Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Held Its Meeting' In Welnltard's Hall
Saturday January 201 li.
Tlu committee met at Veinhar4's hall
at10:H0 last Saturday morning That
' there war great interest in the meeting
was shown by the larg attendance.
The following comniitteemen being
E J Hackett, Abemethy
M Cainplel1, Barlow
I) R Dimick, Canby
Charles Toole, Canemah
P Ronney, Canyon Creek
J C Paddock, Clackamas
E T White, Damascus
C B Smit'.i, Eagle Creek
Huns Paulsen, George
Ed Harrington, Highland.
A Klebe, Macksburg
M McGeehan, Maple Lane
E M fiartman, Marquam
N lllair, Needy
Enos Cahill, New Era
M E Willoughby, Oregon City No 1
(1 B Dimick Oregon City No 2
J N Harrington, Oregon City No 3
A J Tufts, Oswego
Adolph Aschoff, Sievers
Jo Barstow, Soda Springs
A M Shibley, 8pringater
J L Kruse, Tualatin
CDF Wilson, Union
John Cole. Molalla
Will Stone, Viola
C A Miller, West Oregon City.
Tiie meeting was called to order by
Chairman Bradley at" the appointed
hour. Secretary Campbell being present.
The first matter taken up was fixing
the basis of representation of the differ
ent precincts In the county convention.
' After a general expression of opinion it
was decided to have delegates from each
precinct and one for each 20 votes or
major fraction thereof for governor at
the last election. This will probably
give 143 delegates in the convention
divided as follows among the precincts
This has not been officially determined
as yet. Abemethy. 5; Barlow, 2;
Boaver Creek, 4; Boring, 3; Canby 6;
Canetuah, 4 ; Canyon Creek, 2 ; Cascades,
5; Cherry ville, 2; Clackamas, 5; Damas
cus, 5; Eagle Creek, 3; Garfield, 3;
George, 2; Harding, 4; Highland, 3;
Macksburg, 2; Maple Lane, 3; Milk
Creek, 2; Milwtukie, 6; Marquam, 5;
Needy, 5; New Era, 4; Oregon City No.
.1, 9; Oiegon City No. 2, 12; Oregon City
No 3,4; Oswego, 6; Pleasant Hill, 4;
Sievers, 2; Soda Springs, 2; Springwater,
2; Tualatin, 3; Union, 2; Molalla, 4;
Viola, 2; West Oregon City, 5.
As the state convention has not been
called the date of the primaries and
county convention was left open to be
announced later by the chairman and
secretary. The registration law came in
for considerable adverse criticism especi
ally concerning the provision relating to
naturalized citizens ss it has not yet
been Fettled what will be taken as proof
of citizenship by this class of voters so as
to entitle them to registrations. The chaii
man and secretary were instructed to
get the opinion of the attorney general
on this point. Much enthusiasm was
shown and all reported the party stronger
than in years with every prospect of
sweeping the county next June,
The following resolution
mously adopted.
was anani
"Whereas, It is generally known that
Hon. George C. Brownell, of Clackamas
county, is a candidrte for congress from
this district, and
"Whereas, It is also known that Clack
amas county, during its whole history
since Oregon was admitted to the Union
as a state, has never received any recog
nition upon the state or congressional
ticket, and
"Whereas, George C. Brownell has
represented this county in the state sen
ate continuously since 1804 to the credit
of the county and state, and
"Whereas, Clackamas county stands
No. 3 in representation in state and con
gressional conventions and as we feel that
the time has come w hen Clackamas coun
ty should be recognized in the republican
conventions in this district and state,
therefore, be it,
"Uefiolved, That we hereby indorse
tho candidacy of Senator George Brown
ell for congress in this district, and ear-
ncs'vly hope that hie candidacy will be re
ceived by the members of the republican
party in other counties with support and
The committee adjourned at the call of
the chairmrn.
WniTr-FARREU At the residence of the
br''8 parents Mr. and Mrs. Deerin
Furrer in Damascus precinct by the
Iitv. J. If. Wood, Mins Mary L. Far
rer and Mr. L. G. White.
Thi3 was a quiet, but pretty home
wedding, the house being tastefully de
corated for the happy occasion, and the
many presents were both beautiful and
uBtful, testifying to the e3teem of the
young couple by their friends in this
and Multnomah counties.
After the ceremony a sumptuous re
pai;t was served. The guests were then
invited to enroll their names in the
"bridal bells" after which a very pleas
ant time was spent with music and con
ve'sution etc. The couple left Thursday
for Turlland, their future home, attended
by the beat wishes of their many friends
for the future happiness and prosperity
of Cuy and Veruie. X X
Circuit Court Note.
In tho mutter "I the alignment
Hamilton Bros IXate is declined get
tied and assignee discharged.
Baird vs. B.iird, plaintiff allowed
file amended complaint
Dillman vs. Dowlen dismissed.
I. von vs. McKmney ft. al. default
McElfander vs. McElnandur decree of
Franklin vs. Moody confirmation of
Hoyt vs. Whitlock, et al confirmation
of sale.
Hartman vs. Birtchet judgment for
plaintiff for $lSo-3o and costs.
Parker vs Purdy, judgment for plain
tiff and $100 costs.
Hair vs Hair decree of divorce.
Letter List.
The following Is the list of letters re
maining in the postolTice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on January 25, 1900.
womkns' LIKT.
Dickerson, 8 J Mrs Mitchell, Critdy Mrs
Johnson, Maud Olson, Alleitine
Mann, Sarah Mrs illiams, Grace Mrs
Wood, Nellie Miss
mkn'b list.
Brooks. Fred Shepherd, Frank
Carlson, Carl Tuskin.Jim
Persel, Rev (Km of) U'ois, Peter
Sherwood, AW Wilson, Wm II
Lincoln's Birthday.
The ladies of the Meade Corps are pre
paring for the proper observance of Lin
coln's birthday, Feb. 12th, at the
A verv interesting program will lie
given consisting of an exhibition drill by
Company F, speeches, vocal and instru
mental music. An invitation is ex
tended to all patriots. Full particulars
given next week. No admission.
Hon. Thus. B. Reed on Monopolies.
Honorable Thomas B. Reed, in writing
of the modern trust, does not seem to re
gard it either as an "octopus" or a buga
boo. "My notion," says he, "is that
while Providence and the higher laws
which really govern the universe are, in
men's talk, much inferior to the Revised
Statutes before they are enacted, they are
always found to be quite superior to
them after they are enacted. In fact,
Nature abhors a monopoly as much as it
does a vacuum."
Mr. Reed's paper on Monopolies
which is to appear in The Saturday
Evening Post of February 10 is a sug
gestive discussion of the methods of vast
corporations. It discusses in a striking
and original manner one of the most
pressing matters ot the day.
"London Life."
Children are an attractive feature in
any play and ladies are always interested
in the portrayal of a character by a child.
Their womanly instincts are aroused,
while children who attend the theatre
Gnd a play more attractive when they st e
youngsters like themselves being well
represented. Two children are required
for the play "London Life," so opposite
in their stations in life that the compar
isons drawn between a child railed in
the lap of luxury, and one in the hovels
of poverty, cause the audience to weep
at the sufferings of one and smile at the
happiness of the other.
London Life will be given at Shivlej 's
Theatre, Monday, Jan . 29.
A Patriotic Event In Oregon City.
Chaplain Gilbert, of the Second Ore.
gon, has been secured to deliver a lecture
on "The Philippines and the Campaign
of the Oregon Boys," on February tith,
at Sliively's Opera House. Every mem
ber of Company I will he interested in
this lecture. In this field, Chaplain Gil
bert has no superior.
Patent Record.
"Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by our aid, address The Patent
Record, Baltimore, Md."
Teachers' Exain'iiaUon,
Notice is hereby given that the County
Superintendent of Clackamas County
will hold the regular examination of ap-
plicants for state papers at the county
court house in Oregon City, on February
14, 15, 10 and 17 as follows :
Commencing Wednesday, February
14, at 9 o'clock a. m, ami continuing.
unlit Sotnrdui, Vohmarv 17 ot A ',.l,.l,
" i ...j .
III. 1.-. T I
n eunesuay renraanHinp, nisiory,
spelling, aigeora, reading, scnooi laws.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature, phys
hulogy. N. W. Bowland,
County Superintendent.
Dated this 13th day of January, 1900.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour l ife Anay.
To quit tobacco easily and torever. be mag
netic, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Uac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, SOo or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Be-
Wfwe of counterfeit and worthless salve
offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
DeWitt's is the only original. An in
fallible cure for piles and all skin dis
eases. Geo. A. Uaudisq.
I f Housework is had work without GoldDusf
Wishing Willow Furniture ind
Wicker Chairs
Ticker chain toon bcomt lolled, but thsjr
a b cleaned to look like new with
Gold Dust Wishing Powder
I end wtrrn wtter. Vt t (crabbing bruib; wha
viler becomes Ibe Ictal wiled. let frtihi follow
wlii i oft, dry checM clolb, ind wipe dry
Wilts Iron beds cen slio be hed br this
method, but mutt be wiped dry quickly.
Tit sKiv ta Iftk.n re-in our tr hnniltt
Sent hm oo r(uMt to
St. LhIi, Nmt rwk,
Dont poison your children with strot g .loilcf ot I'liml KHlli'iiienl.
patent medicines that vou know nothing , Take notice that I have lll;-d in Hit. Clack
. . . " n , aunts county court my linal accounts and
about. They nearly all contain nior-1 v,,t chers for linal settlement of the e-tute
phine. The cough cure we make, ef pec- i ol Jaif r ('lilt. deceaed, ami the court has
i-n.. I . i in,... r. . .1. . i . . . appointed Montlav the ItMli day til lehrtl
tally for children from malt. tahi. tar '' . ,. ,hl. examinulion and
and licorice is perfectly haimle.-s and we
guarantee a cure, price 25c C. (1.
Huntley, Cut Rate Druggist.
Fortify your lungs by taking mir
Emulsion of Cod I.iver Oil. 75c full
pint bottle. You cannot possibly get a
better Kinulsion if you paid U ice as
much for it. One half pure Norwegian
Coil oil made into a perfect emulsion
with Acacia and pure glycerine.
Private board snd I-mIiii
Mk A. Ga.mknhkis.
12th ami Main Sis.
DO nor KNOW.
Consumption is p'eventalde? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect is
suicidal. The worst cold or cough can
be cured with Miiloh's Cough and Con
sumption Cure. Sold on positive guar
antee for over fifty years. C. G,
Huntley, Duuggist.
School Meeting Notice.
Notice is hereby given to t he legal
Voters of School District No. 02. ol
Clackamas county, Oregon, that the
adjourned annual school meeting of the
electors of the district w ill be held in
Willamette hall on Monday, the 2Jth
day of January, l!XX) at 7 :3t p. m. for
the following purpose: To levy a tax
for the ensuing year on all theaf-sessahle
property within the district for general
school purposes.
Cius. II. Caifielo, T. L. ClIAIiMAN,
Chairman. Clerk.
Oiegon City on Jan. 18, 1900.
geles, Cal , are bea liiirt-r. of -he coast for
nice field grown RUSE HUSHES. All the
latent ana best sorts. snd for a catalogue j
, Bean the fW Kind TOU Hafl Always BoujUt
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almrtct evftrvtrartr who rar! tfui nn.
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the treat kidnev. liver
1 and bladder remedy.
re 11 is mo great meai-
cal triumph of the nlne
teenth century; dis
1 covered after years of
(l.Rj. ' nent kidney and blad-iSS-a-
der specailst( an(1 S
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame duck, xianey, Diaaaer, uric acid trou-
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst ,
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not reo-
ommendedforevervthlntrbutlf voiihaveUW.
nev. liver or bladder trouble It will he. fn.mrf !
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
mail a a book I
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble,
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and f'v'
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer 6c Co.,Blng- fc'ErrilHi
'"".". . .
regular fiftv cent anrl nnn,.ni t..
.9. - -v -"- -"K-'-W
collar Sizes are sold by all good arueelsts.
Legal Notices.
Liquor jVotlec
JNoticela hereby given that I will apply
to the citv council at its regular meeting in
rebrua y, 1!KX), for a license to sell liquors
; for six n 03 lis at my saloon in Oregon City
Oregon, on Main street, between Fourth
and Fifth streets. Baid license to date Feb
ruary5, 1900.
John O Wimiki.m.
Notice of Final KHUemeiit.
Notice is hereby given that Enos
a. iair, tne executor of the estate of
iiiioua A. n:air, deceased has rendered and
presented for settlement, and fileil l
said court his final account of his adminis
tration of Ihe said estate, and that Monday
the ith day of February, 1000, at 10 o'clock
a. in. at the court room of said court, at the
county court house of said county of Clack
amas in Oregon City, has been duly ap
pointed by the court for the settlement of
the said account, at which time and place
any person interested in said estate may ap
pear and tile exceptions in writing to the
said account and contest the same.
Enos A. Blaib,
Executor. 1
in 1 1
A 11 r V. 4 9 I
m tilcment ol the same.
Dated January I. !m.
F. M. HI' MS Kit,
A' I in In icti h tor.
Nu Million.
IXTHECIKCt'ITCOl'KT ol the State
of Oregon, for Clackamas County.
I. J.l.iles, plaintiff I
Hattie I.I I", defendant)
To 1 1 attic I. Ilef, the above nit mod defendant : I
l .i.o ,.,, ol thn H'n'm' t-", Y ii
are heri-hv reiiilr.i to rt.wnr anil answer
die tt'ii. piHi nl lllrd Hgtlhiii you in Hit- .ih.ive i
( ,.... O BUI. nil lir iN'llltH l lit) I Ml till) III
Keliriiary, I!NI0. that being the lit"! tlav ol
the lime 'H'M'nhril in the nrili-r of imhlira
lion of this munitions; ami if you fail to no
iti'i'i-ar ninl anaer alil complaint, the
I1 h m 1 1 it win anpiy to i in-court roririe re
liel iherrin prayeii, to il: a divorce front
ilm bonds ol inarrini;!!!) existing between
ymi and the plaiiitill'.
Tnis eniiiiiioiis Is published fur six con
wtitive et-ks by tinier of the County
Court lor Clackamas Conntv, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 2nd tlav ol Jan
uary, lf0. the first puhlieation being on the
5th day of January I'.KH).
Attorney for I'laimilt.
.tlce lor l'titiliratiou.
United Slates land nltlce, Oregon City,
Uregon, jitmiaiy v.'v.
cum iilinnce with the provi-iotis of the act ol
congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act
! lor ihe sale of limber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and V ashing
Ion Territory," as extended to all the public
laml states by act of August 4, WC.
Pat-id C. Ilat.li of Molalla. coiiotr
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has
this tiny tiled in this office his sworn
sta'emeot No, .MuY for the iurche of the
n H ne i see.32, n H nw of seclli'li No..'tt
lu iowiihiiIii .No. 7. s range .Vi. 4. e, ano will
oiler proof to show that the hind sought is
more valuable lor It timber or stone than
lor agricultural i-ur.ioses, ami lo establish
bis claim to sitid land belore the regi-ter
Hurt rrceiver of this olllce at Oregon Ci'v,
Oregon, on Monday, the Pith day of April,
mil. tie names as witnesses:
t-vnthia A. Fox, Jesse N. otllehl, Joseph
P. Oltield, Missouri A T. Vanltiiskirk, all
of Molalla, Oregon.
Any ami ad persons claiming adversely
the Bimve-describeil lands are reipJiMeil to
file their claims in this nlliceon or belore
said Pi:h d-iy of April, l!Ki.
otieeol l'inul Net t lenient
untlerslgiied has tiled his final account as
administrator Lie Bonis Non. of the estate
of Silas Hhay, di ceased and the county
judge of Clackamas cotiutv, Oregon has
Hied Monday, February 2tt, 1:kj0 at 10
o'clock a. 111. at liisollice in said county anil
tae as thn time and (dace for hearing any
ami an objections to shh Dual account,
Dated January 111, l'JUU.
Livt Stipp,
Administrator He Boms Non. of the
estate of Silas Hhay, dec.
Notice Tor I'ubllriilion
Lmd Olllce at Oregon City, O-egon.
l)ecemhr 18,
T, Elizabeth Rees, of Clackamas Countv.
whose grantors purchased the following
lands ol the Oregon and Calilornla Riuli-oail
company, to wit: The SVM ol the HWU
of Sec. 4. T 0 south, Itge. 3 Est, W. M. do
hereby give notice of my Intention to make
Hnal nriiiil. under thn 4th fteeihin nf tin. A,.t
ot March 3, 1HH7, to establish my claim to
the said land above described, and that I
expect to prove my right thereto before the
Register nn.l Receiver at Oregon City. Ore-
!' F 'hru w. 10th, 1!)'W. by two of the
following witnesses;
L. P. Williams, of Clarks, Oregon . David
Rohi-ison, of Meadow Brook, Oregon; K.
A. Wright, of Meadow Brook, Oregon; H.
8. Ramshy, of .Molalla, Oregon .
Any person who desires to protest against
me allowance 01 audi proof or who knows
of Hny g"h!,ta"tia' reason, under the law
lowed, will be given an onnortiinilv at the
above mentioned time and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claimant,
and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that sub
mitted bv .claimant and John F. Dix, ot
Colion, Oregon, who made iL K. 12J3 is
specially cited to appear here on said proof
duy. Chas. B. Mookks,
Nil in in on a.
of Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Ulysses O. Shaver, plalntilli
Nettie V. Shaver, defendant)
To Nettie V. Shaver, the defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon: You
are required to appear and answer the com.
plaint filed against you in the above en
titled suit on or before the 10th day of
February, 1900, the same being six weeks
irom me uaie or the nrst publication of this
summons; and if you fail to so appearand
answer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re.
liel prayed for in said complaint, which is,
that the bondsof matrimony between vmi
and the plaiiitill be dissolved, and that the
custody ot the minor children, Hazel
Shaver and Clilford Shaver, be awarded to
the plainliir.
ibis summons is pun ished bv order nf
the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, the county judge
of the County of Clackamas, Slate of Ore
gon, duly made on the 30th day of Decern
her, 1H90, ah(j sajj orticr JircctH publication
of this summons not less than once a week
for six consecutive wee'ts, and the first pub
lication to be on the 5th day of January,
Chas. T. Toozb and A. 8. Dhkshkb,
Attorneys for f laintiff.
IL . X
Now is the time to
Drill Citf Courier-Hera
Gives all tho local and county newrt.
Legal and olliciiil pftjMT of tlu1 county.
Independent and foarlcHM.
Not an Organ A
H1.50 I'rr lwr ?Sr. lor Mlt .Montlm
t'oiirler-llernltl unl (Frrguulan f tl OO.
Every Subscriber Gets
Notice orrinut Nclllemrnt.
I have this day tiled to the county court of
Clackamas County. Oregon, my accouiil
and vouchers tor llnal settlement (if the
estate of John Zumwalt, sr., deceased, ami
the court has simliited Monday, February
1!). 1KO. at 10 o'clock a. in. (or the exami
nation and settlement of such accounts.
John Zi'mwait, Jr.
1 12; 2 9
of Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
W. K. Carll, plaintiff
Ous Lund and
Anna Iena Luud.delts
To Ous Lund ami Anna l.ena Lund, de
fendants, above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon, You
are tierby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled action on or betore s.iiuniny, the
tftb day of January, l'.sW, ami if you fail to
so appear ami ansaer, lor want thereof, Ihe
plainiill will take judgment against you
and each of you for the sum of eighty dol
lars, and the costs and disbursements of the
sa'tl action and will apply to the said court
for an order directing the sale on execution
of the real pruH-rty attached in the said
action, to satisfy plainiill s said judgment
with costs and disbursements ami all
accruing costs and disbursements. The real
nroiierly above relrrre l to being more Par-
ticulary described as follows lo wit :
Uits Nos. 0, 10, II anil lZof lllork No. 4
of Shaw's First Addition to Oregon City, in
Clackamas Count v. Oregon.
rius summons is puhliKhed by order of
the Hon. Thos. F, Rtau, the county lodge
of the County of Clackamas, Hiale ol Ore
gon, duly made and filed In tne above en
titled action in said Circuit Court on the
12th day of December, iH'.f.), and said order
directs publication of this summons not less
than once a week for six weeks; Ihe date nl
the first piihllcaiion of this summons In
December 15, IWH. and the date of the last
publication of this sumtii'itis Is January
.1), 1!XX). Hkiiiikb & (jiiirriTii.
Attorney for plaintiff.
A well-known superintendent of schools has given it as his opinion
that pupils who have access to the Encyclopedia Britnnnica stand
33i per cent, higher in their studies than those that do not enjoy
this privilege.
Is the formative period. What a loy rends in his youth liecotnes a
part of his very character. To give your boy a chance means that
you will see to it that he has the best surroundings, and your
"The Concentrated Essence of the
Whole World's Wisdom"
- 19 what the Encyclopedia Britannica has been termed. Let jotit
boy read its interesting pages and he will look with disdain upon
"flashy" literature. Your boy has large ideas. To him there is
nothing so attractive as truth. Give him material out of which
he can construct far-reaching ideas. Invest
and put the Britannica into your home where your boy, m well as
your girl, your wife and yourself, can consult it continually, and
when he attains manhood, there will be no place in literature or
professional life to which he may not aspire.
Will prove expensive. Call at our store at once, or cut out this
coupon and mail it to us.
Tlease acquaint me with the details
City and State
Oregon City, Oregon.
Subscribe for the
a Nice Calendar Free.
."Vol Ire for I'nbllntllon.
Land Olllce at Oregon City Oregon,
December 0, .
Notice Is hereby given that the following,
named settler lias filed notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof In support of tin
claim, anil that said proof will lie mada
before the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Oregon, on January, '.M, !), via :
H. K. No. 1IXU7, for Hit neU of Sec. 21 T 28
of It 5 K.
II names the following witnesses to
prove lils continuous residence upon and
cultivation ol, said land vis:
Joseph Meyer, S. I). Coalman, Kred
Waeapo, William Wei, all ol Handv. Or.
.police ol lixemtrli.
Notice is hereby given that the tinder
nlgned has been apKiinU)d executrix of the
last will and testament ami estate of J. W.
1'alinateer, deceased. All persons having
claim against the said estate are hereby
untitled in present the same with (he
proper vouchers duly verified locordiiiK to
law to the undersigned at tier place of resi
dence In Garfield precinct, Clackamas
County, Oregon, within six months from
the dale of the llrst publication of this '
Dated December 22. 1h:h.
Hrownell A Campbell ami IHii.p,
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice lit hereby given that the last will
suit leMHineiit, ol J. R. Spahr, has been filed
for iirobaie in the county court of the state
of Oregon lor the county of Clackamas,
and any ami all person having claims
agaiiiHt the said estate must present them
lo the undersigned executors with proper
vouchers at the utllce of my attorneys in
Oregon City, within six months from the
date of this notice,
Hani Ki-aiih,
K intuitu k MosnnxKOKR,
Dated January '.fi, I'.tOO,
Dim ck it Easlhaui,
Ally, lor Exeuutori.
of your Britannica offer.
isp .an-. -arjol