Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Kntcrprisc
JimCai IATIIi Railway Compary
(Coucli St.)
hi "
J yj odv to
'5 i .
lo:ju only to
7:05 A. M.
ir.w r, m.
B.w only to
12:50 only to
Colng up, 8:00 a M Going dow n a :.yrM
1:0 A. M. 0;.WA.M.
i r. m.
j i r. Mi 4"
rlo lilS
to a. m.
sue "
lo i "
I'i 10
1 is p.m.
! "
l w
10 --
tnodsy ' laa ' T hnur until t nVlcx k
m. In sflVt on and fi Janti.rt I, isv.
r C.A. Ml.l.kH.svrT.
ii.Hiiitti rtixa
IKi. m.
1 no
I (4 . m.
.! "
1 P) "
BAi.virimi Army Iiti rham 8ol
Clark wh want) i to see how much dis
turbance li could make at the ralvtinn
aimylou'i'l out Judge Nchiinlier opin
ion waitlist It wm woith 50 aii1
leased that amount to hi credit. CUrk
considers llmt a goul pries but will have
lo take tlio judge opinion on thn matter.
Orriu Hi mit k. For Ihe past six
Yci-ki Mr. K. 1. F.lliot, of this city hm
twen thercclpie nl ol such flittering rn
pirttfnun the mining districts In ul
srotind Suiiiitir, through Hk! medium ol
former Oregon City boys, that ho ha Ht
Ut succumbed and will leave with hi
Itnilyiu tlio ni'itr future for Ihn new
lld field. John Khaner and Clarence
Front write him they aro rfi vinu fit &0
pndny and pay $0 per week for hoard
Akokmkh it Aoain. Adolph Argeii
ler arrested the Ilrt of the week for
threatening o kill J. II Huiver, of Uc
Und h i Is the mail carrier of that dis
trict. The dcfundeiil li At hud a grout
deil ol triable for a niimlmrof year w ith
)le in Hih vicinity In whlcu he livci
mil prol ulily in moro iiiHune thun vlclotm.
It ii iliiiued tlmt the nuigliborliood are
iDiiuiiH to K('t him way Irom there.
Juil)jt S.-liiiubi'l Imiii not rondxrad a do
cmiun an yet.
Dun roii Orn Flau. Although not
om ially notilloJ, 0. 11. II. Miller is
utiinYd llmt the rciimlnn of bin aoti in
lt, K.11 mnt Fonter, are now lylnit at
Hit I'ri'ni.tio, hnylng arrived on the I net
transit. He waia member of the Htli
Infiuitry, hikI lundod In Munila in June,
wlmro hu diod o! fever in Auuimt
Of thn mini yHr, tin wa4 n Ornon
City hoy, aiid the only Noldinr of t'lucka
iiink county who hut hi life In the
rhlllppiniin, Thx ptihlio will ho duly
noliflnd of the arilval of hli rmimlni In
llil city,
1'kniion Okt (l v. Tliut the ordiro
I'lMido U iiiitkliiKftvcry 4 fTrt ti coinhlne
'Milahillly ltli frttttrnliy, who evldnnend
hut Monday xyeiilnK, wlmn iIih K"'itlH
limn of that ordnr Uuidrntid the lady
iiiniuhr4 a nioi pl.MKid lMiiiuiit, TIih
IfrpolcliMrimn art wai lnduli(d In ilnr
li'K thn vfuliiK, lnternicri'id hy a
hoiiriilful rmt, of which III ynntli'iui'ii
wore the catiireri, The riaiim of Mri.
John Hlmdln wan added to the incinhcr
ililpllxt durliiK the mnnn uietitlii((.
Tim ordnr In rnnklnit rtpld alrldoa mi
nmrlcally, now haviiiK ahoiit 60 mem
bers In thU city.
Hom Faon Cai.ikohnia. Juiit before
Chrintniaa Unt, Ivlward Htoriy and
family took cruiae of lower California
ri tirnlnif to lhl city lat Saturday.
They were vlnHlria m lfr of Mr.
Hloroy'N who rexldoi In lM Anifelei, ami
nuiucroua other friindn, Klinhle A Co.
arrived from Cxi Nome, AU'kii, wl'li
KK) Ion of mineral wind, duntiK their
atayln Kriwo, of which Mr. Hioryrw
clvd hi aharn. Koine of the nd rutin
ai hlh a 7'H) to the ton. He waa the
recipient of fine Kulmii d"tr,
brought from Indian I'olnt, HUmria. The j
Kntorprlne hereby acknowli'duea the re-1
relptofa handful of tin) glittering land '
from Mr. Htorey.
IIOIKII OK roMMtvuouit.
ftoolar January Term or the I'ooulj
I, r. Mark, rhlrmn; J. It. M irkua
It, Neott, uinuiUtlonar.
In the ninttrr of the report of the
diiouty county aiirveyor on the runurvey
of the llitt ami Daium road. Tlii
matter briiitf heard on the rejirt of the
deputy county aurveyor, ami the board
being fully aatUfied with aaid reourvey it
ia ordered that the iinm he am pled and
placed on file, and the auperviaor of al(
diairicl In which id road U located Im
liiNlrtictod to notlly all proHrty owneia
aloiitcaaiil road lo move their fence;
and It i further ordered that trie ex
lnM) of laid au'vey le paid by Clacka
ma cou n iv :
l.lliii 12 00
J W Mehlrnm 14 00
Total flO 03
In thn inatU-r of the reatirvry of toe
0 1' lludi(e road, and deputy county
aurveyor' reirt com I nit on now to be
heard, and the l ard bein( hilly advlne.l
In the prriniwa, il i ordered that (aid
rei.il I laid over until thn Felruarv
term of aald boanl, and thn Knii of
a.ild aurvey and view bn paid by
Clack auia county : .
l I' Hele M 00
iWCookn ... 2 IK)
J W Moldrum U 00
In the matter af indexing the lax roll
lor 1HTJ, the contract wna lot to Iiimii k
A FailliHin for 2I 60 thld Index to
coiiaUl ol an oriKinnl an I two copie.
' In the mutter uf the rcorl of the
county physician, tho tamo wan ap
In llm matter of the p titi nof (Icore
llicrlnh'ttliam to correct an erroneoiia
aaHKinuiil, it a orJ.rcd that tlie
petition I") ((runted an played for for H
tieoiKii llit'ciuhothem II W
In the matter ol the relief of Mr Mone
an indigent pcraon, Il waa ordered that
he be allowed the mini of 10.
Mr Stone 10 CK)
I'i Kid matter of the petition and tub'
Hcrlptlon IihI of K V lioniKchiiLli, et al.
from road district No 1H, the board
being fully ndviHed, It WH ordered that
the aaine be hud over until the Febru
ary term.
Iu the matb'r of plunking a road in
district No 'XI, the petition having been
referred lo Supervisor Lo wellen for ap
proval, and ho having recommended
that the county grant Mid petition and
pay for the plank tho petitioner hnvi.ig
agreed to (urninli all the labor (or haul
ing and putting down aald lumber, nid
work to he done under the m!irvlion
of 8iimrviaor ljwullen, the board
granted the M-titlon.
On petition the boundaries of Oregon
City voting product were changed to
Include the premise, ofJPuvail, who
heretofore voted In Maplo I.ane precinct
In thn matter of the petition to change
tho boundaries of Needy precinct by ad
ding several sections to Muckahurg pre
cinct, Ilia asms was granted as prayed
fir, Mid iie:tii,n wan nlktnd hy II L
Wolfcr and 21 others and thn territory
to tin added to Mackhurg precinct, Is de
scribed as follows i Commencing at the
center of cl Ion 27, 'i4 s, r I n, on
boundary linn of prni inctj theme aouth
llire-foiirtliN of a mile; them n e.iot one
one. fourth mile; thence south one fourth
mile; thmicn west one-fourth mile;
theiicn north omi mile lo present corner
of al I iireclncl.
In the miiiter of thn petition of James
I'Vlger, et si for annexation to rosd dis
til" i No 84, lo Hlevnrs voting prerlrict,
Hum inukiiig il part of road (liatrict No.
7, Htd mt'ter hrivi'i-i Im-mh Uil over
Irom tlm (leceinlM-r term, and coming on
now lo be heard ; thn board belli lully
adviaed h p.-liflon lgfMilel and what
is known ss road district No 34 it Is
ordered, Is Isken from Cscvudns voting
precinct and added to Hievers, and that
it bn a isrt of rosd district iNo. 7, and
voting plars be changed Into Audio IPs
to Hodman's.
On iijion llm voting tdscn In Hsrd-
inu's tin-cint was changed from Tracy's
to (irange hall.
In thn matter oi liavlng lioyai A Hon
do extra work on Ihn Ko k creek biidgn.
the cleric was ordered to write to said
Ann, and ascertain what laid proposed
work will bn donn lor.
In Hie matter of dividing Oregon Wy
Into voting precincts, it was ordered by
board that the boundaries of the Oregon
Cltv voting precinct t all be as follow:
Oregon Citv prndnct Nol, shall com
prln all that poilioti of tlm city lying
and living south and went of the follow
ing dcacritM-d linn t'lt : oinmencing
si the center of Seventh street at tho
Willamette river : thence eaaterlv to tlin
Intersection ol Seventh with John (iuincy
Adams streets; thence southerly along
thn wnler of John tiulmy Adams
streets lo the Inlereaetlon i I'mm
oniory avenun in FalU View addi
tion to Oregon CitjS thence westerly
along lb center ol said promontory
aveiini-loclty limit. Oregon City pre.
cinct No. 2, shall comprise sll thst part
of the city lying aod being north and
weal of the following described line to
wit: Commencing at thn Willamette
river at tlm center of Seventh street;
iheucn eaaterlv to thn Intersection of
Seventh with John Quincy Adams street,
thence northerly along the center ol sld
John Q. Adams street to the city limits.1
Oregon City precinct No 3 shall com
prian all that part of Oregon City lying
and being south of precincts No. 1
and 2.
In thn matter uf tax rebs'o on pell
tionof J il Pomeroy, the samo was re
ferred lo the district attorney,
In thn matter uf per diem and mileage
of the county commissioners, the follow
log clsims wern presented and allowed:
H V Marks, 5 days. I'O mile $17 00
H D Morton, 6 days and 'JO miles. 17 )
K Scott. I'H miles and 6 days.... 17 HO
Total $-'2 40
Hoard adjourned until Monday, Jan
uary '.'Jd.
In tlm matter of the petition to annex
a pari of Marquain precinct to Needy,
the aamn was laid over.
In thn matter of thn resignation of W.
II Smith, as road suSrvior of dbtrict
No II, the same was accepted, and John
K Smith appointed lo (ill thn vacancy.
In the matter ol thn petition of K 1
Carter to fix or plank roid in the timber,
near Iljghy'a sawmill, the petition was
accepted. The work of laying thn plank
for a distance of onn-foiirth miln is lo be
done by volunteer work, Hagby Uros.
to liirnisli lumber for 60 cents per
tlioin in 1.
In Ihn matter of the petition lo change
the voting place in Heaver Creek pre
cinct from the school hoti:e to the
tjrange hall thn same was accepted
In the matter of the petition uf C C
Lewis for county aid, il was ordered that
he go to Mrs Hart for proper care, and
llmt a warrant for f per mouth lie
drawn (or hi relief.
In thn matter of district attorney fees
collected after the salary law went into
effect the county cleik wss ordered to
refund all such" fees collected, except
where court reporter's fee had not hi en
paid. In the latter instance, the money
is to bn held until the court reporter's
fen shall be paid.
Iu the matter of thn tax levy for thn
year lS'.Kt, It was ordered by the bosrd
that thn levy on thn taxable property of
Clackamas county shall be as follows:
County 11 "-10 i11b
State 3 10 "
School 6
Koad 6 . "
Total : 28 nulla
A bicycle tax was also levied of $1.25
for each wheel.
In the matter of the remonstrance and
petition against the aointinent of
John ltarth, a road suporviaor in road
district No. 24, tho said appointment
was reconsidered, and A II Reynolds
appointed as his successor in accord
ance with the petition presented.
In the mailer nf thn (lnllii(iiuit taxes
on tito ! outlio. n Vm itic railro id ovc I ip
lands, Ihn sheriff was directed lo inxkn
an assessment of said lands In accor
(Iiincn with an order of the county court
insiin s ml entered of record st thn Jiiiim
leriu, l.Htlo, and in accordance with a
petition Wed therein at said time.
In the matter of thn cost of extra work
on the Rock Crnek bridgn, the proposi
tion of Royal A 8 jii was accepted, and
the clerk was ilircctco to inform hem lo
riear and sign the contract at the
February term of the meeting of the
board of county commissioners.
In t.ie in uter of scalp bounties for the
niori'h nf fVceinber, Ihn following wi-ie
allowed :
John Countrymen, one wildcat 2 00
r, T While- .2 (H)
JOHolcoinh , 2iX)
I' KKItzmiller two " ". 4 (X)
A J Kilzmiller, three " ". ' 0 00
luis Himler. one Linden wolf. . . 2 00
J I) Wallace, IftO wild cats 4 0
A J Msrr, two wild cat 4 00
Inhn Oltben. 1 csyntn 2 00
Christian Klinker, 2 rsyote snd 5
wild cats 14 00
0 II Linn, 2 bear and 4 wildcats. . 12 00
Total o4 00
Your I'acn
Klioaslhe stale of your feelings and the
stale of your health as well. Impure
blood makes Itself aprsrent in a pale
slid "allow complexion, pimples and skin
eruptions. If you are leeling weak and
worn out and do not bays a healthy e
pearance you should try Acker's Rlood
F.lixir. It cures all blood disease where
cheap sarsaparillas and so called puri
fiers fail; knowing this we sell every
bottle on a positive guarantee. George
A, Harding, agent.
Complete stock of Quaker Remedies,
Hotauical Herbs, Salve, Cough Balsam,
boup, and Mineral Salt at Huntley's
Cut Rate Drug Store,
F.I!. Thirkield, Health Inspector of
Chicago, nays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cannot be recommended too highly. It
cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di
gests w hat you eat and cures indigestion
hearihurii and all forma of dyspepsia.
Uxo. A. Habiji.no.
Mokl Tea puKltlf ply cores Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruption of the akin, producing a
perfect complexion, or money tefunded.
23 its and 60 ct.
For Young 3leu and loung rToniea.
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick a
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist ia
mussy their neat appearance ia spoiled.
The Troy laundry make a specialty ol
ladies' and gentlemen's One work.
There can be no better work than is
done at the Trov. Leave your oidt rs at
Johnson' barlssr shop.
School Medina: Vlce.
Notice is hereby given to tne legal
Voters of School District No. (i'i, ol
Clackamas county, Oregon, that the
adjourned annual school meeting nf the
electors of thn district will be held in
Willamette hall on Monday, the 2l)lh
day of January, 1000 at 7:30 p. m. for
thn following purpose; To levy a tax
for the ensuing year on all tliesemabie j
property within the district for general
sehw! purpose.
Cius. II, Caukiki.o, T. L. Ciiasmam,
Chairman. Clerk.
Oregon City on Jan. 18, 1000.
1'rivate board aod lodging
Mas. A, Uahtenhkin,
12th and Main Sts.
O. II. Appldon, Justice of Peace,
Clarksburg, N. J., says, DeWitt's Littlu
Karly Risers are the best pill made for
constipation. We use no others.
Quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles.
Oko. A. Hahoino.
Sunday Services.
KiKliCll ami J. H. AJaiii aireeln; iU.
Ernest J. W. Mark, pastor, bmi'lav 'lrv
at 10 A. M., aeekly aerviuea every Thursday
at 8 P. M. (ierinsn school every Saturday
from 9 to 12. Everybody invited.
HiLi.ssaAsn, Paavor. On Huurlajr mitS and
1040 a. M. Kerjf second aua fourth Sunday
(iarman sermon altar ihe S o'clock mas
At all other matue Kusllub wrmimi. anuria)
school at 'i:30 r. n. Veiira, apolofetlcal
iubleoia aud Ueuedlcllon al 7:S0 r. a.
II. Oljxitf. Pastor. Mornlur service al 10 i
Huudar Hchool at lu:00. Class meatiux aftet
morulnr service. Kvieulns servlc al 7 JX.
Ktiworih Ltnfnt ineetin Muuday eretillij al
6..V); Pra;er Medina Thursday cveulnf at 7 M
iraugera cordiauv luvuea.
1. Monlromi rr. Pastor. Service at 11 i n. and
1M r. M. Sabbath Hchool at 10 A. u. Younf
People's Hoelety of Chrlitlaa Endeavor meet
very Hunday etenlug at 6:80. ihuiaday
reulog prayer meeting at 7 JO. Beats free.
Eighth and Ma lison street. Uv. S. Copley
pat or. Service every 84r1lraih ttilla.nl
and 7:45 p. in. Sunday School 10 a. m
Prayer meeting 8 p. ra. All are welcome
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Services
every Sunday at 11a. m, and 7:30 p. m.
Hunday school al 10 o'clock, tit rvice every
Friday evening at 7:30. Other service at
may be announced. All teats free. Strang
era cordially invited.
corner of Main and Eleventh streets Rev.
E. H. Boliingir, pastor. Morning service
10:30; Sunday Hchool 12; Junior Endeavor
5; Y. P. S. C. E. prayer m-enng 6:30;
evening service 7:30.
11. Heaven, pastor. Preaching service
every Sundsv at 10 30 and 7:30 p. m. Sun-
.lau !. .1 1 to t l III. Jllllil.r
n.eel in the stiernoon and Ihe bemor Young
People's socieiy ami Hible suniy cla ai
6:15 p. in. Ihur-dav evening, regular
prayer service at 7:30 p.m. ttednemlay
evening, Bible study class at Y. M. C. A
rooms led bv Ibe pastor.
The curse of overworked womankind
are quickly and surely cuied by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, the great blood puritler
and tissue builder. Money refunded if
not satisfactory. Price 23 els., and 50
els. C. G. Huntley, the D'uygist.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Siierintendent of Clackamas County
will hold the regular examination of ap
plicants for state papers at the county
court house in Oregon City, on February
14, 15, 10 and 17 as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, February
14, at 0 o'clock a. iu. and continuing
until Saturday, February 17 at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school laws.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government,
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Rot ny, plane geometry,
general history, English literature, phys
hology. N. V. Rowland,
County Superintendent.
Dated this 13th day of January, 1900.
Bears lb llia Hind You Havt Alwars Bougit
a. O. C. W. meet every H urUf
evening in the A. O. U. VV. Temple.
Geo. R. CaMn. encretry.
Rerxjknhs WilUmel'e Rebeksh Islia
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday ( I
each month at I. O.O. F. Temple.
Malta (iodfry, secretary.
Ci,m Robin "r! No, 9, Fore!" of
America, meets tint and third Friday ia
llm month in Re. I Men's Mall.-W. R
eUii J v.crL'Uiy , F. T. Rogers, Ji'd
Meade Post No, 2, 0. A. R., mecU
fr:) M'.ndrfV tve'ii'W and third Sa''!:-'' y
afternoon in each month at Wiiarnetta
1111. (. A. Harding, coir mander
Clackamt Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meets on the third Monday of eacb
month in Masonic Hall. M. Boliack,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. S. meeta
the second and fourth Tuesday ia eacb
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jenni
Rowen, secretary.
O'ognn Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O. P., mee t
every Thursday in Odd Fellow' Hall.
T. F. Rean, secretary
Fall Encampme-t N". 4. I. O 0 F.
meets first and third Tuesday in eacb)
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp '
0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7.30,
at Red Men' Hall. X. M. Moody. C.
of R. ; Chas. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first snd third Saturdays in eacb
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No 13, meet at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in,
every month at 2 o'clock p. m. and tbe
thirl Monday in every month at 7:30
o'clock p. m. The Auxiliary meet at
the Armory building the let and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p.
m Mr. Rosina Fo'its, president Mrs.
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meets fin-t, second and fourtb
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Bearle, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America 8t. John's
Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday oi
the month.
Tuala'in Tent, K. 0. T. M.t meets ia
Red Men's Hall, on second and fourtb
Wednesdays O. II. Hyatt, roord
Willamette Falls Camp No 148, W. O.
W. meeta 1st and 3rd Friday in the
Willamette Hall. C. C, Sol. S. Walker
and clerk G. Olds.
Lone Pine Lodge, No. 53, A. F. A.
M., Logan, Or., meet on the second
Saturday in each month from the 1st ot
May to 1st of Novembei at 2 p. m. and
fiom 1st of November to 1st of Mar at
j 10 a. m. A. E. Leaellen. V. M., Geo.
C. Armstrong. Sec.
iim. jjaXBmtai4pUatyMr rnitM ar iw, M ik.tJ..
M Itr imm "ixaan
.rv.vhlru.nr. THPAHLOR
in wvt ft Tr Tlr U IfetiniBcvfJta
ul-iTilTuvi hU-h. Incun lomt.io Inch. wi.l..l wtiKta; 4
.,n.l VonUl" . -t. II ll-. tjSTj'
)rn. S..U. 4 ... rklrJ Tm IMWO risj 0 J,
i-.il.r lv 1 N-l.r i r.r. s.ri B.M v:
ik.r.k,l! r.lli..U.It. I S" ... i ic. ,
- - THE PARLOR CEIW kuoii ri.ii mo
lJV..I. ilt 1.1. sr onljr awl I in ihehUS
M fr..le tilrunn...w; llu wlih H.- Cpt
le.therln THE PARLOR CEM (urahbrt
with s loiU Iwt1mI pUMi KmiK-h mirn.r. mpkfl plstl
p,Ul frsnw d very modern "P"""- J
Sr.taS w. k.. STfU Mm! tk test Witt laslns-
ufcSs.WM-J. ' -
GUftRANTEEP Z! Ttana. Jii iasa
-4T V
".nn.and eomlliinn. olwblch U.ny ! l"ou xS U(. fe 1 VJ-"i
..air it SMrfnm Trjr li ou month saa wa win v "a 7 1, v si I -J JJi -.
d..lt Willi u.iu.k ..ur neiKlilKrrslxml ufc rtt Trf $r''''ll t '"Zf I "'tt
bWVlMi psesr r Msiropolitsa r OR O AN a, j t.. LTX J t ,
NtliiIHMik.orCrnWH.nli ,ol C 1icko i ,1 1 . ,Ji, I i jViyv
irtiermnKjPlnKHiili. New Vorki or .ny f v 111, . S tf X-?
k s e.plul e..r sioo.iiou.oo, ocrupv entlra
one of the Un bufiuen ilo.-k la 1'nloe.iro,
. .7.... . ikMl n....l In nur own
oriaoTpisao aud musical Inetrumeul omuloguo. AudxeM. . O-roojmlj -
. . m. .. r,r n..t C.llni. nnlaina snd Wlma Sla. CHIC ACQ. ILL.
SEARS, KUfcBWlV .--H '
Are known to be the best. We sell them
on easy installments