Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 02, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Co nil mr
Wednesday evening about Iwetil flvo
Odd Fulloaa of thi city went out
CIik katna, to HiHt in the iiniiiuiion ui
. .. . .1... T-.........
OnlCr I MM I MHir. 1 urm !
member were
initiated ami the entire
lo,!.-.' a oik w a marked sii.ves.
On their return home timet lament
able ao.-i.lent Udell Judge T. F. Kvan.
At 1 oVIuci the b v all 'rt ed to walk
Lack. Tliey had divided thoniHoIve into
litiln some aoinir five or ten
JIDCE hvax sKitiorsi.v
Fell From Trw-tle While
From ( lurlmiuv
n.iniito before other. Juda Kyan wa , die purpow iu eery revnauon. it
in the 11 party to leave, and the boi not bet to adher too closely to one teit
got to lacing toVoo who could walk the j k, t upplementry work should l
faMe-t and hold out the longe-t Kvan ud. Frcment review are neeeeaary."
was in the lead, leading Thoma Ua- ' The Case in Percentage," waa the
lall, Charles and William MidUin and subject aligned to Mr. II. 8. liibeon.
ShcritT Cooke behind. In attempting to "lM,.re taking up the study of pen-enter
the tre.tle at-out a mile and a half , e would thoroughly review dev..
fromtown, Kyan slipped and fell to the , The teacher should have aonie
ground, a dietame olten feet, striking on object in view and how the relation of
Li head. When the boy hi the rear diriVrent pail of arithmetic when poi
rea. lied Hie treatle their attention wa ble. Much analysi nhould le replied,
attrat ted by loud groaning, and upon in-. teacher hould U ure that pt
Tcbtiation'it w as found to be Mr. Kyan. pi' understand the reason for each aUp."
Hew puked up unconscious, but able Tne iiieniWr of Warner Grange had
to walk, and taken to hi home. Ir. j prepared a feast for the teachers, at the
Car',1 beitig umntoned. Thursday morn-1 K" '" "'ich the association did
Im- Mr. Kvan came to hi cilice, but had
to abandon his work, relating again
into nnroncioune,in which condition
be ti'.l remains at pre time.
It is not thought the fku'.l i frtctured,
but clodded blood may have adhered to
the brain.
Afternoon Wfddlnr.
A very pretty wedding took plce
Wediiedy afternoon at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wishart, when their
daughter, Miss Edith, was united in
mairiage to Herbert J. Thome.
Mi:- Wichart is a very charming
young lady, being prominent in the
social circles of this city, while Mr.
Thone is a young lawyer of Portland.
Rev. J. H. Heaven, of the Baptist church
performed the nuptial tie.
Thot present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Wifhart, James Thorns and wife
and A. S. Graham and wife of Marsh -
land, Oregon, Mrs. X. 0. Walden and
daughters Hilda and Nettie, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Charman and daughter, Miss
Edith Wishart, Herbert J. Thorne. Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Miller and Miss Vera
The happy young couple will take up
their new home in Portland. Tuesday
evening their many friend gave them a
genuine "Kitchen. Rush," overwhelming
them with nwful articles.
H. Cauflild Instmnirntal in School
Present High Standing
The following petition together with
the signatures has been circulated and
signed, directed to C. H. Caufield:
Obeoos Citv. Feb. 1900.
To C. H. Caufield.
We, the undersigned, taxpayers
citizen and patrons of School District
No. 02, Oreuon City, Oregon, favor a
conservative business administration of
the affairs cf the school district. We
believe you have been instrumental in
bringing the schools to their present
high standard, and that you have the
ability and the integrity required to
assist in giving su.-n .administration.
We therefore request that you permit
the use of your name as a candidate for
director of said School District 02 and
we pledge yon our support :
J W Norris, T A Pope, W H Howell,
H E Straight, Chas Albright, John
Vegelius, Robert A Miller, Wm Andre
sen, Mrs E M BurmeUter, II L Kelly,
G B Dimick, I Selling, Hiram Straight,
CG Huntley, Tho F Ryan, Bruce C
. urry, A S Dresser, T B Hankins, T P
Randall, Peter Nehren, Frank Bunch,
II E Cross, Chas E Burns, Sr. E E Char-
man, R L Holmsn, John Scbraui, C O
T William, G II Wwhart, G A Heinz.
TL Charman, Benjamin Jaggar, Tom F
Cowing, Jr., John W Kelly, G W
Church, Henry Meldn.m, Elmer Dixon,
E II Cooper, J J Cooke, J W Cole, C II
Dye, J C Bradley. W E Carll. Thomas
Charman, M E Willouthby, Cha Bab-
cock, Jno W Powell, G F Horton, G H
Young, W W May, A Robertson,
Emma Caufield, J M Heckart, G W
Grace, Mrs. II Meldrum, Mrs C II Dye,
Mrs H C Steven, II C Stepens, Geo
Marr, Mrs Josie Cooke, Geo Ely, F H
CroBB, M E Norris.
Following is Mr. Caufield's answer of
Okkoo.n Citv, Okeqo.v, Feb. 28, 1900.
To Messrs J. W. Nurris, T. A. Pope, W.
II. Howell, H. E. Straight, Charles
Albright and others:
Gentlemen Responding to your re
quest that I become a candidate for
director of School District No. 52 at
the election to be held on March 12tb,
next, I have to say that I highly ap
preciate and thank you for your kind
commendation of my conduct an a direc
tor during the past three years, and as
my actions in school matters have met
with your approval I will accept your
nomination, and if elected, will do all
in my power to see that the schools and
business affairs of the district are
carried on in an efficient and economical
Chakles H. Caufield.
Indian shopping baskets 75c and 95c
at Adams Bros.' Golden Rule Bazaar.
Tearhri' AkMiclulioa. I
Tho regular monthly meeting of hoj
flarkama Co. Teat-hem' Aiwh iniioii i
wnii holil in the nhool building at New j
F.r. Saturday, Feb. 2 4, HMO.
to' l siliM 10 oroer bi mo lima, i.oui i-j
.'.I.. v vv l!..ul.,l
. mo i""1"1'
I Tim miiiiiiIkk nf tlu ltrevmtl lliet'tilltf
. prepared by the secretary, tanm ti.
Porter, were road and approved.
The program wa opone.1 by singing
"Mount Vernon Hell."
.Mr. I.. A. Kee.l made an excellent ad
dree on "How to I'tilite Time and Kn
ew." "A teacher should have a K-tl-
. i . ... . l
i U'P' justice,
Called to order at 1 :2ft, p. ui., by the
president, N. V. Hon land.
Exercises began with mil call, each
teacher responding with a quotation
fiom John Kuskin.
Kx-Pnpt. Alex Thompson recited "Pa
riua Green and hi Mying Machine,"
receiving hearty applause.
Miss I .a ur IWattie read a well pre
pared paper on "Supplementary Read
ing." "The teaoher must arouse in the
child a desire to know more than lie
finds in the text book. If the child'
interest is aroused it is not difficult to
interest the parent. Education is a
leading forth i f all that is good in ns,
and should reach the highest develop
ment the spiritual."
"Personal Reminiscences of roy Trip
with the Second Oregon," wa the sub-
'ject of a moet interesting addres by Mr.
I A. McCaoghlin. All listened attentively
to me vivij descriptions ot the voyage,
beginning with the evening passage
through the Golden Gate and landing at
the Philippines. He described the phys
ical appearance of the island ; the cli
mate, productions, inhabitants, the edu
cation of the children, and incident of a
soldier's life.
The audience then sang "The Star
Spangled Banner."
The following resolution was tfTervd
by Shirley Buck :
' Resolved, That we, the teachers of
uatiaroas county, in institute assem
bled, fully appreciating the royal enter
tainment tornished on this occasion, do
hereby extend a vote ot thanks to the
good people of New Era and vicinity."
The resolution waa unanimonaly
On motion, association adjourned to
meet again, the last Saturday in March,
at a place to be selected and announced
later, by the committee who will prepare
the next program.
Bxktiu M. Gibson.
Evening I'artj.
On Wednesday evening last, Mrs. V.
W. Alldredge gave a party in honor of
her niece, Miss Lonva Randall, at her
home on 7'.h street. Games were
played, fortunes told, and a guessing
game contested. Miss Bessie Grant and
Mr. Chauncey Ramsby won the first
prize, and the booby fell to Miss BernicS
Adams and Mr. Lloyd Williams. A
dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Alldredge
being assisted by Mrs. II. Cooke and
Mrs. Nelson. -Those
present were: Misses Bessie
Grant, Emma Johnston, Georgia Grace,
Nora Crieswel, Maude Cook, Grace
Tower, Eva Todd, Martha Koerner, Ger
trude Moores, Mattie Yoder, Bernice
Ad ms and Mesirs. Chauncey Ramsby,
Lloyd Williams, Milt May, Will Koener
and Merril Moores.
Citizenship Taper.
Dover, Or. Feb. 27, 1!XK
Mb, Eoitob : A the late Registration
law apiiears to be pretty hard to under
stand as far as it aflects the foreign born
citizens, please answer through the En
terprise the following question. Is it
compulsory to produce papers of natur
alization or copies where the aforesaid
citizens have in their possession U. S
Land PatienU. Remember they could
not obtain patents without producing
their papers in evidence, which were
not returned by (J. 6? I made this
same inquiry of the OreKonian. but
they appeared unable to answer, refer
ing me to the Oregon City Land office
Yours Respectfully,
Chas. W. Cahbkdy.
aiy opinion is mat n you can get a copy
lr- . . .. ...
you will be required to. A copy can be
obtained by sending to the land office at
Washington. If you are unable to pro
duce a copy or the original, then proof
of these facts should allow you to regis
ter. An affidavit to these facts should
be sufficient. Eiitoh.
Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., says.
"Nothing did me so much good as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved me.
few bottleB cured me." It digests
what you eat and always cares dyspepsia.
Gbo. A. HaBDINO.
The Best
Washing Powder.
Ask Your Laundress to Try It.
Tli Wrm Dlr.1.
A certain conjurer otice had an exM
rU'tuv which wa highly comical,
though quite dlaastrou from a profea
lonal point of view.
Having produced an egg from a pre
viously empty bug. he aunouuevd tlmt
he would follow up till trick by bring
lug from the bag the hen by which the
egg had bct'u la 1-1. I hi little arrange
uieut be had left to hi confederate to
carry out
He proceeded to draw the bird from
the bag lu which It had previously beeu
placed, but what wa hi consternation
on Oudlng that the all.-ged hen waa nu
old rooster, which strutted about tho
stage with rutllcd feathers and offend
ed dignity and act up as vigorous a
crowing a If he had Just awakened
from hi uocturual iliiinU-r.
The whole audience (bricked with
laughter, and the unfortunate conjurer
made a "bolt" for hi dressing room.
"What Is thl title 'profeMor that I
bear so often?" asked the distinguished
"Well" answered Ml Cayrnne. "If
getting rather hard to tell. Uaually It i
mean a man who knows more than
any one else, and sometime It means
a man who simply won"t work."
Cleveland Plain I Valor.
Sot Faraottea.
"Did your Fraudmotber remember
you In ber will?"
"Yes: she bad a clause In It In
structing the executors to collect all
the loan she had made me. "-Baltimore
It sometimes happens that while a
man Is watching his enemies dis
, . , i . f "J"
friends get the be.t of hlm.-Chlcago
An angel Is a being who ran watch
another being poke a fire without of -
lenug auggeaiious. luuiaunu wuur-
Letter Mat.
The following is the list of lttr r
maining in the po-tollice at Oregon City,
Ore. on February J, l'JOO.
firnSHmilW. Ij-na I'liillio. Sllla Mra
' Kunzman, Until Hector, Nellie Mrs
May, L LMrs Shaa-. M J Mrs
bturica Maria Mrs
Riooks, Frank
Brown, Mr.
Creegan, John
Package S J
Maud Stone.
Evans, Wm J
Hansen, Merman
Jackson, John li
. Chills L L May,
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take
cold easily and a few dose of the Bal
sam always m.ke me a well man.
Everywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take hold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I lake cold. At druggits, 25c and
A. R. I)e Fluent, editor of the Journal,
Poylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number
of years from rheumatism in hi right
shoulder and sle. He ay: "My
right arm at tmea wai entirely useless.
I (r ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and
was surprised to receive reliel almost
immediately. Tho Pain Hilin ha been
a constant companion of mine tver hi nee
and it neyer fails." For tale by G, A.
Harding, DruggiHt.
Karl's Clover Root Tea
Ih. ' '"f""""' f"it,i Krunl,,n. ol
ti. I A" '",,,' l-allvit Nrrv
druirrUt,, ,t 2-., 60c. and 81.00.
a. C. WELLS 4. CO.. UBOV,
N. v
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
at loet rati.
The llomrllral W m In Oretfon City.
,i a the hau.UoiiieHt. and other
are invited to call on any iliuggiol and
get free a trial bottle of Kemp' HaUaiu
f.r the Throat and Lung, a remedy that
is guaranteed to cure ami relieve all
Chtonio and Acute Cuugl.a, Asthma,
I'.rom -hitia and Consumption. Price 'JV
and .W.
KMncj Trouble Makes You Mbmbtc
Almost everybody w ho red the news
papers U sure to know of the wonderful
cures maua rr
I Kilmer' 5amp-Root,
the rreat kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
. It I the great medl-
CS cal triumph of Ins nine
r iteenth century; di
KJS5 Dr. Kilmer, th smt-
ncni aianey ana otao
der specially, and ts
wonderfully successful In promptly curir.g
lam back, kidney, bladder, uric a. Id trou
ble and Bright' DlseaM, which U the wont
fjrm of kidney trouble.
I Dr. Kilmer Swamp.Root Is not reo
' Ommended for everything but If you havekld
' ney, liver or bladder trouble tl will be found
' )uat the remedy you need. It has been tailed
I In so many ways, In hospital woik. In private
practice, among the helpleiatoo poor to pur
I chase relief and ha Droved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement hi I
been made by which all readers of thl paper
-who have not already tried It. may have a
Mmplebolle Kn ,e by mtlUi ,
i telling more about Swamp-Root and now to
find out If you have kidney or bltkler trouble.
When writing mention reading thl generous
,o((ef n ,hl, plpef ,nd f-.y
send your a.idres to fl twTtV-'it:
Dr. KllmeriCo..Blng.LC.WitlHi:;
hamton. N. Y. The 22
regular fifty cent and n..o.w-a4.
dollar sixes are sold by all good duggtsu.
Uegnl NoticeH.
i:ieruor' Mule.
In the matter ol tl" e.tai of N. O.
Waldrn, dereawd.
iiinl.r.igiied exoriilor. of the e.late of .N
O Waldo t, dorawl, ll.at on and alU-r II,
2-I day of April, l'Jl. Ilioy ul pr.M'n. lo
ell al private l the follow. ng dom-ribed
real and moi.al i,rrty tioi.King lo
tlier.iate of N.O. Wald, ilr-rnHd :
Uilalaml 5 of bl.sk.Tof Orrgnri Cl'y.
Clackainaa JCounty, Orrgon. Uiillvnl,
Interest In lha lullowing doKrt'io, real
prorty aitiiateil In C'la.kania (.'o.inty,
Orriton. IiogiiiMlng at Hit sreiloii rur-
nor on line bolneon aeciioti. '.'I and 21. to 2
8, H'.'e, and rum, lux tliruoe N SJcliaim lo
the C ttinty road at the re entrant corner of
the James V notion Donation IjliuI Claim:
Ihonne W 10 :) chant to Hi to. of the
bluff; thence following the aforo.aid
county road in a south oeatorly direction
lo the North boundary of I tie (imrKo
Abernotliy I). L. C; thonce HUI tloir. 1.1
niin. K. t-acing the north houndary ol the
George Ahornoiliy I). C.: 37 .Ml chain
more or less lo a imiIiiI H. of (ho ituarior
ecli-in corner hoi woou srci ions L'l and 21
aforesaid; thon-e N i link, more or lo. to
the place ol bi-giiiniitg containing .T.'O!)
I'ndividod i Inloroat in nor I Ion of lot 3
of bliM-lc ft ol Orogon City, Cla.:kma.
f'lllll.lV IIPMlfin ll..acPllu.il Ma r..ll..arB. II...
ginning at Ihe N. K. corner on the W. line
1 ol Main atreet; tlirnce H along laid W. line
Z.! feet to center of party wall; Itienr W.
at rih'hlaiigleii with .MainHirert along the
center of a lid party a all and beyond
Il h5 feel; tlieiu-e at right angloti with In.t
doai rlDed lino N. ii 6 leet to N. line of mild
lot 3; thence K. along Hid N. line Xt feet
to place of hoiriinilmt.
Undivided in a t In tho N. of hlm-k
00 of Ciu.-ka.iiai Hdig w In Caokaiuaa
C itinly, Oregon.
PiS .haroa ol tho tiroforrod capital .lock of
the Cortland (ionorol Kloclnc Co . anil Ml
i-harea of capital Block ol Hunk of Oregon
loriim of Mule .hall he either caili In full
or nol l.-.i than Hi per cent caili ami the
remainder ao.rurod l.y note of the piirehaier
with a mortgage upon the property aold lo
xctireme payment lltereon.
K .r lurther ,articulr apply to Ilelg.
& 'Irlllltti, attornoya for executor, at iheir
olllce i J Oregon City, Or.-iron,
K. K. (.'HA KM AN,
(I. II CAiiriKi.li,
(iKo. A. IIahpino.
Executor ol the eatate of N. O. Wal.lun,
Hodge A Orillith
Attorney for exociitora.
Notice I hereby given that I will apply
to the city council at it regular meeting in
March, 1!KX), for a license to ll litiuor for
six month at my Ralooniti Oregon City,
Oregon, on Seventh and Main atreel. fiaid
licenae to date from February 'IH, V.m.
J. W. Cow.
Notice is hereby given that I will apply
to the city council at It regular meeting in
March, 1000, foi a licetme to sell liquor for
iz month at my taloon In Oregon City,
Oregon, on Main street. Said licenae to
date Irora February 28, IWjO.
Fit a nu Nciirkv.
Money to loan
ILixix A (iairrmi.
,1 fL -
M t 1 m
I'lnal Nrtlln.iri.1
NOII.i: IH 1 1 : It I. II V UVK.ll.llhe
.;.l.....e.l. .dn,lh..l.l..r ul the
ll,.,,tH.. llr,M.m. . ..t-a.e.l, !. "led II I
'.i;, Sv'...,ti;.tl.eMiie..fOreg.Mi l..r lhe
( unify nl I'l. km", lli'l
... ii,. !. rlle. and II"
1 1 ..... it,,... K. it. I;';1"' "r
i... n.l M lav.
tl.S '.'"'I
r,iiii . - . . .
,1 ,v .'I Ai'nl. I ''. ' ,,' "' 1 "r M .
, , ,i il .. rl f,x...i id ! I court l
(tr. tf .i, Cry ii-rH'iii a. It.e ..'l I'l'"
,..iMil..g'.I.J-cl l'"l 'vMH.t
Im.xhis P. l.uirritil,
Adii li.Ui's'"' 1,1 r,t"' "' """l!"
i !..u,n, i.w t..rtl.
1 1 A t.iiillil', itrnr) t"f
n i -i i"
poller ! I'lwal WetllnM.
S,.i,- I. hor.t.r '' "'' r:"""
' II sir, I'. i.H-.itiir f ' "
itl.,Hla A. lHalr. l-r. I ). roi.doro.1 and
..rrnl.l lor -Hlon.lil. and lllo-l I'l '
..1,1 .-...irl hli final a.-.-..!..! ot his ;l...l',l.
tralion of 'I" '"". '.! Mon.l.y.
Ilir -.-.Uh .lav of Kol.iuary. I'". I" " ci'M
a ni. al tho i-o'lM r.i id ' """
(t.uniy c.iirt Ut f ei.in.iy ''"
am, in li"h t'ny. ha. I'OO'i !
i...llr. l.y Hi ro.ul lr II" ot-tllniiri.l of
Ilia .aid annum, al Klil.-li lln.o and .l.
miy iii.. tiiliur.iod In .aid .'ai may l
le.rs.idlH rieofllmn I" to
aid aiTi.ui.l and roiito.ul.a n,o,
I sm A Hi ".
K iM.iior,
.Tttllee l I'laial rlllrwrNl
Mri( K H II KKKIIV lilVKS Thai I
ha lllrd my llnal ih,iI a. l ulrll of
l', Lat .III and Ir.l.n.oi.l nl Jail". T.
Il.iurfii.nl. .Imoawsl.ln ih eoiinlv cm'l of
tl.oMai nt(iroii lor I' a. aan,. Coiinlv,
n.l .id court h llrd Munday, April i.
I'.i, .1 , o'rl'H-k a m a.ll.tlln, oil".'
It.it any ul)wilon lo .aid rM an I l.t.ln
lilratlon, of M'd r.iala.
Any -r ron l.ali,g ' y olijretloii l "Id
Hrl and ad i.lid.irat.on noi.1 hi II"
, in .ld nl llor. .aid ilala.
I'atrd Kliruary '.'I, I'"'.
Mtai V. llof..u..
KirenlrU a. Afraid.
L I. I'uilrr, atlon.ry
,atlrt mt I'laal rllr wet.
Notl. I. I.nrl.y ,.., II, .1 II" III. do'.
Itfi'O-l rioriilrli of o.i.lo of li.rnt I'.
yaih.,lrcrat. I,a tl'o.1 !, Ili.al a
eounl, in il, Ftiiinly rourl of ('In k.,,,.
I'onniy, (irpi, a. s.i. h oivc.nrli. ant
that X.md.y. II" II .l.y of Ai-fU, I ''. al
ilia hour of In o'rl'M-k, m. ha. loron n a 1
by II, lion. Th". K. Itia". J'tt "-)
rourl a !', inn. lor lrarli,( any and all
ol.jxlliin. I.t II. '! ro4il, and th Hi
liiuii of ald r.iato.
Kioa. K. Iltaai.
Kioeuiris ol Mid K.lai.
(lltnlrk A Ka.lliain,
Any. for Kioriitrli.
Iiail, r:.b. U. I'i'. J I'l S II
In the Clrrull Court of Ihe Hi at of Or
go n, for th County of (' kamaa .
Alftod U. iny. plalnlilT. I
Had li M.l'ey, d.l.ndanl)
ToHa.,llM, I'ay. th d.f.ndanl aUn
itau-o.1 :
In II, name of tli.Stal. otdrog.in Von
are l.orohy r'iirl lo epp.r and artaa.r
lit eoinpialnl tilrd attain.! you In lit abov
oMIMi-1 court and mw tin nr ttrfor th
Tlh ilay of April, pin. thai Ulna th tiro
prrw-rihed In Ih ur.lrr of pulillcanon n(
tin. a, immune, and If y nl fail to m apar
and an.aor horrln th plaintitf will apply
lo Ih lm on tilled court lor th r.lirl
pravod for In II.. complaint, l.v wit: A
decroo ol olvorc from tti b-inil. of ii.atrl
nmny now nl.ting hotwii yon and ih
I'latntiir, and thai .aid loi,,l. tw anii.illo.1
am di.Milyod U-.n lit ground, and for
Ih raxin of your do-rt.ni of th ,iait,itrt
Tbn .iinniioii. ia .iilill.lit t y order of
Hon. Al!rod K. Har, Jf, Jiidiroolili. cm tilt
conn of Ih Htal of llrrgnn pr ih mumy
of Mulltto'iiali, hal l order twin t..i.
uiiiill,. I '.It. day of Krhro.ry, liil.and
il.inng it, wii.' ..r Hon. T. A. Mi Ibid
from th county of flarkamei and Mat ol
Julia T l.iii.
AUnrnry for Plainllft
Ilat of flr.1 lu.iloi.. Krb. i, I'll).
What are Necessities?
It is a Matter
of Opinion I
"Vrt rol CTcrylhlnt I need. I've JuM
" '.ly Idee of 'necessity Is to have plenty to eat and a ctunrc 0f Oolhei 'Wbca
I wcnl lo school I Urncd rcaJIn, rllcn ind rclbracllc, and that's all I need.' Tbcy
lay mat Ipnorant pcorle won't stand eny show at all la soclty la a few years from
wwif . ffuuuvi il IU4I Will DC wc case "
i iiiiv ,3 tuiot, vui ii is so aiVH Jied W til Infereat all
t IfX h ?rf T" 'Vhe df,l,fht T hkh cmitl ,n ,,s Perforfnln 2. Chi d rn
ir lett to their own mnii se. wi I kU n,,eti. u" 1
answering you will encourage them anj ca fd u&t ".'J pleasure In reiearth It "s
fflffl encyclopedia Britattnica
l5thcDc$t. Wby?
ta.ned Ttf ih- NH W WHNhlhfe '
ixpeZce" ItmW have adlleveJ ,s W T""
fhi.Tb.Tiry0nm,t'hoti'k1M-advanti,Keof our marvelous offer and secure a set nf
One Dollar ($f.00) Cash,
Oregon City, Oregon.
lller I or I'mI.IUuu,,,,
t'l.lli'd Hlals land ..lllm,
Oirgoi), J.imaiy 11 !l,
mi rnY(
MU lt K Irt II KltKIIY
e... i. .l Ian. )) llli Ilia ir.iiriiii. t,t lr
,,..i. , ....( Jimp .1. i;s. Mii, "if)";
j l..r i ho -al l llinlirr laml. In u (,,,,
t'aiiii.ii.i. iiii-m.n, No.a.la ad vv .),. '
I'l'y." r vi..l. lo ,,
laml n.iri I, y a.-l id A'ii'i.i
Pavld I'. Ilai, li HImUiu
f ('!. kaoia. ktsi i,f in...... . '
thl. .'ay lllrd In una m,m hi.'."?
sia'riiioiil N.. Mm, for ih .ur. ,,f 1
n , ns 'i e.:u. ii ijnw .,( m-,-11,,,, s '!
In ion.i.. Nu, 7, raniti. ,,i, i ,( M,,
oltor proof lo .liuaf thai Hi I.ikI khwi,.
mill valued! lor II. tin, Per or aim
H, .t,
for a.-rti'tilliiial .irpn.oa, aiul In
i l,l Ian I Ufor id. rr,,i.,
of llil. i, III,- rM,n, ( '
Moil lay, II, Mill ,l,yor ,,,j'
antra a. talltn.,.. , i
hi. .lain to
hi.. I r.vr
I irof on, on Molt lay, IP. ,,, ,(y
it (I na,ra a. wlltto.ira!
oyniliiaA Koi, Jo.w N, mtlrhl, J, ,.,(,
f. (Hti.id, Mi.MiurlA T. Vanli.i.kiik Vl
of M.ilalla. drogoii. '
Any and ad rma rlalinlng adrrrw!.
It, aiHtto .low-rilMHl land, ar rtioi.. J
lit th.lr clal.it. In tl.l. oltlt im ur ti,t
aaid loth day of April, i "L
CI! AH, II. Mutt KM.
!-, .trf,
4 hMU. "
In II, Com. ly Co'iil in id i.i (, ora.
Hon for Ih e ti My of Cla kamaa,
u th. mail.r of lit .ll nf Charlri
Tlmt, l'o..M.1,
to Jot. am. P. ll.oi.i
ly ot.ler of II, in. l,llll. curl j )(
at i.of.t,y fiio.l and r ,iud in api.t (.
foi lit. .aid court al ll. court r,m,,i i'nfcl(
lull, e iy of l.fra.iii Illy n, II,. i ,,,,,,'
id CI.' k.in a., mi Mom. l.y Hi Alii ,ar
March, A 1. I "', at lU iilmk In II,. f,
iH.iti ol Ih .aid day, llt.n and H er. tj
.l,,. cum if aoy fou hat, why an ,,H
of ..I of lot. I A J nl bliM-fc No of wu,
l.tll.ll Kll. Ill l l.' k rolltll V. I trreiu.
ro.l 'Mriy Iwloitrtli'l Ih Val. j
CI. ad. I". 1 l.or. il.a,l, iliould ti,,
in ad.
I hi. rllallott la pulilLhod by oril.r of lb
II Hum. K. It ran, I, nig ol II,. aia,,t
t,Util rourl, ami hta l and ntr tior.
In on ll.f 7th da of January, I 'll
Katarkia f. Ilmma.
Kinulor of Ih .lal of CI, .tie. p,
Tlutr. ilrwl,
AtlMtlaUlrMlwr'a .allr
Noll. .1. I.orvby tn thai lb. un l.r.
al,.i ,a Im-oh ai,lt,ld adiiiln,.i,ai. J
Hi !.! of K,i.iiili ('!, doraw an.
all roit at l.'.',y iul iltaxl lo p'fil a
claim, aa-.ln.l 'd r.1' loin al 0an,ly,
Ctai k.n.a. cioniy Oregon, on or i-f,,e.i
n, until, from lb il.io of IM hot. ., h1
rlanit. lu I l-rirly .rinl and .n,.
I .miI apli pr.tr tronehora,
Datxl. K.brvary 1 ('I
I'H.aiaa tt Cm. a,
A Ji.ilnl.Uator of Ih. ..tat tf fc. 't
( baM dwe.wl.
bailee, im 4
Nolle la h'liy (Iton by lb und.r.tft4
,litilnl.trairli of lb .ii of l,i-
.Mi boliuti, ilrraMl, lo lb rliu. a,
all roii. haln claim, airaln.1 I In m.i.
Ill Mid drr.l. u .11,11,11 th...., d'.iy
erlid 'Oirdini to la lltiio.H n.onth
afar Hi tlr.l publication of thl. iw.Hr. j
lb .aid admlnl.uaiil al b.r U,ln
H-.la rtprtng., ptorlucl Ca. kamaa cuunty,
laid. Feb. K l'0.
Mm ii A. Nu woia.. .
Adm. of If .iai of tl.rg W Nub.(
aon. ilor..,. J-ltlJK
.4TI4 I-
Nolle la hereby gin thai Ih la.l "ill
ami Ir.iam.nt. ol J. It Hp.hr. ha.bwn f led
for ,mnai In lb cotiniy nturl of Ih '.
of Oieaon for lb cotn.ly of Cl.ck.ttiW,
and any and all t.n l,aln cl.iu.
Btialn.l Ih .aid avlai riii.il rMltl Ib.ra
to Ih unilor.i(iia,l ri.rtiU.ra tlh ,rof
oucbf at ib mc of n y ailomry. la
l.rrxott City, within all mot, lha from tl
dal of thl. hottrv.
II . Hrttia,
r'aanai. Moawaiauia,
Cl aa W a,
Ia'd Jaioary 3
I hill ck X Ka.ibam,
Atiya fur Kouior.
Tfv Xtunti Is happy fulufl
lo explore,
Th fool Is happy that iat
anowt oo mora."
bad my breakfat.v
Is not luxury but a prime nei-evdty to the laborlnf.
man of to-day. I want aniuvment but that duel not
exclude Improvement. When a man Is etig.igej n tuJy