Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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i It.lt
1 if I
FUM li
t t.i
a Or
tt a
i at
t &
ill V
w w w -vr w
f ... ( H .r,nl,
fi, ,1. V. f t .4 j,
M,,,klal H," '-
Honi-hker In M.miiU;
. ,,ii,hut ner I laood.
lrtiiii(ri..,,",,Ut,,'f ! "J,""iiig
' jCiiy and li'liJf ! H'- allilaf
"y Vui. Walker, daughter of H, H,
jiuyil i vi.lllng wllli rtltlve
j y wt n111 i'i,,,w ",,'i to
lil frland li.t.
I fii "
M -i,y iinlton, of I'ofttand, n
iilm tny.
ymllfli"! Warner, of Fotlland, nt
' nt) '' '"r routll.tlre. lUI'kl.U
Ufi t il-rl Miller at HlllahdfO
t!if nlg'-i anna Mimum.
. . . 1 I .....
fa dirtrifin lull yr.lof.f f.jf r-
-DlU l.r i rlalifg III 'I
Kn. lUif l, " 1'o'it.inl ni tvtrtl
kttidti" '''Inn wltli liar
fct.Uf, Mi. A. H, IrrMr, i.f lh
i I"'" l', lf. Nhmll.
f, t. lt .l--rtMl, f MlUuki,
(lUll'r T ir.)r !! 'l. III lll.l.f
frm i"' " Mr. I(ul.(iiii i
),Mitl Cr"r Mif'liHtf, l4 tl.U fllf,
vkM l"--n tail i rt la CalKorhl fur
"'k !', fiU fxin Hn
lm U ll li i litin JilrnJl'l liin.
tu.lt l.kr'jr rrltnu liuilia t(uf Id.
W li. U.llton, una id Cikni
If a Lit f r hi nul on I'.a A'iiirll. L(
fiiultf m I lk a'lnlK of ll,
t;l cMiMmii U'ra offoitj ! II .
fj!rlM li rllt U.!y l. ('!
fi! f n l rf I ,r tl.a liilpr,
J l,ii.l., aho h .n for lb.
mI IV Mi i.tli tt HttU axkitia on
t IS " f ln-l,l ll.rfa, Inst a
I ...I aitii .i finl1y onl ,( IWatar
(mi. Ml f huci will rolura thmtly
kKtt; a l,i. h h. thii.ktl una o ,f
U( Mil on Ida rua.t, et!iliil i
lr.t on tl'" Jump.
Pci.sun.il Mention !
Vr. Kruwm, an el lady llflni
Mf CUiktii. llelihU dial 11 rliiii
Tb F.Ik rnuurant ondor the nianaiC""
ml of Mad hick la eHiin. up a rat-
L' j iiii. hdayt.
Thla.ir of Hi. I'aufa UullJ will give
ibturti iha Armory on iWamtxtr S.
tropi n and partlrular in neat aerk'a
W. H. ILmney, of Uwlland, ha thnt
A a In mill for two weeks to nttkt
wn titrtuive rtpaire ami Improve
oeat. Tlir.)iiniycltrk has rarelvmla eupply
of blank for thn regiatralrlon ol olere
wdr llm nw Uw which gm-a IntoefT.'cl
Juary Int.
ClmV M. U'arnwk, young man of
!( M.ilind at the home of Ma paronts
M Mount 1'lnaMiit last Salurlay. The
fcmn.U, Monday, Kov. A, J. Mont
re'y "Hirlating.
The county and i lty oflU;lala paid re
'.rt to tl.o ihad vice pre.liluiil by flying
0K at half matt from the county
"1 city building. The school house
aero alno In evl.lom o.
Uruii iiiiinhr of the Woodiin-ii of
l't World and their ldlie will go tlown
o l'orllund t iiilght to vlalt thn lodgo
Ulfe. They have chartered arar for
uWpand about fifty aro expected to
he Ahrimit Order of I'yramids gave
netitcruiiiiiHint In the Armory Tun
A.m. . t l .
"V niKtit. A snhind Id urottrain was
tlfn. Iiii liidinira dam-o and cake walk.
'l'l iiition of tho order from IVtlund
Iiarli. t'harlna waa accldnntly killed
iD (Him. tt Marthfleld, Coo county,
)ihty. Ducaaaml hat a wife and
i ctiiUln.nlivlnic in this city and the
"main W UB urou,t ,ore (or burial.
" u,
J I as a iiminher of the I. 0. 0. F.
lias Imiui received here that
"m Hiiiii,lir0y( g former cltUen of this
CX ia. died at Manila. He was a
fnilrof the Fourteenth Infantry and
"'h was cauHed from dywintry. He
relative of George Warner, of this
R(lv' A. J. Montgomery, as president
the Or.,,0 0. K. Union has dislrlbu
W petitiuns for tignaturoain every town
"ll'eale proteatlng against the teat
'nof 1'olygamiBt Hoberta from Utah.
yie heiltiu,,, Bre 1, quite Knerally
"3 The jt, r
4 "i.1fi.r
j Armory II, I. .....
Klvt II,.
( .l.f,r,.Ml ....
.,11 l . , . ' "IWHI
r.piiiinj u. .. .
a OS'llr (,( ,
AH l:n.r,,r. ,,..,..
'"-l l- null u,,lf
mil,, i .
" .... ... - :: u
ltli'1 a...... .
"'"fivliiK hit. ((,, r,lkj
I "
- - i rni' w
"ll kri iiunl ij ii... ,1..... ...
I.. Ll.. a
, -"I 01 Tan hlfl. k.
... .wifiiia ,1,, ..... i. i .
A,,,y ()l( Tlr.Uv, a
H1ur f.jr vi.,,(fa.
7,77 -",," i -Kilt
U) til altmlrtlr. (oillrii I , ri nrfvlrn
A T. yr.r old ,.,r ,)tBlj j4( ki)j( g
-'i.'fNii.,..il)(Mi,(,, i.m;
ov-fi,,,!,. ,,,., f,f (Jiv- M
y'Hy .fii-rn.H,n .t ,M ,!0
The i.,y ,tt,mt , ,(j(V(l)l t(ii
t'lilr. lu ri,M In I., ...i .1 .i .
''""'. H .., ;..;,
-l..im ii,. ,
" . r,r ri. ,1 i .i.......! .1
ahr,l. -ar I .h.n.Hy f))M
h'tt. ll.lUfd huts l,i.fl l. ,11,,
Um trrhlrni. Tl.i. I tl.. (l-.t di .tl,
Hi r. ,jr U,,,,, jjy ,it lw
'! I.. K. I'ratt, a iduitr rnl.Uni
of ll. Uillami.il. .!lr. ,l,l .1 n.
Nalrm Ii.mi,I Hrjr.tajr n,,rniiijf. oftur ' '"" furly .lra Ij1ii( tent In. The
linoriinf l!i,rM ruti.itri a i-rn-l ,mn lI"jr j the fluur mill tttt-nded In a
( iim ' '""'y ""l the Wwt Hide trhool was
by c-t -.ttK 'iiia'ti, shlu.iii, 0t,.r'rl'l.l"i',al linit a lormcr iuiil.
c ih'lii tn,i,t ,.(P,,r. (I,. tn, ,rJ The fiinrr! afrtiion aat ireched by
Frail l.r btrj in hlm n 1V,7. an t h
rr.iii iiirr. aliin! fiiithiMiii!y. tl
oiiil Hi. riftl ain null on Hi. IVillr
ral and alio I Lni.rd and htuli i.i,
tl.. ihrf .ii Oit ,,;,. . rp U.rr.
rhlldrrn, tan da-ia-hivr and a Km, Mi.
M.ry F.. II. and Mi I I M. IUU,k
ol fi.lrin, and U'm .. I'ratl. of thin city.
ah. 1.0 to Tin ri Muunuv.
The IWrndanU la the Criminal ( aw
All tlraa (a.llal l'rlr..
Tlie niiiiinal ilo. krl at thia trim of
court la lint Im-n a !'.' o' r. only
tliir. iihi if on It, bul in rvrry r'e
a rr,,i fuuml and llm tlTrlidri all
(rl Miillrnliary trriii.
Fixlon lb li-l r.in. Ilany ( laik,
abuM crl'Ku colm.i'ril in trliiig a
check hit irilllio.ii I i arl Miller dur
ing a drunk. a rtrou.al. Tbe jmy lut
no tun In nnd.nt; him guiliy and on Hat
unlay Judk'n Mi Hrid. srutincKl bun to
a yrar Irrm In tl.a nlipnt.ry.
Jiino Mold a Ulldrr Indict ment for
trrii. a rm lamb, vlul tt 12 Ot),
from Morlry Mirk at Cant y. Hi raae
a Irie-I ll ai-ck, and the J'iry aere
uaalile to tgrre un a Vrrdlit. The
iim art for r trial on Monday and
th.s lime lil gu It a nude to plain
lli.t ll look the jmy only about fllteen
iiilni.ir to find a veidii t of nuiity. He
wis taken before Judi;e McHride Thurt
day morning and rrclvd a tentence
ol t!s month In the -eniieniiry.
John Jubnxm a the third trill Ut
etllrd to anaarr for hi irimrt. He at
charivl ailh ron.iulltiiig an aarault with
Intent to rou.iniit rpa uion 1'hila
K.m.woitli. a 12 rr old girl, tl Mil-
aaukie. Ill ce aa tried Friday and
Ih jury wmatled til night tnd t part of
the nest day only to dinagrre. On Tuet
day the rat railed tk'aln and this time
the state introduced several surprint in
the ay of new evidence ailh the reult
that the jury required hut a vriy few
mlnutee to And him guilty. Hi sen'
tenre was pamnMl Thursday, and under
it he is lo paaa the next ten years iu the
state penitentiary. In pronouncing the
sentence Judge MelWide took occasion
to state that the evidence s very
strong againnt Iha prisoner and In view j
of tho serious nature of the ofTcnue he.
a cut ss fr sa the law wojihlhulow.
An Imitartanl IHfTcreiice.
To niske it apparent to tlioutands.who
think themwilvca III, that they are not
alllicted with any dmcHse, but that the
system simply needs cleaning, l to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as a
costive condition Ih canily cured by us
! Rvrnn of Fig. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. onlv, and sold
by all druglHts
I.rlpH,"will. Its after electa, annn
tlly destroys thousand of people. It
,y be quickly cured by One Minnie
Cough Cure, the only remedy that pro
duces Immediate results in cougha.
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
thnmt and lung troubles. It will pro
vent consumption.
Oko. A. Hakdino.
t hnmberlaln's Fuln Italm Curea Others,
Why Not you r
My wlfo hasbeon using Chamberlain's
....... iiai... with eood results, for a lame
shoulder that has pained her conJinuBll,
frninvears. We have tried all kinds
of medicines and doctor, without re-
celving any bonetu iro.u .j -One
day we saw an advertisement of
1,1. medicine and thought of trying It,
which we did with the best satmfactlon,
ehatused only one bottle and her
. . . i. .!..,... wnlL Adoi.i'H u
stioutuer i '- -
For sale
M t M.rtTT, Manchester, .
by G. A. Harding, druggist.
-l'nlti1i,hlrl.ll.r(iil. ( Hi,Kl.t In the
('rlnK at (I.f flour Mill..
M'rtly -ft.-r lTHi k Mon.l.v finr.
"""".'1 u W(,r,, wt( p,,,, fwfn
fi..ii, t0 tI(iiU, tl.t Jot.n Iv.m Hirli k
r lil lH-rn liorrlMy irimiKlM. ,y Jlng
''1(1,1 ,, ,(rn ( , uwing a, ti
k mill of u 1'ortl.ml Fluiirlng
"'"Co. Hlrl'klr .a 0llr and
I work ia uHMmryvn
u'r II H,r bIoi,, Bm , f.r M .
U l'r.l dro,,,,! ,, 0 c, ! )n
r-. ,ii,K f,.f u wMMHght l.y tU rlglit
"' In i Lr-, eu wli..l tn! in
iiiiliiig Ut wr.'iii h liin,,,.!) w,y ,,,u
Ihwii mukM ,y fl t,,Hier
"lolci.(, of wl.ld, tlir wuro four
!' t.)(..lt,r, Hi, erl,, .tt,,,.,! ht-1
"'I lirn 11,0 riiacliintirjr lul j-!n
U.,,Jt WM ou, iL.t 1,1, .1,1 .,,
I'a-I (.n lorn from lila Ikx1( his lft.rm
I'rok.ri, im.rly .11 ll,e rnorclw of tlia
if of lil Mt ,g torn o(r ,,! ,JIM k
l l! lirnlMxl ai Internally Ifijfiraxl. I
iu rrmovixj to tla home of hit
imn'lpirtiiit, Mr,
Mis, J.
I 'iKliury. lira h
i'1'-"'- -" .1 hi. Mvrir
I ai'fn nut,.,! l,v ,t..il. tn ir
ai-rn rndiil by death at 10 o'clork Tuee-
d.y riiitiiiinf.
The (unrl ih Vwliitday afternoon
nd l.ryely atinndei as the younjj
man tuna an eicillerit rharactttr and
i.-i 1 1 n 1 . . . , ...
ifrnrni nj al WII0 ti.ew mm. 1 lie
n"r"' olferlnKS liore vldence of the
ati-ral entwiii In which he wal held.
i H ' t i r .
lra'd the oldt-t ton of Mr.
and Mr. J. II. Strli kler and waa lil
J''',H tnuiilh and 23 day old. He
,,rrn e"'ilu)ed at the mill only
j","jul arrk.
Hrts vt Ohio, Cur or Totaoo.l as.
I.l'l A Cot STV. J
Frank J. Clienry make tn oath that
he 1 the senior partner of the fir in of F.
J. Chr-ni'V A Co., doing btminet in the
City of Toledo, County tnd Htate afore
, id. and that said firm a ill ay the turn
J of ONH lll'NMtKD iMJl.I.AUSfor etch
and every rae of Catarrh that cannot
tw cured by the ue ol Hall' Catarrah
Haorn to before me and rjhncrilied In
my preM'iicu, this Gill day of Itoceuiber,
A. P. y.l.
tL Nutaryl'uhlic.
Hall's Catarrah Cure Is taken Inter
nally end acts dirtvtly on the blood and
mucous surlaccs of the system. Fend
for tentiinonisls, free.
F.J. CHF.NF.Y.A CO.,Tole.lo, 0.
Sold by druk'gUta, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
TYaohlng Flannels.
The billowing method has been Ued
with unvarving auceesa for yesrs t're
watr that It ts hot ss you can bear your
hand In; dissolve a little Gold Dust
Washing Foader in the wtter, and add
enough toap to make a strong suds.
Wash the flannels through two suds pre
pared In thin wsy, plunging them up tnd
down, tnd rubbing gently between the
bands to get clean. Soap should never
I applied directly lothe flannel. Rinse
through cletr water of the tame tompcr
a tu re tt used in the washing; place
them smoothly on a line in the sunshine
and air.
lVepays pre in I it tu fbr Clarka.
MM 'ousty nsl Ore(-on t'liy
Tlli:ilK OPOIIKUO.I vrrx
rr leim, a rean n
mtr.Ai, n
k'li.s. r.tc.
. no ut i:itTi:3i,M
Bakery and Confectionery A
Orr. Hevenlh ami Alam Wt.
noi.k iti:i
Telephone 34 Joeoph Kuerten.
..( iieiiverr.
- - - - . .1
Nuts. Dates, Figs,
Honey, Oranges,
Lemons. Bananas,
Cranberries! Raisins
Home Made Mince
Tux 7th Strkxt Gkocer.
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist
jsMtMZJ I ' I
Til tUcartrir H Iwimt-Kuvt tt Werk U
Bit lbcrttet7.
Thert It diseiM prev'tlllnf; In thlt
couniry most dtnorout bectuM to decep
I!V;. "11? ,udde" dealh' c,used by
uc,i uikw, (nicvnoni, ncan laiiure
or poplay tre often (he result of kidney
dltease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to td-
tt.nr. IK. LMnuwl..n.J i.l..J ..ill - -
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
...W nvilia.-fcUVIICU VIWUU Will ail.4,11
oreaic oown ina waste awty cell by celL
Then the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Bright.
Dlnesje, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Root the new dis
covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder
Ju.. .1 1 , l .... '. .
and dollar sires. A samrjla bottle, sent Iim
by msll. also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Ita wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. and
mention tins paper.
you TKf ir.
Ifhhlloh't CoijkIi and Consumption
Cure, which it told for the small price of
25 rrnu arid riOp.nl. .n.l 11 m A,.. nni
cure lake the hot lie bs' k and we will re
(iind your money. Hold for over flity
years on this guarantee. Frice 25 rents
and 50 cents. C. (i. Huntley, tbe Drug
If ro b.f.n I a reu)r. brallbr mor.n.M of th
tM,ri. trvrr d.r. r,u r. tic, or vu. b. kop four
b".p, otn. ftiHl tm .!. lun. I. llHitl..pof
..i.nt piif ..e or ,..l imiImid. . d.n.rruuL Tb.
m'-rthvil. M.et. EU..I iwrlrcl , wf SmiIu, lb.
bo.ci. eir.r aua clo.a U lo l...
Plosunt. Palai.h... t,nt T.t0vMl rioOnnH,
K.trr rlrkD. V r.k.n. or orli. Kir, Juc f Wrlla
for fre. k.nii.1., aw) bonklrlun br.Hb. Addrw. .
twrttH ba lam, aWo BaotoMl, Urn lark. aOa I
iw- u u -ui i n is
vaaoi SLUM asaianmo
Where Prices
Are Lowest.
It's in giving you high
est grades and qutlit.es
tnd vet tt less thsn
you tre frequently sbked
lor common, out-of-date
designs, that makes
your buying here par
ticularly intererting.
Coiupsrison of prices
and qualities will bring
you here for these
Girl's Tryclcle $3 50.
Warranted Wringer $3.25
CheBp 1.25
I if You're Lookina
T, ..... . . . , . ...
I Fr tl" lttit tnI bnt tliinjft In ttttion-
rX XO" wi" ly ''""
I itire. We have jutl rMivd tome nw
I Pl," fn 1,;,t ' " atcreame
and whites, put op in fancy boxes for
holiday trade. I'ricet from Kc. to
I .t r
f f , W.
A desirable present In this line la a
act consisting of Hierling Silver Fa per
Knife, Eraser, Seal, Candle and 3 tticka
of colored wax lo a aatln lined box for
Deal Tokarr Spit for IJr imr.
To quit tubaMO eaallr and forever, b mac
Bella, lull of lira, nerve and vlfor, take No-To-nae,
ti noW worker, lhat mak weak mea
airon(. All druslu,iOoorSl. curacuaraa-
te4 Uookli-r, anil aamplafree. Addreaa
Dr. II. II. Haden, Summit, Ala., ssys,
"I think Kodo'. Dyspepsia Cure la a
splendid medicine. I prescribe It, and
ny confidence in it grows with con
tinned use." It digests what you est'
1 and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigea
jtion, G so. A. Uahdi.no '
. . . - auCMjo ail iT
i ha
r-v i
Bald pnortblT IX n Into . dlrtrtrt.'-rVTrrw Moslblr. l'kw.
Thalr f.tloua t. . l dp.rtmnt at.rr. bol.ad down." AUMtaronatitatloa.
Tbo omlalrvua ta nrrtalnly . fnrrhndlo atvrr.or-lia." LbM.ro paortk Har
- k law hou Id b pavd romnrl.ln. Iho oa. of Oil. r.tajow.1. all public arbo.
W.cooldoootth'oand.of..mt.krailrart. S-ad It aaalaalaaaa aad raa-llH.nh
-k law .bnuld b r-aad romnrl.ln. IMMol ml.
W. roa Id noolr tnoaad. or .Imll.ftnrana
Auw, SLAR3, ROftHUwr. aT. I.U.
6 Hook Hat Rack 15c.
Rolling Hn 10c.
24 Sheets Shelf Paper 5c.
Girl'a Flat Irons 5c.
Large size Lamp
Burner 10c.
w..- vi v " rvy
m a i
-V T,i
Opposite Court House.
The Bookworm
would revel in our new stock of book,
and wonder at the prices for which w
are telling them.
Good cloth bound books
Gilt tops, fancy binding
Gilt book i In boxes
Poems in padded leather
6 vol. aet Kipling
5 " " Henty -5
" " Hawthorne
5 " " Jules Verne
5 " " Cooper
6 " " Rota Carey
Alcott books for boys and girls
City, Ore.
Baartth VM Han t.'wan Eocgt
im Ui Tm Man !wm
tlfWta 1tk T vkMBM jam cnntliiM
hfMIIHul Wwmt.lill. St-TH-lAjVl I I
MMov. thm d-.ir- (or Wbwro, "!Ow4 , A
Mia.rratt.ili.trM.. ffml&t1W 1 1 k
uw wi ttk ttiooi, raT7J I k lnt-
tor-t lo MAhooa.ayT.l VJ I Stsww born.
- :J?
a.d poct-
' .Lall AvWl.l TOork fora.. T.- II .Ilk
IJa hox SI, uu.l, elm: I toll. t k.
PjnrMta to era, or v.r.ru.4 .f.-p.
oiseiTiinr.iic ooaia. la .mm. ui.uhiki.
""""' a tu.., oonL.in.over Ul qncilill turn.
IS.U UlulrMluor. Ik- ..rrari. aalaaaa a ta-M ariarf Mlataia.
aw aakllaka. SAMfl TNI LlWItT Ntlf 1ALI CSlCAtt St.CII M
tncuOln. k.arrtaia. In ariim. aVan. Wrl I I , a-
II...., i ...i .. lattk
aalaari. a.ala
fci.ak. kaaa, Imrark rwia. taakla, Sl.jilia, fill ,aIH
raaa, I
aaaa, Sia. toll Ja wbl omr Kofrlainfll kuaM Bart pay Um
.rarTtkuar fco M'l aad will pra'rai him from oTarrbarirink yoao
anytkut. yo. bar: iplaia.jDrt bow loordor, kow ajorklba kmS
nrnau auU will bo oa wrbln lo your Wiwa. 1 ko k i.fc
fcalp (jajr tlx it ornu puatur. aaa la. SI. taak will a. waa la f-a
k, maU aa.,.u,.nil ll roa il'io't think II u worth otirjM.Ua lloaat.
yon arnd. .. . kr to Via Inwaat wKnaMl. prtoa. ol .rarylJll, aajl.
to .rid at. I taMW4.al.lr valara Nj. li aaa.a.
"HI.. no.uiB.al ut bailnw.1 ialuraUo.''-M lnna,i,tu iMutvIi
AwMiArrfol plM. of work Wjtmro Sallonal Trlbaaa.
Tb.l.l.lnWl.worKtaT." Ma-baatr I S H.ll.loav
-Saan. kuaburk a Co. t. o la. larsMboaMat It ktaaiw
Citw-''-"kKWrolnttOrooA. t ,
bl.r.tauu I orm. oca) o uio uiw, aavyvu.. i ' -
r.laJowlBaii pooiw arno.,.- - am gym. ...
a-aa aa a a. a aa ""rv"'"" Mivnia tt
in(rVf vnikSLU, Ibusuia, w.
Ingrain carpet per
yard - - 25c
Ingrain carpetC.C.
per yard 50c
Hemp Carpet per
yard 10c
Washable Jute per
yard SOc
Brussell'e Carpet
per yard 60c
Art squares 6x9 ft $3.00
Rug 27x60 inches $1.00
6 cane seat
1 ash extension .
table '
All for $19
lash side board J
As displayed in our show
Roaster 9x13, 4oc.
Eeg Beater
Toy Cannons 5c. and op.
t .2d