There seems to be an unusually larin number of applicants for the Milwaukie school at present. All have a scote of reccotnmendation as long as your arm and some date back as far as Free Maaonery. Otto Neaf is still sick but is better slowly. There has been much drift wood i?ini down tho river lately. Mr. Ham, of Portland, is vimtin Mrs. Oliver. getting M. Alexander Lehman, who is at pres ent teaching as principal In our school, will go to Prineville in a few weeks. The grange had a big blowout hero lat Saturday night. The net piocneds were 111. M. Wayn Bunnell was the chairman of the evening. The work on th Bike Is progressing. C. W. Bewell is the fofeiuan. The republicans bad a rousing meet ing on the 24th at the town hall when over 150 people gathered to tiarticinaU. The sealing capacity of the building was sadly overtaxed, so much so. that many 01 tlie audience were compelled to stand during the evening. The meeting was presided over by John K. Wetzlers, county central committeeman. witl Lieutenant J. U. Campbell in the seat of honor, he being the central committee man for Clackamas county. M as Kmma Kminel opened the nr.) grain with an appropriate vocal selection entitled, "The Blue and the Gray," Miss Julia Wetzler acting aa accompanist on the piano. A. 8. Dri-sser, candidal- for joint representative of L'lakamm and Multnomah counties, spoke 011 the lead ing issues of the day. His remarks ,-re sensible and to the point, which won for him fiequent 0 .thiirnts of applause. All republican candidates spoke and (ieo C brownell and U. 15. Ilimlck rim.1i, most fun and was cheered the most. The McKinley Glee Club then favored the audience with a selection, which was a campaign song, compoed by the mem ucm, himj it njBiie a --nit." 1 lie ,un ner in which the local nolitii-i ana a 1 I Jplaudedand cheered, as though thy could not make noise enough, showed the warblers with what enthusiasm and appreciation they received the song iiie members ol tbe Glee Club are all club members, the personnel heing as follows: B. M. Fish, first j Brickmeir, second tenor; Will Lehman, inrst bass; II. A. Ilenneirmn, second bass. 111,,.. x l.l: . . . . vinci Jimiuoucans UiaUH firmf m marks, and taken all together, the meet ing was decidedly euccecBiul. Tl I r - . iu.jrn.jay evening june7, the mem bers ol the MilwatUie Basket Ball riul. will give an entertainment and Hocial, the proceeds to b used toward the pur cnase 01 Hints tor the team. The pro gram will be lengthy, the different mm. hers being rendered by local tulcut. The boys have made extensive pmpara-' lions for this afTiir and are in hope, 0f drawing a large crowd, f.mlv ,,.,.. t will furnish the refreshments. Wfcra Women I'larrrf rtrLrl. The following la from nu urtlrlo In 1 the Uui'lon Gciii'inl Ad.-rtls-r of 1717; "On M0U1I117 lu-t In playing the Wo- I men's Cricket Mutch l'ie ('oinpnoy I broke In, tut Hint It was ln.w-.ili' fur ' the gnme to Ih phiy'd out; 11 ml miuit' of ! them being very nnn h frlgMi-in-d. mid oiners iiiin. 11 i-ouni nut pe uiiimIi l till this Morning, when at Mm- o'clock ther will flulsh the same, honlmr tin- Compntiy will he so kind as to Indulge mem 111 not walking witdin the King, which will not only be a cr. nt l'l, a. ura to them, but a general Satisfaction to tbe hole. All Gentlemen and la dles that have nnld to at- this Mm, d on Monday shall hare the Liberty of me urouuu to see It fliilah'd, without any other charge. And lo tho After noon they will play a Kerond Match. In the SaniO Place, several Inrua Kmna I bidng depeudlng betwcea the Women or me ii urn or wusHex, in Oraniro Col- our'd Itlblions. and those of the Dales, In Blue. Tho Wickets to bo pltrli'd by "no 0 clock, and to beirln Ma in- 1 WO. ' HAHKtk 3 HAIR DAL8AM 'a WaW'a tvl 'Jl.thnilea ..flung ill,- taliie trle.lioifl who n Orepiii, W'asliiiiKtor ,('a!i friii ami Malm now in H-rti,,n ,jf t),f 1'acifiu Matii.ti Telephone Coin pal'). covering V.'.V) t'.wtia , Quick, accural, cheap. All tlm satisfaction t a N-riiial ntiitiiunicati.in. I'i'latire no rffrcl to a h-ar tiii-leratamlitig. Hjv knur ai.il an Franrisco as ea-il jirafil as J'ort lllllll. ('re'-.t, City ofl-rfj at -"rl!llanliiirs Ilrug Store. BIGGLE BOOKS A Finn tltrary of tneqoilicj laloe-rr:'!cl. lHdalc. Conclte and Comrrchcntlre Hani, tofflcljr I'rlotcJ and fccautlfully UluvtriJtd. Uy jACOD BiaOLQ No. i-ni(KiLn iiorso hook All .t.ul U. C..i, km, TralU .lt,, w 7lllu.llall.maia.tau.Ut. r,u. ,,ntM- No. 3-IIKMJLH DKkHY BOOK Aii ai.M.i rroa,,.., m. -,U,.,4 tnA hnw Vll'.T " ' I''"'' i-Jl am.. .,.n uug """"I 1'itHUrt lllu-im,,,. jlk, tatcala. No.3-BKKU.li ItHJLTMV IMX)K Ail aiMMii -..i,,,.; 11,. tr., 1,(1,.,. laa.M,. n.lia ; a.lni cul.a.U lllr llkri.i.,.. ihIi.U 1 in. Iial Ucla. Milli k iuiii ill.... ... 1 . AUrl lo rral It. "Tho emit dancer." snld the rrave citizen, "Is that we will drift Into a pntemal form of government. " "les," nnswered Mr. Meekton, with a sigh. "Henrietta seems worried about thnt every time I sneak to tlu children."-Washington Star. latllrallnna. "Watch til' t'nxer'a hlinv." anl.t tlm Janitor philosopher. "If he throws up his coat collar whin he Inters th' klt.-M. en, he fans a grudge ag'ln th' house. If ho Btralchtens un his necktie, he's gono on th' cook'-Chlcngo News. Our correspondence will idemm en,l 1 1 articles beforii V,l 1 am week, otherwise it leaches us loo lale for publication. 1 J t 1 1 if 1 T Aa. u ft tr-r rv I f I A. I I Irllarvrrythll .l .ill tlx . 1'ik.t. uC.uta. No. 4-UKKJt.F. COW HOOK OASTOI1T A Bean tts Th Kind You Haw Always BoutliJ Hard Hitters. JUce, a pound r Arm Hainmor Soda 40 fitarcb gloss or corn fie Wash powder ' 5,, Laundry soap 10 ham 10c tar soap -ttit jn 19 Hi dry grand suj'sr ;. It i n Lemons nn J oranges j,; Trade for all kinds of produce.- j t aa All aomtl c..a au4 the 11, p Uu.h.na . hala a nt al al- I I'l.UI,,, S ,lo,.4 III, like lr.,...M" "I , h -n i w viurr iiiuaiiallitia. I'lk, v. irut, No.0-BIO(JI,n SWINR B(K)K Ju.t.,.,l. Allat.,.,1 ll.w!i,.ln?, W,nf n,,,, t.n.olwfcaiaii... J-.Ua.joCri.la. 2!!?iiM "'Ii? "'..o.ttn.t.-f1,l-vn -r,, aiyiliinKlklh,m-a.i,fai.al.a.ia,nalll, I hr ait bavin- an ro,H-n...ua aalr- l.aM. m, h, ,il, .. Kilh. J.vr,yM1, ,, krr)M , !,,., Cum lhkkn, ir pn.wa hmall l inli. i.iiKi( u a,o,i ,,Mi, away fur Ih, UIIK U UookK ' n.- M 1 FARM JOURNAL . ..' ,J,Ut,,e "" h-'IMHlown, hii ih, nall-oti-lhr h,iH - Z'z. rrui, " "" "arhiihi i r. :riB ii AB.i'r "l ""' '"' tn ih- n.i',.1 hi, .,. " "".aiuiiiiuaaiiiia-liairi,giiUi ir.n. Any ONE of the BIGCLB BOOKS, and tbe FARM JOURNAI r .... vinkauuurcuiarocacTIMn. DinOI.il BOOKS Ur I Mdttm, I'AHH JUI ItNAI. j J UlUAljaLI-MIA ; la.a......l wanna aTKimaoa, ciua. r. jkHKiMi. Oregon .'lly, THE RED FRONT, Oregon "Cyclone" Threshers Automatic Stackers, Wind Sta-k- cr., nor- rowara, TlircsliernM n'a Russell" Engines Iraclloo or Portable, 5lmple or Com pound, Wood or Straw Burners. . w j, a- huppiiea ot All Kinds. -ca-waiTC ron catalogue and pmccs. RUSSELL & CO., PORTLAHD, DRa