Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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A Mlnlstrr'a M .stole.
K city minister was recently handed a
notice to b retd from his pulpit. Ac
companying it was a clipping; from a
cpPr tearing uion the nutter,
The clergyman alarteJ to read tlie
tr.a d found that It txnan : "Take
Krmp'a llalsan., the bent 1'oiik.i Cure."
Tins was hardly what he had eipected
and, after a nioment'a hesitation, he
tamed it over, and found on the other
cide the matter Intended for the reading.
Irj-lnj preparation simply dorel
dry caUrrb ; tliy dry np tlie secretions,
hirh adhere to the niruihraue and deeoru.
xw, canning far more serious trouble than
llio ordinary form of catarrh. Aroid ail dry
ing inhalant, f nuira, thiol ea and snuffa
and Ce lint iiuU claiiM, mm'IIii and
litK I'Jy'a Cream lUhu is audi a remedy
and will cu-e c.tUnh cr cold i:i tli head
anly and pleawiUly. A t ml ri.-e will be
jiiai: 1 for W cut. All dni:git tell the
U: u.o. l'.ly ixtUer, to Warren St., X. Y.
The Italia cures without pain, dwa not
irritatd or cattse- sneering. It spreads itmll
ive r an irritated and angry snrfsee, relief.
ine ininiediatrlr the painful inflammation.
W ith I'Jjr's Cream lVilm yon are armed
gainst Nasal Catarrh and Hay t ever.
Year Face
Shows the etate of your feeling and the
eta'e of your health at well. Impure
Wood makes itself apparent in a pale
mnd tallow complexion, pimplee and akin
eruption. If you are leeling weak and
worn out and do not have a healthy ap
rwarauco you should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cure all blood diteaees w here
cheap saraaparillas and so called puri
fiers fail; knowing this we sell every
bo'.Ilc on a positive guarantee. George
A. Harding, arent.
Te Co re a (Vld In One Pay.
Take Laxative Bkoxo Qrisisi Tablets
All dnitvista refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on
very box. 25 cents.
Money tj Loan at Lowest Rates
Dimick A Eastiiam.
FdorateTear Bowels With Caarareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation, forerer.
lQc,SJc II C CO. fall, drukiiiaurrfooiliaooaf.
Croup is the terrcr of thousands of
youD mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh'a Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like metric In cases of Croup. It has
nevr been known to fiil. Tlie worst
ca-s relieved immediately. Price, 25 cts.
50cts. and $1.00. C. G. Huntley, the
State of Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Cuiranty Savings and
Loan Association, a cor
poration, plaintiff,
Robert E. Metcalf, Anna
J. I'oMer and Newton
Fo-ter, her husband,
Litullen McAllitter and
(iarriaun Mc liister, ber
Luitiand, Alice Lewi
wild Daniel I-eis, her
hntiband, Mabel Ship
man and Geonte Ship
nuu. her husband, Wil
liam R Metcalf, a minor,
and William Shehan,
administrator of the
state with the will an
nexed of Julia Ann Met
calf, deceased, defen
dants. To Robert E. Metcalf, Mabel Shipman
and Daniel Lewis, three of the above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Ton. and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled cause on or before
the 8:h day of December, 1890, which is
the last day of the time prescribed in the
order made by the County Judge of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon, for
the publication of this summons; and if
you fail so to appear and answer, a de
cree will be taken against vou and each
of you for the reliel prayed for in said
complaint, which U for a decree adjudg
ing and determining that there is due
and owing to plaintiff on account of a
certain mortgage bond executed by Julia
Ann Metcalf, deceased, the sura $272 50,
with six per cent per annum interest and
seven per cent per annum premium on
"tlie turn of .'500.00 from and ever since the
15th day of June, 1890, until paid, and
the further sum of $1.60 on account of
;mA ..) ,. f.,.,.. f
$60.00 attorney's fees in this suit and the '
cost", and disbursements of this suit, the
obligee in said bond being the plaintiff
herein, and for the foreclosure of a cer
tain mortgage given by said Julia Ann
Metcalf, deceased, to plaintiff, to secure
the payment of said bond, by which
mortage said Julia Ann Metcalf, de--ceaHQd,
conveyed to plaintiff allot tie
iolloaing described real property, to
wit : Lots 4 and 5 in block D3 in the
tor:: of Oregon City, in Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, which mortgage
wa recorded at page 84 of book 37 of the
Tronic records of mortgages of said
Cltti'krtiiias County, State of Oregon ; and
foreclosing and barring your, and each
of your, and each of the defendants to
this ouit, their equity of redempiton
or other interest, in, right to, or lien
upon paid real property and the whole
iicroof except the statutory mlit to re-
Kle;rn ; and that Bald land be sold as by
Kar provided, and the proceeds of such
rte be applied to the payment ol such
decree, intcreBt, premium, costs, dis
bursements and attorney's fees.
And you and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 20th day of October,
18!tf. the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan,
C'oiicty Judge of Clackamas County,
fState of Oregon, made an order that
-eervkc of summons in this euit be made
'Cpoi vou and each of you by publication
-of summons, and that the date of the
first publication of this summons, is
fk-iJer, 27, 1899, and the date of the
lat Tob!ication there of is December
ft, im.
GcG. Wans,
Attorney for plaintiff.
(Concluded from page 2)
Logan, Nov, JO.-The hard raina have
stopped the farmers Irom seeding and
digging potatoes.
Mrs. Nancy McCobbin Is pretty elck.
Tom McCobbin is out from the city
paying his folks a visit.
Mrs. Harney Ilallort la the boas
garduer of Uyan. She has a radith
weighing 10lt pounds and mangel
wurttel weighing H pounds.
The grange entertainment was a grand
success, Kvetythina went off nicely.
There will be an entertainment at the
Grange Hall on the I'th of December for
the benefit of the old soldiers grave fund.
Come and help out this noble effort for
our old soldiers. There will be a basket
selling at the close of the entertainment.
Every lady is cordially invited to bring
a basket.
Coltoh, Nov. 17. Mra. Delia Young
and Mis Beetle Hubbard of Portland are
home attending the sick bed of their
father, C O. HubharJ, who we regret to
say is not improving as his many friends
had hoped.
B. C. Palmer, of Carrolton, Wash., Is
spending a few days on his ranch at
School is progressing nicely under the
management of Miss Chinesinitli, of
Clarke. We have not heard any com
plaint from any one, and that is saying
a great deal for district No. 72.
Messrs. Burt Hubbard and Emery
Got t berg made a visit to Portland the
fore part of tlie week.
Miss Veva Robeson was visiting Mies
Amy Hall of Meadowhrook last week.
Emy Gottberg has purchased a saddle
Prof. Wilson, of F.lwood, took a lively
part in the literary here last week.
Miss Lucy Bouny has gone to stay at
De Blaines of Clarks.
We are pleased to see a petition in
circulation for lunds to further the
plank on the Highland road. We also
think the Oregon City wood haulers
should contribute liberally towards
repairing the plank road near town
which they have greatly damaged.
Smyrna, Nov. 20. Miss Mabel
Schwart has gone to Portland for in
structions on tlie piano from a promin
ent teacher there
Mr. and Mrs. John Peck and Mrs.
Dean of Clarkes have been visiting Mr.
Peck's brother the past week.
Mr. J. K. Lants, with his wife and
little ones of Hutchinson, Minn., arrived
in our neighborhood last Tuesday.
They are hunting np old acquatntencea
and looking for a healthy location. They
are w ell pleased with Clackamas county.
The young people have started a
literary society at our school house, to
meet twice s month. All are taking an
interest in the meeting and we expect to
see some good results.
John Watson and Fred Lantx have
taken Col. Pope's bop yard to clean np
and are wishing for better weather to go
on with their work.
The spudi are ail dug. The yield has
been extraordinary, the quality Gne and
the price good, but the roads well any
one that has been out with a team the
past week knows all about them.
Milwackis, Nov. 22. On Tuesday
evening shortly after 7 o'clock some one
attempted to rob Mr. and ilri. B. M.
FUh of all their winter capned fruit
which was stored in a secluded cellar
about 100 feet away from the house.
The attempt would have been successful
had not Mr. Henneman and his son,
Henry, made an unusual trip to their
barn, thus causing the robber to drop 12
of the filled jars, breaking 4 of thern.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish were at Mrs. Sehmer's
fnr KnnnAr iltirinir Ilia nattv na.l f !.
rr' " '
evenln an'1 wlieD they came home tbe'
were at once notified and investigated
the larder, where the above had been
extracted from about 100 jars.
There is a scarcity of fruit except when
a culprit can raid some one's cellar and
the coroner need not be surprised if he
should be called as there are some boys
here that are handy w ith a gun and will
use it when necessary. We are sorry to
say that there are several questionable
characters in the neighborhood.
More webfoot weather. It
like winter is advancing.
A good many potatoes are still in the
ground and some of them are likely to
remain there.
Henry Wiley, the Wilsonville mer
chant, was attending court in Oregon
City last week.
School in district No. 82 is progressing
finely under the direction of Mr. Ciias.
P-aker Bros, sold their hops last week
for 10 cts. per pound.
Tlie literary society organized at the
Hood View school house, is a success.
The society meets eyory other Saturday
evening in the school house.
Mr. J. W. Graham who has been'
seriously (II for o long Is not much Im
proved at this writing.
Mia K.Uio Roberts, who has been con
fined to the hospital In Portland,, re
turned home last week much Improved.
Mr. Trddle and lister Moore were
taken very III last week. Dr. Rlckard,
of Sherwood, pronounced their rate as a
serious form of pneumonia.
C L. Baker has been on the sick list,
Dan Stahlnecker made a trip to Port
land Thursday.
To remove luk from pa pet pour
enough water over a tcatpoonful of
chlorinated lime to cover the stalmM
portion. Molttru a clean pl' of
linen and rub It lightly with the mix
ture. If the stain la uot of too long"
standing. It will disappear. If more
thau one application la requlrvd, let
the paper dry before wetting the ace
oud or third time. If the spot la rub
bed, the texture of the puper will !
spoiled. Dry It gently with a piece of
dry linen.
i AinosT 1
. . .
An Old Lady Raa Hsr Way
and lltr Kite Maa
a Weddlor Ftmut.
Mrs. Drlscoll had a mind of ber own.
Some nncharitahle people went so far
as to aay that if the had Bet bad to
moch mind ber husband might have
been living today. Be that as it may,
be died and left her de mistress of a
handsome property, with no one to op
pose her wilL
She adopted one of bis nieces and
loved her as well as aha could lova any
one bnt bererlf.
The niece grew np a winsome la sale
and bad lovers, as maidens wllL
LnckMy her choice wh her aunt's as
well, and the day was set for ber mar -
riage with Harry inship without op-
position, the only condition being that
they ibo. Id retnrn to Mr DriscoU'a
borne after a brief wedding tour.
"Well. Kate," said tbe stately lady
tbe day before tbe wedding, "every
thing is ready, and I must aay that I
never aaw preparation more complete
not even for yonr nncle'i foneraL
poor man I I alway meant to give yon
a handsome marriage porticn. So get
yonr bat We'll go to the bank. "
Wbat girl would delay coder similar
The carriage was speedily ordered,
and soon stopped beore tbe bank.
Except tbe bank official there was
In the building only George Travi ona
of Kate's discarded suitor wbo waa
getting an insignificant check cashed.
Mr Drlscoll waa not alow to te an
opportunity to flatter ber sails, a ber
worthy husband bad been accustomed
to say.
Drawing ber checkbook, abe smiling
ly wrote a check for 2.000 and pre
sented it to the rarhier.
"Payable to Miss Kate a marriage
portion, I presume. Ah, very generons
of yon I Mis Kate. I congratulate
you." said the cashier "Shall I make
the new book in your own name?"
"She wants no bock at least not
yet." retorted Mi Driecoll sharply.
"When I give a thing, I ajivs it. I
want good, solid iconey fur tbat check
bright, yellow gold."
"But why yoo live folly a mile
from a neighbor. Have yon do yoo
think of the temptation f" be aaid hesi
tatingly. "Did I ask yonr advice!" snapped
Mr DriscolL "I am able to take care
of my own property, and if it will not
break tbe bank I want it In gold."
"Certainly, madam. My conscience
is clear U yon wake np to find
yourself murdered tomorrow morning.
This bank can pay ten times that sum
at sight, madam," was the dignified
reply, to which Mr Driacoll listened
in curt silence.
Tie cashier went into tbe vault
cloning tbe door behind bim.
George Travis, having counted the
money received on bis check, went onl
without a glance at the two ladies.
"There I Now I reckon Travis begins
to realize what he bas lost. " nodded
Mrs. Driscoll.
Knte blntthed slightly
"But aunt," she snid uneasily,
"wouldn't it be better for me to take a
book with the money left to my credit!
Harry will not be here until tomorrow,
and and think of the risk I It ii un
safe." "How long is it since I came to be
told my duty by a miss of 187" breathed
Mr Driacoll scornfully. "What a cow
ard yon are I If yon don't want the
money, aay so, and I'll let it remain
where it i If yon do went it. hold
your tongue and help me take care of
it until I can give yon both into Harry
Winship' keeping."
Further conversation was prevented
by the catbier's return.
He carried a strong iron box.
"Count itl" commanded Mr Dris
colL '
One by one tbe golden coins were
counted nnder her admiring eye
"There, that is money! That is like
a wedding gift I" she ejaculated In a
satisfied tone.
"Better let me give yon a receipt for
Hand pat it into tbe safe tonight,"
auggested the cashier.
"Put It Into my carrlagel" was the
harp order to tbe bank porter.
The man obeyed and watched with a
pnzzled face tbe carriage out of sight
"She beats all I ever saw," he said.
"I don't wonder ber husband died."
Meanwhile Mr Driscoll returned
borne well satisfied with the world and
herself in particular.
She bad had ber own way.
"I shall not put ?uis nnder my pil-
low as I urnsrally do." aha said to
Kate. "Thla hui is harder than feath
er I shall put It audnr lbs corner of
your bed."
"Thanks, anntl Iron la as soft a
feathers for me to lie on," lattgbeJ
"You needn't lie upon that side of
the h.d at all." was the cd reply.
"There's a man In the kitchen as
tnvt he's had not a mouthful to rat for
ten ilaya," tald Norah. the servsut. ap
pearing at the door.
"The farm is only a mile farther on.
tVml hi in abort his butlneaa," an
swered her mistrra
North went out.
Soon a figure clothed In rag wsut by
the open window.
Th wan turned and shook hlscllocb
sd tUt at the astonished lady.
"Of all thlngsl The Impudent thlngl"
the gnsped.
"Oh. bnt. annt. I'm snre h bat
beard all that we tald about that hor
rid money I" faltered Kate,
Mr DriscoU'a face told the concern
whlrb the felt, hut aha turned her back
upon brr niece and look up a Uk.
Darkness ram
The light In the h nte were extln
gnlthed at the nsue! tima,
Kate could not sleep. In vain ah
conntrd slowly from KM and aald lb
lettrrsof the alphaN't backward.
Slit beard the village clock slowly
atrlk the bonr tf midnight, then 1,1
and 8.
Kate' Bportuirct was dark, bnt th
moon thone dimly into hr aunt' room
jnst arrosa the ball.
Suddenly a form stod In the door
way, then vanished within.
Wasilth tramp T Wa that some
thing In his band a knlfeT
Kat stole softly through the door
way, lltlrciug brraiblrtaly. Then b
darted into a small room bear Mr
Drlscoll' dor
Suddenly the door wa Dolsrlrasly
closed and a man atood to near her bid'
lug place that the could bear hi har
ried breathing.
Tot faint odor of chloroform told
why tbe door was closed.
What if be gave an over lat
Kate loved the item woman, and not-
1 withstanding brr timidity that thought
ttrrvrd her to action
She sprang from the room with a
thrill cry. clinching both band In th
hair of the Intruder It I nwdle to
say that be was startlrd out of wbat
Utile common artse be imesewiL
He threw brr violmlly aside with a
mattered oath and fiVd. Hut be IrM a
gi urrout lock of balr In her band
lirr head struck a corm-r of tbe dr
in falling, aud It wa dawn when th
awoke to full consciousness of what
bad barpened.
Womanlike, the rushed to a If tb
Iron box waa still is fa It bad Dot been
disturbed. Then she threw open tb
door of Mr. Driscoll' run. Tbst Isdy
wa nnconscicn tnt trratbing evenly
Kate' coarage letnrned.
Silently alia opened tb window, let
ting lb freb morning air draw freely
through the room. Then she crept Into
ber own txd to await development
Before sunrise Mr Drlscoll awok
"Mercy on nsl" the screamed. "No
rah did not shut the window last night
I ahall get my death of cold. Kate!"
Hut Kate did not stir nntil brr nam
bad been called teversl time Then the
answered drowtily
"Get np, child I It' yonr wedding
day, too, and I in dangrr of pnea
monla." called her annt
Kat abut tbe window and helped
tbe irate lady to drrr. touching ber
bair with dainty, soothing fingers as
aba arranged it
The bonsehold arose and went shoot
its task Visitor! came aiid rreut. Kat
kept ber secret well. The ceremony wa
over wblcb made brr a wife. Tbe bridal
dreaa waa exchanged for a traveling
coat am
"1 sbtll take tbe iron box totbe bank
as we go to the train, anntie," Kale
aaid aa she bad ber good by.
"As yoo pleat I've had my aay
about it, and do barm cams of. It ei
ther," was tbe tart reply.
No one knew of tbe tragedy wblcb
did not take place In tbe silent watches
of the night.
No one knew nntil Rata, nestling In
ber bnsband'a clasp a tbe train sped
onward, tcld bim tbe atory In ber own
way and time.
"But the bair did yon save it! It
Is a clew," be said quickly.
"I burned It" waa tbe calm reply.
"I did not need to save It for I knew
wbona it wa I alway thought he
liked annt'a money better than m
Now I know tbat be coveted the dowry
more than the bride. Hot the money is
safe in tbe bank, and wasn't It stmnge
tbat ha should be there to see it de
posited !"
"Net George Travis!- ejaculated
"Yes; let bim go," she whispered
softly, nestling closer. "Thhik what he
lost what you gained, Hurry, dear.
Let his own conscience pnuisli hiin if
he bas any. We'll never let aunt know
Mott's Nerverine Pills
' The great
f i JjjA rvout prcav
tf fi 'V u nervous
A ? d, diraes of the
i-jU.' Kturative or.
will kcPponr first scrtt forover." I OUliU ll J IVIMtlT TO :.3t ,j fV lATino
rry Vinnhip was a man. Ha cnld 1 gA0i DpaCABisnT eoaoica iiwiso machini t,r.-,M.r.i.a 7JTiS VJrKSl I T
refuse bis wife's first rcrincst. nn.1 s-..;.. - V f- 1VJ
Driacull does not know to ttiis day 1 iniuVr, XT' 1 T?rw
at daDKcr menaced bcr.-Frud IZtZuXZlZ i,., ,.;;,,4.h.,nil,h, m)l. I ;;;;! !
all Jr., in .Cincinnati IlfraU. JirXTOIy I . ' I
rK';" T i Tl id
"""lr.'r,-!.l"',,,4'L,',r,.l', ms usisai aTauitata t It I TTnr i n
llfcOllll. AUD S ItH LHIMI. gar), 0( tilfoj
kx, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing a
lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emi
tions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, t
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whlc
lead to Consumption and Insanity. Ujfr.
Set box by mail 6 boxes for $5.00.
!0TTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Clereland. Ohloi
For aala by 0. O. IinntleT. ,"
I IS W IS L 12 R,
0p. Huntl7, Drug Htoro,
Ureal Hritnln atxl America.
jAOilt OlaHY,"!' rHi'l'HllTOll
luteal I Per Day ami t'pwanls.
IJvery and feed Mta'ile In Coioiu'liun ltll
(lis Ibtii. Ilursss and H'lKS's l'
ll at K'sso'ialile Kate.
liar tUIptlel erllb Oie fined elnss, ll Uoft
anil elfars. Wrlnlisril't IW oil
v,lMi, BO YlAHt'
Taaoc Maaat
Pat. . el LftfJivjrwv
'rMM" CoevsjiOMTS Ac.
Anrnna am.ttnf a an4 iInbihh mtf
awlrtlf Air, nor ,.iMWi Tree vfe Mi
,I(II.M M ,fcMr ltM .M.l,Mkfc
IkMM Ulrtlf NMa.tUIUI. llMulbnitM I'MMtla
etl I'M. llt4 a0-y f Mn.Mt.f pilwil.
!! Ukt ibxmt ttuum S t k mill
amul au, Hfc.l ', la lk
Scientific JImcrican.
nUim r wf -wue v,ni tt a
1mr I fr KKilkt, k tuM l Si)
IWUNNiaCo."" -NewYork
lireMe uau. a t Wliuiu. U U
Aurora Harness Shop
We Mako a HjK'cialty of low prices.
Our Ixa.Ur in TKAM HAU.NKSS.
(far StiK-k incluilcH Kvvrything Worn ly a Homo
Wo Huy HiiloH for Cash.
Kt op U'atlivr For Sale. Do All KimlilU'jiairing
R. W. Ziininerinaiia Proprietor
Ctilckra, or
. I m .1
s Utt the
vi AuwKa-Baviuf ovr a aillllun snl s-lialf iruly h o i
tli.akVUT'' ,oJ u br
bempleolFAKM JOURNAL and clrmlardeacrltHof tllflflLB BOOKa tirt
wn.Msa araiMMiii.
Cut. . jantiaa.
intoutv u i uk
.. r. Iiilill,
rip.in nea as arm ta mr m ts fsua aaara ... ii.i . .
s imMiii riiikTiir torn Mtnii
hflllYM II. ..... u mm..
V , .......!E.a.iJVrr. lb heat
iHifwad end 'iMMiraud
raatara, a'l)uatalla
ba4. IHMlllva firtir
1 Ih,M".- .f
liot.liln wlh't.r, aIJutltl lNarlliHa, wlaiil
kllni of lanrjr work.
SSatS. anif fk.fi
'a ai . V V; . " ' " ere aarllia .! I" HO.OO, T JTOOr rraieni etro; -.u ul. i
?'?, ","? Uma mililnihrrninnllnuu a ru art oul aallalix- UBHSB v j
IHoare. Him.iui.. a i-a .M ,i..a....i.im i..i.il ... i
pAKMERS . . .
Your toiuu will have th, L,.
Full Measure of Feed
Atiho .
City Mtnblcn.
W.H. YOUNC, Prop.,
! W. H, Cook,
LI w Ulg on Hlmrt Notice,
Telephone No. 42.
m r Utw. fJmtk
sl " i ,' Vmu V!y
1S()0 miles of Iongdb
Utico telciihuiifl aira
Orrjcn and Wasliinin
now in fltwrfttinii U th
Oregon TfIc.ioiioanJTI.
rraph ciinany.
rortlatul, rVattle, Rpo.
kana, Tacotna, Halrm
Walla Walla, iVmllrU,
Albany and 1m e.tiifr tuwna
in tlio two states ic th
Quick, wcurate, chrap.
All the fatisfactlon of
Iwrsoiial ouitiiiutilcalinn.
)istanr no efftvt to t
clear unilnrstati.litijf.
kane a easlljr liKarJ it
irrgiiii fit j office at
Harding's Drug Store.
Portland. - Orfgon.
A Firm tfhrir of BneqoarscJ vatae frac icau
I'p-t''tc. Conctu an 4 CnmrrcbcnUve Ur i
aoffltly rrlotc4 and auiifully llltuUiKJ.
No, i-nKKii.n noRsn hook
Allshml tl'itvs a Cinnmaa SreM Treat lee, II hi .see
JilllMUalluaeiaslaBjdenl wutk. rtke.aateaU
Allttsnrt tok. Smell frulle-reeit aejit ererej hw .
ruatalM 4i ciliMtJ ii.ike rtliMilcMu4slll4tu,(
etrlrilee mji iiiher llltMlislloiM, t ike, Cu
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