Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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rsonal Mention
?TJ.- ! fur"
j,;ri.ht llit-k ! 'iit Huinpter Hal
In IiiimIiiknh,
. . i .... i .
J y, (iiiriliM WBa lining IHIPIIieM
0 llnrliiir of C'anl'V mm In Ilia clly
onbl'',"""l"r'"K ll,M
j. ArmniruiiK of Rndland im In
jya Wednesday business
lli'lnli.icli, iI Portland, yUMed
HiHiy K"llv Unl H,"r,,iy
Urn K. Fisher ('"rvnllU U visiting
iiUH'fi M'"- Thou, ('barman.
II A llcniienian, Milwmiklo, km
ipttifWly Thursday on huliies.
A . IVtch Mini wife, ol Mono, wore
rinUl I'"'1' Old during I Im week,
)fi N"r Conyers, of Ht. Helen spent
gumlay lu "rrgr;ii k'lty vUllliiK friend.
ir. W. lVker l-fl Friday for a two
vrrk'a trip through Eastern Washington.
F. A, Hli'lk'lil, of Criby m Hlink inif
U'xli with "''I Mnda In tlili clly Tins
d.y. C.T. Howard of Million was welcome
rallrrst ilm Enterprise olllco Wedm-a-d.y.
Minn Amu Hamuels of Portland visited
illi Origin Clly friend the first of llm
J. ('. Mark prominent fanner, of
tick 'a Prairie wm In Oregon City Tues
Mr. mi l Mrs. J, W. Cahow ol this rity
tr viaiilng relatives in Hillshoru last
Mr, (iilniftii Parker was In Hit city
Ut week vlaitiog willi relative and
V., J . Mi Kitlrlrk m able to lay aside
aiicruUhes mnl move about with His aid
f a cane.
Missus Owe ami Mamie Rabcock, of
fialein, am visiting at the residence of
Wm. 1'utl.
J. F. CUrk wm down from Zona
Wednesday doing buslneae In Oregon
City and I'orlUml .
L. I.. Mulit in the employ ol the 3. 1'
Co. at I'ortlanil, wan a gueat of Secretary
Gtilli-y this week.
W. C. Nightingale, of Molalla Saw
Mill Company waa In town on business
iLe flrl ol th week.
Mir. Daisy Jenka of Mt. Tahor (pent
several dy in this city aa the guest of
Mint Klma Albright.
William KUetsch, of I'ortlanil, was
looking alter hi tlnanclal InUneata in
Oregon I'ily Thurrwlay
Mr. aid Mia. M. 1,. Drlgga, of Portland
attended the funeral of J. W . Myers In
the cily Mmiilay lit.
U. A. Ili'in ol llflng A Adair Grocery
llfiit M-vernl dava at hla old Inline in
Liiii nmiity thii Hci-k.
V. C. Miller, St4to ae:rftary of the
pruliihilioii caiinii wal worklllK ill Orison
Clly the lirhtol llie wak.
A. M. Kin hum U tick at the St. Vln-
etnl hoKiiiul. Ilia frU-mla expoct that
I will he out in few duya,
Secretary A.M. (irilley made trip
to Vancouver VVudnoxday in tho lutureat
of Uw Oregon City Y. M. C. A.
Geurx llaiullton left Momluy for
IWjii, hy way of hkagwny and the
Uket, taking in a coinplctu outfit.
Ira lliill'inan recently returuod from
Biker Cily and roHrta iudicittlona good
lor floiitinhing hiiHincHM there in the fu
ture. Frank Junuur wan in town Wednesday
mJ report that they have a new girl at
Heir liuiiHtt, hIih having arrived Sunday
Ian l.ymiH la in the city a few days
from lii woik in Wyoming on a big tun
He. cx ecu in he there three or
lour yearn.
I. Hiller, mi old lime roHident of Ore
Mi Cily ami now an alderman ol Seattle
km been viMiiing fiieiulH and rehitivos
heiaj tliiH Week.
Jme Cliun:li who Ims boon for the
put year in H'uturtown, New York, ar
'IvhI lunt week for a few dyn vinit willi
i paruntH und friends in thin city.
UIm Aihliu Clark wan Riiininonud to
horhoine near Saltim Sunday by ft tele
J m, nii..iiiii!inu thoHorlous illnos of
"t moth. r, wIioho recovery in doubtful,
Potur Mclniyro and Jamea D. Mcln
')r retiirm.,1 recontly from extended
klllneH8 tripH In tliu Interoht of the Ore
on cty MmmfHcturinjf Co.
M, Rubier who ban been for uome time
JJFairhaven with the Aberdeen Packing
Co'. is home lor a few weeks. lie ex-
to louvofor AlaHka later.
W.lWrnof the 0. C. UrtHket-baJi
m is prevented from taking part in
e local gmne of bHket-ball tonight by
drained Hllkle. Tbo Willamette Unl
'eriiiy nmy th(.rfore win a victory.
B. IluyhurHt baa juat returned from
Sniike river whore lis has been on
gaKed bont on that river. He re
l" mattera proaperoua not only In
""ning hut other tradea in that country.
"ward Rrownoil, who bus juet
6- - - - - v- v w -w n- -w nv I,' Mul.... ..I ll....l -I.. I
ii ii.mmii, vi viw Hitiiniv aiei iiai
1 1 , A Hoy n I on of Portland were marr'ed by re-
OCal JVVCnLS. A h"l'rCurry In thla dly laal Haturdny.
. - -
,j Aaiupriae parly wh given Mr and
Mr, J, J. Hwalford. of Klv. W,li,..iUv
i.. ,
.........vio evening by about 20 of th-lr friend.. A
general good time waa enjoyed wild!
O V. name and refrpMliiiinnia I
hud a liainiiet TueadHy night ulir lodgo
I, mnl nflli'ii receiplit will
uhoiil I0 IKK) (nr the month.
1'iilia )iieiiiiiiniiiit Hd -, , ().
CIim Moehnke Iiuh Hied a petlllon in
bankruptcy ftllh no ahm tlr' ami liahlllliei
to ft I K rl).
Uichard Hcolt ban iripoil from ('an-
la four ery fine Domclliorn theep (or
breeding purioen.
Two change were inmln by the .jonntr
lioard In road auimrvlalon the pant week.
John Hml th waa appointed to fill the va
cancy nauaed by the realgrilllon of W. fl.
Kmltli In Anernethv and A. H. Hevnolda
ftppduledin place of John Ilartli at
Dr. A. Tilxerand Mlaa Carrie Bnary,
I'r, I'",. A. Hoiiimer liaa removud hi ' Portland, were married In that city on
ollh e from Ilm loirclny hull. ling to hi Hunduy evening. Jan. 21, at the reni
ri IdencH, rear of lluritlev'a drug atore. ''- of the brldn'a parents, 3'J7 Morn
son St. Dr. Tilznr la well known in
HobJiHrilneri oiirludedtolry and ride Oregon Clly. havlnir clerked In both
up Dm alena. Jm!.' Curry rewar.led Huntley's and Harding's drug stores be
dim Willi n !ln of which he Is rerv- fore he graduated 'roin the medical col
" " "ll lie. and his manr friends here wish
The houm oci-upled by Mrs. May and ,ife ut t'ronerity arid liappineas
owned by J D Kwmer cailuht firs
Wedn-aday and
the roof.
bin ned ipiiie ft hole In
The Jolly Fellows helilone of their do
lighlful paniei laal Frid iy night. About
forty i-ouplea were preai-nt, Including a
number from Portland.
Clarence M. Dillny and Mins Helen
Warner were united in marriage at the
roaldence of Alexander Warner, Mt. Ta
bor, Jan. 17, by Itev. T. L. F.lllot. Miss
Laura Pope of this city was maid of lion
or, ami Mr. A. h, hckhordt best man.
Miaa Warner Is niece of Mrs. T. A. Pope
Mra.M.tllH Tre.nbatl, ha. brought "'J ''V mMT ,rl"n ' W-d'y-
suit against the guardian of her husband "" 7 " " ""'''"
for KTK) claimed to be her money in his " . "
. , firm ol rage i non, l'oriianu.
l .lt a il.tia
reai je ai u., r.aai i iiiny-uiin m
Miaa Sadie Heavrr, of Gladstone, was
united In marriage with Mr, Tho. h.
Daier.of Portland on the IDth. lU v.
Oilman Parker olllciatiiig.
Purnlahrd Errry Week by the ( larka-
. . i..., . .. I. . i
Win. Maw, who has been employed ft
rlty edit-. r on the KnUrpriae for the past (jan, R p l.
eiglil nionuia, leu ia-i nuiiny lor n,y t , j ? f 2 e $
ter where he will engsgs lo Imsineas. 1 1 v Aiklm in d a H.r.iin. It 4
J. II. Ackermaii. stale superintendent. ol" lil Ogon wny j.jw
has sent out to the school aiiKrintendents 0 H Jones to II Mesd, lot 4, blk 11
rienecr Laid to Ket.
The funeiftl of the Hon. John Myern,
ft pioneer of Oregon Clly, was held from
St. Paul's Koiacopsl church, Friday lust
lit 12 o'clock.
Mr, Myem until his removal fo I'ort
lanil, was a hiding imunhor of Ht. 1'nul's
church, contributing moss geiierouKly to
its support arid nnyer iniHumg the church
services when it was possible lo stlend.
The services were conducted by the
Key. Ueorge II Van Waters of St.
David's chuich, Portland, asHiated by
the Kev. P. K. llammoiid, the rector
ofHt. Paul'a The simple ret beautiful
service wan most imprusMi've and began
with the singing of the liymn,"In the
Hour of Trial, Jean Plead for Me." the
other muio consisted of the chant from
the Iturlsl office and the hymns, ''Nearer
My Ood to Thee" and "Thy Will be
Done." by the the choir, supplemented
with s solo by Prof. J. A. Kpping, of
I'ortlanil, "Come to Me." The church
was crowded with friends from here and
Portland who gathered to pay their Mat
tribute of renpect to one whom they
had loved as relative and friend. Mult
nomah Lodge Sn. 1, A. F. 4 A. M.
inarched to (he church In a body and
took charge of the services at the grave.
The following Masons were the palllear
ers: Penumbra Kelly, Charles K.
Friwierand John Becker, of Portland ;
Judge T. A. McIJride, George A. Hard
ing and J. P. Lovelt, of Oregon City.
The canket waa covered with hand
some floral pieces, sent by bis mourning
They will friends. One of the best of men, pos
seaed of great natural force and ability,
he has left Ins mark for good, wherever
he lived and leaves behind him a mem
ory of kindness and good deeds.
We wish to reduce our took lock. These are the induce-
, merits ami you will not have an opportunity to buy books no
J cheaply again thin year.
1 Pub. Price. Our Price.
Cooper 5 vol. net $ 2.00 $ .87
Verne 5 vol. net 2.00 .87
Honey Carey 5 vol. Bet 2.00 .87
Kipling 5 vol. net 2.00 .87
Henty 5 vol. set 2.00 .87
Pumas 8 vol. net 4.25 1.49
Thack ery 10 vol. set 5.00 2.C8
Thackery 10 vol. net, illustrated 7.60 4.00
Hawthorne 5 vol. set 2.50 1.10
Kipling-15 vol. set, complete work 15.00 10.00
Large family bible 2.00 1.15
Poets, good cloth .75 .25
" fancy cloth, gilt edges 1.00 .35
" watered silk 1.00 .50
Pocket editions of favorite poeta and
authors, fancy bindings .50 .25
Children's books at regular prices
Cash book, oilcloth binding 1.00 .25
Webster's encyclopedic dictionery 8.00 4.00
Huntley's Book Store Oregon City, Ore. '
"V '' "V"7-'
instructions giving the eighth graile ex
aminations throughout the stale. Ex
aminations will take place May 21, lUilO.
Windsor ,
. if r . ... , .
a ii iireymsn io v a i rocior sw4
CI HI THO III tlin Hliivrtlmnil (li.nilrt.-
j"ntof The Portland IlusineBe college hiis
'"ken up the atudy of law In the office of
"nel & Campbell . Howard la a
rKtambitiou8 young man and will no
Qbt n,ttk8 his mark in tho world.
The Republican club of Dsmascus will
meet on the 3rd of February and an ad
dre. will t dellvr red by Hwiaior Ilrow
uell. The club at Wilhoil will hold
meeting on the 10th of February and an
ftddresa will be given by (i. P. Dimick
The old hlaikamlih shop opoIte
Young's livery stable is being removed
and one more of Oregon City's fire traps
destroyed. The benefit of the cily de
mand that such good work continue in
lliat vaciuily.
John N. lUuch son of Jacob Itauch
and brother of W.J. Itauch and Mrs.
Kli Maddock died at Tscoma Thursday
moriiiiitf. He left this plase for the
Sound last fall. Mr. Maddocks left yes
terday (or Tacoma to Im reeiit at the
Christian Science wr vices are held in
Willamette Hall every K'in.Uy morning
at 11 o'clock, tiulijecl for Kutnlay, Jan.
2Hth, "Spiill." Sunday School at 12:10.
vVedneaday fVening lueeting ftt eight
o'clock. A cordial invitation is extend
ed tn all who deaire to attend these
The Fire Commission formed by the
ordinance patsed some time sgo will
hnve their llrsl m-etiug Friday at 2:30,
at the ollhe of the recorder. Tho board
i composed of the mayor, recorder, L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R. K.,
members of llie fire and ntcr committee Selin, Ga., writes, "I cannot Bay too
of the cits council nd one member of much in praise of One Minute Cure
sec 20, and e
1 1 e, r 4 e 250
J P (iengler to A Hupp, blk i2
Clackamas Heights 175
LlWrtke toU E Hsrgreaves, lot 1
blk 107, Oregon City 325
M D Smith to UE Harirreavea. M
e!,' of fte'4 sec 0, 1 5 s, r 1 e . . . . 1
U V. Halloway to W II Holder.
LW.25 acres in Paltnateer claim
t3s, r4 3000
Itolton LsnJ Co to N C Michela, lot
1 blk 31, Dolton G00
L A Smith to A Klive,' of )i ei
sec 0, 1 6 a, r 1 e 1
N H Kellogg to A Fiona, lots 15, 10
blk I3S, Oregon City 1010
O Wells to K Jacobson, D,' lot 7
blk 67, Oregon City 800
F W YoumaiiB to U H Youman,
13.80 acres sec 4, t2, re 1
J O Wolf to b'chool Dial No 71, 1
acre rrc 2, t 2 a, r 2 e 50
1'RUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts In the
County, cau furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstract!
etc. Olllce over Rank of Oreuon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
each of the fire organisations.
The themes at the Congregational
church next Sunday will be "Our Tern-la-is,
good and bud," and "Essential and
nonessential believes ftlwut the Bible."
The anei-ial musical featu.es will be ft
trio In the morning by Misses. Samson
and Rouke and Prof. Cnuipetun. "Not a
Sparrow Fslleth," In tho evening the
choir will render "Hive Ear, Oh Lord,"
and Prof. Curnpslon will sing Oouuod's
"Glory to Thee My God this Night."
"London Life" is the comprehensive
title of a new play Bhortly to be Been in
this city ; it is the work of two of the
leading dramatists of the British metrop
olis, Arthur Shirley and Msrtyn Field.
New York has already set the aeal ot lis
critical approval upon "London Life,"
which achieved one of the most empha
tic Biiccessea of tho past season.
Shively's Theatre, Jan. 20.
The Willamette University banket ball
loam of Salem will tonight appear in this
city In a game with the Y. M. C. A.
The team is as follows : Starr, Parsons,
forwards; Marquam, center; Mimns,
CouIhoii, guards; Junk, sub.; umpires,
Rex Russol, Kinney Miller. Oregon
(lily team : Dave w imams, r.imr
lams, forwards; Montgomery, ceuwi ,
Cat e, captain; Humphrey, gnaru.
Tho following olllcers of the McLongh-
ton Cabin No. 4, Native Sons, were in
stalled Monday by the grand president
and grand secretary : Past president,
Robert A. Miller; preatueni, iv.
Gaming; Ilrst vice- presnmm, -ir
second vice-president, J. J. Cooke; third
vice-president, C W. Pope; recoruing
... .. m T I. .11 . lltiuniMll!
.,.,.uurw. 1'att 1. ivamin"!
secretary, F.B.Pratt; treasurer, E. O,
Cauflold; marshal, 0. 15. Burns;
trusteeB, K. G. Caufleld, E. Ji. unan.m"
gnd Hiram Straight; Inaule sentinel,
L. Shaw; outside Bonlinei, ueorge
my cane it worked like a charm." The
only lurmleas remedy that gives imme
diate remits. Cures coughs, colds,
croup, b onchitis, and all throat and lung
troubles. Gko. A. Hahuinu.
The ladies of the Congregational
church are making arrangements to give
a concert about February 10. Further
particulars next week.
Wantkd Skvkual Bkioht and Hon
kst person to represent us aa Managers
in this and close by counties. Salary
1XX) a year and expenses. Straight,
hona-tlde, no moro, no less salary. Posi
tion permanent. Our references, any
bank in any town. It is mainly oilice
work conducted at home. Reference.
Enclose sell-addressed stamped envelope.
Tu it Dominion Company, Dept. 3, Chicago
The Homeliest mmi in Oregon City.
A a well as the handsomest, and others
are Invited to call on any druggist and
get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that
is guaranteed to cure and relieve all
Chronic and Acuto Coughs, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption. Price 2'io
and 50c.
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay all road war
rants endorsed on or before Nov. 11th,
181)0. Except Nob. 11105, 1116(1 and
11187 which are not included in this ctfll.
Interest coaBes on the warrants here
called on the date of this notice.
Dated Oregon City, Jan. 11, 1900.
Jacoo Siiauk,
Treasurer Clackamas County, Oregon.
A Beautiful Complexion is an Impossi
bility without good pure blood, the sort
that only exists in connection with good
" - . . .. la l
digestion, a healthy liver una Doweis.
Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on
the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping
them In perfect health, trice zacis.
and 50 cts. 0. G. Huntley, Druggist.
Catarrh Cannot be Cared
cannot reach the seat of the disease .
Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken internally and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not quick medi
cine. It waa preaciibed by one of the
best phyaiciana in this country for years,
nd is a regular prescription. It is com
posed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the heat blood puriflera, act
ing directly on the mucous surfaces.
The erfect combination of the two in
gredients is what produces such wonder
ful u-sults in curing Catarrh. Send for
lettinionialt free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
A reward of (50 will be paid lor the
conviction of the parlies who threw
down several monuments In the Catholic
grave yard, near the city cemetery ftbout
December 29, 1899.
A. IIildkbrand.
Rector of St. John's church.
Money to loan at
Hi does & GitiKriTit.
lowest rates.
I want to let the people who Buffer
from rheumatism and sciatica know that
Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved me
after a number of other medicines and a
doctor had failed. It is the best lini
ment I have ever known of. J. A. Dod
xen, Alpharetta, Ga. Thousands have
been cured of rheumatism by this reme
dy. One application relieves the pain.
For sale by G. A. Harding druggist.
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number of
deaths show that a large majority die
with consumption. This disease may
commence with an apparently harmless
cough which can be cured instantly by
Kemp's Balsam for the Throat sod
Lnngs, which is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all cases. Price 25c and 50c.
For sale by all druggists.
Many a roan haa saved himself from
an all winter cough by wearing a chet
protector. We have cut the price about
40 per cent. See them in our window.
C. G. Huntley Cut Rate Druggist.
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pills known aa De Witt'a
Little Early Risers.
Geo. A. IIabdino.
ELY'S CREAM BALM la poalMTceara.
Apply In W th nostrils. It it qnlrkljrahaorbed. M
eenta at Drnnriaui or by mail ; amplea 10c by mill.
XLTC BKOTUKKS, M Warroa St., New York City.
For Clean, Fresh
Bakery and Confectionery A
Cor. Heventh and Adam St. Q
Telephone 39-4 Joseph Kuerten.
Prompt Delivery.
r 2 1
Manufacturers of Lounges and Mattresses.
Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Wall Paper, Taint, Crockery, Stoves Hardware and Notions.
And yet a slight outlay if you select
from our large and handwme stock,
newest carpets from best looms
newest weaves and color tinting
the kind of, carpets that give largest
wear and best satisfaction.
Bru8nell'B Carpet per yard 50c up
Ingrain " 25c op
Jute 30c up
Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Chinese
Matting at all prices.
We keep a tremendous
atoj'k of Wall Paper,
New and pretty patterns.
Last year's patterns will
be sold at reduced prices.
I KB - I T - - i BT T M BMA
Warranted Sewing Machine
,125.00. j
Fine Decorated Dinner Set $9.50.
Toilet Set $1.00.
Bird Cane 55c.
Old Fashioned
Sieve 20c.
Charter Oak Stoves $14.50 and up.
i, S
I """ . .i, ,
WirtU I j