Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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The Ixiw Price Pan hit waves over
every department of our (ftatl ihturnt.
Mc ney hjK'til with us gts more genuine
valtie, gets more style, more quality mid
docs more actual good service than it is
over jmvmMo to get elsewhere.
We have built our business on the
gr. ;,tand strung ovur of Low Pkuks.
We olTt-r:
I'uMriK hrl .Munlin.
Atlanta L. L. Muslin "(5 inch wide
er yd
IV. -t CaM W, Si? in. w ide, vr yd. . .
Illrarhrl Vlualln.
IiOnslaIe, .V in. wide, per yd
Rut led .'Win. w ide, nervd
Knglisli IxMig Cloth jht yd
I 'airy cloth ob in. wide er yd ...
Park calico, good quality, yd
Indigo illuo figured oil calico, best
quality yd f,c
tieularly appeal to individual prefer
ences no t. comfort, cane, rue. and
We take ride in this department lie
cause it reptcscnts not only what is
newest nod l'st in sensonahle fihries of
every opular weave hut localise the
price attached are marked hy a little
iif! that cannot well he duplicated.
Light colored calico, per yard 5c
Mourning prints per yd." Co
Chanibray finished prints per yd. . . 7c
I.aw n, IVrcule, i:ir.
Figured Lawns, per yd 5c
Dimites, Organdies, hotted Swires,
etc., we oiler many beautiful styles
ranging in price from 10c. to 3oc peryd
Checked Apron Ginghams, best
quality, per yd 5c
English percales, double fold, per yd. 10c
English percales, best quality, 36 in.
wide. ." J2Jc
Dress Ginghams, in checks or
stripes, the comet thing for shirt
waists, dresses, etc., per yd 10c
Kateea Shirting, tir.
Black Sateen, color guaranteed, yd. 9c
Henrietta Sateen black, acid proof,
yd 1 2 c, 15c and 20c
Best quality black brocaded sateen
yd 20c
Silkaline for draperies etc., 36 in.
wide, per yd 10c
Colored bunting, per yd 5c
Ootid dark colored 6hirting per yd . . 8c
Wide German shirting, per vd 9c
Twilled black hide cheviot, yd 12Jc
Best quality straw ticking vd: 10c
Feather ticking, heavy, yd" ISc
Wool Cheviot for pants, 40c. yd. and .
Kentucky Jeans, peryd 15c., 25c. and 30c
Black colored cambric yd 5c
Silesias 10c. 15c. and 20c. per yd
A thoroughly dependable corset is the
It. and G. We show fourteen style?,
tastes varv in corsets and w h.iv nil
- - -
those makes and variations which par-
34-inch wide cashmere, black and
colors jer yd
3i inch wide Henriettas, bla.'k and
colors er yd
2S-inch wid "fancy suiting, per vd.
30-inch wide colored brocaded fan
cies per yd
36-inch wide colored brocaded
tirillini t u.iia .
36-inch wide colored Armoura, per yd 3.kj
30-inch wide cheviot plaids per yd. ISo
32-inch wide novelty plaids per yd.
36-inch wide covert suiting per yd . .
42-inch wide nay blue serge per yd.
4 2-inch wide bl.ien serge per yd
2-inch wide black brocaded per yd.
34-inch black brocaded brilliantees
per yd
06-inch black brocaded soleil er
yd :..
30-inch black brocaded all wool suit
ings per yd 50c
45-inch all wool serge per yd 50c
50-inch gloria silk jht yd II
Fancy black dress goods, prices
ranging to 11.50
Novelty suitings in fancy colorings
50, !o, 75, 11 and 11.25 yd
Cnprt, Nklrta.
III lull
Tins, Kiiglo, American, p r paper,,
Large sie nafely pins, p- r paper. . .
Knitting needles, s t ( live for
II. pins, asserted size per l
Tae, medium and wide, 2 r"IN
Finishing braid, bunch
Kick Knelt Kraid. hum h
Knitting cotton, ball
Kmhroidcry silk on spool lc, si
ShhIs fi r . .
Fast black darning cotton, 2 balls
Curling Irons, small
Curling irons, large
Aluminum thin. hie
Sheet wadding. 2 for
Turkey red einhridi ry cotton, 2
bulls for
Ladies silk mitts . .I V., 25c, -ItV.
Nonpareil drees stnvs, per bunch . .
Corduroy skirt ' n l:ng, black and
colors yd
Velveteen skirt binding. bl.ick and
colors yard
Soutache braid. 21 yard f r
alencite edging. . lc yd. ami upw
rohlrl '!.
There is only one class und that
ll V
5 K
Men's dol'gol.i allocs , 12, '
Men's Mei in blai-k or tans
f.t.oo, I.Vm, .ro
llminr I in ..UliliiM "!
I'libleaehed table linen 25c, I' V.
and '( C yd
Tnrkev red lainsk ol' llnili fat
color h r id '.'.'h'. :I5, W'o
r.leaclied table linen io1 yd.
Ji.'tC, ill'C, Hot', 7 "hi
Linen napkin per set .' c. up
I'nblt at lied napkins per set 2"f
Cotton towel 5c
Turkish towi Is UK'
Turkish towels, extra size ... 2 for 2'o
Alt li i crash, per yd . . So 9c Io 12)0
Cotton crash m r mI 5o
Turkey red table 'cloths ,7.V IHM 11.25
Furniture, cretom s, er yd. . . . 7e So lOo
Men's Satinet suit , ,
Men's i'asnii r' suit
Men's nil wool unit '..In,' Vfi
.' 75 lo f
I i o..
lo, nmi f 12
a j a r -w. I l
l I J)'
"O J
7.V ll.on
Capes we have a vari-tv, many n
novelties in Satin Silk ami Cloth. Ski
w i v.
'l ll Wj
first in our spring and summer colltx'
tion of shirt waists, assortment covers
Silk, Satin, Percale Pimitees, etc.
Ladies' dongola, lace, solid through
out Il.tH)
Ladies' (nibble goat, button 1 1 .
Ladies' dongola, lace, stock tip ... . ll.5o
Ladies' vici, lace I J.oo '
Ladies' kid, laco !2.5o, :i.. 3.5o
Ladies' Oxfords in tan or black. . . .
5oo, i.m,', II.oo, 11.2.), f 1 .oo
I.ace curtains jht pr.
f I f'.'.oo
Art denim r vil .
Window blind p.' per with
hartshorn rollers .c
Window blinds with dado, hatshorn
rollers, linen , 4oc
Whit crochet quilt.. . . 4w 5to 75c 11
11.25 up to f.5o.
4 nrrl tf'arp
51b. bunches, all ctlor. ht bunch 9"c
4 llalaK
The variety of our stock in this line is
really remarkable ami laces at tli
disisal of buyers the widest range of
choice in all the latest patterns and
stvles in men's suits tlint this seanon
offers. Our children's d-parttnrnt is
filled with choice styles of venter suits.
In the t oy's and youth's department
we have an immense, line.
Men's black and fancy Worsted ituits
'.. !", fll .5..,lr.'fHi)Hlf.'.iH.,
Itoy's long pantit units, dieit I ,t j
years pric. .:,...., If 5ti, it,
Men's tit breeches In Jesns, will not
rip pair jijc
Men's cheviot pants
Men's raMimrre I J, J,5o and
Men's worsted pants 2,.Vi to
)!'' I'wraUklac 4JmmI
Men's turkey red handkerchiefs !K
Men's whitfl bsildkrft hief
Men's susj.en.lcrs .. , I V , 2V, and 3
Men's whiln shirts ,V
Men's working gloves, wear reni!iTi .'
Men' pwrater S,
Men's wool sweaters j.f.
Men's negligeo shirt. 2V to 7
Men s b briggsu un lerer, jr
Men's fancy drris shirts fx to II
Hone collar buttons, er dot &
Mala aa4 4'apa
Men's ya ht c 2'c and '
."len s satern C8 j,,.
Men's Kel ra hats 5c, G.V, II ooj 11
. (Hi, . '..Ml A l f.I.tMt
I I . nr . a.
,'irn uh-m piu nai -,o (oiixa
Men's crash hats '.'5cto7jc
Lalies fast black cotttin htMMj 1
Ladies Mack double herl, 2 pair for 2V
Mikim-s and chihlrcns heavy ribbed
i ... 1 1 i. . . . '
uoiioio aneen, - pair lr J
Men's seamless sots ft pair v
Mm s i.atural wtH.j mn, pair f..r. . 2
Men's frtl black sons, .'( pair for. . . . IV
Pts One Thins
a jopular line of the latest spring at
tractions. Duck skirts, crash skirts,
white pique skirts, black and colored
wool skirts and silk skirts
ChiM's satinet suits, braid trimmed 1 1.5o
To see what Voti want I'ts aru.thf
thing to ixiMeM it. we not only sle t
mo very Nut or spring need Wi
jui it wiiinn ynur reach.
.ueiiB iuo rn.jew, lap kdim ft.-., IJlllM's Ciisimere suit S 2oo
Mei.8 eennine satiu calf boots. n.;i.l. n
solid throuchout l..rMi ri.il. P. n M i : . CUsik'Umioii lint Il'h ( (irnr Car
en s tan Ktioi'H . 1 u, . T I. ... I l.!.. Ci .
, .r,,,, milJllllf in i,n,- rum I VII uiin .M hi ll .1 H. i irtM'dii I IIV.
- " " " ' I O
SEWS OP THE WEEK. Sun fry civil bill has 2Vl,00o fr the ! Sundav Services I 01 I Vt'K V Horn i I I
continued from nsire 4.1 C.lnmhi. i.ii. M..i I y services. w IHUI norm. I Tffr.?.TT.W.W.T.W WO OnrnA UlllU.l.
:i OL'uuiiu nrftiu mriiKK s
tion of starting a boom for Senator Fair
bank (or president in 1904.
Marioc county candidatrs are canvass
ing the county in joint debate. There
publican legislative ticket has a conceded
walk over.
Astoria for the first time in the history
of the port lias established a quarentine
of veesels. It relates particularly to
Chinese passengers.
Tuesday. May 22.
Portland is to lurnish most of the
Alaska army supply. Got 2501000
worth of orders. Portland firms dis
tance Seattle and Tacoma competitors in
bidding on government contracts.
Ex Senator Nathaniel P. Hill passed
out of life. He was one of the wealthiest
men in Colorado.
Xeely, the postal en bewler, wi'l b
taken to Cuba. j
RKAN IM MAN UAL CniK'lt-Cor.im
Kitfti'ti ami J. y. A'limi trv-t; Hew
y.rurnt 1. W Mark
ai 10 A. M., el(ly wrvicMi every Tlmrxlii
?chwan say. the Tag, war is about j JJ J p. M. '("JTmanot ev'ry Bdlunlaj
broken. i from 9 to li Everybody inviu-d.
The Methodist c inference abolishes
the time limit a minister can serve in 1
one place.
Hilliiiiho, titVtr. On HuniUr mm tt s iid
10.30 a. M. Erery teronil loiirth Sunday
. 'remin wrmiiD aner tat o CMx'i miit
At all other miuti Kngllih termom. Sunday
I Sehool at -IM r. u. Vetprra. apoli(nlcal
bound money democrats are against . tublecu and Beoedlctlon at 7 to r. a
The tutineis portion of Lakeview is
burned, loss 350.000.
In the storm Wednesday many fii-h-
ing boats captizod and four men drowned
at Astoria.
Secretary Long is believed to be in the
best position to draw the prize for second
llace on the republican national ticket
If it must go to the west, Henderson, of
Iowa, has big support, Payne next.
Miss Ida Fobs of Hood Biver was shot
and instantly killed by I'enjamin
Wajrnilz. Murderer became remorseful
after crime and kills himself with same
Wednesday, May 23,
Deadlock broken in the Methodist
general conference at Chicago and Ham
ilton and Moore are elected biBhops.
Boers determine to fight to a finish.
The Dutch spirit is rising. Roberts'
main army is moving and is expected to
croeB the Vaal river this week.
Has she lost her bpauty? If so. Con-1
stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache '
are the principal causes. Karl'i Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for halt a
century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not satis
factory. C. G. Hnntley, Druggist.
II. Oberif Paator. Mnrniur arrtce at 10 4J
Suuday School at 1U 0O. Clana meeting afo-i
morning lertlre. Evening errlrn at 7.J0
EP"ftn League meeting Sunday evening
JO; Prayer Heeling Thuriday ereulnt at J X
Mntgom-ry. Pantor. HerTieea at 11 a k. and
7:110 P. a. Sablialh Hohool at 10 a. a. Vouna
Ppople'aSoelety of (.brlmlan Endeamr mu
ererr Huntav i.nl. . ,
reulng prayer meeting at 7 80. Seata Irce.
Eigtitli and M 4 1 ifon atrw-t, ll-v. . Copley
a'or. Hervi-a erery H-thlmili at 1 1 a. in
and 7: p. m. 8uiuia HcIkmI 10 a. in
Prayer meeting 8 p. m. All are welcome
Of Shiloh'a Consumption Cure Is this ' l)
guarantee; "All we auk of y.m i i0 uc 1 irj
two thirds of tho contents of this bottle ! UO YOU
aithfully, then if you can say vou am nut H -
benetlled return the bottle to your Ilruc- ti .i ai Wi
gist and he may refund the price pd." .' M iMlOW 1116 WeWS
Trice 25 cts.. 50 cla. an.lllin l' tl if-
Huntley, Drnggiet.
Patent Itrronl.
"Money to patent good idi-as may he
secured hy our aid. address The Talent
Record, Baltimore, Md."
You can have It all for
L in the Evening Telegram, of Port- )
y land. Oregon, ll In in
U evening hewapaM.r publialmd In A
k, urfgui,; It contniiia all IH new a LJ
Irv I l,,i . .i. t fl
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself aprarent in a pale
and sallow complexion, pimples and ekin
eruptions. If you are leeling weak and
worn out and do not have a healthy ap
pearance you should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cures all blood diseases wheie
cheap sarsaparillas and so called puri
fiers fail; knowing this we sell every
bottle on a positive guarantee, lieorge
A. Harding, agent.
Acker's English Remedy will Mod a
cough at any time, and will cure the
p . , . wTTn ... icougn ai any time, ana wi cure the
President Mckinley refunes to inter- . ,, . ,
. , v i , . . 1 worst cold m twelve hours, or money
ne 1U behalf of Briars, nml i.r.inti nni . . . ' "'"
vene iu behalf of Boers, and points out
the collapse of their waning hopes.
Two companies of insurgents surren
Jer (o Colonel LiBCum at Tarlac. They
included a major, captain, four lieuten
ants 103 men and 1G3 rifles and ammu
nition. Senate will take up the Clark Sena
torial case next Wednesday.
Thursday, May 24.
Roberts' army has reached the frontier
of the Transvaal.
efunded. 25 ctB. and 50 cts.
Ranchers bring your hides and lurs to
the Mechanics store in Oregon City.
1 lie Excitement ot Orer.
The rush at the drug store still con
tinues and daily ocores of people call for
a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungg for the Throat and Lungg for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption. Kenm'a
Balsam, the standard family remedy, ig
sold on a guarantee and never faile to
8T PACI.'H KPtwmPAi fiiirivii-
I Key. p. K. ILiriiinoiid. Kector H-rvuc
every numiay at II a. m, ami 7:. p. In
Holiday school at 10 o clwlt, Hirvir every
Friday evening at7:W. Other wrvlcea a
niayDeannoiiiiced. All Beats free. Strang
ers cordially Invited.
FI RST COST. H EfiiTlov at ru r- oii
corner of Main and Kleventli ntr-et-Kv.
.;;? l)OI"f,K"t pftfimr. Morrilrif; nervio
iu :.v: n uiHiav nr. inn 17- i. l., ........
0'. J. I. H. (!. K nrsvas rniAAAri.. ft. 'Hi.
" ----- r'-;1" 3-niiit u,.yj.
S VAn I M IT BAeu . T .Ola 3 '
II. Heaven, pastor, i'ri-achirig ervl(
every Sunday at JO -.'SO ami 1 :.') p. M. Sun
dayaehortl at 12 noon to 1 p. , Jmiiuri
meet in the afternoon and therienmr Yoiiiik
People's aonlelv ml IM.u. . ...
0 . i ni-i-i, Bl
'! D. III. JlinrHilav vvi,lu ......
i"")" wtyhw ai :.;i p.m. Weilnenday
evening, Bible etudy claHjat Y. M. C A
rooms led by the paetor.
Theljiteat Ysrs.
A Pitleburg drummer tells thin new
yarn: i always carry a botlle of U l Wi" Male and of the Nation
Komi. 'a I . ..... l . . I"' lit I lur .......ll. 1 i
'" """" '"7 Knp. I lake Li eeuipie ,
cold eas.ly and a few ofthelal.;C A.'I.Lm "" y" ,M"n- 3
sam alwavs nrnlm mn u.n ij ' 12
' - - "ibii. pr. i-j
Kverywherel K I pegk a jkkI word J V, Thft Tl0nr, A
for Kemp. I lake hold of mv . U I "8 I ClegraiTI, G
op. i ..i.i . . iU u
n . n url mi'u anil voiimr ini-n. Fi
and tell them cotiflilnniiiillv i,.i r a.. ' V.
" Mn a tl-
"hen I lake cold
Portland, Or. ll
At druggists, 2.V: and XXXXXXXJiXXXXXXliA
Bri tU The Kind You Haw Always IJouM
- .v.vu,uai.iiiW nun never laus io
One hundred vessels are ready to sail Kive entire satisfaction. Price 25c and
to Cae Nome with 15000 passengers. 50c
J. O. Ilijod, justice of the peaie,
Crohby, Miss., makes the followintr
statement: "I can certify that 0,.
Minute Cough Cure will do all thai ia
claimed for it. My wife could not get
her breath and the first dose of it relieved
ber. It has also benefitted mv ulintn
family." It acts immediately and cures
coughs, eclds, croup, grippe, bronchitis,
asthma and all throat and lung troubles.
Geo. A. Harding.
Dyspepsia Cure
Sf-v -
Diacsts what vnn AAt
It nrtlflclally dlifesu tho food and aids
llartfiird, tin h frame , old t;W,
lair ennumou, v
CrcK-nil, H hull I'lanie, Ixiye, it
rotidillon, fn.
VU liir i In. h fiatnr, old alyle.
KmI ruiiditimi, very caty m
Vl tor, 14 tm h frame, Ute inxkl,
hue romlitton, ) $.
Viking, rf ttit h frame, go! con
dition, r 5 .
Cre.rnt, I j huh frame, o modrli
fine condition, $n ,v.
lUrtfotd, II Inch frame, 97 model,
fine condition, $1$.
Sold on easy terms.
10 per cent dlacount for cab.
Thee arc barcalna. All over-
haiilrd and put in gixid ruiiulnf
condition before they leave our
Huntley's Hook More,
Orogon City, Or.
Li very, Feed and 8ule .Stable
iinrtiiiclallydlKesUthofoodaDdalds n.n 1 u- i m 1 .-,1.
Nature in Btrengtlienlnff and rccon. ,DuWo ami Single Uigs, and wul4
structln tlio exhausted dlgcstlvo or 1 ' iiorHes always on liand at thf
Barm. If. 1st lioint,.i iu,.....i i ...1.. . . . n tA
Jacob Gikhv,
10c 2fie itr n n i2 """"'Pation forever.
tUt.OK. U C.O.C. fall, druKtiiaurefuud mone.
Rates $1 Per Day and Upwards.
Livery and Feed Htahle In f-'onneclion'wltlj
the JIoiiHe. Horsea and llnglea to
Let at Iti'Hionalile I'.hIcn,
Par supnlle'l Willi lie fineit wlnea, Hiiiion
and cigars. Welnhard's Ileer on
Ihv tAimuiiLiMj uigeSllVO or
KariH. ILiHt.holllful rll
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in cfllcleticy. It In-
Btailtlv relieved nnd
dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
b IcW Ilcadaclie.Oiistralgla.Cranips arid
an other resu tsof linnfirf.rt.iii,..ui
a u m-iiuiuiii
man.Iii'."!?''!1' J'H1",l'C"iiUln2 llm.i
arnullMixu. HJkitlUUmt(lyHlJiM1ttB1H,i;i 'tr
. oy t.t.. uswiTTaCO .Chleogo
I 'UWliLE R,
Opp. Iluntley'u Drug Store,
Ureut Britain and America.
lowest iirlci'H A norm 11 connected
with the ham for loose stock.
I nformuttiin rjufm-illfiit atm kind Of
stock promptly attainted to by person ol
Horses Ooutrht and Sold.
Horses Hoarded and Fed 011 reason
able terms.
Hf I Li:1
Pr. Wllllama' Indlun PW
hiiuv Lha luililnif at mn " l"
C w. "."".7.7. f""; . d.
O. Miiiiiimii win t'i" - : : :
IIIkimIiiiii ami H
I'lli-a. iiultiirljjith"li"",,r":
u miulili-o. iilvn liialaiii.''
11. ,r iir u niiuMia' imiiiiii 1'llr oin"
inmit a preparml fur i'llea ami H'
Inif nf Ihn prlvain purla. Kvery "
HriiprMnlM.I Itu jlpn.iif Uli. Il mill I T1 H!.
I'lpt of prli x, Ml cmita ami Sl.isi. WILLIf"?
MANUr ICTUfllNQ CO., J'r.i.. ClBvelaiiu, oui