OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 'JO, 1WM f rnuDircnnvnnvrP Ctitrr.TTIIla. Ciiibbyvmi.k, April 12. O. N. Flinn, lui leu orkitt for Ed. lievenue of Candy. Mrs. Frasier and children were tlie Client of Mrs, Duty last Tuesday. Mr. Unborn is lioine from thts Mwmilt injur Marmot, putting in his garden, j Claude Batv ha Kone to vork in ti e tie sawmill near Sandy. G. T. IWf he nJ family have moved to their new home. Miss MarKerrow is sipected home from the Tether's examination next Saturday. Mrs. Shank has been quite ill, Snow visited Cherryville forawtile, ltboin;h nolliinit was considered dam aged by lU Weather at Cherryville now Is en-ell- nt. farmers sre making gooa use w their time. JMalla Molalla. April 16. Sowing grain be fr;ns agaiu this morning with the weather settled once more. Fay Moody is building a new fence which adds to the appearance of the farm. The Harliss warehouse is nearing com pletion and will soon be ready for the heavy goods of the Molalla trade. 0. V. Rol bins and I. Gibson will build a lare dwelling house for Mrs. Al. fchaver this summer. Easter service were beld at the r-aonder church Sunday evening, Rev. Hiint-s officiating. Kev. Rich has been holding a pro tracted meeting at Horliss' hall. The German Methodists are building a shed lor sheltering their horses, near their new church. A humane act that should be copied by other christians. The Levy Robbins Merchantile Co., had their first load of freight from Ore gon City laet Saturday. The trip was made in about the same time as it took to Canby and the team stood the trip equally as well and the difference in freight charges from Portland to pay for carting to Molalla. Everett Judd has been recommended for census enuroerater lor this precinct, and will likely receive the appointment, if there is anything in "standing in" with the powers that be, but of course there is to be no politics in these ap pointments. Mr. Judd has served as county assessor for this part of the connty for a time or two and will be competent to schedule the statistics in good shape, and observe the difference between val uations riven for assessment purposes and those tendered to show prosperity. .Needy .News. Needy, April 17. Easter passed with much jollification on the part f some cf O'-ir people. Claude Hurst, of Dixie, visited Wm. Thompson's tamily last week. Myrtle Thompson has a millinery de partment in the store of Will A Thomp son, this is what Needy has long needed and we wish her success. There will be a pie social at No. 91 school house April 28. T.le proceeds to go fur the buying of a flag for the school house. The Needy baseball club played their first game of the season with the Barlow club last Sunday. Mrs. J. Kramer, has returned from Woodburn, and is rapidly improving. Misses Pearl Garret and Mae Kinzer were in Oregon City last week taking the Teacher's examination. The dances at Neeily and Frank May's Saturday evening were successful. Arthur Schneider and best girl came cp from Oregon City Saturday to attend the dance. Eva Mitts, of Woodburn, visited her parents Sunday last. Gertie Noblitt visited in this city last week. Benj. Smith lias closed his incubator for the season. It has hatched some 600 chicks. He bids the public to come and partake of fried chicken. Otis TownsenJ is looking somewhat blue, Batching is'nt his line of business. Mrs. C. C. Molson is going to Port land this week for a new stock of spring goods. Frank Oglesby, is improving rapidly, be was seen riding a wheel Sunday. The supervisor has started work on the roads, this is a joyful event for the people, Highland- Highland, April 10. A. Harrington is very busy in his hop yard and will corn- mpneA truininir in a four rlava o ' George and Charles Kirk and Charles Jones left this morning to spend the summer peddling. Mr. Mclntyre is very low and not ex pected to live. He is very old and has been an invalid for years. Mrs. J. Parrish is improving slowly. Bl e has kept her bed most of the winter, but we are glad to say she is again up and around the room. George Harrington, who has been spending a few weeks visiting bis parents left this morning for Cape Nome to try his Im k in the gold field. IVY have been makiim sad havoc with theUmhs. Say, whycan'l we haej doij license in the country This should be looked after and pay dog license- in the country as well as in the city. So many dogs running over the roimtrr is only a nuisance an I quite an e'iie to farm ers that have sheep. Fly, April 17. Wiu. lvauch a former resident ol this place, now one of Glad stone's heavieot business men, made a visit here on Friday of last week. William Gillett, of Kiowa county, KansH, ia visiting his uncle John Ciillett and incidentally taking in our webfoot state. Mr. Howard's youngest child is rery dangerously ill with Flight's disease. Dr. Sommers Is in attendance. Mr. llenrici, Mr. Moran's partner, is i moving into Mr. Uauch't house. Charles Albright ha gone to The : Pa!les, in response to a telegram, saying that his brother George was seriously ill at that place. F. A. Fly is confined to the bouse with la grippe. The Street Commissioner John Green,! is superintending the construction ol strvet crossings for our new side walk, Frank Bullard was off work two or three das on account of sickuets. Daniel Guenther was obliged to lay off work, because of an attack of the la grippe. Smyrna Smyrna, April 16. J. Wesley Yoder went to Portland to bear Paderewski. Anna Yoder, Hilev Garrett and J. J. Yoder attended a social al Rev. J. M, ! Dicks, near Hubbard, last Friday night Joe Schwarti and J. S. Y'oder shipped fat bogs to Portland last Wednesdav w hich netted them 5,'g and 6c per pound. We notice in the Enterprise of April 6 that the good people of Molalla are also worried by the hoodlum element, that in many communities is trying to vex and annoy any who try to get up an enter tainment, either secular or religious The people of this yicinity were tor mented by kindred spirits during the past winter, at the meetings of our liter ary society. The sons of pronrnent citi zens leading in noisy demonstrations of apidause? that would be a disgrace to a hand of Commsncba Indians and the parents of said sons notifying the mem bers of the society that it they cant con trol the boys they must quit giving en tertainments for them to gather at. The writer has taken part in and attended school exhibitions, literary societies etc, during the last half of the closing cen tury, but never in all the time that he took an active part in such meetings did he see rowdyism displayed as it was at our scLool house during the past winter. We are not a pesnimist, not a deciplu of Bellarnmy, but it does seem as though ttiere was something wrong with our bousted nineteenth century civilization Vllwankia. Milwai kie, April 16. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Morgan, of Portland, were vimting Mrs. L. L. .Moore over Sunday. Mr. Banister is improving slowly from his fall. Mr. Workman is able to walk about again. Alex Lehman is visiting Firwood for a few weeks. Several Milwaukie grangers attended Pomona grange at New Era Wednesdav last. On their return they were unfort unate enough to lose their regalia for which they will pay a liberal reward if returned to them. There is a flower drill in preparation, the proceeds of which are to go to the school library. County Assessor Williams and wife were visiting in Milwaukie Tuesday evening last. The entertainment given by Miss Ross and Mrs. Wissinger was a decided suc cess and deserves much credit. L. L. Moore was doing business in Marion county Saturday. Rude Henneman, of Mason, Ehrman & Co. spent Sunday at home. Rude says "no cooking like mothers." There is much commenting in republi can circles about Milwaukie over the county printing, the majority sentiment is to give the party paper who helps elect the ticket the printing, all things being equal. This is a matter the county commissioners must settle on before June election or there will be a sliced ticket. Mr. Eonnett is still very low. Itamascns. Damascus, April 10. Nell Younger was given a delightful surprise party last Friday evening in honor of her birthday, all had a good time until a late hour when all did justice to a good lunch There was a Sunday school started at the United Brethren church, with Geo. Partch acting as superintendent. There were Easter services at the Union chapel Sunday night and most of the young folks went to the exercises. Ula Strange was visiting Miss Younger Sunday. Almont Newell, cf this place, is re ported to have the chickenpox at Spokane. Feathers went to Oregon t'ily to tnke teacher examination. Quito a goodly number from this place went to Portland to hear Hryan ami re- port it the most wonderful speech ever nearo. Mary Tong has been working at Mr, j Youngs. I Our school is progressing nicely under the care of Miss Young.ir, F. A. liead closed a successful teiiu of school at Pamascti last Friday. llratrr Creek Hkavkk Chkkk, April 16. Thoa. and Chas. Jones aw on the sick list. AJam lleraian, student at Mt Angel college, U home for a low days, Chas. Forbes and brother of Maple I-ane, paid this burg a visit Sunday. W. Pauit'ls makes quite frequent trip to Cams of late. Say Hilly, what is the attraction? Nellie Stevens ia visiting at home for a few days. School is progressing nicely under the J "HM mauagement ol Prof. Andersen, of Clackamas. Amos and Alf. Kirk and John liohlander went to town Sunday. l.iitii Steven visited his parent Sat urday. Will Hayhurst attended the teacher's examination held al Oregon City, lat week. Yal. Bohlander made business trip to Portland Saturday. Chas. Forbes will cut wood for V. F. Harris. Patrons and pupil of the llenrici School are well pleased with their new teat her, Miss Giuther. W. C. Martin and family were vimi- ing H Haiisen, of ShuM Sunday. The pupils of the IWver Creek school have organised a literary society. Mr. Larkins is working for F. L. M k. The literary society is progressing with the following officers in the chair. Pres ident, Wm Shannon; vice-president, II Hughes; secretary, Maud Daniels; treaurer, W. Daniels; sargeant-al-arius, II. Hughes; censors, Mary Herman ami Frank Shannon ; parlinuntary commit tee, W. F. Harris, Joe Fisher and T. H. Tnomas. The debate for next Tuesday night will be "Resolved, That the mem bers of the President' cabinet should l member of the House of Representa tives." CIKCTIT COIKT. R -gular Spring Term of ( Irrult Court Few Probate Order, Judge McBride's court convened Mon day morning, and the following decisions were handed down : Eighty-four law caes are enrolled and li.! equity suits. Among the latter are 63 divorce caes. About 20 of these ce came from Multnomah county. On the criminal docket there are two charges of illegal fishing, with confisca tion proceedings, against Louie llimlar. of ParkpUce, continued ; also the case on appeal of the State vs. A. W. Hertzka, the Christian Scientist, of Portland. In the case of the uit of S, Klinirer, of Portland, against George Saum, a saw mill owner near Stafford, which was an action brought in an endeavor to compel the defendant to remove a dam whicl he had built ami maintained on a water way in order to secure power wi'h which to ojterate his plant, Judge Mc Bride, after hearing the evidence, ren dered a decision in favor of the defend ant. In the suit o Henry llnessen against T. R. Worthint(ton, w hich was an action regarding a narrow piece of land lie tween the boundaries of two tracts in Milwaukie precinct, over which these parties have been wrangling for some time, a decree was rendered in favor ol the plaintiff. Thiessen hail come out a victor in a former suit over the same property, hut a new trial was allowed the defendant on a technicality, and the second decision was rendered in favor of Worthington, so the case was brought in equity to decide finally. Motion for a new trial was denied in the damage suit of Henry Nutn, of Port land, againtt Nohletts, because of inju ties received in an accident on the V i I - hoit stage about two years auo. The suits of Akin, Sellinn A Co., s. E M. Hartrnan; the City of Portland vs. C, W. Ganong, and the Portland General Electric company vs. II , J. Shirdev. were ordered stricken from the docket. The divorce suits of Walter vs. Elizabeth Noblitts and Fillipina vs. Frank Swietzer were dismissed, and default was entered in the case of Ida B. vs. Elmer C. Thomas. Oregon City against the Oregon A California Railroad Company was heard on a demurrer to the amended complaint of plaintiff, but was overruled by the court. The action was brought in order to settle the title to a right of way and a bluB abutting on some property dedi cated to the city by Dr. John McLaugh lin, which the railroad people claim title to from heirs of Dr. McLoughlin. After hearing the case, the defendant w as al lowed 10 days in which to Tile an answer. Defalut was entered in the case of Alfred G. Day against Sadie M. Day. the divorce was granted became of the non-appearance of defendant to answer summons. Adeline Carberry was al lowed a divorce from Patrick Carberry on ground of desertion, and the court allod pUimitr the custody of ll.tr minor cMMrcn, t'. II. I've has otvleied placed in - w.Hi.m of certain lands in Clackamas C 'Uiitv. Uing a portion of the I'anlil V.H iKinstion 1 and Claim, which l pine hawd at a recent sliei Ufa sale. lnthecae i.I Miry Madder agalnM W. l. 1'icken and K. F.. I'ukens, his wife, the court ha ordered that they he wived with proper summons. Jom'ph Hick nor ss allowed judg ment ai2.iini.t T. J. IW.mu and wile in , ,!, t .-,7 40, ami coals and dis piirm menlstif the suit, which amounted to I:".'. An attachment was allowed on j lots I.S and M. block 11, in the Oregon .Iron Heel lo.npany .vi.niioii io Oswego, this property to l oll in oroer 10 alify the judgment. Judgment for the plaintiff In the. sum l K.4i as returned in the rae ol the puno Manufacturing Company, against J. T. S slighter. .MyrtU Gallagher w allowed a divorce from N. J. Gw'Ughcr, the de fendant to pay eot of suit. Marie J, Graham was granted a divorce from George K Graham, because of abandonment, and allowed the cm t fly of Raymond, a minor child, an I die ret-over from defendant theoxt ol suit. An injunction was granted In lb ca a! John and Mary K Schram against the tier in -in Saving A Lo.ui Society and Sheriff J J Coke. In the matter of Nol.h tt Uroav W V. Carl! it was ordered that the motion l disoved and defendant have until April '.M to further plead. I'. F Riiey was allowed u Igment ngrtinxt II II JohiiMin and Max Schul pins in the sum of 1113 7(1 due on a proiniay note, deliver to plaintiff April IM, lN;alio cost and dibure uicnta of tdi action K F Riley was allowed to recover from James and Ada Punsmir the wi'h interest Iheiroii from April 17, I'M), tli sum of f'.'i attorney's fees, alo cost of the suit. An order of sale wa isued to dipoe of certain land to satisfy the claim. raotur aii;ks. Judge TF Ryan ha made lh tallow ing order : In the matter f the rntate of Seba Norton, deceased, it wa ordered that ail proerty, consisting ol grain, live stock and implement belonging to said estate be given to Mary K Norton widow of the decease! . letter of ad in I ii i stration of the ritt of Randolph Stuck tin, deceased, were granted AUaixain Stucklin to I insued to I. ivy Stipp, with tNjitds fixed al -l.li-sl, Ou the xtilion of Hiram Straight, executor of the estate of Hiram A Straight, deceased, to settle a claim against II M Cake. Judge Ryan grant ed an order allowing the jM-tition. Cake is the truiU-e and the claim amount lot 11,0 m, with accumulated Inteiesttn the amount of $b),tss) A foreclosure is now (lending before the Circuit court against Cake, which Involves ltd a.-re of land north of the city, over which there has la-en much litigti..n. which J will cease now that the above order hat been grunted, enabling the executor to settle up the estate Heller Train Serylee, Tlie new Al'iany local train madt I s initial trip Tuewlay evening, arriving on rche dule time, :M. This train will he a veritable cannon ball without any mi take. The time between I'ortland and Albany is three hours and ten minutes. After deducting Ihe lime consumed in stops, the actual running time will be nearly 50 miles an hour. The corrected time table appears in the Southern Pacific-Co. 's tar I elsewhere in this Ishiiu. The Oregon express train now leaves Al bany at 4 :47 a. m. and arrives in I'ort land at 7 : 1') a. m , and arrives In Albany at 1 1 :35 m. Ik-tweeii Portland and Albany this train will stop only at Ore gon City, Wrjodhurn and Sulcin. LEAN PURE comes from the use of the famous Seven Sutherland Sisters Scalp Cleaner, and with perfect cleanliness comes beauty. Mrs. N. J. Bell, Box 60. University Place, Omaha, Neb., writes : "Every head should be shampooed frequently with this wholesome remedy." After each shampoo, when the hair Is thoroughly dry, the scalp should be treated with Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower. Sold bv all drui. Eureka Hurnsns Oil I the liit preaervatlva of new lontlmr umi the tmxt renovator ol old leather. It oIIh, ttofteriH, bUu'k ens and protucts. toe Eureka Harness Oil on jroiir limt harruwi, your old hur ries, anil your mntuxi hi. ami I -y will not only look lMrifr hul wear loiiKcr. Holilcverywlirn-ln rant all Iu from liulf iilnl lo live nullum. MM. t,f TlliiSU OIL (u. 111 ui r r Tho Khul Yon lluvo Always Itotiutit, mul whli-li Im brr-u fa uo for over :H) jours, hit bur no tho nlgiuUurn t,( f mul hits Immmi mttdn tinder III per. sXffT' onrt' 'P,rvllm slnoo It Infancy, WiafZUcAtf Allow no ma to ilrrrlvo yu In thl. All Counterfeit, Imitation Ami Hiibstltutcs urn but Y.. pi-rlinciit Hint trlllo villi mul nuhuigrr llio limlilt of lufiuit mul ChlMri'it-r.xpTlcm-o ngnhut lUprrltmnt. What is CASTORIA CimtorU I a substitute for Castor Oil, Purrirorlc, Drops mul Hootliliiff Syrup. It U llartiilca ami lMi-aaant. It contain neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nn th? substance. lis itfO I lt trtittritntc'. It destroys onus mid nllay lVvrrlahiir. It run s l)htrrhir mid Ylnd Colic. It relieve) Teething Troubles, aires Const lNttlmi mid riatuleiicy. it AasliiilUtteS tho 1'ood, regulate tho Momtw h mid lloweU, giving healthy mid natural sleeo. Tho Children's Puuacoiv-Tlio Mother' l'rlend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. fnl tjsw 4 MSI, tf ir The Real Secret ot Tldlne. The real aecr.-t i f tldineM it to leave ! thing wh'e ll.ey ran ) found by Ihe yron who r-'ii'r Ibrni, ai d liol lo hide them awat in t b l ra and preaaoa and drawer: rwi to go It to a man' study and to put all hit '4i ra Inditrri mlnately Irilo packages, or a re-rl(.ll bill into an envrloi tt Ii he la tura lo destroy. In a woman' ry every buslueaa pix-r U n uiiigbily object, wlmh ! consider it brrdiiiylo dii of, and though she may hear lb man who own It cumin about I lie hotiro, she never hat tho grant cf Ihr j uVdaw ol lilisim to come forward and y what she has done with it. Indeed, stia will deny with Indignant Inii'Hi-iii-o and tears that she ever touched hit a-r, and alien. If ha'ily it is ditcovrred.be iuk repr-Mcli fill or smile, be simply says, "Oh! is that what you arn looking l-r? uiy dear, you should not leave t'icli thing about." Ju"t a if he lud no ribt to lh uw of a table or the corner ( a chimney .i,-, in his own ioue From "lolieatic I'.lnmh r of U'oiiK n,". a Mere Man. Kunk A Wsgnsll Co.. N. w York. For j Sib- at Huntley' Hook M'-e Ol. B.ejr'e Hot .e . I'.icyi-li.t are hereby warned lodi continue riding their wheels on the sule Walk ou Alain street, Any x'r sou vio lating the ordiiuncu regnUung ili sal will be prosecuted to tlx. full rxieiil ol tho law. Chas. K l' a, Chief uf I'olice. lirhalr. Five room house, comer of Third ami Jefr.rson, giKxl lucallon, city water and city light. Apply lo the owner It. Koernor corner of Found and Madison. Ihe ,Mtrt Ysm. A ritlsburg druiniuer tell t It 1st new yarn: I always carry s bottle of Kemp's Ilalsum In my grip, 1 lake cold easily and a few doses of the Hal sam always in ikes me a well man. Everywhere I go I speak a jjood word for Kemp. I take hold of my custom ers I take old men and young men, and tell them confidentially wlmt I do when I lake cold. At druggist, I'm and 60c. Men and Itulc P.Hzuar. boys cups 10c tt (iolden OAflTOIlIAi I Stars tbi x1hrl Kind Yoo Han km hum I "T uL0i "Cyclone" fl PTI1 TTTTTTT i ,1 Threshers Automatic Stackers, Wind St:k ers, Horao I'owers, Thresliormen'a Supplies of All Kinds. -WRITE FOR CATALOGUE a m A Slgnaturo of BlMff tfMII. Xftki wWSTV Ihe lr. In Ike Hsrlil. rl rm Cllllil-rlill'l forijtl ' Itemed) I tin lt liitbwo,ld. Ales rk gi we at) (T.-rr ,J a tlh a trr rol l and a tr.iil.!r'niii iniigb, and bar lug ad Ibe'r airiileinriita In our ra and otier ---r ur. bMl a ltt! to See If It woll'd f (Tin I U. It rurrl u U-fo e tba l-.lt: wa mure (ban hail 0d. It I ll' br Itirdicina out l-.r rolJ alul C"ll(b Th lie, aid, Allder- niville, n. I For aala by (I. A. I lard ing, dnif gi.l. Men anil ly i rli dol leii Rul '.a,ar. hat '.'&c at lbs BO VCAM mm Atlfrrfttl Xt4r.aJ t that'll M f M U l Ssjf Ml'lr MesUin lUf nftltiM'fl ff it set brr sJ lnariH'i t '(4Mf f-lr 4tf l I n-innk, lki tHrtrlly tiB.lsmlli a.tt.1 (H l'alt atril frtja. t SI mmi Bfmiyrf f aarwffK.sJ tatkim X. r)tt.i Iskjisxt iltf'turN Mut rt A ( t rl? Scientific Jlmcrican. fcan1wlr If Itsati ri-1 kif. f ryMl fi Utlnrt I'f mf titiflJ I. tirt.l ljtt J MUNN i Co,"' Ns.v York tun s- L d-sfrthsj it'p iu if I'nrU I MtiitMa Ufa f 4 lb. J.t i I r llM iillii, lUtftirtrs M J. liJ.MK) niilctt of long- ilia Unco telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali ftirniii mul Iilaln) now in "iM-rntion y the I'lii-iflo Station 'IVlr-phone C in jiany, covering 2,'JV) town , (Jtiick, nrcurato, cfienj). All tho satisfaction of a Personal conttnunioation. biHtanco no effect to a clear uwleretarulinn. Sjsv kano nml Han Frnnoisco an eanily hoanl a Port land. -Oreoii City odlce at fllanliiiff's Drug Store. " Russell Engines fraction or I'ortnblo, Simple or Com pound, Wood or Straw Burners. RUSSELL & CO., . .... Aft AND PRICE3. PORTLAND, UK. V I X