Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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OrAii7n Pifir PntornricA If tlie Courier-IIeraKl will restrain the! nilninrity wish Mm admitted and then I
uicguii uiy nnierpribc. Tagttl tliat occaRionly break(tlir0uih il hhm.
Published Every Friday.
L. L. POUTER, raoritiiTOR.
2 00
1 00
Oneyear ,
fiix months ,
Trial auhanrititlnn twn ninntha. . .
A discount ol 50 cents on all subscriptiona
for one year, 25 cents (or six months, if
..M . -A ,
fMl III HUlBlltTi
Advertising rates given on application.
O .. I 11 . I M a..A tl. .Ul nT v ni pa
uimiiiirig will ui"i u.ic ui u-
tioii Man ped on ibeir paixtia following
a i. -. ir 1 1. : . .,.. .,
ftlilTII UVHie. 11 HUB UaUT IS IIU vu"(l"i
within to weeks after a parment, kindly
nouiy us ana we win iooa auer iu
Entered at the posloffiw in Oregon City,
ur., as secona cibm matter.
Braver Creek Dr. T. B. Thomas
CauCy Ueo. Kniubt
Clu-knian A Mather
Milwaukie Oscar Wis-singer
Union Mills G. J.TruIlinger
ii eadow Brook Chas. Holtnan
New Era W. 8. Newberry
Wilsonville Henrv Miley
rarkplace f, L. Knssell
Stafford " .' .' .' '. '. ' .'. J. 6. Gage
Mulino C. T. Howard
Oarud R. M. Cooper
aioiaua Annie Stubhs
Matiiism E. M. Hartnian
ButWille B. Jennings
Aurora.. Henrv A. 8nyder
Eagle Creek ."H. Wilbern
Damascus J. C. Elliott
Sandy F. Goetsch
Currinsville Geo. J. Currin
Cberryville Mrs. M.J. Hammer
Marmot Adolpli Aschotl
column of boiler plate editorials and un
dertakes to run the republican pBrty It
will come nearer convincing somebody
somewhere even if it ia in the next
world of its sincerity. My friend, you
are liable to hurt your own cause by be
ing over regions. There is such a thing
as over doing the matter. It is true
something is due from you under the cir
cumstances. You bad best confine your
energies to convincing the county board
or the schiKl superintendent or even the
public that your charge of $40 (or those di
plomas was right. It ia true that you
paid 2 for the blanks and then printed
and bound them and that cost three or
four dollars more and then the profit
run it up to 40. There must be some
thing wrong if the board does not pay
you $40 for what can be got elsewhere
for $7.60. Put on plenty of pressure and
perhaps you can get it.
John Ruskln tho art critic and writer
Is dead.
Hepburn believes the house will pass
tho canal bill.
Gen. Anderson has been retired.
The English are very bitter about the
The German fleet bill will probably
14PTlie way to build np Oregon City
to to give Oregon City People jour
Havb you registered? If you wish to
vote you must attend to this important
The Philippine question gets an airing
in the senate every few days and steadily
gains advocates.
The eyideme shows that Senator
Clark, of .Montana, got the necessary help
to secure bis election with $1000 bills.
Agiinaldo can at least console him
self with the reflection that his prospects
are no worse than those of his friend
The democrats of the Md. house of
representation virtually repudiate Bryan.
A resolution asking to address that body
is pigeon-holed.
The American Tagals who asked for
documents relating to the outbreak ot
Aguinaldo's revolt are suffering from an
oyer-product ion of testimony, and all
Lighly damaging to themselves.
. It is as good as decided that Roberts
will not get his seat. He declares he
will take the matters into the courts.
Evidentially he little understands the
American people.
It in reported by the senate committee
that the Nicaragnan canal can be
built so that it will pay 12 per cent. If
this be so why not build it as an invest
ment. None would pay better for the
money spent.
The continued refusal of the demo
crats to give the federal courts jurisdic
tion over offences committed against for
eigners inside of any state, has again
placed the government in a ruoet embar
rassing position, from which it is practi
cally impossible that it should emerge
without loss of credit. The Italian gov
ernment has politely, but positively, de
clined to accept a money indemnity for
the lives ol its Bulijects who were
lynched at Tulelah, La., some months
ago and has requested that the lynchers
be punished. Secretary Hay has been
trying to secure the trial of these
ever since their crime was committed,
but the governor and courts of Louisiana
are either powerless or unwilling to act
and nothing whatever has been done.
Of course Italy understands the helples
ness of the federal government, perfectly
as she accepted indemnity for her sub
jects lynched at New Orleans some years
ago: China knows it from experience of
the same sort in Wyoming: Austria
knows it for she had experience in Penn
sylvania, but that does not make the
confession the less humiliating. It is
particularly so at this time when the
United States is pressing Turkey to pay
for the murder of Lenz, the American
bicycle rider, who was shot when cross
ing that country. Time and again, bills
have been introduced by the republicans
and before them by the wings, giving
the federal courts jurisdiction over all
such offtfnees against foreigners, but the
democrats, acting on the states right
theory, have always succeeded in de
feating them. Bills to this effect are
now pending in congress, and it is to be
hoped that they will be paesed and this
troublesome question settled for all time.
Two brothers are lynched in Kansas
both convicted of murder but one had
exonerated the other.
Portland sent out eight wheat cargoes
last week.
Joseph Willard charged with murder
commits suicide in the Salem jail.
Monday January 22.
London is feeling better over Buller's
advance which goes steadily on.
The woolen mill at Ashland. Ore., is
burned loss $05,000 Insurance $13,500.
France orders thirty American locomo
How (a Ori Kid ot a Crowd.
The Into Prince George generally
dined on his Imlcouy, during which
tlino IiIh CoHsncka plnycd delightful
nlra from the Itiisslnn operas. I'rowda
of people came to at are iiionI rudely, so
.. ..I.. - .i - iu.
one evening wicru n a nj n
agreeable smoke which swept over
t In-ill and drove them away. I had the
curiosity to tlnd out the inclining. A
stove had been tilled witli bulk and
I. 'lives and placed In such a position
that the smoke was driven right Into
the faces of the people, and I could
Imagine the quiet laugh that went
around the imperial dinner nunc as
i lie neoiile dixncrNcd as sheen having
no Miiepiieru.-uoview or uevicwa.
Boer sympathisers have a great meet
ing at Washington D. C.
Eleven men are entomlied at Los
Angeles by the caving of a street tunnel
they are believed to be alive,
A whole mountain of ore is discov
ered exposed in Grant county.
The insane man at Astoria is charted
with murder for killing a logger.
The coal dejoeits of Coos bay cover
250 miles.
Attending III Om Funeral.
Au Interesting story Is told about a
French cat) driver tinined Trouper Ho
mien, who actually attended hla own
funeral. Some time ago Homleii was
convicted of some offense and sentenc
ed to a term of Imprisonment. Since
then he had been lu hiding at the house
of a hrother. 1 tie brother (lieu, and
an Inspiration occurred to the convict
ed en I) driver. Acronllnirlv lie obtain
ed a certificate of hla oivu death and
attended as chief mourner.
The fraud might never hnve been
discovered, and Itomleil might have
passed as Ills own brother to hla drlmr
day but fur the fact that at the grave-
side there was n policeman who linn
pctied to know him. The policeman
accosted him nud. on getting nu an
swer, said facet loiisly. "Tills Is the first
time I have heard n dead man speak."
The unlucky dissimulator was haled
off to the bureau mid has since heeu
sentenced to Ave months' Imprison-
Tuesday, January 23.
Buller is stubbornly pushing ahead in
South Africa.
800 Filipinos defeated atTaal.
Much opposition is manifested to the
new reciprocity treaties.
Turner of Washington is an anti,
Bryan's invitation to New York
causes a row.
The eastern railway pool has been
declared off.
Washington democrats declaie
they do not want fusion.
A. Lewis is badly cut by J. Arnel near
S. C. Hawson, a member of the last
legislature committed suicide at Portland
Monday. He was defending a divorce
case and this is supposed to be the cause.
The Monniouthuhire arrives in Port
land after a hard-luck voyage.
The Columbia River Salmon trust is
about to go to pieces.
Wednesday, January 24.
Buller is stopped in bis advance.
The Roberts case is taken un in the
Ivey has resigned the collectorship of
Alaska. The delegation from this state
can secure the place if they can agree on
a man. It is reported that they have
not come together. We believe that
they will and that an Oregon man will
get the place.
The circuit court in Portland baa de
cided that parents can not interfere by
habeas corpus proceedings with the
custody of children committed by the
county courts to the Boys and Girl's Aid
Society. The county court haB exclusive
jurisdiction in the matter.
V il nr i
1HS ill T ft YPPU'
Friday Jantiaty 19.
The Boars are beginning to develop
their opposition to the advance of Buller.
It is claimed that all railroads east of
Chicago have pooled.
The safe in a mill at Ellenshnnr.
... OP
Wash., is blown up by burglars.
A copper stiike is made in Union
Southern democrats are inclined to
take up (lie iace question.
Majority of committee is against Quay
being seated.
Bryan attends a dinner by the elect
at New York.
Columbia county has a paint mine.
Hilstrom, the Astoria murderer, goes
to the asylum.
The fruitgrowers are to meet at Cor-
When you have that obstinate ling-
.uiiu nuiiu wui not oe
Biiai.cn on.
I have uurf thee Hntil. f n.
.in ' ' v. AJ 1 1
Pierce'a ftolilen Mixtiral niun...r.
since my correspondence with -you,"
wiucs bit. a. r. rnovotny, ol New
York, N. Y.. (Box 1437). "I feel that
1 am in Deed nf nn timri mHial - -
sistance. When I started to take your
uicun-inc 1 naa a regular consumptive
COtlffh. Of Which 1 ura mfralA .-A
everybody cautioned and warned me
concerning it. 1 was losing weight
mjjiuiy, was very pale and bad no ap
petite whatever. Now my condition is
changed entirely. 1 do not cough at
all. have gained eight pounds in
weight, have recovered my healthy
color, and toy appetite is enormous."
Dr. Pierce's
Oct well.
"1$ God's fiood Messing"
" I fed that God has blessed Ir. Acker with special knowlodgo to prepare,
that grand imdiiino culled Acker's Fnnlltli Remedy for Throat and Lung;
T10 b'ci. It saves children every timo when they are attacked by croup.
.. 1 .1,1 1 .
l-lYcrc ni" 'ier r:io-.i;ii Know niuim
it. id d I v ll.tcli n!)Dtit my expo
11 i.iv I in I in'iirliiijj boy of fiuir
y i 1 die with croup. My doctor
(I '1 ii I he 1011M, but tho c'lild
, i ot ,e mill u to vomit. 1 hat
is 1. -'.i- I k;.u - of Acker's Knir
li '1 Ki nied -. After I did hear of
11. 1 e-'t a bottle. When our little
1 e 1 - I'Miit'iH -(.Id gill was
fft-;. I.-. 11 u-iiti riiiiin T ciiva linr
" - 1 yv
i!.i tuiiiiciue, and insideof twenty '.y
1 !... V
I11I11U. a r.uu vuiii.ivii turn HIM uui-
Urri,; .t..y. Dutii:g tho win
ter 1. ho had croup four times, and
i' lnonviht her through each tinia
1 II ti.",ht. 1. :n..'.lf, hud bronchitis
ptr'iy ud. a 'd Ackers English
Ue.ne'v cu, id 1110 complutvlv.
ii.'foio 1 ciicc. I want to tell vou
i.f my nciK'ibor's boy. named Jobo Nana. Ho bad bronchitis, too. Ho got
wor .c i.!l tho time. My husband went over to his house and t.d him ubmit my
case. Tin 11 Ins mother went to town, got a 50-ccnt bottlo of AckiTft English
Remedy, nndhe took it. Ho came over to our house a few days Inter and said ho
was rll r ght, and also said two doses relieved hi 111 from the start. You can un
derstand In- try letter why I think so much of Ackcr'a English Remedy, I re
lct that (Jod's blessing must surely have been bestowed upon Dr. Ackrr."
(Signed) Mas. John Ykak, Rochester, Ph.
Sold at s?c, 50c. and $1 abottle, throughout tho United Rintc and Canadat
and in England, at is. 3d., js. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you nro not salUlicd utcr buyiuir,
return the bottle to j our druggist, and get your money back.
IIV autMse the owiy (running. IC J, JlooKMl A IX)., fruprUturt, .Vi York.
For sale byUeo. A. Harding.
Ilmti with too whotnrr yotj intlnn tti
l-T-kllllhf luirvubtili. Mfc-T-ilA(l-H
lilt, purio in blood, r
iion i nw mna
in&kita von atrunar
In braltn, nr
.nd PocHrWyt VI MpHO TO II 41 ttm
lMufc. Tal t Liotir n rfr..l.l ah.
Will tallnli v iupiI.i.hII.
nov, hi nguAllv PUro I loI. If faf.
wtUh aMjrifc, IklMft, SmItmI, an 1-4.
m . ' c
-ra ui' Lii.j.
1 400.0)10
'urt-ti nut
J V KM - .11 III
lM NfcU. Ill iI Huh'kiiiii..... .T
k.l, hmm flSO to !. 9, IM mu',1
li.. ii,. i ..I Ji .in. W!',.ua.
OUHOrFER: 1 "" J m ft
. IlK-IlN (KH .,r,
""'l" "I Hi" nlnl. aiul rut ll
iut Hi tiar IN nnila m Mllto, hu l
mil sill (b twll.b I.
V . 1
iir immUitv. anil i
atal.k k.l ... . .
i - . ----- w.n. m von rt
mail. itiil. ami it rwi an mil ia.rfrrilr
Mll.Mral .plnrH II ...! .ill i . .. . .f
' - I .I....I .... ... MWWIJ
fr ) a.r..UIU'.r t-rlaaa.
9 1 y . w in. Imia. I"tia .u-m.
W fin
aaMlam Saa. aoii ii
ll. AKni mi. ...
I tT In. Iimik. all. rt atom. S.2)
Mln. Imiir. ahurt at.n. ai an. ...
III lolltf.ali.iriBtotli 19 l lu ... wa i..
lurnt. ih.irt atom, tj.29. 4 HI iaaaltil
ui a niist J,a l,iMli.t inula in (
nurkat. U.a.ralaaaaaaa toaaaaaMlal
'"" af raiara If ;a a. a aat
ai.a4 Hrlla l..r I nr CaUloaiua ut
llalrllim a. Aililna
srmi BnrniirK a en h tewi....
(Saan, St. Sana a la. an la.raa.ajf mmfcltaaay
Nuts. Dates, Figs.
Honoy, Oraneos,
Lemons. Bananas,
Cranberries. Raisins
Home Made Mince
TRaliF.y irb-
Notice In " Invcnlivo Ao "
Hook "liow to obtain I'alanta" I
( Uutrgrl moderate, tin fr till patent U secured
. 0. SIGGERS. Pal.nl l,ai hv..m..i.. k K.
Tiik 7th Stkkkt Cikockk.
It is claimed that Fred H. Clayson, of
Portland has been murderpd in tin.
Few have registered so far in the state.
The Monmouthshire arrives at Port
land from tho Orient with 30C0 tons nf
come from chronic ronsN'imtion. k'ri'a
Clover Root Tea ia an ahsolnt rum u ml
A line of Bteampra loo. n . Iiaa lnn tnlil li.r flf. i
"-.o ivi - ,,nj im hii HiiHo-
Siberia, the first vessel leaving in F'eb. i '" Knarantee. Price 2") cts. and 50 cts.
I .O a" ! I f it W a
Standard Oil Co's ware bouse ishumpd
at Portland, loss $20,000.
Thursday Jan 25.
Boers are dislodged at Spionkop.
The Roberts matter is still discussed.
The Boer sympathizers areanti-exnan.
Bioii men.
C. O. Hnntley, Druggist.
Conokessma.n Nkwlasds wants a com
mittee appointed to inform him just
what the term "United States" in the
Constitution includes. A committee is
unnecessary. Almost anybody can tell
him that "United .States" means Billy
Mason, Henry Clay Sulzer and the anti
Imperinlist League. Courier Journal.
Saturday January 20.
A fight on the Tugela is expected any
It is claimed that the fiht of (be rail.
roads in the Clearwater country is over.
Hale spoke for the Boers in the sen
Pettigrew is still attackiua the admi.
opened up.
Luzon ia being rapidly
Tim county cenlral committee did the
right thing in endorsing 6enatorBrow
nell for congress. This gives notice to
the olher countries of the district as to
the stand of ClackamaB. This county
has never accomplished much in state
An aggressive camnaien is on
Southern Luzon with good results.
An insane man at Astoria kills his
The Ankney men organize the first re-
putiiican club in Wash.
The tuin in the Potlatch is greatoi
than first thought.
Railroads Lave given advantage tn
eastern soap manufacturers.
The Lennox will continue in the trans
port business,
Robbers at Champoey hold up two
rich farmers and secure about $500.
J. B. Montgomery a larire contrnetnr
of Portland is dead.
Two white man are lvnchsd in v
for assault. '
The first mate of the American ship
C. S. Bennet ia murdered on hoard iha
ship at Portland.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thinz has caused aiwh
a general revival of trade at Geo. A
Harding's Drut? Store as their giving!
aay to their many customers of an
Bt'hl Winter Kautc.
For sunshine, flowers and orou-oa
tnke the Sunset Route via Lo An wlpa
to all points East. Tourist excursion
cars and chair cars to El Paso, Fort
Worth Kansas City, Chicago, Cinci
nnati, Houston, New Orleans and Wash
ington, D. C.
for rates, ifuides Hnd infm-miti,
C. II. Markham, G. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
To Cure Lagrlppe In Two Days.
Takb Laxative BnoMoOurNnTAi.rL..r.
All druggists refund the money if it
laimtOCIire. W. Grove's Blnatnro
on every box, 25o.
2.'J,000 miles oflomrJiH.
tnnce telephone wire in
Oregon, Waphinctor . f'ali.
fomia and Idaho now in
ojx-ration by the I'licilic
elation lelejdione Com
pnny, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
aa easily heard ai Tort
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug Store.
J Cough and !
U"y I i
L. aaaaaaaaW. M r aw
hi. i. wyoria nup.tlon the
nrnat siHxmaful LiiUKh Mll
cine rvt-r known to aclrncp; a
lew dines In viirtuhly euro (he
Wornt i-u.e i,f fout-h, Crouii
n. I Hinm-hltls, while Ita won
Uerful siu-i-eaa In tho cure u(
I onaumiiilnn I without a inr
a Irlintdehlatnryof me.lkino.
Mnee it. flIHt Uiatovery It h
been a. Kuarante-, a
Irtt which no iitlicr iiinllclno
cn ataml. If y,i havo a
J. niKh, wo eameaily a.k you
tt.y t. In l'nllr.1 States imt
( anmla W, tc. and m
i tki '' "'''' '' llJ
Kor Sale y (,. (i. Uu.tUvy.
Havlnjra Great Rnn on llinniberlulii's
tough Remedy.
Manager Martin, of the Pierson dm,,
store, informs us that he is having a
great run on Chamberlain's mi,
Remi'dy. He Nells five bottle of that
medicine to one of any other kind. n,l t
many free trial bottles of Dr. King's K'veH 'e'"1 ",tl''ction. In these days
New Discovery for Consumption. Their I of la glippB tller8 "nothing like Cham-
Priam's Cough Remedy to stop the
cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs
rZ?Z .".T.T'.T.T.T.T.T "T 3
On Easy
Boer sympathizers in Portland are to
hold a meeting to aid their South African
Sunday January 21.
trade is simply enormous in this very
valuable remedy, from the fact that it
always cures and never disappoints.
Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Biom.hiti.
Croup, and all throat and lung diseases
are quickly cured. You can test it. K.
fore buying by getting a trial bottle free,
large size 50c Hnd U 00. Everv Wn.
priitlw simply because there has been 1 a UuU i. ' "f y money refunded. I
I . een I A battle is reported in progress near i buei 25 cents,
too mnn.n rrnstt nnmnoa n .1.. I t-.i.. !.i.
too much crops purpose within the
coun'v, Tf los that for once will
be laid aside and a united support given
Majority of the house committee wants
Roberts, excluded entirely.
- aave Ula!
afld givH r-)icf wit,in a Vbrv
ine sales are growing, and all who try it
are pleased with ita nmmr.t o,.ti
South Chic .bo Daily Calumet. For sale
by G. A. Harding, druggist.
"I am indebted to One Minute CWf,
CnrP f..r mv (,Hi, and life. It cured
me of lung trouble followinir erirme
tatiiet will give immediate relief or on of this never failing remedy It
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin cures coughs, colds, cronn. t..,.i'.;i. 1
. , wilHDa I
piieutnonia, grij.pe ai d throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con-1
sumption. It is the only harmless,
remedy that dves immp'1iif .nn,ii. i
Dyspepsia can be cured hv n0;n
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little!
) agent.
Go. A. Harding,
IIow Are Your Klduey. r
While PK!Kffi"teftr"l.-Bam.
It is easy to obtain a good one. Where no local
dealer Bells them, we will send a piano or organ for
a small cash payment, balance in monthly pay
nients. Two year8 time to finiHb. purchase if de-
--u. wouiu J1Ke to explain our method. We
win send an instrument cuarftnteeit ut;.rn.:
. I , 'fa nunniUtLIUIl,
or the piano may bo returned to us at our expense!
Catalogues free for tho asking, tell all about them,
Special prices and full information if you write
Ma m
The home of
...ar;.iLl.IJ aA.'OW,
Hl lll lt IMAS.
'.l.Dll VM nnil ..'nivt'i
Portland, Oregon.
j vwvuiHmy
Geo. A. Harding.