Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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The annual lth ache lima it t lnl
J 1 ami Ihivto llhmt an achlm w are an
a v v i;c nn v n r vr p ? i eni.n.
l'loalng ha
k e-jg C Cl-tCVOi
IUbton, Oct. TO CoM weather it the
nsual reetin now.
Mr. n Mi, Hitrghardl were the
guei of Mr. mi. I Mr, (iorden Sunday.
Mr. Miiry ltartlenuy is slowly iui
proviuii. Manyotonr young; iiple attended
tli dance l Pa ta-iis ail report a irouJ
Willie Kii'hiy hat Wen visiting friend
and relations at Sycamore.
Harry Thorp, of Dundee, has Wen
Tieitinit hi many friend here.
K. Trenton is working at Troutdale.
Mies IVillie Konuan returned hou.e
from St. I'aul, Oregon.
Mr. Uorden ia suffennu severely from
an attack of rheumatism.
Una tiard returned to hi home in San
Fraiiriaco. We were sorry to see him
leave u. Specially Miss was.
O. ArmwuK'er makea flying trip to
Kifc'io Creek every Sunday. What does
t mean?
road between Barton and the
IVxitilas farm must W a well beaten
track. Liten for the bells.
The mill has Wen running for two
month day and night till Saturday
niht when everything was quiet on
Fecond street.
Salmon trout are quite plentiful now.
Guy and Clyde White are home from
Washington where they have Wen work
ing all summer.
Sunn j tide.
Si msymhk, Oct. 10. Perhaps some
leup!e think that Sunnyside is dead, hut
to assure them that it is not, I take
pleasure in writing the news.
Mof t of the farmers are very busy dig
ging their potatoes and getting in full
Mrs. Hubbard and daughter. Ollie,
have jrne to California to spend the
Mr. Becker and his two sons Fred and
John, staried to 1'ortland in great style
the other morning. They paaed along
the road with their high-stepping team,
tut it was not a very long time until
they were seen coming back yery moddy
and crest fallen. The kid gloves bad
vanished and their hands looked very
much like they nee-led a wash pan ol
water instead. The cause of their con
dition was that the wagon parted in
the middle and the horses went on with
the front wheels while the back ones
remained in the road. The horses were
boom caught and no further damatie a as
51 r. Robert Davis and son Claud, from
Washington, are visiting relatives here.
Trof. Stalnacker, a ho is teaching the
Clackamas school was visiting friends
here last Sunday.
Mrs. Lillian Hunter has Wen quite
ick for the last two or three weeks but
is some better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Davis were visit
ing at Lcgan last Sunday.
Born, to the wife of Mr. Gillatn, a
Mr. Marion Reed has Wen quite sick
but ia improving rapidly now.
Mr. Wine has sold his place here and
has moved to Clackamas.
Milwaikie, Oct. 29 Mr. R. Scott is
much improved in health and able to
attend to business.
Mr. Ed. Boitemiller has rented his
mother's farm and wants to buy a good
team, but finds good big work horses
scarce. The farm produced a good crop
of prunes this year and 4,000 Wxes ol
tomatoes notwithstanding the season
was unprofitable.
Mr. P. L. Brown, who is part owner
in the Silverton electric light plant, was
vieiting Prof. L. L. Moore this week.
He report business flourishing in Silver
ton and additional machinery necessary.
Those of Milwaukie amending teachers
monthly association meeting at Oswego
were Misses Kops, Sleeper, James and.
Oliver and L. L. Moore and wile. They
praised the dinner very highly.
Thirteen pupils' of Milwaukie school
attended the exposition on Teh-gram '
Tli3 United Artisans will give a free
entertainment in the town hall on Mon-1
day evening, commencing at 8 o'clock, j
Rev. G. V. Giannis, of Salem, will be ;
the main speaker. There will he good j
talent from local assemblies. Every- j
body welcome.
Miss Mabel Morgan of Martinez, Cal., j
is viHitiug Mrs. Moore. She will leave
for California Monday next. She speaks
yery highly of the Willamette Valley
and says it io. far superior to Cal,
A large nurnWr of Milwaukie's lovers
of good plays went to hear that popular
play "Yon Yonsen."
Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Clark, of Clacka
mas, were visiting Milwaukie friends
during the week.
Stafford, Oct. 30. The past week
hs been very rainy a few more days :
like the past and ditches will begin to
eerry water.
Many are the cases of colds.
Cross have a lot of oat standing in
the shock.
(lage'a buck a heat looks rather the
worse for tlx weather, It i not cut.
Henry Schats has taught a new plow,
The IWcgo butcher did not make hi
regular round through this neighbor-
hi! Saturday last.
This ha Wen the Wst season for
young clover there h Wen for year,
as all that was sown made a good growth
and also all Arid that had ever Wen in
clover has come on volunteer and in
mtny it look like a shame to turn such
a splendid stand under.
Notwithstanding the evening wa
stormy tne A. u. u. vt s ned a good
attendance at their last meeting.
Do you get up with
Is there bid taste In
your mouih P
Then you hve poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion. You sre frequently
ditiy, always feel dull and
drowsy. l'ou have cold
hands and feet. You get
but little benefit from your
food. You hive no ambition
to work and the sharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body.
What la the cause of all
this trouble?
Constipated bowels.
an outing to Ilwaeo to see the iein.
They were Informed that the tide woie
higher than they had Wen for INI yearr.
Nedj ,
NitDT, Nov. 2. EvrryUxly and all
his friend are digging potatoe.
An assistant has Wen added to the
school and both rooms are now in ses
sion. The new bridge: at this place is com
pleted and is a credit to the town as well
as the supervisor, who had charge of itij
construction. The grade on the west
end of the bridge ha been minimii-nl,
so that it can no longer W claused with
the many steep hills of the county.
Clackamas county ha rebuilt its part
of Pudding river trestle, Wtween here
and Hubbard, during the pant year;
while Marion county's part of the same
trestle is patched and repatched until
the original i completely lost sight of
Two inch plank, worn to a little more
than half their original sise, interspersed
every six or eight feet with anew three
inch plank does not make a very agree
able road to drive over. But, if Marion
county otlk-ials have other use for their
funds we will not complain if we have
to lash our mortal Ira me to our hui-gy
seats to prevent Wing thrown out by it
corrugated trestles.
Great was the consternation and wide
spread was the fear during the past ten
days caused by the terrific roars of some
wild Wast. The woods echoed and re
echoed with screams and moans that
could be produced by no other animal
than a panther or his cousin the cougar.
Bold hunters scoured the forests with
gun and dog while the women and chil
dren bolted the doors to prevent an at
tack by this animal. The animal how
ever remains nncaptursd, hut it ha
been so definitely located that all fear
has left o.
will give you prompt relict
and ccnain cure.
V bld rVr.
if you have neglected your
cue long tints, you bad
better take
Aqcr's sampunn
alst). It will remove all
Impurities that have heen
accumulating In your Mood
anJ will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
Ik.r mf I ftutntfUiittf
y..,r r... j-m 4a "J
W.u4 VTllM turn itt HmJ : l4
tin, tins at altl.l.
will roa.tl r'l U
waicsl with. A-Ul.
H J. C. !. UU.
Mm. W. A. Criifll, who has for some
time Wen sick with typhoid fever In the
hospital in Portland I much Wtter and
will toon W home again.
Our school 1 progressing finely under
the able management of Mr. Vincent.
Charley Kilter, who has Wen In Wd
for nearly three months with a dirae.
hip hone, is e are pIMd to say Wtter
and will soon W able to walk again.
J. B. Seely had the misfortune to lot
a valuable horse lately with the colic.
Wilsosvilli, Oct. 31 Pauiie say
"rain" but the weather here is fine snd
potato digging is the order of the day,
the crop i a large one, hutthetuWis
are very knotty as a rule and a good deal
of complaint is made about the potatoes
Wheat is Wlow the cost of production
and as there is but little doing in the
hop business, and that little very unat-
lefactory farmers are far from flush with i
M. C. Young has shipped his crop of
hops to New York.
C. T. Tooze, sgent for Thos. UsWrne
A Co. of London, England has shipped
about 300 bales of the crop of hops
to London.
Born, to the wife of C. II. Epler a girl.
Mother and child doing well.
Married in East Portland on OctoWr
31t, 18'j9 John E. Butson and Mrs.
Ellen J. Lawrence.
Wallace Graham is Quite ill with
chronic stomach trouble. i
Y.tr, Nov. I. Mr. Moran i much
Wtter. He U entirely free of fever and
resting eacy, but is still confined to his
Wd by hi injured leg which istco
weak to ue, though it is gaining steadily.
The condition of Mr. Pierce' ampu
tated finger not Wing satisfactory Dr.
Carl! deemed it necessary to remove
another portion of it, taking It office
tween the knuckle and thn hand. Mr,
Pierce is able to go down to the doctor'
I office, every other day.to have it dressed,
I Frank Bulhird i having lumber laid
down for a new ' veranda on the front of
his residence.
C. SchneWI went hunting Frldsy
afternoon, returning Saturday bringing
one pheasant and two quail a trophies
of his skill.
RoWrt Bullard having lately taken to
himself a helpmate is moving ont on hi
ranch near Carus, intending to Wcome a
granger and grow up with the country.
Mrs. Itenell adn Mr. Mathewto k
Oswmio, Nov. 1 The Teachers' A"'
cUtion held their monthly meeting lt
Saturday at the school house, About
thirty teacher were present (nun dilh'r
rut parts of the county and a pleasant
and pfolUahl day was spent by
The ladle of ttsweito with their ii-'ikI
hoRplt.iltty, prepared and served a fli ej
An Kpworth League h ln orgm
lied by the young people of the M. E.
The last meeting of the Artisan
signalled by te reception of five
members and a splendid lunch,
Key. II. I.. St. Clair, who has I n
appointed to the paMtorate of the M. I.
church, preached last Sunday morning
In the M. K. church.
The ghost walkrd ye tlfre was a
whole procfsslon of ghiwta at the Con
gregational church Ust night. The
(he young people of that church vv
allallow'en social, the haling fes'u r
of which wa a procession of Hallow 'en
ghoetst There were tall ghit, and
short ghosts, ghnat of ruWtalilial
breadth and petite ghost, staid and
sober, and ghosts full of vivacity, but
when Unmasked great Caesar what an
array of feminine loveliuens. Hut fn m
ghost and angels we must devcend at
one Wund to ui and t laiii chow ler,
cake, rolle and confection, which was
served by the aformaid glet and aig"l
and in all Ilea a time long to W re
mertiWred l y those present and netted a
sum for the Sunday school treasury.
There ha Wen a rhng of manage
ment at the work of the Oregon lr-n A
Steel Co., Mr. Addi retiring from the
general siiiei In tendency and Mr. Gardi
ner from th local uiliitcndency. A
gentlemen whose name your correspond
ent ha Wen unable to obtain will till,
both placia niadn vacant by lb retTi-,
ineiit of Mr. Addis and Mr. Grdnrr.
The pipe foundry is not in operation at
the present time.
Helena Andertun who hn ke hi arm
two week ago Is improving rspldlr.
Grandpa lUvi Is nursing a crushed
Mr C. II. Nison wss taken ill very
suddenly on Monday morning, but I
much Wtter at tbl lime.
Mr. Ghormly who hss Wen tick for
some time i slowly improving.
'Continued on page seven)
hUW U Ulll
iV..,v! ,l,le rrcnardlu'ttfof ks-
OiiiH.Mon)hlittf wrUusuaL
Not N ah c otic.
Apcrfcrl ncnvJy for fowlip
liun. Sour Slouwu M Mail tv"
TVoruu- jCnvuLMOi . otf i h
oul Loss or Sum
Tac Simile Siflur el
V- -
For Infantunnd Chllnr
The Kind You Hay;'
Always Bought
Boars tho
f ttfv ThF
a a a m iiu
, sxxact cenrcr.wUarrgi.i
V.. II I
iuu nm
Always Bough
- sate
A writ known suj-rintcn.!rnt of !nds has glvrn it aikat
liut pupils h hsve acrrw to the I'.ncytlojwU priuss
cent hlt-hrr In their studies than tli-e IUI da U
this Jtlvilrge.
bj) 1$ a matter of choice. Any
k woman may havo It If ihe
A takes the trouble.
jf MliS Carrie Sparr.
zr ""II
27CO B
U the fur mative perM. "ht a -y rl In hi yoath
part of hi very rhai4. rr. To gUo )uiir ty iilurt
jou wilt sre t-t it llut he ha the Wst smioun-hti U
'The Concentrated Essence of the
Whole World's Wisdom"
Just when you want and have to havo
clothing is the time that we make our un
heard of low prices.
The prices as given in our great
are a wonder in the merchant
tailoring trade. The finest cloth
manufactured and first-class
work has earned us our standard
reputation for good work.
n J. I Mai i.
Third and Alder Sts., Portland, Oregon.
I wlut the r.wyi!u'dia Pri'annlra h Wn tcrnwL U
Wy read it ii'efr!iiig tofir ami lie will wi;li4-iu
I'.j.Iiw" Iilrialiile. Vi.ur ImV lu UlVe Idf- T h '1
ii. .Ilii he' mi attiaclive trtilh Cifl lilt uwtcrulwtJ"
In it ideas. Itrt
rh-rrv Street. KaniOS City. i
using the 5ven Sutherland Sisters'
Scalp Cleaner and Malr urower. t) e Mtdn;(A ,ylir , si.ni jour W.mv
L I il'an Alt') l
My nair was very trim, naving )ollf Kir, )OMr Wlfc Bnil vlllM.(, ril r,,ii.uit it r.im--'
from scarlet fever. Thick, glossy hair Is ,lC lui, Utal,ii, u.rre will t no j.t
now coming In, and I am positive the , ,fcinul h.'c to wlmh he u.y not wphc.
1 1 I ). L n a A m aft I
Will prove ejTiiive. Call at our Slots at once, or OA
ciiii!i and mail It to us.
advise everyone to use them.
Tnr CL'RB where ethers fall
tuts si ixtsguri
Hi:vi:nui mi iti:i:r
Orison City,
School of Academy Grade.
Tliorou(h Inslrnrllon.
ratronaii solh-ltnd at low rati1.
Fall term oh-iis 2nd of OctoWr.
IUv. W. If. Davis,
Mkn. M. J. Davis.
ONLY $2.76
liNDMOMONIV, t uiti.i
sVJ. OUl, AMI ll
jisur ('. fium
ttrnr ill tiu-b ar'turn) -t at h
4 , aiir i ill (!! h
tOTH CAft 1' "U I. r.,,.eM
It If-,ui'jH latrtilliallun
) UU fair, Piailtlliai fit ti tr li .r
T'iur noaroat iirsw of
sXUlMiswry, met It a Ma
rew a 4 lfeeai.1
i4aM ) sew
a karfa4
!r Hi aiwrru
trnit auf arse-Hnl
Hrrpri. rli
14 irt ,
I stfre I h i if
ltl avtitsUtr i-l ,
th rti i t,,r u
1 n.tir. THIS
FfW FALLflnr
WlNTfc M. n.i.'i.
f n ni an ir a
af all m, blharrMs,
rvtilllaa l .t I
fflnth. '-ii IfifliMi 1'irlir, rr l-iu ni v. i (, urn-.
JMi, i-ilrw full, I paf ( asirl lane elrtrsa foliar, lejiil
iilr tijti.ti.rl wild bf.rb Malik al tun ni r
hitfiii-ii with tlirntt ri ai.il rnlinr nli ref
' Mntialr araMirlolh hiHtidt nriiNinf i t. Ihle rt I
f allr awtt4e I h rflit"Hlt (if 'I fntiil t- nff a t )( ; I a
ni t i a ri 'Iuu I. In I lif in -m. Write tr free li
"5ar, Kaabaca t. aa (ataraHKMi rtliei. -tur,
III !'
ricune acijiuint me with the details of ymr TrltaniiUa offer.
City and State
lluiitlry'a ltHk hii. ik. sih-i Ul atfmt.
tabllnlied IN63.
W. S. HURST & CO.-
Produce and Commission Merchants
lUal listMtealid
li i
riru iiiniirillicu. j
Notary I'lihlic.
lliuh...t insiket price paid for Wheat. Ost. H"l
1'oialoe, Wtad, tJiilon. tlreeri and Pried r
('all on or wrM
W. N III , ,i '"'j.e
tit.it I4.1IUII I t I
TJiniii'.;n,.iii;Mi..ii;i7in.,Tii.i(Jiiifiiii:n.ii Jin,u.t,t,i,i.;-.,i ilit-lt.,;iu. ''
Do You Noocl Any
Doors, Windows, Glass, Moulding
PL tali, M
Or Other Dulldlnc Material
-,;oTO C. H. Bestow & Co.
Comer nth and Main St. Oregon City, Orrtfofl.
it, f;i;lM.., .,,,tl, iii'"fM'tii ;mi?tin?'Mtf J -r:
Transfer1 and Eppe,
freight and parcols delivered
to all jmrtH of the city.
SiWoiTCCPi I & CO.
K av a--,-. - ANDl
nilfaAsTI I
High Gratis
am 5
ue for Catalogue and Prkcs.