Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Puhltaticcl Kvery Friday.
L. I- rORTKK, rwrwroi
On.year . 'J"
Ml month 1
Trial uhcritlon two months
A discount o V) mill on all subscriptions
for ont var, 25 (tun lor six months, M
paid in advanc. .
drrrUung rate gWtn on application.
Subscribers 111 And h dst of iplr
turn tnpd on their paiis following
tbotr name. If this dsU Is not changed
within two wrcks nr a payment, kindly
otify n and w ill loos after It.
for more than 45 rents a bushel,
you will never do it until you restore
liver dollar to iu place at the is
to I. There will never be any
times in this couiilry until the coinage
silver at 16 to 1 shall be rstabli
It shows how well be knows wh
was talking elniut. but then this
wss furnished C. 0. P.
of Id
at he
w in J
Xntertd st the potoffle In Oregon City,
Or., as second claM matter.
Bearer Creek....
Union Mill
Meadow Brook...
New Era
Kagle Creek
Cherry villt
...,lr. T. B. Thomas
Deo. Knight
A. Mather
....trar WiMinger
U. J.Truliinger
Cha. Holman
W. 8. Newberry
Henry Miley
F. L. Riiwell
' J.Q Ua
... C. T. Howard
,' R. M.Cooper
Annie ftubhs
E. M. Hartman
B. Jennings
V... Henry A. Snyder
.. ,.H. Wilbern
J- C. Klliott
F. G.vtich
"V ... Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolpb Aschott
Tub editor of the Courier-Herald
come out with lota of froth and as
usual tries to olcur the (mint la Issue).
The Enterprise charged bim with
stretching the sberitTi sales and charg
ing 13 an inch, and he does not deny it,
but now says for the fi ist time that he
never contracted to do It tor lcaa. As
this does not tally with wbat the board
contracted for, or wbat Cheney bas told
tliera be would do, what is going to
be done? The coat Is greater than be
fore the contract was let, but this Is re
form. Cheney baa admitted to the
board that be bas over-charge!, and as
his excuse told thetn that the Enterprise
was standing in, and he supposed the
board was. We state this as Cheney I
modest, and does not like to tell th
public all he tells th board.
"The way t build ap OretewCtty
la te give Oregei City Teople jr
Thi foreign commerce of the VniteJ
States for 1599 over two billion dollars
and breaks all records. We still bear
the wail of bard times and alwsys will
bear from a few, no matter bow pro
Irous the country is.
The reviving cheerfulness of the edi
torial tone of lb democratic newspapers
is merely a renewed proof of tbe persist
ent bopefulnes of the human heart and
of iu 'power to recuperate in tbe face
of discouragement. Pioneer Tress.
Ij 1896 the democratic prophecy was
that prosperity could not come without
fiee coinage at 16 to 1. Last year the
cry was "prosperity cannot last." It
reminds one of the sign boards after
youthful America is through juggling
with them on Hallowe'en night.
It is with deep reuret that the Ameri
can people learn of the death of the vice
president. He was a man universally
liked and respected by all who knew
bim without regard to party. As pre
siding officer of the senate his decisions
were alasys respected as fair and honest.
Tug munificent donations by (he
Stanford estate to the 8tnlord univer
sity is almoat without a parallel, about
12,000,000 having been recently turned
over to the university by Mr. Stanford
The endowment of th state university
of California at Berkely by Mrs. Hearst
is almost as great and it is said that if
the building are completed at Berkley
on the plana selected, that nothing w ill
compare with them in the world. The
plans were prepared in Paris and a large
premium offered for the best competition
being open to the world. Many eastern
colleges have received lame gifts and
endowments, notably Chicago, The
good that will be done by this wise ex
penditure of money cannot be estimated.
Many a poor boy and girl will get a
chance to get an education that would
otherwise be impossible. The good that
these people will do and the effort that
they will stimulate in all with whom
they come in contact will largely help
the state In many ways aod not the least
will be good citizenship. It ia acts like
these that not only should, but do bring
wealth and labor more closely together.
a! - ftr i 4
; iews oi iiiii i t ujv
Ix a decision at Albany Judge Boise
held that foreign loan associations doing
business in Oregon make illegal loans in
that they are usurious where more than
ten per cent interest is charged in the
way of interest. This will affect a
large amount of business of these com
panies in the state and may force them
out of business here.
Tug controller of the currency reports
on the condition of the country In which
be shows that the deposits of the country
have increased beyond parallel. When
the people of the country have money to
deposit beyond anything known before
it is good evidence that bard times are
not present even if the 18 to 1 people do
Bay that we are about to go to the wall.
Tub petition of Goebel to have the
vote of the city of Louisville thrown out,
on the allegation that the judges and
vo'erswere "intimidated," is an admis
sion that he was not elected and that
Taylor got more votes. 01 course, the
charge of "intimidation" is ridiculous;
tut Goebel wants the office of governor
and expects his corjitniftHoners of elec
tion and the partisan tribunals to give it
t) bim. Oregonian.
fA A A A A. -A jOl lO 0 efcfc5
Friday November 17.
Young is rapidly penetrating far to
the north in Luzon.
Another armored train meets with
disaster in South Africa.
White's road to retreat to the south is
cut off.
Stanford University bas received about
15,000,000 from lhe Stanford estate.
It is claiineJ that the Holland subma
rine boat is entirely successful.
The rate discrimination on coast busi
ness is before the interstate commission
at St. Louis.
Dewey gives out the information that
he is not a candidate for the presidency.
The 0. K. &. '. wilt build two large
steamers to run between The Dalles and
The government engineers have re
puted to their chief in favor of a forty
I rot channel to the eea from Portland.
Tbe great increase in Portland' com
merce will give great weight to this pro
ject. A million tone of freight went
oyer this route the past year and gradu
ally the Columbia river valley is forcing
it claims on congreeij and the people.
Portland will only have hereelf to blame
if she does not take advantage of her
?DOitunitle. It takes push.
Is 1896 Bryan in one of his epeeches
used the following language :
"You would like to sell your wheat
New report come in attending the
richness ot Cape Nome placer mines.
Saturday November 18.
Boers concentrate at Estcourt to pre
yent Buller from relieving White.
MacArthur begins his advance north
ward from Tarlac.
The government engineers report in
favor of making a 40 foot channel from
Portland to the sea. A million tons of
freight went by this route in the past
The interstate commerce commission
will meet after tbe holidays on the
coast to consider the discrimination
against the coast jobbers.
Iron and steel are quoted lower as the
demand lessens.
Clatsop beach has a very high tide.
One man kills another in a row over
land at Lewiston, Idaho.
It is said that Smith instead of Judge
Cake will sit on the board ot equaliza
tion at Portland.
Several vessels have been held out
side the Columbia by the storm.
Sumpter, Ore., is very active and new
work springing up.
Portland is to have a steamer line to
Cape Nome,
Sunday November 19.
Boers are concentrating at Entcourt
in force to cut off White reinforcements.
Siberia is taking much interest in
American inventions.
Filipinos are breaking Into bands and
scattering inrougii in nmnus.
Emperor William's visit to England Is
said to he strictly poltcl.
Salisbury Is denounced for giving
Herman v England's part of the Sauioin
Eugene Is defi-alinl by IVrkley by the
score of 12 to 0 and Yale and Howard
pUy a tie game.
The Philippines are said not to be
very lich In minerals.
Multnomah county will cut down tier
asatmsment ten million and thereby
lessen her slate tax that much.
Cspt. Moon and hit old company will
join the O. X. U.
Coppvr mines ot Idaho are attracting
much attention.
Monday November SO.
It ia believed that a big battle will
take place In South Africa In lew days.
The American troops are sweeping
over Luaou with a rush.
Itrpuhlit-wns will insist on Installing
Tsylorlu Kentucky.
IVmucrats have a council ot their
leaders in Chicago.
The Commissioners recommends more
Indian schools.
The revolution la Columbia is spread
ing. There la talk ot an extrs session ot the
Washington legislature.
Through a larger federal appropriation
the Agricultural college at Corvalli gets
XX) more the coming year.
Two boys escaped from the reform
school and go to stealing hut are recaptured.
Tuesday November 21.
The Filipinos are having hard time
getting out ot the way of tbe American
The Boer art moving south to meet
the British.
The democrats are going to try and
win on th one plank Anti trusts.
Col. Metcalf ot the Kansas regiment is
charged with cowardice.
The German emperor ia in England.
There will be a strong tight (or a gold
law at this session ot congress.
Tliere is talk of a smelter at Baker
Judge Bellinger decides sgainst Port
land jobbers in the traffic trouble.
Vessels are held outside the Columbia
by the storm.
Oregon volunteers form an organiza
tion. Wednesday November 22.
Boers cut the wires in their advance
south of Eatcourt.
Aguinaldo has escaped to the north ol
Hobarts funeral wCI t Saturday.
The transfer of Dewey's home to his
son hss canned some pointed remarks by
the subscribers.
A race war ia going on in Texaa over
the quartering of colored troops at KIo
Grande city.
The German emperor ia banqnetted by
the qncen at which the American am
bassador is present.
It is rumored that Harrison will suc
ceed lloliler as president ot the O. It. &
South Bend, Wash, will impose a
f 1000 saloon license.
The slate bar association holds Its an-
nnal meeting at Portland.
It is said that Dewey bas LWX) rela
tives in this country.
Tolanle Eruption.
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklein'l Arnica Salve, cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felons, corns, wirts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds chapped hands,
chilblains, bent pile cure on earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 25
cts. vbox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Geo. A, Harding, druggist.
Blra Taal rik Kaales.
In Foula. one of the Shetland Islands,
the natives make a business of rearing
akau gulls In order to rid tho Uliind of
the eagles that congregate there and
commit many (Icpmlntlotia. The rung
ulllcent rtnl samUtoue ell IT a that aklrl
the northwestern roast became fa
vorite haunt of the eaglea, and Iu this
Inaccessible spot they Increased so
rapidly that they Iwaiue terror to
th farmers and flshermeu who dwell
ou this Isolated hL The akau gulls
re also strong and fierce and the In
veterate foe of the eagle, In battle
the gulls are nearly always victorious,
and so th Inhabitants of foula hit
upon tbe novel plan of feeding and car
ing for th skau gulls, which, thoukt
formidable to their feathered enemies,
ar very peaceful and docll when
brought to contact with man.
( lis Iwebes af !-.
A leas of sli Inches of ground at
117 Krankllu street. Chicago, for V!
year aud ou mouth was recorded the
other day. It runs from Mcorg I
Barber to Hiram H. I'cabody aud Is
for an aunual rental of 111. Th prop
erty baa a depth of tt feet and com
prises th party wall between 117 and
113 Franklin strwt -Chicago Times
Herald. Mw.ele. .1 IW.a.
Th head has 77 muscles-! for the
eyes and eyelids, 1 for th noso, M for
th Up. V for the Jaw, II for the
tongue. 11 for lb larynx. 11 for the
ear, 17 for motions of tbe head aud
nock. 1 to tuove th hairy scalp and I
for th eyebrow.
A Fine DoDy
Makes any mother pvwuL There are a
great many proud mothers whe chil
dren have been puny and sickly until
n Dr. Pierce's
fj Pavorit
ST medic In
V which
weak wom
en strong"
has given
them the
strength to
bear hearty,
and healthy
children fur
th first
Ms frr
ft mArt I h
Uilk 4 navuf
mtr child. I
trft H a nk raa doww m.)im
Maria O. Hjfl. wrtllnt ftw ilt, t. ..
My hHU rinrl ny r I
hum Mrvoa. (!! " "l
autiaML Ult w buntea. I ductut.l tl
Ihtn tElforam pnM irfpl" , '
trVrd mmn uinl ""UliKt aU Willi Jh
aanrtfnull I b U mvttm and U a-W lo
th rnanpucatlooa I aufltd lMtW
Mipatkm. I chaami la oat of rnur a.1.
ttawnMBta and I (naannil lotaat 1 I'Vrri
Farortta rmrrtpOua aod ' rtma.nl rll'a' aad
brfao la Uaprov rt(M awa . ana u
tmixovUif and plulof la aucaflh. I nnoui
-ima lha rlwf. M ao fraL rn
m..,ih Uim m IUII dauaMrr a ta wilh
oat mark Iraubl. I frl thai I would or
har im a hi luradur mr euaRaanitnl only
by lb help du lfly U t ftrur'a atctuinr.
Rk aa a Am bralthy cbiUI and lb only on I
bar rtrr hra abl lo aura. h la lo
rara old and I Kara mrrrt had la lak any
aoclfcClM unct. an I frti thai yuuf mcUklna baa
udc a Uaung car arilb .'
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser i sent free on receipt of
stamp to defray eipenae of mailing
only. Send Jl one-ceut sUmpa fr
the book in paper binding, or l stamp
for cloth. Addreaa Dr. K. V. llcrce,
Buffalo, N. V.
law Arm Taar KMaay t
rV IIobha'Sira-ntPtllraralllilnyllta -a-lrr.
Add biariius lUnwdjrCuL.Ckiraa-uuT "
The rnrae of overworked womankind
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Hoot Tea, the great blood purifier
and tissue builder. Money refunded if
not satisfactory, price 2-"i cts., and 60
eta. C. G. Huntley, the Dru;git.
To Cora Conillfmlloa Foraar.
Take C.uwatrla Candy I atharim I'lo nrtVs.
If C C C fail to cure. druicgikU n.fund ntuuay.
$.U Ifeward.
Tbe alxve amount will be paid for in
formation that will lead to the. conviction
of the party or parties, implicated in the
hold-up and robbery of Dee Wright, on
Monday night about 6 o'clock.
November?, 1899.
Sheriff ot Clackamas County Or.
Cauli wil
rags at this
Hitgs Wanted.
I be paid for clean, cotton
office. No wool.
"I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years
and never found permanent relief till I
ned Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Now I am
well and feel like ft new man," writes H.
J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the
bent digestant known. Cuies all forma
of indigeiition. Phymclaiie everywhere
prescribe it.
Gko. A. IIabmno.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good qiuli
ties of Chsmberlnin's Cough ICemedy,
to know that people everywhere lake
pleasure in relating their experience in
the use of that splendid medicine and In
telling ol the Imncflt thny have received
from it, ot bad colds it has cured, of
threatened attacks ot pneumonia it has
averted and of the children it has savud
Irorn attacks ot croup ami whooping
cough. It is a griind, gxj 1 medicine.
For sale by G. A. Harding drugging
MAXY A 1,0 V Kit.
Has turned with disgust from an
otherwise lovable girl with an oMVimivo
breath, Karl's Clover Hoot Tea purifies
the breath by its sction on the bowels,
etc., an nothing else will. Sold for years
on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cti,
and 60 cU. C. G. Huntley the Druggists.
A Mother's Plain Words
t . . ... vnii will bo nitoiilahed when I tell yU that sli vears aKn
, . 1 '?lZcm St"n with bronchltla and luK troubl. I,,,,,. V
In a inont dangoio i n "n T1(0 aiimli at that time cn., ,ot,f
teriug. Sotneoii aiivmcu
ers English Krme.iy, an .
thought I would tiy It, although.
ll..nle.tht down III myhsait
I bad little- fitlih In H-
first iKjttl gv grt f,lof'
and the seA-oiid IxdlU made ni
the healthy woman I today.
My liualMiid'a lung ,ewr1',
alM. and hecuted himself with
the aam gf'"' """4,V
1...0 ..) t.irl have I" 'III
I... ..un.l htf It flOIII llOHlll .
l,y croup. I know this I. so. for
whon they wci attatked In th
ulght I had a Nittl I" th cloaot.
and bv aituig quickly that fatal
malady was easily overcome.
We always glv It to the children
when thoy havaacotighor c-dd.
and w would not l without it
for anything. My iir will
tell you alo. it yu ak her. that
it i a mcduiii that can aU a
be depended upon br all th
trouMesof th breathing organs.
I tell all our ne'gniM.r ih.u
their doors wide eii. A I i'' . p" .- - "7 ' .
bey a low their children t d.o under Ihoir vy y U p. ar
iJartalu remedy that w.U cuqucr
Lull.J hiaiaaan.Haaa.la. In Knlan4. ia. .4., .a rl . au4 ,a. w
M aa. IA oiW ' )UHtK a It) . ht, fie I1
For sal by loo. A. Harding.
I II i f I II I I
Yes! They are
Whether you want Sho fr
SlijijxTg, KullM-rg, Hhro-atrlng),
or Overgailerg, you will find that
what you get from will Rtvo
you tho most satisfactory wear, j
look elegant all the time, ami:
always ho coiufortahlo lo your
Krausso Bros.
Karl's Clover Root Tea
IWultSa ha W.rltka. fSx IW
n1, ai.a riwM to.... 4 ( m
a "4 ail a.,...". rf
ha ftklM. m a,w.l ...li. Sai
"H na ai-4 ('.a.aa k
l'.iaaa al IV , 6o ..J (u,
C. WCllt A CO., liaov, a
aoii aaa.iif it.i
A Personal Matter
A palufnl liotia Is like a nal
lr ilre... ritiBlaya stiract
Iva ami plaaaaul to look U'll.
Can If rr.alnl'l anil fn.tirnl up
st a vary rraaonsM .rl- paluia
are vary rlii no. lKtn'1 laa II
ii ii 1 1 1 Hi tun niska any mora mark
ami cracks In It.
Fnrl by U. (i. Huntley.
AJ 4iWaw, f io ft.tft. M mm
1 J N ! hs4 awM
9 , t-w xtwwaww , ta4
.4 u. .. a.. a. .m4 ii a
u . , m aa. a aa . m fc. w.
rtl a.aM a a I ..w. ft
1.1 mi.k aa4 . aai ta. ..a. w
. 1 .1, iala . aa4 a.4 H-ll
M..H f.M aiM II
al.1l ... Haajaa aUi laaiSnli
1 ....l r.U. a. I
. ' -. I" (
a. ras
I. I aa. wa. tl.lOl
'J ' 6 " aa St. 11 i
I ' .fcMM.-, !.. ."
L. V "S aaaa iai ah nrf aa a-
llfll a'Sai. . at aaa. 4 ... --'
. . t ilMMa
I a,iaa ! na kia.
1 7 fi"ll. I
-iuiii.aorauccoiia ici.av
(taant a. lail a u, at a 'i i wa.iai -Ma
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store...
Tba I'al lf .
ll.ilal.ia i( a aw. h"t. al " la.aali" aJaJ
4..iriaalnallK I'arta S aiMMllaua, aiiaaw
1 ba f.t 1 .. t llM lillU, llaJllmnra, Ma.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
Mokl Tea poMltlyely cures Nick Head
ache, indigestion and coiin'ipution. A
dtilightlul herb drink. Kmnovcs all
eruptions ot the skin, producing a
perfect complexion, or money refunded.
2b cts and 50 cts.
Baarsths yfiner.mil TOU Have Alwm
The I.tifCHt Yarn.
A Pittsburg dnimmiir tolls this new
yarn: I always carry a buttlu of
Kemp's Balsam In my grip, I take
cold easily and a few doses of the Hal
sam always mukfls me a well man.
Everywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take hold of my custom
ers I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do
when I take cold. At druggists, 25r and
pll On Easy
Wm& Dowmontc
3 I CI V I I I vl I
It iii cany to obtain a good ono. Where no locul
dealer hoIIh them, we will Hcnd a piano or organ for
a Htnall cauli payment, balance in monthly pay
ments. Two year time to fininh purchaHO if do
Hired. Wo would like to explain our method. We
will eend an instrument guaranteeing Hatiofaction,
or the piano may ho returned to ua at our expert".
Catalogue freo for tho anking, tell all about them.
SiHicial prices and full information if you writo.
Tho liomo of
iano House
Portland, Oregon.
iii'i.i:kiicj i-iaho,
14 1 II II til, fllOM,
u i:m:it i-i t. on.
mi i imiau mill ,jiti:vi wlntkhx k