Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    i t
Total Expenses of Dintrlct 2 IMirlnff
18K9 Were $13,000.
Ou Monday eveninic Ihe annual meet-
. f ..l,l W. !'" a uia holt
The mating was called to order by the I
c'laimian of the board, C. II. CauflilJ,
Chas. Albright and the clerk being pres
ent. The hoard submitted the lolloping
Orkqon City, Oregon, Jan. 29, 1900
To the Taxpayers of School District No.
C2, Clackamas County, Oregon.
Ladies and Gentlemen: We, your
board of directors, beg leave to submit
herewith our estimate of the cost of con
ducting the schools of the district lor
the fiscal year ending March 1901, to
gether with our estimate of available
funds to be received during that terra
Salaries of teachers ftkJtiO 50
Tay of i'aniloi8 712 50
Fuel 225 00
School supplies 200 00
Interest on bonds 920 00
Clerk's salary 100 00
Shinirlinir Dart of Barclay bldg. . 50 00
Painting Eastham bldg 200 00
Indebtedness at end of fiscal yr 3500 00
Incidentals HO 00
Total $13,400 00
We have gone over this estimate care
fully and have included nothing that
we do not consider essential to the wel'
fare of the district. Our teacher's salar
ies are lower than any other place of
similar size that we know of and tuey
cabuot be cut without detriment to the
school work. The amount that we have
allowed for janitor's pay is as little as we
can get competent men to do the work
in a satisfactory manner for. The item
of fuel may be reduced slightly but we
cannot tell about that until the winter
is past and we find out what bas been
used this season.
Two hundred dollars for school sup
flies will not more tbau cover the nec
essary expenditures during the year.
Interest on bonds and school clerk's
salary are fixed amounts and will have
to be provided for.
We have inserted an item of fifty dol
lars for shingling the annex to the
Barclay building which is in bad condi
tion and has been giving trouble for the
last two years and must now be re
shingled. The Eastham buildihg needs
repainting very bad and it will be
economy to do so this summer before it
gets weathered any more. The item of
incidentals is to coyer interest on float
ing debt ol J3.5Q0 or $2,000 more than our
estimates of last year. This results from
a shortage in the amount that we have
received from the county. We estimated
that we wbuld get $4,000 but actually got
$2,875. In addition to this it cost
more to install new furnaces than
we anticipated when we made our
estimate. We asked for $350 but
found when we investigated the
matter further that it would not be
economy to stop with that amount as
the heating apparatus would not be
satisfactory and would soon require the
expenditure of more money; we there
fore decided to make a complete change
and put in a plant that would answer for
years to come. This was done at a cost
of $1000, or $650 more than our estimate.
The furnaces work perfectly and are very
satisfactory and are yery economical in
the use of fuel. These two items make
up the principal amount of the increase
of floating debt and other small items,
such as purchase of desks, etc. complete
the amount.
In regard to revenue lor tbe vear we
do not expect any great change in the
number of children of school age in the
district, but think there will be no de
crease. That being the case, we ought
to receive from the state fund about the
same amount as last year or $1800. We
received from tbe county $2,875 on
totol valuation of $4,150,000 with a levy
of 6.3-10 mills and this year the valua
tiou bas been increased to $4,714,000 but
the levy has been decreased to 5 mills
and on that basis we can only expect to
get about $2,600 or a total from state and
county of $4,400 which would leave a
balanco of $8,000 to be provided for if
the district wishes to pay off the floating
debt and he clear at the end of the year,
We do not think this advisable but would
recommedd that a portion of the amount
be carried oyer as a floating indebted
The county clerk reports the to'al taxa
ble property in the district to be $G4G.41C
for 1809, a six mill levy on this amount
would produce about $3,900 and leave
an mueuteaness at the end ot the year
about $4000, In view of other high
taxes W3 think that this would be prefer
able to attempting to levying a tax high
enouch to pay off the whole debt, we
therefore recommend that a tax of Bix
milla be levied for general school pur
poses. Chas. II. Cai held,
Chas. O. Albright.
Directors of School Dist. No. 02.
Clackamas County, Oregon.
The principal business was the levy
ing of a tax for the ensuing year. After
eome discussion tbe levy was fixed at 6
mills. The attendance was not as large
as It should have been.
New Grocery Store.
Fellow's grocery, of Portland will open
& branch store in the Willamette block
about February 7.
Fiinilshr (1 Every Week by the Clitcka
mm Abstract & Tru-t Company.
TLCharniHn, liusiee to J Barry,
lot 3, blk 2, Weslynn $ 200
E F Kiley to M McWhinnie, lot 14,
blk 19, Cambridge 14
The Imestors Mtge. Co. to E Leh-
maun, 54 acres sec (1, t 2 s, r 3 e
P II Marlay lo Sherman A Herman
5 acres Matlock claim, 1 2 s, r 2e
O W I.enii to J Schwartengcnbach
35 acres sec 8 t 2 s, r 3 e
E Carlson to U S 8e4' ne' and Be1
sec e Act of Congress.
C Kyler to E Carlson, same
M Schulpius to T F Ryan, 40, acres
sec 13, t 3 s, r 1 w .'
M Sehulpius to M A Wise, lots 1,
2, blk 110, Oregon City
2000 :
M M ler to M Sehulpius, lots 1 2
b 110. Oregon City
Wm Cochran to M F Turner 45
acres sec 28. 1 1 s, r 3 e 1
E S Warren to Wm Cochran, 45
acres sec 23, 1 1 8, r 3 e 1
E W Godfrey to J T Murphey,
s1, ne-4 sec 36, 1 1 s r 5 e 1
DlGriliinto M H Kiebhoff, 10
acres in H Baker claim, t 2 s, r 2 e
W J Cuminings to W F Eaden,
e e ne sec 23, 1 2 a, r 2 e. . .
M Ringo to B II Aldredge, 3 feet
lot 6 blk 42, Co add to Oregon
U S to W Barnum, 8w sec 22, 1 5
8 r 1 e Act of Congress.
TLCharmantoTB Ziegler, lot 6
blk 5, Weslynn 300
C Richards to B S Belloinv, Bet-
se sec 8, 1 4 8, r 3 e 950
BS Bellomy toC Richards, lot 8
blr 49, Oregon City 750
W P Hawley to Crown Paper Co
loUl, 2.3, blk 1 Sunset 10
D Herliby, e ne,1- ne setf sec
3. t2s. r4 e 602
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, investments, real estate, abstract
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
The victorious Y. M. C. A. basket
ball team rftat defeated tbe Salemites in
this city, January 26, 14 to 4, will play
the Btudents of Willamette university a
return game in that city, February 17.
Arrangements have been made with the
railroad for excursion rates at one and
one-third fare for round trip tickets.
riiis same team contemplate a game
with Monniomh the latter part of the
month. Oregon City's team is as follows :
Captain George Case, Kick Humphrey,
guards; Frank Montgomery, center;
Dave Williams, Edgar Williams, for
Salem's players are: Capt, P. R.
Starr, D. D. Cuulson, guards; Loyd Mar
qnam, center; H. W. Parsons, H. L.
Jank, forwards.
The Y. M. C- A. junior team will con-
test for basket ball honors with the boys
of the Eastham school, Monday evening
iu the gymnasium.
Capt. Loder, of the "Blues" has
challenged Capt. Jack of tbe "Reds" to
a friendly game of indoor baseball, to be
played Saturday February 17. The teams
are to be composed of business or pro
fessional men and are as follows:
Blues J. W. Loder, H. Bestow, J.J.
Cjoke, G. B. Dimick, J. P. Lovett, Ern
est Rands, Prof, Wilcox, J, D.McIntyre,
Geo. Hoye, and W. A. Huntley. Reds
J. E. Jack, Levi Stipp, L. L, Pickens,
H. E. Cross. R. Freytag, A. S. Dresser,
W. Moores, C. Schuebel, C. S. Seaman
and F. J. Meyer.
Classes iu gymnastics fur young men
are Tuesdays and Fridays from 8 'till 10
p. m. ; Juniors, Tuesdays 4 to 6, Satur
days 9 'till 12 a. in. The business men's
class meets on Mondays and Thursdays
from 4 to 'till 6.
The Ladies' Auxiliary held a meeting
Tueeday afternoon, at which it was de
cided to give a three-days entertainment
in the nature of a fair. It will be held
iu the association building, where quaint
and beautiful booths of different classes
will be erected. Some of these booths
will teem with up-to-date articles, while
others will be equally unique with
ancient curios. The committee on ar
rangements are: MrB. W. A. White,
Mrs. D. C. Latourette, Mrs. B. S.
Bellomy and Mrs. L. C, Caples.
A New Firm.
L.A.Patterson has Bold his entire
business, the Bazaar, to Adams Bros.,
formerly of Portland, who will continue
to carry the same line of goods with a
larger assortment.
The reduction sale will continue one
week longer.
Bible Institute Will be Held.
A series of Bible Normal Institutes
will be held in the First Baptist church
of this city on Wednesday and Thursday
next February 7th and 8th under the
leadership of James Edmunds, Sunday
school missionory of the American Bap
tist Publication Society for Western
Oregon and Western Washington. Rev.
C. A. Wooddy D. D. of Portland will al
so be in attendance and participate in
this program, I
Housework is had woAwi
A trail detl deptnds upoa tht ctr of crocks
or put la wblck milk It ktpL Their should bt
vubtd tool ss possible ihtr feeing uied.
Rlau flret vlihcoldwitcr, into wuh ihorouthlf
laslds tod out with hot wstsr, li which (south at
Cold Dust Wishing Powder
bu bo dlMolvcd to aukt I food suds. Flaltb
bjr rinsing with scsldisi wstsr; wipe dry tad hi
out, with right slds up, la Ibt fruh tlr tad ma
thlat, ltd thty will M cleat tad ivett.
Hi mhon la uhm trim tnt trm knakkt
UULDt.l tUUt rut DOVtlWoUL''
Ml bw NqiMlt M
Nkwburv. In Portland, at the Good
SaniHratin llofpiial, Jantury 2i), 11KX),
Mr. John C Newbury, of New F.ra,
Mr. Newbnry has been a fufferer 1 1
the past 16 vears frym the efiects of a
rattle snake bite received many years
ago, and while not of a dangerous type,
was a constant annoyance to him and he
was never free from pain. Of late how
ever, he has Miffered greatly and with
the hope of gaining a permanent cure he I
underwent an operation at the hospital
last week, but disease had reached the
stage where it resisted all efforts of
liUUidu olill and lie Imnoed Qliietlv to
the Ilouib Bejund. I
Sir. Newbury was a highly respected'
cititzen of this county, having been post-
master at New Era fur several years and
also conducted a general merchandise
store at that place.
Deceased leaves a wife and five child
ren, Misses Katie, Laura, Ruby; and
Roy and Willie, all of whom are quite
The funeral was held under the auspi
ces of Multnomah lodge, No. 1, A. F'.
& A. M. from their hall in this city on
Thursday, at 2 p. m. and was attended
by a large number of friends from this
city and New Era.
letter List.
The following is tbe list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Or, on February 1, 1900.
women's list.
Buk, B L Mrs Moore, Ina Mrs
Delore. Mrs Stone, Leo Mrs
Hartzell, Bertha Story. Annie
Johnson, Idella Mrs Tappan, J E Mrs
Lenllsey.Mattie Mrs Townsel, Katie Mrs
Williams, M J Mrs
men's U"T,
Boylen, Wm Rozelle, Chris
Cartson, Jno Thomas, K C
Fisher, Herman Venen, A P
Hicinbothem, Chas WilRon, G F Dr
Humphry. J D Walker, Win II
Long, E W Wilson, Willie
Wilson, W R
Pat knge Mrs Margreto Rose.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned as Griessen a Hallwyler has
been dissolved by mutual content.
A. II. Griessrn.
8. Hallwyler.
Fur Sale.
Moving picture entertainment outfit
with calcium light attachment and
gramaphone talking machine; good as
new. Cost $225 and will sell fur f 100.
Also have light wagon to trade for heavy
one. Inquire of J. A. Thayer, real es
tate agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Has turned with diNgnst from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath, Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies
the breath by its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
on absolute guarautee. Price 25 cts,
and 50 eta. C. G. Huntley the Druggists
A wild bird sat In a tree top high.
The air wae Krowlng chill,
And sang a simple muludy, -
As wild birds often will:
"You will mist my eong- when the win.
try t'sy '
Hangs ever dark and drear, '
But I will sing as in days gone by
When spring's first flowert appear.
"I leave my old nett where It hangs
. Up hero in the tree top high.
And I know It will cling to the lonely
When the winds go hurrying by,
"But I am called to the southland fair,
Beneath a milder sky.
I feel the chill of the enow filled air
And bid you all goodby."
I. B. M. Wright In Good Housekeeping.
geles, Cal are headquarters of the coait lor
--- -- ., t.woi uuoucio, All llie
latest and best sorts. Send for a catalogue
today, B
Card of Thfliiks.
The officers and members of Pioneer
Chapter No. 28, O. E. 8. extend their
sincere thanks to all who assinted in
making their drama, "Above tbe Clouds"
a success.
Jennie E. Rowkn,
Size duebii't indicate qualiiy TH.
ware of counterfeit and worthless salve
offered for De Witt's Witch Har.el Salve.
DeWitt'e is the only original. An in-
fallible cure for piles and all skin di.
eflses. Gko. A. IIabdino.
8PMBii r.'twT i i itiii iiJwtti
IfiiliiiiSr !
SI IotOT r
i G Hlwswtf
The Appetite of a flout
i It envied by all po.r dyspeptics whose
sionmch and Liver are out of order
All such should know that Dr. king 8
New Life Tills, the wonderful Ktomach
and Liver Remedy, Rives a splendid ap
petite, sound digestion and a regular
bodily habit that inenres pei feet health
and great energy. Only 2.c at Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
Patent Steroid.
"Money to patent good ideas may I
secured by our aid, address The Patent
Record, Baltimore, Md."
I( bliiloli's Cough and Conmimption
Cure, which is sold for the email price of
25 cents and 50 cents ami $1.00, does not
cure take the bottle hack and we will re
fund your money. Sold fur over fifty
years on this guarantee. Price 25 rents
and 50 cents. C. U. Huntley, the Drug
gist. Richards & Pringle's
Famous Georgia
Pot't Toharro Spit tad Smokt Ttar l ift) Awij.
To quit tobacco easily anj forever, t mag
netic, lull ot lite, Durro tuil vigor, tulia N'o-To-Uac,
tlie wonderworker, that mallei weak men
strong. All druKsULs, tfo or II. Cure guaran
teed Booklet and a.imple free. Aiklresa
Sterling Itemed; Co, Chicago or New York.
We are now making con
tracts for wood to bo delivered
next summer.
Parties desiring to sell will
please call at our oflice.
Orogon City
Woolen Mills.
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
Tne Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work Is
Bis laboratory.
There Is a disease prevailing In this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad
vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselvea
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood th alhn
leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght'i
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis
covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
oi apparently hopeless cases, after all other
enorts nave tailed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mail, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamlon, N. Y. and
mention wis paper.
Legal Notices.
Police of IMnnl Settlement.
Notice Is herebv eiven thni PVn.
n.. uiair, me executor or tbe state of
, ... , i rj -- ijiiuo
imoiia a. niair, aeceaseu has renr erert an, I
presented for settlement, ami fiu.i In ik
said court bis final account of his adminig.
tralion of the said estule, and that Monday
the2i!th day of February. lfWo. at lOo'nim'.u
a. ni. at the court room of said court nt the
county court hnne orssid conrtv of Cine,
anmi In Oregon City, has been' duly ap
pointed by the court for the hettleiuent or
the said account, at which time and place
any person interested In aid estate tuny ap
pear and tile exceptions in writi riff to the
said account and contest the same.
Ehos A. Blair,
In the County Couit in lh Htnle ol Ore
gon for Ihe county of Clackamas.
In the mailer or the estate or Charles 1'.
Tliore, ileceaM'il.
T.i lolianna 1'. Thore:
ll'y order of tli lv enlllli'd court, you
!. hen-' y .no-1 : :
lore the Mid court at th court room tlierecr,
in the e ty ol li itoi Cu.i and mo cuiliitv
ol Cl r k i, mm, i'ii ,lon.iy u.e oui nay ul
Marcii, A. l. I' '"'i lUo elock In the fore
iiD .n of lh 'lil Hiiy, then ami there In
how cam if-ey V.t h.tvr wl .V an order
or sale of lots 1 .V '-' of lilork No H or II
lamette Kalis iu CUcUanni" rn'tiity. Oreron.
P'al property bloiiKi"K ri,UiU' "'
Charles V. Tliore. deceased, thould nut I'"
tUTM citation I" published liy order or the
Hon. Thos. F. ltyan, Indue ol the shove
entitled court, and made and enli-red tluf
In on the 2th dav of January, lm
l'kANri.iN T. (liiirrmi.
Executor or the estate of Charles 1.
Tliore, deceased.
AdiiiliiiMritlor'a ."Voile.
Notice Is hereby K'ven that the under-
flKiie.t has h i appolntml administrator ol
the estate of Kliiahelh Chase, deceased and
all persons are hereby untitled to present all
claims Klnst said estate tome at Handy,
Clackamas county. Oregon, oil or hi-forn sis
mouths from the dale of this notice; said
claims to le properly verllled and accom
panied th proper vouchers,
Dated, February 2, l:i
I'ttAKt.si B. Cinsa,
Administrator of the estate of Klitstwth
Chase deceased.
Hum miosis).
or Oregon for the County or Clackamas.
Ulysses 0. Shaver, plainlllli
Nettle V. Shaver, defendant)
To Nettle V. Shaver, the defendant above
In the name of the Stale of Orejcn: You
are required to appear and answer ths com
plaint tiled against vuu in mu uo en
titled suit on or berore the Iflih dsy of
February, l!0, the same heinir sit nerks
from the date of the first publication ol this
summons; and If you fail to an appearand
answer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintilt will apply to the court for the re
bel prayed lor In said complaint, which is,
that the bonds of matrimony between you
ami the plalutlll be dissolved, and that the
custody ol the minor children, llsiel
Shaver and Clifford Shaver, be awarded to
the nlaintitr.
This summons is published by order of
Ihe lion. loos. r. Kyau, tne enmity puiue
of the County of Clackamas, Slate of Ore
gon, duly made on the SOih day or Decem
ber, IX'M, and said order directs publication
of this summons not less than once a week
lor six consecutive wee 'is, and the tt rat pub
lication to be on the Mh day or January,
Cms. T. Tool I and A. 8. Dkkiwsi,
Attorneys for Plal.-itilT.
Xotlcc ol rinsil Hrltlruirnt.
Take notice that I have filed In the Clack
amas county court my final accounts and
vouchers for final settlement of the etale
of Jaser Clift, deceased, and the court has
appointed .Monday the lllih day ol Kebru
sry, A. D. 1!), for the examination and
settlement or the same.
Dated January li, V.m.
Nu in in on).
IN THE CIRCUIT COl'ltf ol the State
of OreKOh, for Clackamas County.
I.J. Liles, plalnliir
Hattie i.1les, defen
To Hattie Idles, the above named defendsnt:
In the name of the State of Oreiron, You
are hereby required to apear and answer
the complaint tiled aitklnst vnii in the slwtve
entitled suit on or before the 17ih dsy of
February, 1!W. that tx-inir the last dsv ol
the time prescribed in Ihe order of publics;
tion of this summons; ami if you lail to sii
sptiear and answer said complaint, the
plaintilt will apply to the court for Hie re
lief therein prayed, to wit: a divorce from
the bonds ol marriage now existing between
you ami the plaintiff.
This summons is published for six con
secutive weeks by order or Ihe County
Court for Clackamas County, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 2nd dav ol Jan
nary, l!Ks0, the first publication being on tbe
5th day or January '.).
J. H. ClINrlYNI.lt AM,
Attorney for I'laintill.
A well-known BUperintendent of schools has given It as his opinion
that pupils who have access to the Encyclopedia Iiritnnnlca stand
33'A per cent, higher in their studies than those that do not enjoy
this privilege.
Is the formative period. What a boy reads In his youth becomes a
part of his very character. To give your boy a chance means that
you will see to it that he has the best surroundings, and your
"The Concentrated Essence of the '
Whole World's Wisdom"
Is what the Encyclopedia Dritannica has been termed. Let your
boy read its interesting pages and he will look with disdain upon
"flashy" literature. Your boy has large Ideas. To him there is
nothing so attractive as truth. Give him material out of which
be can construct far-reaching ideas. Invest
and put the Britannica into your home where your boy, as well as
your girl, your wife and yourself, can consult it continually, and
when he attains manhood, there will be no place iu literature or
professional life to which he way not aspire,
Will prove expensive. Call at our store'at once, or cut out this
coupon and mail it to us.
Please acquaint me with the details
City and State.
Oreeon city, Oregon.
V -.rv.v .
Nolle lor I'nMlcnlloii.
United Hlulns hind olllce, Oretfnn Cllv
()rc;on, Jnnmoy 2:', l!MI,
compliance with Ihe irovl:ioiia o,' Hie ant oi
miliums nf June. 3, 1H78, entitled "Axtv
for the sale ol liiuher hinds In Ihe aisles of
California, tireKon, Nevada and Washing
I.. mi)', ' A.t.iiuu'1 tu all (Iim piilnio
lilii.l states hv ant of Auunsl i H!i'
Uavlil O. Hatch of MohilU, rnunly
ol Clackamas, state ol Ori'K'iu, bus
this i!ny filed In this olllce his sworn
statement No. M"". for the purchase or (he
n X ne U see.IIJ, n i nw of seeilnu No.:c
In township No, 7. ruiiK No. 4. e, and will
"Her proof to show that the land sought Is
n. ore valuable for Its timber or stone than
for n,; ii'ultursl purposes, and to establish
his cairn to shIiI land before the reiflstrr
nmt receiver of this olllce at Oregon City,
Oreriii.on Monday, the I'ltli day of April,
i;iHl, lis liBinei as wllni's.iis;
I ytilhla A. Kox. Jesse N. Ollleld, Joseph
P. Ollleld, Missouri A T. Vanlltiskirk, all
of Molalla, Oregon.
Any and ail persons elaliuliiK adversely
the above-dcsiirlhed lands are reiiesled in
ll'e their claims In this olllce on or before
said Hllh dy of April. l'Um.
( II Art. II. MooUKt,
poller tot I'liMlrntsbn
I, in. I Oil! r at Ore hi City, 0 exon.
Derember H,
j, Kllsibelli Itees, or i'loi'kamas County,
whose Kranlors purchased tbe following
lu'iils of Ihe OreKOii ami CiUforola llsil.'nu.l
company, to wit; The SKU of the HW
nIHen. 4. T ft Month, IU. S Kst. W. M. do
hereby Klve notice of my Intention to make
Until print, tinder the ttti sectlm, u ttie Act
ol March S, pit:, in establish my claim to
(he Mid land atiove described, and that I
expect to prove my rlKhl thereto before the
le(lster and It.-ceiver at Oreton City, ()re
K'ln.on Fdirury, loth, 11M), by two of the
followliiK witnesses;
I.. I. Williams, of Clurks, Oregon. David
Itohl-ison, of Meadow Hrook, Oregon; K.
A. Wrl((ht, of Meadow Hrook, Oregon; H.
8. Itaiiishy, of Molalla. Oregon.
Any person who desires lo protest aaalnst
ttie tiiiimsnM ot such proof or who knows
of snv ili'alial resson, under Ihe law
and lb reirulstloiis of the Interior Depart
ment, whv such pr.Kil should not be al
lowed, will Ihs itiveo an opimrliuuly at the
sIhiv" iiiunlloned lime ami place to cross
examine the oiliiesses of said claimant,
and lo oiler evldente In rebuttal of that sub
mitted hv claimant ami John '. Dix, ol
Cotton, OriKii, ,'' made il. K. I'-Md Is
siecally cited lo spix-ar here on said proof
day. Cilss. ti. Mooass,
rolleol FIsimI Nrl(lem-M.
uudersltfned has llleil tils llnsl account as
administrator De Itonls Non, of Ihe estate
of Hilss Shay, d erased and the county
JuiIks of Clacksniss couiilv, Oregon has
fixed Momlsy, February I!) at 10
o'clock a. in. at hlsoinee In said county and
stale as the lime and place for hearing any
and all objections lo sshl final acoouni.
Dated January II), !.
I.i VT Sure,
Administrator Dm llonls Non. of the
estate of Silas Shay, dec.
.lollee of I'lssal HriiUmeait.
I have this day riled In the county court of
Clackamas County, Origin, my account
and vouchers tor final settlement r the
estate of John Zumwsll, sr., deceased, and
the court has appointed Momlsy, February
111. I'tnO. at 10 o'clock a. m. for the exami
nation and settlement of such accounts.
' J i li M Zdmwalt, Jr.
1-12; 20
Notice Is hereby itlven that the last will
and testament, olj. It. Hiishr, has been filed
for probate In the county court of the stale
of Oreirou for Ihe county of Clackamas,
and any and all persons having clsiins
sKslnst the said estate must present them
to Ihe tintlf rxiKiipil executors with proper
vouchers al the olllce of my attorneys In
On-Kiin CHy, whl, In six months from the
date ol Ibis notice,
Hans Spaiir,
Khkiiiih k Mosii burgs.,
Cunk Waknock,
D.iled January 2C, I1KX).
Dimick it Kssthaui,
Att. lor Exeoutors.
of your Britannica offer.