Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1899, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
tM. NO. 2
t KciifKnici..
. .,. M Ktiirli k't Mme Ktura, nor
!' .,..1. .. .ii I'll
hf "" .
',t 0 UTuCaim.
I'ttixr uuo rivv.oaaou.
W(lrli el Till. L- ", Join.
VZL ..( '"rt Oeu.ral
1 k.i...
y .
- .-AA. jt,, jt. jaA. JtJ.j
Our If Mir MhimI Trico Ing- BulU
m Hound ordure (Jul, lirown tfo tn
or Ft,d(jftty t , $8.50
Can Not Implicated Klnr-wlu.ro tf i n nn
1T IfM titan ?I,.UU
Only a firw inuro limn in I.tt.lk
rJInH li cIono out at ct.
Tlio Star Clothing House.
g liar
1 turn
Hardin 111, k
t'umii.tfclii Hank. Oregon City, (r.
Vlce-Prrnldcnt Hurrumbed to Heart
Funeral Will b' Held Haterday-flodj
Will Md In KUU In the III
Hull Message of Condolence.
-i .
j jHplul and 1'rlvei Klflor J
r inirlillil wrrtt 14) III
Mer.U". rai-i ""' '
.(ton HfTlr In
. o.Hn i.oufi 14 Uj 12 a. w.,
I o 0 (. In,
fee ("II Y OllKOoN
Lnw"ia i. v. ciar.su.
lift. Oo.
'MptlrelaalllkeMarMtflaSMaUt. 01'
14 fcw.diua-
r ii'-iic.
I a o Huntley's Drug Hiof.
rr IMr.
a. Mii.ir.u,
tmit ol fil. I crown. it kind of
riling. nl biiauf a.
rut hi. ntr Oiai flijr, r.
m m r av i a-
j Produce and Commission Merchants.
1 Mil ih.1 hi.lh.l l.tl, .1 l.j U'l . r. . - tf...
- . .p...... ..... (.r ja ,mi'l ' TV llfBt WBUI, lllV
I'oUlijK, Wiml, Oiiloiia, (ireon ind lrlel Frmla,
Call on or flu
U. M III MT. Anrtn.Or
Li W. H.HnihT. I
Li rlra Iinurnice. 1
y fi,Urj I'Dblln.
II I: IICM IV A -(. Ilarl
tJI.U. M 114.11 I. tcr .' i
K Railroal Tickctn to all points East at low rates. 'A
Fi A
v a
.'. C-ilr, 0imIi lanily't Hook
! Uir.
t llrKtic irk a HpHlr. All
ok rfiitl ami MUtUellon
Omr In CaufltlJ lllk.
or OKIUOit C1TT.
nj, ....
. I100.W
Umler new management The Klectric Hotel
haaUcn thoroughly n-fitU'd and in future
will Iks cornliicU-l on a atrictljf firnt clam
plan. Firat clana tahle nervice at as reason
al.lti raU'i a can be hnJ in the city. Prompt
ami apodal attention given to lanueta.
My many frinn.U and the general publu are
cordially invited to itop and bco me.
JACOO CASSELL. Manaser, Oregon City, Oregon.
'.m n.-l. Illlli dHoinl4. Mk ol'
i... ..... linn. Inlll.
rmlxt lrl'.4 ubj.ct 10 btck.
m from li.l lall.K.
I'.UTofami. rr-m.
crf McKlnrirk'i 8ho Blora, nr
tlx llink of OrKoC l.y.
0.i.m Citt,
MfTAcnorrriTT rvaKi0'
) kit 10 Orf on CUT Xntrrprl
Nttl of the NorthwonUrn Unlrer-
ll Denial Hcliool, UiliKO.
American ColleKeol iNinUl Hurjerr,
WilUmottfl Work, Oregon City. ,
Jwk or okkooh citt,
it Banting Bonsi ti tie Cltf.
pii opcrniii'Aooa
Hurulu. IM.HMI,
; 'iriiT. .. a. MAitmn.
. . - a.a curii.o,
''otl banking bimlne" traiuaotad.
KWli runcilTtcf aublocH lo check.
1;W0Yt bllli and ooui dlMMiuiilM.
'"triii1 cltf warrant! bought.
m.)e onaallabl itourltr.
'''"una boiiKhtand old.
otioii, rnn.lo promptlr. . , ... .,,.
.' lUxildavaiiaiilatiiauTpart of "
'"kriphio lohania told on Portland, Han
fwcl.oo nhtoaftaaud Now York,
"t palj on tlma dapoilu.
Syracuse Chilled Plows
(iivo botter satisfaction than any other
chilled jlow mado, wo also have a full
lino of Canton Clim-er Steel Plows and
Harrows. Acorn feteel Ranges, Air Tight
Heaters, all sizes and prices. Don't for
get wo sell tho lied Jacket Tump "So
Easy to Fix." Wo can" tho largest
Stock of Hardware the City.
All Kinds of Plumbing and
Jobbing Noatly Done ....
Cor. 4th and Main Sta.
Katftbllahed 1NS.
Mfht and Expfcft,
Freight and parcola delivered
to all parts of the city.
For Perfection
In . Baking
Use Patent Flour Manu
factured by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company,
Oregon City. Or. All our
Flour is Ground From
Old Wheat.
TIIE REST. . . . "
Nw Youa, Nov. 21 Garret A. Ho
hart, vli-ireaiilt!nl vf the Unite! Ktatet ,
lit)l at hi home in l'trion, N. J., at
H :'M o'clock tlila morning. At tilt l'l
') er Mr. Ilobart and bia aon,
Oarret A. Hohart, Jr., toiff tlier with Dr.
W. K. Newton and hla wlsand Private
8cri)tarjr Evana,
Mr. Iloliart'idnath had boon expected
(or ouie hour. The beginning of the
end came yritcrday afternoon, when
thera a a lud'len failure of the heart,
ami from thli attack Mr, Hohart never
rallied, lie had been alck for a long
time, and hd uttered frequently Irotn
heart failure, and hi atrenittti had been
undermined. Gradually the failure of
the heart'a action became more apparent
and toon alter midnight lait night Mr.
Hohart became onconatioui. lie re
mained In that condition until bia death.
Mr. Iluhart'a doaih waa due directly to
angina iectorla, complicated with myo
carditis Owing to the proatration of Mre. Ifo
hart.the funeral arrangement will not
be completed until tomorrow. The only
trp decided upon la that the eervicea
ahall be held Haturday in the Church of
the Redeemer at I'ateraon, and the In
terment In the family plot at Cedarlawn,
burg. Therefore arnall credence ii given
the atory.
Nothing ii known regarding the f'xxl
tippliea of the garriaona thua llated.
It Ii believed that Katconrt la well pro
vided, but there la leaa confidence in the
caae of Mooi river.
Ifarfad Toward l'lUrmarllbarg .
Dibbajt, Nov. 22-Aboet 3000 Free
Klate tier, with gnna, are marching
from the weat, by way of Fort Netting
Jxjsmii, Nov, 23 A dinpatch to the
Daily Newa from Notting Road, Natal,
dated Tuetday, tayi the Boera hayo ar
rive) near there.
Around Mool-Klvar Blmtloa,
Loxnoa, Nov. 23 The Morning Foet'a
correspondent at Fletermaritzburg, tele
graphing Tueaday evening, aayt:
"The iioeri are now all around Mooi
river aUtion, where another of your cor
reaiwndenta ii rejwrted to be with tb
Moot Rivaa, Nov. 22-The Brltlah fir
ed aeveral ahella, which are believed to
have caused havoe among the Boeri , the
latter talcing advantage of the heavy
rain and retiring. The Boer ahell were
apparently aimed at the bridge. It waa
a aurpnae attack , but had been fully
guarded against. The Driti.h bad three
Ueaaral Young pa Afulaaldo'a Trail.
Mahila, Nov. 22. General Young re
port that Aguinaldo, with a party ol
200, Including some women and a few
carta, paed Aringay, on the coaat
between San Fabian and San Fernando,
In the province of Union, Friday, No
vember -17. The general addt that
where the only daughter of Mr. and Mra. I Aguiu0 probably intended to strike
inland through the Binqua mountain
HoUrt waa buried six year ago. Rev.
Dr. Mage will preach the sermon. The
church can accommodate not more than
800 persons, and aa thousand) will be
niter to attend the services, it waa sug
gested that they be held in the armorv,
which will accommodate 10,000. It I
known, however, that Mrs. Ilobart
iaheathn funeral to be aa quiet a
possible, and there la little likelihood
that the programme will be ohanged.
The mayor and aldermen of I'aterson
have su;gested that the body lie in state
at the cily hall Friday and Saturday
morning, and this suggestion will prob-
i ably be carried out.
The pallbearers 'have been selected,
but their name will be withheld until
they have been notified and hare accep
ted. Nearly all the representatiye of for
eign nation in this country have sent
! message! of sympathy to Mra. Ilobart.
One of the first nersons to express his
sot row at the death of the vice-president
was President McKinley, who had been
notified by telephone by Private "Secre
tary Evana. Attorney-General Griggs,
who wa in Washington, telegraphed
that he would return to Paterson at the
earliest possible moment, and be ia ex
pected to take charge of all the de
tail of the funeral.
towards Bayombong in the province of
Nueva Yizcaya,
General Young, with cavalry and
Maccabebes, ia pursuing the Filipino
leader, part of the American force tak
ing the direction of San Fernando. In a
fiht with Aguinaldo rear guard at
Aringay, one Macabebe waa wounded
and the insurgent retreated. Their
losa is unknown.
Will Attempt to Defeat the Relieving
Column In Detail While Reducing
the Siege of Ladjunilth.
London. Nov. 23 Although it ia evi
dent that the situation in Natal ia again
becoming sullkiently alarming, nothing
can be ollkially ascertained to allay pub
lie anxiety or the curiosity felt regard'
ing the disposition of the reinforcement
recently landed at Durban. The war ol
flee diapatchea are confined to a mere re
cital of a few casualties at Mooi river,
which confirm the report of skirmishes
there, but give no detail as to bow the
enaairementa happened. The special
correspondent are only permitted to
describe Msjor-General Barton' camp
at Mooi river vaguely a "large," or
One correspondent say that 7000 Bo
er are within 23 mile of Howick Falls,
near PietermariUburg, and that the in
habltanta are fleeing lo the capital. Ev
dently a considerable force of the enemy
ia now within 40 mile of rietermarita
burg, but it i officially announced from
there that no anxiety prevails, the garri
son numbering 1000 men with six guns.
General Joubert' plan apparently is a
daring attempt to defeat the British re
linvimr column from Durban in detail,
whilj still attempting the reduction of
A suriou attack on Mooi river camp is
now hourly expected,- with the object of
destrovinir the bridge at eaton. bnouiu
this be accomplished the Boers would be
free to turn their attention again to Est
court, while, if it failed, the enemy
would retire again on Weenen and re-
join the investing forces around Lady
I smith- , ,,
I The Boer report that Oen. Hilyard s
! messenger asking Gen. White for as
! ..,.nn .... oantiired causes some un-
! easiness, but it is argued that if General
Hildyard had not been strong enougn to
hold out he would some time ago have
been ordered to reti e to Pietermaritz-
Afulnaldo Being; Hemmed Ia.
Manila. Nov. 23, 9 a. m. New from
the i nrsuit.of Aguinaldo ia not expected
for a day or two. Yesterday a report
reached General Lawton by courier from
General Young that people knowing the
country think Aguinaldo' destination is
Dolose. With General Lawton' troop
in a position to move toward Bayom
bong by every road from the eoutb, and
with impenetrable mountains, peopled by
semi-savage tribea behind, Bayombong
would be a poor refuge.
It is reported that General Lawton is
moving northward from Tayud with In
fantry to head off Aguiualdo.
General Young ha only a troop of cav
alry and the Macabebee, who originally
numbered 300. Aguinaldo ia luppoaeri
to have two days' start from Aringay.
The Newport and Tartar have arrived.
1 :25 p. m. The insurgent from the
north are concentrating at Montalban
and San Mateo, where it i expected
they will make resistance to the Ameri
can advance. The Spaniard never
occupied these place, and the insurgents
believe them to be impregnable. .
A reconnaissance to the northwest of
San Mateo Tuesday, developed the fact
that the rebels were moving store
and men to Montalban. The number
of the insurgent ia unknown.
A reconnaissance made yesterday
showed that 200 rebel are entrenched at
Sun Mateo, and others in the valley be
tween there and Mariquina, where the
rtfbel outposts are stationed.
General Young entered San Mateo last
cr.tmhr. and found the piace no
especially adopted for a strong resist'
A Chance to Buy a Home Cheap.
Oregon Citv, Nov. 21, 1899.
Editor Enterprise: The tenderest as
sociations in life cluster about the word
home. None who can afford to buy a hom
should bo without one. A desirable
piece of city property which would make
an elegant home ia now offered at a great
bargain. It conBista of a tract of 30
acres in the heart of Minthorn addition
to Portland. The streets have an oeen
vacated and it can be sold either as city
or couutry property. The county assess
ment roll shows that it i worth three
times as much as the property surround
ing it. Anyone having any misgivings
on that point can have every doubt dis
pelled by calling on the County Board of
Equalization. One year it was asae
at t'-2.75 per acie when land just across
the county road was assessed at $20 per
erand other land leas than half a
mile away, was assessed at less than $13 1
per acre. The agiregate assessment tor
the past seven year of the whole tract,
of which this forms a part, is greater by
nvar tifiO.OOO than the average aggregate
assessment of the same amouui, uu
kind of land all around it for the same
period. This simply how what an ex
tremely choice location n w.
I need at i' actual cash value be
canae the law declare that It muat lie,
and I know that it and the aurrounding
propertie are eed in eqnal and
notable proportion because the law re
quire it. Only once In the past seven
year has there been any decline in th
value of the property, or an assessment
of It that approximated the asaeaament
of other property In the earae neighbor
hood. In 18'J7 the aaaeasor visited the
property just a Mr. Mullen, who live
on a farm just acros the county road
wa turning out hi cow. Traffic on the
street at the time wa very quiet. The
town clock had flopped. The city hall
waaoWuredhy an intervening clomp
of fir tree and the assessor mistook It
for agricultural property and astessed it
accordingly. Hi mistake wa perfectly
natural, a the recorded plat of the addi
tion wa in the court bouse mile away.
The county board will never allow aoch
a depressing circumstance to happen
again, and aa long the assessment roll
hold out no property for mile around
will compare with it in value. It i ar
ideal location. It offer the advantages
both of city and country. You have
only to itep acros a county road 60 feet
wide, and yoo are three mile out in tbo
country where land I assessed at only
$20 or $30 an acre and country milk and
butter and eggs and country air abound.
On the west Minthorn Spring ia but
mile away. The water from thi spring
used to be regularly dispensed at the
Marquam Grand. Many pretitr it to
Apollinaria. Thi ipnng is not so far
away but that the children can any
morning bring in a bocketfull before
breakfaat. The land is very rich. Fir
cones, goat and mortgages grow on it
without any cultivation, and aa it ia a
retired location, the leading crop of
Texas could be raised on it without dis
turbing the neighborhood in the least.
I planted a mortgage on it myself years
ago. It ha never bad any care, bnt I
never aw anything grow or do better.
In fixing a price upon thi magnificent
property I have taken the average as
sessment for the past seven years ex
cepting only the year when the assessor
made the mistake referred to above, and
am offering to dispose of all my right,
title and interest in It for just one naif,
that assessment. The purchaser can al
so haye the mortgage or I will take it
just a he desire. Nothing of that kind
shall interfere with a trade. I can stand
the mortgage bnt I am mortally afraid of
the assessor. Half the average assess
ment may seem a high price, but thai
Board of Equalisation can explain that
way. They will argue the proposition
with you in dead earnest and never
crack a smile and your ideas of the value
of the land will grow at every visit. Pro
ceeds of the sale will be devoted to
charity after payment baa been made to
a number of creditors who have prior
liens. C B. Moore?.
School Reports.
Report of Parkplace public school for
month ending November 17:
Days taught, 20; days attendance,
3842; times tardy 1 ; boys enrolled, 104;
girl enrolled, 101; total enrollment.
205; average daily attendance, 192.
Number neither tardy nor absent during
the month 13t).
Dale Seaver has a good record for at
tendance, having been neither tardy nor
absent for four consecutive year.
The following ia a report of the school
in district No. 68, Elwood, for the month
beginning October 9 and ending Nov. 3.
No. of days taught, 20 ; day attendance, -439
; day absence, 36 ; time tardy, 19;
beys enrolled. 9; girl enrolled, 17.
Total No. enrolled, 26; average oaily at
tendance, 22. Those who were neither
absent nor tardy : Josie Codenau, Millie
Case, Sady Freeman and Chas. Shubert.
Visitors, Mr. Freeman, John Wallace,
Willie Donahue, Mr. Stromgreen, Mat
Park, Ed Park, W. Wilson, Mr. Hender
son, Mrs. Holland, Mis Ida Shockley
and Mis Edith Freeman.
Patrons and friends and all who are
interested in the welfare ot our school
are cordially invited to call and note the
progress of the school,
L. II. M08HER, Teacher.
I know it
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the woiat form,
of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich, tells how uch a slave
was" made Iree. He says: "My wife
has been bo helpless for five years that
she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric Bitters.
she is wonderfully improved and able to
do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy.
headache, backache, fainting and dixzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, mn down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by Geo. A. Harding
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are Sold
on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia. One
little tablet gives immediate relief.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Geo. A. Harding,