Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention , Local Kvei;ls$. J
I The topics editorially Ireahd In the
. in.li n; in in uiii injr unvipw (ii ueviiiws
for Fein
nary mki
Kri MitN in town Monday
V.. F.ymeii if Hher-
of New F,ra was
llun. 1-'
I.H.illl'K. I
jliw M-ry ll'i'-rlli hid Ornt of Ilia today,
f(.k(ur Alaska
itnrUknr II
u:.. Anna I
('m'""l 'f ('urrinivllle spent
H p, )vi, of Manpiaiu, was In Ore
"fl. Wednesday.
llrli ll (Jleaaon of Kiln city visited
,frb'( l'"'tUtnl Monday,
jijinfW""" I 1 y of Corvallli was In
(jir oly ih" ' r,t ' ,,M1 "''i'1''
,i. )i K.e haa been qnlUl lick Hit)
pit wrk V'l I" reported better.
)lr, J 0. Footer, of New F.ra, who
IuiIhcii n'lHe alck II improving.
(jrofKnC. Uruwnell addressed polltl
nieetii's at Highland Haturday.
llwim" called Abraham ltrklhi of
llMduwIirook to lliii clly yesterday.
r. S. M. Mi-Cow ii of Waltaburg,
fUli., I vUltlng frloudi In the city.
Usury Miley of Wllaouville wm lit
loan lle that of the week on busliicM.
Vita Klxia I.earcy of Portland visited
Ifjn Amelia Glcaon ol this city Monday.
Hr. an I Mn. Jamee F, liuunda and
biuliy viilloJ iclitlvei in I'uf.Ln I Hun-
Mini Marie Chambera of PorlUnl vis
it! frlendiand ruUtlwi In thU rlty Hun
Mm. C. M. Wlns!ow left with her 'am-
Ojr lliii luorulnn to j ilo lirr husband at
Mr. P, K. Hammond, who bu bwn
mho ilck lor soma tiuio Ii reported lo
a imrov(n.
David MuArthur of New Kra attended
the funeral of John C. Niwbury In thli
city Thursday.
Win. Douglas ami Jam Caaaldy, o
Fjgte Crk, had btwlneai at the rounty
Kit dnrinii the wwk.
G . K. Talier and family of Ml. Pleaaant
Wedncilay for their future home In
Lnri county, Iowa.
W. W. Curtis, tha lumber magnate of
Albany, hi been taking in Oregon Clty'a
lltl water power during tha week.
Mn. Haliroi k, of Faletn, ila'er of W.
K. Pratt, vinding at lh linnia of tha
Uttvr In tlil city during the wprk.
flurlwi Ch, of Handy, apnt Wed
nemliy Inn-acting hnilni'W In Hilarity,
inl tk tin rvnning train for Salrm.
i 'i rMjpf .Mjii nun
4..i9i0liferf1. fo9Aj,.jL.j?i,U"ttii and
Circuit Court NuU-x.
Mwn vi. (Jrlmm, ctal., motion o
tlm Nirarntiim Citriiil . lrik out portion of dcfwidHi.ta nllow-d.
hi'foro ('oiigm-a, tli Ida . Mrlniovli vi. Ifurrla IvIh and
Kiln Caii.il projwli, iiri Ja!ob Ktnuir.ir, fMmiilfiiia ilernurmr u-
'dirgriuud tninult In Now York ind i-Ihc
Jack Tiirni'V Iihi iijm:Uim1 .a Nw,"''f
ink l'l.l..,aMl. II.. u I ..L... ' Ml" VltT"'l' '. .liim.
Tha county clnrk icporli lid with ilx
ami vum huudrxd riglnlrtiou)i up )
tha rcni'iil il.i,
TIim fi'iry at Wilaoiivllln ii now work
ing In good aliaf hy a wim cahUi latoly
ut in,
tiiii, IIih In HHiirv iiinl
!'iul.ir t!. i.;!.i:i if r;i;r.l';r, Mr. !'rv-
eiidu'i iiiici li In tho HKiinti) on the
riiliiilni) ijiicmloii, our tariff pollry In
I'lii-rUi Klco and Cuba, Cm iiinaning of
''iiHiilrallty" In Ilia liot-r war, and the
xtrunxtli and Wfukni'ii of llm I! or omI-
K'lo W
I'.ilr,! t,, Jumna W H ilr-I
tlitt hdiika, the , motion to 'I-hiIh iiuit n lniii..
onnic Dnni dadhaimo
We wich to rwluce our book Mock. Tfifne are' tho iwluca-
, jnenta atil you will not have an opportunity to buy booke bo
J V...,. J.,..
Tim Kfd Mini lixld a roimlng mnfiiiig
Saturday nyi'iilng, Aftor tlm i.'Iohh of Ilia
lodgn n frfahuiDiila wt-ra irvtid.
lion, ().' Haytti will iiinkfl an ad
d't)a at Knint' achool ho'imi on Mat., Keli,
.'Ird, on "Tlm Duly of thu Citir. n to hi
Tha Ktar Clothing IIouhh will rloie out
III liuxini'a In thi city, Katurdny, F. h.
3rd, n-niovltigio HakerClty. Tlu-y Lava
laxm oatahlialicd ht-re ainca lant May.
Tin flour oiii iut of tha Portland Flour
ing Mill On. of Ihla city during tha
(lion I h of lVccuilxr wan niiroxiiuatuly
'12. m) barrdi.
Cotntahlu MK'own baa Ixx-n on
CftitW v the pat wk rauaod by Ilia
kirk of a burnt) at IHiibland Sunday.
H. I.. Wolfrr, of Ntady, waa in town
Timncl'iy and aiya tha iroa,wla for a
ipring rrnp of opuIiata la rather alim.
J. I. Calmn, formerly a tdiimbcr at
tin Willamette l'axr Mllla. will depart
villi hia family nrxt Monday for Bump
Clia. Pol ami family hav movft.
Imm their bnma on tha bin IT to tha rea
idenre of hli unci.), Thomaa Topa, on
Water itreet.
CUrlev Foter, of New Era, who hia
been enxt dl the muntalna for aometima
Ii In the citv attending the funeral of tha
late J. (!. Newbury.
Frank Brown will apend the next two
leeko vmiilng In tbliclty, Ha ballpen
emptoved in the government flab batch
7t Houa Kiver.
W, C ('Hinpboll of Albany haa boon
niiiiii Ht lixal ail I tor on Tho F.ntor
prie. Any court laiea that can be ahown
li'm will lio approclntod by tbo proprietor
ol this paper,
Jonah Penman, of Near. Era, left laat
Tuefclav to join bia brother at Sumptcr,
lieie he will work In tho gold minea,
tlie latter being foreman of tbo quart
milli at that place.
Jtiir-i Illuckburn, ion of Attorney
Gennral Hlackhiirn. and a Company I
lran, ahoaerved in the I'hillpplnea,
appointed a guard at the State
I . d 1'orter waa taken alck Saturday
wnlng of boart tronblo. At one time
bi('fttt waa coiiHidered lunoua but bo la
mucli Improved. Clone confinement to
l"i work in the aaHenor'a ollke ia given
" Hia cauie,
Wm. Itohlnion, a former mnrcbnnt of
GoMhiiImIii, VVaah,, will open a large
nerii! merchandiNO and gent'a furnlidi
InR frnndH atore In the Harding building,
opposite the pout oflka, next week. The
building will be completely remodeled
nl a French plate glass front put In.
J. T. Hhea, of Albany, la in the city in
jhe InloroHt of bia large tannery and"
lfillirr findings factoty. Ho will visit
Willumolte Falla, where be expecta to
P'x'e a largo consignment of leather
Hoods with the Capen Bboe Co. of that
Mr. I,. Adams and Ida motbor, Mrs.
nry Adams, have removod from their
"inland home and are now staying at
t!,e ""eHidence of Mra. 8. Cbaae in this
''ly. Mr. Adama baa recently purchased
ie Bazaar from L. ratteraon, and ia a
Ditjiher of thebuHiness manager of the
D'ly Aatorian.
A. Ilechtman, of tha blar Clothlnir
Hounm has aold tha flit urea belonging to
that atom to F. J , Fellowi of Portland,
who will open a branch grocery In tha
place vacated by that concern.
The young mmiiU of ii tAJoifgatloii
hI ihiirili will giva a aorial at the borne
of Mia. C. r4. LutourelU) i.u Friday even
ing, Feb. tith. Full particular! given
next week. Admisaloii lOcenli.
Toe concert at the Congregational
church on the Kith romlai to be the
musical event of the aeason. Fori land
talent aa well at mint of the I home
talent lua been ur(xl for thlioccaaion,
W. J. Mct'otd of Mt. Pleasant baa
aold to Itobert Drown of New Era, a re
Isle red Jcrary heifer. This la one of the
herd Mr. Mi-Cord haa and la a very fine
The fine weather baa allowed tba work
to prog rem on Heaver Hill to itivli an ex
tent aa U) warrant an early completion.
The grade will I reduce-1 to 7 "r cent,
and then the load bed will be covered
with cbruahed rock.
Richards A 1'iliigle'a Famous (ieorgia
Miuxtreli embodies tho blggent, brightest
and best in this popular line of a mo so
inent, Every firalure presented la origi
nal and up-to ilato. Fifty well known
namm appear on It i router; two big mil
Itary bands furnish the choicest munio
lor ita big free street parade; a well
trained orchestra ol thirty pieces aupply
the music for iti In door performance.
The famous troupe of Arabs, tha greatest
tumbled and acrohata of the century,
apeclully engaged for ttiii show, which
also includei a hoslof vaudeville enter
tainers, mluatrel amuanra of (he highest
caaa and a score of spectacular surpilce,
dialect longs, negro uieludiei, comedr.
acrohata, trlck-blcy. Ilbt, groWqoe and
fancy dances, tight wire walking and
funny comediaiii Altogether piesenting
one of the laieit and greatest eilorte of
thia Kipular firm of pioneer managera.
Uemeiiiher the big ihow will appear at
Hblvdy'l Opera House, Feb. 3, W.
ficat: ca :-!: z '.I-'.lc;': at 50:
The iu prune court baa decided that
the at ate cannot coPect intereat on atate
taxra. A a kooJ many countiea have
pal I Interest the ilata will probably be
called on to pay back their t ilea. Thii
county bai paid HU in inicn-at.
Chaplain Uilliert, of the Second Oregon
Iteglment, will deliver hia entertaining
lecture on "Oregon in the I'hthpi dnee"
in Sl.lvely'i 0era Houae, Tuesilay evi
ning, Feb. O.b. The admlsoioii will lo
tentr-fWe centa. Heserved aeata
thirty five centa. Ticketa will be on ula
at Huntley's.
Chai. Wright, la now oscase! of the
only aiitnmatii! aliell loading mtcbine in
Clackamii county. Charlie ia a great
follower of the mighty Nimrod, and ii
anxiously waiting to take bin annual
trip up the valley with bia three high
priced pointora in quit of Chinese
Christian Science service! are held in
Willameltee Hall every Sunday morning
at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
Feb. 4th, "Soul." Sunday School at
12:10. Wednesday evening meeting at
e!ght o clot k. A cordial invitation la ex
tended to all who (hibire to attend these
Tha young ladies of the Episcopal
church will give a "Colonial Valentine"
party at the armory on Wedneaday eve
ning. Feb. 14th. The features of the
evening will be a musical program and
lancing. Thu ludiea attending are re
(pleated to weara colonial coalume and
to powder their hair. Admission -'.
Refreshments 10c.
Word haa been received that Mrs.
V. F. Clark, of Zen Folk county la dead
ahe having died last bumlay. bhe was
ii. mother of J. F. Clark and Miss
Addle Clark of this city. Her husband
and ono other daughter survive her, Mrs.
Gibson of Eastern Wash, Mrs. Clark
was born in Tenn., and come to Oregon
from Mo. In 1874. She ia highly spoken
of by all who knew her.
The young people's Bervice at the Con
gregational church next Sunday morn
ing will lie hold In tho Interests ol uiris
tian Endeavor. The young people of
the church and Sunday School a urtfod
to be present. In the evening the pator
will continue the series of sermons on
essential and nonessentials of belief.
The topic will he "The Fall or Man."
The members of the Pilgrim reading
circle are not able to secure tho book en
titled "The Boer Heroine" without a ten
,l,.v.' delav. They have therefore con
cluded to read "Via Crucls," by Marion
Crawford. This is a romanco oi me
...ennd Crusade and U most highly re-
comended by the Becular and religious
JnaticeRchubelhttS decided the case
of Uibbs vs. Bowens and Oglouby In
favor of the plaintiff. Tho case was for
baling hay and the principal question
... i uhethor all the defenders
WOO -o wv " .ii at a
were responsible. The court holds tha
as all got the benefit of the work all
should be held responsible for the pay.
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat-No. l,f eta, No. 2, 44 eta,
No. 3, 43 cla per bushel.
Flour Portland, $3.10; Howard's
Btet, 3.10; Fisher's I!eet, $2.00.
Oa'.a In aacki, white, 30 centa per
bushel, gray, 30.
SlillstuHa Bran, 114.60 per ton
ahorta, $10.00 per ton.
Potatoes 40 to oO cts per sack.
Egga, to US eta per doaen.
Butter Ranch, ftOcents per roll.
Onions, 90c. to $1 per rack.
Oreenapplea, 1.00 to $125 per box
dried Ktf cts per pound.
Livestak and Ireaee! Meals Beef,
live, 3!4 toS'c; hogs, live, 4 eta; hogs
dreaaed.6 to 5. cents; sheep, $3 00 to
$3 60 per head ; veal, dressed 7c.
A Mllwaukle Hold-op.
While driving to school about 8 o'clock
Thursday morning, Prof, and Mrs. Bow
land were hel I up near Milwaukie by
two men who were concealed at the
roadside, Mr. Rowland wai commanded
to dismount from hia carriage, which he
obeyed, and waa relieved of $1 in cash.
Prof. Rowland la (b ad game and it ia
safe lo predict that Ibe road.leri had the
drop on him. Shciiir Cook was scon on
the trail of the Mad rohben but up to
pies lime they weie .till at liberty.
Wahtko Skvkkal Bkiuiit and Hon
kst iieraona to repiesent us ai Manager!
in this and close tiy counties, aiary
$U0X) a year and expenses. Straight,
hoiia-flde, no more, no leea aaiary. i oi-
lion Krmanent, Our referemea, any
hank in anv town. It ia mainly office
woik conducted at home. Reference.
Eneloee sell-addressed stamped envelope.
Tiu Dominion Company, Kept. S.Chicago
Woodmen Take Notice.
We are now making contracts for wood
to be delivered next summer. Partus
deairlna to sell will please call at oi r
ofllce. Okbuon City Woolrm Mill,
The llomelleit .nun In Oregon City.
Aa well as the liandaomest, and others
are invited to call on any druggiet and
got free a trial bottle of Kemp's Bulsam
for the Throat and Lunga, a remedy that
ia guaranteed to cure and relieve all
Chronic and Acute Couuhs, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption,
and 60c.
Price 2oc
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy. Ita pleasant taste and prompt and
effectual cures make it a favorite with
mothers and small children. It quickly
cures their coughs and colds, preventing
pneumonia or other serious consequences
It alao cures croup and has been used in
lens of thousands of cases without a
single failure bo far as we have been able
to learn. It not only euros croup, but
when given as soon as the croupy cough
aonoars. will prevent the attack. In
cases of whooping cough it liquefies the
tough mucus, making it easier to expec
torate, and lessens the severity and fre
quency of the paroxysms of coughing,
thus depriving that disease of all danger
ous consequences. For sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
An Editor's Life Saved by Chamber
lulu's Cough Remedy.
During the early part of October, 1890,
I contracted a bad cold which settled on
my lungs and was neglected until I
feared that consumption had appeared
in an incipient state. I was constantly
coughing and trying to expel something
which I could not. I became alarmed
and after giving the local doctor a trial
bought a bottle of Cbamberlain'a Cough
Pnn.e.lv and the result was immediate
improvement, Bnd after I had used three
bottles my lungs were restored to their
healthy Btate.-B. S. Edwards, Publisher
of The Review, Wyant, III. For sale by
G. A. Harding Druggist,
I(j( n 0'r,;icr ct u r.:u!I if
judgment denied.
Lyons vs. McKenny et at., foreclosure
of iiiorlgagH with redemption clause,
Mi'ler vi. Schwan at al., con firm at ion
of ante.
Lewis vs. Sluble et al., confirmation of
Apperaonvs. Hurst et al., cost bill al
lowed with exception of $f attorney fee.
Oregon City vi Oregon A California
R. R. Co . application to am mend com
plaint allowed.
Jennie Williams vi. Charles Williama,
divorce granted with care and custody of
minor child
Fred Stulko va. Louise Hitilke, divorce
granted with care and custody of minor
flow'a This!
We offer One Hundred Dollan Re
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by ffjll'a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chkhky & Co.,
Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J . Cheney for the last 15 yean, and be
lieve bim i-erfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactiona and financially able to
carry out any obligations mude by their
Wkst A Tar a i
Toledo. O.
Cooper 5 vol. net
Verne 5 vol. aet
Koaey Carey 5 vol. Bet
Kipling 5 vol. act
Henty 5 vol. Bet
DumaH 8 vol. set
Thackery-rlO vol. mt
Thackery 10 vol. net, illustrated
Hawthorne 5 vol. net
Kipling 15 vol. net, complete work 15.00
Large family bible 2.00
PoetH, good cloth .75
" fancy cloth, gilt edges 1.00
'' watered Bilk 1.00
Pocket editions of favorite poets and
authors, fancy bindings .50
Children's books at regular prices
Cook book, oilcloth binding 1.00
WebHter's encyclopedic dictionery 8.00
Our Price.
I .87
4 Huntley's Book Store
Oregon City, Ore. V
Masons Take Notice.
At the slated communication of Mult
nomah Lodge No. 1 A. F. & A. M. to be
held on Saturday evening February 3rd,
1900 the Grand Master M. W, Bro. J. M.
Hodson will make said lodge an official
visit and deiirea to meet aa many nf the
Wholesale DriiRrele, ' brethren as possible on that occasion ;
I ynn will therefore confer a fa i or on all by
The modern and most effective core
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pills known ss DeWitt's
Littie Early Risers.
Geo. A. IIardi.ho.
Walpiko, Ki.h.nan A Mauvik, Whole
sale Hruggiits, Toledo, O.
Hall'aCatarrh Cure ia taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the lystem. Price 76c
per laiiilo. Sold by all druggista. Testl
luoiiiala free.
Ilall'i Family Pilli are the best.
making a special effort to be present at
! that communication. Br order of W. M.
Tnos. F. Ryan,
Ban tU 1 Kind Ym Haw Alwrt BougM
lt M Yw Haw AiwaTt
"I think I w u1d go crazy with pain
were it not for Chamberlain's pain
Balm," writ.- Mr. W. II. Stapleton,
lleruiinie, P. "I have been afllicted
with rheumatiriin for several years and
have tried remeiliea without number,
but Pain Balm is the beet medicine I
have got hold of." One application re
lievea tha pain. For sale by G. A.
Harding DrOKifisl.
Ed neat Tour Bowala With Cwaewrcta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
100,0c If CaC.faU,drusKlsurefuixlmooe.
The Latest Yarn.
Money to loan
Hxihjxs A GaiKrrm.
at lowest rates.
A Pittsburg drummer tells tbls new
yarn: I alwaya carry a bottle of
Kemp's Balaam in my gnp. I take
cold easily and a few doses of the Bal
sam always makes me a well man.
Everywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take bold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I take cold. At druggists, 25c and
"a"I -TaJ
Ely's Cream Balm
ttf and plraaant to
Bi Contaiua do In
)uriooi 4ni(,
li la onlcklr ahaorbed.
Hire H-lief tx once. 1 A Is-' I
It Ouena and Cleanaea J, ' . , , Z lZ
Heals and Protacu tba Membrane. Bcatoref th
BroMS of Tut and BmelL Larg Sue, SO centa at
DmnrtfU or bj mail ; Trial Sir, 10 centa by mail.
. kLX BIlOmiUia,HWanaa8trw1KiwToii
Va A M
Many a man has saved himself from j
an all winter cough by wearing a client
proiector. We have cut the price about
40 per cent. See them in our window.
C. G. Huntley Cut Rate Druggist.
Fr Sjleaa, Freak
V Bakery and Confectionery
Telephone 39-4 Joseph Kuerten.
l'ronapt lelivery.
Manufacturers of Lounges and Mattresses.
Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Wall Paper, Paint, Crockery, Stoves Hardware and Notions.
I'lturrv floors.
And yet a slight outlay if you select
from our large and handsome stock,
newest carpets from best looms
newest weayes and color timings
the kind of carpets that give largest
wear and best satisfaction.
Brussell'a Carpet per yard 50c op
Ingrain " " " 25c up
Jute ' " 30c up
Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Chinese
Matting at all prices.
We keep a tremendous
stock of Wall Paper,
New and pretty patterns.
Lastyeur's patterns will
be Bold at reduced prices.
Warraite(l'L3ng Machine Fine Decorated Dinner Set J9.50. '
$"'5 00 r. Toilet bet ft .00.
n siora mm, 1 9
g mil BaDSdsMfl) imm, I
. hd I m xiawiBL f
. Charter Oak Stoves $14 50 and up. Sc.a,I8
Old Fashioned - 10c.
1 Cj Set of Irons 1 25.
! Dinner Pail 30c. . ' Wire Ciotiies Line 25c t i VyJ
' F - " r-