Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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l ive Amendments, to the State Cn.tltu
tlnn, .lesliles I'mihI (Mlrr.
In wldition lo the nyiiUr election of
county, district and state otlicers to be
cl.Tt.-J at the rMiliInu election,
tli-if In also to be a vole on the following
connitutiona.1 amendments: Municipal
in.lfl.tpdiii'M . amendment j judicial am
cnilment: initiation amendment, ri-jM-ht
t; amendment ; ami an amendment
ur niual solTratfe, which have ln
umitM'J up by the Oorvallis Times in
this way:
im !)... nrotmaiikni the fuel alro-
gates the prefent section of the state cvn-, program which will be followed
stitution, which provide that no county ' jn (j)e .mirmtion for county certificates
shall incur an indebtedness in in on Allf,i ll( is (0ow,:
the aggregate tho sum of f-".lXX, anJ ill Commencing Wednesday April 11. at
it at04d proposea to aulvstitute a sevtion 9 o'clock a. 111, and continuing until
that hall extend the limitation of in- Friday April 13, at 4 o'clock p. tn.
dehtcdncaa to cities, school districts and Wednesday Penmanship, history, 01
Otlier municipal corporations, as well a j thegraphy, reading,
cotintioa, o that their aggregate indeht- j Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
ednes shell not exceed 5 per cent of the 0 iecliiig. grammer school law.
taxable propeity therein. j Friday Geography, mental arithmetic
Atpreeenttherearethreejuaticesof the physcologr, civil government.
tt He supreme court. It pa-eed, theju-
diciarv amendmentt will increase this
nuT.U-r to five.
The irrigation amendment 1 an inno-, ftt 4 0 ctK p. IU.
ration in that paaaage will aid another! WedneaJay Penmanship, orthogra
article to the state convention. The con- ,hy. reading.
etitution of 1S67 contained eight articleai Thursday Artof questioning, theory
which have been preserved. If it re-
MirM th unction of the voters, the
irrigation amendment will b know n aa
Article XIX, and under its terms the
neceiwary use of lands for the construc
tion of reservoirs for pnrposes of irriga
tion, and for the construction of ditches
a&d flumes to carry water, for the devel
opment of natural resources or the pres
ervation of health, is declared to be a
public use and aubject to the control of
the fetate. The right to appropriate
trom any natural stream, unappropriated
waters, and shall not be denied. The
use of waters now appropriated ia de
clared to be a public use aa above, sub
ject to certain regulations. The right to
collect compensation for nee of water ia
made a franchise.
Section 2-i of Article 1 of the state con
'.ita!ion provides thai no negro, not liv
ing here at the time of its adoption,
should ever hold land or be allowed to
make contracts or maintain suits in the
caurt. t'pou the passage of the Four
teenth amendment to the federal con
stitution this section becomes a dead
letter, and the "Repealing Amendment"
seeks to efface it from the organic law
of the state.
In voting on the question ol the
"Equal Suffrage Amendment" the ques
tion to be determined is whether or not
the constitution shall be amended as
follows :
Article 1. The elective franchise in
this state shall not hereafter be prohib
ited to any citizen on account of sex.
Article 1 of the constitution contains
thirty-five sections but the joint resolu
tions as adopted proposing the amend
ment does not state which particular
one it is desired to amend.
While the sweet balmy air of spring
is hoverin around us. and the hum of
industry ia carred on by the insect
world on wing, a sad and solemn hoar
Las come to pass.
'Twas the cold band of death laid on
one, a fair young lady in our midst, who
is but in the bloom of life. It is well to
remember "That in the midst of life, we
are in death."
At the hour of 7:35 last Saturday
morning, March 24, 1900, the peaceful
voice of angels became a ruling ideal
over the life of Miss Effie Clarice Xoyer,
aged 18 years 7 months and 3 days.
Her last moments on earth were of
the motit peaceful nature, which marked
her pasaing'of the bounds of this earth
to a high and fairer home beyond the
The deceased was born near Oregon
City, Clackamas county, August 21, 1881,
of well-known parents. Her lather, B.
F. Nnyer, is now in Klondike, and is yet
uninformed of his Bad and sudden be
reavement which will no doubt be a
great shock to him. The cause of death
was Rpinal meningitis and brain fever.
She was sick only about 12 days, the
last eight daysof which time was paused
unconsciously. She leaves a father,
mother, five sisters and one brother, be
sides many relatives and friends to
mourn her loss.
The remains were interred in the Dart
cemetery, Sunday, March, 15, 1900 for
its last resting place.
'O thou sweet and peaceful reet,
Which forever shall be bleBl;
And lor time we ne'er shall see,
That glorious temple of eternity.
jAMes F. Mitts,
Meadow Brook, Or.
Teacher Diet. No. 11,
Yellow Jitck.
Owing to the prevalence of smallpox
in difjerent localities throughout the
country, which is liable to become epi
demic, it is recommended and strongly
urged that all persons within the city
and especially school children be vacci
nated without delay.
C. D. Latoi kette,
Charles Albbioht,
J. W. Powell,
Health Committee.
Novelties in neckwear, handkerchiefs
and veiling just received at Golden Rule
TraeherV Examination, j
Notice ia hervby given that for the pur-
p e of making an examination of all
person who may olfcr themselves aa
cuidiUles for tea hr of the achoula of
this county. The county achool auper-1
intendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination at Urn court houso, Oregon
City, Oregon, April II, J'am, commenc
ing at !) o'clock a. m.
lUnd tills SW dav of March. YMW
X. W, Hol ANU,
Comity School Snpreintendent of
Clackamas County.
For countv certiticatea only.
For primary certificates commencing
Wednesday April 11, at 0 o'clock a. m.
and continuing until Thursday, April 4
0f teaching, method.
Mory ef a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst form
of slavery, George P. Williama, of
Manchester, Muh. tells how such a slave
wai made tree. He say: "My wife
haa been so helpless for five years that
she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric Bitters,
she is wonderfully improved and able to
do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dixiy
spella. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, rnn down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by Geo. A. Harding
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are Said
on a positive guarantee. Lures near 1
burn, rairing of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia. One
little tablet gives immediate relief.
25 eta. ami 50 cts. Geo. A. Harling,
The Farmers and Mechanic store of
Oregon City invites your inspection of
their new line of dry goods, clothing, etc
Wedding stationery, the latest strict
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entsbi-risi
Haa turned with disgust from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath, Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies
the breath by its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
on absolute guarautee. Price 25 cts,
and 50 cts. C. G. Huntler the Druggists.
A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal,
Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number
of years from rheumatism in his right
shoulder and side. He says: "My
right arm at times was entirely uaeleos.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately. The Pain Balm has been
a constant companion of mine ever since
and it neyer fails." For sale by G, A.
Harding, Diugist.
The latest in walking hats an sailors at
Miss Goldsmiths.
M. Michaels is having his store build
ing enlarged and will place in a new
stock of ladies's good.
Legal Notices.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, County of Clackamas.
Matilda Schreckhise, plaintiff
Geo D Schreckhise, defendant
To Geo. D..Scbroeckhiae, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the ahove
entitled con rtand cause on or before the 24th
day of April l'JOO, the same being six weeks
from the date of the firxt publication of this
summons, if you fail so to appear and
answer said complaint the plaintilt will ap
ply to the court for the relief demanded in
said complain I to-wit, tor a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony between you
and plaintiff herein.
This summons is published by order of
Alfred K. Sears, jr. judge of the circuit
court of the Fourth judicial district. In ad.)
and entered March It, I'M, in the absence
ofT. A. McBride, Judge of the above en
titled court.
This summons is first published on
March 10, I'M,
Bbownki.l & Camtrell,
Attys. for Plaintiff.
police Tor Publication.
Land Ollice at Oregon City Oregon.
March 17. l'.0.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oregon, on May, 8, I'M, viz:
by his guardian, Alfred Leuelling, for the
seJ4ofnw4, neofswj, sw' ofnejand
uwofse sec 25, t.3s, r8 K.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land viz:
Blephen D. Coleman, and Stephen O.
Mitchell, of Sandy Oregon; John T. Mcfn
tire and William Welch, of Salmon, Ore.
Te Iknrr x It, trial blankata Meal
tuhtd leiiaed at try t leaned lot Seal ihr. Ta
eaee iw kleneere eoh ee Hffi eaeae a eoani
da la kill luk ol aera tur s ei,a I
Mr Bin cup M
Cold Dust Wishing Powder
ad eoek eleakel la N for keif aoart rsee
laiplr aiove H trmitii tad ree Ike eelled sea'
niH la aarai vtnr of it rat Mmparaiara
lha aat la wklck row weak II, kaa aa la
ana la.e or eaaihiae eunJour (ir eaa sat
ktl t ton, aklM eliolat )oa lll eare.
T t it UIm l m, Km Whwa
Muiiitu iioi rua aoiuauu'
aaaa baa m i.m at
m a. a. raiaiAa eoneatiy.
at. latrta, mmm Vat,
IN THE ClUCt IT OOl KT oftl.eSta
of Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Courtauld Thomson, plaintitl
K.I art J, lKiwIrn, and
IxHiisa Poalen, ilrtriiitanla
To K.laardJ. lKialrnaml Loula lVwlrn
In Hit nam of lha State ol (trayon, ) ou
and each of you a'e hereby r.uiirvl lo ai
lear and anaaer the complaint It In) aaml
you in Ilis a'Hive pntiilml suit on or brforr
tlit 7lli day ol May, 1 ), a Inch Is lha time
prescribed In lha order (or publication ul
Una sum mom within whlcb you ara re
quired to answer Ilia complaint ul plaliilitf.
and II you (ail aol appear and amer, (.T
ant thereof, the plaintill w ill apply to fie
court for Ihe relief demanded in the com
plaint herein.
The reliel praved for in the complaint ia.
that upon lha hearing of the above ntnlrd
uit it day be decreed thai the plaliitltr la
entitled to a dfe for Ihe sale of the
Inlrreal of Ibe delendanta In and
to the lands hereinafter described, lo
reimburse plaintilt lor certain moiiaya aid
out by hi hi as tenant in common with da
femiant, K.I ward J Itowlen In said land!
lor the preservation thereof from loaa ol the
title thereto by lorvcloaure of a murta-ax on
the same, and lor a decree tubrotaili'H
plaintiff 10 Ihe rights of the former oaner
aid holder of said mortgage againal the
intereat of defendants in and lo said landa.
The advancement of Ibe moneys by plaint
iff being aa follows:
June3U. 1KVI I 80 0T
June Li. 1.4M l IS)
Iiiii.'N mil)
No . (!
April 24, iiS 11)
Apr., VM, 1-97 l) t
One half of whlcb said moneys, with In-
teres! and a reasonable attorney's fee, pro-
vtdel in and by ihe term ol said mortgage,
this plainilif is entitled to recover from and
by the sale of the Interest of defendants in
said lands.
The lands hereinbefore referred lo are
sitoatod In thecouniy of Clarkamaa, Slate
of Oregon, and described as lolloars, lo-i :
Ten cres being Ihe north of the a1;
of ol three (3) sal off by decree to William
B. Campbell as eighty acres. Said lot
three (Si being situated In section li, town
one sonlli, range one eaal aid section thirty,
town one south, range two east, and being
a part of Ihe Hector Campbell donation Land
This summons is published by order of
Hon. Thomas A. McHride. Jucl-e of lha
above entitled court made March 19. I'Ju.
By said order it was directed that ibis
summons be published once a week for an
successive weeks, and the date al the first
publication thereof is March Z,
W. A. Clslasd.
Attorney for Plain till;
I'lrrtutor' Nale.
Notice Is hereby given by the under- j
signed, executor of Ihe estate of Charle P. '
Tbore, decesaed, that on and after the Pith
day of April, PW0, he will proceed to sell at
private sale the following dearnhed real !
eatate belonging to the estate nf Charles P. ,
Thore. decesaed. All of lots No. I and 2, of
block No. 8. of the town of Willamette Kails
in Clackamas county, Oregon. Terms ofj
sale, cash. Subject to confirmation by the
county court of Clirkamaa rounty.
FkASii.ta T. GHtrriTii,
Executor of the Kalate of Charles P.
Tbore, decesaed.
Hedges 4 Onllith,
Attorneys lor Kxecu'or.
Notice Tor I'ulilieallon,
United States l.and Office. Oregrm City,
Oregon, March 12, l'.J0.
Notice is hereby given that Incompliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, I87H, entitled "An act forthessle
of timber lands in the Slates of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington lerntorv"
as extended to all the puolic land states by
act 01 August t, IKK
of Marquam. eounty of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his
sworn statement No. SPil. for the pnrchase
oftheNWof section No. 4, In towimhlp
No. 7 8. rang No. 2 K, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural puroe, and lo etahlii,h bis claim
to said land before the Keglaler and Re
ceiver at tins ollice at Oregon Citv, Oregon
on Wednesday, the Zi I day of ilsy, 'M.
He names as witnenei:
Frank Jones, Albert Wsde, of Scoffs
Mills; Julius K. Mortenson, Joneph T. Boss
both of Marquam.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the ahove descbribed lands are requested to
tile their claims in this ollice on or before
said 23 1 day of Mav. IM.
Xollce of Final Mot (lenient.
have tiled my final report as executrix of
Ihe last will and tentamenl or James T.
Hougham, deceased, in the county court of
the State of Oregon for Clackamas County,
and said court has fixed Monday, April 2,
V at 10 o'clock a. m as the lime of hear
ing any objection lo said report and admin
istration, of said estate.
Any person having any objections to said
report and administration must Ills the
same in said court before said date.
Dated February 21, !).
AIakv F. Houuiiam,
Executrix as Aforesaid.
L. u. Porter, attorney
police of I'inul Nrllleinent.
undersigned, administrator of the estate of
George Groom, decease.!, has tiled in the
County Court of the btate of Oregon for the
County ol Clackamas, his final account as
administrator of the said estate, and tbe
Hon. Thos. F. Kyan, )udK of the said
countv court has fixed Mondav II,
day ol April, 'M, at the boor of 10 o'clock
a. m. at the court room of said court at
Oregon City. Oregon as the ti me and i,Uni
of hearing objections to said final account.
Fhasxliii T. Ghiffith.
Administrator of the estate of George'
Groom deceased, I
Hedges 4 Griffith, attorneys for adm.
3-2 3 30
MM 111).
the Circuit CoU'l ol Ihe Stale ol Oregon
a itinn and lor Clackamas county.
t liordoti. plalntllf, I
' (i, 11. Ion, defendant!
to P. liofdon, Ihe alx'V.t'ane.1 drft:
In li.e name of Ihe S'ate 11IOreg.n1. Yo.l
.ir l.rirl.v requited to appear and an.arr
the complaint hied a,-.i.-l -'" "
ata.ie anil ill sal.l ro-.M. on or r-n. !'
Vihdev ol April, ''it s'1
(r,.,ii Ihe tl"l p it. n ation ol tlna aumitunis
and if vou fall to appear and "
complaint, the plaintilt will apply to the
mutt ..r Ihe rellel demanded therein, lo
it l'lial the honda ol mal-in.onv heiaaen
,011'rarll and the defendant he di.aol.e.1 an t
thai alie rave lha care and rnatudy ol Ihe
minor rliil Iren ul aa d marriage and Ihe
ru.ta of this suit, and aurh oilier reliel a
in the court shall aeem rqiinahle. Pile
.uminonais published In Ihe Oregon tliy
Knierprlae hv order of I" h.-. K. Ityan, Judge
ol the eounuronrt ul l iacs.an.aa ismnty.
dated March I.1. the Ural puldi.ail.in
be,,., March K Pi. w ..
Attorney lor Plaintill.
r.itM-uiur'a aale
matter ol Ihe eatate of
In Ihe
N. O.
VYalden, deceaaed.
iin.Uraigued eieculi.ra uf Ihe etal ol S
O Wai.lei, deeeaa-d. that on and a.'ler the
.'.I day of April, I . theyalil pr.ic-ad 10
aril al private sale Ihe lollo ng Hrecrih-d
real and familial t-ruiieriy t longing lo
1 11, . .iata of N () WaMen. ilMned
iMti and 5 ol block '.Tot Orem CI'V,
Cisckamat 'ounty. Oregon. Cndlvded S
lntrel In the billowing dea:rhed rai
nroirt situated In Clackamas I'ounlv.
Oregon, ltegtiiaing at Ihe S
al Ihe aw 1 1. m cur
lier on line beleeen aeciious ;'l and Tp 1
S, K 2 e, and running Ihenre N 2Dcbains lo
lha C unity Mad al the re entrant corner ol
tbe JamaaWlnalon Imnallon lnd Claim:
thence W ID chains lo Ihe lop of Ihe
bluff; thence following the eforeaeid
county road In a eoulhaeaterly directmn
lo Hie North boundary ol Ihe lieorge
Ahernetiiy I. I.. C. ; thence H si deg. il
tnln. K. l acing Ihe north tamndarv ul Ihe
George Atirrnatby 1). I. C; 37 : cliaina
n.orvur laa lo a (miiiiI S. ul In quarter
secti in corner belaeeu aectiona .1 and 2
aluresaiat ; Iheiice N !l hnka more or leaa lo
the place ol beginning containing
I'l. divided 'i Interest In portion ol lot 3
nf block S ol uragon City. Clatkainaa
County, Oregon. d"a ribel aa folluwa: H
ginning al ilia N. K. mrner on Ihe VV. line
of Mam street; thence 8 along said W. line
2ft.. feel lo center ol party wail; Ihenre W.
al right anglea witb Main Street along Ihe
center of s.nd partr wall and heyund
II Nl feel; Iheiice al right angles with laat
dewrltinj line S. i' 5 left Ul N. line nf aanl
lot 3; Ihenre K. along aald N. line i frel
lo place of beginning.
l'n.livnle.1 ! lulernl in Ihe N. S of block
ill uf Clacka uas Heig'ils, In C.ackaiuas
County, Oregon.
V'A shares of Ihe preferred capital stork ul
Ibe I'ortlaud (ienerel Klwinc Co , and It)
hares uf capital st'H k ol Bank of Oregon
City .
Terms ol Sale shall be either cash In full
or not leas than .' er rent raali and the
remainder secured by note of the purcbaaer
with a mortgage uon tbe property aold lo
secure Ihe Payment Iherrnn
K ie i..rfhr pa-lf-i'sea aiodv In lleilgea
4 Grlftllh, attorneys for executors, al their
otuce 1 1 Oregon City, Oregon.
K. K CllXA!,
:. H CarviKLD,
lis, i. A HtHtusu.
Executors ol the estate ofN.O. M aiden,
Hedges t Grilllth
Attorneys lor executm-a.
police of Flsanl Nellletnesit.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signe.1 aduilniairntor, with Tie will sunned,
of the estate uf Clarissa Fellows, dereaned,
has filed lila final arroui.t as such adminis
trator In Ihe county court nf Clackamas
county Oregon, and thai Monday, lha 23d
day of April, 110 at I'l o'clock a. m, at the
county court room of aal.l county and slate
as Ihe lime and plare for Ihe settlement of
laid llnal reHirt ami account ami the hear
ing met determination of any and all objec
tions thereto.
A. 8. DaassKa,
Administrator sn I Ihe will annexed of
Ihe estate of I'.arisaa Fellows, dec.
.o n i:.
Notice is hereby given that I will apply
to the city council at its regular meeting In
April, PiOO, for a license to sell liquor for six
months al my saloon In Oregon on Main
street. Hold license to date fron April
8. WiO. M. IUnho.
vtr circle A t. NrTi
Karl's Clover Root Tea
fleanliriM !. r-.Mni.i..n i..a
fl HMl.KlVP,a Freah, Clear Skin. t ureaCmi
flP'i';n, lnillKe.ll.,.1, and all Kruptlcma nf
tlia hkln. An agreeable l.aanllva Nerve
ionic. Sold on ahaolute froarnnUe by all
dniKidila at 2,V., COc. and $ 1.00.
C. WELLS 4 CO., LCROV, N. 1,
son eaoraiiToae
For sale by 0. O. Huntley.
llre for rMi.UrliM
Fulled Stales l and Oltlce, Oregon CHy,
Oregon, March 11.1''". ....... , . ,
No fit 'K IS IIHlHtY UIM N Ih.t l
co.npllsnce with U pr.ivial.ine ul an acl id
I'.M.greaa of June 1. s,s ,nlllled"Aii acl f"f
he si'e of ll.nt.cr lau.ta III Ihe alslea ul I all
h.M.la. Oregon. Nevada, and Va.l.ingi"
T.rrih.rv." aa rilelidrd lo all lha Public
I and Kiaiea hv e l nl Augual t, PJ.
ul Fvell, counlv uf Hiiolioiiiish, slal
Waah.gi..n, liaallils.lav me.t In Una ultl.'e
1,1a laulii ala.en.elil .No. I' .' I'"'
rlia-nllhel .i-land 2. t , ','1 MV. of
aN nun No. I. In luwualiip No. IIH, reune
I K. and will ufter (.roll M sh .w thai the
land aoughl la mora selne'de lor Us llnilwr
or alone than for agricultural piirN.eee. an l
toeatahllah Msrlahnld sai l laud llr
the llegiaiar and lta.eler ol Una i Itlce al
(in-g.ui 1'ilr, Oiegon, no Halurdar. IhetMi
dav uf June, I 'll le.ea aa wllaaa.el
Chaa. llalHiu'k. J- r'- '''. of Oregon
Cllv.Ore; laoni Vsnghao, nf Jlolalla, Ore. ;
William Nell, of Kierell, Wah,
Ai v and all rauna rlaUt'lna" adieraelV
l ai.S deacrllwd lands a-e r Uealed M
tllellielrcial.ua In Ihla ultl.'e on or helore
aid lHh dav ul June, I'"".
1 II AN. It. MihiltM.
.ilrai ( 'reJIIr.
Notice Is lie'ehv given hv Ihe iiiularaigue.)
a Inilnlatralni uf lha eatate uf tieurge W.
Mi liolaon, dn-eaae.1, lo Ibe nwlltursnf an. I
. ,. . i... ... .i.i,.,. ...ii,.i lha aalala
ai. vai.il ."a - - -
uf aahl deHen Iu eihlhll lliem. duly
. . ... ... I., .iil.ii, Ki.H.f.itlha
ferenrd airairuing iu iw i,...",i ...........
aferll.enral puhllcailo.i of Una nollce. I i
Ihe eald e.lii'lnlal'e'H el lisr aeanlai.ee In
H.fla Hpriuga, pte.iiirl Cia kamas county,
I'eted, Irb. in. I '".
Mat i A. No ii."i".
Adm, nftt eeelale ul George W Nhhol
sou, deceaeed. JliHI'k.
.ilmlaxlalrstier'e aiiale
No! It K H IIKKKHY til VK.V lhai pur
a.ianl lo ur lcr ul Ihe caiunty ruurl, uf
Claikaniaa rouulv. I will on halnrdar
April 21. I '". at o o'do-k A. M , al the
Ironl d.ior of ll.e Cu.irt l.o.iae, In Orafoii
Coy, Oregon, icll al plihlie auillnn lo lha
blgiieal In.l.ler forraah Ihe right, title and
Intereat uf Martha A. Uaoreaai lha lime of
bar death III and to Ibe lulloamg real eatate
Ilelng a part of the ltlrrl Allen I). I- C
No I.'. Ill le il.m ll.T.IH. It. I K. ul Ihe
Willauielle Meridian and siliiaUl In Ihe
cuuuiy ul flaw keiuaa ami stale of Oregon,
and l n. or particularly daarita-l as fol
low a, l.i wit: llrglnnlng at a 'lnl that la
eaal II 1 chains and N. 4 Jsichalna fnt.ti the
H. W. comer ufaald Cl. 4.', Ihenre N a.' deg
n n.ln , K ft.'Ji rhalna; Ihanee N M
ehame and parallel to lha weal line of aahl
CI. 12 ui the center of the Mlrertnti r. ed .
I he new H. 10 .leg M mln, W, Ui rhalne
along aald row. I lo Myera' land; lhone
aouih 1.' I.'chaina In Ihe place ul lieglunlng ,
ciinlalnlng 20 acres.
tst.T I.
Relng s pari of lha It ilfl AHen I. I.. C
So. .'. In aerllon 4 and ti. T. M M It I K.
Will Me., and ailuatal in Ine ouniy ol
C eckamaa. ataia n tiregon, an l le more
I.arll.-uiariy laarrhe aa foloaa. I.iwil:
legtnulng al the H. K corner ol said D. 12,
Ihenre north 2T ch, tracing the eaal Una
ofaaij (.1. 42, Ihenre weal lilUlrh. and
parallel lo Ihe eolith line of aanl CI, 4.'.
Ihenre soulh 2ft "I cb. I'l Ihe soulh line uf
said I'l. 42; Ihenre eaal ll mrh. lo the place
of heginningniriiaimng 40 aerea.
TsaiV 3.
Ilelng a', art of lha It.d-rl Allan I). I. C.
So. 42 In aec. 4 and II, r 4 14 . It. I K. Will.
Ma., an I allnated In Ihe ro.itily nf Clarka
maa and state uf (Iragon. and Is mure
particularly drecrtned ae followa. loan:
lleginumg al a point In Ihe norlli line nf
said CI. 42, Keat II 12 rh from lha N. W.
corner Iheraof the in a Kaal 4 37 Ch. ; Ihenre
S, I'l (leg. U min. K IJ.IO rh.: U anra H.
o .leg &l mln. W.3 2sch.; Ihenre H. I'l .leg.
9 min. K. St. 10 rh. lo Ihe renter of
Ihe Nllvertoil road; Ihenre H. 4deg..'il mm.
W. 2.1 :) ch.. Ilienre i.ortli 32 2ft rii. to ihe
place of beginning; containing 'I I A
JolIN W. Im h i It KM.
Kxerutor of the eatate of Martha A. I mres.
What are Necessities?
It is a Matter
of Opinion!
"Vic t ot everythlnr I need. I've Just had my breakfatl.v
M J1y Idee of 'ncceMlty U to have plenty to cat and ehanre of Clothes.' Wbc
I wcnl to school I lamed readln, rllcn and relhraellc, and than all I need. Tncy
ay that Ignorant people won't stand eny show at all la soclty la a few years from
now. I wonder If Ibat will be Ibe case.' "
fCfitMflAM ,s not lu.xury tut Prlme necwslty to ttie laborlni
tlUULUllUll ma' .f -Jjy. I want amujctnetit but that does not
Y,f exclude Improvement. When a man Isenf.iged In atuJy
'1 .TTu", '. ". ,,lere ' ,a""r' but 11 I M oi:liiteJ with Interest all
along that t Is forgotten In the Jrllght whkh It carries In Its performance. Children.
If left to their own Impulse, will nsk questlotn. anJ If you provide mean ol
answering yoi will encourage them, and cause delight an J pleasure In reward). It It
now possible to go straight Into the very heart, the very sanctuary, of the tempi
of iMrninfl and become acijualnteJ with the best works that men of cenlus v
SfiK ticyclop(lia Britannica
Bause all the recorded wisdom nf great writer., past and present. Is con
SanS i"f MsNtW Wfc NtR tNCYCL5r-l:DIA HHlf ANNIcK that every
shade of taste can find Its liking, whether to learn the distance to lars or hnw to
..w , a ,u,,c, n Mi lMe ancients nave acn eved s before i
excer encea are afnur uru ,-a and ,mm....i " v'y"v '
.n.ei.,;;.. . . 1 . l"c a,',
eXPerlet CCS are at our servli-e and nnmi,l
- - " - - ' .w U I I
.. . T? eyerV .on?o takes advantage of
in s, tne la est edition of the famous reference library, the thrift of time will renav lif
a ter-iire wun usury of profit, beyond his most sanguine dreams. Get knowledge-,
ak iaclSloWBS '" ,te ,ki
Is mlafe In 7h'e VJ i 0KKraf! enlrle,,t men nJ women of whom no mention
is made In the atest bngllsh eJltlon of the Encyclopedia Brltannlca, or Its reprints.
It is unanimously endorsed by all competent judges and scholars,
in oil Bil,,.h.e.cl3n!PIet5 ts01arire luperb octavo volumes with
f?lr ar. ;C&S?iaan(f GMe to Systematlo Reading Is delivered free,
freight charges prepaid, to any point In the U. S., upon receipt of only
One Dollar $t. 00) Cash,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Mai tMlii net.
InlhaClriull C1101II11 ll.e Hiate i,ori.
g.ni lor Ih counlv of Clai kaiiMa.
Kiln I Mcli.hla, plaintill I
Allen Mclnnla ilenoidanl )
To Allen M Inula, a love name, I al g .
In i,e iiame of Ilia Hiate nl Oregon , y,,
are herehv r...Hed In appear ami (
the loniptatul ll'e.l ssalnal ton In ih ahuia
rnlillrd eull In Ih alMiva name, I ,.,t ,
or Ul ra the J"hll day uf April, A l. In,
ll.e aam Ulng aeteii arka Irom ila ,,,,'
ul Ih Ural pulill. atlon id l.a a ,,,,
yu.l will lake notice thai II lint fall en lo e!
ear and answer said couiplaiul the plan, ml
anlai'l'lv lo Ihe luurt lor lha ieii,( ,,.
oiai.l 'l In aanl cuiuplalul, lowli;
Hi ImiiiIs nf inalrluuiuv ,o tutting
laeen oil and plalntllf lie illaaoliad r . a
ail a la puhllahed by uid id Aid. I
Nara, ) l Ige id Ihe rnllith Judicial diln,'
aald eiale, In IhaOregun City Knle.p,.. r.,
all aurceaalve Warka, romllieni Ing lanl4
U, 'll, and rulillnnlng for rac'i week Ihria.
after 1.1 and In. hiding April jn in.
Ilanassii. ,t I'aMrsaii
Alturu)a l..f I'lalntir),
,lMer .wller,
Nolle le lierehf given thai I alllap.y
.i ihe riiy council al lis regular Tnaeling
April , I''", for a license lo sell .iiora 1,
i mmillis al my sal.Hin In Orag,.n iiyt
Oregon, on Main and Fourth atieda,
rald llctlii lo date from April 7, l'"
J. N. Minis.
Mm hi HWBa
In lha Clrvull Cuorl ol Ihe Klale uf Of
gun, for lha County nf Clackamas ,
A flad ti. Iey, pialnl.fT,
' j
(lad lie M.l'ar. dfndai.i
Tora.ldieMa 1'ay. Ihe dafan.lanl ei
naii'rd .
In ll.e iiamanf U.eHlate uf Oregon Y.,
ara lierehy riiirel lo apar and ama.r
Ihe roinplalnl lllal agalnal )oi In lha aiane
antl'le-l ruurl ami ra'iae 1111 uf lt.,i
;ih .lav uf April. I'JU. Ihal being lha lona
iraa-itie. In Ihe or.lef uf puhllrauoit nf
Ihla eunini.iue, and If you fall lo an a ar
imliniair herein Ihe plalullff a III 1 1,
.i the alie milled ruurl ,.r Ilia i,u
prarwl for In lb romplalnl, ua,i x
dreia ul ..Ourrw fmm the huiide nl malrt.
niunv now silatlug betaaeii you ami the
plalnlllf, and thai aanl bun.le be annulled,
and diaauiiad uajii Ibe geiKHi'le ami (or
Ihe iaein ul your daaarll.ni uf ihe p.a.i.lifl.
Thie e.in.ni.o.a ia publiahad l.y ur.lef uf
Hon. Alfrwl V. Haara. jr. judge ul lha eirn.ii
ruurl of Ihe Male ul Orrgott tut Ihe r.-amy
uf Multnomah. Kaid order being itiai
ii4i.i Ihe I'eti dav nf Fabnary, I 'naM
during Ihe atiaeiire uf Hon. T. A. kl. llo.ia
from ihecuuuly uf Cta. kan.as and Maieo!
June T. I'Mias,
Atluruey for I'la.hiift
Pale of Drat puMl. atlon. Fab. 21. Ho,
.wllee. .r faibllrsilleai
Cnilad rltata lanj srfl.a, Oregou l l'y,
Oreg.ni, January 71. I
NofU KM lir.ltKIIY OIVF.S that In
eoiuplleure with lha pruvlaiuiia of lha a I .a)
miiKm uf June 3. Is.'S, en.liUd "An act
lor lha aale ul Unit' lamia In 10 ala m of
California. Oiegun. Naia.)a iikI Maahli g.
Ion terrliory." at nndel Ul all lb put' 14
land etaiee hi art uf Augual 4. I'.'.
(arid C. Ilstrb nf MolaMa, on my
nf C'e-aemea, stale uf Oregon, has
llila ilay filed In Ihla oft! re hie sworn
ata'eineul No M i',, for ll.e purchaaenf lha
n Vt ne 'i see tt, 11 hf o aeril.iu No. XI
In low oar, li No. 7. a rang No. 4 e, an l will
oiler proof to eh.ie thai Ihe laud sought Is
mora valuab'e lor It Hinder or aluua II, 1
for agricultural pur4aa, and In eatat.ilili
tile cia in lo aald land be for Ine regUtcf
and recelrer of mis ofTPiw al Oregon City,
Oregon, un Monday, Ih loth day of A'til,
!'. He nan.ee aa wllneaaaar
SJfulhla A Fo. Jeaae N, Offleld, Jueeph
I. o tiaid. Mia..uriA T. Vaniluekiik, a l
of M, italla. Oregon.
Any and e l iwreons rlalmlng adverealy
I'.e aialeecribed lamia are re-HU"l la
ne their rlalms In this nfTlce on or before
aald ihih day ol April, I'bii,
CHAM. ti. MooK4.
1m trarnei is nappy calurs
lo siplore.
The fool Is happy that ha
koowi do more."
- ,c"l "ve atnievea is Deiore us. 1 ueir
V. '
our marvelous offer and aeriirea a set of