ii OKKGON CITY ENTKM'IUSE FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1900. Oregon City Enterprise KTllS ltll-W C4iMrAMf IIAVI roHf LAND (Cuuill Pt.) j ( A. U I4' J" v'J p 10 45 11 y li 13 I I 45 " J 'J 4 i 4 41 s:y '3 7"" yj only to alii auk I 0.t(waukl II 40 IIAVI OHtOON CITY 7-j A. Mi 7 3" J1 9 I0.03 10 JO 1135 n xi r. m. tl IS" 35 J" "S 4 40 815 6 to 7'S 7 5" B.M only slilwaukl 915 10:30 II jo only to UlwtUklS 4 MiNUtl OHIDUll. THE LOCAL NEWS. 112 Vs (itus Mnr January!, 1J, 112 new cilliene l v l-eeii a l h-l .. Cla kamas rouuty under th new ft' i.if.ilnij lw, rota applicant lit r,lnihlp II 10 to 'f llft hllpiie, and thla nuii.Ur outl throw lU'l.W lulu tl general fund. lliKiuYitw I'm mr. A plume "III beldallU! Vl, riea.ant lllll fre miti, haiunUy, Ma, l Addi IH I ilrlivt r. by lion. . C. Urowiiell, A. I'.T-M.l'.T. T, II. K. AlUn (j I randldalre on Ilia M-publlran ticket. Wuxlburn UimI ill furnlab mualc, Wilt riiiii. Mrf f.aloureii In decided to rail tlx attention vt the t lly council to rr .rtlono for m appro priate celebration o( July 4lh, at It ttrit iiieeliig. Th hulne men ar highly lo favor ol making Ida a! arream lo Orcgun City and HI tuWilU liberally to tli reus. Cl Ho. II. Illgli arlioi gradual of lU rt of I " will uil t.rilier with tblr frtandi at In Mri JiiHlil cliurth of llil city, nnl HumUy tiiornlni wlir II rla arrmon IU ! dvllvr4 ly id lor, Tli public In ghra! alo ronllally lnrlt"d lo at' U-nd and Micai tUlr InicrMl In to rla. OaiooM I'loutt. Tbn tb annual rrunlon ol lb Orrgon Noni-rr A la tloa Will b ItvlJ lu tli l4wition build ing. I'ortlaod, Friday, Jun 1Mb. All j.riiii coming lo, or Uirn In, tb orlgl tal trrliry of trgon .rUf lo February 14, 1 !'., wllbuul irgard towbnlby now lit, llglbllo iiifiii b rib I p. J. T. A'tioi,of tbii rlly la atsriHary of tlir Miiriali.n. M-aiali Hi Mi A alrrrt .ilnklrr l on of our e-liig hnl' tin. AUrady W b bad I'lrrlaM of wl al tb iiimtiipr will bring if lb ii rlnklrr It not (ortbromlng. Tbe mil aim of flylrg dml will b with ii in all Ii. Inlrhniiy, and dit and grim will I iril tliruiigbiiul lb but wvatber. A r ii.ldrtabl nuiuUr of tb buliin ii.m af anxioita for III lnUllinnt. It W i,MP.iy and aboiild nolU n'gpttrd. Il l Ktialuu -llairii Hiding and liroiKo Mamball wpi arrvatrd lad Sat mdy at Maitjuam on lb cbargw of buiM itxating. An aiaiiilnallun waa l.rMbffura Julk- Kby at Maruain, tb dolrndanU plral guilty to tbo rbarg and wrr tiound ovnr to H?r At Hi Nufriiilmr torui ol court. In default of bail, tbry wrro broiigbt to IbU city by Cunnubli-a Kveibaid tnd (iarretl and I lari-d In tbo Jail to await trial. ('LAI KAMA Coiktt Cfi.-Pin MablniH'kr, of Uram, n-nda ti lol lowing niKrl to lb U, 8. dopArtmnnl of Axilculliir. "Fall wbeat In tbl Utility i looking vry yellow on account of tlm I. lit anrlnir rain. Wbxal on tbe low laud I In Uil cui.llllon; on Ida high laud It la d'.lng belter. Thr will h a abort rr Dp of iiojii In thla locality, sImhiI dalf ol moat of th yards having failed to i-oiiia iii, ami wlial It up very email. 1'aaturea lit poor condition, Cnni a V,Hi uk a tun. (Vna'ia aniier limit, V. I). Wllm, i Albany, liaa mad llm following apHilntiiiniiU fur Clark lint county i Ara W, Mclaughlin, Mil aukli Leonard II. Vincent, Wilson Vitl; C'hsrle W. Hyhurat,('ru; II. A. Wblcr, C'larkama: Frank 8llhl, Canbyj AlUrlCro-aan, Wlllioll; Adolph Ax-liolf, Marmot; Harvey (ilbeon, Kgle Creek; J. I). Itltlrr, Newly; Jerome K, llhoade. Oregon 'l'y I Itor I'. Hinllli, Oregon City J Edgar I.. UavMaon, A Hi Mi Hiaa A vry rnjoyalil aur llao arrariKl by M1m (ira' Mamliall on Tiily alinriion, at ilm liomaof Mn. I'liiniBf, of Canamali, In honor of Mr. Caroullmrt. Atul II oYlotk a nuinW of Imr iilglilor ami frlvii li ci 11) in wlllt lt'M lkot, ind )on Id talil rtal with many Ulnllrt ami loiurlri IntKriiilngM wltli g'vat arity of tl.oJr rowa. A(lr all had art4kfn of lit tfliinlllul liinrli, tli allnriiooll X"U In rrharalii Mm I Inula of I'loiiKnr daya, aflr wl.l'b tit U.lim .Iri-irte-l frlln lli7 II I l' vmy (.IraMtit almriKMin, Mr. Carotlinr (.. l..i,ii TlmrxUv. to ainl ilia imiiirr hli U-t aoural Croiiiliia. 1Iim rrwnt wr'w: MUnna fainter, Carootlmra, Firld. Itlnginan, FfMt, 3lti iai . Oanalir. rHiinan. nuni, 'oflr, llowel, liakfl, Ilowi-r. Millrr, Hlainliard, Jtold. I'lnm-r and Mla (if are Mrlial. rmmui, romm. ( yllra From I lly 4 Cuaaly ( arrrwt larat'a, Kfry Volur in tb prrrlnrt ol (iar field and (ior wrrw out to br lb re publican ofatori. V don't brar any Wly talking al.oot vollt.g for a ,,cbang" tbl yrar. Cl4 kamaa county bould fully prarw liirlf. Tbaaoll tp"lolU ar.Uklng nw mouililul of rig. Tb i not much hkllboid tbat tbo .linn.r.i..il wilt fltf'if In fualon cam paign ba In H I counly thla Vr. Tliry ar not ao full of wil d tbl year aa lby we i four yr . Tb fualon plalform la Ulog gt-nnrwlly at uj-rn, hot lb mi) rity of Hi volfra of thla counly w ill rt-fu to aland upr-n II. Nrly rybo.ly In IbU city I at work In flea of lb CMrlr-llrald'a pktur of ibolr diairr. Tbfii.lonUH Af In drad arnat lo ae b counly from tb rrpubllcan parly and prpcrily. Try Al'.rn'a Fl Iji. A jKiwder lo be abaken Into tbn lni. Your fret M awellrn, nervoo and hot, and gM llred aUy. If you hava imart ing feel or tight lhora.tr? Allen' Fool Y.tii. Il co.ila tbe fret aud mike walk ing ?. Core awollen, wealing feel, Ingrowing nail, hlialei and calloua iK,ia. lU-llevea corn and bunion o II pain and give rrt and rumlorU Ti? II today. Md by all drugglna "d ah atorei for 2V. Triil packafc- FHKK. Addreai, Allen 8. J)lmied, UKoy.X. Y. Hall Taper. Iluy your wall pn-er of Murrowr and v 10 lo !T per cent. Il I manufac tured In Clif. An Immenae ampl book Ui le l from. Iav ortlrrw. or telepbona lo F.ly llro. nA ,,,ve iinile lok brought lo your home. Murrow, the pap"' hanger. llrawtf la lllood Deep. Cln bl.KHl mean a clean akin Xo Uiuiy wiibuut il. lWareta.t.mly Catbar ITe clean your blood and kern It clean, b) .t,rrii.g u,. tli. buy liver and .Inving U Im purine from tb. body, Jh"n, ,toil,,jr. u Un..h pin.l.lr. l-ula. blolc ., black b..l. and tbat an kly hilii.ua cunplexion by ( Inking l w.rrlt-taulv for teucei.l. All drug- giala, aaliafat lion giinrintccd, loc, c, 0, RAMBLER BICYCLES arc ke.lcr than ever, nice .ho same $40. That's hy you IDEAL BICYCLES with tho O and J heavy tread tires $30, BURMEISTER St THE ORECON CITY JEWELERS. Iti-piililUnn Intliirrar; Nprrrbri t flrlhcri'il In Ktrry rrirlnA. Cmrin out ami hr tl.n camllilitnt of Dm ffiniMliaii i.uHr ami oilier auraknra iIim'iiik th Hltical Imuri of tli day, In Ilia novitril jirccliiila at too following ilif, on tlx following dilfi. Tl iiiimliffi ol tli inntral cornmllt for tli ilifr-runt 'rwlncla will link tli !)' aary arriiigniMiiti for arriirlng 'fo(r laii for lioldlng laid m-lltij( aou vitrtiilng Hi aain. ('arkm Id, 2.00 Fild.y " 1H, H -.iiQ Friday " l!, 2;W Haturdajr . " 111, ;00 Haturday " 21, 2;00 Monday " 21, H .W Monday " 22, 2 .00 Tnly " 22, H ;00 Tuwlajr " 23, 2 ;00 WiMlnca-Uy " 23, 8 :00 Wlna.Iay " 24, 7 :'M TlmriMlajr " 25, 7 :30 Friday " 21, 7 :'W Hatorda lllglilaml Viola lUdlmd Harlow Ma4'4lmfg I'nlon Wilnonvill 1'lnaiatil lllll hUffortl Milwauki ()awtKO Claikiinaa I'.rown'a HIoti 2H, 7:10 Monday Itrivor CM-k " 2, 7 . .10 Tuwlay Wa alo wUli at thla tlm to rail ) atlsiitlon of all vor to ll ImoorUnra of rrglntvrlng. It'iliflntx-r lliat H yoo fall to rtiilr U lor May 1,'iUi you are IUt.lt to Io! not only your vol at llif Jun clm-tlon Ul alo At i-rriidenlial JrWtion In NomlH-r. J. U. Cam rii km.. Clialrman. it!. II, X j m K, riri.lry. WW OF INK Hll k. (roniinurd from ptfn 4 Jtitilgbt b wa tiolnil by Uovernor Hprltfg to aii' fd biitiM-'f. Tb pettalon coiumilteo bat agreed to report an Indian wir vrlenn bill, but hai'ainmdi-d it ao aa lo Includ vlcrana of all Indian war up to lM not already provi-W for lu tb act of July 27, 1W2. Tliii bill waa rjxirlI with an agree input, however, lhat It aboiild not he called up at Ibil eMi'ii of CongrvH, wbUb ir llrally mean lu defeat Warrant wr laueJ for tb arreat of K r.Tboinijn,tb Havana I'lwtmaa'er, W, II. Umv, deputy oilier o tti ll.Und. and Flward Mayo and Jorg Mawaro, Cuban clerk la Iba it a tup de partment, and war lodged in lb Vivac, lliToiub of Havana. Wing, tli Chine) garduer, who baa been Inlerealed with Othert In lb veget able bualneea, ha bought out hie princi pal partner,' Wong lling, whole no longer connected with Ihe bualneaa. Wing will coiilinu to ralae garden truck and re 1 1 a Mor. Money to loan UaiHja & tiairriTii. at lowett ratea. Ilegular weekly auction le of furni ture, careti, ilovea etc at tbe Xew Auction boue, 21 Firatalreet, corner of Mdion, 1'oitUud, every Tburaday. IMeaae look in. John Cami-iuu Ci ai, Auctioneer. I'alcnt Jtecord. "Money to patent g'jo.1 idea may be ecuied by our aid. " addreaa Tbo Talent Hccord, lUlilmore, Md." The eaaleat and nit elTiHlive method of purifying the blood and invigorating the ';! la to take DeW'itl'i Little Karlv lilwir. the fainoua little pilla for olcanalng Ibe liver and bowcli. Geo. A. Harding. 0 . I, M .11 I I ! " For Sato. A bargain-Owing to ill health, I am compelled lo eell or lee oy cuatom carding milli at Milwaukie, Oregon. Cnitoiner pluaio take notice to hold your wool until further notice. J. U. DoiMtTT. Wedding tationervr the ltl it flea tnd fineat aaaortrumt ever brought to Oregon City at Uw ENTmmaa ' ii IS I I I 1 t Fiprrlenrc la Ihe Hft Turner. Cm Acker'a KiiIIIi ICeinndy In any tnwnl cougba, coldi or croop, Hhoiild it fill to glva Imrnedlal relief money rrfomlnd. :U. and GO eta. (Jeo. A. Harding, aghiit. "After Buffering from K-vre dynla over twelve yeara and ualng many reiriedlea wilhout penmnenl gwl 1 An ally took K'xlol DyapeH c,,f"' 11 dl') rn ao marb good I re:oininend It to everyone," wrliee J. K. Watklna, clerk and recrdt r, C'billlnbe, Mo, It dlgoita what jmi cat. tieo. A. Harding. The healthieat and beat bread il made at tb KuerUna. Lodges. A. O. TJ. W. meeU ever? Hturday evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple. Ueo. Jt, CaiifT, aecretar?, KeUkalit-W'illamelle Itebekah Iidg No. 2 metl aenond and fourth Friday of each month at I. O.O. F. Tempi. MatU (iodfry, H-cretary. Court Hobin Hood Xo., Foreateraof Amerii a, meeU Aral and third Friday in Ibe month In ltd Men'a Hall.-W. U. hulford aecreUry ; F. T. Koger, chief ran tier. CI kamii Chapter Xo. 2, R. A. M meeu on tbe third Monday of erb month in Maonic Hall. M. iVillack, creUry. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. (). E. 8. mta the aecond and fourth Tue.lay In each month at Manonie Hall. Mia Jennie-ltowen,e-retary. Oregon 1xlge o. 8. 1. 0. O. ?., meeia every Thura.lay in Odd Fellow' Hall. T. F. Ilyan, aecrtUry. Falla F.nrampment No. 4. I. 0 0. F. meeia Drat and third Tueadav In eacb oiofith. J. A. Muart, eecreUry. Drier of Pendo ml every Jlomtay nlgl.l al lladmen't bill. Head Con tn lor, H. 6. hcrl.iur; 34 r. Miy Taylor aecrttary. Ilednien Wacbeno Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. It. M., meU Saturday vening7W, at lli Men'a llall.-X. M. M'XMly, C. of K.;Chaa. W. Kelly, Pacbem. Multnomah 1xlge No. 1, A.F. A. M.. meeUCntand third Katordayt in eweb month al Maaooic' UaU. T. F. Byavo, aecraury. Mead Relief Corj No 18. meete a Willamette Hall Ibe Orat Monday in every month at 2 o'clock p. n. and the third Monday in every mootb at 7:30 o'clock p. m. The Auilliwry meete al Ihe Armory building the lt and 3rd hatunlay in each month at S o'clock p. m. Mm. Koxina Foot, prewidenL Mra, Mary L. Brwdlcy, aecretanr. ' United Artlaana meet every Thorwlay evening of each month at the Willamette Hall. Tb aocuU meeting of tbii order i aecond Thureay of each monttu E. II. Cooper, eecrelary, M. Ilollitk M. A. Witlimelle FalUCamp No 14S, W. 0 W. meeta 1t and 3rd Frldayi in the Willamette Hall.-C.C, Sol. 8. Walker and clerk ti. Old. Ine Fine Ixxlite, No. f3, A. F. A A. M.. lwan,Or., meet on ibe awcond Naturday in each. month from the lit ol May to let of November at 2 p. m. and from lt of November to lit of May at 10 a. m. ieo. C. Armetronx, Sec. Catholic Knlgbla of America Pt. John' Hunch No. 017, meet every Tuesday of the month. Tualatin Tent, K.O.T. M., meet la Ked Men'e Ha'.l, on aecond and foortb Wednesdays O. H. Hyatt, record keepet, Oregon City Camp, No. 60So Modern Woodmen of America meeU every aecond and fourth Ttie.tay in the month, at Willamette Hall. U. Urowenbacber, clerk. Meade Toet No. 2, O. A. R., meeU finit Mondav evening in each month at w-ii......M. lull J It. William. Cora. l(laiuiv-v w -" " - j Lawton Command No. 1, of Oregon. It..;. ' n . I'ntt.n tvMt IM-An.1 KaI" I j iiiuu rirt " . . . nrday l p. m. In Rodman's hall and I fourth Saturday at i p. m. in i. r . vow ing'iotlire. We are the printers for the people and you are the people for the printers. Look over your supplie snd seo if your re not In need of souie more letter heads, envelojs, circulsrs, canls, etc. Then place your order with flie Ente priHe ollice, w here you get goovl. clean printing. ' - 1 : .1 ADAMS BROS. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Next Door to Postofflce. Oregon City. Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday. AJTAIIOtAHV. Ilurlburt'a Puritan wova bos ptr M'c High cut white envelope 3c. p I'encll tablet 2c. each no At'. Knglisb Violet (3 cakes In boi) 8c Hapolio B; Kirk's Itoa glycerin (large aii;. .8: Tar 4c AMSn ii AH U.. Colombia Kitra loond Farker'a Rotary Hammer alarm. JJ I'arker's HUnd with double roller earapement I- !2 4;i.AawVAiii: Water Iltehers. 23c Bolter diabe with covers tic Iterry aaU, 7 pieces V 3w Tumbler engraved 4c riNIIIMJ TACMI.K. Brass Iteels '2c 3 piece Bamboo Rod 11.25 2 extra tips. Flies, each 2c Plain Hooks per do.. 4c una, .in t: ai 'inu aics;. Milk pane, 5 rjt c Ciranite tea kettles 6c Iinoer I5ket, 6 qt., with flark,. ,f5c Water Fails, 10 qt 1 A Frightful ftlasder. Will often cauae a horrible Bu' n, Scald, Cut or Rruiae. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the (.sin and promptly heal It- Curea Old Sores, Fever Hores. Ulcers, Boils. Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Bt Pile cur on earth. Only 2.1 ds a box. Cure guaraotel. Bold by Oeo. A. Harding. otlce. Kmir 1 herebr civen that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by 8ufcO Trowdow, she having left me without iul cauae or provlcatioo. IliSMAJiTaowDow, Milwaukie, Or. The Enterprias and Oregonian for 2.00 a year. The Farmers and Mechanic store of Oregon City InviUs your Inspection ol their new line of dry goods, clothing, etc. Sick Headache sbwlutely snd per tusnently cured by naing Moki Tea. A pleaaant herb drink. Core conatipa lion and iodigestion. makea yoo eat, lep, work and happy. SatUfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cent snd 60 cenU. Geo. A. Harding, agent. Dyspepsia can be cured by uing Acker'a Dyoepia Tableia. On 1UU i.l.Ut eive immeiliate relief or money refunded, gold in handsome tin boxea at 25 cents, Go. A. Harding, agent. The Eolerpriwe gtU the news. Get the Enterprise. Boat Tofcarr SpH a4 Sawi Tr lit iway. To quit lotwrco eaally idJ foreter. be mag netlc. lull ol life, nerre md vicor, Uk No To Ilac, tbe wnnJcr worUrr, tbat maUra weak inea airor.g. All drusslaUtorll. Curruean teed Ikwklrt and amp!e free. Allre 6trllng ItemeJy Co, CMco cr New York, Some Reasons Vhy You Should liubt on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL U neouali-U bv any other. RcikIcm hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. V heavy bodied oiL Harness An excellent preserrahre. Reduces cost of your harness. Never bums the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. tecures best service, titches kept from breaking. Oil Is sold in all .ocalities Vamr4 Plaaaar4 Oil t'iwr. L. - i sco so many saw Kamblers this year. HNDRESEN, FELL m Harding Block, Oregon City, - Oregon. Trlepbwae 313. T 1 1 r 2" cents ' Lars JunJo oap. 2.1) cents 3 pound dried apples. ; cents sack gxxl valley flour. IS cents One pound shredded coconut. 50 cents eack land plaster. 25 cents 10 pounda rolled oats. 45 cents 5 pounds Oregon land. Nlr Oreajwi C'll a4 I'orllasid. J. A. McGLASHAH, Manager. CATARRH 451 HKtllNO CATARRH t fiWll! H I q.;U k.r aiK-mea. . -'JcCl s-J i , . r. he: -r at uiko. L J-fw,a It 1'pr--. ami tne , ii ASJirsr C0LD"hi.AU Ilea: and l"T-irt lha Menbrjna. BwtiK- l- nf of Tt and tme'.l. Larf Sue. at Dni.T'S! nrhf mill ! Trial 8iie, 14 cent bT mail. klX BJiOr'liina,JVama8Jt.w Voit, ftr-aiiun' ioiow moi at morvovm iMirmm. i ! m-J. iu tanllM thm biitoA. r-.l iom .tr V 1 1 1 W.WO book. illrta fotu Tfck. It w.t 1II. pUrOIO.ptlr ":? ''V rud locurw.or rruu manrj. A Personal Hatter A well painted houa ii like a neat ly drerseJ person alway attract It and pleasant lo look upou. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and frMbenl np at a very reasonable prtce ; :ilnts are very cbeap now. Don't Uve it until the sun makea any more marks and cracks in it. Leave Orders at Ely S StOre... Tbe l'amter rttt I Tllk S'i"lJ.. m .1 at r v