Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 22, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    Personal Mention
(). Kir ! Vl.llor front
jjkilinu In tin Hv Monday.
Is (''"" Hauling r lioma
pudl rullrg" I" 'I'"' ", li'dday.
)(,, Zii rinen wa In llm rlly '.
vty (i.hii Yamhill on land oin
U y. H.l '"'l Hunday night fr
HHl, alir he Mpwl lo im fr
r)p llm.
Cl., H'"' I" '"'" ! Molall
ni.,n Monday renewing ac.jnalnLi.ee
(iO)li "' I M"''a.
ll,rir l:.ke rui down from il,
i X. C ' '"'elite Thureday morning
ijnj hnldye til Imhiib,
Mim lui-gene I f rtitjC returned ye.
kiUt evening ''" '' of uii,
j,r b with Irien I in CallfuriiU.
r'rmk hit' "ie of Carua' .hi,.
ami rltiien In llieeliy Thur
J,; miking t'hiiliiia urvliM-a.
p, W, Ktrii J an4 parly riuri.d
(rjill" We-lnra-lay where Im ha
aitii.luii'g ury fo Ida govern-
C'.4 I. A Mar, of Kielf-inl, one of
l k It " farmer of the Wl Mid Ba
j)ln H.iifdy ami nude u a pica
at cill.
Jr. Anna llho-le leave Maturity
titiii(- f.rf rIUe where th tm
04 oJ.l) , Ihe Kit of her IiIm,
ilr. (i.
Mr. J. It l!illnua Mnm-I lo br
bimln I lil"f H4 Wednrtlty aflrfa
tail of '! ek el IhelVl.Mli
..Mio ilmetly.
(i. I. left Monday bight by
rrt&r ! 'urlan-l lw Can Fran. ar
atra he III a... o, llm uii tut
Ur-M in I !r ur.
T M, I kr, (. tf 'l,ioi lit:'
IrkJ.tjJ if doing bunre In
nif Tr-iy ! load a lMt'l
'it HlH,Hy
"Ml ha
""'II. Cl.rl.l,. TB"
' ,1,.,.,. ' l'l, 1 "",w
In i hi
1"K ltKf.HTUATI0.1 LAW.
aMa lu,lr,.i r' '.
i i ll i . "vl rv ia, I,,
- -:r;:;1;:,:1,:,1,:;1-
Tlia Uiimiia
"l'n M..a,,U
TVf ' lh" U ,:",,,r W'l' li Future
tlni win Jh, ,.(, , 0rff(m
"'n ll.n flrat Mon.l.y In Jaf...ry,
'"".aii.lfJoVI.H.fc p.,,,., May 15 f...
Hurl. w. ll, I.w IMilM ty Ut
''H!"ltur. A votur mny r.lalr alll.
a linlarv iinl.lln I . i .. .
' ' i jiiniii o in ma ixiMca or
"'" Ma V...r ...
"I'l-r alii, i N.iV,, I "airk. Klavlora are not anl-jKct
n A book con.
talnlng tli. r.'l,trailn of nil volt-ra In
'ounty will U ,,)Hrp,i , fro(f,
fl.ii K-ni-ral l,k amaller onoa will U
"'lKlvlrntll. Hat of eWt.ra in earl.
.IK Jirci ltH t.
Klu-lora will U niui,Uri,.J. roni.Ai.-ii.
tivnly. in m. I. .rrM!ini:t, tl.y arn en-"fi-il
In ,. r,,i.ral in.ii.ty ri-Kitrr. The
'l'k r.iir of (Im nlector am I.
Iliformatlon ai hla Mtfialrallon m.ml.r
UU, of rl.N-rli.g ; ,,, 0f w.r .
trimp m..I al t
i fiiakra
"Vll .1 i... . ... , ,
lllh.ll. l m . . .
" Hi lx a.il
Iio.Um Naumili "
i aut.fnl ,,.,, .. j, I l.utli.H.. or o.xiitlon : ax of the elr.
will . i . ' lor In i.-... .
Mi i ".n.iru -, rvu.iirj oi nativity;
r.li. . . . f' An.l...j"'t'"l'lion or (W.r.iion aa v.
r. . 111 "r"" ,,"", U'" "I'll"
...It, a
Tha a. dial a'., I nr',nm i,1,, n ,.1 rn.l
'lari.a of ilia elwlor at tl.a time or liia
rHgia-erieiKwIHU aakcl, ami the pre
vim t, a ii, If n tlB ciiuniry, the .-li.m
-i.i i ...
I '" " "" ciiibi ami towna
a ra lail.alnntre.U. by aiat-ifvinir tha nan.
In- of U.aii f.r cilv II. ... ..ii.u. i
11.. -1.1. ai - . iM
I - i ui mo iiuii.iier
I'.ta.i, k ami II.,,.,
iuinw M .i.ilay ,y
'"i!.ella.i.,..t...t. Tint,.,,,,
Ml II..I. I I
kii. 11,,.1,.,-r, . r' w'" "'ir.aitnuiiifM-r, ami if
! L , ; r ur d,-,r",,,"n rf "'8 "u,e
I.,.,,,, , . . . , ' '" "'" It .n l-.r,.,My ...M.rUlne.1 and
...nrai i , W"!W '''iM. If II.. .1,,-ior U not the
allr.l ,J ' ma in tl.rraU an,l : .1 .1.. i i ... .
a.lc I lti ... . " 11 " aiaiea,
w a IMall I aUBWlJ
. . . J . . .
r iu irr ur l,,a .ra.nl
larla niaao oul
-in anr mil ,, u.,
Jo-lc-a'a iiniiil ai,. 1 1,. ,n.,iMir a
I iialfnl,
litfel-.Binl UK,n what floor therrof an.l what
"raon.l a,l,,tr. Tl.a r..m the rl.-clor ocru.k in the houae.
II- Ir.al , u.,, nmil,t u tUlei, m,lHl (1(J
tha j vo'ir it thlv to writ hit name ami mark
ilia- I.U UIU.I. If the elwlora' Inability li
ai.aiciit, In riiiiM-iiieiire of aome il.ya
Hal infirmity, a-ich aa blimlncta or loaa
litMiKKili jMi ropHMil.t, TWO.
Mil r-.NlATfc THkXnritlM.
rurnlahrd Krrry VTrrk by Hie t'lacka
mat AliMlrart k Trual Comuany,
V'ill Jml Co to A Krkkaon, blk
1,8, KrultiUle f m
W M llnwfa to If H Nhl,lny, Ima
7, K, blk M Wimlaor 6
K K Hnra e to J J lavl, aw c
2,Mi,r4 .. 75
C K Meier lo A I f oi w, 30 a:re aeo
4, 1 4 1, r 1 a OfX)
1' H lJvl to H Umzer 4 acree ms b,
t2a,r2e m
II Hemie-n toC Ifanliaty nw'
aec 14, 1 6 a, r la
8 Hirlta to A II Winn 'i tracta Mat'
In k ( lulu. 2 a, r2e, Iota 1,2, blk
b, CUikamua IUOO
A WIhkIj J K Ktrite n, of nJf
en W, t 4 a, r I a 1200
U Clevt-laml to J W Linm-Kao, a
naU', u!4 aw'-i'aecM, t2a,rC 600
N'J IHsKn to Wav Ata'nlirta 14
11-18 blk Yi Cambridge 210
M K Church to T V Kyan part loia
6, 0, blk 2o, Oregon City MX)
A C Cell to V. Nutull, 40 ai rea aec
2, 1 3 , r 2 e (WO
L ami J lleaon to N M Moody all
intreai in Jackaon claim, 16 a, r
2 320
n II Jol.naon t J II Jol.r.aon t)i of
e and if of of aw aec 32,
1 1 a, r 3 a 1
(J McMurray lo M A Morrla 10 ac
Ijiiilrt claim 1 2 a, r2a 000
A Jacoba to I Jacob, 15 91 Shannon
claim, 22.03 Tomikini claim 144
claim No 70, I 2 a, r 1 a 1
8 It Liemire to K M Howell, trait
claim 50, 1 3 a, r 1
V Davi.lw.n lo K M Howell, HO
acrt-i claim 10 acrea, t 3 a, r le. .
Drafneai Cannat be ( nrrd
by local aifilicatlon, aa liter cannot
reach the di-ad portlona of tha ear.
There la only one way to cure deafneaa,
ami that ia by comttitulional reinediea.
iMafneaa ia canted by an inflamed con
ililion of Ihe imirona lining of the Ku
alachian TuU. When lliia tube g.-la in
a , . ...
iiami.-'i jqu nave a rumiiiiriK aoun I or
imH3ifect hearinK.aml when It ia entirely
cloned ileafneaa ia the reault, and unleae
the li.fliiiHilon can l taken out and thia
la rettorrxl to It normal condition,
hearing will be deatroyed forever; nine
caaea out of ten are canned by catarrh,
which ia nothing but an lnflimed condi
tion of the inucoua aurfacea.
We will irjve One Hundred Dollart for
any cane of Deafneaa (canted by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh
Cure. Kend for rin-nlara, free.
V. i. CHKNKY A CO. Toledo, O.
Hold by druifita, 75c.
JUII'i Familv 1'illi are the beat.
A IKK tl'ftB foil CKOl'P.
Twratj-Ore Yrara taeatant I'te With
out a Failure.
Tiie fimt indication of croup ia hoarae-
neaa, and in a child tubject to that die
Kidney Trouble Kakci Ton Miserable
Almost everybody who reads the newa
paperi Is aura to Icnow of the wonderful
. cures made by Dr.
t Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
I the freat kidney, liver
li and bladder remedy.
e it ti me preai medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and la
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, urlo acid trou
bles and Brleht's Disease, which Is the wont
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work. In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful la
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a.
sample bottle aent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how la
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
eaae It may be taken aa a sure (inn of When writing mention reading this generous
of.li.nb. l.,c.,i.,1Ut,K the .....licant rT ? .
(.... - ...i. r. ....... , . "me w .".i ai
rilL'HTCO. are the ownt-ra of the copy
rl(ht to the Thorite ayalem of abatra, I
indt(ea, for C'lackamai county, and have
the only i-omplfte et of abstracts in the
County, can furniah infoimation aa to
tali at 11 l iiinpiiM cfTnia.
I'm, f.'.y dr tftc-l Mmidaf for r-an
f'ttM-wi in rrirrai,l Ihe Willaiiictu,
Vi!y t'l tu'aii'Mi AaiaIi(,o at lie! Tha wir-t'iirf of tl.a ruutity mitral
intitht ( i'a. iAo I'oatl Attiuhli. a
Tfce ('.., C.u.u.lu r.i ,fl i..rwn U, ",u"t I
,, , , . ,. , j in the Knitter. Should the ditability I
I boa Ife, l-I.M t 1.1. '
r lHll., Illitrra. y of tt.
ririiil(rwa i the dr.iiix rttii-,
voter, the clerk anal),
in addition to tUtii.g the fact, enter ai
lull a dr ription of the lihvticlal MH-ti-
t'll'illnt .IU.IiIm.J il, l-..,. ,. .:i.t.. ..(..:....
........ ... .... ''" .ubl..-an lor.n b.,ld l.,Uht,al.,rTol.i.i.ate weight, romi-lexliin,
.... r.igioay l.tl,....llr-l III . tHil.t.r.l ' r()r ,.l ..! .. .1.11.1 t..
miiuplar l-,..i,d lha r.,1,1,.,,,, .4'a,,r,i ,lWr lm.
the ,..ri. r..,K,..hle . n,. . li,,,;,. T ln ,,w y ,Illici , en,M n.
I ll'lrr ll.t rtllt II t gi llr.llif l,..f.
kfitiy ilr alio. nil al 111 lUrria;
kUaJ, 'l Irate halurday mori.li. (
Katlla hr,a aha will lvl the boll
4t.il a. Hi I n tri.ta.
:trr Ki't. brut waa In tl.a illy
TVtffcitr aitm l.n to bulnMM n.attrri
Ii. Ki,t. bom bad Uwn ool with Kim
Hft i.it) lug part? alio tetumrd
laian-Ur and wiil lay up for lb
IVirr.ti KHten, one of the aiaonrh
"tat l.-rftraof rr.ub!h aiiltill inClk
aatounty waa In Ida r.ljf frum Klilol
rv on M m lay, Mr. KilUm reiK.rla
M?tl"- (1 urialiing in bis a tnt i-1
a- Cjtul.in and that rup arnut to l j lo do aaty wild ll.nr
iSttd a.-h the dry fu' jganiitl.om and gi br
t.) the tmallrat tb'tmlt. until llnr a ,y.r-
.k-i imi ina .r..,,.iy ui-j-ci or the , t ,M ,iro,w,, ,,r(J(.eM 0, rv)
i..o,tl,,k., ... 0 f,m.i. ,,,n, and U.teriug be will think he U under iuai.ic-
ron.bli.aiimia that aunt I mult In doaii. on r munli-r.
Ing Ilia rrpuMl.-aiit In lite coining can.-j Should an ebntor thange bia rftidence
paign. Tutt.anuiiiin mind tha ratinlj after rrgutemig, he may. More the
aytoailain that and oat by fution, ; bo-.ka are clunl, caute bis former regie
llw bringing together of fa. t.ona "agm" j iration to le cancelled, by a request in
the rr,u,ii. an undr n banner a arilinjr lo the clerk where he rrgialered,
fair ditflbuti.in of th ofru-r. oa a ially j.n ptred blank. Section
Tl.l ivin. to U Ihe ili-mocralic of (he law eaya: "No rrxm al.all
Id'a, but ll.P.r brrrlofore populiatic j regittrr who ia not a qnalilled elector in
allu.iui.g a iiir.ria lii a .roHition 1 prc-lnd in which he regUlen, and
once, on application.
Loan, liivmtmetila.ruHl evtate, abatnu-ti
etc. liflice'iver It. ink of Ureiron City.
Call and iiiventito. Addri-na bo 377
Oregon City Orejcni.
Dr. V,. A. Soiumer baa reinovod bit
ollice from the lUrclty building to bit
rt-fideiice, rear of Huntley's drug alore.
the approach of an attack. Following
Ihi hoartenesa ia a poruliar rough cough.
If Cbamlwrlain'a Cough Remedy is given
as aoon as the child tacomee hoame, or
even after the croupy cough appears, it
will prevent the attack. It la uaed in
many thouaanda of homes in thia broad
land and never diaappoinla the anxious
mothers. We bare yet to learn of a
ningle fnatance in which it baa not proved
effectual. No other preparation can
ahow such a record twenty-Are yeare'
conatant ute w itl.oot a failure. For sale
by (J. A Harding, I)rnggiat.
offer In this paper and
aend your address to
Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Blnr-
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Bom sa.a-iiaaa.
dollar sUes are sold by all good druggists.
Baars tb "' Han Alain Bocl
liiiy your Christmas mince
atrictly hi me nude, at Harlow's.
oi;.vri iv.iiiit.t.TN.
Hay iirrinluiu for 'la-bai.
anaia 4'nnaly nal Orrgon 'lly
Till. 111. K OI'Olti:iO.H CTI'Y
Wajitko ?cvr.BL l'aioirr asd Hon
rar pernona to rrpienent a aa Managers
in Una and clo-w t.y couiitiea. Salary
'.KW a year and eiiwriHe. i;trai(hl.
bona-Mde, no more, no lefa aalary. loei- j fJ'.'vJ
tion iwrinanent. Our referemeH, any fj ..(
h.nlf id an. In. n It ia muinl. nlfi..A F
wo. k comliicled at home. Iteference. j M
Knclo.eifll-aiMrei.ftrd ats'iiped envelo). ' a
Tub Domimom Cawaxx. Jjept. 3, Chicago j M
Poa't Tvbarra Kpit at Rawaa Taar Ufa i-f. ! fj
t'l' It K OK
Ely's Cream Bab
Etay acd pleautit to
at i. Cirtitaiua lo In
)..rioQa gruu.
Ii Itqtii'iljr tbaoriH.
(iirea lu:ct at ooca.
fl llT.1.. .....
ATriZ-l- LUUJ'fitttALJ
Hralt and frnityA tha Membrane. BmUire the
Kritfaol Tut and bmIL Large 8'M, to ecnta at
WtuL'trilt or iy mail ; Trial 8im, 10 ecoia br mail.
. tLV JIUOTUliUiJ, 64 Warren Street, w lora.
a J'fiF Ahm fiM'J
To quit tolutrco estlly and forerer, be mac
ariie. lull of lite, nerra and vlicor, take Ko-To-1
Hoc, tl.e wnnd,-r worker, that makra weak men
tirong. All druRcltta, Wcorll. Cureruaraa
terd. Ilooklrt and aample free. Addresa
Sterling IfemHr Co. Cblcaga or New York,
Money to loan
Ilciuii & GKirrtTii.
at lowest ratet.
To C'ara toaatlfmtloa feravvr.
Take Ciacarvla I'udJt Cathartic, lue or Be.
II ti C C la. I lo cure, druga-iau refund mooc j.
or Cleaai, Fre-ah fl
iiiti:Ait f
VAUtS, f
VtlM. Klc. f
uiHn:itTi:'N (
Bakery and Confectionery A
or. rarvrniu ami Adam fit.
FA.ril.V !
Telephone 39-4 Joseph Kuerten.
Prompt Delivery.
Vf. M. C Young.
aruoj.,nir,l by ,r brother W. W.
.fima In l ha city Tunad) . Ml.
'iftl.tn,, , a ralirj bum fiuin
(Mfwiby ii..n the .loath of hi father
Mbn tin. lying iiiutle In tirrpuny
Maillahortly rurn lo lake up bis
I've. J. l Kmimi returned Tburaday
ftomawrrk's vlail I'.nllaion and
ethrr point in Kattrrn Orrgtm. Mr,
Kltlar eipmaar.l blmarlf aa mlmi iimrli '
rnd lo got bark to the beautiful Val-
7 w lb Uillametl aftrr wading
U.rwiglt i,,w f.H t of anow In lha country
l of the mountain.
Xr.ai. lMra. Win Harlow will leave
a .h a lour it HoijtJ.orn California (r
IU Unnili 0f r. liarlow'i liealth,
H'a. Harlow baa recently Ulidergotio a
"tni,.0f aii kiinaa ami the lrii ia
'konln the hope that It will effect a
ttxni'leto rettoratioll.
rtittnig ptrty ur- ,o it not a readmit thereof, or register
f ire th piple of 'in a name lather than bi true name,
W;..nvlli,. t'l' kan.ii rm. ty and Ihe tti of Ore. .ml no elector ahall register a second
gun aitli a new .rty mini name nut timo ia llm eautu precinct or register in i
detignaled but a'lating tl.e bu'.k of 'any other precinct until bit firnt regie-
. . . Tha . . .
the p-ipnli.tic Iheoripe.
The driiioi ialic coitiinllteo were urged
lo ehihrit Ihl at once, but while over
came with aiiisirmetit, retained nulllc-
lent pretence of mind to lay the matter
over until ihe am.nd Saitudty In Janu
ary, when an anaaer will given.
Mn.-e mill, lent time ha rlti-d lo
V-V err jr-jr-Vr Ny" V
Local Evci;l.
a.ajCji ojcvjee jti..i.'i
A lrg,i numlMir of tlin Artltan wnl
"loan lo Portland Tueaday evening to
alth the meii.fera of the order In
"'t city.
give time for ronai leralion, leading dem-
ociat do not hetilate to denounce the
acbeiiio, L'nder it th-y claim lla-y are
aake-l lo rriioiinr their fun. leal pollti. at
belief, and Ihelr very i!illcal exitteli.-O,
to adopt a political rivlii.-iit Uion the
very eve of an lmp.irUnl campaign. Ai
the iNyi pit by, greater otiHiition de
vehi-a lo the tcheme and it looks aa if
a new plan mutt w evolved by tl.e next
meeting or alto the detiiucrat and poi-
uli'l w ill etch Havel dim-rent path.
1.1 the new t.artv iUn is
very iniich In evidence among Ihe high
A I nrlvate of the popiill'.tlc ratiki also.
A I The allver reiuhlicii have practically
abandoned any orgnllion they may
have bad.
tratioii baa been cancelled."
1'pon the day of election the judges, aa
toon aa an elector applying to vote baa
given l.ii name and residence, shall auk
the elector if lie ia registered, and also
eiimine the rvgUtur. Kvcn though a
prreon bo registered his vote may be
.'challenged before bis ballot ia actually
Wedm-tday waa the shortcut day In
J'r. ami a.-cordliiK to (lie old prophet,
"'day H.gln to lengthen the cold
hilns lo Mrengthon.
Voti will regret It If you do not attand
, 'nre-ter'a ball Monday evening.
'niile Kyerest and liia umnirpawi'd
"Kuetr, will be on band and play their
rfrtllett ii,h,.,
Tl' third party In the eurioa given by
"""Jolly Kullowa" will be held on Fii
"ty veiling, Deo. 2!th. Coming aa it
In holiday week, the club will In-
,ll''l inl fitttturoe that will add.
"" o the pl,Hiire of the evening. H
h known ,, their "Holiday IVIy."
ri Maple I.anu acl.ool Ima for tlio
"t ii,,,,,. ...... , .., i .
" ., UFUU ll.lL.lk"ll ..
qunrtorly. examination. The
P" all ei-emd to dike a lively IntereBt
" Mmtter. There are llireo camll
''ifnr county diplomaa, aa follow! :
'nHiodlblmand Martha Marlin,
l Mr. J,m, Korboi. The teacher,
Uylan.l U highly ,U.d with
Proj-ren, tie BCIOO ,g (o. Tlmre
"wi awoek', vacation for tho boll
alter whit h the school will con
"""I monlh,.
Ulter Ml.
The) following Is the Ht of letter. r
mainlng in the poatofflce at Oregon City
Oregon, on Un-ember 21, lH'.M':
W.iMK.NH t.lT.
i-l.her. J K Mn I'orter, Amanda Mm
H.l.ltrrKJMr J.-l.''Wd. h AMra
ii.ii Kila Mix. Sawyer, Millie Aire
Linn, Kmma Mm Taylor, L Mn
MtVa usr
I'faeii.lcr, A
Vaiilltirger. Mr
Arthur, Win T
Hall, V I)
Chaae J A
Kiim. J 0
Frediiricka, 0 n
Fisher, llermim
Ibiwcll, II b
Walker, (ieorite
William. A H
Wil.lin. Tom
Willliiii'iH. Alfred
lVckaiie-Ann Hughes.
(iKO. F. HOKTOtf I'.M
A JlK.lorii Mother.
II .a f.tllllll that lier little 0'"' are Im
proved more by tho pleanaiit Syrup of
. ... ... i r ii. n biative effect
a." ..u faVlltlll III limJtl Wi '
of , gentle remedy, than by any other.
...m aniv it and it iH-noflla the.n.
Tito r,,a .S;
nfaeturcd ')' the lainonna t m v-.
Co. only.
Wheal Wuiib'd
IIiBh,rt market pri. e paW for old ami
n.,w wlient. Wheat ai"rPU
r:,: ,...i.. -tr-
Aurora Holler Mills, Aurora, Or.
in the box. If not registered the elector
Ii to lio considered challenged. In case
of a challenge, the voter may aubacrihe
an oath, on a blank printed for the
pttrpote, and this luunt also be sworn to j
by not more than half a dozen freehold
ers. In trying such caei the election
judges have power bi issue subpoenas to
rronir the attendance of witnesses be
fore them. The last section of the law
givei the following warning: "Any
county clerk, or of any county
court, or of any deputy of either of
such odlceM, or any Judge or clerk of
election, or any justice of the peace or!
notary bublic, who shall willfully disre
gard any of the provisions of this act, or
any eron who;ahail willfully or fraudu
lently register more than oneo, or regie-
it . -a
ter limlcr any mil ins irueuiuinu, or at
tempt to vote by personating another
who is registered, contrary to the pro
vision of this act, or knowingly register
In any product where ho Is not a reeident
at the time of registration, upon con
viction ahall be punishod by Imprison
ment in the penitentiary nut less than
one year, nor more than three years, oi j
bv flue not less than f 100, more than
tilXK), or both such flue and imprison. I
ment. Any person who shall falsely!
swear to any allldnvit required by this
act shall be deemed guilty of porjuiy,
and upon conviction thereof shall be
punished accordingly."
For IhoBo who for any reason cannot
go to the county clerk for registration,
the law enables them to settle the
mailer with a notary public or justice of
the peace, special blanks being provided
for the purpose. These officials do not
collect any fee from the elector, but re
ceive 10 cents lor every audi blank filled
out by the voter and filed with the
county clork.
One U mote ant lo et precisely what one want an.l can make purchases with much renter comfort an.l satisfaction owing
to the absence of the crowds of th later Ciristma season. We have a beautiful assortment of useful Christmts preu us
For Bale, fifty-five acrea of land, cheap,
good location on Highland road, about
three miles from Oregon City. House
and lot in good location in Oregon City,
easy terms. Also 107 acres of
good timber land on the Columbia river.
Danikl Williams, Oregon City, Or.
Kitchen Treasurer $2.50
and $3.00.
Bisscll Sweeper $2.75.
Law Curtains pair 75c. up.
Hall Tree
$4.00 and up.
Steel Express Wagon
90c. and up.
Roy's Buck
Saw 50c.
Cobbler Set Rocker
Chiflbnier $6.00.
Fine Water Set 90o
Doll Cab
Magic Lantern
25c. and up.
100-piece Fine Deo.
Dinner Set $9.50.
Wall Pockets
We keep a full stock of dolls at low
prices; for instance a 3-foot-long night
dress doll for $1.25.