Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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n It laked Ilia Life to Save That of
Fellow Workman.
Ilcbor Frauklln, a young mnn era
ployed at tue Clear Creek mine, U as
much a hero as any mnn who ever
fcv.-c! death on the battlefield. Frank
lin Hoiixht not glory, but to save a uu
tn.n.p I'fo. There was a (Ire In the mine.
The uien were called out Then they
were about to shut off the air In order
to stop tlio flames, when It was lenrned
that a lone miner was working deep In
the mine beyond the point whero the
lire started and was then raging with
growing strength. Here Is the story
-of the subsequent events:
Foreman Thomas Immediately called
for volunteers to go with him Into the
mine to rescue the man. Several a
tempts were made by different ones,
fctit they were driven back by tbe
flainet, and tbe cry of "Powder!'
caused a hasty retreat
Finally Ilcber Franklin, a young man
whose work keeps him on the outside,
said, "1 will go." And accompanying
Foreman Thomas he pressed on
through the Ore and found the man
working away tamping a bole, entire
ly unconscious of the danger threaten
Ing hhu. They succeeded in getting
out of tbe mine safely, when the fan
was shut off and tbe dip closed up.
The rescue was s,n act of great bravery
on tbe part of Franklin, as bis work
kept blm on the outside and be was
unacquainted wltb the exact lay of tbe
land luHlde, and the danger of suffoca
tlon from black damp was great He
was the only man of tbe many stand
Aug by whose nerve did not desert him,
it Is stated upon good authority that
ten minutes more of lost time would
bare resulted In tbe death of the miner
who was at work and possibly a great
loss to tbe company, as the supply of
air could not be cut off while there was
-any hope of rescue, and this would
liare tended to feed the flames. Salt
Lake Herald.
Happy Life With BU Wife at
Mount Veraoa.
At tbe time of bis retirement to
- Mount Vernon, after the expiration of
Ills term as president "the tall figure
of Washington was only slightly bent
and he was still supposed to weigh up
ward of 200 pounds," writes William
Terrine of 'The Last Years of Wash
Ington's Life" In Tbe Ladles' Home
"Excepting his gray balr and his
false teeth and some trouble In hear
ing there was little of the usual ap
pearance of age In bis muscular per
son, tils gait and bis strong, pock
marked face. lie was affable and
merry wltb his best friends, but while
lie had tbe true hospitality of a south
ern gentleman in Inviting every vis
itor from a distance to bis table or to a
bed over night his politeness was gen
erally formal Vet If he particularly
enjoyed tbe conversation of a guest be
would pay hi in tbe compliment of lis
tening to him until after 0 o'clock, or
even cf lighting him with tbe candle to
a bedroom for the night
Mrs. Washington at this time was a
healthy, pleasant and unostentatious
little woman, still showing traces of
good looks and with seldom any other I
thought than of playing respectably
iier role of mistress of the bouse of a
country gentleman, of caring for the
negroes or of amusing herself with her
knitting. She had great pride in her
recipe for making 'cherry bounce,'
and on a midsummer day she cut out
82 pairs of breeches for the men work
ing on tbe farm. Sbe had said that
she and tbe general felt like children
Just released from school when he left
the presidency, and she told of her
satisfaction in settling down again to
the 'duties of an old fashioned Vir
ginia housekeeper, steady as a clock,
busy as a bee and cheerful as a crick
et' "
A Faiaon Dlatlllrrr,
The poor rm-lve all the profits of
one of the most famous distil lories lu
the world, that which Is connected
with the monastery of St. limuo, In
tli" department of Inuphliic, which Is
better knowu as I.a liraude Char
tivuse. Tbe distillery Itself Is a con
siderable distance from the monas
tery, but It stands on laud belonging
to the order, although the French gov
ernment has a claim over It.
The monks of St. Bruno, although
Ihey are sworn to poverty, have con
trol of an Industry whloh produces
about fl."0,0o0 a year profit. Of this
one-third goes as a contribution to
the fund known as 1'eter's pence. An
other portion Is devoted to tbe main
tenance of hospitals, and the remainder
Is devoted to subsidizing poor churches
throughout France and to the per
sonal relief of poor applicants, without
distinction of church or creed. It Is
Interesting to note that those who have
control of this- lucrative business are
expressly forbidden by their vows to
carry on a trade which could result
In a profit to themselves.
Many attempts have been made to
purchase the business, ono notably by
the Rothschilds, but all have failed,
because tbe heads of the order consider
that they are not Justified In selling tbe
business to a firm that would make a
personal profit by It Cincinnati Enquirer.
Know When They nave Enough.
The llama, that docile animal which
was the beast of burden In reni in
prehistoric times and played the part
that was asslgued to his cousin, tbe
camel, In Egypt and Arabia, Is still
seen In large numbers In the mountain
districts, but he cannot live In the
warmer latitudes along the coast He
Is docile, enduring and sure footed. He
can go a long time without water and
food and cbcVs the cud of contentment
when other animals are In distress be
cause of the temperature of the rare-
fled atmosphere found In tbe Andean
A llama will carry 100 pounds and
no more, and ir you add an ounce to
his load be will lie down and wait un
til It Is taken off. He knows when he
has enough, and there Is no use In try'
Ing to argue with him. The native In
dlans have learned this by the experl
ence of generations, and when a llama
Ilea down they Immediately unstrap
and diminish bis burden without mak
Ing any fuss about It. Then, when he
la satisfied that be has been given no
more than his share, be climbs on to
his hoofs again and follows the moun
tain trail for days and weeks at a time
without murmuring or slipping or for
getting his food manners. Chicago
The Buccaneer!.
The original "boucaniers" were a
wild and picturesque gang. To the
waist they were generally clothed In
a sunburned aud weather beaten skin,
and they wore pantaloons of a coarse
linen, dyed and stiffened with the blood
of bulls and pigs and held up by a belt
of rawhide, stuck full of deadly knives.
Their apparel terminated with pigskin
boots ant no stockings, and they car
ried a long barreled firelock, loaded
With ounce bulls of lead.
They were animated with a common
hatred of the Spaniard, which In their
eyes justified any uttuck upon bis per
son or property, and by a wild sort of
attachment to each other In their peril
ous lives, which led to their being
known as tbe "Brethren of the Coast."
When tbe Spaniards drove them Into
the career of marauders upon the
eea, the word buccaneer took a new
meaning, though tln'y were also known
as freebooters. This was a mongrel
English word, "buiteu" being Dutch J
and "buctcn" Ortimn for plunder. Of I
this word the I-'reuoh made "fribus-
ter," vvlib the s sileut. and then soften- j
ed It to "filibustier." which the Span- ;
lards modillcd lulo lilibustero. So we I
finnl'," jot the word back, with a opw i
meaning and a special application as j
-Mfllibu.jter."-"The West Indies," by
Amos Kidder Fiske. '
A Rather 5ovel Complaint.
An English traveler once met a com
panlon, sitting In a state of the most
woeful despair and apparently near
the last agonies, by the side of one of
the mountain lakes of Switzerland. lie
inquired tbe cnuse of his sufferings,
Oh," said the latter, "I was very hot
and thirsty and took a large draft of
the clear water of the lake and then
sat down on this stone to consult my
guidebook. To my astonishment,
found that the water of this lake Is
very poisonous! Oh, I am a gone man
I feel It running all over me. I have
only a few minutes to live! Remem
ber me to"
"Let me see the guidebook," said his
friend. Turning to the passage, be
found, "L'enu 'du lac est blen pols
soneuse" ("The water of this lake
abounds In fish").
"Is that tbe meaning of Itr
The dying man looked up with a ra
diant countenance. "What would have
become of you," said his friend, "If I
had not met you?"
"I Bhould have died of Imperfect
knowledge of tbe French language."
One Too Many For the Dean.
A well known dean of Norwich tells
the following good story against him
self: Sojne few weeks ago he came to a
stile In a field which was occupied by
a farm lad, who was eating his bread
and bacon lunch.
The boy made no attempt to allow
his reverence to pass, so was duly lec
tured for his lack of manners.
"You seem, my lad, to be better fed
than taught."
"Very like," answered the lad, slic
ing off a piece of bacon, "for ye teaches
01, but 01 feeds meself." Loudon Answers.
AH the world knows of the wonder
ful cures which huve been made by
Lydia E. l'iukham's Vegetable Com
pound, yet some women do not realize
that all that is claimed for it Is abso
lutely true.
If all suffering women could be made
to believe that Mrs. l'inkham ran do
all she says she can, their suffering
would be at an end, for they would
at once profit by her advice and be
There Is no more puzzling thing than
that women will suffer great pain
month after month when every woman
knows of some woman whom Mrs.
l'inkham has helped, vs the letters
from grateful women are constantly
being published at their own request
The same derangemeuts which muke
Sainful or irregular periods with
ull backaches and headaches, and
dragging-down sensations, presently
develop into those serious inflamma
tions of the feminine organs which
completely wreck hea1 th.
Mrs. l'inkham Invites women to
write freely and confidentially to her
about their health and get the benefit
of her great experience with the Buf
ferings of women. No living person
can advise you so well. No remedy in
the world naa the magnificent record
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for absolute oures of female
Ills. Mrs. Pinkham's address la Lynn,
Three Letters from One
Woman, Showing how She
Sought Mrs. Pinkham's
Aid, and was Cured of
Suppression of the Men
ses and Inflammation of
the Ovaries.
" Deab Mrs. Pi.xkiiam I have been
la bed a year. Doctors say I have
female weakness. I have a bad dis
charge and much soreness across my
ovaries, bearing-down pains when
passing urine, have not menstruated
for a year. Doctors say the menses
will never appear again. Ilope to
hear from you." Mrs. J. P. JJbows,
Ilolton, Kans., April 1, 1808.
"Dear Mrs. Pikkhau I received
your letter. I have taken one bottle
and a half of your Vegetable Com
pound, and used two packages of your
Wash, and feel stronger and better.
I can walk a few steps, but could not
before taking your Compound. I still
have the discharge and am sore across
the ovaries, but not so bad. Every
one thinks I look better since taking
your Vegetable Compound." Mrs. J.F.
Brows, Ilolton, Kans., Aug. 13, 1898.
" Dear Mrs. Fiskham I think it Is
my duty to let you know the good that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound has
done me. After I took three bottles,
menses appeared, and I began to feel
stronger and all my pain was gone.
Yours is the only medicine that ever
helped me. I am able now to work
around the house, something I did not
expect to do again. I am still takin?
your medicine and have recommended
it to others." Mrs. J. F. Brown,
Holton, Kans., Jan. 25, 1899.
ltravc .Hen Full
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles is well as women, and all feel
the results In loss of ii'ctito, polnons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, hcud
acho and tired, listless, run-down feeling,
Itut there's no need to feel like thut
Listen to J. W. tlsnliier, Idavillc, Iml.
Mo shvs: "Klectric Hitters are just Iho
thing for a man when ho is all run down
and don't care whether he lives or dies
It did moi e to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything 1 could take.
I ran now est anything and have a new
lease on life." Only 60 cents, at lieo.
A. Hiding's Drug Store. Kvery bottle
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkupkisk otllce.
For sale, fifty-five acres of land, cheap,
good locution on Highland road, about
three miles from Ort-tton City. House
and lot in good location in Oregon City,
easy terms. Also 107 acres of
good timber laud on the Columbia liver.
IUnikl Williams, Oregon City, Or.
yctir old table
Bring in yctir old table ware and
Jewelry and have them replated now
while you have a chance, aa you may
not have a chance very long. Leave
orders with Mr. Younger, the watch
maker, opposite Huntley's drug store.
A. Baimann.
J. I. Revry, Loganton, Pa., writes, "I
am willing to take my oath that I was
cured of pneumonia entirely by the use
of Ono Minute Cough Cure after doctors
failed. It also cured my children of
whooping cough. "Quickly relieves and
cures coughs, colds, crouo, grippe and
throat and lung troubles. Children all
like it. Mothers endorse it.
Geo. A. Hahuino
Your loiini will have the bunt
of euro and
Full Measure of Feed
At lho
City StnbleH.
. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
Huooeaaora to 7 H LOOKh
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Opp. Huntley's Drujr Store,
(Jrcat Britain and America.
Jacob Gikhy, PnoriuicToii
Kati'H 1 1 Per Day rind Upwards.
Livery niiil KVr-d Hlatile In ('oiitiecliou'willi
tliu lloniit. Iliimft and Hiikk's to
Let l HenNiinablw Unlet,
lmtiiillil with Ilia Muititt wine, litiori
and clgsra. Wflnlmrd'i llcrr on
Kmai.in ,rt mm tif ii niTlianlral or Invtntlvn mliii
rii-alrlng trip lu Hi I'lirl KaiM'illtuu, Willi fuwl
.alary and rkiM-11.' paM. .11011 lit writ.
lit ll i KM UM OKD, lllllimr, Mil,
Produce and Commission Merchants.
To Car ronatlpatlon Foravvr.
Take Cusrarels Cunclv Cathartic. Wo or So.
It C C C. fall to cure. ilruKKlnU refund money.
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., laye.
"Kotioi iysf psia lure uhi me more
good than anything I ever took." It di
Bests what you eat and can not help but
cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles.
Uko. A. IIakdino.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
How He Got Exerclae.
Lord I'almerston used a clever ex
pedient for coercing himself Into a
little regular daily exercise.
It was his custom when In govern
ment positions to nave his Inkstand
placed upon a table several yards away
from the desk at .vLith he worked, so
that he bad to walk several paces for
each dip of Ink.
lie attributed his maintenance of
sturdy health and Jaunty manner un
der the trying conditions of office rou
tine to this simple practice, as also his
habit of performing ail work standing.
' Rough on tlie Mlnlaler.
Sir William Long tells a story of an !
old Scotch lady who could not abide
long hermous. She was hobbling out '
of the kirk one Sunday when a coach- i
anan, who was waiiinu for his pt'ople, j
asueu tier, "is me tmniHicr dune vi
tils sermon ?"
"lie was dune lai;g ;-,v:h" .saiil i In
old lady i. n pin icm i.v, "inn iw wiiimih
The Fmtp.l t1r,r.r.
'How happy the Dabney-.Ioniws
Hook this evening. It must be their
vcddlng anniversary."
"No; they've got their old cook back."
-Ix-rt Free Tress.
Rendy A turner.
'Tapa, what Is the mea
word 'candelabra''" asked Sammy
Snaggs, who was doing his "home
"That's easy, Sammy," replied Mr.
Snaggs. "The word explains Itself. A
candy laborer is a workman In a candy
factory." - Pittsburg Chronlcie-Tele-grnph.
Three More Letters from
One Woman, Relating: how
She was Cured of Irree-
ular Menstruation, Leu
corrhoea and Backache
" Dkab Mrs. Pixkiiam I am suffer-
Ing1 and need your aid. I have pains
in both sides of the womb and a drag
ging sensation in the groin. Men
struation Irregular and painful j have
leucorrhoea, bearing-down pains, sore
ness and swelling of the abdomen,
headache, backache; nervousness, and
can neither eat nor sleep." Mrs. Car
bib Phillips, Anna, 111., July 19, 1897.
'Deab Mrs. Pinkham I want to
thank you for what you have done for
me. When I wrote to you I was a
total wreck. Since taking your Vege
table Compound, Liver Pills and Sana-
uve vvasn, my nerves are stronger
and more steady than ever before, and
my backache and those terrible pains
are gone. Before I took your medi
cine I weighed less than one hundred
and thirty pounds. I now weiirh nn
hundred and flftv-flve Bounds. I fpel
better than I have for a good many
years. Your medicine is a God-send
to poor weak women. I would like to
ask you why I cannot have a child.
I have been married nearly three
years." Mrs. Carrie Pijillii's, Anna,
111., Dec. 1, 1897.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham I did just as
you advised me, and now I am the
happy mother of a fine baby girl. I
believe I never would have had her
without your Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Cabrib Phillips, Anna, 111., Jan.
27, 1890.
Of Sbiloh's Consumption Cure is this
guarantee: "All we ack of yon is to use
two-thirds of the contents of this bottle
aithfully, then if you can say you are not
benetited return the hotlle to your Drug
gist and he may refund the price paid."
Price 25 cts., 50 els. and 1.C0. C. G.
Huntley, Druggist.
Money to Loin at Lowest Hates
Dimick Jc Eastuam.
Wanted Skvkral Bright and Hon
est persons to represent us as Managers
in this and close by counties. Salary
$900 a year and expenses. Straight,
bona-fide, no more no lesB salary. Po
sition permanent Our references, any
bank in town. It is mainly office work
conducted at home. Reference. Kn
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
Tub Dominion Company, Dept. 3,Chicago
Keal Mutate mid 1
n v.... i '
w rire iiifiirnui:u. j
V Notary Public, j
Highctit market price paid for Whest, On In, Hops,
Potatoes, WkI. Oiilmis, (Jreen and Pried Fruits,
Call on or writ
r m 'fei . .. ... . k -
If i rv. mm m mm .. . rn. irr fjd
It i:. IIIU I Vturnl, llnrlutr. fj
Ji;0. It.tHJIIT. Aicrut.l aii!r. rl
ThlS Rift riTAI nr.llF i-i , imiini
t- III , tNniii.or WO.UUO quf4(iio,
1U.UUU lllUalrUiir, lb UrvMl, MvpleU mm4 lw4 p4
IVElTTHtMO ltMiu.ailtroiiiiiiirlnwMftM, Un, Wtt, fm
Um, t4Uff, UmI. lUwl , MtW Jl7 4s
lUNattr, lrlMllarftl ItBlnMate, 9mtmUmr jUr, 444n
VatflM, tWl iMklMt, OMttrrUntM, fiMM. ImImI I ir
lUraUb.s W4. Ktif, fUkimtj TMfetw, PI);., rtMirHk
Tlii Juat your Uirrkmmimr mi fatn iurt pjr f
verrthtnjr h buyiftnd ilf rvnl film from u?rrhtrwli.n tun
nii.iiiK you bur ; ipUtnJ Jmt hw U orUr , bow nu b the ivlffci,
iprawur 11111 b on anything to your lwn. 1 b klf kk
mU mrmrif 1.00, th pUtr Jon l 14 twnU.
i la lUmM l
help Mtjr Hi 3 citU ptwttw. IM HI t fm VM
try Bail pMil4,aht If tu t.ht think It U worth iwtlmith lftotit
youarnil, a fcv tnlh mwmi whulwtii prtoMuf AfsryllUftt'.iaf
to nrl will Umm4ltj rvlavw yr 1 1 slV
'It u a muuunMul uf tituit Ui(uruiUoa.''--Mltiuti(ut (Mtua.)
"A wonderful pirn of work -WoMnrtr. fUUonal Tribu&a.
Thfl'atlirur wonilr." MmicbfNitwr ( N H.il nlnn.
'Hara. I(.Imh k A o U nna of lh lartf aat bouM ul Ita hind I
rbl'-r.H l'Mrro Intrrth-wan.
"Tlia hltv ra.Ialtrna fur ma nm f thm BrisMit abnlthliitf mMlluiXia thai
M nowrfhtr ha wnt Into a dlatrlrt.M-HytVi Monthly. blrairn.
"Thlrrtiitln:ua ta a t)(iartmnt atnra bnllad iltiwn."-Allnta rVmtlttttlon.
Thrili.fmt t rrrtalnly a mrrhtnlirnrrrhjHr4,.vH-. rhlrairo r pwniih Maratd.
A lawahonlil bf p-Hlromilllrtr thauaof Hi I a ratalnuatn all Mihlr w-bMil."--Tha lion 0. A fc'tlthloua,
H'amulil quota thmattU) r -tmllaraTtrarta. Ha4 I A Mali at aaa ya III r4 ia 4-m)4 aab ay ta
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
Oeaoljr la Ulood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. CascareU, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keen it clean. I.v
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, licgin to day to
banish pimples, boils, LlotclieH, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ton cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23c, 50e.
ana nfri, ami r ,
C.O.O.,milJurt Ul I
avs old world at best Is only an an
vil and llf; a sort of Plutonian black
smith, that, with varying blows,
strikes us luto form. The blow that
hurts us most may shape us best.
I never trn to calumnies, because
If they are unf-iic I run the risk of be
ing deceived, and If they are true, of
hating people not worth thinking
about Montesquieu,
Still More Proof that
Irregularity is Overcome
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
(111.. , l T-k.
nlng of the i . ''Atialtu- mnkham 1 amtroubled
p,! snmm. .Wlth regular menstruation, andhavo
begun the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's
VegetableCompound. Would like your
advice." Coba L. Payton, Ogontz, Pa.,
"Deab Mrs. Pinkiiam I have taken
three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, but I have a bad
discharge and write to ask if I had
better not use your Sanative Wash
also? Your medicine Is helping me "
Cora L. Payton, Ogontz, Pa., July i,
"Deab Mrs. Pinkham I write to
tell you of the benefit I have received
from the use of your remedies. Before
using them I was feeling very bad. I
used to go to the hospital, but it did
me no good. Your remedies have
done wonders for me." Cora L. Pay
TOJT, Ogontz, Pa., Feb. 25, lm.
Hi t I
ONLY S2.75
6ENO NO MONEY, tutttu
aJ. out, and aml to ui, itaU
your wrhrbt aad hvlirbi, airo mnn
lMr of Incbus around bauj at but
and nrk. and wt will ritk tbl
You cal eiamlne and try It t.i
yur itearetaexnrHh.: of
fli'itand If found pfrhril.
aUifacliir. aiarllf rep
ranirn and Uti mm
aoadtrfal talu ott
tfer taw or bvardul
pay tl.e ei-n-M
ar4nt our am-Hs'
irr price $2.73,
and aiprva rliaiBffl,
Kirrt?Mi4 liar koi
will a vera re i U
fif) renin for vm h
I. 'Vi) miteH. TH I f
WINTPR. iin...
fniltt nil rifm fin m.
hr ivy all (..! hlarbtirlili
ffftllllllK Iflipllnll l(..u.
vcpo!oh, 27 Inchr Ion, vory full owcop, i;t-un'li u,. t-t
r.: itr, ci in inn. i pfr "( aun urif? biorm collar, icii pC
rul!v trltmned with blark lUltle n tur tipper i-ntx
trliiiincd with three row and collar wlt li Iwt, rtiWHid
fliis mfihafr hraldt cloth button oriiuineni.M, ThU rnfip f
flniUlliraiailrturoukhuut and couul to tuprn thut Hdlnt
inotc than douhln tlirpri.-. Wrlle fnrfr Clonk Cxtnliirif.
(Hear Uuebuck h Oa. are Uwruuglil rt liable tvOJ lur. )
A Farm llbrar of tincqtialled value rrac tca-.
cp-io-aaic, toncise and Comrrchcnslvc UPl
tomcly Printed and Beautifully lilusUfxd.
All about llrc- Common-HrnieTmtlw, wlthi.w
74 tlluitrutluu ; luudard work. 1'rltc, jo Ccol
Allalwul (trowMr Hiiiull rrull-rr.1 ami nrn hnw
conlnlni 4j colored llle.ikerririMliicil(iniif all )- ihua
varictie od otlirr llliirtmilm,,. I iiet. jtCcum
All about I'ouKry ; the bc.t 1-c.ultry Hook In eilntmr .
U-lbeycrythitiK ! withaj coloitU I.U-uki i. i,i.,i.ll...n
of all thc princlpil brd; with lojotlitr illmlruiloti.
J'rkt, 50 CcuU.
All about Cow. nudllic Dnity niiflnrs ; having him - "
ale; contain Bcolorrd llfc likcrci,riiic-ti. n"i I. h
breed, with i3J otlur illuktrntiun. in... . 1 . ....
no. o-uiuuuu SWINE BOCK
Jmt out. All about IIorb IJrredlne. Fer.lltiR, II11I1 h
cry, DUeo... etc. CcnlMus ever t Um"J L"
toucaandotlicr enKUvinKa. I'rlce.joCeiil.
TheDiaaLB BOOKS are umfiie.orl(rhinl,ii-f.il-riir--i
aaw anything like tliem-Ko .ritclkul,i.oH null l - nt y
ore havltiK nn cni.nnoim mile h.w l, Wc: t, 1 .1 . 1, , , ,
........ UIIC wno Krrm a linrw, low, I loir or
thicken, or prow Hnuill I rulu, om.li to bcuU iiklil
way for the UKK'.U BOOKS. The "
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the world
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ofAmerica-haviugoveramlWonaudB-hulfreifului rcnd.iJ
Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the A?M JOURNAL
oun.u.eoi rKm JUUKT(AI,andclrculardeKribliiK BIOQLB DOOkS Irce
Jf Pfr, mode for you and not a mlffit. It I uy,.v.
It lathe vrent hoi In Unn. ki. .1. . .... . ' .
t. v , . . ...i-i ...r-iiiiii'tjn'. iir-n-v.i,
fter-vou-hnveald.lt Knrn. .i
..... ...... ..., .iiii(n.iiiiu Iifl'tl 111
tile MlrfreHt tiniw. nll.a.l 1.. .... ...... ' .
StlO WO ?30MEY K?sai'.:",'i.v::,: rt
1.1,-lin. I,').IK. - l TliK i;iikii.t 1....,;... V...?1" "'"""' PtWuV., , tr
A Personal Matter
A well painted house Is like a neat
ly dreesed person-always attract
ive and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and freshened up
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the sun makesany more marks
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store... Tter
r'r';wVC;;.?,'? SpJcialOiler Price $15.50
and livik-la c!.muuh. .Mi.. ..ih.- mriKn. ,oiiiiiiun,lf.frni,.,,,
iveniKB ,., (T,.l. Ir ewli Will mil,,,. 0y iV THBrf MnUTUTb 11
ynur.,wn h uni-, ami will muirn . , ,. r'. . MONTHS, TRIAl I"
utmlled. Wrwll .IIITfrfDl uibra ,i .,J,f H.-i. ,', 1 .H"
l.ll, (II.IHI, li.HI .nj . .M Z "Z"' ?." ." .
iiiy you um in,t
i..ll, aii.lHl ..d all fullv dHrllwI ln r Tr." 5.; .
blaaialiluKuf, liutfl&.uO Tor thin IlIUII iiIlhu i 'iiiiaji'r t.i i.. ......
ui'V5r.".,."lHl''e,,'',",,"','r',b''"h.i.c. 1
llheiiieiiui,oilt:iiit( uiikmma
anmmtai. firltaaumrrrlrnt
.... ' ik, with tiik
lll-kt OlllLl-f. In A '
from the utmt . ul u .1 u I '.
can b..
M.k.,u aKpi.!... uminr vai loin nameH with ...?,. ....
w iA iy,"'1 " hiiintok kVKiir mini
bm ii i . """t. m aiuuHDai a a
lml di....i .i.. ...... .. mittm llliiHli-ttUtjii hIiuwm nia
wwInJ rZl'?.n.V'hS:' 'ntth tal.l. and head In .lai
a - i .." " . - -"'imiiM ialiaa tramm. nmrvttil naiiAlM
.1 -. . 1 . '" "nlHli, nnmt nkk.l d Mlto'SSnn four
I, mUni
lace for
paneled, em-
Ht.... a.i .......... . " . . '"... .:ci ura wer i.iini. reiiw on mur
i;ii,V. fn r ... .7 ; '"""'""nyt.li Iron ttand. l.nt. Hl.k krm
hnhhifSh Z, f m,'.".'". ''""'" threadlni, rlbratlnff .l.llttl.?aiit..niatla
patent drVmEia
Km i,ha ?4 r lioa ait"'1' " ra-..M an b..Ulir.llf
I.'.HVj.wrtia.mRiNTaEe0 "''""-llt, ald.rabl.na aaar.-
Uraroon ak i u. f,7.'"n"" r.rul.hed and our Fro In-
IT COSTS YOU NOTHIND "a.d.il..lbl.ehl...mni.r.ltwlth
(M.OO, and thnn If ennrlncM that you ..r ,. . ' oar '"rekeeper aell at 140.00 to
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.