Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Aa Observing rnppy.
A. rector writes from Houlton, Eng.
Hand, to The Spectator to record an In
tan co of a very bleb order of Intelli
gence In an animal, of a power of rea
soning ai distinct from any acquired
"l l.avt a bullpup, aged 10 mouths,
and a bulldog 4 yearn old, both of
wlilcli dve In the house and are great
pets. A short time ago my wlfo was
411, and, though the older dog, owlug to
3iln quiet and sedate way, was allowed
to enter her room, the puppy was nev
er admitted. Tbe nurse could always
tell willed dog was at the door, because
the older dog gave one single and gen
tle scratch and then remained quiet,
A Html? la lloae.
The girl behind the counter said to
the young man who appeared as though
he knew Just what he wanted to buy,
"What can I do for your
"I was going to buy a nlco pair of
stockings for a woman. This la the
right department ?"
"Yes. What muterlal aud what
"I thought I might leave that to you,
as we are sort of related lu our call
ing." "What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm a flremau the man with
flie hose, don't you see? As the head
! of this department you're the woman
! with the hose. I haven't the slightest
(Continued from pngii one.)
hlle tho puppy scratched violently Idea or wuni i want or wnai k suouw
ud freouentlv and whined. The puppy , le or wnat it snouiu cost.
apparently could not understand why
cme was not admitted, and felt her ex
clusion sorely.
"One day she scratched furiously as
sual. No notice was taken. Present
ly sho was heard going flop-flop down
ulrs. In a few minutes the single
eiitle scratch of the old dog was
hoard, tbe door was opened, and there
were both dogs, and, strange to say,
from that time tbe puppy so Imitated
the scratch of the other dog that It
was impossible to tell which wa at
tie door. Undoubtedly the puppy went
"For your wife?"
"No; I hoe my own row."
"So do I," she laughed, "and as a
"They're for my sister. And that'a
all I know about the whole thing. She's
smaller than I am, but larger than
"I take eights."
"Then I should think she'd take six
teens." lie laughed to hear her laugh, and a
whole row of customers waited.
"It's the best hose attochment you
and asked the old dog to show her 1 ever made," he thought to himself, and
bow he gained admission, llow else o It proved, for the cards are out ana
can one explain the fact?"
Llarktlnc a Cigar.
According to an observant Philadel
phia n whose business Is to sell cigars,
the careless smoker is largely respon
sible for the big dividends match man
ufacturers enjoy.
"Just watch It any time," he remark
ed- a few days ago, "and see If I am
not correct The average smoker of a i
cigar will talk or think regardless of I
lils weed until It goes out Then be
will suddenly discover tbe absence of
the fire which makes a cigar enjoyable.
Out from bis pocket comes a match,
and in an instant It has been struck
and tbe lighted luclfer placed against
the cigar end.
"In his eagerness to get another light
liowever, the smoker has, in nine cases
out of ten, forgotten to knock the
ashes off bis weed. As a result the
ame from tbe match fails to pene
trate the ash heap, and tbe match
-flame doesn't cut any figure. I've seen
it so many times that I don't laugh at
it any more, but it must be funny to
casual onlookers. After this when your
cigars go out before they are consumed
be sure aud knock the ashes off before
trying to relight them. Then you will
.stand a fair chance of securing another
light and at tbe same time put a kink
la the profits of the matchmakers."
Philadelphia Inquirer. 4
they are furnishing a regular birdcage
of a fiat In the north end. Detroit Free
Fiuilcd weakly as lie beaid the verdict
ami feebly rolled bis bend from side to
lil', in token of 'hp n;i).
Ion expressed hv llin i liv-li iii n .
He was then carried ta l.'fi toom on
the second floor of the Capitol hotel,
and in addition to Pr. Hume, Ir. Mo
Coinirii'k and Ely were summoned to at
tend him. After a careful exsmiiiHtion
of iIih wound, tbe doctors announced
(hut "Mlrttxreediiigly dangerous, it was
not iiecefNiirly fatal, unless complica
tion or blood poisoning should nt in.
The patient himself kept up Ills courage,
insisting agnln and again that be was not
going to die. It was decided by bis
friend to call in the services also ol Ir.
McMurty, a prominent turyeoii of Lou!
yille, and urgent messages were at once
sent for him.
After tbe wound had been dressed Sen
torOoebel showed grealexlmustion, and
it was announced by the pliyirlans (hat
be would in all probability die within a
short time. He rallied, however, and
under the influence of an opiate sunk in
o a gentle slumber, which lasted neveral
Tb Cardinal aad (he Reporter.
Many lustauces are related of Cardl
lal Gibbons' broad tnlndedness as well
is his tact and diplomacy In avoiding
religious discussions with persons
whose views are opposed to bla own.
Upon oue occasion, so the story runs, In
(Morion wi
Conies from Dr. 1. H. Cargije, c
Washita. I. T. He writes! "Four
bottles of Klectrio Hitters bus cured Alia.
ltrewer of scrofula, which had causeil her
ureal sudor ing lor years. Teirible sores
would break out on her head ami face,
ml (ho heft doctor, could uie u help;
but her cure U complete and her liculih
is excellent." This shows what tlioii'
sands have proved, that Klectrio Hitlers
Is the best blood purifier known. It's
tiie supreme remedy for enema, totter
salt rheum, ulcers, boils ami running
sores. It Ktimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poisons helps digestion
builJs up the strength. Only M wnls.
Sold by Geo. A, Hardin Druggist.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Kntkbi'kih ofllce.
For sale, fifty-five ai res of land, cheap,
good location on Highland road, about
three miles from Oregon City. House
and lot in good location in Oregon City,
easy terms. Also 107 acre- o(
good timber land on the Columbia river.
Danikl William, Oregon City, Or.
ycur old table
A Modr.t Hero.
Not long ago a French cbronlqueur
Montmlrall of the Paris Gaulols en
countered In a little village of the south
JZl Baltimore a young Journalist was sent ! maker, opposite Huntley', dru. .tore,
UrU UU UiO V 1 V ... k- II liuuj imi-p WJ w
ribbon of the I.eglen of Honor. Nat-
Briiin in ycur old table ware and
jewelry and have them replaled now
while you have a chance, ai you may
not have a chance very long. Leave
orders with Mr. Younger, the watch-
Mme. Fattl'a Snbatltute.
To some persons a poor singer may
fce better than no singer at all, but the
least musical person cannot fall to per
ceive the irony of the situation de
scribed bolow:
Once when traveling in the north of
Ireland, an Englishman of letters
chanced upon a small town which, to
Ills surprise, he found extensively filled
trtlth announcements of a concert at
which Mmo. Pattl was to appear.
The price "of admission to the back of
the hall being the extremely moderate
one of threepence, he hastened to se
cure a seat. After a long Interval of
waiting, the manager stepped forward,
. "Ladles aud gentlemen, I regret to
say that Mme. Pattl Is unable to ap
pear tonight In order, however, to
save you from disappointment I have
arranged that Miss Arabella Jones of
ur town of Ballyslackguthery shall
favor you with a song!" Youth's Com
panion. Naming- Children la Japan.
The custom in naming children in
Japan Is for the parents on tbe thir
teenth day after Its birth to take the
child to the temple they attend, and
tbe father gives three names to the
priest, who writes each on a piece of
paper. These are then shuffled about
with certain Incantations and thrown
up In the air. The first that falls Is the
one chosen. This Is then written by
the priest on a consecrated piece of pa
per cud given to the child's parents to
preserve. The child then-receives cer
tain gifts, two of which are Important.
If a boy, two fans are presented; If a
girl, a pot of pomade, and In each case
a packet of flax thread Is added, which
signifies good wishes and a long life.
by bla chief to Interview his eminence
IVXAM n..li I. vj.nl I II . ll..i.M
urally. the newspaper man , des red I to
know how he got It. The gardener, , . . .... . ,.',,
who. like many of his trade, seemed to "uu T " . VK
A. Baimans.
be a silent man, was averse to meeting
an old and wearisome demand, but
finally be began:
"Oh, I don't know bow I did get Itl
I was at Bazeilles with tbe rest of the
battery. All the officers were killed, 1
then down went all the noncommis
sioned officers. Bang! bang! bang! By
and by all the soldiers were down but
me. I bad fired the last shot and nat-1
urally was doing what I could to stand ,
off the Bavarians. j
"Well, a general came, and says be,
'Where's your officers?"
M 'All down,' says I.
" 'Where's your gunners? says he.
" 'All down but me,' says I.
'"And you've been fighting -here all
alone?' nays he.
" 'I couldn't let 'em come and get the
guns, could I?' I says. And then be up
and put this ribbon on me, probably
a variety or subjects, includlug tbo
thurch. The Journalist was a Protest
ant, and In the argument that followed
be became excited and expressed him
celf freely from bla point - of view.
Upon returning to bla office he reflect
ed upon the outcome of bis visit and
tame to the conclusion that be stood a
fair chance of being discharged should
the cardinal repeat tbe conversation to
bis editor.
Tbe next day bis eminence dropped
Into the newspaper office In question
and asked to see tbe proprietor, who
was bis personal friend. The reporter
was told of the call and quaked In his
boots. The publisher and the cardinal
discussed a matter of mutual Interest
to them, and before leaving bla emi
nence said:
"By the woy, you sent a young man
to see me yesterday, and I was rather
because there was nobody else there to i P wlth hlm; , He "j'P?8"
put It on."
Cheaterflxld's Wit.
Lord Chesterfield was never at a loss
for a polite retort. Ouce be proposed a
person as proper to fill a plnce of great
trust, but which the king himself was
determined should be filled by another.
The council, however, resolved not to
Indulge the king, for fear of a danger
ous precedent aud It was Lord Ches-1
terfleld's business to present the grant ,
of ofllce for the king's signature. Not
to Incense his majesty by asking him
abruptly, he, with accents of great ha- ;
mlllty, begged to know with . whose i
name bis majesty would be pleased to .
have tbe blanks filled up.
"With tbe devil's!" replied the king '
In a paroxysm of rage.
"And shall the Instrument" said the
earl coolly, "run as usual, 'Our trusty
and well beloved cousin and coun
selor?' " At this repartee the king
have the courage of bis convictions. It
would please me If you could do some
thing better for hlm." Within a month
the reporter who bud anticipated dis
missal received a gratifying promo-tlon.-Ralelgh
Colston Smith In New
York Times.
Dewey' Forealght.
"The battle of Manila was won In
Hongkong harbor," said Admiral Dew
ey to me when I first saw hlm In May,
1808, and beard hlm describe the great
fight Many times since then I beard
bun repeat the same sentiment and
tbe more the truth of It Is considered
tbe more light it sheds on his charac
ter. While lie was brave, strong,
prompt and decisive in action, be was
thoughtful, cautious, deliberate and
sure In preparation.
Day after day he summoned his cap
tains to discuss all the possibilities
and eventualities of a conflict with
laughed and with great good humor itne enemy. He gave them an oppor-
signed the grant
J. I. Bevry, Logmilon, Pa., write, "I
am willing to tike my oath that I was
cured of pneumonia entirely by tbe use
of One Minute Cough Cure after doctors
failed. It also cured my children of
whooping cough. "Quickly relieves and
cures coughs, colds, crouo, grippe and
throat and lung troubles. Children all
like it. Mothers endorse it.
Gko. A. IIakdi.no.
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., Bay
'.'hodol Pysiiepsia Cure aid me more
good than anything I ever look." It di
gests what you eat and can not help but
cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles.
Gko. A. Harping.
For Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A grand olJ remedy for Congh, Colds
and Consumption; used through tbe
world fur half a century, baa cured in
numerable cases of incipient consumpti
on and relieved many inadvanced stages.
If you are not satisfied with the results
we will refund ynur monev. Price 26
eta., and 50 eta. and $1.00. C. G. Huntley,
tbe Druggist.
Money to Loin at Lowest Kates
Dimick A Eastuam.
tunlty to say when, where and how
the battle should be fought From
Junior to senior be called upon them
to express their opinions freely. If
London Word Bntcher.
Time Is required by an American ear
to accustom Itself to English "as she ,anr nmn und a novel 1(lca 11 was &"lven
Is snoke" In London. The cooknev who i careful consideration. If It was an old
had no difficulty of corrupting the Nor-! 0118 with Improvements, It was viewed
man French, making Houte de Roy
"Rotten row" and Marie le Bon "Ma
rylebone" and Beauchamp, who was
In all phases.
After the admiral bad patiently
beard his captains and duly lnterro-
one of the principal lieutenants of the ! Kated them ue quietly told them his
Conqueror and was rewarded with the w Mflct plan of battle aud Just what
lands at Warwick. Into "Beecham" I he expected of ench man. Whether
would readily call High Holborne this was made up originally out of his
" "Ighobon" and Ludgate Illll "Lu- own ,(,t'a8 or fron) B,,cu ln un'on wlth
gut'lll." Indeed the English of the cab! the best points advanced by bis cap
nnd bus driver, bright as they ore in ! tains, It was reached only after thor-
thclr own employments. Is not readily i ougb deliberation and was flnal.-IIon.
understood. One has to ask a bus con-
ductor more than once as to the Identl-
Ecrtha Mamma, you have shatter
ed the fond hopes that had warmed my
Mamma What in the world are you
talking about, child?
Ecrtha You insisted that I should
ask Mr. Sweetsor what bis intentions
are, and he said t!:ut he called In or
der to see If he could get you to sub
scribe to a new work he is canvassing
for. And I thought he wanted to mar
ry rue! Why could I not have been al
lowed to enjoy the fond Illusion for
a little while longer? Boston Transcript.
ty of the place to which he Is bound,
for In calling out the names there Isn't
the faintest resemblance to what he
considers the proper pronunciation.
The Way Ont.
"So you refuse to give me the mon
ey?" said the prodigal son.
"Not another cent do you get," re
plied the stern parent
"Then here goes," said the youth as
he seized a silver mounted pistol from
his father's desk.
"Unhappy boyl" cried the old man,
"would you take your life?"
"No," replied the son, "I'm going to
loan this to my 'uncle,
Johu Barrett lu Harper's Magazine.
Fortune In Face.
"My face Is my fortune!" cried the
young girl exultlngly.
T!ao laughed behind his beard.
"I'll make her look like 30 cents!" he
muttered to hlmscif.
Considering results, one would lm-1
aglne Time was chiefly busy ruining '
compl vlons. Detroit Journal.
Klnir Solomon an teg-otiat.
And yet this king (Solomon) with bis
magnificence and unrivaled power, this
shrewd Judge, this skillful statesman,
this scholar with his wide culture, be
came a pessimist, and stands forth one
of tbe saddest figures In all the his
tory of melancholy. But If we analyze
his misery we find that he was a pessi
mist not because men are disciplined
by conflict and trouble, but because he
was a confirmed egotist
Had men used printing presses in
those faroff days the first letter to be
exhausted In setting up Solomon's
.' "Chicago C0Py would have been the capital letter
I "I." "I" bullded me houses, "I" got
me soldiers, "I" wrote proverbs, "I"
had manservants, "I" had maidserv
ants. Through Insatiable ecotlsm Solo-
Up to the New Standnrd.
"I understand you are looking for a
A. I --11 I 1 I I
V.AI Z a i , mon lirte(1 "P tllis "l s a columnar
I "Oh, dear no answered the lady o ultchln t nnd af)ked , ar
, the house "When I was first married Btan(1 around nU( 8dmI J
: I was foolish enough to occasionally 8lmpclty ,8 t0 a t mnn
Wanted Skvkbal Bkioiit and Hon
est persons to represent us as Managers
in this and close by counties. Salary
$900 a year and expenses. Straight,
bona-fide, no more no less salary. Po
sition permanent Our references, any
bank in town. It is mainly office-work
conducted at home. Reference. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
Tub Dominion Company, Dept. S.Chicago
Beauty la Blood Deep,
Clean blood means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Cascareti, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, iiegia to-day to
Danign pimples, uoila, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascaret, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
ONLY $2.76
aVJ. OUt, aild ttUlHl lU UH, Ultl
ymirwl(hi aad art (hi, ro flUin
W of Inches around boo at but
mii mtr, aim wp win "mid thl
CL01H CAPE "' yu hi i,ii.k
C o I'.iHiiliiiM't to n:lnnllun
look for a servant, but I got over that.
I'm looking for a general supervisor of
the household now." Chicago Tost
Daily j
It Didn't Fill the BUI.
"rid.e's a pociu on 'Our'
"C- :'t uae It. V. l:r.t -.ve want on c:r
daJly f-read Is butter." Atlanta Con
;Stltut on.
Aa a Doornail. j
"Sun My School Teacher In what;
vcouditJon was the patriarch Job at the !
nd o' his life? ,
Tte ulflt Boy Dead, sir! Ally Slo
Safely Stowed Away.
Mamma Willie, did you eat
Willie Why. mamma, I heard the
rats In the closet, au I Jest thought I'd
move It out of their reach. Philadel
phia America u.
"A great many people," says the
Manayuuk philosopher, "must believe
there's luck In odd numbers Judging
by the war thry look out for No. 1."
rhiladelphla Uecord.
sweetness Is to a rose. A bloated and
overwrought egotism makes happiness
Impossible. Rev. Newell Dwight UU
lis, D. D in Ladles' Home Journal.
To Car. Constipation Forerer,
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 2lio.
tf C. C. C. full to cure. drugKiats return! money.
You car. einiln And try It cr
fire arid If found wrki:
MtLfacldrr, vurllr r-
mfntrq tun Mi ran.
wari.rfiil talua yat
tw li or araH nt
pay tha oxprfM
atfent our aix-dn-olrrrprli'S2.s
aad upr... di.rjr...
.xr.rt3i charge
will averui'e 0 1
W eenta for rai '
1,000 ri.ilen. THI
from ati nlra Saa at
ara.y all wital blarkartili
..mi In. 1 1 u . 1 1 ii h t.
vcrclolk, 27 Inchca Inn., Terr full w.io. nuiui h in,t
raiie, extra full. I'piwr rape and larar ilorai collar, lieatitl
lull V trimmed Wltll blL ll.lllc aral fur ii r I' ll.
rrimmni wnn inrrw row ami collar wltti two rowa ol
na aoihalr brildi cloth liutton ornament!. Tlili rap I.
.'manor . torouvnoui null I'miiii 1,0 l!ll'P tunc ,j I at
nun unto uouom m inr. nrna rnr rr. noil I ilaloa-ar.
tttaart, ttwuaca ar -v. an lagruiutalr rellalila-aiUlur.J
Your tonm will hnvo the lxml
of euro and
Full Measure of Feed
City StubleB.
. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
Huooraanra to W. H COOKa
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Opp. Huntley's Prujr. Store,
Great Britain and America.
I aJ II 11 ft Bill III Tl"l,u (aAa '
Jaooii GiK8V, PitorniKToii
HatoH $l Per Day and Upwards
Mvry and FWd Hllil" In (loniireliou'witli
tli II mi. llnram nd MiiKxIei to
11 at Iteauontlilt Kale.
llariilPldlml with tha HikiI whirl, liiiori
and ol(rt. W'rliihard'i llevron
Krllahl rrwiiii of iiirt hiiilrftl ur Mivoilv mind
dnirlnit trip lo th I'nrU l-:Mta(Uju Ub guo4
rAltM ItKi OltU, UUllmortnd.
W. S. HURST & CO.-
Produce and Commission Merchants.
W. 8. HURST,
Heal Kntitend
Fire IiiBuranre.
Notary I'ubllc.
Ilikitiuttt iimiket price paid (ur VIitt. 0l, Ho.
riitattx-H, Wool. Oninim, Orfr-n and Irltd Kruim,
tall on or rii
W. N III IIM, Aiirvra,
It I . IlltVI'V. Attrni
iilA. K.K.II I. 4(ru(, Mulr.
1 1, llairlaw. J
, 7 ' 1
, C.4i, llMkc, tin
11TNINQ ln iuuiir riiuim in wrrN,
IMIm TMtK lyt I
' lUirrkMltr m hnmm mi
mtr ml noma mim mi (ut
varrlliliMr buin4 wlii tirvwnl hlm fnw tnwvhmrvit, n
ftniijilDK jru buy ipUlM jul hum Ut entvr, how Mvb thm fr.
tftvur mmU will h on nrlhliitf to fur Ta hig bt
! vrarlr th MMt' alnn lillmnli,
blp y lh SI MitU puMlAiro, U m4 mitl tM aavl to fwm
y ' pmpmlmttA it ynv thn't think II w worth liimaih lftoU
yU mrtut, lo ihm hwmm w tvil ptivm ol mfmrjltti4, f
9Q and will tmmrttif rir fr I S
"It a monuoM&t u( tmilu int orttmvUoa. M I na . tvU (MUuhJ
A wiwtrfu1 rl of work Wwhlnrion Yfatlonnl TrllivnAV
Tho ni.tfiiiB wonUr-llAiMhMilrN M.i Inlun.
"HMti, Kii.ttrh ACo in of ihm UrwlhwttaMuf IU hlndU)
Chl'n.H thltiro ltitr(rn.
"Tri Mr (iiri lurma on or tM RnwC ibopplnf wwiyw MM
OOO.M nowrlbljr hm Mttl Into rlllrr H-floyrt Monthly, I hlfn.
'ThlrctAlfvu Is n Tut Uiirtmnt it or boilml down."-Atlanta Onnrtltutlon.
Th catalorue It irtalnly a rtif rrhn4ll?MTrtnl,tl. ( hirairn r p worth Mrt4.
A law thou 11 rna,-B.lromtiilinrtlMiuwnf ihlaraiAlouslnkll puMliaiahfMiU.M- Th Hon O. A (k'Nth
W entild iunf thHiand f lmllr eitrarta, hwd I A ! al fm UI vttlfr ba hi ftmm
ail. Adurm. SEARS, ROEBUCK fc CO. (InoJ. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
A Farm library of uncQoalled falue Prac'tt
I'Ho-datc, Concise and ComprenenslTe-Hal.
omeljf Printed and Beautiful! UlusUr'xd.
Allnbout 1 1 or act-. Common Srine Trtli. with
74 llluatratluiu j lUnUatJ work. l-rlc. jo Ccou
All about Rrowi Small I'rulti-rrrl and K-arn nnw
a j tyiunu iiic-ime rrpromicllonaol all IruuluaT
varlctlta lm other illu.lrollona. Itux yjv.it. la
M about I'oulirjr , the brat J-oultr v Uook In nlatriK-r ,
,"T?'y,h.'n,? 1 T1"'" ,ur-1 lift MUc r j r. t.iu :.un
of nil the prlndpal brtcdi; with 101 otlitr tlluatroiUmi.
l'rlce, y CenU.
All about Cowi aud the Unity mi.lt,ra hnvlnsn , n t
ale : contain 1 colored 1 i fe-l ikr rcprod net Inni. 1 1 i
Breed, Willi 131 other lllu.tiiitlon. Irke.jutrui.
Jurt out. All about llOKa-nrredlng. rmlli TI11I1 h
ery,,DIa.iM, etc. Conlnln over (n hrniiii'ui .i(
tone and other eugi avluc. l'rlce, 50 Cenia.
TheRIOOLn BOOKS rtimqtie,or(.nnl.ti.rrii1-vwrer,
aw nnythlng like them- irutln.ul, ao nruhiU . . n .
re havitiR on enormoua auilc l-.n-1 We.l, 1 . i 1,1
houth. Kvery one who keep a Horae, Cow. Hou 01
Chicken, or jrrnwa Kmnll I rnlU, onulit to klJ 11 LI
way lot the ISIOvAli UOOKS. The "
Snliani' ere,4t b,:1'?-d.0".hl' the.nnlln-the her,l -the
World the hlcrtrral nin nrlt. .1.. i .L . '
cf America-liBviug over a million aud a-h alfi egui.ii u.
Any ONE of the BIGGLE B00XS, and the PARM JOURNAL
tfTffiijE' ' ' "y ,
oampieoi f AKirl JOURNAL and circular deicrlblng BIOOLC BOOKS free
WII.MER atkinboh,
.r.n. ..tut 1.1-...1 r . ... .., ... . ., ,i,no
....... ... i.j.r.. riM'rfl'fHPO, miiiii m
'"', ami Tim liHUIKar lllll,l. fot
Acker's DjHpppsIa TabkU are Sold
on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepm'a. One
little tablet gives immediate relief.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Geo. A. HaHing,
agent. '
A Personal Matter
A well painted house Is like a neat
ly dressed person always attract
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and freshened tip
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave It
until the sun makes any more marks
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Elv'a Stnrp morrow
cij s oiure... The Painler
ark Inn alh.n .!
Vr;u IH.'.HiMir, m c:,i nri n.i.l .... Vi
aim liriin cnaiwa. .,rl,p .Hirli. lal i.nlllMl.i, n, 1 1,. lk. -.
veraKF,.reiulureauliaUOmlli:a. QiVF it Tuott uniiirua' .. ."
. . I ;, J,. your n.uo any iliiv v.Tu ; ,.,
iiuo... .i m, SH..N, .. an f,rii;.i;j.,iTn"srr E-JS:
im..(...i..., imti.6o rrti,i, ii,i. ,,Kh uaim aTaDit.'"i
ibrrrraleat value ryrr off.rr.l I,. ... "IKUIU It
3EWARE OF I IVI IT ATI QIMS hy aaaaawa ronrerna
UM-ini-Mta.f.irc-rtllK .nk..a .,l,l. unil,,r vai l..,irnarni.C'i!'ii?,"''"?P'
l.r....l.. UnkM, frlran la ( hl , i.ra ah. ar. IU?.U 7 P l" '"-
KIII HllllK Mill. irL "l .1
. . aaai r n A IHaaliia
Jl Sa-s 'I;
j bjBmf" 'Wwm SOLID QUARTER SAWPn nDBn. unuimij ....
111 f ir I H fiHi mxszxs
IXSZ aVM I at I l-CTsi bnhlrln winder ailluaUh l. hi. '"I ','n "llrrntln tliuttla, automatlo
tilt RiM I I tiW'Jvl LV.T.TiiV..;:..i
3 E Xn -V. IB am T l
vh..i ii...t.t.i. " i'lwn wiiPion iirwrntor.frnnrnTfKir
-v..., iilnu,I, uiDRriiirniiKiT lnuinni..il . . . ,. .
BAUrl.kaaiarlila.M.rfi a. l ".. ro.niaa, aaatanrabla ana aaarM.
traotTon BoolT ili'l. f.i "" ""-" 'ar.i.h and our Fran In
kiEi .V"U'"".,!l' " run It and do either tilaln or any
--IT mCTC Vnil unVinaie . """"" "entwlth erery machine.
II tUblS YOU NnTHINfi awaaadaiaailaalBHiaa.bl...nn,n.rai,.lth
anrl then If ennvlfWMul .1.,. . , . thoae your elnrAlraerM. .t ain an In
. 1.1. nu.inu "u are ai.v Iiir KA.lHi in un m 7 t
iV-"""" ' If at any Urn within H,V.....V.Jl::.i JT' 'uur K H
man, nnrnuelt Co. Bra lhi,r,,l.i. r.'rr 1
eiKht avent the lS.flO.
i aabtaueu. uuuaa av-uaa.
dr.s,, SEARS," ROEBUCK' CoTl.nc.) Chicago, III.