OHKHON CITY KNTKM'MSK Fill DAY, AI'ML 20, 1900. ' 'tf V v y v y -v 'V Personal Mention UI KVCI;' a u n'lpc. I i-u, I vlaiiiug ,l,r.l. r t'n-ill.-M !' a.i..te. a mI- ;,,.. ( Ihi-.Ii Holiday with ...Llnt'-'-'-'"'"'- JIjIpiio I ' 1 h w ell I Ullllig her j,tne up II." le.kailiee. , U., (4 einel Ilia Mt Week .11, Mm. Mi KllUiatl. w ),l I .ii ! v U aids lo l elmul again ,)ki tru-iff alta. a of la grl, e, rnll,iiif Krlljf, of I'urlUo I, i )ti iiii lolaii In this nly. U I - llmllof, (if .a('ailia,aali, V t m ii iKy r rulir n hmineae. ( il ArJl I'reaa, of I'liftem!. m i 1 4 i .'!r lii'r ll Tuly. U. U ! Hoard, of Cortland, Was It lli ' ' ll lrl I'aH of Ilia aee. U.ti I Picket, of I'orllamt, tiellrd r 4 j I VI I K VkUMtV.. i ('urlif4 With a Hull ;ni lli lwei n i halrm a ml Oregon ( Uj. nlgl A '.! .la... . . lil I K,v.. K.,.U, I , TU ,,lrrl" l",N;,M ,Ml H,,,,I"U v"" il.t In I.,.. VlU.l Hall. I1"" "M "'"l'l'' """, tmlwlifi. viail'iing Hi inrieineriy or Ilia Di'illirr, l.lienae Ik w. hate turn l.ii... lit j T, larg'-at crowd thronged t a'r.-Ha .V.rs Cel. If ai.d Chart. M.ilr. ! UmI nijl.l aim a the laat Kourili of Jul i llrv Alklna alii .liver an ad lre di in. 'it only tie a I H nii'lay nrnriln. Hul, jnl, "ll.a Hla of a Man." Keiett Jil'l'l ha lieeti recuiiiiiiMiidrvl lur iriiana aiiuiiinralor of Molall re- r I In I an I ll ll Hi'im llian likely he will rclve II, r ai'l'oliilliinnl Wlirn yiu ili.i,.U vl.,1 .,., ,. , a I iiIiwiim ; alien you yldt (rleuda tell Ilia h nlrr fi; wlieiiynii have a arly, ai'liil an ai mil lit ol II i Ida K'itelrlae, Tda r.iilrfl na eil'mL ll.aiik I'J K, Miln t'm rf, of Cann, aln ati'U in rvrral ml.-ii.,ii a ami alo lil a Uln-t for Ilia rm ! iif Id rrimlilicaii ialy, Jiillua 1'ilralar tlrat'aa lo tiinoiltira (liat yraa f any rlvll af vrUraii In CUi kiim r'Hinljr mt ! am jlil tl,l, M aa Ki. Vanaliuua lal Huinlar. , Uaullful Iron liii-morial Ul.lat, If aiill'alln la ma,a Ui lilm liimiailialelr Wllaoiiirllla l,aa f(iiil MrycU rlub ali i Ilia U.a will la alloacl tl.a limna lalnl on ilia lirla uf II. al 'la a lu li iiar.l o tullil ath from llirr l'i hlirMl. ). Mania War, I, Iki daa Un I ' ilia paal Mark la atila lo I l"iil l.j f ( liarinan lalta In U aUnil ll Kiri afiar l iiionili aitai k of rl.ru gia'iiin. ;,,nl, Joliiiaon, i f I'uillaiiil, (iil Li I t'lar lioll-laya al Ilia rradleftra ul II I.. Krll;. Ii ,f K! I.aa an alia, k of la arlai. t ('.(liaru.au urni a fixing Inp lo Juil .nJ hun.lajr. Mr, an lira. (ii. Kurda anil Mr. I! I u' da. uf I'orilanJ, wul hon.lajr ltd N'i T. I'uuU. Mra. It. Krull an l dauKdlar IdaMtlU.of IMaaukla, wira anions Ida KuuJa; tialli In Idle rlljr. AlUrtnry A. M. Cannon, of AlUny, ma look I of aftrr la! bnali.aa In lltl c;t during Ida ak. Mr. Wm odlnam anl llHla aon Cdarle lalla4 Iflalivaa in I'orllaml M 'li lar a'larnoon. M. I,. Muora. of Hoandiirc, formafljr cvunljr lraaurr of U.i county, la call in,' un odl InaO'll (lila) rrk, Afirr laitln In tl.l rUr (or aloui tan d.)., Ctr l ami UuU Ko lelt Tuaa-lay n.. iiiin for llieir lioin In Allany. I A (1.aiiin, Joi.n Ualdaalt Jr. an t Uifc-t.ti.ti Kelly alitili rvlraat Ti i.ity rnurvh, rmllaml, laal honJay n.lll(( Mr aO'l Mr. I. Ytft raluma-l lioni U( f ni'lajr nm aftar a lili I!.., i ilauKdlar, Mr. C. A. Hoarl, of VuJtnirn. Mm. Jaiur Kinlraa ami tiltla aa cau. up from Ml. TaW Mon.lay an l am -D iuia' Id wrrk at ll.t doina of Mm. J. H. Ilua. Mr. J. IturaiiiU ami tlaUftilar Myrtle. rra tiaillnrf at Mr, ln Ilcn.ll.k'0 anl Mra. Jm4 McKlll.ran, of Mt. I'lroaiit. Id t wrak. Mi V. K. William anJ aon, Hay. ainaiirrtOiMier Ida laat of Ida k If, mi liriilaon. Tata. anJ vill niaka ilimr li'.uia In tdla city. Mm. UoUrt A. Millar Ml ll Momlay ou a iil,mi lour of all Ida caMn of Saliva l.itlilrr In Ida alala. Hd i U lo t (t-jtin alciul Idraa Mkt. I.. W. McA lama lia atatrj that II I lila InlKnlion lo jtlra up arduul tea ding, ami riaH-ta to o to Triaa, Iter ha III riiicr Into i.ailnrr idlt with hi li'illicr. WiMuii M M.ank.of C'anhy, ramll tlat fur roiinly rlrrk, In tha dlT U" Kil'lay. Mr. Hhank aaya that Candy lio. nil will iflvoavorf mpuhllcan can (li'lale a running yota, i: V.. Wilaon.of Corvaltla, aaa Jnlr Kl" to Ida alala contention held In I'. Miami Unl wpvk ami t iok the o.Hjitu mi) ul railing on Oregon City frlcmli lulu tliuaj far from h.iiua. Marvin Tiirncy ami bri.lt), of Albany, i n. nimlng their hunrymoon In Tort lain) tdl wi'uk. Marvin la an x-iiiem lo r ol Co. I, rWowl Oti'goti ami ha look tha niK)rlunlly to run down to our city ami adako ban.la wk'h tha boyaamlln Irxlnre hi pretty wile. Mr. and Mr. K. C. lbukor.of Chicago, r-i viailing Ida family of ltv. V, K. Ilmiiinom In tli la rity. Mr. lUn kcr la pr.nnlni'iit Uwyor and Mra Hm ker la a iMcr of, Mra. Hammond. They will "ixkii ihulr future liomu on Hilt count. W. H. Warnor, of Albany, waa In Iho city liiat Saturday In tha Intoreat of Iho A.l. U, W. lodgn. If Will koipi up IiIh lick auciiring new numidcm, evury imin In Multnomah and Clackamaa county will ha aahamed to look a billy Knl In the facu. Corporal Frank l'ryor. of Company 0, S.icond Oregon Volunloera, dloi t bin limo In Kugmia Palurday, from con funipilon, which ho contracted while in die riiillppine Inland. Tho remains wi-rii buried Saturday with military fionora, Olto F. Oleaon lui JiihI returned from tlni tlrocnhorn inlnlng district. Among Hlmr things Mr. Oteson says, there are great many rich mines In that district and that considerable moiioy Is being taken out, but tha work Is very hard, tliura being five feet of snow on the ground. MiarlfTO ke I.aa lavlad on 2D dlryl.le. Wdrla are lil at raid. Tha good ajraidrr le bringing Ida dikra In lyhl ami Ida nail in on ill will ba a golden o.Mlui.lly lor Ida eliprlff. A iltln It being cliculalad praying Idat Ida i lly of Oregon City tudacrlU II.IKXI luaerd tha ooihUim li.n of a road (rum Fagl Creek an. !egn lo Ida eoonly rt. It w III 1 preaenud to the omincil at Ha neat nieolliig. On Monday evening Hi. I'aul rhurcb dald ia annual rlah inwllna and the foll 'wlntf oltli-rra wai rWtivl for the aiiani'ig yrar : W ardani, II. I.. Kelly and John llumpbiay ; vralrjmrn, Meaara Harding, Templelon, Wrlgbl. Frneman and h(affod i tiramrer. (eo. A. Harding and atK-relary, II. M. Tamplelon. Judge MeMrntn U Tliuralay morning (of Hani, Ore., wl.eia be da ! ralle-l by privaU parliaa aa a wilnaaa in a land tortrryatiit. Tli raaa I one of ralabliad.tig the ownaradlp of land lying l"n Ida original boundary line of l-aka Mall.enr anl the tmnnt waters rdg. Mr. !rldruiu made Ida original survey abil U. H. surveyor, In H77. Al Ida annual rlaction of oltlr of Ida iHiughtrr ol id King Wednesday evening Ida following -iKaa were re-el-p fr the coming yrar: Mlaa Motile llolmra, pil,lenl ; Mr. Harry Moody, vl preadlrnl ; Mia Mary ('on)er, awfptary; Mia Amy Kelly, treasurer. Mra. Mowly, Mlaaea Amy Kelly and Imo Harding wrre appointed a coitiuiit'oe on enlarlalnmrnt for Ida rlrat qiurlar Mra X I-awwnca waa apiutxl rhorletvr (or the church (or the coming year. The F.atrr rvicr al I'aul Fpia copal rhurrh laat Sunday callr.1 forth a crowdr.1 coligrrgallon, who thoroughly enlrrvd Into tha spirit and tdama of the day, The rtrtor, Hie Iter. I. K . Ham nion.l.rtprraMvl bl gratification at the linprovment the new window bad made In the aparanca of tha church and thanked the "Peughlrre of tha King" for their araaonabl gift. Tha music was Uautifully sung b Ida choir. The solo parla wrre taken by Mra. It. C, Gaming, Mlaa Conyera, Miaa llar.ling. Mr. I.aw mine and Or. Frreman. The offer, lory aiithem waa tung by Mrs. II. C, (ianung, whiMie voice is worth going many mllea to lialnn to. Next Sunday iiiornlng, aala ciMtouiary, moat of the Kaeler muaio will ha repeated. TUB HAWK'S VKTO. (.rates the ll'g UlutT Itoad 11,0.10 tilts Creil t. Wl'h At the laat niw'tmg of ihe city council the following ordinance was paaard: The repeal of the ordinance, No. 2:W, outit!ed, "An ordinance providii.g for the location and construction of a public io.id In Oregon City from the westerly lino of the O. AC. It. K. Company's riirht of way on Third street, to what is known a the bluff, following tho bluff as near as practlceablo and ascending the same in southerly direction to the westerly end of Seventh street, or south- a . . erly limits of tha cltv." I'ssse.i junon, 18IW, was read (or the second tlmo and (nmsed. This ordinance carried with It an appropriation o( $liXK). Thla la the road leading Irotn Ihe anuth end of the city up the Wg bluff. and which has boon the bone of conton- tlon In the council chamber for the past yoar. The rein-al of this ordinance was a enml blow to the promoters of the rond, but when Msyor I.atourette slirned (da veto last Monday morning it placed the road back In Its orlginl portion so fur as the city is concerned, and it still bass $1000 appropriation to Its credit. The champions of the proposed road claim It was coinplote victory for their Ido, as there will be no moans of pasr. Ing the regaling ordinsnco over the mayor's veto. It requlrosa two-thirds majority, which the opposition cannot muster. loor ' i, :..r' K l'lil.rlloii. Tl.n float wm Vary lrf-ail-ful and Ida iitiliim ami artiail. ally dec oralr.l wkiwl wern a credit lo tdn rideis. Tim lUN'laloiia ol Ide judge, irava unl Vuraal ala4. ll in, an I all wlio parl.-i-palnd eiprnawd Ideiiiaelved a lildly plnnd with Ida evening' aport. Tha parade I'oiM'lu liul with a gains of Indoor haaehall between Hula in and Oreirou (. Ida (oriiiar w inning by a -ora of 13 to The prixea were aaarilnd aalollows: flral I'llt', gold medal, Mia Jelinin Waldrn; wond pn, roaaler brake, J. (1. Waldron ; third prtra, binvcla lamp, ICoeaFarr; fourth rir. lemonade at, I'leria Traglio; filth prixa rycluiuelrr, I'aul Traglio. Mill hhut liewa. The I'orllaml flouring mill of Idls city baya alml down Indellnllely, lbey ceaaed oMrtion on acrounl of lack of elorage room lor tdeir fbxir. The boala rannot keep Ida mill ch-ared, and their store booaea In Portland are lull lo over flowing, Tdey will rraume work ssaoon ss eimi of the China llneri load and clear Ida I'ortland d'a ka. CLEVELAND BICYCLES The awillrat v,l.nl. sj)jJ on tlii; market toduy, The very lil(d(t tj A f of blryi lecoimtructciL aVs I Iut proof urtiK, oiling through hollow aarli. Clrvrland dar- drurd Mo. k and pin cdain. Cleveland de t4 halilr tire. Leather Krij. Wright to to 1J rxtinda. i CRESCENT BICYCLES The only thing all fjal adoutaCreairnt that la not "aky- fwm hijh" i the Vf price. It I a CmJ nirlrrt price and a firm price. You never hear a Crtacrnt-rider complain of f Creacent price, and you never f-jj. hear u ajx.Io- g'uc for them. Letter Mat. Tli following I tha liat uf letter re malnlng In tda poat'.rili at Oiegon City, Or, on April ID, l!X). wombs' uar. Crane, (.rare Itoeaell, Kin in a llowrll, Kiiims Mrs Smith, John Mrs May, l.yda Mrs Wryerla, Loci la I mis' ut Claaielil. C It llama, I'alru k lludaon, Jodn Jonea, Sam Mattoon, J i GVJ). f Mc Fee, Jolm Nealand, Jdoiiiat On man, Jcdn Sllvry, (irorge Walter, Atpda Holt TON, 1. M. Wheels Sold on Easy Payments and Old Wheels Taken V In Exchange 6!2l to m our 1 930 i:l Ull 731 HJ &i ire lis teL jj Huntley's Book Store, "m0Z. J iiiiii-kiii'iXkiii'iiiiiii' Columbias Hartfords Pennants. 3 $50 A line of wheels fit all purw an all claaae, from the moat faatidioua rider who wants all, the latent improvements to the man who wants a wheel with out frills for buaineas only. 35 25 Stati or Ohio, Citv or Touno.l as. I.tcs ( otarr. ) Frank J. Cheney makra an oath that ho la the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing buaineaa In Id City of Toledo, County and Stale afore aald. and tdal aald firm will ay Ihe aum of ONF. Hl'NMtKD Ih)LLAUS for each andetrryraae of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Ihe ua of llall'a Catarrah Cur. FRANK J.CIIF.NF.Y, Sworn to liefore me and jWri!rd In tny preaence, thi Old day of Pecember, A. I). IhWJ. A. W OI.F.AKON, j aL j Nolaryl'ublic. Haifa Catarrah Cure I taken Inter nally end act dim tly on the blood and mu-oua surlarrs of tde avilem. Send for leatimoniala, free. F.J. CUF.NF.Y.A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by drugglate, 75c. Hall's Family 1'illa are tde beat. Shake late Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Kane, a poader. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and In- nnialnif n.lli ami tnalanllr takea the j - , sting out ol corn anu minions. 11 s me greatest comfort diacovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Kaae makes light or new shoes feel esiy. It la a cerUin cure lor wealing, ralloua and hot, tired, aching feet. Try ll today. Sold by all drug Kiaia and l w toa Vy mall for IV. in atampa. Trial irkage FKKK. Ad dieaa, Allen S. Olmned, Hoy, N. Y. lUiicher bring your Hide and fur to the Mechanise torw In Oregon City. IVin'l (orgel the UU), Monday, April 23, (or "On tde Suwanee Hlver." I'eraoni deairing announcements of partiea, aocials, etc., mual send tdem to this office. Tbotutndt Hare Klinty Trouble and Don't Know It. How To VUd Owt. FU1 a bonis or common flaw with your water and let It rand twenty-four hour a sediment or set. Iltng Indicates sn unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; l( It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire lo pas ll or psln in the back Is slao convtnclrr proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What te Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often eiprejaed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the (real kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatiam, pain In Ihe tack, kidney , liver, bladder and every part of the urinary paasare. It corrects Inability lo hold w!er and scalding pain in paislng K, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to g9 oftea during th dsy, and to get up many times during the night. The mild end the eitra ordlnary effect of Swamp-Root U soon realized. It stands the highest for Ita won derful cure cf the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave the best. Sold by druggists In 50c andjl. Hies. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery ainn doui i uai niiHsw i .l. more about It. both aent f C ln .riif aKiIiiImIv frMl fnL Crt -Mil' address Dr. Kilmer & w Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. When wming meo Uoo reading this generous offer In this paper . Get our Prices on Job Printing. Just Received 4 AaKAQi A ft ia . A new line of ladio'a top shirts, ladies fancy colored underskirts. Hosiery for ladies and child ren, and lace curtains from 45 cents a pair upward. ...THE M ' I K J. I. Carson, l'rothonolarr, Washing ton, l'a., says, "I have found Kodol lyspeiia Cure an excellent remedy In , caae of stomach trouble, and have tie-. rivel great Iwneflt from Ita nae." It di- geels w hat you eat and cannot fail to cure. (ieorge A. Harding. On the Suwanee Uiver, Monday night. Seats on sale at Huntley's r.1 a I I I 71 ) fouoh and (I lnsumpiion M Thla la beyond queatlon the mint auoceaadil Couk'I) MeUI cln ever known to acience; a lew diH.ee Invariably cure Ihe worat raaea o( t'oiinh, Croup and Hronehltla, while Ita won derful aiit-cea In the cur ol I'nnaummlon Is without a par allel Intbehiatoryof nieOii-lne. Since Ita lirt diw.-overy ll haa been ald on a auarantea, a It st whli h no other medicine ran atand. If you have a CtxiRh, we earneailr ask you to try It. In I'nltrd Slnteaand Canada iV., Mu. and f I.H0. and in Kngland 1. lid., ft. 3d. and 4a. od. SOLt PROPRIETORS S.C.WELLS &C0J LEROY, N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. 111 m For Ml. lijlU. (J. Iluntler. ' t-' an" ' ) We sell a double Roll of Wall Paper for Oc. and good quality at that. Put a new face on your wall aa the pur chase price of paper is nominal and cleanliness will extend your life. Baby Carriages and Go Carts. We invite your inspection. They are a sight. No advance in price. We sell a very nice strong car riage, neatly up holstered, with good parasol for $6.00. Go-Carts $2.75 up. You'll lie. Iluj In; n Carpet Soon and paying the new trice. We will save you dollars if you'll buy it from us this spring or summer. Our stock is in first-rate condition, bought with hard down cash befroe prices advanced. We can sell you a heavy all wool Ingrain Car pet for 65c. a yard. Brussell's carpet for 50c. a yard. Suppose You InTtiadcate This Ugh Away, BELL0IY1Y & BUSCH, The House Furnishers.