OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1899. fITT (MM. II. riMK KKIUXJS. Tlir lloremtor Solnn lMnt d to I lie Tranartiiin f Kotitliie Hulnf. The city ctiumtl met In retiular session !...dsjr evening with all tiirmWri except Council nun Charman in attend an c. F. II. Itearh petitioned for tli privil ege of pun-haiing tli oKI street lamp tlut UM'.I to decorate the front of the city hall. The petition was referred to thi committee on health and polit-e with po or to act. The lamp it JeiireJ for Die in (iladstone, V. H. thivelry appeared before the council petitioning tor an annual theatre lie tie. Under the preaent sjs'eru it is neve'ry to obtain a license for every petformance and an annual license wonl l render It much more convenient for the otera house management. The ' petition waa referred to the finance com mittee with instructions to prepare an ordinance) covering the nutter if they deemed It ad visible. F. Mathies and others, presented a petition in regard to the arc light at the corner of Main and Eighth etreeta. It was set forth that for tome tl ue pat the petitioner had paid the expense of the light and they now asked the city to as sume the expense of nuinUinence on the grvun.l that the light has become of public benefit and a necessity. Upon motion the matter waa laid over at a legacy to the members of the new coun cil. Chief Engineer Mason presented bis qnnt-rly report. During the quarter endine- Nov. 3Cth, there wero no fire alarms; all the hose in the department was tested at from 80 to 100 pounds pres sure and 2300 feet found in good condi tion. He recommended a change in the clai pers of the alarm bell in the rear of the council chamber ao that it could be beard more distinctly on the bill, and eui-Med n early meeting of the board of fi re delegate. The recorder's report showed Luriil permit i.sued : Golden Hill, Chaa. M. Varn.k, Margaret Ferguson, Unknown and Mrs. Frances Caldnell. 14:2.33 was received during the month from !: censes, etc. tHOd was received from subscription to the Falls View sidewalk. There was but one arrest during the UlOIitll, Councilman sk-hnebel introduced by request of the parties interests), an or dinanre reducing the width of an alley on the hill. It was read the first time and ordered published. The finance committee teported favor ably upon a large number of claims azainst the city anJ they were ordered paid. The recorder was instructed to draw warrants for the judges and clerks of election. The council then proceeded to canvass the votes cast at the recent election. The renlt was found to be as announced elsewhere in this iue. It was voted to dispense with the aer vict-s f Mr. Pirkelman in cleaning Main street during the winter. The work will be (!,. e under the direction of the street department. pretty rlgiiroa and fancy etepa showed j the attention and practice each hid given. They were drilled by Mrs. C. II. Caullell. The following )oiing ladies formed the drill: llattle Pratt, Marjorie Caittlold. Veata Itroughton, Hilda Welden, Hilda McC.elchle. Clara Warner, lleeale Woods, Alice Steven, Clara Cautleld, llasel Campbell, Kdca Catilleld, Edith Chenev, Veda Williams, (trace Marshall, Nellie Woods, Neva Gray. Iled. , . Cainwai.i. On Sunday, IWemher 3l, IS'.h). at her home in this city, Krancri Caldaell, aged 77 year. Dooeaaed was born in West Virgil is Mav 22, 1S22, and In WA was mtrrial to William Smith in Cteorgia. In 1W2 they rrot the rlaina coming direct to Oregon City where tney settled and de ceased has nude her home since. Mr. Smith died in ISrkt, and in 1S67 she was married U W. J. Caldwell. i The funeral service was held at the ! Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon the sermon being preached by Itev. At kins. The funeral waa largely attended. Wash tlto Diahcs Quickly I You can if you use Gold Dust. It does most of the work. It saves time.tuon ey and labor. torn for re k-ak "0I.Wa Bata to aWaawr " TI1E ft I. FAIKBANK COMPANY Cskat lllaaai fcaTart sjBBBBSjBjak ...... a aaaaaa" awsaaaw Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining In the Oregon, on IVcemher 7, 18W Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood. All the blood In your body rases throurh Is the list ol letters re- J your kidneys once every three minute, pontotlice at Oregon City, The kidneys ar your blood purifiers, they (li ter out the wajts or 1 enmir.i .mi amass uT. Hamilton, IWa Mrs I.anktree, Emma Hamilton, Jas Mrs Miller, Uracie Miss Thatten, 8 Mrs. MKX'S LIST. Bahler, LL Miller, J P Bailey, J II Morhnke. John 0 Urus, Herman Parry, Marshall P Carr, Joseph Shelby, Janies Chapman, CHS Suuley, Krnent IK-kenson. Ueo Smith, Geo Jones, C O Weisliaar, Andreaa Mav, Andrew E Wilson, Willie Packtgea Davis, II K Hill, Ella Miss Wkkhsin, Cora. UEO. F. HOKTON'.P M. Wheat Wanted Highest market price paid for old and new wheat. Wheat stored treo until August 1st l'.KX). Sacks furnished free. Feed P. Hckst, Aurora Roller Mills, Aurora, Or. Hotter Tbaa Errr. The Christnus Number of the Horse K-view, of Chicago, III., will December 12. From the preliminary synopsis of contents of the forthcoming issue, furnished u by the publishers, we can safely promise all admirers of the horse an annually interesting and high-class number. A Urge variety of articles of urniMial value to horsemen, sketches, reminiscence, stoiies, poems, etc,, the comprehensive statistics (no where else obtainable), the magnificent supplement (suitable for framing), and innumerable smaller illustrations, and theartisti lithographed cover (in seven colors), all combine to make this tenth Christmas Number the peer of anything ever attempted in this line. The price is but 25 cents per copy, but is sent with out cost tj all names on the Review subscription list December 12, or sub scriptions for one year at 2, or six month at $1, my commence with that issue. Full particulars will be cheer fully f-iriiiehed by The Horse Review Cj , 010 Masonic Temple. Chicago, III Impurities In Ihs blood. If they are sick or out of order, they (all to do their work. Fains, aches and rhsu matum coma from si cess of uric acid In the blood, due to nerlected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes on (eel as though they had heart trouble, becausa the heart la over-working In pumplnj thick, kidney poisoned blood throurh veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kuineys, but now modem science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. Ifyou are sick you can mska no mtstaka by first doctorlnc your kidneys. The mild and the estraordinary effect cl Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It s'and the highest lor Its wonderful cures of the moat distreialn g cases and Is sold on Its merits f- by all druggists In fifty- cent and one-dollar sU-t: r 1H es. You msy have a "12 3 D appear I sample dome ry mail Ko. ot 1 ' I - ( - L ! -. .-Ill . L . - 1. J iica. iiw pampntci iciung jrou now 10 una out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamtcn. N. Y. A MUSICAL TREAT ENJOYED. "One Minute Couh Cure Is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and cold. It la unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H.N.Wil liams, Gentryville, Ind Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, Cures coughs, cold hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchi tis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. (J so. A. IIasdiso. Wmwmssi IN TIIK I I UC C I r CtifHT of Hi Stale of Oregon, fr Hi Countf of I'lackarnaa, I'amvl W. Hi, plaUiiilT. v. lUrthold Ur.ckart. deft. I To llorthnl.l tlnrtarl, itfitlaiil. In Id nam ot the Slat ol Oregon : You ar linvhv rr.iilinl to aiar ami arowrr tlir rMinplalnl lle.l toil in in ainii on Hi ;iin tir r Jannargr. A. D , !'. Dial rlng ihvlai nietl by hm orilerof inihlicatliiii l"t vmir i1l''i'' ami an.wer, nl If you fall an lo S'r and snr l I'lainiilt will ai'I'lv In Iti court lur Iti relief prave.1 lnr In Hi roin plain! wliU-li U thai ll g.Iatti etfft ! a jiii'ginenl aiialnl yon (or lliinm of titty ilnllar l'Klhr ailti lnlrrl lliervon al Hi rat til leu per mil per anmi'ii Inmi Hi .M I iiav of Aiguii, KiV and ih lurili.r uni of tidy iloiir aiiori.yt le and lor In coat ami ilitiU'MmeiiU; ami that s re ruin muri.; mat ly von on the Jtril clay of Krtiruary Irrt In lli !! lainlilt infill lh folio lug ilrM-ntrd real e.iate .pua'rl In lh county of t 'larkama., hiai of O'VKun. rnunila-l al "l u rilwt aa III aoultiea.t iiirler uf Hi tmrlharal iifter of arcilmi I'l in lo:i.tili A awnilh of rangn t. ra-l ' III Wlllan.rlla Mrrlilian romalnlns' (orty s-re and r r.if.lr.1 on !' 311 "f hiN.k M of Krcr l of MiirUXe of ('larlama. countr, Oregon, aa teeuniv l-r lh a nivnl of aaid aniumil, he fom-loae.! ainl Iti iiirli aolil lii the manner pr.nl Irl hy la, and 1 1 a I vim t lnrvrr barrel and (.iravloaetl of all rlsM ainl Hi: In or to Ida ai. pruparty aviiiii lm tiatnlory rtKtil of r lempilmi Till .ilMiiiiiina la piiMl.lml In li U'aai'i Cltr Knlriria at l.rea-i.n t'llr. irrnii, (of rX ri-k, dy onler of lloimriiil Tlioa Nli'Hrl.la. Jinlf of a at Hi ronrt, n.aHannlli S t It ilav of rii tier A. 1. 1M tn rlr.i pntiliralioti ol till, auuiinona Iwi g on tl Mh iiav id le.'i"lT, lv, ami th la. I tmtilii ailon to rei( hrli g on lh I'HU tlay ol January, A. l. It'"1. Kii us A M"n r. Allorii) for plainliff. ,ll ! a'laassl NrltlfSMeial. NOTICE If III UK.UY (ilVFN. that the iindcralgned adminUlralor of the ratal of Joseph Ferguson ileceaae.1, ha tiled hi llnal at unt In lh" county court of the Slate id thvgon, fur Clai ka mas County, aa such administrator, and that Tiiexlay, January, ItHH). at Hi hour of II oVIiH'k a in, of said iiav has been Hard by the Hon. Tho F. It) an, lodge nl itald court, a Hm lima or hear. Ing any and all ohjivliotia to laid iHirl and the settlement thereof, Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 27. IHif.l. C. Fasiipson, Ailmlnlstator of said ealate, plmli k A Faalham. All y a. lor Admuilitialor. 12 1.13 2U. tiitti'ir nuMir ti of lh county u I'lat ka aUois n-llrs..! Ha.) Wr, NOTICK IM Hr.ltC.HY fllVKN i, ... Illiileralsor.l ..ln.lnl.1,.1,,, , ,'.'' "is ( I.... II. Wade, iliM'.ai 1,11 p ! aiunl In h County " ' " U. of Oregon tor Clark.,,,;. ,.,"!,,"' "'"''a .dinlni.tr.b.r. .ml .1,., M "k lay of ItreamlMir, NHI, 7'h ri.o. r. ity.n. jmiM. f J,,. ' III... for li.arlhN ., y ami , ,,,,;,' ' " "tiXMJMXZS u II. WALK. Admlni,. in I t a b 1 LI. Plmli k A eihain, 'y'i for s.lmlm.f Mwllrw wf I'ImnI MrtileiHra, " NOTIt-K IH IIKItKIIY (IIVKN i,.,'tl. oft la. k.o.a.Co.ini,, Hl.i.nl ,,,, t ... fe,,. .. a.lo.n,uf , ,, Alilrw A. Ilranil.all, ilMaH, ? ,,' eoi.M ha ft i Tu.lav. Jani,.,r 21, i, at u u clock a. in. a. in . rr ,; ' uf it, Mm ami i.lijw lion. ii,ft luuj Nov, ih. ii K HI. It A It II A II,. n il wii AOinliilalr.iof .( '"aid. noun: IS TIIK Hiatal ol Oregon lor mat, Ivirliard N'iioii, ll'celvrr of III Cortland Hairing Hank, rialnlitt. la. Klorenc K. Ailtliia, lfli'l To Florenca K. Adam, ilvfandanl naiiia.1 1 Is tnb Naws or vms Hrars Oasons, Yon ar lirliy rii.iiii.ola. to antwar and an.wer lh complain filed agalnat you In lh lx' i.tlll. aeiloii on or twh.r tit tuna iraeriie In in order for tl pnlillc lion of llii auioniona loall: on or (II Weak a'ler and if yot, tail lo coniilalnl. lor wn lharvol Id plaintiff will spi'lv lo II. Court for ii rH'f In Hi complaint daiiian.la.1, ablch I fi.r lotg mrnl agalnal you In lh .out of t,riiv lih lmr.l lhrroii al ! rat of S ,-r rent per Slinilni atncaa lh Zt .lay of Sept., Itil: lur Hi fnrthar anni of $ai allorner Ire In fill sction and for hi co.tl and ilia. nor-m.Mi. o.rro. jj i,Tt K IN II K It V. II Y III V KM Thai lh And you ar h.rrl.y nollfled that plalnlifl nitiliw, , .reuior of It. .ii. .,( r. 7 baaraul lo lm all.. ti In l,l. a.lloo ,!,., ,taa.., ha. nir.1 In 1 1,. ,',; fallowing .Irai rll.! r.l rai.i .ilna'rd In j , ,, , lb, , ,, r, fi, II.. C.l.nly oft I., k. m,.., tirrMM ' tu,,., ,,, nn.l . e..ud a. ...cl. .'"".'J1 l wUi. and thai Mo,.day.lha,i,j II. I .nd 4 IM .l el : .11 ol lot. . ad , ,f( lHfK , , ll0.l II ... t.l. I all of . 7 and .. M.rk , m b ,. by lh lloo. rr... Val .dloiai;.i.dllliihl.-k.llof Ms, t..n. jud, of ..nlcqil .. th. n,,. J an I 4 to Mors. 7; all In heal llieson I .ly. i,,,,,,., ,,M,,u,t to tal.l ,k, eiirilil.g to lh plat llirl-.f nn 111 III laa aaap 1 1 taa aa lharaof. wftlr of ilia Itroirder il C.mifayaiir (of I J.ma I,.,,,,, ...I M...I .1.1. Wl.l..k I. .. ... . . 7 .. . V ' . .. . 7 , , " . , Meu.i o, lb salal til II nil o t,.fi a and thai In aa'l.farllon f a. Id 1 , jr,-,,.!. iii 'lfiiieiii inia ,.iai..iui aiu rua id In lh mailer uf Hi BMlgiiariam f -,-llloo llnw. a ia'inrr.hii. and tl..,i Il.inlllon, and K. C, llamlitun, i,ui,t?i llal.lor. Notice I hrSy gUan that th. nniittt lgn.l, aaalgne ol lh aforaaald ln.,,.Ml a.ial. I.aa nil til final raiHoi i ' I !..... I. I 'I- .1. ... . . . " ... Ml. . ...... l.l . iV B.lll.ll 4IIJIII f lrtf.u. . . . I ami th ld eoiirt hat flia.l in. 1 1. . 1 iniona ii.wii; on or iwmrai . ,,.. , . ,, , '1 "I lh. nraipiihllcallon hra. I , ,. '!. , ' , . ! n T '"'' oh. o ....r .nd en.w.r ..Id ' h ' " ' '" a.,J th. CO. T. Wtiiu ... Aa.inaa- Orag.ui City. H0y,7. !, .Tallrw wl I'laal HellletMeMl. I'tl- ELaL.OH Concert (.lien In Mil'amette Hall hy Conijn gational Cfaarrb. The concert given by the Congregs tional t horch Wednesday Dight was very well attended by an appreciative audi ence. The St. Cecilia chorus, under the direction of Mrs. N. W. Lawrence, ren dered "In Spring" in an exceedingly pleamng manner. The chorus is very well balanced and the voices harmonized perfectly, deserving the hearty applause tjey received. The personell of the the chorus is : First Soprano .Mrs. R. C. Ganong, Miss Conyers, 5Irs. E. A. Sheeluin. Mrs. G. Strange, Miss Walden, Mite fiuchahan, Mies Pratt; .Second soprano Miss Harding, Misa Eibel Al bright, M'ihs Ina Chase, Mrs. A. S. Dresser; Firut Alto Mis Draper, Mrs L. h. I'orter, Mr9. C. G, Miller, Miss Veda Williams; Second Alto Mins Sade Chase, Miss Clark, Mrs. C. II. Caufield, M.-l Nelson Lawrence. Mrs. V. Harris, accoaipauieHt. This was followed by a well rendered trio, piano, violin, violincello, "Abeson" Von Weber, by Misses Drsper and Mr. Frank Surry line. Mrs. Charles Wesley Pope sang "For All Eternity," with 'cello obligato, by Mr. Scrryhne and Miss Mattie Draper, as acjompariicst. Her voice was yery clear and sweet and her prounciation very distinct. One of the most pleasing numbers on the program was the 'cello solo by Mr. Frank Surryhne. Tho Congregational Quartet sang "Bleih BriNier" in a very artistic style and brought forth hearty applause that was on'y silenced by their re-appearance to'rerpond to an encore. Mrs.C. W. Tope, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. E. E, Charmsn, Mrs. Chas. CauSeld compose this popular quartet. Scene from "As You Like It" Shakes peare, by Miss Muriel Stevens, Mins Vera Caufield and Mr. McKittrick was excellent, and their many friends were agreeably surprised at their gnod work. : The St. Cecilia chorus again sang "Ltnl Nijjbt," rendered in a yery effec tive manner. Ti c program cloned with a fancy drill All For Ten Cent. An entertainment will be given at tbe armory by the ladies of the G. A. It. Saturday evening December 9ih begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. A good program will be rendered consisting of music, recitations, dialogues, pantomines and club swinging after which pop corn and peanuts will be served. Admission in cluding pop corn and peanuts ten cents. Lost. Somewhere between the suspension bridge and Bolton, Sunday, a pocket bxjk and note book combined, contain ing money and name of owner. Liberal reward will be paid for return of same to this office. Wa.NTKD SEVEKiL BaiUHT AMD HoM- est persons to represent us ss Managers in this and close by counties, Salary 'J00 a year and expenses. Straight, bona-fide, no more, no lees salary. Posi tion permanent. Our references, any bunk in any town. It is mainly oflice woik conducted at home. Reference. Enclose sell-addressed stamped envelope. Tub Dominion Comfaxv, Dept. 3, Chicago 23,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the I'acific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,200 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satixfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to. a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard ai Port land. Oregon Citjr office at Harding's Drug Store. IXTIIKCIIUTireot'UT of il, Htat of Oregon, for lh county of Clackan.. Fred ."mike, plaintiff, v Louia. Stu'.k. defendant. ) To Uiuia Mulk, abuv nii'l defrnd ant. In lb Name of lh Mai of Oregon : Yon ar hrhy rinrrd to appear and aoaaar in complaint nirl again.! you In tn tlmre ntilled suit on or oefor toe llin day o Januar, I mi, in .am bainf als wrk from in data of lh tlral pnniiialinn of Ihia amnmoiia; you will lak nolle thai if yon tail to to appear and anawrr ald complaint, the plalnlltl will anplv in th court fur in relief it mandril In th .aid complaint, lo-it : i..t th bond of matrimony no rxiailng b lueen you and plalr.M tx itlailv.. I hi. aiimmon. I. pitll.hl lijr order of Alfred K. Hear, Jr.. Jii.Ik l Hi Fourth Judicial IHalrict .aid aim. In th atnenr of T. A. Mcllrlila, Judga of lh 'm etc tllll conr', nn N')veintr Jiili, lrl, direct. Ing piihlicaiion of thl .minion In the UrrKon I'tif KnterprUa lor m ancrea.iv week and fixing that a th time within which you are lo snawer lh anl com. plaint. Mil iinimon I published flr.t tun on UeoeniDer I.t, lti. Ijsnassi.t i CArri.i., Adori.ey. for Plan. lift, The Park place Cash Store will take produce on the December Hpecial Sale at market prices. Wedding stationery, the iatest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Esteepbihi office. TO-NIGHT. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild assisted by The Daughters of the King will hold a bazaar at the Armory tonight. Every day of the week will be represented by booths appropriate to the day, where you can find just what you want to buy for a Christmas present. No fancy prices, Everything from a jewel case to a pumpkin pie will be on sale. One of the special featnres will be an "old fashioned choir" and that alone will be worth the price of admission. Every body invited to come. Armory, tonight, Admission 15 cents, refreshments 10 eta. Dancing and music for amusement. CISTIS Dainties Nuts, Dates, Figs, Honey, Oranges, Lemons. Bananas, Cranberries. Raisins Homo Made Mince Meat, W. If. Harris, ROKERTSOjY, Tin 7th Street Gkocer. Legal Noticea. CO Lvr V W A UK A .vrs. We pay premium For Clacb j mas County and Orega Cliy I warranl. Dy Bixieen young ladies, ana witti tlieir TIIK IIAIVK Os? OHEUO.K CITY noiici:. Notice is hereby iriven that the II Hilar. signed hs been appointed Kxecutor of th eatate of Hiram Keliows, deceased, by the uouniy tjoiirtor uackarnaiiUounty, Oregon. All persons having claims SKsinst said estate are hereby noli tied to present the same to me for payment at my home in Highland, Clackamas county, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six months from tbe date of this notice. ELI FELI)V78, Executor of tbe estate of Hiram Fellows, deceased O. K. Hayes, attv. for Estate. Dated December 0, I. C. 8tven, plalntifT, vs. fxiutae Rovers, II. II. Itno;. r. J.C. KoKers. J. II. It.., er. Fred Ko(rera, Mr. K. 1 1. Heeley, Mr. W. II. If.rria, Kalella ltoKri, Kthel Kotrer Kalph ltOKer. Claude Kok- rs, Ulanchs Kogera, defenii- ant. To Fred lingers snd Mrs laid Defendants. In tli name of tbe Htale of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and anawer Hi complaint tiled sgainat you In lh sbove snlltled soil on or about th l-'Hli day of January. I:), and If yon fail to emiwsr for want ihereol, th plaintllf will take a decree forechialng that certnln rnortgaire executed on the liitli day of Hep ten, her, lHtw, by Jame Kok'" and liuia ItoKera, hi wife, to secure the mm of I'j.(iO upon th following described real estate ait uated In Clackan.ai county, (ireKon, and more particularly described aa follow, to wit: eliinlng at the northwest corner of the cnilliwest iiiariernl the northwest (juarler vfteclion U, the sain beliiK a H.int on the section nn between section H and II in twp I, south of range 3, east of the Willamette meridian: and running thence south along the section line 30 chains to a point eiiui. distant from the northwest comer and th otithweit corner of the northwest quarter of the south west quarter of section I), thence easterly on a line to divide that iart ot the norm west quarter ot in southwest iniarti r of said section 9 which lie within the hus band's part of the Donation Lain! Claim of Yfarhia Koe and wife Into fiiial halve i:i.:i3 chains to the division line between the husband's snd wife' halves of the mild lh nation Laud Claim of Matbias Keea and wife; thence northerly along said division line .'10 chains to the north boundary of said Donation Land Claim of said Macliia Hees and wile; thence west J.'Utt chain to the plane Of beginning containing lo acre more or less. Also tns following: beginning at the northeast corner of the southwest qnsrter oi mo ouni.weni oiinrier ai aeciionu t 4, r. 3. east of the Willamette meridian; and running thence west 21 rods; thence south UW rods; thence east 2iji rods; thence north PiO rods lo the placs of beginning, contain, ing 2i acres more ir less : all lying and be ing In Clackamas county, Oregon. And forecloiina and bartlmr vnn and .i, of you ol all right, title, and interest there in, save the statutory right to redeem, This summons Is published hy oritur of nun. i. a. jucunue made In oeii court at Oregon City. Oregon, on the lOtli day of November, 181). 1 II. E. CROSS, Attorney Tor I'lalnllfT. First publication Nov. 17, 181U. ol aald aliariiad ptniwrty Th .). if the flf.l nl.ll. all.ill nf li. a.ii.ui.oii. I. Noiulr tTili, tin an I ll.a 11 of in la.t pulilli alloii la (eeptiihr ?Hh, lili l. . lh la.t day Itl.li. al.lilijn'i may -rar and an.wrr lh ronipl.i.il h.rein and Hill lumimiiiili pub. Il.hed piirananl to an "Mar m. la and . trra.1 lirrein hy in I'l rr.nl I'onrl id lh Male of Orrifi.n lnr lh ' i I y nf l larka inaa. Il.imoa'ile T. A. Mi lld, Jj.l. ol, It. It'll day nf Nolan mt, t I -i r. . M ti.i'.ai, n. mub A linm, Niis A D'.trit, Attorn), lor 1'ialn tut. 11 10 IJ I .llrraf I'laal SteUleMenl. Si.tlra la harehy sllan, that the under algne.1, a l.i.lairalor nf lh '' of Chria liao Mi.ri.ik, d-a.a-l. I.a. 0l I.I. final account In II. t'o.inly t'mirl ol lh Mala of O'ea-on for t'lackam. eounty .nrh ,. n.l.ilalran.r, nd llial Ti.ralay, January 3 I. !', at in hour o' mi o'clock a m. I.aa been filed hy tl H ill. Tl.o. C. Hian, Juil- of aald cinrl. .. Hi ln, for lir'lns ny and all ohjarllon to said report and ll.a avllleineiil llivraaif, Dated .Siiimiiwr a i ANDItKW liKMit.Klt. Ad n.inlairalor of .all e.l.l. Dlinli k X Kaalliain, attorn;, f.ir admliH l.trator. .Ilr. tar lHalr.H t'l.ll. Mial. I. I nltli. Orei-i.n (Cr, Orn.i, IVint o, waa. NoriCKM IIKItl.llY OIVKN ti.ai la eooipllai.ra a llh in -iul.ioa ul Ilia art J 0nn'a of June 3, la,', n tilled " A a art lm Iba aala ol tliolwr land. Ill lh .la'aaaf I'allli.riila. IOa.cn. Sria-I an-1 Ma.tili.f l.ni farrtuxy," aa i'n l. 1.1 all lh i'ii. 4 land alalia by ar id Anfi.l I Mi.. 1. f A. T. Van Hi. kirk, of w na a, c.i.niy ol rirk.ia. alal of I lr ,n, kai llii. t ay filed In thl. 1. (Tine ,rr ..or. .tmi.l ii. f. ol for lh .urrt,av 1,1 . - ti are T.', a . I, f m-i..ii u 5 o i.ia,i.i.li o 7. ran; No. 4 anll olfer 1 r.N.f to .ho that lb land ao ihl k) n.i.r lalnabi lor It timber or don it... lof K'tcollgril .r4Naa, and In a:ia bar ri.iio to .aid land belora ll.a rilf and fctif of thl tittlca al lram t.'py, IX'C.ni. on ati.n lay. ll.a sth .lay ol Jtmiajr, I'sii. HI. iiimn a M na.aa 1 i.ll I' Hatch, of W.ilaJl. iirrf.a, Mitchell lliltat, of I'uftlaiid, IH'fm, Hynihi A Fi nf klnl.lia. trn, Jr S. tmui.t. of klolalla, Ori.n. Any .mI a I wntt. riain.lng d?ri lh ie. t-.learr, bed land, are ta.jar.lrd I f)l lhlr rlalrn. In I Ida nfflra oil or twtor aal I Sib day of Jiiaiy I . I'll AH. II. Mix. KM. Itrfi.tar, What arc Necessities? It is a Matter of Opinion! Th Irarrwd Is turf y aahst to tsplor. Th fool li tuppy that it kaowi bo nwe." -Pop, "lit col everylhlnr I need. I've Jmt ha j my breakfl.v 'fly IJce of neccitlty' Is to bare tlenfv (a tat anJ a eh. nr. rinii.a .vura I wcnl lu school I Uroed rtadln, rltcn and rcthmcllc, tod Ihal'i ill I need Tbej lay that Ifnormt people won't stand eny show at all la socity la a few years froa now. I wonder If Ihal will be the taw. "education Is not luxury but a prime necessity to the Uborlni mart of to-day. I want amunemrnt but that does not exclude Improvement. When a man Is ent.iKrJ In study theri Is labor, but It Is so associated with Interest all "f Teft to sram anawarlnw vnn ulll n-n...... . . N-" ii-., aim 11 you provide mean ' you provide llal Ik a a a-- I ft . I . --'aJ aaV I'H iivic in fu mraifrir tiiaa a.... i i .... i. of learnlnr and br,iim ? i.. . . ' "X'l . """t ine .very. attuary. of tr.e tempi produced." Des worK tflat men en,u niS . . mm a M. tne wrote world CHA,,AtAUlAt nxtA JWca that the tiivyuvyKUia DrUillllllVa 15 tbe Ml Uiby? con can find It. liLln. .i.r.rrY.",'! ",M '""""K waV.".l tleasouareknoMn . .7"' 7 .f ." ,tu,".l 'c?rn me mtance to mars or now ....wa m iui'v nil nidi iim nfw-inr iitstyaw - I, Their secures a set of time will repay m experiences nre at our service and enmman.i tMJth!1!Zln our marvelous offer and aft - e w h . Z "i"' " ViT. Vleren "brY tin thrift of time will repay If, all vou tin VsJ m E .Ire"1' mo" anK"lne dreams. Get knowlMtft NE vT WERNER ENCySdW aU t,m ta 0nU",eJ lW columij,' S'&ttf 5SniB,fa COnt.al,ns. "'4 Pa" of Mlu"n ". neraved nl ff,. kn7;ledKe and Information, 40,000,000 words, full-paga Eatlons S 'S'1" nlY) a1d P',an Including a,7 colored maps, over U.ooo IH on 1 1 I ,Jltlon of the Encyclopedia Brltannlca, or Its reprint. B. It ,MrJy end0rM(1 by omPetent Jud "! 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