Oregon City Enterprise. OIlKdON CITY, OKKUON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1000. ESTABLISHED 1866 Arrt'llNKYM ANI COUNHKI.OKM AT LAW irillir ONIliuN CITV, OHKKlM, ,,l.h t.laeli olTMIs, ln Motiajr. fura. (!( M awl Hmrl ii.u.ral M it i C. HTUICKUNH, MP. ,.llil ami 1'rltate Firlnre ) (,t,. Ma prnfrselniial aarvlr.e Ilia o .1 Ol,('MI 'H (llll H lhllf, H l inlttii lul l to ( ularrli ain ( lihinln tll.ea.-e lt 'f f(r ,n. Mlti lirtlr In Wllla'iirtle ll illtll'itf llfltea Imiifei I'Ho 1 in, 4 lit 'I p. in. .;IION VI IV OltCOnN' ,asMwaeii. i. e.caarsaii. UOWKKU. A CAaTHltll, ATTOHNKYH AT LAW, Ullgnl I'lTV. OSBOOB. Will prerilre la all ih. mult e toe d! 01 fr. In I -II I I'M' llllif. J) II. 1. 1- HCKKSH, DKXTIST. Prices Mo-lerals. All Operations OtUISIltced. Hartley liulldlng Oregon City, Or, h. t"HKX, ATTultNKY AT LAW. Om.w opposite Huntley's DriiR Nir. Oregon t'lly, . Oregon. (i BCIIUKHKI.. ATTOHSKYAT UW. Offlrw or MrKitirlrk't rihoa Ktore. near the liana of Oregon I'll;. Ueil-S I'itt (uiuo. I. H. mi.ru. -I'KXTlHr Int nil of Uwlh. r'I'l "owns, all kinds ol nllliige sd budge work, i Wreath HI. hear depot. treein City, Or. (J I K. IIA YKH ATToltm AT LAW. a a CHHMPION Mowers and Binders (iivo tcnl H.'iliHfactioti of any. Kiwi what norno of your ni'ighborrt in (Mai kainaii County nay aliout ilium. I haitiiln Handles all KIhiI ii( lireln, NiHxiy.o.iviii, Di i. ;:i, h'.M. Mitt Mil l., I.awie A hTaVKN Co., Portland, Dreg. in, Gasri awa The Champion Hinder hoogl.l ol you lat season has kIvwi ilniiinlUl( lli'ii, and lam more than pleased Willi It. Il will rut elevate, and hind any kind ol grain long, abort, thick or Ibm-end runs Dm l! .lilesl ol auy machine) I ever saw run. My neighbors are all wall ptnaead Willi my machine, and .f iii'iuin Il Ilia beat III Iha rwlghloilnod, ami I tan tell you ol (wool them lu will Imy I'heuipiolis noil year. C. Jooar. Mitchell Wagons nro Standard nnd havo boon for 05 years. Mure Iban l'ea.el Wllh III Hareala. tn, Or'K'in, N'v. I, H!S. Mm mi I., I.kwia A Hrv ()., I'oitUml, OirK'ili, linx nuMr v : I ii r-lrrina l tlm Cliamnioii Itiii'lt-r whiili I imrcliawl Irnni you ilila wan, will aay that It woika In lwttoM an I I am mora tlian iilnawnl with my oarKalri. Tl.la a"n I rill 1 U) i f- ol K'ln on aa rwU Krtiuri'l aa ran I foun t anywlirra, anl iim onlf imtii I ha I waa ft rmiu lor two auiall Uilta. Anyoun di-airliiK to imri'liaw a lllii'li-r alioulil taltn C-'Ikiii-IiIoii ly all inaiia, lor it la rally ojr a'B'l, vrry IIkM In draft, anl In- all the l.iin.llri. C. K. Woi.raK. BOERS SURRENDER. Tim hli(" ft Mafrklntf IUUl-I!pllcr Takf Xvn (antic. llfil KIUM KKSTl'CKV'M (.OVIK.XOK. HrllonS ( aiiKiit In Hmt Trap l'rac Trrma Kiprti'd. KiKHKi.r, May 21. Alwut WK) Bonn liavu i)riainli'rel tt Vryboru, north of KiniUrly, and liitlo uiora than half way I ftwmn that itar and Mfikin. Tim road la all clear from MaMili K, arid all (.'vi:tioii In tlil dialrict ii piactli al-lyend'vl. I'meroku, May W. Il wa ofll -lal'.y announced today that wlin tlia laaifra and lorta around MalxkiriK liad iw-n an vrffly bombarded tli ia'" waaaban- d'liird. When vim buy a Mitchell you luy tho Ix-nt that can jK)Hibly Ikj built, ami run no chancei as to quality. Jlilchell, Lewis it Stayer Co. Front and Taylor Sts., Portland, Or. INSURANCE 1 KIHE AND ACCIDENT jj r Kailroa l TickeU V) all oints East at low rates, jj A l;in, May 18. From the mention of laK'ri in (he Pretoria diaich, il ia Uiidi-rnUil hrra that prior t4 the ralaing of th aii-nc of MaffkinK, the Ir lar aroiin'l thai plare wrre viroronaly Um larded hy Ihe liriliah relief column, and the tirhera practically compelled to tandin lli" alp. Hallar Tahaa MawCa.tla. UhikiV, May !8. General Duller, In diniwtcli the War office, dated New. catle. May 18, aayi: "Newcaatle waa occupied laat oljjLt, and tolay the whole 8cond Dlrialon and the Third Caralry Brigade will be oonrenlrated here. I have tent the mounted force throuifh Nquta to at pel a atnall force of the enemy and to reaaaure theoalivea, The enemy hare barnd Uie chapel, broken luucb gUw, plun dered many hounea and taken caah from the banka, but otherwiae they have not d'rtie oiurh harm. The railway la badly damaged, the Ioiiane and Nkader bidgoaare deatroyed, aa are many cul Trrta and tho pumping atatlina and water work. Of I be 7000 men flying be fore ua, atxMit 10 X) aeem tn have vm to Wakkeretrootn and some by Mullei'a Pa .a to the Free KtaU. The remainder, who are described aa diaorganited rabble have gun north, and aay they intend to make a lUn l at Lalng'a Nek." pm-lal alianllnn fttn l.i (Vunty ('otirl ami rrulalabulia nfhie I'l-ialra, oi'.lta llantlay'e !ook tlor. J)lt. OK'. IIOKYK. I ....DKST1ST.... . .. . . . U l.i! llll I'Mflt anl liri'lje wan a ryim-'. " oik aarraiill ami aatialactlon gua'amawl. Omre In reufWM Klk. For Cash rpill COMMtRCUL BAMX Of 0HiJ CITY, t'avlul, . . . . . a, i.iillM .nt tn. l. Hllla qiawat4. Makaa rot- GROCERIES l Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, i lani.m. Iur,'",,r,,",0" r,,nl I In lb. I'uiu4 ui. ufii. ami nui "" i Ixifaiu il'xl aub)M-t lo (Baca aao. apn I'uia It. lei r. V C, I.ATOfhinl. rrwlHaal. f. J. XkVKR Caakiar. A. H. lUtK.HMKK, ATTOHNEYAT-LAW. tlittraorer MrKluHi k'a Bltoa Hiore, nrar Iha lUnkof UrKoiil'lty. oaiM Citt, Oaaoon. I I'UHTRR, ATTOItNKY AT LAW 4rr4morrraTr rvaaiaaaa. On ua 1 1 to Orin Ctiv Knurrrl a. DF.NTI8T itiluataj of the Northweatern Unlver- iltv Deutal Hchool. Chicago. A!o American t'ollr-geof Dnntal Hurgery, Wlllartnitte Block , lire on CHjr. I. FRANCIS NIKKMAN, I ?tNli or ORKUCN CITY, Oldest mn Douse !i lit Citr. Paid up Cailtl. M.O0a Murtilua, Iju.iuxi.. raa.inaat. - cwan creiau, tHaraaaiDaat, - a, a OAuriat.0. A inneral ban kin I bualnti.a traiiaaaled. hiUa renlTaf aulilaol 10 elieek. l'pnitt hllla anit nnlea dlaoouuiaa. Uiiiiiiij ami cltr warrant! bought. '"ua niaila on available aaaurliy. Kiohauna txiiifhtanil aolit. llnllMtliiiiimaile promptly. . . .u. .M l'rHaaol(t avallanla lu any part of Ina woria Tlai.raplilo emhana anbt on Horllauil, Ban VrmnUdo. llliloai.ianit New York. ntaraat palj ou time dupoatta, r.aUbllahed 193. 1900 Model IMPERIAL WHEELS $25 1 $30 f'JAx Strictly lIlKh-CJra.lo, Fittotl w ith Any Kind of Tires. Call ami Soo Our HamploR Bi'fow You ftuy. .'.TERMS EASY.'.' r V W'.! ?W Pope & Co. Oregon City, Or. Cor. 4th and Main Sts. i: i iii'cciiinaii, PIONEER im$k( and Exjuejiji, Froight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE OLD WHEAT FLOUR. ' HHP Mmlo hy tho Patent Puockbs ia a Peiikkct Fl.oi'K. Wheat that ia not HPnwonfd can not mako a strong flour. The wheat from which our Patent flour is made, ia all old stock. Ask your proper for Patent, and refuse- to accept any "just aa good," as there la none. Portland Flouring Mills Co. Orogon City, Oroeon. . I WaeiiixoroN, May 21. The United Stalea aopreme court today dec dod the Kentucky governorahip caae In favor of Governor IWkhain, diaiuinalng the writ of error from the Kentucky court of ap peal a. The opinion waa handed down by Chief Justice Fuller this ni .rfiing and a rigoroua diaar nting opinion waa delivered by Harlan. Juntices Brewer, Brown and McKenna alo diaaented from portiona of the opinion. i The opinion waa banded down by 'Chief J uatir Fuller, and the oe dia miaaed (or want of jurisdiction, it being held that determination ol caee of thia character and all content for elate I otllcera muat tieceaaarily be aeltled by the political branch of tbe government. That branch bad acted in the Kentucky cane when tbe general aaseoibly Uk jurisdiction. There wai no appeal from the aatM-mbly'a decision, which was favorable to (ioebel and Beckham, ex it" Dt to the tribunal of the people, which tribunal, the chief justice laid, was always in aension. He also said (be case waa purely a state case that Kentucky waa in full poaaeesion of its faculties, as a member of the Union there was no emergency which called (or Interference. The opinion in Kentucky was not unanimous, Justices Brewer, Harlan and Mi Keuna dissenting. Londox, May 21, 3:10 a. m. Pi--played in the most conxpicuous style in the Paily Kxpress, is tbe dominant war news of the morning. "We have the best reason (or staling that in the last 24 hours a telegram has been received at the Foreign ollice. ad dressed personally to the Prime Minister from President Kruger, proposing terms of peace. The exact terms ot the mes sage cannot be stated j but we believe it is couched in au exceedingly bumble strain." It la inconceivable, of course, that lAird Salisbury can have sent any reply except the one that stands ready on the lip of every Briton unconditional sur render. London, May 22.-4:35 p. m. It is odkially announced that Colonel Buthune has reported that while march ing in the direction of New-Castle yester day was one of his squadrons of mounted Infantry was ambushed by a party of Boers six miles west of Vrybnrg, in the Transvaal, and that very few o( bis (orce escaped. His casualties numbered CO men, Capk Town, May 22. British troops have arrived at Veereenlng. (In the Transvaal, notth of the Vaal river.) The bridge across the Vaal was found intact. Twenty-Beven Free Staters and two loco motives were captured. lluvr Kuvoya Spvak. Washington, May 20. An audience, remarkable (or ita size, sympathy and enthusiasm, greeted the Boer envoys at lb reception given In their lorn r to night at the Grand 0.f ra-lloiiw, under the auapics of the Congressional and ('itir.i-ri'a cmunitti. The hoiiae ?aa crowded Xn iiiflVation, and many were turned away. The interior waa deco rated with the National tri-color of both Ihe United htatee and the Tranavaal. There were probably SO members of the senate and liouae prawnt. Kpeaker Henderson waa in one of the boxes, arid others present were Knnatore Pamela, of Virginia ; Teller, of Colorado; Tillman, Pettigrew, Mason and Wellington; liep reaenUtives Khafrolh, Atwater, Hlay len, (ilynn, Ituppert, Gaines, I.atitner, Inlx, Miiluer, landia, Linney, Byan, Grei., Henry, (Mam.) Hay, P Armond, Clark (Mo.), Miers and Khea (N. Y.) One of the boxes, it waa stated, hd been re served (or the President, a committee having been sent to the White House with ticket o( adtiilnaion to the o;a houae, but n' n-preaenUtive of the President's olflcial tiorjhold was tn hand. Chairman Hulter, of the reception committee, presided, and a Dumber if addresses, all of them patriotic in char acter and earnestly supporting the cause of the Boers, were made, the speakrra ircludlng Messrs. Fischer, Wolarensand Wessela, Ihe Borr envoys, Senator Well ington, Hon. Bourke Cwkran, of New York, and Chairman Kulier. Commissioner Weaael'a speech waa a viyid picture of the Boers in their con teat for their rights, of tbe charity and deolion which characterized their roan-1 ner, and of tbe patriotism with which I they all went in to fight their battles He felt aura that the audience would admit that the Boers bad many g wd characteristics, and was not aa black as be was painted. The English nation apparently wished to act as judge and Jury. He asked the audience wh-ther tbe Boer nation bad not the right to claim the liberty and sympathy ol the United States, and of the whole world. Mr. Wolmarina, who spoke in Dutch, said Uiat while tbs envoys did expect to be sympathetically received In this country, yet they bad not anticipated such a atrong welcome as had been showo to them in New York City and Washington. He knew, however, it could not be different, because tbe Deoule of Uiia country have the same love of liberty and sense of justice, that tbe Boers bad, and their sympathy would be help to them in their struggle. N J Thomas James Hon , John Ferguson Hieven Coover .., J M Gronbong.. , JC Mallen C A Hyan J V llauss J K Mar'piam ('liferent roads Panlel Prunor, road fond Code Jones Fred hkirvin Charles McConnell Joseph Barstow Pale, road fund Palf Myers Hhelly Haugle I(i!i'f Garrett ..... Fred Myers J'jaeph Jackson Joseph Barsiow F a ik Taylor W II Yoder A B Marquam ,.. OP Yodrr AS Yoder J K Marijuam Calif Powder Works, gen fund Win Mortoneen 7 KZ. r zr ut hi hi 2d (XI 1 C.I Wl 0 l (XI 1M 1 Ml 3 7 .... 10 VI .... 2 7 .... 4 M 7' .... 3 OQ .... 12 Wl .... All .... 3 (XI . .. 3 r j .... 20 to .... 1.1 to .... 2 1X1 Total I2.UH5 Road District No. 28 Bridge work : ' DM Groshong, gen fund 1 61 Alex I'lua I 1 -VI Albert Croaaan. 2 Oil D M Groabong. roa-l fund 4 to A M Groahong 5 A M Grosbong... 3 Ol Alex lluad 4 to James Kussell 1 r Jame. MaU 1 to B M Boyles 1 M Albert Croaaan 8 CO ToUl 134 W B d District No. 29 Cauf. Powder Co geo fund 43 34 Road District No. 3) C Nixon, road fond 9 OT K Borland z- 2 J llaya D Long E Davis DNlsorj A Waldorf.... E Rankin W Smith ... . EBn.ith K CburR K W Wauker.. E Wanker C Childa J R Haya J Borland M Petijn A Waldrof JR Hays i) Naitle II Baker.... Ge xt B Rate & Co, gen fund. J Btckoer BOUtD OF 1011OSI0.URS Recolar May Term Board. of tbe Conoly . r. Marks, rhalrmaB; J. R. Mortow, R. Scoll. ntroinlaalonera. Uoad District No 27. Labor on Scott's Mills and Sola Spring roaJs: J T Drake, road L B Thomas .... Joseph Barstow... A K Thomas TL Milstead J M Nicholson ... AB Wale J N Dart M Groshong D il Groahong... G M Urosbong .. A Pluard fuud 75 9 25 4 21 3 40 5 (5 7 M 8 42 8 42 7 58 7 68 768 7 58 ToUl 1398 50 Road DUtrict No. 31 Labor on Ore gon Citv and Davtonand Moser roads: Henry Shatx. road fund 23 25 J y Gage 3 00 Y Schan S 00 F Reich le Henry Backer 10 50 C Polivka 60 W Schatx 20 25 Onrad Walfle 1 M Rort Bichle 5 25 Samual Moser 1 60 Samuel Maer 30 00 Joe K.lleuhaefer 10 M Wro KMeer 1 Guy Groa J 30 John Ssirer " 25 John Kaiser 13 10 Fred Zimmerman 12 30 Geo Wigley ,4 60 Joe Bea-nley 13 80 Mike Gros 00 Adotph Gross J ' Herd Selje 0 Ferd Gross 50 Moehnke'e Mill, gen fund 9 00 M K reters 1 0 Total 1293 M (continued on page seven) Absolutely pure No inferior or impure ingredients are used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen ing its cost ; only the most highly refined and healthful. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Alum ia uacd In making chtap baktnx powder- H you want to know the tftcct ol alum upon Iha tender linings ol the atomach, touch a piece to your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum baking powder, but at what a cost to health I ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.