Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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MP City Enterprise
(Couch St-)
j oo A. -J4J
imj r.
r n Otllr lO
7:05 A. M.
11 m r. u.
6. jo
8.30 Olll to
u:jo only to
iMii.Yr.xcr.rr st'NDAV
jO 6.U KM AM INI)!:ri:NI)j:.NCK
(oisf up, 8.00 a M Going (low n i :3 r M
I V k. M.
DP. M.
1): .W A M.
I 00 p. M.
4 (JO
i'O a, ra.
1 to
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0 lu
I in p. m.
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1 10
il "
wiLLmrrri rLU
7 up
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l s . m.
4 XI
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hJT e-ts leva ti hiir umll n'etot.
m. lu rTlvrl H !" ' rv . "".
U. a. wil.l.r. n, vrr.
A Goon Jos iVle Nchren started the
oe year f i 1; t when on MuiiiUy lie
Mined the hoe on 1 be rnion lrllKo
and pave It a thorough good washing.
The patrons of llm bridge prtcUt
Pete's iTort lo keep (tie bridge In a
100J rofiJlli"ii fur edetriana.
Claim a f-iuuit. The wife of John
Trtmhalh, who several wecka ago wa
committed to the iiiaane asylum lian filed
icltiin lu Hit! probate rnuit against Ihe
nute of Iht huliml. Mm asks for
-0 and !') cr moiitli personal ex-
fen. Urn estate ia valued Ml MM)
Julio Halms a j-ortinii U'lutiyi to her
avliviil'iaily. The estate In now In tlm
Itixlaul II. W. Trcmhath, guardian.
D.nHMiU AT I'oltTI.ASK --Miilidtty
tiling a young man know n an "Kliorly "
til into tlie river at I'orllaml ami wan
drotncl. Ilo wan trrinir to pan on
b.trJ tlio hti'iimi-r Diikciio from a woo. I
a wlien litt Hlipifil ami fell. Hwaa
nitpiliirk ami no ono naw liim Imt Ma
if attrui tfil atlrnlion and a lino wai
t'liown out dot tin fuilvil lo Kr"l it.
IcveatiiHtioii hIiowk that hia natnu waa
Trxik tv-xiiiiilli and lie had lived in
til city for a time. Me lian a brother
W)e!ere in this vicinity.
Will. ASMVKIltJl khtionh Hov. FathtT
li dflirunil, of St. Johii'a church whihua
binnniitiro that ho will for a tlmo con
'id 1 qiH-Htiun box. Any ienwna do
'iiig Information upon any subject
hrinif upon religion are rofjueatod to
write tho (iii-Htion out and leave It at
Mitm li durlnK tho work and ho will
'"wer It from tho pulpit on Sunday
irenitiKi. 1V. Ilildchrund hnu dovotod
intlch limn to atudylnu rellKlonit ubjnrl
and la (Tullnrly well adaiitnd toutmwer
any anch imatlona In ail lntiilllt("l and
aulhoritlva manner,
Tiik It auk Faii.ki. The Hulvatlou
Army cuplaln at IhU atation Iimn been
ualtiK an old cook Mom an a ilejioHilory
fortliM i!omiany'a fumla and it la re
poried hud alioiit (l'i)ou dxpimlt. I.at
Friday die wan In I'oilland and durinu
her aliNencM an old Junk dealer appeared
ami ono id the army xople Nold hlin the
ol aioyv. Umii tliu captHlu'a return
aim waa liilorun d of thoKood trude made
1 t did nut ei'lliiKe tit mil over II aa
w ith the K"i"K of the atove went her
fumla. The Junk dealer declare how
ever that lie louml no money in the
tove hut It haa none.
Ar Tin Mahojikhahk. The armory
waa a ircim tf mirth and merriment New
Year'a n if t tt It beinx the occaalon of
the tnaaipierade ball given under the
aUKplceaof theOreon City ramp Modern
Woodmen of America. The maakera
were not iinmeroua but they tniiiat(ed to
fiirnikh much amuaement for a lutK"
numlx-r of apectalora. The roatume
pri-a were awarded by a committee com
UtluK of Ir. Stri(kland, I'orKca Trail
and Will I.iv'iih. The wlnnera were:
Heat dreaxi'd g'nt Iffiin , Welle Prune,
reprttaenllnK Hpanlah Knliyht; bent
dred lady, &lia lxl Hullock, (n-en
of (he Carnival ; bunt auatalued character,
rurulNhrd F.rery Yln k hj the ( luck.
mi Abalrurt 4c TruNt Comimny,
leo I' Ixlt to W M Uti-wty yt
w'i aec .'Ml, t 2 , t 5 e $ 1!00
W T Whltlock to Win. Blount, ae
m'.'M, tl a, r2e 000
I) M .Marahall tod A DeKhleldi. part
(! 10 and h, 13 i, r 4
T I.CIiarmau to Will. C. A. lot 15
blk 0) (jladalone
M C Donuhiiu to It M Donahue, u'J
a?4 (! 2, t a, r4e
II Xfc(iuKin loK Thouiaa i i,' of
aut) II, ii,1 ' hoc 10, 1 2 a, r 6 e
If Mcduglri to V K Mcfiugln, 0
acre : 0, t 2 a, r 5 e
K II Thomaa to I McOuxIn yt
aw'4' auo 9, nJi u!i aec 10, 1 2 a
r 0 e ,
C Hchroeder to C U Wilaon, 40
acre aec 5, t 3 a, r 1 a
FA Hchmldt to I) 1't-H lota 1,2,
leu 21, Iota 1, 2, tec W, aec 2, 1 3
a, r He; io' ne1 and ae,1 ecL'8
t3a,r 3e
T I Johnaon to N M Moly nwly
part of .fa( kaon claim 4 and 0 a,
r2 a
J A Tnllx'M to M Kl albert lot 2,
blk 20, lot 4, and part 3 and 2
blk 21 Talbertaddto Marahfldd
V, (I Caulleld tniHtee, to J It 1'reiic
hath, lota 3, 4 blk 4, 1'leaaant
Chae. l!urna, Jr., coon barber; bent " a BThomj.aon to II Mlley f5 acrea
iiiiiieu laur iin'miii. ...I
Miller; moat oriuinal character, ('haa.
Kchrain. aa the Jew rountry (hator.,
The door prir.e of a l.amlaome rocker
chair fell to Mia Mlllan (iana, of (awrio.
In the cake walk rontat two couph a
were entered, Chaa. Hurne and "Mi-a"
Harry Kmpkene, and I d. Hickman and
"Mine" Italph Miller. The Judjtea
awarded the rlxe to Hickman and
Miller. In the walttlng conleat aome
ten oi twelve coupiVa were entered and
the Jo'lea found It hard to arrive at
a dw-Ulon at they all were all good ex
onenla of the grareful danctt. Mr
Myeraand Mre. Chaa. Kncer were the
favored couple and they received the
prUe. The dancing continued till an
early hour.
I and bO acrea aec 0, 1 6 a, r 1 e. . . . 24 10
W F Vanhooser to U W Force. iie'4
nw!4 aec 4, t 5 a. r 3e
C Muehiike to J Moehuke lot 5, blk
5 SuiiHel City
M I.ulMille to C Jooat 75,'g acrei aec
l.tna, rle
M U belle to I'eler Nanertx, K0 acrea
aec 1. 1 5 a, rle
U H lo O A C It It part aec 19 and
21. 13 a. rl e
I I'elaaky to K riaher,
n4c l,t 2a. r2e
N W Woodrutr to J A Erwin, 20
acrea aec 1, 1 2 a r2e.'.
DtirlmtoJ T Mofiltt 34.10 acrea
and tract euc 17, 1 2 a, r 3 e
I M Sorenaon lo J 8 Korenaon 40.27
acrea aec 15), 1 8 t, t 3 e
Tua Txaa MKHa' AaaoriATiiiK. A large
ii n in ier of Clackamaa county teacher
attended the annual meeting of tl
Wcatern ItivUlon of the Oregon Htate
F.ducallonat Aeoclation at Halem laat
week, and reort a very Intereating and
Inntruclive aeanlon with about four
hundred teacher In attendance. County
School Hnperlntenileiit N. W. lUiwIand
tiMik part in the dincuaaii n on the rela
tlon of text bok to etudy. Mra. C. II.
Dye delivered a bright addreaa Ujion
"The Study of Local Ilialory" In a
manner that elicitol hearty ai'iduuie at
every taue In her remark. On the
Belection of the place of meuliug for the
next aemhly Oregon City develoed
conaiderahle atreniilh but no ttrrl wai
made lo piiHh her claim and Alluny
dually landed tho prixe. Clackamaa
ronn'y waa recognized by the election of
1'iof. J. C. iuxer a member of the
executive board fur a term of two year.
TKL'HT CO. are the ownera of the copy
right to the Thome ayatein of abstract
Indexea, (or Clackamaa county, and have
the only complete aet of abetracla in the
County, can furniah Information aa to
title to land at once, on application.
Loana, Investment, real relate, abntracti
etc. Ofllce over Bank of Oretron City.
Call and inveatlxate. Addreaa box 377
Oregon City Oregon.
Story of a Mare.
To lie bound hand and foot for year
by the chain of JUease ia the wotal form
of alavcry. (wrge D. Williama, ol
Mancheater, Mich, tell how inch a alnve
wai made Iree. He aaya: "My wife
haa lieen ao helplexa for five years that
the could not turn over in lied alone.
After lining two bolt lea of Kleetric Bitter, j
ahe ia wonderfully improved and able to
do her own work. ' Una miprcme
1'rof. Frank Kigler, w ho waa elected r,.meiy for female dream's quickly cures
nervounneaa, elwpleaHneea, melancnoly,
hemlHcho, backache, fainting and dixzy
ellH. Till miracle working medicine
iaagodaendto wnak, eickly, rundown
IH'ople. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Only
50 centa. Sold by (Jeo. A. Harding
prenldeiit of the axioclatioii, w aa a former
iuatrtictor in Oregon (-'ity. Among the
teat hera from Clackamaa county in at
temUnce were: Snpl. N. W. Bowland,
Harmony; II. S. Ciihaon, J. C. Zlner,
Mra. C. Dye, Mr. and Mra, O. II.
Byland, Oregon City; Ueo. McArthur,
Faule Creek ; C. M. Crittenden, Hub
bard ; Clara Holatroui, 1'arkplace: Mia
KatoCaato, Mount I'leaaant; Howard
Kcclea, Canby;M. S, Schrock, Needy;
and Oeo. Stricklin, Mtckahurg; L. L.
Moore, Milwaukle.
llu turned with dingnat from an
otherwiao lovable girl with an oflVnaive
breath. Karl'a Clover Hoot Tea purillea
the breath by ita action on tho bowels,
etc., aa nothing else will. Sold for yeara
on abaoluto guarautce. l'rice 2.') eta,
and 60 eta. C. O. Huntley the Druggists.
To Cure Cnnallimtlon Forer.
m. ... r la r-nnilv CntliartlO. 1"0 Or tbO.
It U C. C. tall to ouro. aruKlllnia rcfuna mouoy.
It haa been denionatraUjd repeatedly
In every elate in the Union and in
many foreign countries that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy ia a certain pre
ventive and cure for croup. It haa be
come the universal remedy for thui dis
ease. M. V. Fialier of Liberty, W. Vu.,
only repeals what has beon said around
the lob when he writes: "I have us
ed Chamlierlain'a Couki Remody in my
family for several years and always with
lerfect euceeea. We believe that it Is
a sure cure for croup. It has saved the
lives of our children a number of times."
Thl i remedy la for sale by G. A. Hard
ing, drugitiet.
Two New York women itooil In front of
a llnmilwar window wnti liirijf a Pernian
wravrr lutioriouidy wmvIiib; upon a frame,
the pattern of a Ixiullful rug, Slowly,
aliiiixit Imperceptibly, thread by thread tlm
pattern Krew he Dentil hii baud, until what
liud nee lord a iiirmniiKlrM rroaniiiy of dull
thread graduiilly took on form and beauty.
Suddenly (me of the two woimn began to
tepcut the line:
Weaving, weaving Ihmrla of faith
I'ailern of a wotnan'i heart,
Who run ere anil' lle
The Inn a of lite In every t.art 1
Will (he eolora warmly low
All Iraee.l In love ami h.ineu!
Or will they f jilr in ,mlM-r we r
A woman'a Inline who can (uena?
There ia Infinite patho in the way that
Women ponder over and try to uate out
the purtKiae and meanlni; of their Uvea.
To yomiK and happy womt-n it aeema aa if
deatiny waa weaving their future in all the
color of the rainbow like a merry dance
of rupida weaving garUm about a May
pole in the prnif tiint of life. Hut to
tlioiiaaiid of women life looka to be all
"a warp of orrow in a woof of pain."
A woman' life pattern ia really woven
by heraelf. (treat iliiloinipher haa naid
"Life i neither pain, nor pleanure ; it ia
aerinu btiainea." If a woman would make
it her aeriou buMiieu to undi-rtand her
aelf mentally, morally and physically,
Iimur the common neime that Cod haa
given her, there would lie far let mi aery
and aufti-rtng woven into the pattern of ber
life. She can make it almost anything ahe
Kvery woman who want to derive the
full ahare of bappincu, w hich nature in
tended her to find an a woman, wife and
mother, otut lit to read that great and wiae
book. The People' Common Senae Medi
cal Adviaer. by K. V. Pierce. M 1). Several
hundred of it thoumd puge are devoted
to the Mihjert of woman's special phyai
ology, telling in plain and refined language
bow a woman may build up her pbyaical
aelf to meet the emergencies of ber de
veloping career.
The author of thin great book ia among
the moat urreaful of living physicians.
Ilia "Favorite Prevrption " i known in
every corner of the civilijtrd globe aa the
mot remarkable supportive tonic and
health creator ever devinc-d for weak and
ailing wniu n. It Imparts direct strength
and healthful vitality to woman's delicate,
special tni'-ture. and incrcaaes the vigor,
tndurance and recuperative force of ber
entire syatem
A renn.vlvaiiia lady. Mr Alomo Rsthmell,
llrlne at ihe corner of Mrade ami Almond 8ta ,
In WilllamaKirt, in a recent Inter, aava : "My
life ia a story of iniacrv t'nlil the liinh of my
buy 1 had health that I up.cn bo Med of. I
inarrietl in my twenty fifth year, anil two years
allerwanl my hoy waa hunt. Then the health I
boaated of waa and-leiily rone. Pen or tonrue
ran never deacritie llieaWliil suffering I endured
fur a year and a hn!f I ws so mUeralile 1
lunved' lor death to relieve me. when a kind
nru-htior came In and ked me In try a bottle
of Llr. I'ien-e's F.ivonle I'rr-acription. I aaid,
deajailrlncly : Mill. itof no ue. I can't ever I
any lirtti-r.' She inilnt, anal inv riii-lmnd. who
wua in deopair. got a Mile, and 1 took il juat lo
Jilenae hi:n. I h id not taken half bottle when
waa able to wulk arroM the nmin without
feeling faint or havine any palpitation of the
heart. (Hi what n ('.mfviid your meilirine ia to
aiitlrring humanity. We had apent two hundred
dollar with the trailing doctors without any
benefit whatever.
" l.t In-enilrr I had a baby, and. thanks to
vour KAVonte l'rracrilltlon. I stood the con-
finrment well and have s fourteen pound baby
girl. Tu-day I feci as well aa I ever did in my
l-'or thirty year Dr. Tierce haa been
chief coiiMilting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo,
N. Y., aviintcd by a staff of neatly a score of
skilled specialists in Ihe different branches
of medical practice. Any woman consult
ing him by mail will receive, free of charge,
the best professional advice anywhere ob
tainable. All correspondence ia regarded
as sacredly confidential.
The magnificently illustrated "Common
Sense Medical Adviser" is now published
in a paper-covered edition which will be
sent absolutely fret for the bare cost of
muiling ; at one-cent stamps which should
be sent to the World's Dispensary Medical
Association. 66., Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y.
Or 31 stamps should be sent if a durable,
heavy cloth-bound volume ia preferred.
A. O. U. W. meets every Ha'urdaj
evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple.
Oeo. K, CelifT, cecretarv.
Ketickahx Willamette Kehekah IkIki
No. 2 meets second and f ourth F riday ol
each month at I. O. 0. F. Temple.
Malta (iodfry, secretary.
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foreateis of
America, meets flrit and third Friday In
the month In Rod Men's Ha'.l. W. IS,
Stafford secretary ; F. T. Rogers., chiei
Meade Font No. 2, O. A. R., meet
first Monday evening and third Sa'u dwy
afternoon in each month at Wilamette
Hall. O. A. Hardin, co.Muander.
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meeta on the third Monday of each
month in Masonic Hall, M. liollack.
I'ioneer Cliapter No. 2S. O. E. S. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., ruecti
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, secretary .
Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. O. O. F
meets first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Redrnen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp
0. It. M., meeta Saturday evening 7:30,
at Red Men's HaU.-N. M Moody, C.
of R. ; Chaa. Woodward Sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M.,
meets first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hall the first Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. in. and the
third Monday in every month at 7;30
o'clock p. in. The Auxiliary meeta at
the Armory building the 1st and 3rd
Saturday in each month at 3 o'clock p,
Sunday Services.
F.KAN I l MANUAL Cll I' Kcll -Cornel
KiK'iih and J. (j. Adam ire?t; Key.
Krneat J. VV. Mark, pastor. Sunday school
a' Jo A. M , eKly rervieea rviey 'l li'i rdy
at U I'. M. fJi rnisii ioIkkiI every 8rtlnrilfc
from 0 to I ;. I'.vi-r) bo.tj Lulled.
8T. JOHN'H f'llL'hCn.CATHOUO.-aiV. A.
Hiu.aaaaaii, 'auir, on rtiunlay m-ii a in
lUjai a. M. Kverr erii.iid and lonrth H'U dy
derman sermon af(er llie a ifloci li,ai
At all other maai-ea Kngllab sermons, unr'ay
Sehool s ' vui f. m. Veapert. ai.oiiM(nli(Jr
subei ami oeiiedictlou at 1 Wt. M.
MKTH'ihHT FPII'OPAI. i l 1 1 1 I - si H-v,
11 (li , f I i'.-inli-a er 'c- .: 4r.;
Hnriday Hchool at 10:00. Claas meeting after
nvirnlnx rif.'rlee. fcyonlng seryl-s al
Kpwortii l-kiiiie meeiiii Hiimlar evci.lr.ff at
I:-,. . '.:..- - ,' ' ..
strangers cordially Invited.
KIK8V Vi.T.o'ii TEKlAN CHI KCH. Rar. A
J. MoiitKui.il rr. faator. heiyiccn at 11 A sr. ttiid
1:i0 r. at. Habualh Hehool at 10 a. M. Vo'ing
feople'n H. '.: l Chrlatlau Kn.Jca.oiii.ciia
every Hiindav evening at lliniaday
veulng prr uieetuig at 7i. Bsl roe.
Kilitli and Va'lion atrent, It -v. H. Copley
pai'or, Service every Sabbath at II a. m
a-id 7:45 p. m, Hunda 8ho'il 10 a. m
Prayer ru-etlng 8 p. ni. All am wlr-oine
Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rector. Services
every H.. ' i. ila. .i., a, f 7:-V p -n.
S'lriday school at 10 o'clock, Strvice every
Friday evning at7:.'i0. Other services as
..a 'rr V--v
ers cord.a'lv invited.
gfe);aiionHl clnircn. itev. K. rim k, i-ublor.
Service every H-itiday al 11 A. M. Sunday
school at 10 A. M.
comer ol Alniii and Eleventn alriH Kev.
E. H. Ilnliiiigrr, paittor. Morninc service
10. ; ... ii- o. 12; Jin dor n...i. f.vor
5; Y. P. S.'C. E. prayer meeting 0:30;
evening service 7:30.
11. Leaven, paitor. PreHclnng services
every Hun-tav lO SOand 7:.'i0p. m. Sun
day school a 12 noon to 1 p. m, Juniors
meet in the afternoon and tlieriemor Young
People' am i. :y an I llible siuy c' j: s at
6:15 p. tn. 'iimrdav evening, regular
prayer ferviee ar 7 :.' n m. Tuerdsv even
ing, Uibles'udy cla led bv the paslor.
Moll Tea p isitlyely cores Slt k Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
deliKhtfu) herb drink. Removes alt
m.-Mrs. Roeina Fonts, president Mrs. eruption of the skin, produjir.g
perfect complexion, or money refunded.
25 eta and 60 cts.
Bear th lta Yon Haw Always BO'Jfht
Mary L. Bradley, secretary.
Artisans meeta first, second and fourth
Thursdays in each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searle, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Rianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday ol
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets in
Red Men'a Hall, on second and f on rib
Wednesdays O. II. Hyatt, record
keepei .
Willamette Falls Camp So 14S. W. O.
W. meets 1st and 3rd Frldata in the
Willamette Hall. C. C, Sol. S. Walker
and clerk G. Olds.
Lone Fine Lodice, No. 63, A. F. & A.
M., Loniin, Or., meets on the second
i Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
!...... i .o -...I
i ,v.o. v..... - - 1 win rerurn your muiivy. alaa ah.
I from 1st of November to 1st of May at ' write fob free truss cmcci.'f ... m
i 10 a. m. A. E. Lewellen, W. M., Geo.
J C. Armstrong. Sec.
al Tianil
w. lb. .r, a
SaCToai rants, ( thaa one-third
ln one cnanra "T nine. n w
BjartAHTCE T III l ejs"i!i
rata or oar ! Xn
(v. aWnlM XlaMk TraM. Illnstrated abnT. lutuitt
und ton.anhoia smiiL ran r '.
I ,ut yuttr S'lrSt, !". if, how Ions yoo have hee
' -iiiiurwL a-h.Uiee ropcur la larg or small, a'"0""'
1 vinibcrlneliea aronud the budj oa a Una with In
I rvp!ur,y what her rupioral on right or lett aiaa
j .ml wt will wnd either tniaa to ytm with th ander
r.;.ll at ihrtt lime r Hr, jou can retaro It ami we
' : a a 1 1"
rfkd un nrjp nnLLAR
I f .1 .L.1. aa.1 csal ! ai U. mm SSila. I . rUa -' " 7 - ' V .
j H.'lUJtt-U I'AlUAiK (.(.A OUia.1, by nwlrrhl C. . O.j .utajfrt 1M,'";iv:;- v:u,:
...... MnsaT - - rt en laiaa lh I . (M f-MMlla Skf Bw 1 f95'V' i- awMwa I . . V M
w.t our price A?.vwsrLt''r;i"L2ruVa;aTi
il " .,. . hicl. I. ein.-e.ved d..v, t a ehotoKrwi r. "J "
' orol.leol Itabrautirul appeal-anc. Made frwiaaalld srter
Mrw aak ar aalaut aadr.leed. s.rf.r.1 k., Mia.r.11 sH fc,.
' D. rlaaa. l"""- - r--- - j. - -- -
.v.. i i.B 14 a IL.U1 (i.Dlra. 1 TOM tt-'
A gritinl old remedy for ('nigh, Colds
and Consumption; iip'1 through the
woiM ' l !f ivn'nrv . his cured in
nuiucialiii: cusee ol incipient consumpti
on and relieved many inadvanced stages.
If you are not satisfied with the results
wo will refund your monev. Price 25
et and 50 eta. and 11.00. C. G. Huntley,
the Lirn;it
IH.p.. larw waa. , a 7? " .TL, piZm A1
' 1 tirmmA llrvU M..I1. . IWI. WTW " ' . "
. . .... i. l.UI. Km.. ISrlMII t - 7
"". r.;. . i.r:;.rirka.i..ii.MU A;-xa-w -
li lap . . - niai r a oCU auiinn ConalnU of tU6 Jit', - . -w I." ' 'J.Ui
I cVI.. WUX"l. o,,l,r ud in uJ Uahj
nt -rde liulrumenu: lUlwl with H.
, Hi M?au, slao bt ilol.-e lelt l Mliera. etc.. b.llowj
Vt ih. il.r rulilarel"lh. 5 ply bWlowa l.a and Itnent
1 allhallll U IWTeleO PIW IHIICU inini, - - fc
i inl.rrrsuira. and ayery modem Improvement, na yi:vSrrjrr
E?i VI! l!..?.!!... 4 u. bal amaa la.tra- fc. (?J' ff
uurtnuniwi-ir UK MA a waj aV at. j TJV ,
I-.,,. ..mrttta.ii l.llldlULf fr aTUftrwi W, ny w a-t'! .'.IT h
... tiai. .... avli.h If avn v tiart KlveS C
K-.I, It ftr. at W Trv.1 d
Vimnimnxmii sua
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d-.il Willi lla )rariKiui
i tha publlher ol thla Paper or Metropolitan ff
or vTuiaMi w iiko '-"! v . mv fl
rallrt-ftd or vpnwa coniny in hicupo.
. . m w.ua mala m iwiinv aantlrsl I
ft fapill ! sjvrr W ta"tww- -r
... a 1 l . - kl. ...train I ' h 1 fJX Lfi.
ka a raplul ar aiee ai,wii.w,
one or vne laivaiii mi
id employ near y t m p.pla lu
Tjiiiiainir. n. o.. wi.. ZZ , , 7. ;
. ar T-w j
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-,.. :. .d mu.ieal Instrument oaUloiruo. AOdreiia, l". - .
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Fultca, Detplainet and Waymtn St., CHICACO, ILL.
Are known to be the beet. We sell them
on easy installments
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