Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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f kant at tna Oelna..
Errr see cyclone, wiyf Hit the
worlil and nuinrh away? Fat up
tiotiHen, fences, trees. Just aa cany as
jrou please? ict a liimtle oa lit Jawa?
$ tripe llio earth llh (IciitllNh claws?
Hump Ita bark ami lake a run throiiRh
U orchard Jiint for fun? From a hill
4o hollow flit, accmlng to p't strejiirtb
fr;.i It T Never mi-n oue? Well, I
Jlns! It'a a peaky sort of ttilnr.
Ftr see a cyclone, nay? Take Ita
track anil phh'.I away! Switch Ita tall
iid snort and ImiiihI. Just like light
cine o'er the i;ruiiid? Oct a swift movo
with Ita foot, raolnc for the winning
teat? Thou cavorting up and down,
lieoillnR no law of the town? Pushing
verythliig aside? Out upon a gayly
rldo? Aa though o uluu all the track,
vor onwartl, uever back? Never wro
one? Well I awow! It'a a buster,
anyhow I-KIngMoy (la.) Times.
Yaratlas lt.
Pave durlnic the rainy season
Lcfrvy. In western Australia, la
dry. Hut aa the water evaporates aa
the hot weather approaches a aiuooth.
lany floor of crystalline aalt la ile
roclted. Those living on the aboree
Lave found a meana of utlllalng thla.
All boats whlt-h aall on the lake
when possible are, during the rainy
season, fitted with four wheels, and
thus are ruaMed to continue their
travel. Aa take Lcfroy ha an arva
of 1J0 miles, and the surrounding coun
try la extremely rough, this meaua a
irreat saving In expense, labor and
time. The speed attained ly theae
wheeled yachta la very considerable,
Ihough not quite equal to the pace of
the Ice yachta ao popular In Canada,
Cincinnati Lnqulrer.
A Senatorial Slaader.
Two ladles visiting In Washington
daring oue of the sessions of congress
went to the capltol to hear the pro
ceedings In the I'nlted Statea acnate.
Most of the galleries being filled, they
approached the doorkeeper of the sena
tors' gallery, where admission la by
card. Aa they did not po.et thla
ias.-port, the doorkeeper suggested
that they procure oue irotn any senator
they might lx acquainted with.
"Put we do not kuow any senator."
they replied.
"Well It la very much to yonr cred
It." aald the doorkeeper. "Pass right
In, ladies." San Francisco Argonaut
II Is a Art.
"Oh. yes, he Is a follower of one of
the higher art."
"Well, he doesn't look It. What does
he dor
"Ife's a professional flagpole paint
the Utah Class Expert
Owl the Old Mastrra.
Speaking of old plcturea," aald a
New Orb-ana dealer, "It la very Inter
esting to se a really high class Euro
pean expert making an examination.
The exteut and diversity of the Infor
mation of such men are something as
tonishing. Some years ago I spent a
couple of days with a gentleman who
la recognized aa one of the foremost
ronuolssetirs of Farls. We visited sev
eral country places which contained
j'letures said to be of great value, and
In fill he InsjiecteU upward of two doz
en canvases.
"In every Instance he settled the
questions of date, period and painter
Leyond all reasonable doubt. The warp
and woof of the canvaa, the wood
composing the backing, the nature of
the boring1 made by worms, the work
manship of the tacks, the character of
the pigment and certain minute pocul
taritles in the mounting were all like
o many pages of print to him. lie
was Intimately acquainted with the
style of hundreds of different artlsta,
the models they used, the colors they
most aff'X-ted. their tricka of compoai
tiou and their peculiar methods of ex
pressing the effects of light and shade.
"To an outsider It seemed like magic
'A copy,' he would say, for Instance,
after a swift glance at a painting, 'h
was made by Ho-and-so, a pupil, who
had very much the style of bis master.
The date la about' (here be would
name It with Infallible accuracy), 'and
If you tt-an that left hand corner I
dare say you will find the signature in
Tcrniillon.' In several cases be was
fully borne out by documents In pos
session of the owner, and In all be was
sustained by circumstantial evidence,
lie told me very modestly that be bad
devoted 40 years to the close study of
Tiis profession ami was Just beginning
to apprehend dimly bow little he
kucv." New Orleans Tlmes-Demo-crat
lirmiirkahle ICfscae.
5frs. Michael Curtain, I'lainfield, III.,
nukes the statement, that she cauglit
coll. which settled on her lungs; she
whs 'rested for a month by her family
phytirian, but grew worse. He told her
lal ewHsa hopeless victim of consump
tion and that no medicine could cure
her. Her dru'giijt suggested Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption; she
bouglit a bottle and to her delight found
herself benefitted from first dose. 8he
continued its nse and after taking six
SxiltWa, found herself sound and well;
(near does her own Lout-ework. and is as
wtll us she ever was Free trial bottles
ot Ibis Ureat Discovery at Geo. A.
ll.ir trig's Drug Store. Large bottles 50
ertr and $1.00.
Wanted bevehal Bbioht and Hon
i2T j.ereions to represent us as Managers
in '.hid and close by counties, .Salary
J'.I'JO a year and expenses. Straight,
bonu-fide, no more, no less salary. Posi
tion permanent. Our references, any
bsnk in any town. It is mainly office
wo-k conducted at nome. Keterence.
lor-e self-addressed stamped envelope, i
Tju Domikiom CoMPAfty, Dept. 3, Chicago
HUmark'a Iran Nrm.
Was tha result of hia splendid health.
Indomitable, will anil tiemondoue enerny
am not foutnl where stomach, liver,
kidney and bowels ara out l order. II
you want the qualities and tha success
they brliitf, nw lr. Klim'i New Life
Pill. Tliry develop every power of
brsin anl body. Only 1'5 cent at
Ueo, A. Harding' drug atoie.
I mmI by llrltl-h Hul.llrri la Ah Ira.
Capt. C. tl. lVnniaon is well known
all over Africa aa commander of Ilia
forces that raptuied the Unions rM
Ualishe, I'n.ler date of Nov. 4,1 $97,
from Vryburg. IWIuianalatid, he writes:
"IWfore starting on the last campaign I
hoiiiiht a quantity of Clismberlains's
Colic, Choleia ami llarihoe Hennsly,
which I used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and had given lo my
men, and in every rase It proved must
beneficial." For sale by 0. A. Harding
Wheat Wanted
Highest market price paid for old and
new wheat. Wheat stored Ireo until
August 1st 10O0. Sacka furnished free.
Fast T. Ih asT,
Aurora Holler Mills. Aurora, Or.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption; used through the
world for half a century, liss cured in
numerable cases of incipient consumpti
on and relieved many inadvanced stages.
If you are not satisfied with the results
we will refund your tnonev. Price 'J5
els., and Wet i. and I MX). C. 0. Huntley,
the Druggist.
Teacher' In-titute.
A local institute for the teachers of
Clackamas county will be held at the
school house in West Oregon City, Sat
urday, November, 25, 1SW, beginning at
1 o'clock p. ra., to be followed by an
evening session.
Uoll call, response by teachers, with
memory gems.
i:ioKraplir of Wendell I'hillips,"
Frof. J. W. Gray.
"Personal liecollectiona of Turkey and
the Turks," Hon. D. I'. Thompson, of
''Seliool Libraries," Mrs. Kvsns, 0- .
Wrg'J. j
Illustrated lecture in the evening "by
Prof. A. Ii. Sweetser, Forest (irove.
Luncheon will be served to country I
leAchers at 12 o'clock Iinner setred i
to all in attendance at 5 p. tn. in school
Famk U. Pohtkb,
J. C. Zixseb,
City Elwtion Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a general election held in Oregon City
Oregon, on Monday tha 4th day of
I Seemlier 18'JO, between the hours of
nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p.
m. for which election there has been
designated the following polling
Ward No. 1. Tha Cataract Engine
House, corner of Main and Third atreeta,
in said city.
Ward No. 2 Tne Fountain Hose Com
pany's Engine House on Main street be
tween Seventh and Eighth streets, in
said city.
Ward No. 3 The Engine House of
Hose Company, No. 3, on John Q.
Adams street between Seventh and
Eighth streets, in said city.
At said time and place the following
officers w ill be elected by the duly quali
fied voters of said Oregon City.
A mayor for the term of one year.
A treasurer for the term of one year.
One councilman from the First ward
for a term of three years.
One councilman from the Fecond
ward for a term of three years.
Three councilmen from the third ward,
one for a term of one year, one for a term
of two years and one for a term of three
There has been appointed by the City
Council of Oregon City the following
persons to act as judges and clerks of
laid election.
Ward No. 1-M. E. Willoughby, J.
Stewart, Ed Reckner, judges; N. L,
Moody, J, W. Boatman, clerks,
Ward No. 2-C. C, BarJCock, S. S.
Walker, E. F. Howell, judges; J.
Rh'ades, F. W. Greenman, clerks.
Ward No. 3. J, N. Harrington. D. G.
Frost. R. G. Pierce, judges ; George Ely,
L. Stipp, clerks.
Published by order of the city council
of Oregon City made at a regular meet
ing held on Wednesday, Nov, 1, lHO'J.
Baicg C. CiHuv,
Dated at Oregon City, on Nov. 10, 'SKI.
Beauty Is Dlood Deep,
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities irom we nouy. iiegin to-day to
banibli pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
C'ascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
giats, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c.
ROOT. Is not recommended for
everything, but it you
have kidney, liver or
bladder truutite it will lm
found just the remedy you need. At drug
gists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You
msy nave a sample bottle of this wonderful
near riiarnverv hv mull frp a Inn MmnhLi
teliimr all about it. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Woman's Best Friend.
WAvrtt 8sval IUuiiit' aki Hum
ist If rns to represent us as Msgers
In this and cloae by counties, haiaty
iHK) a year and eiwtiae,, Straight,
(na tide, r,o more no less aalary. IV
sition erniaiieiit Our references, any
bank in tow n. It is mainly olll.e work
Conducted at lioin. Kelereme. Fu
el use self-addressed sitn-el enveloi.
Til IVmikiom Comiaiv, leit. S.CIiicago
' I wouldn't be wilt. out DeWitt'a
W'itrh Hmel Salve for any considera
tion," writea Thoa, II. Kli des, Center-
! fi'ld. 0. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns
and skiu ulseaaea. licwsr ol roun'er
feits. (iso. A. IIasiuno.
Ihfrhintri lh irma
huvtlmf I hm aufl If rl.
1,1 nh lr' I IIKIMIV A I b.Ii
?T4hina vill rMlftlHil awr la lh
MMM amtrmm "I IS UfttttMrift,
! ur diaf. Th b 4uti
fMtllrt fur I Urn natijwi w9 th
bm ! lMr&l hi . lif fA.
lMifBUNMi M1 in til
4tt4 lh mmi ltl'ai linu ty
a4 all rrfaaff
Digests what you cat.
It artificially digests the food and aids 1
Tiature, la itretigtheninif and recoo
n n n
tructlngtha exhausted digestive or-1 J'ig'"n you for a it r. di-
eans. lttthelateUdlcovereddl,Test. l-'vl"i,h" n.airts t.ir. i ii.it..R i-
..i.jin.i X' Mhn r.nnilnn ' t)n y-iu anil laintill lirralu mi lh
sat and tonic o ot her prcparatloa i r),tIllll70, . ,, a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,uf . p.fl,.i
can approach It In elllciency. It Iff (, , f ,.,i(.,io u. rum
stantlyrelleTej and pertuaDently cures 0f ii,,,,,,,,. tm iuninwns u
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, j nii,ii.rnsi by onir of ih Hn. J.li. ci
Flatuleoce. Sour Stomach, Nausea, I land. Jmlg of in ith Judicial dmrai ol
aJlfttherresultiiof inirH-rfectdlirestloa
Prepared by C & OcWltt Co, Ct'J8
For sale by Oeo. A. Harding.
Lenl Noticen.
Malice ! i'iajal stetileisient.
Kotirs Is hereby glvm, that Hi under
itfned. adminUtralor f lh reai of Chris
' tlan Moriok. dn-rasol, has flint his final
.miml In II. 'frniiolw ('., ..I lit kl . I. ..f
Orvtfnii lor llarkanis county ai inch ad
ministrator, and that Tiisdy, January 21,
1'JU), at Hi hour of 10 o'clock a. in. list
bern tiled hy Hi Hun. Tho. K. Kyan,
JU'Ik of id court, a lh tlm for hranng
any and all objections to said rurt and
Id M-ltlnnenl thereof.
Dsted Novenihr R Hit.
miiiiiirstor of said ratal.
Dimii kA Eastham, attorn) (or admin
istrator. IM'.TI.TItMN.
C. fcteveni, plaintiff,
Louis Roirers, B. B Rog
ers. J. C. H ilars. J. 11. Itog
ers. Frrd Kogern, M rs. K. U.
Heelev, Mrs. W. II. Harris,
Ktlella Koert, Kthel Kuiter
Ualdi Kogtra, Claude ling
ers, Ulanclie Knger, delt-nd'
To Fred Rojcer and Mra. W. II. Harris,
- taid Defendants.
In the name of the Slate nf Oregon: You
and each of yon are hereby required lo B.
pear and answer the complain! tiled again!
yon in the above entitled suit on or about
the l.'itl: day of January. !!, and if you
fail to answer for want tliertol, tli plaintiff
will take a decree foreclonliig Hist certain
morigatre rxreolni rm the Jfiiii day of Hep
ti-iuher, K, hv James Koger and biui
Kogers. his lfs. to secure the suui ol lluO.i0
Upon the following described resl etUte sit
uated In C'lackatna county, Oregon, and
more particularly described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at the northwest comer of the
southwest (piarier ol the north went (jiiurter
of section 0, the same being a point on the
section line between sections H and ',) in twp
4, south uf range 3, east of tho Willauietie
meridian; and running thence south along
the section line 30 chains to a point equi
distant from the northwest corner and the
southwest corner of the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of aection 0, thence
easterly on a line to divids that part or the
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of sum siction u which lies wilblii the hus
band's part of the Donation Laud Claim of
Mathias Uses and wife into equal halves
).'(.. 'Ci chains Pi the nivislon line between the
husband's snd wife's halves of the said Do
nation Land Claim of Mathias Keet snd
wife; thence northerly along said division
line .'JO chains to the north boundary of said
Donation Land Claim of said Msthiss Hees
and wife; thence west MXl chains to the
pla'-e of beginning containing 40 acres more
or less.
Also the following: beginning at the
northeast corner of the soutbwebt quarter
of the northwest ouarler ef section 0 t 4, s r.
3. east of i.he Willamette meridian; and
running thence weati rods; thence south
Iff) rods; thence east W, rods; thence north
l'JO rods to the place of beginning, contain
ing acres more or less: all lying and be
ing in Clackamas county, Oregon.
And foreclosing and barting you and each
of you ol all right, tide, and interest thete
in, save the statutory right lo redeem.
This summons is published by order of
Hon. T. A. Mcliride made In open court at
Oregon City. Oregon, on tha 10th day of
November, ltt9.
Attorney for Plaintilf.
First publication Not. 17, IHM.
Dirt's Worst Enemy.
no 1 1 i:.
In th maltrrol Ilia aulgiinisnl of Us'"
llloii 1 1 rot. a rtnrrlil, anil lltorgs A.
Ilsmllloii, and K. C, llsmlilun, IntoUsnl
Nolua Is hsrahy glvtn that Ilia amltr
tiiinail, algur ol lh alorall ImmiIohI
raiaia. liss lllml hi llnal rsirt tn tli
Orvull t'uiirt of I'laekamaiConntv. Orroii,
ami lh taul rnurt ha flint III I till lav el
January, A l 1 for Ilia hrarlna' ot utx
IkciIoii II any. lo muI llnal riort ami '
Dual Mlllriiitiil lliif.
Orrgon City, NoT. H.
.twllre ! I'lsiail NelllrmrNt.
tliiilrralgnril, f irrnlor of Hi !' nf t. II.
I.ra'llrn. ilrr.. has 1111 In Coiinly
I'o'irl of lh tli ol (Triton fur t'larkamaa
C.iiinlv, hi Hnl si-oomI a sneli etmilor
ol aid' raialr, sil Hist Miimlar, lh I ltd ls
of rrviiihrr, al Hi liuiirof ooVl.
a. in. h hrn tlixl ty lh Hon. TIum. K
Itmn, Jielt of lilrmirl Ilia lima l"f
hrarlhg of ol)-lliiii loislil rvnl anil lh
flllriiivnt llirrvul.
J. .lis l.sasuss.
Ficulr ol th ttat ol K. II Ul-
II 10 13 8.
IN Tit K I'lltiTI T I'OFHT of tha (Hal
of Or' ii, for ttir romuy of Clsekamaa,
A r Ainlrwii, plaiiiiltT,
Anna luia Anilrraon, M I
In lh Nam otitis Mai of I Iff run : Yon
ra l.errl'jr iiilrl lo a'lr ami imi'i
Ida roiiiplanil ftlr.l axalnat y.m III
lh sIhv illtlrl sun on or l"'
Ilia .'li day of Nnmlir, ln,
llial bring tli Hm rr-rilirl In Ilia
nnli-r for in nlil itioii of Ihla aiimniiin;
Ilia lay of Ilia Ural ulile allun uf Una aiinc
limii iirli'g on Id I llli day of lN-olwr,
in! If y iu tail to to acinar and sntwrr, in
ilaiililf a III ap.ly In Hi anl rn ir for in
rrlif nyrd fur hi hi romp'alnt lo all:
f ' of irg.n.
lat.i. Hciohar n,
llsoasiLL A I'mrtii l asp l.ur St: r-r
Alloruryt for I'lsiiilill,
Nn an twain a
IX THKCIUt'flTCOCItTof th hii
of Oregon lor Clackamas County.
Th Oregon Mortgage Company
Umllail, plainlin,
J. A Logan and P. A. !ngan,
To J A. logsn and V. A. logn, th
above named defendant:
In Ilia nam of lh HiaU ofOragon, You
ar hereby required to'r and mak ana
war to plaimlll's coiiiplalnt on or hefor lh
i'lth day ol .Noramber, IH , and If yon fail
to so aiqiear and make answer plaintiff will
apply to lb court for tli relief demanded
In th taid complaint so filed sgainal you,
to wit: For jiiilgmant sgalnat you in lh
full sum of f i,;iM with in Ure.t thereon
at the rats ol sight ixir cent ir annum
Irom the l.llh day of July, Ixm, th dale of
tha bringing ofihlt suit, all In I'nlted
Mutes gold coin, snd lh further sum of
y)i)H) attorney's fee and lh cost and
disbursements of Ibis snil, and for s decre
of th said court adjudging that the said In
debtedness and th whole thereof it a Mrs!
Hex on Ih following detcribed real urn-
party eliuat In Ih county uf Clackamat
ana siai oi uregon, io wu:
Beginning at a point on Ih eat
boundary of the (leorg Will's Donation
I .a ud Claim 1 1 11 chains south ol
th northeast corner of said I). C.
and running llienr along the eat
boundary of said claim H I'l chains to Ih
northeast corner of lh J. Massen IO) ai re
tract, thence west along th north boundary
of J. Massen'a HI acr trad ciialnw lo
the left bank of Johnson's crm'k; thence
slung taid creek on th north boundary of
J. Allison's tract ami north boundary of
David Will's tract north fi t drg, 30 minutes
west 8.75 chains north 75 dcg. wet A oft
chslns wett 2 'l chslna north 4.' di g west 2
chains north o'.' dg. wett 3 chalni, thenc
along taid creek on th east boundary ol
Allen Brsdford's irsct north 2.deg. wrtl, 4
chains north 45 (leg, east 2 75 chain lo a
i-olnt in tho section line between sections
I!) and 30, tn 1 tou'h, range 2 east ol lh
VVillauietta Meridian ; thence easterly along
said section line l.'lliA chains to a point,
thence south Uf.) deg, east 2. PI chains, Ihenn
south fll deg, 45 minutes, eat 15.7.1 chalnt
lo th toiltiieaal corner of the Dnwell tract,
thence along the south boundary ot tJhrls
fprisnVs tract south H!l deg. 15 inln. east
11.77 chains lo ilia place of beginning con
taining 43.22 acres, more or less. Also be
ginning at a olnl In the township line be
tween lownibipt on south, rangn one east
and toi, ship one south, rangn two east ol
the Willamette Meridian IH 50 chains north
of tha Intersection of taid township line and
the south boundary ol the George Will I).
L. C. and running thence east 20 chains;
thence north 1.07 chains, thence west 2d
chains and thence south 1 07 chains to place
of beginning containing acres, more or
less. The above lands hereby mortgaged
containing forty-six and (Illy live hun
dreth acres, more or less, and directing
that the same be sold for the satisfaction
of the said debt and that the purchaser at
the said sale take such (f tin thereto as was
hail by the defendants herein on the second
dsy of February, lnu'1, with ail title by them
tine acquired, and that the delnndants and
all persons claiming under them be fore
closed and barred of all right, title and
equity in and to the taid property, and that
plain till may have such other and further
relief as to the court thall seem meet,
This summons is published hv order i,f
the Hon. T. K. Kyan, County Judge for the
County of Clackamas, made the nth day of
October. !!. Date of first tnil.llri.ii,,n
October 13th, 18!, '
Bsow & M ( Cam a st,
Attorneys for plaintiff
I'.trrulrlt't ,"lllfS
Tin uii.lcfslg.ied has bmti l'l"tnl"J
Nulaoii, deceasHil. by the Conn f I ourt
ol lh Hlale ol Oiegon I'T t larksina
Coi.ntr.and has iiiatilUl. All lrson
having cUlms again! ald es'ala are
hereby iiollllcd In pres.Mil Ihn siime lo
inn with proper voiii lier. at mjf "!
,e. Hvc-mm "lolll, Ufkamae
couiiiv. "or In mv atlorii.-v'. -Me.srs.
Killin'A Mou..iiid.iiMiin;:7ll hamtssr
of Coin.iii.rre. PoitUml. Or.g m. wlililn
U month from this date or limy will
mi forever lulled
October .'H.IMW
Kam-iilila ollhs lal will ol lUdoil
Nelson, deceased.
It .1 12 I
Ml MM ".
in th k iiuci'ir c't' ii r
Hiale ol tirrg.ui lur I'' Oninl uf
of lh
Iltrhard Nnoii, aa tr-al vr
ol Ih. Portland tli'K
Hank, Vlalutlll.
Florenc. K. Adsllit. Iefeii'
Tn r"lurtic K. Ad'", d.f.'idanl
named ;
la tin Nws or vms Mrta Obsoum,
You a l"rhy ronunaiida.1 In anKar
and anawer lh Minipiam IH.d againtl fU
In the alsive .nillle.1 arilnn on or lathira Hi
lime di-acrtned In lh order for Ih piihllca
ii.... .,1 H. I. auiiiiiiiint lo w II ; on or liefiire
til Wreat tMrr Hi tlral publn-allnil here.il, I
an. I II tun lad lo ! seivar ami anawer tani
n. ii. flam I, lor waul llier.! h idalnlirl , 4-lrrUil fuf f u, , ' "i
will Bi ly to Ih Court f..r l r.ll'f In ''lr t'lai kamat Cuunly on or l. "
i.,.., .l-...,. .1.1 a, 1,.,-h la f.,a liiclar ... . ... "w "
tiMiiain. - --- -
......i ....ii,. I inn In lha aiilii ol It.laJiA
alih Inl.retl theranii al In ftl of lr1
rent er Blliiiltli tlnM Hi 1U ilaf of hepl ,
IVU; lr lh further turn of t'' llfl
Irrt III till ' linn and for hit rtnti and dia
buraruienlt hetrlli.
A ii, I villi ara her.l.V liollflrd llitl lilalnUft
L I ... I.. II.. II. I. . .,.. II,
naa i ani in i- .ia. - 'Vwi
f.il lu 1 nat dri
rl. real ealal tltui. HI
lb C Miiny of ('it. atmat,
Imi.liig In urn, lo w II ;
tlrrffiiti, and I" '
Ah uf hit ti. I V
II. l aH IU in liim-B .'. an o. mm i. '"
1 1 in bluet I. all in i"ii o i.an.ia hi "'
1. all ol lula I.' tn.l II in i'i"rt ii. an ui mm,,
a.e..rint,ti"i lllhera..oii fll. In
wRtif ill ih. Ilrr.ir.lrr .1 C.n.Vr ysnre
....I a,..l ,1.1. atlifth ailai'liliirtll
1 ....I i I.. l.l.Ma 7 ' all I, t.aal llrrililll I 11V.
... . ....... , . ... - --
alill In Ion. andliial In aal.lt. lluu id stl'l
hi. g.iienl lint i.ltliillir will raua lb. ttl.
of aald alia. I. rd .nirly.
Tn. dt't nf lb fl'tl i ubln adiui uf Ihla
ilium. mi It Novviiihrr ITili, Ki and lb
.11. uf in lal pub ! atl.ili la Dacu,larr
?Hb. !. wblr.i la lb la.t tla allMu
a I, I, Ii .i'I may a, i-rar and anaa.r lha
romplainl hrrain and Inn u.nui ii.i la pub
ll.lir l u'tii t In tn i.r.i.r ii. i. and an
lerrd lirrrlii by li. Cirruil Cu'l'l d lb.
Mai d O'rgun hir ib. '.'.unity of l it, ta
li, a. Il.ii manir r. A Mi lt'l.li', J :,lgr, on
Ih It'll day nf Su.rii liar. Il'i
It..) ru i.i.ay, row isAliitBia.
NiiniA D im. AH'iri.t)! Inr I'laJn
.are sri'laal HrlllrMr ail.
Ntirit'KIS IIKUKI'.Y il VKN. that
lha iltidera gne I a llliltllali tlr H of the
etale n (ie-i, M.s'k, ilrctiaarxl, lit Iliad
l,rr final aniluill ol tlirt adillllilalraliull
of taid ealale, In the roiinly roiirt uf lha
Mate of Oregon, for Cit. kainat Cunniy,
and that Ihn lion. Th.at K. Kyan. Imlg
ol taiil roiirl, lis ,uile, lb lib nay
of limriuUr, H'.r.i at tlitt Imur of 10
oVhark a. 111 at the lime f .r hrain g ol
jectlom lo stid siMiunl and Ida tot (le
nient of tan I eaio.
Dated Orrg m City, Oregon, O. I. ID.
I Him.
Assa triH a.
StiK'k, de'el,
II. Y. A (I. W.
said ealtt".
tli relate ol lieo.
hwoii, al tor bet for
What arc Necessities?
It is a Matter
of Opi?iionl
Ttc cot CTerytblnr I need. I'ye JuM
M y Mce of ncceislty li to bare plcnly lo eal snd a cbanft of aotbe."n!f
I went lo school I Urnci rcsJIn, rllcn and rethmellc, and (bat's all I need Tti
lay ibat Ifnoranl people won't KaoJ eny ibow al all la socliy la a few year, frol
now. 1 wooder tribal win be ibe caK.' "
man 01
t ' .rV u there Is laW, but It Is so aiwdated with Intern! 4
alone that Is foruottrn In the delight which It carries In Its performance. ChllM
11 im to meir own impulse., will ask qiieion,, and If you provlJe mm
answering you will encournge them, and caune delleht and pleasure In rese.in.h. U
now possible to go straight Into the very he.irt, (lie very sanctuary, of Ihetrm;
of learning anJ become acquaintej with the best wofki that men of genius ha
Cbe Olbck (Uorld
U Agreed that the
I) tin Best.
HfClUifl fill th rtvnrffl usl. 4
uinej in the NbW WKKNtR tNCYCLOPUDlA BHITANNICA, so tlutevrf
a . . . . -" " "'"iii iM
, wmo wan miu us lining, whether to learn the distance to Mars or nt
tie a square knot In a rope. All that the ancients have achieved la befora us. IM
experiences are at our service and command. j
im. I? eye.ry .onnVfho ,akM Jvntage of our marvelous offer and secures t j
il l i' f?1 edltlon.of the 'am" reference library, the thrift of time will repay I
after-l fH U th IKIiru nrl. k I I.. . . , , . i.-aiii 1
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nfCv wpb'iipd 1 ?S.rAyjf .KN0WU Dfin ' ' tlmt Is contained in m.
This edition of the Brltannlca contains 23,400 pages of two columns each, iM
columns, 36,000 feet of knowledge and Information. 40,000,000 words, )8 fullW
W Plates, 671 maps (all new) and plans Including 237 colored maps, over Uf
llustratloni over j.ooo biographies of eminent men and women of whom no men H
H made In the latest English edition of the tncyclopa-dla Brltannlca, or Its reprint
It Is unanimously endorsed by all competent Judges and scholars. f
.n nJ Sf 'J1 the eompleta let, 80 larara superb octavo volume. wj
fr?i.?faBook"c"?.an(f a Cu,(le t0 STitomatlo Reading" Is delivered M
freight charges prepaid, to any point In the U. b., upon receipt of only j
One Dollar $1.00) Cash,
Wo aro authorized to oftbr free of charge to all nc
bers who join tho Kncyclopaotlia club now WJWSIfcH
Kncyclopaodio Dictionary, price $8.00. Thin oflbr w t!0j
for Nov. only. Como in and oxamine tho books. j
Oregon City, Oregon. i
n.llc.al ri.i Nr -
VlirtCIl" I llfllbliv
Iiuilsralgiied Silnilnlalriliir nf n,.
Chat. II. Wad. iis.,d, . iii,ir,l','u d
Sl ivoillil In lh Coiinly ( , ' fin.
nfllregun for I'lsiksiiist piin,llv """'t's
diulnlalraUir, and thai Mumi.. ' "Ir
day nf Ihtwiiilwr, sl, l ii,,'i, '""i
o'eloefc a in. ha beau lt , ""ft I"
TIi.ni. K. lly...J..dg.of..i, e.,.,.,
(III. for hearing i y and ,,,,., I
taid rMin and ih ."iilsmrnl in,..., '
Dai.l Nov. I lili, w """
It. V. WALK, A l.,,1,,1,.
Ualor of a. .,,,.
Dl'.ih k , Ks.iliani, tuy t ff ,(1
,"llre mC l Ustl tirlllei,rll,
NOTICK IH Hr-.ltlr.llY OIVKN n...
it.ilar.lgn.d hat Ml I In II,. ( ,,,;,. (. .
iiuiK-i.iainu ma i in ma i Mini.
if I'lai kainaa I'iiiiiiI Hl.i. ..I ... ' ""'!
final r.Hir at admlidairalor u ,,, 'J
Andrew A. Hrs.i.hall, ilaiiH,, .,,,1 ,,
cmrl haa tltl Tuewlay, January' li i ,"
SI lOo'. loek a III. at lb. Iiii,. (,,, i' . '
of lh tenia and olij-i llnni lha,, (, '
iaiej ro. i no, iii
H Hit A VI II All
lit? I J I)
in tiik !'iitcnr ciiritr .,f ti ,,
of Oregon, for II. County uf ( ,,,
Ituth A. How, plalntlir. '
l( N How, ilrfendalil I
lull. lioa. in aiMiir i.)nij
Ivtidtiil I
In III hanit id lh. Hll of Orr,,
... ,i,,,.,,,ii i ... ,
' nine I'rewrni"! in i" oru r l.r lha tin,
,, i ... . .. .. r"
ration ol llil" tummiihi. la wu . n 0, uj
fur IIS W.ktll II ftltl i-il.raltay!
Iiaraof, In anawer lha iiin.laiii p, ,
ahi nllllJ rUa, and In ilelaull ha f
judgnianl Will b aulerwl .yaintl ynq , f
waul lli.rvtH. I am rlil ilan.an.ll f
plaliilitf III taid (smipUlul la lur l .lerna
A . . .. ....
ol Ililt Bimil illaauiiliia in e,i It i,f ,.,., i
i ,- u-.aiatldat liei arn iaii.il (..jl
- i.
fendani; Thai l-lainlllT hat the tara ti f
i . ...i ...iM... ,..i '
IH4 1.4
.,, ur,.r rallrl aa pi II. .a .,
ii. cw. t
of tl,
,, M ilrarna-l mnl anil r.,..l..i,
b, J4. , ,. Hral .II.
.,", ..,bll.ied furauti l lo tn'oTw
, h,. i., h Hon. Tl" lit an. Kin , 1
It .. , . . , ,. 1
.. - . . . ..
ma i iiuniy .nut in i .riiii.n ,hh,i,
Ull , ,,y ,i. ,u '
I'.an a . l.i.TN.t
Aibilnrya rm I'lalutif.
.Ur. Itr I'MlallrMllaa)
I'nllrd rila'ea land nltl , llia ,a l'i
Orrgon, Ocluber o, su,
NOtll K H IIIKlllV Ii I V IN n,ti
eMuilltiir a lib lb ,(mi,,ii wf lllt art
can, great of Jan. J s.S, tnii.. "At tl
Inr lb. atle nl lliulr la'. la n II,' ila at
I am, unit, ""fin, ,-iaiai an.i n .a
lull tefiluiiy." aa r,.iida-l lu a. Mba pi.
land alalrt by ail A" nt I H '
Miaa.iur A. T. Van U i.kirt. ..( VI ua J
r.,un y i'l Clay atn ta. aula l Drag in,
I lla i ty filed In Ihla nrtlr l,rr teo-l
tia'emei.l .So .'Pd. fur lh. i nr. I ,.( i j
t li i V.'. a I,' n 4 .. ar. . i .n i j
: In l.ianai li No. 7. t range .V. I a,
' ol'af pliMif In tnoa llitl lh Ian I ial j
I nun. ah. ab . Ir Ita iu.lr i.r .:.,i,a iin(
I tor tg'lrullurtl .U'o. and tn ft'-:
I br r'tl.ii to taid Ian I brtme II, a t(W.4
land r.iaH.r nf Ililt i.m.a, al 'r.'uti (i
!". on "n ity. i. sin oay oi v. u.-
l'l hh. hanir at Willirawa
Dt. I I (' Hal. I., of Mnialit.
VI, U hall put at, of riiriltnil, .Urf
synih'a A. I'm. of klo'aiia, 1 'ir .1., J,
N. llitl. Id, of Molalla. Orrg..ri
Any and a'l 'aint claiming tdiarw
IN. a.Heileacrila. landa '. Ifxlad
fl'a in.lr rlaiint In II, la i,rtl,.on i.f Ll
tai l Sib day ol Jtnna.y pin,
t'llAH. II. W'M'ilKs.
TIm fool It hippy thtl
know, 00 Biurt,"
bad my breakfatl.v
Is not a luxury but a prime necessity to the Uboti
M-u.iy. 1 want amuvinent but that 0w
exclude Improvement. When a man ii enf .ierd In ituJ
OiCy'doprtdia Dritaimiu
....14 I U ml
KTr.11 wriirr. nni ana d cxmi
rnosi sanguine areams. vjc"l"","7)