Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Illark Ink Pur Wlik. I
Htltlsh traveler In AfrW-n, wenrj
..i i 1 1 i
Coaaaarora roaqaarral.
A HiIUhIi traveler In AfrU-n, wenry a a rvuiarkalilu and Instniotlvi
ami cxlinusti'i.. m received hosplta-. frt Hint the career of four of the
lilv one evening In the kraal of a Hot-1 most renowinM characters that ever
oniot prince. I'.arly next morning he iiVeJ closed with a violent or mournful
Ttvns nliout to write ilown the event of
4 he previous week w hen he perceived,
1) !.;.. .'.Isniny, that the luk In hU tray
li'i' cho wns ilrlivl up. With a sIrIi
f .!! :.iiipoliitment. ho was pncklng up
. JiU writing materials when hla eye fell
on a ulnss vchhcI atainlliig on a Immhoo
helf, which, on closer Inspection,
vroved to ho a genuine Ink pot nearly
full to the brim.
Delighted at the discovery, bo sat
-down and worked away at tils dlnry.
Suddenly he was disturbed In his occu
imtlon by a young ncgrcss, who,
mprlnlng toward blra, snatched the Ink
got from the table In passionate haste.
Her agonising screams soon attract
xl the other members of the family,
-nnd the unsusttectlng stranger was
soon mnde aware that be bad commit
ted the heinous offense of laying sacri
legious hands on the carefully guarded
provision of luk which the rich aunt of
the monarch had bought from a Euro
jxan trader as a toilet preparation for
Improving the complexion.
The explorer was forthwith arrested
and sentenced to death, and the edict
would have been put Into execution
liad uot a British man-of-war arrived
la the bay. The captain, learning of
dls countryman's exploit, promptly
intervened and appeased the Irate roy
al house by a gift of half a pint of
Alack luk.
Tka fafrat Tart of Trala.
S. party of travelers In a train were
talking over their traveling experience
und the. danger of accidents, and finally
1 T'cstlon arose as to the safest part
of the train. Falling to settle the quo
Jinn among themselves, they called on
dhe guard, and one of them said to
-"Gnnrd. we have been discussing the
natter of the safest part of the train
4nd want to know your opinion."
"Want to know the safest part, ehT
replied the guard.
"Yes. that's It."
"Wen." continued the guard. "I've
leen on the line for 15 years and have
Ikh'D turned over embankments, 'bust-4-d'
up In tunnels, 3uiiihh1 off of
Jrldpes, telescoped In collisions, blown
off the line by cyclones, run Into open
fiwlichca and had other pleasant Incl
idrntnl dlvertlsemeuts of a kindred na
turn, ami I should say. gentlemen, that
he safest part of the train was that
. jwt which happened to Ik? In the
arorta for repairs at the time of the
jsrcldent" Loudon Telegraph.
Alexander, after looking down from
the dissy heights of bis ambition upon
a conquered world and weeping that
there were uo more to compier, died
of Intoxication lu a scene of debauch,
or, as some suppose, by poison mingled
lu his wine.
Hannibal, whose name carried ter
ror to the heart of Home Itself, after
having crossed tho Alps aud put to
Clght the armies of the mistress of
the world, was driven from bis coun
try and died at last of polsou adminis
tered by bis own hands In a foreign
land, unlaiuented and unwept
Caetar, the com.upror of tiOO cities,
and his temples bound with chaplets
dipped In the blood of a million of hla
foes, waa miserably assassinated by
those be considered his nearest friends.
Bonaparte, whose mandate kings and
emperors obeyed, after DUlug the earth
w ith the terror of bis name, closet! hla
days In lonely banishment upon a bar
ren rock In the midst of the Atlantic
Such the four men who may be con
sidered representatives of all whom
the world calls great, and sycb (heir
end Intoxication, or poison; suicide,
murdered by friends, lonely exile!
H Dodged the Qar.tloa.
The hlory Is told la The Churcb He
view of a rertaln vicar near Birming
ham who bad an amusing passage at
arms with his diocesan. U seems that
lie bad been In the habit of Issuing a
private manual of devotions In the
church without the bishop's consent
, , On flie frtat coror, lie It Raid, waa tho
-iioflce, In bold typ: Not to be taken
away. The property of the vicar."
Dy some means or another a copy of
Abe little book found Its way to the
jialaee. and a few days after the vicar
received a somewhat tartly worded
communication from the diocesan,
asking when his lordship bad given
permission for the use of the manual.
"My dear lord bishop." wrote the
-lcar. "the same week that your lord
ship received the manual, which, on
looking at the cover, you will see Is
my property, my vestry clock also dis
appeared. If you will kindly send me
(be name of the person who stole my
manual It might lead to the apprehen
sion of the person who stole my vestry
If you were offered sure aid In time
of trouble would you put it aalile
and accept something of doubtful
eRlclency 7
If you saw before you a strong and
safe bridge leading to your goal, would
you Ignore it to try some iusvcuin and
tottering structure 7
The answer to these questions Is
plain. You would, of courae, chooae
without hesl'iition what all evidence
showed to be the safe thing, and yon
would rUk nothing iu usvIcm experi
ment. Why then do some women risk one
of their most precious poaacaaloua
their health In trying medicines of
unknown value, w hich may eveu prove
hurtful to them.
Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Com
pound has stood the test of years. It
has the largest sale of any remedy for
female ills in the world, aud uothing
could have given it this sale except lu
own merit
I)o not try any experiment, but buy
what Is known to be reliable. Mrs.
rinkhsm's Compound can do all that
is claimed for It, and all statements In
regard to it can be easily verified.
Write to Mrs. llnUhara at Lynn, Mans.,
for a little book she has Jut published
containing letters from the mayor of
Lynn, the postmaster and the Women's
Christian Temperance I'nion.
Mr, llnkham's advice Is offered free
of charge to all women who writ to
her for aid. This invitation is con
stantly renewed. A million women
have been cured of serious female ills by
Mrs. I'lnkham's advice and n ediclue.
Three Letters from One
Woman, Showing How
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Cured
Falling of the Uterus:
"Deab Mrs. IMmkham I iw your
advertiM'inent in the paper in regard
to treating woman's dUeaM-s, and
would be grateful to you for your ail
vice in my case. lam suffering' from
falling of womb, have pains in my
sides and legs, in fact I ache all over.
1 am getting so weak I cannot stand
on my feet much. I have the head
ache sometimes, and a choking', tight
feeling in my breat and throat. Have
a baby seven months old. I hope to
hear from you soon, as I am in so
much distrfs." Mrs. J. R. I'omito.n,
Eggbornsville, Vs., May IS, 13yd.
"Dear Mrs. Piskham I followed
....... - I .. ...... al.- ......
A ....... , If, . . J UHI 0.. Will. BUI UU u . i( V
One of the last things people like to j nd boUl(J f Vegetable Com-
When I was In Ali-les ISalns last
summer. I saw a stout German woman
sitting at another table eating from an
enormous pile of plates. I thought at
first she was carving or doing some
thing of that kind, but as the meal
progressed and the pile became no less
I made Inquiry and found out that sho
was extremely nearsighted, and the
pile of plates exactly 19 In number
was necessary to raise her food to a
point where It would come within her
range of vision. She was no less a
personage than the Duchess of Sles-
In Italy they do not use glass In the
windows on account of the expense
and replace It with wood or other ma
terial. In order to relieve the monot
ony, 1 suppose, they have a bablt of
(tainting household scenes on these
blank spaces. In one w ludow yon will
see an old chap reading bis paper and
In another a young miss doing up ber
hair. There are also other scenes of
even more Intimate family character,
which I will leave to your Imagination.
In Athens oue day I went out to buy
something or other, which, I remem
ber, cost 5 drachmae. For It I tender
ed a 10 drachma note In payment, and
In order to make change the storekeep
er tore It ueatly In two and returned
one-half to me. Convenient, wasu't it?
New York Tribune.
Shoned Her Teeth.
I A Soaple.a Coaatry.
In spite of British rule, India Is still
Virtually a soapless country. Through
out the villages of Hindustan soap Is
Indeed regarded as a natural curiosity,
and It Is rarely. If ever, kept In stock
by the native shopkeeper. In the
towns It Is dow sold to a certain ex
tent but bow small this Is may be
gathered from the fact that the total
yearly consumption of soap In India
la about 100.000 hundredweight that
Js to say, every 2,500 persons use on an
average only 112 pounds of soap
among them, or, In other words, con
siderably less than an ounce Is the
.average consumption a person.
Took It to Herself.
fitubb I made an awful blunder last
Peon What was It?
8tubb Why, Tommy called . me
about midnight and asked what the
noise was down stairs. 1 told blm It
was the old cat.
, Penn-Was It?
Sttibb No; It was my wife looking
for water. It took me until morning
trying to convince ber that I was allud
ing to the old cat with black fur and
clue lives. Chicago News.
admit usually Is that their teeth are
not tbeir own tn the sense or not hav
ing grown In their mouths. A single
member from a porcelain factory Is not
objectionable. The need of It might be
caused by an accident or or a good
many reasons, but when It comes to
several ami a plate, then the subject
becomes a delicate oue.
But there was a woman lu the street
cars the other day who apparently bad
a brand new set of teeth and Blie was
strangely proud of them. She first at
tracted the attention of passengers by
the smiles that she lavished upon them
Indiscriminately. Every smile brought
the new teeth into view more prom
inently and the evidence that they
were false and the cople began to
smile quietly themselves. But even
then the woman was not sure that ber
new treasures were properly observed,
and, drawing In ber lower lip. she
brought her upper teeth down upon It
and tapped them carelessly with ber
finger, looking off into vacancy mean
while, with a conscious air of uncon
sclousness. New York Times.
Tlllea In Spain,
1 In f'paln you can become a nobleman
toy marrying a duchess, a marchioness
or a countess. The man who marries a
lady bearing oue of those designations
Immediately becomes Invested with the
sn in e rank. You may obtain nobility
vlthout money by these means, It Is
ttue, but, generally speaking, you will
find it a bard task to secure a titled
wife unless you are well provided with
Letters Id Spala.
I A Cerman correspoudeut In Spain
"writes that unless letters to or from
that country are registered not oue In
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave yon, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of suffers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pnre blood and strong nerves
and build up your health, Easy to take.
Try them. Only 23 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickling in the throat and to stop a couith
by the use of One Minute Cough Cure.
This remedy quickly cures all forms of
throat and lung troubles. Harmless and
pleasant to take. It prevents consump
tion. A famous specific for grippe and
its after effects.
Geo. A. IJabmnq.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa
tion and indigestion, makes you eat,
sleep, work and happy. Satiwfaction
guaranteed or money back. 25 cents
and 50 cents. Geo. A. Harding, agent.
Money to Loan al Lowest Kates
Dimick A Eabthax.
VV'antkd Skvekal Bhioht and Hon
est persons to represent us as Managers
in this and close by counties. 8aiary
$900 a year and expenses. Straight,
bona-fide, no more no less salary. Po
sition permanent Our references, any
bank in town. It is mainly office work
conducted eat home. Keference. En
tire reaches Its destination, and that close self-addressed stamped envelope,
unless the poRtmen, who have no sal- ;Thb Dominion Company, Dept. 3,Chicago
ary, git at least a cent for each letter i
delivered by them they boycott those "''ur u BIOod Deep'
who refuse to pay and keep their let- .gS ltCaLtenS&tbS
or8, I tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
i ,, ; ; '. ; i stirring up the lazy liver and driving allim-
! :1he mother's heart Is the child's purities from the body. Uogin to day to
schoolroom. Any feeling that takes a ' banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
innn away from bis home Is a traitor ind "' 81'kly bilious complexion by taking
tc the bouBchold.-Weekly Bouquet J&S4U
pound and 1 think it la going to cure
me. if it does I will ever praiae it
for I am, and have been, a great suf
ferer; but now I live Ju, hop-s of
Setting wirll." Mas. J. It. ComptoX,
ggbornsrille. Vs.. July 12, 1H9S.
" Dear Mrs. PutKiiAM Again I
write to you. When I first wrote to
vou for advice in regard to my troubles
I thought I could never get well again.
After receiving your letter I followed
your advice exactly, and thanks to
you, I am cured of that dreadful
disease. I cannot find words to ex
Fress the good your medicine w ill do.
t is really more than w-aa recom
mended to me." Mrs. J. K. Compton,
Eggbornsville, Va., April 12, lnw.
Two Women Cured of
Irregularity, Falling of
the Uterus and Ovarian
"Dear Mrs. Pixkham I have
female weakness. Menstruation ir
regular, and I suffer bearing-down
pains in left side and hip. My doctor
said 1 haa womb trouble and enlarge
ment of the ovaries. I have doctored
two months, but see no improvement."
Miss Mart E. Keed, bwau Creek,
"Dear Mrs. Pi.vkiiam Your good
advioe haa been worth more than all I
ever received from a doctor. Words
cannot express my gratitude to you for
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. After twelve years' suffering I
am stout and healthy. 'Miss M akv E.
Kied, Swan Creek, 111., April 29, OS'j'j.
"Dear Mrs. Iinkuam I suffer
female troubles. My doctor wishes
my ovaries taken out, but I shall
never consent. Menstruation is irreg
ular and my head has a tired feeling.
Hospital treatment does me no good.
I have five children and am forty-four
years old. Please advise what medi
cine to take." Mrs. E. 11. So units, 437
N. 40th St., Philadelphia, Pa., Septem
ber 27, 1898.
" Diab Mas. Pikkham I followed
the advice you gave me and your medi
cine haa cured me. I felt better when
I bad taken the Vegetable Compound
but a week." Mrs. E. H. Sonders,
Philadelphia, Pa., February 6, 1809.
Another Case of Nervous
Prostration and Inflamma
tion of the Bladder Cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have used
your Vegetable Compound for female
weakness and it has done wonders for
me. I also had nervous prostration
was not able to look after my house
work. After taking one bottle I began
to improve, and am now better in every
way and feel like a different person."
Mas. Dklla Keiser, Marionville, I'a.,
February 22, 18U9.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I cannot
praise your Vegetable Compound
enough for the good it has done me.
I suffered from inflammation of th
bladder. I tried doctors, but obtained
no relief. At last I
to you, and now,
dies, I am en
Complete stock of Quaker Itrmediea,
Botanies! Herbs, Halve, Conh Balsam,
Soap, ami Mineral Salt at Huntley
Cut lUte Drug More.
Has iho lost her beaulv? 11 so, I 'on
stiimllon, Indigestion, Kirk Headache
r iha nrlneiiml causes. Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea has cured these ills for hall a
century. PrU M cts. ami 6 els.
Money refunded If results are not satis
factory. C. O. Huntley, Druggist.
Te Cure I.agrlppe lu To Ij.
Tae Lax ati vr IIiiomuQi iniukTaiii ra.
All druggist refund the money if It
fails locure. E. W. Grove's signature
on every box. 25o.
' Nivutf Catftrrh quickly yields to tru
men! by Ply's Cream lalm. lii' h is
My anmiatio. It is rtxiured UirutiKU the
lioalrils, oleauaea and heula the hola sur
face over bich It diffuses lUvlf. l'riKi;'!
sell the COo. si. Trial sue by uul, 1U
rents. Tnd it and you are nre to coiiluiuo
the treatment
To accoii imxlntu the ho are partial
to the uno of aloiuuers iu applying liinl
into the uaa1 ivi;a fr M.'-irrA.W vj.
lift, the proprietors prepars Cream Palm in
li.piid form, hich will t known iu Uy's
Ijpiid IWtt IWm. Priii) Including the
spmying lul is 73 cent, l'nicgi.ia or by
tuaiL The liquid form embodies the meU
icinol properun of the solid J iejratlon.
ONLY $2,76
uul. tbJ msm! to .
tXJf M 14 t).
uf I ( WUHl t has
m4 VmI aHI aa-r. M
l-aar lt UBilUBllK
I tur BrtM eii-re.' i
ant. If utJ 4WI
ftafcnl mmt jf.UI
rsM i.5,
a4 ai prw .
I prre h t r
IU tf II'
t9 rvnta (if a H
1 anil.
FOft FALLanu
!,. rltr ftH. I tpa Mai law m . t.II
full IrtitihieHl Ultfi Ums ftailaff Ml lilxarf n
InniDiH uh tlirv t iir nh I
mhit lMMt rt- (h tMtil. im"is. fka Mr
laJMr ilrMekMt tial t Vi I !
tiop than tltirti I ! ri H W tf
1 ' k.rtl.. Il.a
pARMERS . . .
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed -
-If He '
City Stable B.
. . YOUNC, Prop..
Slucoaao,, to W H Cookw
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
A Personal Matter
A well painted houae Is like a neat
ly dresed perMin always attract'
ivs and pleasant to look upon.
Can be repainted and frehfrnnl up
at a very reasonable prlna paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the sun makes any mors marks
and cracks In it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
To Paijtar.,
'f 'VtfMk
Jacob Giksy, Phopbietok
Rates 1 1 Per Day and Up wards.
Uvery and Feed Htable In Conneclion'with
the lloime. llorsns and MiiKxies to
It at It"anonalile Kales,
Barsnpplleil with the flneit wines, llouors
m .'.and cigars. WelnhanJ's Iieer on
Opp. Huntley's Draft Store,
Great Britain and America.
Obadt, 131 Union St., lUuh llridare, L ''i';i'',?,0.,,'r'ltl':,' nv,nllvml"''
' VmkCti. irJii i iL lrlna trip to th. I'Hrla Kiimu tlon, Willi cood
BW XOrk Uty, April 11, 18y9, I Mlirr .rid i-iprni p.ld. ttmnui writ.
lha fAtk.Hi: HECVUU, liaJtlmore, Hd.
j AT. . P -V 1
Wsa-H Co ' Pf
y L 1
Arc i ho Host Wagons
I'ossiblo to Build ...
Always Have Ilocn, Ahvays W illHe.
A trputallon nialiitalnrd lor 05 yi-ars l a letter euaiantMiof rI
wagon n a le o liral matrtials, pnily srawmad. than ail the proinWee '
and aairlions tl inanulactorera auniis ami tlnalfrs In ii-w namd
unknown wifuiis ruinhlned. Manulaclurrrs of Mitchell Wagona y
S5 io M iwrrenl, above the market price o Hie Iw.t tlinUr (or
the privilege id culling ovur, sidm-ti" and kliaMlntf "If the rteaui ol
the br.t watfon ai.ick. Thl.ls A UMil.tM K KAt'Tsn-l the Ml 1CH Kl.t.
And KNOW that you have tho HKST that can Uj mado.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.0;':::::
First and Taylor Strootf Portland, Oregon,
m v" !. eatatHw.i tb mm 4M
4tft fl llVtlf Bia)ttlAll ClfiASt Mill I
lllltfl.ll I" i"4 Useeea. W aa,li,
Ua, 1 aA, eja, a mm
V r TBI akf-i
' THIVt"c
lsMaws "), 4-Mala- j i;ii i itm, , Urn
a, aWaa) letlMia, twt I 1 SeM
. -q laaHilal. . to4 I
laa, ! j4 hal a-Vf aM4 paf t
rtkuatf v ! i, i f.tm hiaa (-as
A'lMlt .- ts1 , t..a !. Iw h"W fc tawa fca!
. ml ll e-ai tMt4 t - 1 W b4 m!
ale 4kl I , IK tl -aa to H
py fixn riLQ hjji, .:.vr.t rrfq
km mtt vl If fPV11.ial M to WPMlk U aaMta)
fn -. m (K mm ptm4ltjhkm0tmmf
1m m 4 a l l ai raaae I I ..
m f ink iM ahi ttm t TUirr
toMtt v4 fciiM'l i4to ! a Mlpaj-tto i44
I ...WtM flmwm f WaaAlaW VafiMi Tvtaaf
MKsl af-a . m JaM M I -
V KM'tll M ml Urn Ufg tlall 4 IM m4 m
T 4 rata tuilfMtos( U BmmmM aj. mm PW W
Thi Mlalravu U fvriail 1 1 a aha. fcaaaxU aartrLtj Ua I k I wm-h
4 U eaWtiM hm rait 'tlaifeillaf Isto rlt'V l il f-M a to " thaN'Mlll 4 V
MfaaL .i.. lH..eiaai mlmr rr4&, mmmm) It to at mmm 44 mut toto to mmm W 9mmm)
M IMtotMjr Itotohl lAlnft rart h.tTl ta-Ms(ll
"Thaire'di'tfto u ft 4aitoftPitoi
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
A Farm Llhrtrr of neQ0!lcJ wine frac'Kii.
I'. 1 J.i. - r- . . .. .
vi-u-uaic( i iii. ic ana uimrrcncnuve tur j
officl; rrlntcd tai BcautKull lllusuttj.
All .haul lliitn C'Mnmoa IU Tmitlw
jlllu.ti.ii,m.la.i.oaaia tk. tk.uUnt.
No. a-oi(iQLn nr.KRY book
All.tnut r"l-l hm.11 ftulla-mitandk.raan
CoulaU)C'4ua litc lili.rrptntucltoMolaill., uii.a
vattrticad icobll.rr lllu.ti.ltoua. l'rk,aCuU
Allalnut I'ouliry tlx Umt I ouIIit lk.k lariMrnra
trlUcwf rllilna : althn U,. lnV nkt l. f.,l. 'm nt
tit .11 Hi. jmiw 11 U.0. aitli 1. 1 wtlwf llliuti .(!
)'ik, yiCcuU.
Alt about Cow. and lit. rwlry nmlnma h.in a r m
Jala rnnl.ln. nlrrl lllr llkr rriim.li 1m iiiah
uiitu, wua ijj Mnrt llliuliBlhtia. I tlcr.y is,
Jualoul. All ahKit ,s- llrr.K,iC. Fr,l. i' p. I h
cty, Idvan, rt. tinuln. oyt u t.iililil kbii
tunc .rul otlier raipavlnst l'kt, y Cruia,
Th DKKILI) HOOK S r umii.nt Irlnat.UM fil- nw,
,.i,UH ,IBV uirm-Kj ItKlHMl.f II M II. II II ,.
sr. hyii aa riifmHu ml l'.i I Wnl. Ni nit 1 1 .1
rVI'J- ''"T oa "! a tow. Hi k ui
tliUkfn, i frrnw. hmnll I inn., uiihIiI Iu mimJ lialjl
away (oc ibe tHX.'Jl OOOka. lb.
iinr fih' mA ifor tu m,,fl'' " w
k .i, .i -"TOm, niiiiiriinnninr lit tn,-
Kmt?iyt,"muX'U' " '"'"h. l.l ...r In
in. i worlil-th. tlfiic.t jHirr lla U In the t'nC.r.i Mima
CI Amcrka-li.vlug over a million anu a-u.lficgului i J.i
Cite'D. " r
aanpiaui mxiTi juuknal and circular dnrrtliliig DIOflLD IIOf)K Ut
! i
tt.MKa ATKIRSoa,
ciua. r. jaMKma.
a'ia.0a ut K.MAi. i
I'liiLAMiLruta ,
iM.t'.u. t.UMIU.miH.
taml If 1
r ' I
oiadi oao CAiitur auHbica iiwino machini ? fi.i.i ..o.nii,iu...:i;r
L . . iiiir iivMru.i ir.iirnt aMit anil If iHalaa
ptrfMllt ull.rwl.r,ii,iu-tlT mm rr.r.nl., Mi.al I. aa,t l. .ik.r, I " . J
IIS OHlkT StHlltl. lllll .i-' '
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Addreti, 8EARS, ROEBUCK 6t CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.