Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal .Mention If
In tlii" 'X'
i ' t i'l"". of flat It em, ate In
iu.nU'1 I rldy.
i l li.nlirll, id oirnl"'r, Wash,, !
-juiec I el llrli'.
V, j r 1 f I . id ('ill"ii, I. looking el'er
,,,,nea Inieieat In Hilarity,
t M Aahrloft, ol Hnli-ill, We III Hi
tiyibini'll ""I trenaarlllig btll-pi-a.
K . , Itoiinii, t.l Mai U .n wa
hand llh ri'y Irlond 11
ir-i Handell, prominent farmer uf
fir I i. lu"' lli' bniiie In
iu ii hiinly.
I'tul I 'il Ii 11, ( Ke.w, ttalll i city
lr,lnply on matter lfurlli
(vmu) loiirt.
,r Millrr, of Needy, In town
fur lav end rrnt crop In general In
l,!rii li'l muJlllim.
W hi. Wright, tif rlem, nt He'ur
dtr In lliU (tlx vlallltig Mend ml look
n( al'er bulne,
l ulu Ppangter, of CrvIIL. Is
tinting el lli lnmt n( lirr eltr, Mr.
I, , I'mler, of Hit Weal Hide.
Mr ami Mrt. A J. Iwihwi tleiied
l II o l.mii ol Mr, ltliall's par
ent, at (1 kerne Wednesday.
J II, Twy, iA jgan, lo In lb
lt ilmlng Id ek talking good road
and looking after oilier bnina.
&lia K.lrn ('hatnharlain, lady dan o
fU Oregon Agricultural rotleg, It In IIh
c4y vlelilng her eleier Mn. C. H. Moore.
Ir. J.J. Ij-evltt, of Molella, nmmbff
.( iha county medical hord, m in
I nto (h first of lh week on lualn.
J, II. Cornet, ol Mil I, Man iooily,
paved through (lil cltjf Ut H.lunUf,
nroul lo I'oilUnJ wllo a raiload ol
jaerllng ralve, ablcli lit dicpoaod of at
a avra ol II Mr head.
Mr. Neleon .reiic- quilt
verely burned leal Hunday at Hit pulp
mill by etepplng Into lank of boiling
tier and aealdlng hit fo4 and aoklt lo
eorli an ellenl llial lt tilt b laid Op lor
act oral weeks,
W. II. Maltuun, ol Viola, vaalnlhe
cilv lal Wednesday and elate llial Iht
l.iil til lliai ir)ncl art very an loo.
to lin Umlr rvla- lo Orrg'in Oly.
II. u !. looking alior n roaJ ifujwl
(rm Uiat pi art lo Ilia roomy !
Mr. William Uall.aallt, ol ( la-ka-ma
ia .langrrMtaljr III lilt .rumi;nla
Mi, (haiit a nvmtljr rallcvl to
filial Veil by llit lllnixt ol l-r lr.
Mi,, haaio, lwMt 4a(h occur rtJ Jur
(ti( hrf Hay (t'f, anJ aht a lakan
t.ih Ida aama alrkneaan4 a bruuglil
luia in ry crlllral conJilUm.
J. W. (iaull laacJ lliMUgh llili city
U.I Fn lay, on ItU rtturo from 8mnrfr
(gbialiomtln McMlnolllt. HtaUtn
Dial Hi ln-t la coming outol llgroanl
in! I he country In general la pry muMy.
Ttx-ra la a grtal JmI of ouaumoliU In
ll.al Ualliy ami about maiiy
coming aay a art t ilng lit'
A llrrnan In an mih W'iuhi..
lay lo Ulla (iray Clmnny ai ', lt
Jllll'll ,
l lnUlwy .V hue a ,,va lliormiglily
ovtrliaiilnl llirlr li. Ill on Dm Molalla
roa'l, lour niilrn al ol Ou-gun ('iy, N,
Ii4a iloil,lii. I tin raiiariiy n lUlr mill
Tin y art tmw In a (".lion In nil any or
dnr lor i oiiirnori o m tx-r .
Th 1'agU Civnk, lgan ami Oirgmi
City m I noniiiiKlfit ai alill at work
mill iilng Inn. la lur llm r -!, an. art
making lair Ua laay, Tlila I aii tiiKir
(Hilly llial aliouM n ,i U al!yi-. l
. a. li.iiM ll.ia riMil aii l imiimtim
on m-w gut In a il'frriit ImalKy.
Mia Xuaaii T iaa lom, ol Y. CVrk,
a givnn a lirarlhg U lom Jmlt (yin
VVtiiaily aliKinoori mi a rliama ol
lliaalilly, iolril l.y l.rr liua'timl
Hit aa nliaar aa Hi ilinii aioKi
aim aa aiiiioly ii,m vh Uhi ol an un-
brlill'! U iniicr
Tdt Woiiii ii ol (ha Woo li rafl gavt
Vary aijoyalil nirraliiinnl In llit
Wlanillt ball Tua.lay tvrnlng, A
ry Bit'lalKa noKiain a rrmlmiHl
ton,. aim- of mnalr, fani-y ilnllt ami
r Hat Mi, Ida liou aaa akl ami
tvviyUnly acnl bom well aaliallol llh
Ilia tvanlng'a riitnrlainmrnl.
Harry Wrlglil io ht'l bia akullravi4
In altli brir l.y bit nainiwakt, aa
Uim liarirl from Ida (loot Hamarlian
lluilial Momlay ami la again Lack lo
Uiiacliy, II lakni iulla vrry iblli
oiblrally en l aaya lliy aluMibl
luniml bl aaalliil btoHi long ago, lor
b la no good, any bow.
In Ibt mttirrol Hit rommi'mrnt ol
ibt lbi rnlnof Walkrr ililMrvnlo Ibt
IWtyt ami (ilrla A I.I Koclriy, Julg Ityan
laUi an onlrr dlrtilaiiig Ibt taint.
Tlial ai l clill lrrn I kriH In cart anJ
cuaiixly ol tbUr mo4lir, aubjl lo outer
ol ibla oourt, until ll m raiabliabrd tbat
lbtlaibr ol aald cblldrtn can rotrly
cart l if and ki tbrm.
Tlia lolbttlng III lit Iht rnualral pro
gram at lb Convrrgailonal church Up
I'alinHuuday: In Iht morning Min
Maiy M.bt HI alng !lo.lnry'a Calvary;
during Iht evening r vie lb rbolr will
rudr "laikly IUm tht Uullly Morn
ing," by I Hi.) ley Hork, with obllgato
tolo by Mr. (Mark (laming. Mrt. Chat,
'tly 'o a ill alao alng aolo. Tht
oaatur't titnM will l "Jcaut IWyond
in l.il't liWbMtnabM" ami ibt "Cruel
iJcllon." mrK t uir asiluji.
Htrrm A. lnr ilmtU Hrlf DraUir
ll.n nfcll.lt U(oalyJll.
Iat Kri.lar It aullioMI al Hi
Halnn Inaaii anylomn Ulrgrapbnl
hliailffC-ouk lo Ukt Into ( tp'lvily on
Hitvrn A. Iint ol Clarkantaa, ho
roinmlllHl from that ptar (our year
ag-i. c!ookt tnrur-l hi mn and con
(Inod hint In Iht cooniy Jail laal Satur
day, brt ht md violent attempt at
aell doalrucllon thai nlgtil. lit
ditxtvvr4 In tbt attempt by deputy
lirrilT J. K. Jfk, ho prtrented til in
from oommllting Iht rah act.
lit wat making an elTjrt to atm an
artery, and waa bletdlng proluaely lien
diamvert-l. Trior lo bit amleavor to
f "-v yv trwr Vf1 f" hWI hlmaell lo death, Ibt lunatic rott
jl not atallng Ida grievance aud tli
rV'il P VOlll'wT . I caua ol Ida dalr lo tnd bit lilt, atallng
'VtU AVL? ,h.,h.w.tlltlr.fd.t tb. aaylumn
IiMiiif-pop convention lolay.
Kelly and Nol.lllt bav bought out lb
Wiltu lin taloun.
MiorllTCoiAt will go WllaotivllJ
lay lo oollorl bit yd Ut
AW a :3 young men will Iftrt thlt
cly (he r-itulng apiiug, lor Klondike).
C'Iim. Nubllttha purchaaod a half In
toroat In lli taloon ol John Kelly.
A. Knanphaa purchaan.1 tha aaloon
fgrinerly rondiicUd by Murphy A Hlolta.
Tim annual tat (lr lo b held at
Salem llila year, will lioglo Hcptoiubrir
Kn l and cloa on th '.Till.
Mm. Thoini Puey, mothor ol (leorgo
tn l llmiry I'uaey of Hill city, tliud of
lypliol.l li-yer In Mtocklon, Calif., Tunf
April 3.
Tim inallpoi p4llinU al ." n'
ri im aro roiorl(td to bo rapidly r
covering and (tit ilrna.lod malady hat
lt'n coiiipleUily i-biH-ked.
Mr. UKaiiin, ol WIUainTlto Falli, ho
WMklikedbyahonwaliout U weekt
il'i, la rapidly recovering, bninil
charged (rom tho Ht. Vincent lloapltal
Irnit Monday.
Tlu ru ait Uo road dlntrlcU In Can
c.la prm lnct, of which J. H. Hovonii
fw'i'lvtid tha noiulnatlon for road iir
vior of out dlatrlct nd Fred Wagner la
Hih iioinlniit lor the olhur, which la No.
Itcv. I). K. Flnka, o( Now York, ihIm
iuimry louturer o( the board of home
nilittiona, dullvered very InU'reHllug
killreKMa to largo audlonctta In the rret
t-yterlan church Saturday nd Sunday
Mm. 8. W. HoKort, of Falnnount, who
Ima Wen confined lo hor ld for tle
paittnlx wenka, la aomowhat unpioved,
kithoiiKh wirloui doubU are entertained
to hor ultimate recovery on nccount
o( bur old ago,
and that the d tor wer almply con
aplrlng to bold bliu thert unlit death,
when they could diawcl hla.bo.ly lor
iullral tiurnoM. lit alao aaid Hm
aiylmn waa a living 'bell on earth' acd
that ht would rather he dead than lo
end hit da) i on earth aa an Inmate it
lhal place.
An attendant came down (rout talent
and returned tht patient to the aoylumo
Sunday morning.
JfniiirTirailn Wdllloll llirnugri the
Wrecla Hiliinhiy, April II.
All Oregon Cliy promlwa lo m on
wbrela HaiunUy, April 11 Kvtty man,
woman and i lul l abln l procure a whi'i-l
will help to awell lli inoiiaiiir paiade
lo be glvmi that evening.
For III puriOMt ol holding a hii-yrl
pared In Ibia i lly, Hatunlay, April M,
lo Inmiliialn In Uim organlxallon of a bi
ryilncliib, Iht following pflre have
Ufii olfioed, lo h gUen a follow:
ll pilot, roaater brake, b m given
tb moat uiiliiii biryrla col nine; 2nd
pr v, huti!iil gold medal, to In given
lh imial grareful laily ridrl ; 3rd prlx,
hli yrl lamp, to be given the ni'Htt ariia
llcally drioratfd abeel ; t'h .rlte,f ytloin-
tier, lo be given the nealeal bicycle cot-luni.
Tb parad will atari at 7 oMot k (rom
Ibt Y. M. C. A. bnlldlrig ami inoieed
down Main etreet, tlienre bark to the
Y. M. C. A., where a fancy blcytlt drill
will tali plark.
Krryboly who rld a wheel I In
vited to gel In lb bl parad. A judgea
and will m erectd on Main at reel and
Mayor Utoiireli will have the at reel i
cleaned from out end lo the other. The
following raiiia have kindly ronernted j
to acta Judge lo award Uit t'Hiet:
Mayor Itonrelte, Hv. A. J. Montgom
ery, Ir. Carll. Mra. Thro lor Clark and
Mra. W. K. I'ratL
llerala a aplendld optKiituni'y for
tvery merchant In Hit city to adverllat
hit bualneaa, and maka Ihla a great
trade dianlay al well a a bicycle car
nival. Everybody I lending a helping
hand lo make Ihle a great cycle demon
at ration, eatwclally the ladiee, and many
art tht neat coatumet and beautifully
der4iratel wheel that will paat down
Iht alreet that nlgtit.
(M your wheel ready and rid lo Ihe
big parade.
lateil (lotea.
Tb ay conleat ol the Ctackamai
Coontv Humane Society cloaea Apfll 10.
The com mil lew appolnud lo eiamlnt
coliii are I'rof. W. II. Davii, Kv. J.
II. Heaven and Mrt. Jtnnle K. WbiU.
The awellrat wheel tT)(3U
on I lie market toduy.
The very hlgheat Ijjte Jt f
of blcyi leconatructed. aU"! I
Dual pnxf brrinj, '
oiling through hollow
a tela, Cleveland bar
(trued bloik and pin
chain. Cleveland de
tachable tlrei, Leather
Ifrip. Weight jo to
1) piumla.
The only thing A ij3
that la not "aky 4 m
hlKh" ii the VP
price. It I. . JJ
liio!erate price
and a firm price.
You never hear
a Cretcrnt-rider
complain of m
Crecent price,
and you never lUtH
bear u a polo-
H'lt tut them.
A line of wheel to
fit all pane and vJU
all claaaei, from the
tnoat fajttidiou rider J k
who want all the Uvl
lateat improvement mm
to the man who i
want a wheel with-
out frill for biuinea
Wheels Sold
In Exchange. . .
Easy Payments and Old Wheels Taken
GUiii j!i ocr 1930 1 Heels ai tell m Hi iter are lit fie;l
Huntley's Book Store, 0reBO"ocr,
KldAcj TroobU Make Yon Wimble.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
Htti or Ohio, City or Toliho.) m.
I.cca Cotarv.
Frank J. Cheney make an oath that
he It lh ten lor partner ol the firm ol P.
J. Cheney A Co., doing bualneat in tbt
City ol Toledo, County and Suit afore
aald, and tbat aald firm will fay tbt turn
ol OX K 1 1 V N DU V. I) I K) LL A UH (or each
and every caa ol Catarrh that cannot
b cured by Ibt n ot llall't Calarrah
l Uirw I, oa.uw,
Cworn lo befort ma tnd rjWrlln-d In
my prwencr, tbli Olh day ol IWember,
A. P. 1W1.
. A. W. (iLKAKON,
j kal J NotaryPublic.
Hall'iCatarrah Cur taken Inter
nally end acta dim-tly on iht blood and
moeoua aurlace ol lh ayatem. Send
(or teallmonlala, (re.
F.J. CHKNKY.A C).,ToleJo, 0.
Pold by drugglala, 75c.
Hall's Family I'illa are the bent.
TYahlng Flannel.
La.liei by the erttrea, genii by the
bundled, in the big bicycle parade,
HaturJay, April 14.
Nice thing far men The proper
lurnbhlug (or all aorta ol occaaioni.
AH rtvli'h gttoili, Mo, the kind that art
Uwhlonabtc and puper thli aeajMjnatthe
(lilden ll'ile Hatjar.
Almoat everybody who read the newa-
papert U lure to know of the wonderful
cure mat try vr.
Kilmer ' Swamp-Root,
Iht great kidney, over
I and bladder remedy.
tm ii ia mm greai meoi-
Hi cal triumph cl the nine
teenth century; di-
Al iT 'w (t,1 acieniuio retearcn py
r" Kilmer. Ihe emC
(i; J.V--t fxnl ldney and btavoV
" " otr tpeciaJiit, an4 la
wonderfully aucceuful In promptly curing
Um btrk, kidney, bladder, urlo acid trou
ble and Bright' Dlaeue, which U the wont
form of kidny trouble.
Dr. Kilmer i Swamp-Root la not reo
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney. Over or bladder trouble II will be found
)uat thi remedy you need. It hat been tested
In o many way. In hospital work. In private
practlc. among th helpleu loo poor to pur
chaae raltef and hu proved ao aucceasf ul In
every caae that a apVclal arrangment hi
been made by which all reader ol Ihla paper
who hava not already tried H. may have a
aampl bottle tent Iree by mall, alao a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out II you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Vhen writing mention reading ihla generoua
offer In thli paper and rVL.
tend your eddr to trf -V?v
regular Mty cent and a-"
dollar tUea are told by all good drurclau.
Opposite The Postoffice.
Hu juBt recciveil from New York & line of
Ladies Neckwear, the very latent and at New
York Cash prices. Laces from lc. a yard
upward. Laces, Embroideries and insertions
at the very lowest New York Prices.
A line of children's washable dresses neatly
made, 34c.
Remember the only place to save money
is at
W Fill
a year.
i and Oregonlan for 3 00
WautoJ (lift lor general bouae work,
Hood wagoa paid. Apply at the more of
1. Hulling.
The F.uterprlae get the new. Gut
Ihe HnUTpriee.
Peraona deairiug announcemenU o(
parllva, aoclala, etc., muat ti-nd Ihem to
Ihii oil! c.
'Freeh Vaccine"
Charmin A Co.
lor vaccination at
At the (lolden Rule llaiaar The ahirte
(It the collar, Iho collar fit Ihe ihlita
and Iwlli III Ihe wearer.
W. V. Mayhew, Meiton, Wia., eaya,
"lconalditr Ono Minute Cough Cure a
inoit wondorlul nwliulne, quick and
af." It U the only harnilom remedy
thatglvoa lininedlate reaulU. U citrca
coughH, coldi, croup, bronchllii, grippe,
wliooplng cough, pneumonia and all
throat and lit" dioaie. Ha early uho
prevent con-umption. Children always
like It and mothers endorse It.
(loorge A Harding.
In almoHt every neighborhood there Is
nine one whose Hf has Won saved by
Charobcrlalni Colic. Cholera and D lai
rhooa Remedy, or who hat boon cured ol
chronic diarrhoea by 11,0 uw of,t,a
medicine. Such persons make a point ol
telling ol it whenever opportunity oirers,
hoping that It may be the .moans o( tar
ing other Uvea. For sale by G. A. Hard
ing, druggist
Ride your wheel Saturday evening,
April 14, In the big Pado.
Get your Kaaier Umnol ol Mia Gold
amitl , r i-e bet and atyle I' e latett.
J. I. Caraon, Frothonotary, Waehing
Un, IV, say, "I have (ound Kodol
Dypeil Cure an excellent remedy In
col Koiuach trouble, and have de
rived great benellt (rom Ita uae." It di
geti what you eat and cannot (ail lo
cure. George A. Harding.
The Farmers and Mechanics store o(
Oregon City Invites your Inspection ol
their new line o( dry goods, clothing, etc.
New veiling audTbiTdrtn'e halt at
Ranchers bring your bides and lurs to
the Mechanics store In Oregon City.
' NiWHiil Catarrh uulolly yields to trru
went by Ely's Cream Jlalm, which I Kr'0
al.lv an.imi'io. It i recuved throuiih Uio
n.wlrils, oloausea and bonis lh whole aur
fao ovor which it ditlUa.-t Hwlf. DruMista
oil Uie Wc sh'O j Triiil ai by ""(. lu
ooul. Tust It aud you ivro auro to ouuUuuo
Uio treatment,
To aoooiiiiniKliit Un" who r pwtiiU
to the use of ntmnuors iu upplyiuf l"l,1,,u
Into the nawil 1 RHMite f-ir c.:!,trr.ol Jv
Wca, the proj.rlotiirs prepare Cream Halm m
liquid form, which v. ill be known n Wy e
Li'iuid Cremu ltolin. Price inclmliiig the
aproylng tulte la 73ceuU. Hmggiata or by
mail. The liquid form embodioa the wod
ioinal properties of the solid preparation.
U rAllimi fHliMi mm than oiaolhtnl
i nrwm chnfl by othir, a
atANTit MIT iji riiriin'
,Ui.r yuu wlih our at liuit Ti
chkrvt bf othenk anil Wl
fnt or our !.
I.ro"i .i a.nd JoT,ia ai auifc ri -a
UW jrout M.I.HS ".un, At, bow lon T a iti
-..Hi.nl, wh.tbor mpiuro I.Uiormii.lli alwi iwij
lu'iilwr lncha .round h body w'""a ' '
,n'l. nl uhoriniM aoyou with !
t.1.11 .1 ikrM IIoh Mr . jouoaa rur It an we
evRin row FRce tsuss cmteflUI J'Z
It inw, Inoludlna U l IO. U tl 'I
a fyw "
Vje WV - rrt
We sell a double
Roll of Wall
Paper for
and good quality
at that. Tut a
new face on your
wall as the pur
chase price of
pa peris nominal
and cleanliness
will extend your
Baby Carriages
and Go-Carts.
We invite your
inspection. They
are a sight. No
advance in price.
We sell a very
nice strong car
riage, neatly up
holstered, with
good parasol for
$2.75 up.
You Ml lie
llujlng a Cwrpot
Soon and paying the
new ruicE. We will
save you dollars if you'll
buy it from us this
spring or summer. Our
stock is in fist-rato
condition, bought with
bard down cash before
prices advanced. We
can sell you a heavy
all wool Ingrain Car
pet for 65o. a yard.
BruBsell's carpet for
50c. a yard. Suppose
Vou Inveallcate This
Kijthl Away,
The House Furnishers.