Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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1.0 J ITCH.
A. 0. U. W. nieits every f urli.y
evening In the A. O. I'. W. Tfinple.
0k). K. Ctlitr. secretary.
Ki.U'kalis Willamette Uehekah I-odus
No. 2 mootn second and fourth Friday ol
ea.li month it I. O. O. F. Temple
Matta (iodfry, n-cn-tary.
Court Kohin Hood No. 9, ForoHtonol
Ainorii s, meets tirrtt and third Friday Id
the month In lied Mon'i Hall.-W. B.
Rallord secretary ; F. T. Ko.fra, chiel
Meade Pjet No. 2. 0. A. U., meets
first Monday evening and third Sattihlay
afternoon in each month t Wilaini'tte
Hall. G. A. Harding, commander.
Ctarkamss Chapter No. 2, K. A. M.,
fnecia on the third Monday of each
month in Masonic Hall. M. Bollaik,
Iiomer Chapter No. 2S. 0. E. S. moot
(he second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Maaonic Hall. Miss Jennie
Kiiwi'n, secretary.
A Traced? of lonl II I a. we. ( all Fr ('..uiity (Vmenlloii.
The luy of the destruction of the The l!r,.iillioan Convention for l'la.-sa-
hailm f M. tlVrvnla nt tlie foot of I . . . .. . ,
' , ,t ....... , ms County, Oregon, li hereby called lo
Mont Wane, In lt'.'.', la toM In "lhe " '
Annul of Mont Wane." Tlila was one "" "' Armory, Oregon Wy. on Wrd-
of the riil.iinltlea (tint could carvel
hno been pivillctiil or avertol.
Owing ti the ittipingi of the sub
p'.irhil i!i':t!ii:v, In some way never
aivrtnlniMl. a hike waa formed under
the Tele lioiisse glacier, In which nil
enormous ho.ly of water waa pent up
It a Ht lO.ocK) fivt alnno the oa lev
1 1. lU'tween I nu. I 2 o'clock ou (lie
night of July li lv'i the Ice that had
hi'KI the take gave way.
The water swept In a torrent of tre
mendous force over the iVaert do
I'lerre Konde, gathering up thousand
of tons of rock and stone In Ita course.
It passed with a terrific ronr under the
hamlet of Itlonn.iasay. which It did not
Injure, destroyed half the village of
liionnay on the highroad hclwevn Con
taiulnea and St. Ucrvals and. tearing
i ;i trws at It went along, Joined the
tniiln river of the Iton-Nant.
Following the river boil and destroy
lug on Its way the old Font du Dlahle,
It hurled Ita seething flood of water.
tlmlvr. stoucs and utud upon the solid
Ariel's Itjop' l"' 1'aatiU-t are 'd
on a positive gi.ir,uilc.. Cn" '"r t
hum. rnUlngof the food, distress allot
eating or any foiin of dvp'i'U One
hllle tahlel gives immediate lelief.
i'S its. an.l M tl. 0 Harding,
Oregon Lodge No. 3. 1. 0. 0. F., meets i lnlldlng of the St. Nervals Latin and
ev.rv rhnredav in Odd Fellows' 1111.- j """' Vho,ln, '"-""enta. Then
I crossing the Chamonlx road. It spread
T. r. Kyan, secretary. J tw,f 0(jt n form of g bMooUi fan
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F. over the valley of the Arve. destroying
meets first and third Tuesday in each J trt of the village of U Fayet In ita
ni'sday, the tli day of March, l.n ), at Hi
hour of nine o'clock, a. in. for lhe purpoar
of eli cling H ilelriialM to lhe Mlale Kcpuli-
llcan eonveulion, to t held In I'orllan.l,
Orrgon, Acrll, li, l , and S ilelegalra lo j We
the Congreonal Iteeuhllcan Oonvnilioii clean, cotton
of th Flml liiirict, to hel.l at Mo Minn
Title, Oregon, April 10, I'.mti; alto for the
luriM ol noiuiiiaiina reirerniativr for
the legl.laliire, 2 county eotun.lMionrr,. cine wa so elleclive a kodol IHN...la
C ure. It gave luniii'iiiitie reuu. i
Inillles proiluce.1 nurveh'iia reult,"
riles I.. II. Warren, Alhany. Wis. It
pay ft cents fvr Minid lm
rg Sl me r.uierpuxp
1K Hot need to he while
I had dyxio-p' '"r yara. No modi-
shrrill, clerk, reconler, awetwir, trvamirrr,
surTeyor, n hool tivrrttititlnt, coronrr
aril Jinliort of the eac, coimtaMri an.l
roa.l uiervior of lb dillervnt prrcnuii.
The convention shall ronsltt of I II .le!r
gatei, aKrtioned to the sewral precincti
follows, said aiMirlionineuia Mug t.aie, 1 . 101' lift IT.
ou one -teli gaea! large for each poo net an.l j Ifshlloh's Cough and I'onauinption
one dclfga's for every '."0 voles and insj. , Cure, which l sol. I lor the smalt price of
fraction cast lor T. T. tieer lor governor ai ?.t cen It and AO cents and 1 1. 00, does not
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
IlK.I. A. II M.NU.
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
lrder of I'endo meets every Mon.'.iy
night at Kcdwen s hall. Head Counselor, ; Tjtter mln was every where. The once
lovely gardens of the haths were Ave
or six feet deep In mud, fine trees had
Such was the catastrophe of St. Ger-
vals which claimed over 1A0 victims.
S. t. Scri'lure; Mrs. May Taylor secretsry.
Kidmen Waeheno Tribe No. 13, Imy,
0. F.. M., meeU Saturday evening 7:30,
at Ked Men's Hall. N. M. Mcnxly, C.
of R.; Chas. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Monic Hall. T. F. Kysn,
Mead Relief Corps No 13, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and the
third Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. m. The Auxiliary meets at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m. Mrs. Roeina Foots, president Mrs,
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
United Artisir.s meet every Tburfdav
been snapped like reeds and enormous
blocks of stone were strewn over the
dreary waste.
She Decided to IteaialB.
"I will." she exclaimed. "I will not
live with you another day!"
"You leave tue, w 111 you V be calmly
"Yea. I wIlL"
"Now right off tbla mluute."
"You'll go awayT"
"Yes, sir."
"1 wouldn't If I were you."
"But I will, and I defy you to pre
vent me. I have suffered at your bands
as long as I can put up with It."
"Ob. I shan't try to stop you." be
quietly replied. "I'll simply report to
the police that my wife has mysterl
evening of esch month at the Willamette 'dtfKrI , j , , , y
iiaii. ine social meung oi wn. oruerTrear No- 7 ,bt(Cg. T0U bare a tra
is second Thur9eav of each month. E,
H. CiK'i er, secretary, M. Bollack M. A.
Willamette Falls Camp No 143, W. 0
W. meets lbl and 3rd Fridays in the
Willamette Hall. C. C, Sol. S. Walker
and clerk G. Olds.
large mouth; you walk stiff In your
knees; your nose turns up at the end;
eyes rather on the squint; voice like
"Wretch! You wouldn't dare do
that!" she screamed.
"I certainly will, and the deserlp-
I tlon will go In all the papers."
Lone Fine Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. i Tbey glared nt each other , mom(Dt
M., Loiran, Or., meets on the second 0 gjience. Then It was plain to be
Saturday in each month from the Ut ol sven be bad the dead wood ou her.
Mav to lstof November at 2 p. m. and I Columbus Journal.
from 1st of November to 1st of May at
10 a. Di. A. E. Lewellen. W. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong. Sec.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. C47, meets every Tuesday ol j service.
thtj month. "By the way." said the author, "I
I would be delighted to give you a copy
Tuala'in Tent, K. O. T. M . , meets is I of mj work lf you care for ,u
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourtL "i should be more than pleased to
Wednesdays O. H. Hyatt, recird , bave It," was the renlv. "esieclaily If
Ills Great Work.
A Chicago man who has written a
book was telling about it the other day
to a friend who had once done hi in a
keepei .
Sunday Services.
Eighth and J. Adams streets; Rer.
Kr.iesl J. W. Mack, pastor. Suwlav schoo
at In A. M., weekly services every Thursday
at 8 P. M. German school every baturdaj
from 9 to li Everybody invited.
you will write your name In It."
"All right. There Is a bookstore
Just around the comer. If you will ac
company me, we will go there and get
It. I don't happen to have a copy In
my office Just now."
After they had stopped to glance at
some of the new things in the book
store the author hailed a clerk and.
pushing bis chest out very far. asked
for the novel that be had written.
"Yea, sir." the clerk said. "We have
It around here somewhere, I believe,
but you are the first oue who bas ever
the lat ttate elretion:
Ahernethy, H
Harlow 2
Beaver Creek 4
Borings 3
Canemah 4
Can by 0
Ciac.amaa S
C ill von Creek i
Eagle Creek
Mapls I.ana
Milk Creek
Sew Era
Ore. City So. 1
it i i
I ii ii
1'leasant Hill
Soda Springs
WsatOrs Ciiv
dire lake the hoitle hack and we will re
fund your money. S..I.I l-r oer llitv
years on this guarantee. I'i ice I'.'i cents
and AO cents. C. ii. Hniiliey , lhe t'rug-gist.
' I'ateut Record.
4j "Money to patent g"d ideannarle
" secure.1 by our aid. address The Patent
! Record, Baltimore, Md."
i: - -
'! John Pirr I'joeyville, ltd., sajs, "I
4 never uned anvlhing as good as tine
.Minute Cough Cire. We ais never
: without it." ii'ilckly breaks npouglis
,,'su lcolda. Cure all throat and lung
troubles. Ita U" will prevent .oiisump
tiou. I'leasant to take.
liio. A. lUftlitxu
The primaries for the election lo the said
convention will be helJ In the several pre
cincts at the usual voting places on Satur
day, March 21'h, and at the following
Abemethy 2 to 7 p. m. Molalla 2
Beaver Creek 2
Barlow 2
Borings 2
Cwnby 2
Canemsh 4 to 8
Canyon Creek 2 to 3
Maple I-ane 2
Milk Creek 3
Ma.ipiaui i to I
Mfrwsukis 3 to 7
Seedy 2 to
Sew Era 2 lo I
West Ore City 4 to 7 :30 Ore City So 1 2 to 7
Cascades 2
Cherryville 2
Clackamas 2 to S
Dima.cus 2
Eigle Creek 2
Garfield 2
Georice 2
Harding! 2
Highland 2
Macksburg 2
" " "22 to T
" " "52 to 7
Oswego 4 to 7
Tleasant Hill 2
Sievem 2
Soda Springs 2
Springwaler 2
Tualatin 2
I'nion 2 to i
Viola 2
Hlu.it.RAND, P.or. Oo tiundairmaKsatSaud
10.:o a. M. Every second and fourth SumUj
Uerman icrmou after the H o'clock maul
it .I'. ...k... M..... L'nnlluk ...VMnna U A .
School at 2:30 r. m. Vespers, apologetic j asked for a copy, and It may take me
subiecis and Benediction at 7:Mr. . some time to Bud It- Wouldn't some
thing else do Just as well? We have a
great many better hooks at the same
price." Chicago Times Herald.
H. Ohenr, Pastor. Mornlnj service at 10 45
Buuday fichool at 10:00. t'lms meetiDg after
moriiine service. treninK service at 7 JU
Epwortn Lesitue meeting Sunday evenlnr at
6:30: Pra;er UeetinE Thursday evening at7.3
strangers cordiallv inviied.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and
7:S0 r. m. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Youn
People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets
every Sunday evening at 6:30. lhuisday
evening prsyer meeting at 7:30. Seats free.
Eighth an l M iliao'i street, Rv. S. Copley
paiior. Services every Sahlialh at 11 a. ni
and 7:45 p. m. Sunday Hchool 10 a. m
Prayer meeting 8 p. ra. All are welcome
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Services
evtty Sunday at 11 a. rn, and 7:30 p. ni.
(Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Hirvice everv
Friday evening at7:.'i0. Other services at
may be announced. All seats free. Strang
ers cordially invited.
corner of Main and Eleventh streets Rev.
K. 8. Bollingtr, pastor. Moniinu service
10:'VJ; Sunday School 12; Junior Endeavor
6; Y. P. .S. C. E. prayer meeting C:.'50;
eveniii); service 7:30.
H. iieaven, paaior. 1'rearhing services
every Sunday at 10 :50 and ':.') p. ni. Sun
day school at 12 noon to 1 p. in, Juniors
meet in the afternoon and the (senior Young
People's society and Uible study cla-s at
6:15 p. in. Thursday evening, regular
prayer service at l.'.'A) p.m. Wednesday
evening, Bible study class at Y. M. C, A.
rooms led by the pastor.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
bo agonizing and frequently fatal.
Jsh Hob's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic In cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. The worst
cases relieved immediately. Price, 23 cts.
SOctfl. and $1.00. C. G. Huntley, the
How He Obtained Qolet.
At one of the meetings during Mr.
Moody's services In Kansas City hymn
sheets were distributed by the ushers
Just previous to his address. He was
feeling very tired, and speaking was a
great exertion; so, fearing the noise
that would result should the audience
rustle them, he resolved to get rid of
them. He called out, "Will everybody
who bas a hymn sheet hold It up?"
The sheets were held up all over the
balL Mr. Moody shouted, "Now shake
Twelve thousand flimsy sheets of pa
per wie shaken vigorously. They
made an Indescribably musical sound.
There Is nothing to compare It with.
One can only say It was a vast rustle.
"That will do," called Mr. Moody at
the top of his voice. The sound ceased.
"All right," said Mr. Moody. "Now sit
on those hymn sheets." The audience
sat on them. Having taken this pre
caution ngalnst Interruption, Mr. Moo
dy began his sermon.
The judges and clerks of said primary
elections shall be appointed by the com
mitteemen of the reseclive precincts. A
copy of the credentials of the delrgatet
elected to the County Convention shall be
forwarded to the secretary of the County
Central Committee in time to have the
same filed before the hour of 3 a. m. Man h
V, !'). Each precinct shall be represented
in the county convention by duly elected
delegates ill person or by residents of the
same precincts holding proxies of said
delegates, and not otherwise.
By order of County Central Committee.
J. I'. Campbixl, J. C. Bmahi.iv,
Secretary. Chairman,
' 'a.U t'nlarrh i iu '!y y i- I.U to trit
n ut by Ely's I n am llalni, whi. b is ak;re.
aMya. mmtns. It i rurire. I through the
r.ixilri i, cleatiira and h' ia tlm wlmia stir-fm-e
r- it whii'li it dittm- a itielf. Iniggit
a. 11 the k'c si.n; 'lr ni by in.nl, 10
cuts. Tet It and y.'U .if s .r lo continue
the trtaUui lit.
AllllOIIIK TIIH-llt.
To ae-m .in" I"'""' !' re I'aitial
to the ukb ol a.. ii.i- r in u s u.g l. j i; U
Into tl.0 , aihi U t ..-.' trvu.
kVj, the pr.'prn tora pire i'rram l'.!m in
li.piid form, whi. h will Vn.u aa I.ly'a
Li.pud Cream lulm. I'ri. lm in l ug the
spraying tul is 7-lceuta. lmcgita or by
mail! The li.piid form r:nbil.ra the liiol
icinal prujertii s of the a l.d n j aralioa.
For Infants and Children.
Ttu Kind You Have Always Bought
Ber.rs the
Signature of
Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton,
Pa., writes, "I think DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve the grandest salve made."
It cures piles and heals everything. All
fraudulent imitations are worthless.
Gko. A. IIabihnq.
For Sale,
Moving picture entertainment out lit
with calcium light attachment snd
gramaplione talking machine; good as
new. Cost 22- and will hell fur flOO.
Also have light wagon to trade for heavy
one. Inquire of J. A. Thayer, real es
tate agent, Oregon City, Ore.
For sal, fli'ty-flvearres of laud, cheap,
iil location on Highland road, aldMit
three rviU-a from Oregon City. House
and lot in good ha'alioli in Oregon City,
easy terms. Also Ii7 aires of
good tiuiU'r land on the Columbia liver.
Iaiki. Wii.i.ia, Oregon City, Or.
Deaatr la llluoil Deep.
Clean blood menus a clean skin. No
beauty without It. iWareta, l and) Cathar
tic clean your blotxl and ke-p it clean, b)
Stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the hodv. H-kiii to.l.iy to
banish pimples, boiis, Llotrhea, blai klirads,
and that an k!y bilious rniuplexioii by taking
C'ascarets, lieu'ily f..r ten rents. All ding
gists, satisfaction gu:iraiitxd, lOc, 20c, J"Jc.
Always ebaaper
lo the and than f aels
that only eont balf aa murh.
Taated, true to nam, tresb and
rnilabls. Always lhe beat. Ask
(or Karry's taks do olbars.
wnu (ue iww Sm1 annual.
o. m. rKHitv .,
Dilrelt, MUh.
"I had bronchitis every winter lor
years and no medicine gave me perma
nent relief till I began to take One Min
ute Cough Cure. I know it is the best
cough medicine made," says J. Koontz,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat
arid lung troubles. It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly.
Gko. A. Hahoi.no.
Sean ths he M Hate Alwaw Bought
Managing Hra. Jones.
"Look here," said Mr. Jones to the
bouse agent, "my wife will be calling
today, and I want you to tell ber that
that bouse we have been looking at Is
"But, my good sir." protested the
agent, "It Isn't taken."
"It will be then," answered Mr.
Jones. "I am taking It now. Mrs.
Jones can't make up ber mind, but
she'll want It directly she thinks she
can't get It" London Telegraph.
A Fale Cnnecessarr.
Tommy I know now why you wear
only one eyeglass.
His Big Sister's Beau-WbyT
Tommy Brother Jack says yon
ought to see with half an eye that sis
ter doesn't care anything about you.
Jewelers' Weekly.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artlflclall y d !(?osts the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and rccon
Btructlngthe exhausted digestive or
gang. It Is the latest discovered digest
antand tonic, ho other preparation
"After doctor, failed to ere me of 1 5" PP" 'l ?!!!CJC'JL:
dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Your tcitin tvillliiivptlin Ix-hI
of cure mid
Full Moasuro of Feed
At llirt
City StnblcH.
W. H. YOUNG, Prop.,
s,i.,.e.ir y, Cookss
Livery KitfHou Hlmrl Nolle.
Telephone No. 42.
. .. L. ....
'W.. k. t fual
15 V IS L 15 li,
Oj'ji. Huntley's Prug Store,
10K1Y YhAKS 11AI1 KII NL li IN
lirent Uritiiin and America.
i ,
Jakhi (iimy, . I'li.ii uirt
ICAtoitfl IVr lrty nn I'liwitrtlsj.
I.l"l and Feetl Hll.lB In Ciiih,,, i,,,,, ,
Ilia II Oils. Ilofwt 111(1 ll'lf(;a
lt al Iteawii.aiii imr,,
Bar sui'i'li. ilh Ilia Huasl alnr., ,
and rlara. WrlnhaM's ler
tt . I . Ml He" htnt. t. Its t.
Jirla If s .i IK I'MfU I ItNllUkiM,
ri i'i"i,",ir i u h sins
Hure, I
Prciliicc and Commission Merchants.
Ileal MtateaiKl J
rue Insurance. .
Highest Miaikrl prl' pal l l"f Wheat. Oats,
I'liiatora, W.k.I. On!. his, liieen arid ile. rrmia,
Call on r file
M III IIM'. larsra.Or
It i: IH M. ll'Hl.ll.rl.w
lillO HMsll I, .igrsiM mmUf
t, V..lr.
U mm it.nalsskU. . lliU'SssI saj
m. r.kete4, tu ft f It'll (iAM Hti
llllf t"- .,H.4 S MMtJM ffc WtW i
y t.aHf, Ibm, fcsassnta Mj twst , tssam tmmft M
'I. IffSfssat 9araw wmmw tsM
Vasjf Sat, sSMMst, I faff i M aw Sal ll i j
9 MMajMssf ftsMS ttsjaM, a. fsf 9JaH SSkssM
. Vut )j4 a as W.sasM M m j
SUi t' V , faaisM . h-m t . aWti ts
r9 a. Mi Vlll mm athi lm fw$ !. 1 1s Mg U
asl SMel f lB4 .' I I
tW.fs f law H mssU p4t, oava Im ' m mm ka ss H
W mm atk.M4 If 1 ! II to s- IismIW kfti
twtvi f ( lw vbhfsa mj t f h fc4,
m . J fm ua
f I m m Ml ssjss-faf fm I
II l I
-t .eswWfil pimmmtmmt W lll tihst
Yk ,-- U m Wx sas M r
.m. A I mmm mi l imf mmmmm t Hi .W
- T v iiitf r( I mm saai mi 1W BmmH inn
to llMMMa.1 4.e lxll4 ' AIU I fsSjlll-
'thai Mlavl. aM Is) vr4l sil mm t KrwJ.aa i'i-fawl't " - fc-ar. Hl4
4 l asWt'it t toj fW"! ' rl Its -I l rallnVM U.l -tl 1 Hall Q A
wL4 lai- saA'v.la ..t Ins sl(jr1. ! assM a4 fa mm tmm Sai sal mmm f
sua. 4u-. 8CAR9, ROtDUCK CO. tlnoJ. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. I.
MM fMOlf S
Tsirui -e
A Farm Llbrar? of oncqntticj taiuefr,: i,8u
l'r-l-Jalc, toncltc and ComrrchcnMve- H
sofficly I'rlouj anj HcautKully Illuw-J.
No, i-iii(ioi.n noKsn hook
All t-.,.l IIimwc4 CiHtimoa raa Treat lw, ei.li.
74 llluMialiiiua ;a siaiuUtil m,ik. I lh y ln.u
No. a-IU(KU.n Ill.UHY IU)CK
All ataxit tuwi. small I ruli-fs1 a4 a-.tn an .
lifnUlna,co.irO III. Ilk r n )..: M il..n,i. all l- .!.(.(
varlrim aJ ull.i iitu.li ali.ua. I ik yiiaula
No. 3-ni(KJI.; H)LLTY IM)K
All alaml I'l.uliie ; tin Ini oliiy ha k In mIiI'w. .
Irllarwryihins; : nhll n liar.1 nir.i k. i, ft
Hi all llir IihI(I U4a, llta . J bllKf ll.l..ll.l.
I'rke, viCrai.
All alulCi's awl llir I airr liu.lneaa ! ha inr " '
jle; ctinlalna S....c.l life uL, irj, lu.t u ii.
Irtrrd, Willi l u Mhrr lllmtialh ns fl Ii r. I, . 1:1 .
No. a-nioaLn swinr r.ooic
Ju.IimiI. A: alr.. II. "w 11-v. ,". , r s
ri, lAvi n, rl(. linlalua tm( a laai ii,i ,. it
touca oo.lo4i.cr nnialiik I kr, y trula.
The IlKKIl.t! IIOOKil are umi ilelnn,iiffiil w, rm
ajw aiiTiliin4 like lh.ni.a.. 14. in .1 kii.i k ( I i
ai having rn rim ii..ii .j.-.. I , l r i , .1, , , i
Kllh. Ini) li Kh.l Srr(ai a llilar Int., ., I I
IhUkrn, or rriioa hmall I nula, onrlil In atwl iikM
away Ij lhe lilo. I.U DooKS. 1u
Isyoiirpaia-r.maiUrnrvnusnrl Mi ml. tit Ii i. u
Clll. It la lhe rtrat l.llr,U,,n S,.ha li. ll .it,. ,e, .1
quit allrr r"ti havr-aalU II, farm an. lli.nwl,, i, , . , it.
.... w.M,.i-.r mrirrai Mrr nuiaai.e In II, r Imni ,.u-
clAmrrka-lialiiaoeraiiilllloBii.la lia!firgiilui ua.l.i.
Any ONE of the BIGGLE EOOXS, and the FARM JOVT.Vf I
a l vliAKS (remalmler of ,. , , ,10, ,(, ,j , , w t-, ,
to any a.Mira lur A X)I I.AU Mil I..
( h
bannileol PAKM JUlKMAt. sod circular deacrllilng niOdl.t HOOKS Ii..
ari.Mra aTxixaoa, AJJrcoa.
c ias. r jkKama.
1'llll.aM.I.I'llia ,
I .11.1. .4. Mil an, mi u a. ai.k SI.IM. m4 a.
pneumonia I urn-il Quo Minute Couub
Cure and three bottles of it cured me.
It is also the best remedy on earth for
whooping couxh. It cured my grand'
children of the worst cased," writes Jno,
Kerry, Loiranton, Pa. It is the only
harmless remedy that given immediate
results. Cures coughs, coldi, crouo and
throat and lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Children always like it.
Mothers endome it.
Gkoikjb A. Hakdi.no.
Wanted Several Hkigiit and Hon
est persona to represent us as Managers
in this and close by counties, fcalary
$900 a year and exfieimes. Straight,
bona-fide, no more no less salary. Po
sition permanent Our references, any
bank in town. It is mainlv offi
conducted at borne. Reference, fin- LeaVB 0rfJer8 at
rl()fle flelf.lLllrlraaaiirt ula. .1 i I
,,... n.nmcu niiveiopt). f-a f i
The Dominion Companv, Dept. 3,Chicago tly 8 Store...
all other results (tt Imperfect dlgestloa
Prsportd by E. C. Dswitt a Co., Ctycaga
For sale hy;jeo. A. Harding.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house Is like a neat
ly (ireuBwi person always attract
ive arid pleasant to look Ukjh,
Can be repainted snd freshened up
st a very reasonable prlie-palnts
are very cheap now. Don't leave It
until the sun makes any more marks
ami cracks in it.
isrsiiiiu rtauia kta iiki.m, sr riM i. u. p.. ,.k..i i.
llw, aa r.a aiaailaa It alraar arara.l rrri(kl 4rpali aaS II (Im.
raa Sail II aiarll aa rvurraralcit. Ik. arul laa im Ma kl
.ail lur toiur tk.a .rt.a. tlnl.4 k; ,lkp, al mm, ar, Ik, ffrtakl r a
a-" uosi prick t il. so, iii.. ai wia-eii, . iimi
ir.i(iir..t,. 1MB f SSLUn C W K aaa af Ik. a.1 III aiSia
itll I I1T Tllk. II U.lraai.aU ...r wa4a. ITriilli Ilia lllu.lralli.n
Im n. alilrh I. any rated Ulrv.-t lr..in a l.hil.if ra.li youran I'Tin
anmal.li.aif lu Iwaiitiriil atuwaraiira. Ilarfa rp..iMnllJ H..i.
aaa.4 aak ar walaat aa 4r,lril, a,pfarai-4 k.t wia. tall pfil M,
.,i.i ai.raavirr a.ifa p.a.i. aa w.,f a.., a.la a-.wallMa.
aail ai.tlaa ll Ika IkHI UlkarsilU. IIIKHAIIMIII
if'.M I.Sfai-t hlirli, it Im-liaa lorijf.aS Int'liaa wl'taanil wria-ha ili
fniiiili, r'.iitalii. b m-taiMi, II at'.., a. r.'ll'iw. i Ul.uaMa, frlaalaal,
hil.l.Ka. a.Mla. I'-U.l.. I praa. SMl'aul.r. 1.,kl,lMiMi...
Ill,, .Ma Sana ana lai H.aiaa.i S IMh tmplir, 1, Ha. II,
I ktMS Oraaa B.ll, ".i. ml imkMlralluMS M.MaUan riaa
ifnuii; a...., I a.i.f si rar. a.rt a-Mi, a..a., i a.iii
I'karwlafli Hnlllaal I ,lrala k.4a, I .'l.lll SI'k Brll.a SaaaU
... I K. ml ri-ul.f S., l.uai , rrlaflaal
The I'sinter
Mm4 THC PASLOR CkM a.'llnii pniiBl.tai.l n.a
tl.kralaa S.a.ll Shi,, hiiIiTi ara limy uaari In Ilia liluli
aatirrailaln.lriiniaiilaillKiMl with MaauaaaS 1'aaal.ta aa4
Haaaaa, al.o lnl lii.lia fall.. I Mliara. rhi., iM-lli.aa
nrtliatH,triililNirrl'.lti. S fily Im.II.iw. al.M-k ami nnr-t
iMlliarlnaalraa. THt PARLOR CEM la f.irnl.liM
Willi a Unit Iwyalail plaU kii.ii. li mirror, nl. k-l UI.I..I
liailal fraiiiaa, ana anarf muilarri lmirvainatit. Wa
raralak rm a lawiw araa alaal aa Ika kaal waia laalraa
Ika fcaat aafcll.kM
GUARANTEED 28 YEARS, "."ir?!"'"
i Uka uauas wa
i..ii, a anui-ii i. in. in. a- L, nr Kuaraiitna, Itj tlia s
nrnaiiil C.M1.IIU..1H of wlili li II any iari lilraanul wa
raiialr II rraa ml akara.. Trji II una Inonlh ami wa will
riTiina your money If f oa ara not iiarlnMI aatl.riril. tun
oi uir.aiirKan. win ha aoKI at tlS.BO. VHUlk
ATU.H(K. IMt.N-rltH.AV.
sssivtj sjajf
HWW.'allri. 1
t ,av" ..a ar-I I
f, - ... Ska "m .. s:
w U1V I. ajLVSlI kl It,
a r jij a.i',i v is
.- imjir" f
" " ' I k.H r..-..H..t('..:,,M.-l.,,.a...,.M.. 5TZ.ll. .
dualt with uaaak jrourut.aliU.rau..iil ua, wilt
tha puliliahar of thli iapar or Mntroimliun
i..H, ur ,.orn naa. nana, or ;iirafii i1
orllarman kinhanxa Hank, Naw Ynrkior anf
railroad or aiprna. roniny In I lilcairo. Wa li' '
kaa. a .aallal at a-.r S'l.ial Kl. XT.i.r rntlra '
ona of tha laryaat uurlna.a kloi ka lu I hluaifu
ami am,lojr naarly I ut, taa.pla In our own k !..
bulldltia. wa aSkL oauika .V ai, aa ..a .
VrJiuxVTSiyil' "r"hl "'aleal In.trumant. at lowart wholaaal. prleaa. WriM rnr rraa'r
oran,planoanlinu.llln.truBanloaul.iua. Aildraaa, (Saara, Sukaak a u. tn tkar tkl; wllaala. -"
""'i Kwanwui. CO. (Ins.), Fulton, OssplslnM and Ws.raan lit., CHICACO.