OREGON CITY TrvTirnnnrcw pnmAV vritrpriit.Ti it tone. . 1 I"' AJ tJkJ u. .-. . I - ... r tl I 1.1 I'. Illi i k It. riilin.KH.I i i.i. x JyU;U,. J......,f. ..,., ,i.(1Hy ,.,, I T''ii, l- hi it mm,.,! MlllH.Jl. . A. , ,pay of , .,;,,, . . Ailmiiey M, Ml iirtn, of Portland, itnloli'g illllia III the i lly yniinr. j, (Jlovef, of FagU Crei-k, Is vM- Ilt,i week wllh her daughter, Mr. U g, (jihaoii, frit ! y""' "''I ''"' ' -Mr. nil Mi ('l,M. IMI l (! Wl hid died la.l jlunUr evening. T I. .In nf Ida M. K. ihonh at j,,,, Tn'kry dinner Oil Thlili if I vli j,y, 'fii .'.V, Com. (,arlre V. li-llo X, of McMlllllvilla, ,i,. Mil lii parent, Mr. Bin) Mi, Dm. iuMny iluilng il,a . U "l'linllli, of Hpokane la tuiili her Lleia, Mr, M, lloll. k ai d tl4 ili" luddaiiilili of (In i lijr. Al Milrely' Optra Houne, Tha K.U.r.1 Hhlalda' Company which Come lo Kl.ivMljr'a imt I0(IIM on Mon day, NHii,Ur Wtl, In only thorouufilr III 'H In new .,, ,,,,,". ; "7 "' H,l. i.i 1 1... lurnl.hlm,,. ,n. V" f""ln are: Fprag..e and H l-y filiil.l Him ,,, U.i.nl ,.. "n-f (rain wa p,,u t svw k li ai found il.Ht an ,ii,im, ma In low , II. A mi nl.r of window M.I, Weight , ,. 0 ,( J'erk In.u.h . ,r ,., ,,,, en maulng f.! w). (riiy have Uwi dit. UI, A It a .4 tl, (,, running alowly and ,J4,, rr. uHed. Hmall boy, a,, , iro,, i bum of (, rrn City w. , , ,,,, (, epldr-mlc Hatiirday nu,t. Iluea of II,,.,,, I v1hk tM. urri-.l ttlil.li, a radio., of threw ml!.. Tli flr.t vlrllui Hi T.mar 1,0 M l.i,,, Ut,,M.n f ) ,to. t n lxiit 0 p. til ami rllv. of a aalrli nl om Iimm ilnnv. Al,ui v I'lliMK, In tlmlr iim.lrtl ioiu-llit ) miillUI "Ui..l,.r Fal. Color;" lMn l-mMii IIIii.unM rm iiiil; Ilia favor lt Urlior,, CI,M. H, wIiUIhk.Im ,a famoniaoi,,,; Kata Hpnuur., nolo ,Mf. 'llrMoH.ratlol,llalll; llm r-mlnftit travi-lwr ami JouriiUt, K.rl H,MU, In Kraphl,' ,,m .riplloiia of Ilia I'liillpplna r, J2 iiiNKiiifl'ii-iil lllii.ir.llon, ilirnct from original iifgNtlvr. Tlia r fm:llm of I'lioloKripliii: portrayal of Ufa in motion. Tlia Hifiiii..((r4pli, vlvlilly a-i-l rinli., yr.-.r..iirlrit( ,i4l hatlla "iim, m.flii'lliiK: KuiiMon nwiiinnlnK I t lUtf rlvrr, FiNpin'M DiIhk from lr m liMi ; kout ol Filipino ( Mltonj l'arala on rxdirn of Oirm volunira, arnl it, Vrrat Ihmty ytrxU Trinity lUartrt, In rl,ra tritlc (Ion, In Tl. U ltra of M. (hitlfU ri'lrie- I'sul'a Kplrop lo iiiwt at ili -I. .... Ill . liKlii oil rnuif iirrnuotl at lliri ! n"nry i.iMiM lirf, ,o work (tiwi. i l I A Ui. 1 . ta i i iii " "! lipi'iruiii l Ure tlniM'I aa I.i. Ml i, rlr-. irl,' rr arl io. ft fivaupa aai.li aii'l .V) in raali. In .lu.l;..lll ..L .1 1 . itm 1? 7 . .. ... lannly alL'K'iriral pi. lor... or.TVru , , )fVr,j ,-,11 . t- , . 4 - r i" iiii, mils will K'l Al IU;.J . ,,,-v.il. K.la ..n ..I. .1 II Iff ' " - " U k 1 1 UHLID T ffj Uook Hum. I IIHMIfy .1). l( I,,! ( A. Wul..y' lntii.lwinia UFwg.a (Van .1 tiirwa I'olril I rapiilly itMrliig (uui Irii.Mi r. alii Im ilin.i. rori ba I'oltiplrlnl, Alx.i.l 40 Itx'l'loaltrinltxJ li oiliiil of Mit, N. U. Uar.nr-' iIihIh tul Iii Ida Armury Turly atvnlng wJ J 'lly K'-l (m liaJ. M U I. I'h krin iilrrlii,i.o! a mHy f y.Jtii (( (NNipU al lir lioiu M 'lxUy tniiiii. Awry plraa.lil li,)g Illlt. Id. -rir of rvirl arnrirt rouJuit di id ('uiiKrcaiiunal rliunh lal f.k ir.ulivl In a larif a. I luion lo ilia awoiUrtliip cf llial rliurt h. l4in I,, Mown an. I Ha Norn o! Idl ! d(y, iu liii of Hi l,'i4r(ily of (( un i.lir. Itirlr p.iriil In llil rily hj l'.k In II. a f ..1111 Klnal I', rt Un I haionlay, Win. I. IU.IL.fJ la frwn hi iMt-li ay out In tlia iiijiiiiU'ui U.I f iil.r n. lvM.ilr a ttlt.l r aralp iih tl.p luun'y clvik, alii, h U h for ;". Sa.lT.tr. ainl l. M.I Iriini ra- larnr I TuMt-Uy frtin I laho, a tier ll, ry aat tmrn ninpl'iyoil ilnit. 11 May on a fnrrfiiinrnt uirryln irp.iilon un.lnr Ernr.l llatvU. Mr. l(nU anJ Ui iti.r iiivmlpra lll arnr hortly. AWil lnty yonnif itropl rnj iyJa tirint aurprlM parly on Hoy C'aa al I -i nmilirr'a Loin al r-.ll Virw la.t Sta'.l.y avnln(. (iaiuv. an.l n'frtwh fcni lii.J lliaocraalon p plraaanlly Jed a ('m1 lima aiijiiyed. rai d In.Lm tli ilnin.ii.l lo .Irllvrr a. "I boa Mull Xol Mral." Tliat "Ilia war of tl,a tran.ifreaaor I. ! turn a arrn. I.alioiii dxr a mil lo Id Iioiim ami got .dot yun ami ra. Iiiriii. lo llma. ni,a of iharudUry In lima lo iirar a mn runnin ll.ronh I. ru.lt, Im flrn.l ronpta of l,o( afinr lil mi lii( failn.l lo i to ... ........ a.i.pl,..lr.M,y . rrrvi,, Miim.,.,!"""' -"'''"iy.ii.M.ra. over al r Of at litltlt liltial ll.aa lr.t.i ll.u4 t... ' ma njw aiiriv nmjW b-ti innoyel ly having lhir lunch U.ki( ovrrltaulnij and cliolc lid bila I lifulirl.le.1. On Wt.,liiflj una of Ida '.i.. i. . i-. . . . .. I in irijm uru'riilinrv IO wacil III prow l-f t-.-.i. ... I i- I.:. i - i . ., ..i. - Ii ., i ' - -. iii ii.a tun. it ua. aciiuiip i anv lUmak'n. No in . ... ... . I... i.. ii.. .. i . i -.i i . I "inurg aif-ai, uoxi a un a prracnp- i lua lo Hi. roliiMr. . . ynl Imrn found. ., ." ... ... linn that -a Ktiaranlrrd lo maka the Me lugl.lin Cahln. NiU Hon. of roiigral man airkrr thin a bolt-tailed frti-'iii kv ll.rlr ..rption and ban. y.llow .log. Tha lunch ai carrleaaly H'lrl in V,ii, i. . lia'l Mumlay atriiliig left in an inviting (.N ation ami a watch Ii. m-ihUra i4 tl,. at,v H na and ! al for lltdi. atinn. of auddnn diairnna. Opegoa C'llf Jfark.it ilrport. iCorrocM wankly.) Whrat-No. I.Oct, No. 2, tH il. No. 3, 47 eta par bu.hal. flour I'orlland, $1.15 Howard' ll"t, :i.3; f iahfr'a Itaat, .'J.iW. ) In aatk, whit, 'M ronla biialiul, gray, 24, MillalufTa Dran, $15.00 pi-r horl. $10,00 mr ton. fotaloca A't lo 00 eta r aark. f KK 'ili b 6 ct prr (locan. i'UtUir Kancli, V to caul. jr roll. Onion, toe. to $1 r rru k, litmn applifa, .75 in pur bo. Mvatjk and lUm MHala limtf, llvn. 3'; ti .T." c lMa llv 4-l.- l... drMMwd.t io6i c?nn; a! ep, $3.00 lo $1&0jr l.ad; veal, draaaud 7.'gc. par ton DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kldotj Trouble Hakes Ton Miserable. Almoat averybody who read, tha newa- paper. la aura to know of tha wonderful cure, mads by Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Root, IL.J II I . -v- Th. Jury in tha ca of the .lata va nicy tlark rharund with alaalllig itwk for $iri.00 from "('apt. Jrk" Milirr waa tritM) Thuraday and tha jury no lima in bringing li a yrr.lli't ol railty. Imtrnf will ba paaaod Halor- Uv morning al 8:30. J. I. Htavana, puhllahar of tha lata .nhy Inilciprhilotil, a ldrrawt-l an audi oca of about 5(1 immiiiIo at Milaaukia ifonday avrning. Mr. Kiavana iWiv "'I an blalorlcal Itvtura on tha Ilor jiitli.il war in Kouih Africa aiid ary Inti'irmting. Tim rxmalna of I'onraJ K..lg. who iH .iiddeiity On H. V, train laatThurf yaaion Friday lakrn to lllll.ltoro w Imrlal. la homa waa about one nd onndialf iiillo. from that plara. lie (.v.-. n Urga family and waa a mpmlwr film AO. U. NV. in which ordur lit rrid $2,000 In.uram-a. , Tim niualiiallon board inft in aoa.lon Monday and have a ll.tunlng to ilmt romplalnla liava Iwon premmitxl. t tiihy ha itatod though that the coin l.ii.t have Ixtan few and far bntwwn. in)r William took ancclal cara to lv evnrybody fair and jual a.aona iiit and llio work of the r'ulition o.ril, In conrvii'nc baa Untn light. Tlie "'library party" given by the ontig HH)plu of the Haptlat church IhnI 'iilwy evening wa .plondiil ucceaa. bout two hundred Moplo were In at !nilnce and enjoyed a ploanant even 'K. Twenty young olu repre'ntod ilTiTtmt booka and tho tolling oftho liri runt ntorifn furnllnl much ainiiHti ""nt. KctreHliinonta were atiryed. A Imliui' chorus comported of about 20 '' wan organlKnd Monday evening J Mm. N. V. Lawrence, at the real ''n' of Mra. M. K. Diirlow. Tho Wiih ia yet without name but ono ill likuly be chomm at the next moeting. lie iiiiihIo-loving people of Oregon City HI probably have tho plouiuie of hear 'K thin diorua aoon at a concert which "1 b aniiounciid later on. Mm.R. L, llolmunnas culloil to Seattle Friday to attend the bedriido of her l,l'rJ. M. Hixon, who waa not ex feted to Hvo. Ilia doath occurrod on unduy, the 13th. Mr. llixon waa agd I yt'Hi-H an, wg. A member of tho olduHt uininHion lioiiHO on the rucifio cokhI, v'mg luttlud in California In 1819. He ve a wife and four children. Roaidea lr'- Holman, another daughter Mra. J. I'aker, of Hedlanda, Cal., la well "own to Oregon City people . 1 rionroi., Tha preparation. wrr in tl,a li.i.il. of a capable roiuliiltlrw mliaiatlng of T. I'. KamUII, llrnry Mrl.lrum and , V. ami lo y that thry did thxlr wmk wrll bnl ..rly riprr-tiu-a it, Ibry l..f nothing lo ! d.'.irf 1. UoM. A. Mdlrr rallr-d tho inr.tlrg lo urdxr an. Intr.lmrd hot llluinaurr. grand pr..riil, alio d-llfnl a .hurt a.ldrrMi and prr.i.lrd dining lb tioii, Waiter I, .III. Ban- a aolo and William Vaugh, of Molall., aKik of plonrr iric.ncra an. waa fol'.oavd wi'h a in.trum.iital l'lion by J. N. K,li.li. JuJgaT. A. Mrlliid gar a tplendid talk on the or l.-r and rrad an original mmiii, com pMtsllor Id rx-ra.ion. L. A. Miller aang rvvri xt ami Mi hJilli Wealharil, grand amrvlary of tha Nalu l4ughtra iok Oigingthaor. ganiaation of a branch hrrr. The ban ll follow,), Other akrr w.raA P. Ariu.lrong. C. It. Moorr. II. K llayr. (j. K. Ilye. John Iwdlen, Herman lea and W. C. Johuwrn. Ha .t Ibe Itlfht Man. Aca.aof nil. taken identity occorrml her- WHliiely that for a tune tlirral- e lied to be diaaatrou. On the lUlh of AUK'i.t lat Wm. Hnyder wa murdered al lliifgiunport, Ohio and an indictment for murder In the Aral degree waa re turnnd by tha grand Ju-y of Itrowo county, Ohio, againat m. L. Ikmald. Donald made hia en-ape and tho cane waa jut In the ban. la of detective agency, who have amaleura on their t(T all over Ilia country. Thla Clackamaa county amateur found a man who an.wered the decrlplion very cloaely and uMin hi. Information the Ohio aherilT telrgraphed SherllT Cooke to make the arret. The ac-uivd had no (rouble whatever In proving that ba waa a hard working laborer and bad been a contlnooui resident of Oregon from a period prevlou. to the date of tha crime. A. a reautt an innocent man wa put to onto inconvenience and the Ohio ahcrilf la out about $'.'0 for telegram and the Clackamaa county ami tour I. ahy hia pioflpcvllve reward. SurprUe Tarty. A very pleanaut aurprlaa parly waa gotten up by the friend, of Mi. Nettle Bradley at her parent'. home laat Thura day evening. The evening waa agree ably aHtiit in variou. game, and eoclal pleaNtirei. Tho.e premmt were : Nellie Cauftold, Maud Cooke, Mary Boll Mel- drum, Clara Koorner, Keaie Block, Berth Koorner, Mabel Tower, Coral dine McCown, Clara Nohren. Hetla Scoggina, Nullle Wood, Anglo Williams, I,ula Cho and Edith Hargreaves. Letter MnI. The following la the lint of letter, re maining In the poetolllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on November 10, 181M): wouknh'unt. O'Connoll, Berth Mm Johnaon, Vet Mr. Keaia.OUMra Mill. J-;iia-s UotiD, a v air. mkn'i liht. Ball. F D Grand, M J. llarrott. JohkpIi Johnna, Jack Oarmack, Willard Jonoa, Jack Chapman, 0 II Bchelcher, Ja Dickona, frantc pcuooi. ui, Sluiilock, J GEO. P. HOltTON. T M. Il wa. not long Ix-for a certain em ploye aa. yelling for doctor, but in ltid of calling on, tha atory of the Hamburg (eak aa. paaaed around and the injur devil wa lh butt of all kinda of a illy remark. Hi agony wa In tnae, and all band laid i fi U erjoy (he arenr and ealend the marMe heart to the victim. The Hamburg aleak loca'ed the ofT'iiiler and hi puniahmeot wai.wift and aura and the boy. now feel that the lunch baaket will be aerure fro,n depre dation for aoine tinie. rTri or Ohio, Citt or Tolhw.I ... I.I C Col'KT v, ) Frank J. Cheney makea an oath that he I. the aenior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing bu.ine.a in the City of Toledo, County and State afore aid, and that .aid firm will pay the aum of O.NK Hl'NMtKI) IH)LLABS for each and every caoe of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the ue of Hall' Catarrah Cure. FKANK J.CHKNKV, 8 worn to la-fore me and .-.ib.cribed in my presence, thi. Uth day of December, A. D. IMW. A. W. til.F.ASON, j K4U j NoUry l'ublic. Haifa Catarrah Cure is taken inter nally end act. directly on the blood and muruu. .urlace. of the ay.tem. Bend for te.timonial., free. F. J . CHKN KY, A CO., Toledo, 0. (Sold by druggist., 75c. Hall'. Family Fills are the best. L Kilmer Swamp-Root, I (he freat kidney, liver JL and bladder remedy. a It latne rreat medl rt cal triumph of the nlne- k .1 ter.n!h nturv- A covered after years of i i-y,i H.1CIIUIIQ reacarca vj rtSl Dr. Kilmer, the emU J - - l. I J . 1 L.J trani hiuiicj ana Diao der aoeclalLtl. arui la wonderfully auccessful In premptly curing iam hick, Rianey, cuaaer, uric acia trou ble, and Brlht's Dlieise, which U tha worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root Is not reo ommended far everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble II will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In to many wava. In homttal work. In orlvata practice, among the helpless too poor lo pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every caie that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have nol already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how lo find out It vou have kldnev or blaAV.r trnuhl--.. When writing mention reading this generous oiler In thl. paper and send your a Mreu to Dr. Kilmer &Co..Blng hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Romaf a-ta-Ha. dollar sixes are sold by all good druggists. Big Cut in Cameras ! ! ! L'ntil iec 2'ith we ofT.tr all rCodak Carn-ra. at a diaconnt of ZVi per rent from 'lie maniifaclur.-ra price. The Kodak am the brat known and mot astlsfactory cameras for amateurs. Every on guaranteed. We carry a full line of photographic auppliea Including fiolio. Ilex, Velox and Ari.to J'lallno Printing Taper in both amateur and profi-Mional aisea. The newest thing ia Kepia paper will lie glad to tell yon ettout it. W'e know oiueih;n,f about picture-taking and picture-making, and are always glad to help beginners. Sterling Silver Novelties Make moat dwiirable preaenta and at the price we are offering them come within the reach of all. Our atock ia Juat here from the manufacturer and contaio the newe.t and Ute.t things ranging in I'rii-e from I0:. lo pt 00 Every article guaranteed sterling silver .1725 fine. Bee them in the window. Catalogue of Cameras and I'hot tgraphic Hnppliee Free. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City, Ore. r For 'leai. Frla ) iiiti:Ai, ) VAHt.H, i vtr.n. vac ii tl U. KIITK.VK Bakery and Confectionery I 't Vuw. Nrrralh eMl Ail.n. aj. iaoi.i i r:i. I Telephone 34 Joeeph Kuerten, j 3 Prompt laellvcry. i ' Dr. II. II. Hsden, Summit, Ala., ays, "I think Kodo! Dy.pepaia Cure ia splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grow a with con tinued nee." It digeata what you eat and quickly cures dyspepaia and indica tion, Uio. A. Hahdixo flrafjt. vita ra vfeotk.. Joa (mitrn. a-rt. Itlin. Wbvn. Dal.ll. Jl w ' r.BM.M 14. d-a.r. lor lo6w, ll at arvoa attrM, ibi.ai MM to.4 MUbood. 4ffa1 MUlWrMHo" ro lro5f III Al'a co. a i.4aiin.aOTTa7aJ ii ai r.ruru aur SOTOBACIlM j nmr oa 4r.ir.iffi. vt. orh for. Ta. II WI14. 'tll.MlkBUy. Mralit-Atl mm . ai. r hmi i buix. -4. 4 lonr. or r-rund avnnfT. lo a-jiah i aaasM ft X 1 aTa --al fin I mm. 1 BkM Sill, a iiii(. a. pocket- taanty Ires.urrr's Police. I now have fund, lo pay county war rant endorard prior to Fepteniber Hth, IS'..,. Interest will ceae on the date of thi notice Oregon City, Oregon Nov. lftth. 1S99. Jacob Siiadk, Treaaurer ol Clackamsa Co., Oregon. r n i J rf ai a. iaT--a. T - ft tVT - -JL'" - TaaaT 1 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE THIS BIO CATALOGUE 1 ZTXX'ZZ I4.W4I llliulrffOA.rtr. IW U . 1 yWW m4 U miml ftm4 whWiM, !. TNI tlUT WHtUWUCHICAO NICIS ) IVEITTNiaSJ l.wnM;".ml""''iiit 'w, Wri. aW , iMUmt, !!,. . tmmU fa4 .1,11. a-vW. ffW- rtt.w. (rwUr, vv InUkllH, h . a--M. r4te ii.. I. a. T.ll. )iut oh.1 jcrnr M"rrkwr M kom BM p7 fc fvfnthii. k. bay.ud nf ir.mi kia rmt.OTOTTft.nnna roaoat ftntUlc. Jto boT;.lplslo.arl how lo rd-r, how aio.'htb. HH K ur mt III ha os anrtklna to yoar owu. Tb at ln O 1 mm aroHT 4 1.4. (ho r-trt ti'M I. MO.BUV OUR FREE OFFER. VltZZZZZZ k.ip p.; ummoi.u (giun. it. aw Bm4 mi m . r naaai rr iu fmmlfid. uwi ir to. doo-t ihlnk it WoorUi MStlaMOCk. 1 ew roavt0.4.a.TUih.lowOTtwlolwl4 vriemm ot vryinc mmf BO ml4 99 .III tmm'4imlf ffW.fr fmmf llwlfc W HAT THK fKlK. 4AV4 A HOI T TWIB CATAl)rr It uatauautaoalol wuum UtlurauJtoa." Miiia..iimMi..l Tribaofc . V I J1 ----r l orVrfnlpl4orw-TrffjtilBrtoci F.tlomi mbaM. V . j -TArSr J "T.(.tl.u,. worxWr.-- lUnrWUrlll H.ilaioa. l-T. . ,ruZZ'..i?4 Ttmn. Mertwk Co. U of ot lh Imrft koutaa of 114 Ua4 tm mJ-L -n. - """ul CMr" "-I bliro InlrrOrtu. -T h. pi. rmi.inru4 roraw 004 01 id. biiim orpui. eaM pnaHMy b. rant lato a 4ltrtrt BotV. Monthl.. ( tlnev -ThMrniffJnn. to s .Ml drpartaonl un kall4 dw." illuta Ctorrrtltiitlna. "Tiocllorii.l.eTtJnlTa fjMrrhndl. onrrrlopdl" cbMaro I pworth HrTmlo. ti , A law .hould br pooMramnlllna th.norl thl. faulort.l4.ll puhltr B-lnvito." Tb. Hoa. O. A MnalMoaa., W4l4oolb.iMj.or.,inll.r,lrrt IMUIM.MI fm -II I- It- -.."" "7 tMB. 44414., 6 EARS, ROEBUCK CO. (I no.), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A. Fxperlenre Is the Heat Turner. l'e Acker'. English Itemedy in any esse of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail lo give Immediate relief money refunded. 1!5 eta. and 60 eta. Geo. A. Harding, agent. You never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using De Witt's Little F.arly Klsora and you will avoid trouble. rhey are famous little pills for consti pation and liver and bowel troubles. Uso, A. Hardino. J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, N. II, asys, "One Minute Cough Cure is the Iwst remody for croup I ever used," Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, SBthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It .'prevents consumption. ' Oko. A. Harding. COUNTf WAUI.A.VrM. Wepwys i.re in I ii m Tor t'lacltn- maw l iuiBiy s.u n-.uii wwrrniil". rii i: ii a s k o i' o ii Witwnn An Iinportniit Difference. To mako It apparent to thousands, who think themselves 111, that they are not afflicted with any diRoase, but that the system simply noods cleansing, is to bring comfort home lo tholr hoartH, as costive condition is easily cured by us ing 8yrup of Figs. Manufactured by Hie California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all druggists. IMlifll Daiuties....... Nuts, Dates, Figs, Honey, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries. Raisins Horns' Made Mince Meat, ROBERTSON, Tub 7th Strkbt Grockr. BELL0MY & BUSCH si HOUSEFIMISIIEI s For the accommodation of our customers we quote the following prices: ,8 6 cups and saucers - - 45c 6 dinner plates - - 50c 6 sauce dishes - - 25c 100-piece One decorated dinner sot $9.S0 . , T .a. mm Large Onk Center Tables - $1.50 High Back Dining Chair - - 65c Full siise Bedsleads - - $1.50 Woven Wire Cots - tl.85 All wool C. C. Carpel per yard 50c Brussels Carpet per yard - - 50; Ingrain Carpet pet yard - - 25c Washable Jute per yard - - 35c Hemp per yard - - - 10c Matting per yard ----- 10c Lace curtains per pair - - - 75c Table covers fringed 3 feet by 3 feet - ------- 50c Wall.P.per per double roll 13u. LMMI l l-u I ll I Copter Bottom Tea Kettle - 40c 10 Quart Granite Pail - 60o 10 Quart Dish Pan - - 10c 10 inch Granite Pan - - 25c 6 knives and forks - - 50c 6 Table Spoona - - -10c at We keep a full stock of Paints, Oil and Glass aud would like to give estim ates of cost to. our customers con templating pointing their houses. in) -imp i"i I uni a m. i, ,ii(ru.n,.n hritn bread baked in a Charter Oak I inis inunp c... rl. 7t of bread baked in a Charter Oak Zll Caution youVWends not to boy a cooking stove be.ore they have examiued Into the merits of Charter Oak if toves. We make all kinds ofuiat '.resites from $1.90 up Opposite Court House.