Oregon City mtekprise. VOLM. NO. 20 OKKOON CITY, OKKOON, FKIDAY, JUNK 1, 1000. ESTABLISHED I860 (1 p A D C. LAToUKSTla, AlTiMtNKYM AND Vi)VMV.U)UH AT LAW HtiM eraser ossum mr, onxoon. f,(lnlh '"" o Tllle, l,ee Mnf , rfi I .a UI. (). HTRICKI.ANP, It. I). 1 1 1 1 .()! ! ml Private Kirleiir4 tl.1i.re lila priifeeelwial earvlrae lo Hi . 1. 1 ill (liK'Mi mil vii lull, Hmm lal lUiitluii l-eld lu t'elarili and I hnnile dlre.e IW.l of refer ne given. I HIIi In WlllimalU llnllillng OMre Imiirtl 10 Ui !'.'. III., 4 Ik tip. ni. l I UOX lltY OIlKOiiX KOWXM.L A C4MriiKI.I, CHAMPION Mowers and Binders Oivo lHt Hatinfuotion of any. Koitd what Homo of your neighbor in Clackamas County Hay alout them. Km Olhr Itln.ler I lk the i haiMpliia, kKkWOfi, Orrgnn, Oil. II. HA MlTUIKI.I., I.KWII & HTAVM ( O. n ATTORN F.YH AT LAW, onaet'ir, . . . . Oaaeoe. will piewlea la all ikeeourte el Ike Mala. 01 .. la I n I I but dm. J)H. I.. I- 1ICKKNH. DKNTIST. Price Moderate. All Operation Guaranteed. Barclay Building Otr too Cilv, Of, yr . rur.N. ATTOllW AT LAW. OftVe oppoelu Huntley' Iriit Mora, Oregon Clly, Uregon. 1 BCIIUKUKI.. v rWul.Kr Ubpofal. ATTOIINKYAT LAW, Office over MrKilifl. ' rllx More, near the Hani of Oregon I II r- Oaaoo (.'it Oaioos, II. MILI.KIt, -IiKSriUT- Ine nil of U(h. r'I'l erowne. all kind ol Oiling end biUlgeaurk. tteveath Hi. near depot. Oioo Cilv, Or. (', HAYfcH ATTollNEY AT LAW. tcll mention ln U County Couri ami I'MbaiabualtiMt Oft.i rpaialre, 0U lluiiU'x'f Hook .lure. Jll. Of.D. IIOKYK. -..DENTIST.... , and llnd HpeHelly. All a or a warranted and eelialectlun guererite!. Omra In CauflalJ IHk. I'ortlaUil, Oregon. CKNTUMKN : I feel pirated with my Mrw Champion Ulnilrr 1 bought of you tit paat era mil. It docs all you claimed It Would ilu, I have tut giaill for Itirn owning (llM.rnr, Hut kryrc, Woode Hinder, an. I got credit where others have felled.. I rati pueltivrly Bay that there le no otlirr illinlrr In my vliinlty like the Champion Iliii'Ur, ami lu my retliiiatloti the ( hiiiilnn Hlmlrr li t friutajull out lirir, Kitnrtlillig tliat no Othrr liltulrr haa K"' 1 you wl" aril a K'kxI many ( liiii-lon lliuilm nrit viviu, ml I lo yuu J, II. PlCHaOW. In Ilia iiiallnr of Ida (million of Mr. Illuw for aid, lli matter wa rfrre) 10 cotiirnlailonar HeIt. In Ilia niaittr of Ida rfaixnation of Jolm Itmllcn aa J'"Ik of ! Hon In a. . I '.' wui lit. mm n w mmmi p.," ruMUtid. Orrton. J...-..? -...i a i ...i . my UM.I....I.I.I In lhair of th. 6 f.t I , , of ll.amj.lon l ln.lrr and Hum la ( arrirr I j j()lf . yeUw j, 0, .j,,,. n I haMiiil.m t'naiial4 fr t ight Ifrafl, ! Ilnllli.g, aod J.wtaklllly. Ull.HUNIi, Orr(,OM, Mm hum., Livu ii V Htavkh Co., IK) I It I) OK tOWIflSlOIKKI ftalar Ma; Trrm of Ida Coast; floard. I. f. Mark), rlialrniaal 4. H. Mart, It. aali, avmmlatlonara. lurihaaril from you tlila yrar. For fiKlitnraa in draft and raae of oratlon, imjilii ity In rontt tui tion and durabil ity, will aay that no matliln to my kncwlnle ia Ita njual nor nrar it. Ilaviiijr rut l atm of ((rain, tha ma chine ilid not taut ine five niinutra tie Milaaukia ! IHJ, aa ar aa to la. rotiritii-htly nt a rrnt fir rrjKilra. All th ( hainjiloii maihinra jiut In my nrlvhhorhfMMj have vlvrn coually U'hm aatiafactlon. In fait, I want no brtUrr I mat hi ne than the thamt ion. Fiki hciurita. Mitchell Wagons nro Standarl and havo been for 05 years- "3. When you buy a Mitchell you buy the bent that can KMHibly lo built, and run no chanceu as to quality. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co. Front and Taylor Sta., Portland, Or. KIHK AND ACCIDENT r IMI CO M M C MCU L kU K Of OHKUOM CUT. ritl. . ....... ixai'iimii MU atad. Hill dlaeooatod. atataa rol INSURANCE. 1 j IUilroa-l TiclccU to all H)inta East at low rates, jj c E. DONALDSON Just Received 1 A new lino of ladio'n toj shirln, ladii'S fancy colored undVrnkirts. HoniiTy for ladies and child ren, and laeo curtains from 15 cents a pair upward. It um. hura and ailta alrhama on an t-unw . . . . h u . - V ...r .M.I II lltl. wta!u rrid aublaot la ebar acn tin t . lot r. 0 0. LATal'klTTI. rridl f. J. Mtt Caafcier. A. . DKKHHKK. ATroUSKY AT I.AW. Ortlraotar M. Kltlrli k'a Mhoa Hlora. near Iti a Hank otOrrunClly. om.ina Citt, . Oaiuoi. I L COHTBII. ATTDKNKY AT LAW iarrairraor r'raTT n-aataaao. O-flra nail loOrafnn CUT HoUrrH a. I) U, KHANCIS FKF.KMAN, J)KNTI8T Gradual) of tl.a Northwwlorn Unlrr- itv iNmtttl Hchool, Clikaito. A !fo American Collrucof iH'iital HurKcry, Willamette Mock, Ore on CHy. KK or OHKU0N CITT, 15 0'i.e.t Baskloi Bonse li the dir. Paid ttpCanHal.IMI.tWl Murplua, li.HW. rai.miNT, eaai.aa . cciaii. n i r.anuiKT, aao. . ctaana. - ciiruu. A laneral banklne bualnaaa IranaaAted. OrK)lia railedauleol lo ohart. Approved l.llla aud noloa dtaoouiited. Ui.iinlj ami cllf ararranla bituint. Iiia mvla onllalle aeourlty. iiihaniie boufhlend eold. CiillMilmit made proropllf. Drlta aold avallaule In any part of the worm Talaaraphle aiokaniiee aold on forlland, Han rriinioo. 'ihloaiaaiul Mew York, ntersitpalj on time depoelta. :Ubllahed ! CI. Green PIONEER m$ht and Exjiresi, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE 1900 Model IMPERIAL WHEELS $25 f $30 Strictly High-(rado, FitU-J with Any Kind of Tires. Call and Sco Our Samples More You 15uy. .TERMS EASY Pope & Co. Oregon City, Or. Cor. 4th and Main Sts. OLD WHEAT FLOUR. MaJo by tho Patent ritocKsa is a Pkiifkct Fl.ot'R. Wheat that is not neftBoncd can not make a strong flour. The wheat from which our Patent flour is mado, is all old stock. Ask your grocer for Patent, and refuse to accept any "just as gootl," as there ia none. Portland Flouring Mills Co. Oregon City, Oregon. I lie iim inrt, tha aarua ami John W Uraate miiilal to fill the vatartcy. In tde inattrr of the 'M-tition of (;(( r, ft al, for (ilaok on Cinlar rrri-k hill, the eatne wea Kraotid, the titioti-re to d;alltlie woik of tradinK ami laying plat k in di.trl, t No. I 'J. In the matter of the petition of Mr, Pitwinan lor eh a n ui of watrrr r'irae, the aama eaa rt-ft-rrmi to Coiiinneeioner Morton or lluuli Currin. The (K-tition for eileneion 'if time for ftin .ln ion of work in rtietrlrt No. V, ae ffatil-d. In the matter of the complaint of V. . I'.ikr of a fenre in Hherwooil and klllwaukle road, Mr. Taylorjwaa ordered to reiiiuee the aaine. In the matter of the report of yleaera of (Jatiiai-e on petition of OA Arndt, et al, Iwr connlr roai, the report waa an-epted, tha titiotiera lo pay damage. In the matter ol the petition of V J It dinge, et al for the improvement of tha OlaiJ TxliDiii road In diatrict No. 17, t!ia aama wai granted. In the mailer of the reelftnatioo of W II Mattoon ae clerk of election la Viola precinct, the aama waa ac cepted, and tharlee Miller ajtolotd to Bliliie vacancy. In Ui mattor of the petition and tub- a,-rlillnn h.l In rai! IUIrli- So. 10 tha lum. m .a tanlawl anil lUVl ilnnatjNl h the county. In the matter of the petition of the Alliance Tiuat Company for a Ux rebate relief waa granted in the euro of 17.44. In the matter of the petition of B J lUlvy lor a tax rebate on railroad land, relief wat granted in tba I urn of 1-1. In the metier ol aid for Mra Bell, the aama wee granted Comniuauuner Mori on 'a report on the Hoik creek bridge aj evcepted, and trw.VI ordered paid lor bridge, and I'J-' lor the a proech. In the matter ol the petition for col verta and bri Igee in diatrict No the eanie wae ordered built of cedar. In the matter of petition ol C F I'env broke, el al for work on Howard's mill end Can by road, the nbeenption liat uf f'JUwaa ai'i-epleJ, and a like amount appropriated by the county. In i he matter of the reeurrey of the llowaid'a Uill and Wrighl'a road, the county lurvevor waa ordered to atirvey the aaine, and W W May, C K 8pen' and Frank Jaggar were appointed viea- ra. In the matter of the enharription list from Kaule Creek of f 1,000, the Imt waa accepted and it waa ordered that the county give a like amount Koadmaater Counaell to overare the work. In the matter ol work in diatrict No. 11, the cletk waa ordered to notify the upeniaor not to do any more work with out ordera from the boird. In the matter of the rtitlon of C llarg for cancellation of 181H) taxea, the ante wat granted. In the matter of the petition of II 0 Innkevp, et al. for powder work on Lewie' road, the came wae granted. In the matter of the petition ol John F. Jenningi for a Ux rebate, the earne was granted. . In the matter of the reaurvey of the Noland and Leabo M ill road, the aatue waa granted, and K J Moore, Martin Iabo and 0 Puughtery appointed view era. In the matter of tha aubecript ion list from iod dintiict No. 4. the tame wat granted. In the matter of the improvement of tha Aurora road, the petition waa granted. In the matter of tba lobacription liat from road diatrict No. 4, the petition waa vranUsI In the matter of the petition of E F Uilev for tax rebate, the aame waa granted. In the matter of provision for the con tingent fund, it wat ordered that $100 be i rm.iih.rrl fiom the ireneral fund. In the matter of the petition of J It Shaver, el al. for work oil the Molalla road, the came was sranted. In the metier of work in diatrict No. 34, it was ordered that the supervise! unit work. In the matter of the petition of Peck and others for help on the Oregon City and CUrkes road, the same waa granteu. In the matter ol the petition from diatrict No. 3, for road work, 50 waa allowed. In the matter of fllling the approach at Baker's Ferry bridge, the roadiiiftster's report was accepted, the coet of the hu provement not to exceed $450. In the matter of the petition of Rock wood htirifor improvement of Willsburg and Milwaukie road, the petition was granted. In the matter of the report of viewers on the petition of KW lIigginon for a county road, the petition was denied. In the matter of running the rock crueller in dixtrirt No. 14, the job was giyen to Frank Glennon at $3 per day. In the matter of the petition of f Drake for a county road, the road master's report 's accepted, and Her man Bruns, J 11 Doty and Freeman apiiolnted viewers. In tha matter of the pet'tton- ' Mra II argute for county road, the same was referred to the roadmaster. In the matter of the petition of Currin, etal, for a county road, the same was referred to the roadmaster. In the matter of the petition of Mr Barnes for a poll tax rebate, the same waa granted, be being a resident of California. In the matter of the tax rebate of P DeShaier, relief was granted in the sum of $2.25. In the matter of I he petition of F W Ht Clair, et al for work in district No 33, $fl we. granted. In the matter of tba petition of Paul riplownkouaki for a tax rebate, relief waa granted In the amn of $2 73. In the matter of the petition of If If Perry for aUi rebate, the aame waa granted In Ihe matter of Taham A Htnmn, petition lor wide tire Ux rebate, the aame was granted. In the matter of Ihe petition and sob arrtption liat for roe 1 work In diatrict No?H, t-VU was allowed. In the matter of the resignation of K T White ae election clerk in Pamaaru precinct, the aame was accepted, anj Frank (M.orne appointed to fill the vacancy. In the matter of aid for Martha F I'ulf, an Indigent person, $4 per month waa allowed from May I, Ij0, and $4 allowed for preent nereaaitiea. In the matter of petition for work on Oregon City and Currinevilie road, the aame wa laid over until the June term. In the matter of the improvement of the Oregon City and New F.ra road, the petition and aabecription liat waa ac cepted, and work ordered to proceed. In the matter of bills of Al Wing and Wills Intel on aheriira account, the aame were allowed for fl.bO and $4. Al VVn. $2 60 Willie Intel 4 00 In the matter of the Anrora and Hear Creek road' the county surveyor ordered lo reeet grade atakea on aaid road. In the matter of Mary Lmff and Mra. iJelleeow, county charge, the names were ordered stricken from the liat. In the matter of per diem, and mUe age of tha county commissioners, the following waa allowed : It Hcolt...... 28 b0 J K Morton 2H IO 8 V Marks '1 20 HULL ESTATE, THUSFftM. faraUhrel Every Week by the Clacks as Abstract A Trant Ceapaay. i K Morris to F K Morris, lots 13, 14, blk 2, West Hide ad 1 TUB CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT TKUHT CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and bar) the only complete set of abstracts In the) County, can fornlati Information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investment, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oreiron City. Call and Investigate. Address box 377 Oregon City Oregon. THE RF.GISTEKF.I) TOTE. Reports From all (he C inn tie NheK .number U be t,f,9. N 0 Waldeo to M Robers, S' blk "" Parkplaee $ 100 E T Peterson to G Peterson, 200 acres sec 16, t 2s, r4 1000 R Livingstone, dm to T H Davie 50 acre 8wfford claim 4V) E D Daval to W S Hunrt, 4 acres In P Lee claim. 1 4 a. r 1 100 M Vetach lo A Vetech. power of aty E M Vetacb to A Vetech. 78 52 acres sec 12, 1 2 s, r 3 e, HO acres 1000 E II Callahan to P Leicbtweia, w Callahan claim t 5 s, r 2 600 E II Callahan to V Lelcblweis, 1-8 ot 210 acre in Callahan claim 1 E Vetach to P Vetach. 78 62 acres sec 12, t 2 s, r 3 , 80 acres sec 7 I2s,r4 e C. k l.m.11 ti 1 Thumii nal.' net. sec 31, 1 1 a, r 5 E T Crider to J McKinie, w nwjf sec I, t 3 a, r2e O A C R K to C D Latourette. 160 acre arc 35, t 2 , r 2e OACRKtoCD Latourelee A Meuu to L Mauls, 06 acres sec 3 t3s,r2 e J Humphrey to A J Niikum, 14 acres, sec lrt, t 2 s, r 1 e C O Reynolds to L It Cody, t 22, 14 s, r 5e United States to L Mitchell ne sec 10, t4s. r5e J Boun to F Andreeen, 151 87 acres sec 2, t 4 s, r 1 w 2300 N R Lang to W P & P Co 57 68 aca sec 3, t 4 s, r 2 e, and sec 11 , 1 3 s rl e 6S5 C Quant to D Quant 73 aerea Can- field claim, t 3 a, r2e 425 50 1146 1146 960 600 1900 Following is the complete unofficial re port of the number of voters registered this year in the several countiea of Ore gon, compared with the PreeidenUl vote of 18' : Vote for Voters ' Preaident, registered, Countiea 1H96 l'JOO. Beker 2.A41 4,200 l!enton 2,111 1,960) Clackamaa 5,143 Clatsop 3,042 Columbia 1,80 Coos 2,703 Crook 123 Cnrry 613 Douglas 4.012 Gilliam ..1,026 Grant 1,644 Harney 7!5 Jackson 3,796 Joseph ioe 2.091 Klamath 825 Lake 736 Lane 4,9o9 Lincoln 1,157 Linn 4.902 Malhear 989 Marioo 7.345 Morrow 1,149 Moltnomah 18,604 Polk 2,646 Sherman 889 Tillamook 1.244 Umatilla. 3.999 Uoion 3.486 Wallowa 1,044 Wasco 3,125 Washington 3,708 Wheeler. . Yamhill 3.626 4,78.1 2.-V3 1,661 2,531 1,193 554 4,2'JO) 944 lfi'J 974 3.9V9 2,07 920 887 5.251 882 6,116 1.133 6,363 1,309 18,750 2.721 1,008 1.11 4.607 4,045 lfi2 3,102 3,4-53 857 3,417 Totals 97,475 99,669 'Incliiled in Crook, Gilham ami Grant counties. Pat IasUllatlen t Offlcera The Ancient Order of Red Cross com pleted their organization in this city ecently, with 104 charter members. The folloing officers were elected: Past president, J. W. Grsy; president, J. W. MoAnulty; vice-president, Mra. J. W. Gray; secreUry, Miss Mabel E. Kennedy; treasurer, Mra. W. B. Shively: gnard, Mra. Anna Wright; in- i side gnard, W. W. Marrs; outside guard. Wm. B. Shivtly, jr.; trustees, John F. Clark, W. A. White; J. A. McGlashan. The installation of officers will occur at Willamette hall, Friday, evening, Jane 8, to be comluiled with a basket supper and social enterUinment. All members are requested to be preeent. Absolutely Pure No inferior or impure ingredients are used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen ing its cost ; only the most highly refined and healthful. . Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc, which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. , Alum I used in nuking cheap baking powder. If you want to know the eflect ol alum upon the tender llnlngi ol Ih elomach. touch a piece to your tongue. You can raiaa blacult with sluna baking powder, but at what a coat to health t JOY At. SAKINO eOWOE. CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.